Are you tired of the diet roller coaster of losing weight and gaining it right back? Are you sick of the one size fits all diets that leave you feeling like your body is broken? Are you ready to get results, maintain them, and maybe even enjoy it?
In this podcast, you will find solutions to your weight loss and fitness struggles, as well as be equipped to ”gird yourself with strength and make your arms strong” as a Proverbs 31 woman. My mission is to get you to your personal fitness goals using health and fitness tools coupled with renewing your mind while being rooted in Christ.
Hi, Im Alayna. I’m a wife, boy Mom, beloved daughter of the King and lover of all the ”C” words: healthy competition, coffee and of course chocolate 😂 After giving birth 3 times in 3 years to my beautiful boys, I tried to lose weight, get healthy, and get strong by following generic restrictive diets hoping that I’d finally find the golden ticket. My fitness journey struggles led me to learning how to create a customized plan for myself using macros, because just as God created me to have unique DNA and fingerprints, my plan should also be unique and tailored to me. I also discovered how to address the root of my fitness and weight loss woes. And mama, I am thrilled to be able to share these truly transformational pieces of the puzzle with you!
If you are ready to create a plan that is effective while still enjoying your favorite foods and if you are ready to experience true transformation in your fitness journey, then this podcast is for you!
So sis, go heat up your coffee, set the kids up with a snack, grab a notebook and pen, and get excited for the transformation that’s about to begin!
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Looking to work together? Check out my coaching offers on my website and contact me for info on my current client openings or to get on my waitlist, so you don’t miss the next round. Limited spots available.
Available coaching options:
1:1 Coaching Program
Group Coaching Program
1 Hour Coaching Call -
Are you feeling discouraged in your health? Do you find yourself questioning God’s goodness in the midst of this difficult season? Are you looking for hope in the seemingly hopeless and wish that there were tangible actions to take to just feel better?
I see you friend, and I hear you.
The Bible never promises us a life of simplicity, free of hardships and pain. But what it DOES promise us, is that He will never leave us alone in that heartache. In every season of brokenness, He provides us with strength, hope, truth, and a beautiful story to tell.
Hey sister. I’m your host, Rachel Williams. As I am in the trenches of battling metastatic breast cancer, I, too have walked through every stage of being a victim to heartache. I have been angry.. I have been hurt and overwhelmed. I have even experienced times where I questioned God. Why me, Lord? Why now?
But what I know to be true, is that God uses ALL things for good of those who love Him. I know that He has a plan for me of hope, and a future. I’m here to pass that faith-fueled confidence onto you. I believe that you are capable of powering through this season with Grace.
So welcome to your new safe place. Enter into a community where you can be comfortable as we dig into Biblical Truths and discover hope for encouragement in your life as we learn tangible and actionable tools to rely on when we begin to feel hopeless.
I’m here today to tell you that you can walk in Godly freedom even when it’s hard. It begins with uncovering God’s promises for your life, and arming yourself with God’s truth so that you can conquer whatever hardship that you encounter. Let’s shift our mindset from victim, to victorious. Because We. Are. Warriors.
So come fight with me, sister. Grab some coffee, and let’s do this!
Rachel -
Sva Živa in Brina, sestri v Kristusu. To je najin podkast, kjer bova govorili o Bogu. Do nebes je katoliški podkast. Tukaj bova z vami delili radosti, preizkušnje, misli in utrinke najinih življenj z Bogom. Pridruži se nama in klepetaj z nama o Gospodu, našem Očetu.
„Za življenje, za danes in jutri“ je sklop svetovalnih in izobraževalnih oddaj, namenjenih staršem, družinam in posameznikom, saj posegajo na vsa področja življenja v družini in v ostalih skupnostih. Za družinsko svetovanje, svetovanje na področju starševstva in vzgoje skrbita p. Christian Gostečnik, vodja Frančiškanskega družinskega centra, in priznani specialni pedagog Marko Juhant, tudi avtor več uspešnih knjig na temo vzgoje. Oddaje, namenjene zakoncem in spodbujanju graditve dobrega zakonskega odnosa, pripravljamo v sodelovanju z družinskimi terapevti. Teolog in vzgojitelj dr. Karel Gržan pa na prodoren in iskriv način svetuje pri medosebnih odnosih vseh vrst. V oddajah imajo poslušalci priložnost zastavljati vprašanja in dobiti odgovore na konkretne življenjske razmere. Vsako peto soboto v mesecu pa se nam pridruži p. dr. Tadej Strehovec, mag. aplikativne etike, asistent pri katedri za moralno teologijo in bioetik, ki odpira vprašanja s področja evtanazije, medicinske in družinske etike ter druga.
Vsako jutro radijski program začnemo z rožnim vencem.
"Kadar čoln pluje po svoje, me spomni, Jezus, da si ti tu, na krmi in mirno spiš na blazini. In tvoj mir bo tudi moj mir. In tvoja moč bo tudi moja moč." Stavek je iz knjige 365 + 1 dan (Založba Ognjišče) iz katere trenutno beremo misli avtorja, duhovnika Tonina Lasconija in kar najbolje povzame njegovo delo.
Prisluhnite prenosom večernih svetih maš.
Če si z nekom blizu, sta na ti in če sta na ti, si imata tudi kaj povedati in če je tisti drugi svetnik, ti lahko pove veliko.
Gregor Čušin izziva svetnike preteklosti s sodobnim časom in je z njimi ves čas na ti. -
Oddaja je namenjena vsem, ki bi radi poglobili svoje versko znanje. V sodelovanju z različnimi strokovnjaki iz teoloških znanosti, lahko poslušalci pridobijo znanja iz zgodovine verstev, družinskih tematik, občestva in novih katehetskih praks. V oddajah je mogoče tudi sodelovati z vprašanji in jih tako aktivno sooblikovati.
Duhovne in spodbudne vsebine, ki izhajajo pod okriljem Pastoralne zveze župnij Slovenj Gradec - marsikomu bolj poznane pod spletnim imenom
Nedeljo in praznike nam s svojim nagovorom osvetlijo in poglobijo slovenski škofje.
V nov delovni teden se podamo okrepljeni z Božjo besedo, ko premišljujemo ob besedah Svetega pisma. Sveti Frančišek Asiški je v 7. opominu zapisal, da "duh Svetega pisma poživlja". Šolske sestre svetega Frančiška pripravimo premišljevanje z izhodišči za osebno ali skupno molitev.
Poslanstvo oddaje je obveščanje naših poslušalcev o tem, kaj dela papež, Sveti sedež, kaj se dogaja v Vesoljni Cerkvi in krščanski skupnosti nasploh. V njej predstavljamo tudi druge aktualne dogodke s kulturnega, političnega in gospodarskega življenja, ki zadevajo kristjane oziroma človeštvo v celoti. Dinamika vere je namreč zelo pomembna za današnje razumevanje sveta.
Bog v središču. Slavljenje. Molitev v tišini. Spoved. Življenjske zgodbe.
Priložnost za vsakega, da se umiri, okrepi, prejme upanje, najde svoje mesto v svetu.
Večere pripravljata Katoliška mladina in skupina Svetnik. -
The official podcast of Mark Price. Each week Mark and Aaron discuss the NBA, the game of basketball and their faith in Jesus Christ.
Join Moon Body founder, Miriam Ropschitz, for The Oracle Podcast and tune in to wild feminine wisdom channelled from the deep.
Miriam is a writer, menstrual and sexual wisdom guide and a mentor for magickal women. She speaks on the sacred feminine, embodiment, cycles and sexuality and is regularly joined by guests from her coven of powerful sisters.
She's a facilitator of sacred sexuality and embodiment work and you'll find her holding transformational online and in-person workshops and retreats.
You can expect to hear conversations on The Oracle Podcast which challenge, inspire and ignite you along the path of the sacred feminine.
Work with Miriam:
Moon Body Website:
Moon Body Instagram: @moon_body
hi! my name is aubrey and one of my goals is to read the entire bible. join me to read through your bible, but with a little bit of an asmr twist. i think the bible needs to be seen as more accessible, so hi. welcome.
Become a Paid Subscriber: a Paid Subscriber: a Paid Subscriber: a Paid Subscriber: a Paid Subscriber: a Paid Subscriber: a Paid Subscriber:, and welcome to my podcast. This podcast is to encourage others about the word of GOD and how Jesus Christ has a wonderful plan for your life. Hope you enjoy the podcasts and know that GOD loves you and he has amazing things in store if you just accept him in your heart and seek after HIM.