
  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders who create significant impacts. This show offers simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    What happens when leaders act less authoritarian and more coach-like?

    What does it look like for a leader to act like a coach?

    And why does it matter?

    Let’s address all these questions in this week’s episode. Coaching is an incredibly powerful developmental tool, and just one of our many available tools in our toolbox as a leader. But it is also one of the most nuanced and hardest leadership approaches to put into action. So, join us for this episode to explore what coaching leadership is, why it matters, and specific strategies we can put into action today to get started.

    We also share two example conversations between a boss and employee with the boss taking a coaching-style approach to help us better understand what it looks, sounds, and feels like.

    So, check out this episode to learn how to be more coach-like in how we lead. We know it will equip you to lead and develop others more intentionally.

    Related Episodes

    Interested in learning more? Check out these related 3x5 Leadership podcast episodes.

    #22 How to Deal with Conflict.#11 Words Matter: 10 Ways to Be More Intentional with Your Words.#8 Giving Autonomy (Part 2 of the Motivation Series).Things We Reference in the EpisodeOur article on Developmental Communication.Interested in reading more about coaching-style leadership? We encourage you to check out these two books by Michael Bungay Stanier: The Coaching Habit and The Advice Trap.Discover MoreLike and Review the Show! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. It builds our credibility, helping others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox to make your inbox a bit more intentional with leader development resources. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips that you can put into action immediately. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.  

  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders who create significant impacts. This show offers simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    Leaders change and make change. If we are in the business of making people and organizations better, that requires change. But change is hard. It’s messy. It feels like a constant uphill battle against resistance. So, leaders need to use a structured, prepared, and well-developed change plan. But even when we do, we still make common failures.

    So, let’s explore common failures we make when trying to lead change. In doing so, we hope that we can equip you and your team to better avoid them in the future.

    Six common failures we discuss in this episode include:

    Not establishing and communicating a compelling need for change.We don’t communicate the change vision nearly enough.Failing to enable others by removing big obstacles.Don’t build a guiding coalition.We don’t anchor the change for long-term impact.We are unable to be patient, unwilling to take a long-view, and fail to recognize that change takes a long time.

    We hope this episode brings important awareness to these failures, so you avoid them and don’t learn the hard way (like we so often have). If you find the episode helpful, we encourage you to share it with a friend, colleague, or teammate to let them learn and grow as well. But thanks for listening and we hope it guides you to lead more intentionally this week.

    Related Episodes & Resources

    Interested in learning more? Check out these related 3x5 Leadership podcast episodes.

    #20 How to Get People to Care.#19 Delegate Better.#14 Ten Lessons in Developing Culture.Things We Reference in the EpisodeLeading Change, by John Kotter.Summary reference of Kotter’s 8 Steps for organizational change.Discover MoreLike and Review the Show! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. It builds our credibility, helping others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox to make your inbox a bit more intentional with leader development resources. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips that you can put into action immediately. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

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    Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show offers simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    We might be looking for the ultimate hack to help us achieve that 10x growth as a leader – the one conference, the one mentor, the one coach that can help us hit the jackpot. We hope to find that transformational growth easy button.

    But our growth is like the meals we eat. We may be looking forward to the next Thanksgiving, Christmas, or the 4th of July BBQ feast. But those might be months away. What do we do between now and then? If we don’t keep eating until then, we will starve. Our development as leaders is the same. We need both routine incremental growth and the big-time transformational growth.

    So, today’s episode briefly explores incremental growth, transformational growth, and shares a few lessons to consider when looking to apply them.

    We know the insight in this episode will help you lead and learn more intentionally. We encourage you to check it and give it a listen. And, if you found it helpful, share the episode with a friend or colleague!

    Things We Reference in the EpisodeBooks by Jim Collins: Good to Great and Built to Last.Related Episodes & Resources

    Interested in learning more? Check out these related 3x5 Leadership podcast episodes.

    #18 How to Make Leader Development Easier#5 Four Strategies to Schedule Your Self-Development Better#3 10 Habits to Make Your Reading More ImpactfulDiscover MoreLike and Review the Show! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. It builds our credibility, helping others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox to make your inbox a bit more intentional with leader development resources. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips that you can put into action immediately. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

  • Listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    I feel like I'm trying to be Switzerland between two angry countries that are each tossing me a grenade and telling me to then throw it at the other one. Finn and I used to get along really well, but since Hank has started telling me how he thinks things should be done, it often differs from Finn's proposed method, and for the past several weeks now we've all just gotten totally stuck in a vicious cycle. If we can't get this figured out, I'm gonna start looking for other work. I love this mission and this project, but I just don't think I can do this anymore.

    As a leader, you cannot afford to let conflict persist. Conflict stems from miscommunication and is catalyzed by pride. Combined, these two factors create a dangerous environment where conflict can sprout and thrive.

    In this episode, we’re going to unpack how to address conflict. JJ explores the difference between tension and conflict and the underlying factors that create conflict conditions. He outlines a conflict resolution process, discussing how we diagnose conflict, decide how we will handle conflict, and then enact and monitor a plan to resolve conflict. Our hope is that you recognize that to be an intentional leader who creates significant impact, you realize that it is your privilege to lean into conflict with the goal of guiding and leading your team back into a productive and proactive state.

    Related Episodes & ResourcesArticle: Three Strategies to Communicate More EffectivelyArticle: Five Considerations to Communicate BetterPodcast: #14 Ten Lessons in Developing CultureDiscover MoreIf you found this helpful, others might as well! Please like and review the 3x5 Leadership Podcast. It’s not only encouraging to us, it also helps others discover the show and see it as worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Lear more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well!

  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    Presence is a powerful tool leaders can use to engage our people, make deeper connections with them, and maintain a strong pulse of the organization’s culture. But presence is so much more than merely being physically present. It also is not restricted to the select few who are blessed with enticing charisma. It just calls for leaders to be intentional in how we behave around people and how we communicate with them.

    So, in this week’s episode, we explore the art of leader presence – what it is, why it’s important, and nine specific habits we can start now to begin practicing it.

    We invite you to check out the episode! We believe it will be well worth your time, ultimately helping you to lead more intentionally this week. And, if you find it helpful, we encourage you to share it with a friend or colleague too.

    Things We Reference in the EpisodePodcast Episode: #20 How to Get People to Care.Book: Stop Talking, Start Communicating, by Geoffrey Tumlin.Related Episodes & Resources

    Interested in learning more? Check out these other 3x5 resources.

    Podcast Episode: #16 How to Lead with Gratitude This Year.Podcast Episode: #11 Words Matter: 10 Ways to Be More Intentional with Your Words.Article: How We Can be More Present as a Leader.Discover MoreGive a Like and Review! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. It helps others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips you can put into action immediately. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    Interested in becoming a 3x5 Leadership patron? Learn more and join at our Patreon page.

    What are the marks of the most effective teams? Is it their performance? Cohesion? Strength of identity and brand? Well, we’d argue that all those are actually symptoms of a deeper, more important reality – that everyone on the team buys in, commits, and cares. Think about it, when people care more, they are willing to give more, do more, and invest. And when people care more, the team becomes so much more than the sum of its parts.

    But how do we get people to care more? What if we feel stuck in trying to get people to give their best? It’s a universal leadership requirement…and a universal challenge.

    So, in this week’s episode, we explore seven strategies that leaders can apply to encourage their people to care more. These aren’t “hacks” or tricks to improve compliance. Instead, these are basic but powerful leadership habits to invest in others so that they are willing to reciprocate. Remember, no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Let’s become more intentional in caring for others; it often leads to a reciprocation of care back.

    Check out this week’s new episode! We believe it will be well worth your time, ultimately helping you to lead more intentionally this week. If you find it helpful, we encourage you to share it with a friend or colleague too.

    Things We Reference in the EpisodePodcast episode: #16 How to Lead with Gratitude This Year.Available tools to support creating growth plans for others: Feedback, Goal setting, and One-on-One meetings.Research on employee engagement from Zippia.Related Episodes & ResourcesPodcast episodes: Motivation Series Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. The series explores how leaders tap into the power of peoples’ motivation to get their people to care more.Podcast episode: #18 How to Make Leader Development Easier.Article: 5 Steps to Cultivate Ownership in Others.Discover MoreGive a Like and Review! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. It helps others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips you can put into action immediately. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

  •  Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    I wish I had more time… So goes the typical lamentation of every leader, in every job, every week. Yet, all the while we complain about our lack of time, we simultaneously fail to delegate tasks and responsibilities down to our people. We are left bearing the burden of tasks while our people remain unburdened and unbothered. Why?

    Leaders need to understand delegation and actually put it to use. It improves our capacity to focus on the things only we can do. It improves organizational effectiveness. And it enables the development of our people – growing their abilities, self-sufficiency, and potential for greater responsibility in the future.

    Delegation is too important to ignore or do poorly. So, this week, let’s explore delegation – what it is, why it matters, and simple strategies we can implement now to tap into its powerful effects.

    We encourage you to check out this week’s new episode. We believe it will be well worth your time, ultimately helping you to lead more intentionally this week. If you find it helpful, share it with a friend or colleague too.

    Things We Reference in the Episode#18 How to Make Leader Development Easier: Podcast episode that explores different types of value we can add in any moment.#15 My Best New Management Practice for the Year: Podcast episode sharing how to use one-on-ones for regular task check-ins to avoid micromanagement.#16 How to Lead with Gratitude This Year: Podcast episode on how to share gratitude better as a leader.The research that finds 70% of adult learning come from on-the-job training.Related Episodes & Resources#17 Stop Having Terrible Meetings. Meetings are common tools to synchronize teams. Terrible meetings can be just as detrimental as poor delegation.#8 Giving Autonomy (Part 2 of the Motivation Series). Delegation is a tool to grant autonomy. Autonomy is a critical component to a person’s motivation. Explore autonomy more in this podcast episode.5 Steps to Cultivate Ownership in Others. A simple how-to look at building a sense of ownership in others.Discover MoreGive a Like and Review! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. It helps others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips you can put into action immediately. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    What are the common barriers that prevent you from pouring into other leaders’ development? Is it a lack of time? Confidence? What about your feelings of a lack of expertise? All are valid.

    But there are ways to make development easier – for ourselves and for how we pour into others. So, this week, we explore three simple ways we can make leader development easier. These are not hacks to cheat our way to success. These are small decisions we can make each day. These decisions are:

    To choose developmental activities over non-developmental ones.View each moment with someone as an opportunity to add value and to be intentional about the value that we add.To create the time and space for intentional developmental conversations.

    So, we encourage you to check out this week’s new episode! And if you find it helpful, share it with a friend or colleague. We believe it will be well worth yours and their time, ultimately helping you to lead more intentionally this week.

    Related Episodes & Resources#13 You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup#12 Developing Junior Leaders#5 Four Strategies to Schedule Your Self-Development BetterDiscover MoreGive a Like and Review! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. It helps others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips you can put into action immediately. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    I (Josh) spend 27% of my work week in meetings. What about you? A survey of managers found that over 60% of them assess meetings to be unproductive, unhelpful, and even a distraction. Meetings are terrible. But we can’t seem to escape them. From how many meetings we have to how terrible they are when we are in them, meetings simply suck.

    But there are ways to make our meetings better. And actually productive. Maybe even enjoyable. They just require leaders to mindfully invest in them as an experience just like anything else we do at work.

    So, this week, we explore meetings and how to make them less terrible. We offer specific things leaders can do to:

    Have less meetingsLead more productive meetingsAnd craft more thoughtful ones

    We encourage you to check out this week’s new episode and share it with a friend or colleague. We believe it will be well worth yours and their time, ultimately helping you to lead more intentionally this week.

    Things We Reference in the Episode Meeting research with senior managersDave Barry joke about meetings and human potentialRelated Episodes & ResourcesPodcast: #15 My Best New Management Practice for the YearPodcast: #1: 3 Powerful Questions to Think, Communicate, & Lead BetterOn battle rhythms: 3 Tools for Sustained Leadership CapacityDiscover MoreGive a Like and Review! If you found this episode valuable, we invite you to give the show a like and review. That helps others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership. When you do, you’ll get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5 Leadership. You will also get an immediate copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders.Become a Patron. Consider joining our Patreon Community to get even more insight from the 3x5 Leadership team like weekly leadership tips you can immediately put into action. Learn more about the Community and join at our Patreon page.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

    Gratitude may seem like just another soft, squishy, unnecessary topic that’s not worth our time. Who’s got time for this, right? I don’t! But gratitude is so much more. It’s powerful. It is necessary. Gratitude requires leaders to have the discipline to slow down, be more present and aware of others, and remain grateful no matter the circumstances.

    For this week’s episode, we explore what gratitude is, why it matters for leaders, and 5 ways that you can begin thoughtfully expressing it with your people today. The habits are as simple as:

    Saying thank you more regularlyRecognizing people in emails and meetingsSharing “3rd party praise”Writing a gratitude card or two per weekStart a team gratitude ritual

    We dive into each of these activities to help you understand how to put them into action now. We end by offering important considerations to carry out these behaviors authentically, effectively, and efficiently.

    So, check out this week’s new episode and share it with a friend or colleague. We know it will be well worth you and their time.

    Things We Reference in the EpisodeLove Does, by Bob GoffAn Everyone Culture, by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow LaheyLeading with Gratitude, by Adrian Gostick and Chester EltonData reporting on why so many managers avoid giving praise (HBR)APA Survey on feeling valued at work (APA)Related Episodes & Resources#11 Words Matter: 10 Ways to Be More Intentional with Your Words13 Ways to Lead with HumilityThe Case for KindnessDiscover MoreGive the show a like and review if you found this episode valuable. That helps others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership to get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership like weekly leadership tips. Learn more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well!

  • Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Or you can watch it on YouTube.

    The topic of management practices isn’t sexy, but it’s important. Managing well is an important habit of intentional leaders. Effectively and efficiently managing our team increases clarity, alignment, and synchronization across the team. It also improves capacity, reducing the number of inefficient meetings, huddles, and standups that we have over the course of a week. Good management practices enable us to move beyond the quagmire of routine tasks and urgencies and into the important work of new value creation.

    In this episode, I (Josh) share the best new management practice that I started this past year. It explores a two-part process. First, how I use a simple digital platform to keep track of my team’s current tasks and projects. Second, I share how I structure and use weekly one-on-ones with my direct reports. Then, we end by sharing the benefits that my team and I enjoy because of this disciplined process.

    I believe this episode will equip and inspire you to manage your team in new, better, more efficient ways to ultimately improve your productivity, engagement, and effectiveness. So, check it out today! If you find it helpful, share it with your colleagues and friends as well.

    Things We Reference in the EpisodeThe Effective Manager, by Mark HorstmanRelated Episodes & Resources3 Tools for Sustained Leadership Capacity The Problem with “Stop Bringing Me Problems”The 3 Priorities of a LeaderDiscover MoreGive the show a like and review if you found this episode valuable. That helps others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Subscribe to 3x5 Leadership to get our free, weekly insights sent straight to your inbox. Subscribe and learn more at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Lear more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well!

  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Or you can watch it on YouTube.

    Culture is easily one of those topics that leaders know is important and something we should do about, yet, we don’t really know what to do or where to start. Culture is important, absolutely, but it is also big, wieldy, and hard to manage.

    So, in this episode, we explore ten lessons developing culture. These lessons are a combination of important considerations and actionable ideas for leaders to begin the long, hard work of cultivating an intentional organizational culture.

    These lessons have been learned through challenge, through trial and error, and even through some surprise success. But all are universal, applying to your organizational context as well.

    So, check out this week’s episode to help you be more focused and proactive in developing an intentional culture.

    You can also check out the simple document that captures all ten lessons on 1-page HERE. Take it, print it, hang it in your office, keep it in your notebook, and share it with your colleagues!

    Related Episodes & ResourcesThe Culture Primer3 Ways to Bring Your Organization’s Values to LifeEpisode #11 Words Matter: 10 Ways to be More Intentional with Your WordsDiscover MoreIf you found this helpful, others might as well! We invite you to like and review the 3x5 Leadership Podcast. It’s not only encouraging to us, but it also helps others discover the show and see it as worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Lear more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care, friends, and lead well!

  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Or you can watch it on YouTube.

    Leaders are always involved in a lot – decisions, organizational actions, processes, and even in peoples’ development and lives. And many leaders feel compelled to be present, be available, and be engaged in every opportunity that presents itself. It is hard for us to say no. We can experience stress and even guilt around doing so.

    But there is a simple philosophy that has guided much on how I approach life and leadership, and it is a philosophy that started simply as a shirt that my wife bought:

    You can’t pour from an empty cup.

    So, this week, we dive into this philosophy and how it can shape how we live, lead, and remain resilient. We explore four questions that can help you apply it to your own life as well as use it as a developmental framework with others.

    We are confident this episode can equip you to be more intentional in how you live and lead in any relevant role in life starting today. Thanks for joining us and for your support.

    Related Episodes & ResourcesArticle referenced in the episode: Simplifying Leader DevelopmentArticle: Placing the Big Rocks First: Living & Leading with IntentionalityPodcast: #1: 3 Powerful Questions to Think, Communicate, & Lead BetterDiscover MoreIf you found this helpful, others might as well! Please like and review the 3x5 Leadership Podcast. It’s not only encouraging to us, but it also helps others discover the show and see it as worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Lear more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care friends and lead well!

  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. Listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Or you can watch it on YouTube.

    “I wish my boss trusted me more.” “If only they would give me some decision authority and empower me to get the job done, we’d be able to avoid messes like this in the future.”

    As a leader, how do you trust and empower your team responsibly and intentionally? This is a hard thing to do as a leader! Not only do people want to be trusted and empowered, but we as leaders should want to give that trust and empowerment! Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.

    In this episode, we’re going to unpack the importance of taking a developmental approach when engaging with junior leaders. JJ explores a four-step cycle that can enable us to build capable, confident, and competent leaders within our teams and organizations. He outlines why it is necessary that we train and certify, then trust and empower our teams, and then closes with four questions that we must reflect on if we are struggling with managing the development of the junior leaders on our team.

    Related Episodes & ResourcesArticle: Simplifying Leader Development. Leader development doesn’t have to be a complex process. This article breaks leader development into a three tiered approach that can simplify our approach and increase our efficacy.Article: Three Ways Leaders Use Feedback to create Developmental Experiences for Others. Feedback is a critical element in building trust; it also is a necessary step in the training, certification, and empowerment of our team members. Are you using feedback effectively?Podcast Episode #8: Giving Autonomy (Part 2 of the Motivation Series). In this episode, Josh unpacks the importance of deliberately giving autonomy to our teammates, doing so in a manner that deliberately develops them and increases their motivation.Discover MoreIf you found this helpful, others might as well! Please like and review the 3x5 Leadership Podcast. It’s not only encouraging to us, it also helps others discover the show and see it as worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Lear more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care friends, and lead well!

  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Or you can watch it on YouTube.

    Our words matter. How we communicate with others shapes how they receive us, interact with one another, feel about their work, and ultimately our collective results. And it can all start simply with how a leader communicates with others.

    So, in today’s episode, we explore 10 specific ways that we as leaders can be more intentional with our words. These strategies offer mental approaches to conversations, common dos and don’ts, and even some specific phrases to employ – all things you can begin to apply today.

    To give a little insight into what we explore today, here are the ten strategies summarized:

    First seek to understand, then be understood.Ask yourself, “what need is this person satisfying through their behavior right now?”Focus on the topic at hand, and not on the other person’s character, intentions, or emotions.Avoid overgeneralizations like “always” and “never.”Use collective pronouns like “we” and “us,” over individual ones like “you.”Do not start conversations with “can we talk” or “come see me.”“The story I’m telling myself is…”“I feel…” and “how I see it is…”“Can I share some truth in love?”Listening affirmations like “I hear you,” “that’s valid,” “that makes sense,” and “that’s fair.”

    We are confident this episode can equip you to be more intentional in how you communicate with others starting today. Thanks for joining us and for your support.

    Related Episodes & ResourcesArticle: How to Ask Better QuestionsArticle: 5 Considerations to Communicate BetterArticle: 3 Strategies to Communicate More Effectively (and Make Sense to Others)Discover MoreIf you found this helpful, others might as well! Please like and review the 3x5 Leadership Podcast. It’s not only encouraging to us, but it also helps others discover the show and see it as worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Lear more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care friends and lead well!

  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders who create significant impacts. Listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Or you can watch it on YouTube.

    Have you ever found yourself facing a difficult decision, where it seems like two closely held values are at odds with each other? Perhaps a co-worker is absent without excuse, and you must choose between “covering” for them, or answering truthfully – what do you decide to do? These decisions are ethical decisions – where we must optimize our values and beliefs to the context we are in and make an ethical decision.

    In this episode, we dive into the leaders’ responsibility to make ethical decisions. We differentiate between moral decisions and ethical decisions, explore a few of the main ethical approaches characterized in leadership literature, and then present an ethical decision-making framework that enables leaders to own the responsibility to make ethical decisions. We close out with six practical ways to employ the ethical decision-making framework in your spheres of influence. There is no promise that making an ethical decision equals making an easy decision. In fact, many times these are inherently hard decisions to make. Rather than wringing our hands over challenging ethical decisions, join us as we resolve to roll up our sleeves and apply the 3 C’s framework, giving thoughtful consideration to our character & core values, our constituents and commitments, and the consequences of our decisions.

     Related Episodes & ResourcesPodcast Episode #6: How Leaders Make Decisions. Making effective decisions for our team requires us to think broadly and deeply. This episode presents two frameworks to make effective decisions and serves as the prequel to the Ethical Decision-Making episode.United States Military Academy Cadet Prayer: JJ referenced this in the closing of the episode. Check out the link for the full text!Discover MoreIf you found this helpful, others might as well! Please like and review the 3x5 Leadership Podcast. It’s not only encouraging to us, it also helps others discover the show and see it as worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Lear more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care, friends, and lead well!


  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. Listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! You can also watch it on YouTube. 

    Motivated people are more engaged, committed, and capable. When leaders set conditions for high intrinsic motivation and build space for people to have more autonomy, our people become better, leaders have more capacity, and the organization grows. Leaders must thoughtfully and sustainably generate motivation where they lead and whom they lead.

    So, in today’s episode, the third and final part of this short motivation series, we explore two tools that leaders can use to help assess the state of peoples’ motivation and to create a structured approach to improving it. Instead of guessing where and how leaders should improve motivation, often failing by applying surface-level psychological solutions to deep organizational issues, leaders can target specific areas to improve motivation appropriately.

    The first tool is called the Two-Factor Theory, where we target the sources of peoples’ work satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and how to improve both conditions.

    The second tool is the Job Characteristics Model, which specifies five particular job characteristics to generate intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, and work effectiveness: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. So, we explore all five characteristics and how leaders can use those to improve work motivation.

    We believe this episode will enable you to reframe and improve how you lead your people to create a more motivating, productive, and impactful place to work.

    Thanks for joining us. Check out the episode today!

    Resources MentionedImplementing a routine schedule, called a “battle rhythm.”Two-Factor Theory, developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg.The Job Characteristics Model, developed by J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldhamat.Related Episodes#7 Tapping into the Power of Intrinsic Motivation (Part 1 of the Motivation Series). Introducing the concept of intrinsic motivation and its important impacts on your team and how people work.#8 Giving Autonomy (Part 2 of the Motivation Series). How leaders can leverage the sources of autonomy to improve peoples’ intrinsic motivation.Discover MoreGive the 3x5 Leadership Podcast a like and a review! It’s a simple way to help others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website, 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today.Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Learn more about the Community and join at Patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care, friends, and lead well.

  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. Listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! You can also watch it on YouTube. 

    What if one of your team members told you they were quitting their job and stated it was because of “not enough work flexibility?” or because they “are seeking more independence.” Well, these are some of the most common reasons why people quit and it’s a motivation problem, particularly a problem with autonomy.

    Autonomy is simply giving people the space or the latitude to work in ways that best suit them and it is a powerful motivational tool for leaders.


    Cultivates ownership, responsibility, and pride across your team.Is an essential leader development tool.Increases leader and employee capacity, particularly improved time and space to get work done.

    So, in today’s episode, we dive into what autonomy is, why it’s important, and four simple ways that you can begin injecting more autonomy into how your team works today. Specifically, we look at four types of autonomy: task, team, time, and technique.

    We believe this episode will enable you to reframe and improve how you lead your people to create a more motivating, productive, and impactful place to work.

    Thanks for joining us. Check out the episode today!

    Resources MentionedImplementing a routine schedule, called a “battle rhythm.” Article on developing owners, not renters. The 70-20-10 Training and Development Model.Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel H. Pink.Related Episodes#7 Tapping into the Power of Intrinsic Motivation (Part 1 of the Motivation Series). Introducing the concept of intrinsic motivation and its important impacts on your team and how people work.Discover MoreGive the 3x5 Leadership Podcast a like and a review! It’s a simple way to help others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website, https://3x5leadership.com/. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today.Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Learn more about the Community and join at https://www.patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care, friends, and lead well.

  • #7 Tapping into the Power of Intrinsic Motivation (Part 1 of the Motivation Series)

    Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. Listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! You can also watch it on YouTube. 

    Why do you work? More importantly, why do your people work? Do you know what motivates them?

    As leaders, we are called to inspire and help others align to our organization’s mission. We can’t do that if we don’t know what motivates them. So, we need to understand motivation and how to generate it in healthy and sustainable ways.

    So, we are kicking off a 3-part series which explores some important things leaders need to understand about motivation. And we start by comparing extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation.

    Intrinsic motivation is a source that generates commitment in others, rather than simply compliance. And it should be something leaders aim to cultivate. In today’s episode, we look at what intrinsic motivation, why it’s important, and a few strategies leaders can employ to begin building it with others.

    Thanks for joining us.

     Related Episodes#2 The Power of Identity-Based Goals (vs. Outcome-Based Ones). Consider ways to apply goal setting to encourage intrinsic motivation (member ownership and commitment).#1 3 Powerful Questions to Think, Communicate, & Lead Better. Framework to help dig deeper in conversations to understand others better.Discover MoreGive the 3x5 Leadership Podcast a like and a review! It’s a simple way to help others discover the show and know it’s worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website, 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today.Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Learn more about the Community and join at Patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care, friends, and lead well.

  • Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast! You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! Or you can watch it on YouTube.

    It’s estimated that we make over 35,000 decisions in a single day! As a leader, these decisions can have significant impacts for those you lead and serve. How do we ensure we are making effective decisions?

    In this episode, we characterize the different ways we think about decisions, considering both the Naturalistic and the Rational Decision-making approaches. We introduce a decision-making framework for each that enables you as a leader to make more effective decisions. We discuss some of the additional practical questions you can ask, regardless of the decision context, to ensure you are making an effective decision for your team. Finally, we offer some practical strategies to help you and your team avoid decision fatigue, ensuring you can make the right decisions that will create significant impacts!

    So, join us to learn a few practical strategies to become a better decision-maker.

    Related Episodes & ResourcesPodcast Episode #1: 3 Powerful Questions to Think, Communicate, & Lead Better. Making effective decisions for our team requires us to think broadly and deeply. This episode unpacks 3 powerful questions that enable us to think, communicate, and lead better.Article: 5 Steps to Cultivate Ownership in Others. As we consider how to develop others and cultivate their ownership, you may find it useful to delegate some decisions to them. Read more about cultivating ownership in this article!Discover MoreIf you found this helpful, others might as well! Please like and review the 3x5 Leadership Podcast. It’s not only encouraging to us, it also helps others discover the show and see it as worth their time.Learn more about 3x5 Leadership and all our great resources by visiting our website at 3x5leadership.com. You can also get a copy of our free guide, The 10 Habits of Intentional Leaders, today!Consider joining our Patron Community to get even more insight and access from 3x5 Leadership. Learn more about the Community and join at patreon.com/3x5leadership.

    Take care friends, and lead well!