
  • Frustrated Natasha thinks Emma’s wasting her time pursuing the water company when she should be focusing her efforts increasing footfall at the Tearoom. Later she apologises for being snippy, admitting she’s worried. They’re losing money and it’s demoralising. She’s pleased to see Kirsty, joking she’s at least one paying customer. Kirsty wonders whether Natasha and Tom have had a chance to progress the house purchase. Natasha promises they’ll all sit down together soon. Her priority currently is getting the business back on a firm footing. Emma suggests a Pancake Day initiative, and after some debate they settle on a pancake eating contest. What have they got to lose?Azra confides to Lynda there’s no chance they’ll be back in their own house in time for Ramadan – the house smells and the utility room is still damp. Kirsty reports she’s got a professional company in to clean her house. They’re doing a complete refit. She can’t afford to wait, she just needs the house sold. Later Azra explains to interested Lynda how she manages her and the family’s fasting arrangements, admitting that this year will be particularly challenging with all the stress of the house. Lynda suggests contacting Justin to see if he can advise on who should take responsibility for the sewage issues. Meanwhile she offers Azra the use of her kitchen as much as she needs it – she and Robert will work round her. In a moment of inspiration Lynda offers to fast alongside Azra so that they’re synchronised.

  • Emma congratulates Fallon on her new permanent role at the Bull. Kicking her heels on a day off, Fallon admits to Joy that it’s hard to relax with Harrison away. Joy invites her over to the Gills’. Later as they enjoy wine, nibbles and playing with the various fancy gadgets at Home Farm, Fallon wonders what Brian would make of the Gills’ refurb of his old home. Mick returns and immediately sends Fallon away, insisting to embarrassed and annoyed Joy that no guests are permitted. However he goes some way towards making up for his brusqueness when he reveals there’s a sauna he and Joy can enjoy. Pat’s stressed trying to get through to Borsetshire Water. Whilst Emma still has a role as parish councillor, she offers to help. Emma gets on with some online research for Pat, and finds details of the The Borsetshire Clean Water Action Group and other paperwork. Pat thanks her for her excellent work, and Emma promises to keep digging. Pat’s impressed when Emma reports she’s managed to contact someone via the water company’s press office, though she’s been brushed off. Pat thinks radical action is needed, but she counsels Emma not to get too involved given her precarious position on the parish council. However Emma is adamant, and feels she owes Pat after she wrote the reference for George. She also needs something to make her feel powerful. Pat concedes the point; she’s always regretted holding back in the past and this time nothing’s going to stop her.

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  • Robert is taking Khalil out to reward him for spotting Constanza the llama’s injury, and he has high hopes for a great day out. Zainab tags along to the annoyance of her younger brother. They arrive at Arkwright Lake and both are disappointed to find that the treat is birdwatching at the hide. Khalil particularly is unimpressed, and cold. He loves animals close up, but not birds at a distance. Zainab, however, gets more drawn in and enjoys herself. Robert says they’re welcome to visit any time. Zainab admits that this won’t be often, but doesn’t rule out another visit.

    Jolene reports to Kenton that Wayne has been offered a regular guitar gig at a bar in Panama, which he visited when docked on the cruise. The two of them offer Fallon her dad’s job on a permanent basis, but Fallon feels she needs to think it over. Kenton realises that Fallon’s been hit with the news that her dad is moving to the other side of the world, and also that working in the kitchen of The Bull might well not be her dream. He talks to her again and offers more incentives; she’d be part of the management team and one day could possibly buy into the business. This is food for thought, and Fallon agrees to call Harrison to discuss it. Later, she has great news for her mum and Kenton – she’d love to accept. They celebrate their new partnership.

  • Helen visits Celia Sparrow about the milk deal with trepidation. Their last encounter was when Helen deliberately gave Celia’s cheese a low score at a food fair. Now Helen hopes for a fair price for their waste Montbeliardes milk. Celia makes Helen sample her cheeses, so that she can taste how the milk will be used. One of them is the Cordwell Cream that Helen marked down in the competition. Helen has to agree it’s excellent. Using this as leverage, Celia offers way below the recommended rate for the Bridge Farm milk. Helen pushes for more but has no luck and they agree on a disappointing price. Later, Helen and Tom reflect on the deal. Helen recognises that her previous behaviour has cost them dearly. Tom reassures her; it’s a short term deal and better than nothing. They both agree they need to come up with something big to get business back in the shop and Tearoom. Tom’s sure they’ll think of something.

    At The Bull, Tracy and Fallon discuss Wayne’s valuable skills, and fear customers will go elsewhere when they discover he’s to be sacked. They ambush Jolene with a plan: a soufflé Pancake Day promotion. Wayne would be the perfect person to cook this difficult style. Jolene reluctantly agrees that he would – adding that she’d been hasty in her decision to fire him on his return. Still excited by the promotion, Jolene receives a text from Wayne. She’s furious as she reports to Fallon he’s not coming home – after all they’ve done for him!

  • Joy and Mick are dazzled by the opulence and tech at Home Farm. As they look round, closely followed by the robot vacuum cleaner, Joy marvels at the white and shiny kitchen. A bearded dragon in a tank freaks her out, but Mick promises he’ll take responsibility for feeding duties. Joy needs a cuppa, but everything in the house is operated from a master controller, which they can’t find… With no heating or cooking facilities, they’re forced to snuggle under a duvet with takeaway pizza. This isn’t quite what Joy expected.

    Kirsty confides to Fallon it wouldn’t surprise her if the sale of Beechwood fell through. Fallon tries to reassure her. Fallon admits she’s starting to miss Harrison. She’s hoping to take her mind off it by focusing on getting her dad’s job back for him.

    Clarrie can’t work out why Bridge Farm has failed its cleanliness tests. As far as she’s concerned everywhere’s spotless. She hints that the blame might lie with Chelsea, but later apologises to Pat for her meanness. She shouldn’t have said it. Pat tries to rally her; it’s been an awful time for everyone. Later Helen points out some dirt on a freezer to Clarrie. Clarrie’s affronted and they bicker. Pat interrupts them with the news that Summer Orchard has had a cancellation from a longstanding customer. This situation is destroying everything. Finally Helen receives good news; they have a taker for the waste milk. But then she discovers the offer’s from Celia Sparrow.

  • It’s half term and Khalil is bored at Ambridge Hall. Robert’s plan to get him to reorganise the library books isn’t going down well with Khalil, so Robert suggests he helps feed the llamas instead, (which cheers him up). Khalil notices a graze on Constanza’s leg, so Alistair is alerted and Khalil watches with interest as the injury is treated. Zainab joins them and is unimpressed as Constanza spits in indignation. Robert observes Khalil has an affinity with animals. He’s grateful to Khalil for spotting the cut leg, and suggests he might have something in mind as a thank you treat.The Tearoom’s open again, and everyone’s exhausted and grateful not to have to do any more deep cleaning. Emma remarks to Clarrie that Chelsea in particular feels there are other things she’d rather be doing. Emma reports that Keira’s had a letter from George. She’s still had nothing though. Clarrie reassures her – it’s a start. Natasha suggests to Clarrie that with the no work in the dairy perhaps Clarrie could bake for the Tearoom, while Susan helps with some planting on the farm. Clarrie’s miffed at the inference that she’s too old for outdoor heavy work – Susan’s no spring chicken herself! Alistair remarks on the smell in the Tearoom, leading Clarrie to suggest putting jars of herbs out on tables to freshen things up. Natasha thinks it’s a nice touch. Their momentary optimism turns to despair when they discover Bridge Farm’s failed the lab tests. They’ll need to deep clean all over again. It’ll take days.

  • The clean-up at Bridge Farm continues. Helen expresses her gratitude to Joy for her help. She’s welcome to stay in the farmhouse as long as she needs. They speculate as to whether everywhere still seems to smell, or whether they’re imagining it. Helen reckons they’ll know tomorrow, when the Tearoom reopens. Joy worries that Rochelle might come back and find the house in a state. Helen’s surprised Joy hasn’t told Rochelle about the sewage leak. Joy brushes it off. She thinks Rochelle might be having trouble with her phone.

    Tom’s concerned his dad’s taking on too much. He seems to have the weight of the world on his shoulders and isn’t even up for celebrating his birthday. Tom resolves to have a word with him. Helen tells Susan she can’t find anyone yet to take the waste milk for their calves. Susan senses the strain they’re under and offers to bake Tony a birthday cake, which proves a huge success.

    Mick has great news for Joy – he’s found somewhere for them to stay. She can’t believe it when he takes her to Home Farm. The owners have gone away, and Mick’s secured a house-sitting gig.

    Helen and Tom report that Tony was cheered by their birthday gift of an airbrush, and an interesting hat from Jack and Henry. Joy and Mick return with their news – they’ll be out of the Bridge Farmers’ hair by Tuesday. Susan feels a smidgen of envy, but the others are delighted things are looking up.

  • As Harrison packs his bag to leave for Yorkshire, he and Fallon reassure one another that they are doing the right thing. Harrison calls in to see Alice, to ask her to look out for Fallon. Fallon surprises Harrison as he departs with a Valentine’s gift, even though they’d said they wouldn’t exchange them this year. They embrace as he leaves. Fallon is soon joined by Alice who has brought a beautiful basket of heart shaped goodies – from Harrison to Fallon. Khalil compliments Lynda over breakfast ahead of her cricket magazine interview. They discuss first impressions, and how Khalil no longer sees Lynda’s scars. Khalil recalls a teacher who patronised his mum at parents’ evening because she was wearing Asian clothes. But they follow his dad’s advice, that there are people who see beauty in difference, and people who see a threat, and to steer clear of the latter. Lynda suggests to Zainab that she should approach other family members to help rebuild a collection of family photographs, and she decides to ring Adil, who is happy to help. Later, Khalil and Zainab ask Lynda about the interview and she says that she decided not to go, as Lawrence did not see the beauty in difference. The experience has made her reflect on her own prejudices and she confides in Khalil that this possibly clouded her first impressions of him. Lynda reminds Khalil of his own grandmother, which is why he thinks they get on so well, and Lynda delights in his quote from Casablanca, confirming their firm new friendship.

  • Jolene is furious when she hears about Wayne’s menu lies. Fallon defends her father, arguing that he was trying to save The Bull money but acknowledges that she would never mislead her own customers. Jolene is adamant – Wayne should be sacked. Fallon pleads for a second chance for him, but Jolene has had years of experience of Wayne and has had enough. If he is sacked, it will not be Fallon’s fault for exposing him, he did the damage himself. At Ambridge Hall, Lynda meets Lawrence to prepare for tomorrow’s interview with the cricket magazine. Khalil arrives home from school and is keen to walk Monty. Lynda explains that The Maliks have been welcomed to stay because of their home being affected by the sewage spill. As Khalil returns from his dog walk, Lawrence is heading for his car and asks if any more of his family will be arriving, as he heard that not just The Maliks, but his uncle had also stayed at Ambridge Hall. He reminds Khalil that Lynda should not be taken advantage of. Khalil explains that they are paying for their rooms. His sister Zainab, who has been to see the damage at Beechwood, reports that most of the family photos are now in the skip. Khalil tells her that he sometimes misses Solihull and she picks up on his unease following his exchange with Lawrence. Furious, Zainab confronts Lynda and tells her to keep Lawrence away from her brother. Lynda is sure that there’s been a misunderstanding. But when he returns to collect his glasses, Lawrence makes flippant remarks about race to Lynda.

  • Helen and Joy survey the damage to their homes, where heavy machinery has been pumping out the drains all night. Helen is also worried about delayed production at the dairy and their reputation– even loyal customers will be put off by sewage. Joy and Mick spent the night in their car, not wanting to spend money on accommodation until the insurance assessor’s visit. Helen insists that they take up Tony and Pat’s offer to stay at Bridge Farm, which Joy accepts. Helen and Joy are frustrated with Borsetshire Water, saying they are not investing enough in their infrastructure, knowing winters are getting wetter, and blame them for the damage to homes and businesses.

    The Maliks are staying with Lynda at Ambridge Hall, and a heartbroken Zainab confides in Lynda that she’s upset that the boxes she moved, containing precious family photos of her parents’ wedding and her late grandparents are ruined.

    Fallon is unpacking a food delivery at The Bull and stops in her tracks – her dad Wayne has a regular delivery of frozen pastry for his pies! Harrison teases her about false advertising when Fallon points out their menus show ‘Homemade Pies’. She is exasperated with her dad – where else is he cutting corners? Later, Harrison suggests that they just take the word ‘Homemade’ off, but Fallon dismisses the idea, saying it will lead to questions from customers. She admits that she’s discovered this is not Wayne’s only deception - the Cod & Chips on the menu actually uses a cheaper fish: whiting. She’s going to have to tell Jolene.

  • The exhausting task of cleaning Bridge Farm and the Dairy is in operation. Tom disposes of the morning’s milk. The dairy machinery clean up will take days, even before swabs can be sent off for the lab to show them clear of contamination and so all production is on hold. Tom and Helen hope there will not be further pollution after another wet night.

    As Mick and Joy enjoy breakfast, a gurgling noise and terrible smell stops them. As untreated sewage spills from the plugholes, shower and toilet, they try to stop the flow from the utility and shower room through the house.

    Meanwhile at their neighbours, The Maliks are horrified to find themselves in the same situation. Azra warns Zainab and Khalil to stay clear, leave the house and not to touch anything, it’s moving fast and could be full of disease.

    The affected Beechwood neighbours gather in the street. Zainab and Khalil remember they have left their tablets and laptops in the lounge but Azra forbids them to re-enter. Joy is distraught – her beautiful house and so many contents are destroyed. Zainab feels terrible - she’d moved her dad’s boxes of precious books and photos to the utility room, which will now be unsalvageable.

    Joy calls Tom and Helen with the bad news from Beechwood – their home’s ground floor has been filled with sewage and has also ruined Henry and Jack’s boxes, packed for moving. Joy confirms that none of them will be able to live in their houses as they are, and they’ll all need to move out.

  • Susan and Helen have a nice chat at Bridge Farm about Neil’s recent trip to meet Nelly and Helen’s house plans. Then a shocking incident stops everything, as a tide of raw sewage comes spilling out of the brook. Pat, Tony and Tom are desperate to stop it from reaching the house and dairy. Pat goes to warn Helen and Tom says he’ll call David – they need Brookfield’s yard scraper - while Tony fetches the power hose. Meanwhile, Pat tells Helen to save what she can in the dairy with Susan, before the sewage reaches the storage room.

    Ben arrives with the scraper while Tom explains there’s been a discharge from the treatment station into their brook and it’s overtopped the banks. Tom takes the driver’s seat in the scraper as Ben goes to help Helen at the Dairy. Susan and Helen work frantically to load cheeses onto trolleys and shift them out of the danger area, while Clarrie is sent to check on the Tearoom and Shop. Despite their best efforts many cheeses have already been ruined by the time Ben joins the fight to save as many of the rest as they can.

    Later, Pat, Helen and Ben survey the damage. The shop and Tea room seem ok, although the stench has driven customers away. Henry’s planned carpark event is ruined, but Helen says he’ll have to deal with it. Helen tries to calm catastrophising Pat, who remembers the e-coli disaster. Pat reckons the water company has a lot to answer for - but how are they going to get through this?

  • Fallon has been experimenting with Wayne’s recipes in The Bull but is finding that the customers are not too keen on her new lighter pie crusts, preferring Wayne’s more stodgy and filling pies. Jolene, trying to be subtle, suggests that she concentrates on Harrison before he leaves for his secondment. Fallon is keen to focus on getting on with things, such as new recipes for the pub. Jolene has to be more blunt and reminds her that Wayne’s menu is really popular, and that the customers won’t want change. When Jolene later hears that there are plans for Southern Barbecue Brisket and Korean Style Chicken to be offered to customers, she puts her foot down – the menu is not up for discussion. It would not be fair on Wayne to return from his cruise to new dishes.

    Ben helps Zainab move some of her Dad’s unpacked boxes to the Maliks’ utility room, as they were cluttering her room. She explains to Ben that her Dad has been in Pakistan since her Grandad became very ill and then passed away. Putting his complicated affairs in order has taken some time. She hopes that he’ll be back soon - she misses him and his cooking - but admits she doesn’t let her Dad know this. Ben jokes with her about ‘treating mean and keeping keen’ and follows this with an invitation to go for some food with him sometime. She politely declines. When Ben leaves, Azra makes it clear she thinks it’s great that he is focussed and good to have around. She thinks he’ll make an excellent nurse.

  • Tracy heads off to Rochelle’s Well-being event. Chris didn’t know anything about it until Chelsea suggested bringing Martha to her movement workshop. Tracy’s running a mindfulness colouring workshop because Brad’s dropped out.

    When Zainab and Chelsea arrive at the barn the lights aren’t on and the door’s locked. Ben arrives with a key, but none of them have heard from Rochelle for weeks. Chelsea tries to ring her but the phone’s switched off. They decide to go ahead with the event anyway.

    Chelsea apologises to Zainab about her behaviour around Brad and Zainab’s sorry too. Chelsea explains people often assume she’s thick because of her accent and doesn’t go to university. Zainab counters she doesn’t go to uni either and that her job is delivering take-aways. When Chelsea asks why Zainab doesn’t date, she explains it’s because she’s a Muslim and that’s important to her. Chelsea checks that Zainab definitely doesn’t fancy Ben, before putting away her Cupid’s Bow.

    Later Chelsea reports to Tracy that Rochelle left Ambridge without sorting anything out. Joy was really embarrassed when Ben spoke to her. But it’s not a total flop and Martha’s had the time of her life!

    As Chris and Tracy head home, Tracy wonders if Chris will stay single. He reckons he’s pretty happy as he is and is enjoying being friends with Alice.

    After they’ve cleared up Ben suggests heading off for a pizza to Zainab. He’s disappointed when Chelsea says she’ll come too. Zainab quietly thanks her, and Chelsea comments that’s what friends are for.

  • Fallon catches up with Alice at The Stables and Alice mentions that Hannah was on the quiz team with her and Chris. Fallon wonders how Alice feels about that, but Alice doesn’t want to talk about it. Hannah unexpectedly arrives for a riding lesson, and Alice offers to do the lesson. When talk turns to Chris, Alice tentatively asks how it’s going with him and Hannah. Hannah’s surprised by the question and confirms that they’re not dating, though they might’ve come close once.

    Lynda’s at Grey Gables for a meeting with Lawrence, chair of Roserran-in the-Vale’s cricket club. She promotes why it would be such a bonus to include the Ambridge cricket team in the ‘Wicket and Stumps’ article. Lawrence is impressed by Lynda’s vision and is certain the journalist will go for the change of focus. Fallon arrives for her Spa date with Harrison, and as she hurries off, leaves one of The Bull’s Valentine’s Day flyers for guests. Lynda points out that she and Robert wont’ be dining out that night as Robert’s having some dental work and will be on a liquid diet. When Fallon jokes that Lynda could come with a friend instead, Lawrence says he'd be happy to step in and have a romantic meal with Lynda. She’s a very attractive woman.

    Later, Lynda reveals to Robert that Lawrence asked her out on a date, so she’s having second thoughts about their collaboration. Robert’s shocked but doesn’t think that it should stop her. However, he’s not surprised by Lawrence’s proposition – Lynda’s the most beautiful and spirited woman in the world.

  • Fallon and Tracy chat about The Bull’s Valentine’s offerings when Harrison will be heading off to his secondment. Fallon will really miss him and worries about how they’ll manage while he’s away. Later she and Harrison agree to make a ‘rules of engagement’ list, which they continue discussing on a romantic moonlit walk.

    Zainab wonders how Brad is after she turned down his cinema date – even though she hadn’t ever said that she fancied him. Chelsea disagrees pointing out Zainab was constantly flirting with him. And now she’s turned her attention to Ben. Zainab was all over him at badminton on Monday. Incensed Zainab says that not everyone sleeps with the first person who’s nice to them – but that must be how Chelsea operates.

    Later Zainab tries to apologise but points out that if Brad or Ben misread her friendship as a come on then that’s their problem, not hers. And anyway, she doesn’t date, but Chelsea probably wouldn’t understand why. Chelsea storms off saying she’s probably too thick to understand! Later Tracy checks in on Chelsea who worries that she’s not a good person. She apologises for running away; it was such a selfish thing to do. Supportive Tracy points out that Chelsea was in survival mode; all Tracy cared about was getting Chelsea safely back home. Chelsea talks about her argument with Zainab, worrying that everyone thinks she sleeps around. Tracy counters she’s not defined by who she does or doesn’t sleep with. When Tracy suggests making up with Zainab, Chelsea despairs that she’s messed up with her only good friend in Ambridge.

  • Robert’s at the dentist while Lynda and Lawrence chat cricket in a Borchester coffee shop. Lynda steers the conversation to Roserran’s ‘Wicket and Stumps’ feature, suggesting that it would benefit from having another team in the article. But as she’s about to outline her proposal, Robert appears from his dental visit wanting to head home. Intrigued by Lynda’s proposal Lawrence suggests that they set another date to chat. Later Lynda tells Robert that she’s meeting Lawrence again on Thursday when she’s sure he’ll jump at the chance to include the Ambridge cricket team in the feature.

    Tracy asks Alice to join her quiz team at The Bull later. When Alice agrees saying she’ll ask Chris to have Martha, Tracy points out that he’s the only other team member. Tracy suggests that Susan could babysit and Alice muses that it might be nice to do something with Chris as adults, rather than as parents.

    Chris arrives at the quiz with Hannah, having convinced her earlier to join the team. When Tracy mentions Alice is coming too, Chris says that it will be nice to see her socially. Tracy points out that’s exactly what Alice said too. After the quiz Hannah and Chris head to the bar and Tracy checks if subdued Alice is alright. Tracy wonders if there’s something going on between Hannah and Chris. Alice isn’t sure but says it would be great if they did get together because Chris deserves to move on. When Tracy says it is hard though, Alice admits it is really hard.

  • Fallon, Jolene and Harrison discuss his secondment being brought forward. Harrison’s going to confirm it with Inspector Norris later. When Fallon heads off Jolene asks Harrison if she’s alright. He admits he was tempted not to agree to it, but it was always going to be hard saying goodbye to Fallon whenever it was. Jolene counsels makings the most of their time left. Later Harrison surprises Fallon by booking a meal at their favourite restaurant and Fallon says she’s done the same thing!

    Tracy and Chelsea enjoy the Steam Room at Grey Gables using Oliver’s free spa passes. Chelsea reveals to Tracy that she thinks Brad fancies Zainab. Especially because he agreed to play badminton as soon as he heard Zainab was joining them. Chelsea’s going to suggest that Brad invites Zainab to the cinema on Valentine’s Day. Tracy’s not sure that’s a good idea, but Chelsea disagrees.

    Later, while waiting for Brad and Ben to arrive, Zainab tells Chelsea that Brad asked her to go to the cinema, but she said no as it was clearly a date. When Chelsea says it’s obvious they like each other, Zainab points out that it doesn’t mean she wants to go out with Brad. Later Chelsea’s disgruntled at having had Derek Fletcher as her doubles partner after Brad pulled out. She unloads to Tracy, who reminds her that she’d advised Chelsea not to interfere with Brad’s love life. Chelsea can’t believe Zainab’s not bothered about hurting Brad. And to boot she was flirting with Ben right in front of Chelsea’s eyes!

  • Lynda, Tom and Harrison discuss the new challenges the cricket team could face now they’ve been promoted to a higher division. When Lynda brainstorms who might replace Harrison as captain, he suggests Chris, but Lynda’s doesn't think Chris will have time. Tom mentions that Freddie thought Vince was quite keen. But Lynda’s not sure he’s the right fit and Harrison points out Vince would have to live locally to play for Ambridge. The Chair of Roserran-In-the Vale cricket club arrives and gives them the inside track as division runners up. Lawrence is in awe of Lynda and her MBE, congratulating her on putting on such an entertaining pantomime. Lynda’s interested to hear that ‘Wicket and Stumps’ magazine will be featuring Roserran cricket team in an upcoming edition. When Harrison and Tom make their excuses and leave, Lawrence and Lynda find they have much in common leading to Lawrence proclaiming that he feels like Lynda’s a kindred spirit. Lynda suggests they meet up for a coffee to continue their conversation.

    When Fallon remarks to Harrison that she can’t remember the last time they spent a day together, Harrison suggests booking a holiday. They could go somewhere hot, and it would give them something to look forward to before Harrison’s secondment. But as they’re deciding on where to go, Harrison’s interrupted by a phone call from Inspector Norris. She drops the bombshell that Harrison’s secondment has been moved forward to next Friday. When Harrison tells Fallon, she points out that it’s on Valentine’s Day.

  • The panto’s about to start and Lynda’s pleased to see a queue outside the Brookfield Events Barn. When Joy comments that tonight will be a dress, tech and opening night all in one, Lynda points out that they didn’t even have a set until this morning. But Vince persuaded Felpersham Arts Centre to lend them some flats. And he also trained up the scene shifters. When Joy wonders why, Mick just says it’s down to the magic of panto. Lynda reveals that Vince has also settled the bet, but she and Lilian aren’t sure what to do with it yet. Joy’s subdued and heads off, but Mick catches up with her, pointing out it’s decision day about whether he should stay or go. He doesn’t want to leave and Joy admits she feels the same. Later Joy returns to the panto where Mick, as Buttons, spontaneously announces Joy lights up his life. After the show Mick reaffirms that he meant it.

    Susan returns Tracy’s lost shoe, explaining it was Neil’s fault it had got lost. He’d been trying on an outfit for the Felpersham panto trip, but had to quickly take the shoes off when someone rang the doorbell. Tracy’s delighted and agrees to go to the panto. At The Bull afterwards, Lynda hands Tracy and Susan an envelope. They discover £500 inside along with a note saying how precious sisters are and to do something lovely together with it. It’s signed from ‘a friend’. Lynda makes a speech thanking everyone for taking part, and honorary Ambridgian Berwick raises a toast to the one and only Lynda Snell!