
  • Episode #18 – "Let’s all get up and dance to a song.."

    Well hello again. Sit down and take it easy for a bit, we’re all informal here. Mark and Col, the most reliable men this side of the River Mersey are fit for duty and back again to present another Beatleplaces Podcast, a nearly no-nonsense approach to enthusiastically talking about the Fabulous Four (which is The Beatles by the way) and where they came from (which is Liverpool, by the way). Along the way and between our wacky witterings, we present another instalment of our ongoing series “Beatles With An A” and this time we’ve landed on the letter “E”. This is our chance to tell you what we looked up about the Beatle songs, Beatle places, Beatle people and Beatles everything else that begins with an “E”. You can see where we going with this. We like to spice up the podcast with trivia and stuff and this time we have no less than 4 quizzes. Mark gives you “What Track Follows”, And “What Track Came Before” and “Name The B Side” which are all harder than you think, or at least, than I do. We reveal who the monkey is in the White Album song. Col tells you about Brian Epstein’s family tree back in Russia and raves about the genius radio presenter and Beatle friend, Kenny Everett and his influence on the band plus we explain what Vicks Inhalers had to do with the Beatles early drug taking. We’ve worked eight days a week to make this a good show so make the most of it and above all, treat yourself. Oh, here’s our bus now. Fares please.

  • Episode #17 – Beep, beep, beep, beep, YEAH!

    Nice of you to drop by and see if we’ve been busy lately. The answer to that is, yes, we have by jove. Mark and Col, those enigmatic but likeable idiots, are back with yet another Beatleplaces Podcast With Mark & Col - aka “Beatles With An A”, delivering yet more delightful dollops of Beatles facts and musings as we run through the alphabet for our beloved Beatle listeners out there in podcastland. This time, we’ve reached the letter “D”, providing all manner of chit-chat about the Beatles and Liverpool as well as a fair helping of ad-libs, bad jokes and whimsical nonsense from him and me. The Beatle songs, the Beatles people, the Beatles places and oh, I could on, and often do. It’s an interesting podcast episode this one. This time we’re chewing a brick about the time John bought an island in Ireland, Paul's maternal family tree and the Danher connection, John’s sad dog story, a short biography of the great Rod Davis ex-Quarryman, the odd origin of I Dig A Pony, our own day off visiting Pete Best’s Beatle Museum in Liverpool, John’s dreams, when John and George went to Dovedale School, some Hamburg Beatleplaces you’ve not heard of, the weird tale of how The Fool On The Hill was written and lots besides. Mark has his world-famous A Day In Beatle History feature, Col does his Terribly Tricky Beatles Trivia quiz once more, this time about The Magical Mystery Tour movie and Mark provides the Crappy Karaoke, reciting Beatles lyrics on purposely badly for you to guess. It’s always a good laugh and I know, cos I was there. So, download us and enjoy your latest Beatleplaces episode and put the world on pause for a wee while. That’s an order.

  • Episodi mancanti?

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  • Episode #16- Just Tell Us When We Get A Good One..

    I couldn’t have said it better myself. For an undisclosed fee (of posh biscuits) Mark and Col have returned to the podcast ether to give you yet another Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark & Col- aka Beatles With an “A”, discussing all Beatle things from an alphabetical perspective and this time it’s the letter “C”. talking Beatles, Liverpool, John, Paul, George, Ringo and occasionally Pete. Truth is, we’re just two blokes with too much time on our hands waiting for a bus home who just like the Beatles and we like to talk about them. Plain enough.? This time abouts those laconic lateral-thinking layabouts Mark and Col chunner on about all things letter “C”, namely the background to The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill, John’s love of cats, a homage to The Cavern Club, Ivor Cutler, The Chants, the Cast Iron Shore, and featuring the weird story of Capitol Records and the origin of the Beatles TV cartoon series plus a host of other tangential topics. For added value, we threw in a Beatles quiz too and I nearly but not quite forgot that Mark even recites an excerpt of John’s short story, Nicely Clive just for the icing on the podcast cake. It’s a whole lot of plenty and we think you’ll enjoy it or my names not Fred Fanackerpan. Come to think of it, it isn’t, but mind how you go any ways. Ooh, here’s our bus now...

  • Episode #15- 5,6,7,8,9..10, I Love You.

    Much to our own surprise we have made another Beatleplaces Podcast. Who’ d a thunk it.? But we did and that’s that, no point in dwelling on it. Nevertheless, I’m pleased to report it turned out to be another great show for all Beatles fans. In order of I.Q., Mark and Col, are back as your loveable local hosts and occasional sat-nav voices to all things Beatles and all things Liverpool. In the show we bring you “Beatles With An “A”, an alphabetical, never betteral, wander through the A-Z of Beatles bits and bobs. This time we stop off at the letter “B”, talking about the songs, the people, the places and all the mad miscellany we can muster belonging to the letter “B”. Col chats about the “Free As A Bird “ video and the Beatles song clues within it. We also discuss the strange history of the real barber mentioned in the song Penny Lane. Mark gives us “This day in Beatle history”. We even had time for two Beatles quizzes and Col features the weird Beatle websites you must see and the songs the Beatles played but never recorded. As usual, there’s quite a lot in our little show and yet we still had room for a lot of daft jokes and the usual stuff and nonsense you’d expect from Mark and Col. So come on lads and lasses, let’s have your glasses.

  • Episode #14- A, B , C, D.. Can I Bring My Friend To Tea.?

    At no cost to you Mark and Col have returned to deliver yet another no expenses spent edition of Beatleplaces, but with a twist. For at least the next 26 podcasts we’re doing a brand new, super-dooper feature called “Beatles With An A”. What’s that about I hear you say.? Well, in each podcast we focus on a letter of the alphabet (guess the first one) and report back Beatles fun facts belonging to that letter, namely Beatle songs, Beatle people, Beatle places and more. We think you’ll like it. As ever, we’ll be incessantly talking about your favourite fab foursome and their hometown of Liverpool ‘cos we like doing it and it’s our hometown too. Not forgetting the usual podcast favourites of the totally tricky Beatles Trivia Quiz, This Month In Beatle History and whatever nonsense Col and Mark can recall from their vast and let’s face it, limited knowledge of all things Beatles and Liverpool. Col will be highlighting the day Ringo had his 21st birthday party at home, when Paul fell off his moped and even recites the full version of the Liverpool schoolkid rhyme, Yellow Matter Custard that John included a snippet of in “I Am The Walrus”. As per usual, Mark and Col will fill in the gaps in between with daft jokes and bad fashion tips. We also get the distinct feeling that you may even enjoy it. You never can tell. Alley oop.

  • Before your very ears Mark and Col return with another exciting, invigorating, well above average Beatleplaces Podcast. Hello there one and all. And as usual we deliver all that’s great and wonderful about the Beatles and Liverpool, home to the Fab Four and about 419,312 others last time I counted. Always up for a bit of random and a giggle or nine, Mark and Col deliver the goods once again. There’s two Beatleplaces Quizzes this time, one from Col and one from Mark. Can you win the Last Word First song title quiz.? Can you even understand what Col is babbling about in any case.? More importantly, can Mark get this podcast finished before his last bus comes.? Find out by tuning in. Today, there’s This Month In Beatle History as well as features on the Beatles infant schools, the Beatles Christmas records and we even reveal the actual fifth Beatle as disclosed by a Beatle. We also have our regular bits and bobs, namely, The Beatles Book Review, a must on every podcast, this time reviewing the marvellous Beatles BBC Archives book by Kevin Howlett. Col talks about more Beatle people, this time Johnny Hutch and Bernie Boyle. He also lets you into his own tenuous Beatles connections when he once played the same venue as the Fab Four and even the time he knew John Lennon. You get your money’s worth on Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark and Col, so buckle up and tune in. Hi ho podcast, away.

  • The Beatleplaces Podcast Episode #12- “Interplanetary remix- take four hundred and forty four....”

    Your brain has reached its destination. Welcome, welcome, welcome to another Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark & Col. We’re chuffed you could make it. We know how busy you are these days. This time around we’ve mixed it up a bit. It’s a veritable tapas bar of Beatle trivia and terrible jokes. Mark and Col, those two sons of fun and local guides to all things Liverpool and Beatles, are back on the airwaves providing a random selection of Beatles bit and bobs to delect and delight you. There’s a bunch of Beatle quizzes, a smattering of Beatle features including John’s boyhood life in Woolton, all about Inside the Apple HQ, we also talk about The last will and testament of Brian Epstein- aged 21, the story of John’s forgotten friend, Jeff Mahomed, the facts about the 2nd most recorded Beatles song ever, the Beatles people we know and This month in Beatle history, all glued together with the inane yet entertaining ramblings of Mark and Col. Now you can’t say fairer than that, though I’m sure you can but at least wait ‘til after you’ve heard the show.

  • Episode #11- Eh Up..!

    Zoot alors, its yet another Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark and Col with all the blah, blah, blah behind the yak, yak, yak about your favourite Fab 4. And it’s our pleasure to present more worthwhile nonsense from your local guides and likeable idiots about all things Liverpool and all things Beatles. I even had a bath especially. This time around we feature the teachers who taught John at Liverpool College of Art, we also talk about the Beatle records played by Paul without the other Beatles and we can even help you plan a trip to Liverpool to see Beatleplaces for yourself. Added to that we throw in our regular batch of Beatleplaces Podcast features namely in order of height, The Totally Terrific Beatles Trivia Quiz with Mark, Col presents The Beatles Album Review- and their very last outing, Let it Be. Meanwhile, Mark will once again bring you the fascinating- This month in Beatle history and we both present The Beatles Book Review, this time discussing A Hard Day’s Write- the stories behind every Beatles song and The Beatles Are Coming!- When Beatlemania came to America. It’s a pretty full and fun-packed show, but you be the judge. I’m only here for the free biscuits. Yum yum.

  • Episode # 10- Which Beatle are you.? I’m Eric..

    Hi, hello and assorted greetings one and all. Glad you managed to make it. To be fair, we wouldn’t have started without you. Here it is then, the long awaited, much anticipated, definitely under-rated- Beatleplaces Podcast With Mark & Col. Yet another attempt to entertain you with lots of lovely Beatles stuff and home-made nonsense courtesy of Mark & Col, your local guides and hosts. And did I mention it’s free.? This time we have our usual wealth of regular fun and frolics and did I mention its free.?. First off there's The Beatleplaces Trivia Quiz- another cerebrally challenging bunch of Beatle questions, there’s also This Month In Beatle History, putting the who, what and why behind the when and where. Col also presents The Beatles Book Review, paying close attention this time to In My Life written by John’s best friend Pete Shotton. We also talk about the Beatles 1969 album, Abbey Road as well as a feature about The Fifth Beatle, and believe me, there’s a few of them. So all in all, that’s all. And did I mention it’s free.?.

  • The Beatleplaces Pub Quiz Special – 2 "It's All Too Much..."

    Attention Beatle fans of all ages and everyone else. Messrs Mark and Col have taken a break from their regular Beatleplaces Podcast duties to enjoy an evening down at the Swinging Sporran – a delightful pub and occasional witness protection safe house in the heart of Liverpool run by Nobby & Hilda Gherkin, who have kindly permitted us to lay on our second Beatleplaces Pub Quiz Podcast. Set in the upstairs function room with a free buffet this is your chance to test your vast Beatles knowledge and have a laugh in the bargain. There’s plenty of fun rounds to enjoy too-, Guess the backwards Beatle lyrics, Guess the Beatle Quote, Name the Beatle, What happened when, and plenty more than that, all delivered by your genial hosts Mark and Col who steadfastly refuse to take anything seriously and it shows. Enjoy the quiz and stay for the raffle.

  • Episode #9- “Well I just had to laugh..”

    Thanks for tuning in and turning on the Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark & Col. Once again we’ve pulled out all the stops to give you your money’s worth even though this show is free. Always looking at the formative years of the Beatles in Liverpool, your likeable hosts Mark and Col present a podcast of Beatle bits and bobs live from Liverpool There’s lots in store this time around as we present your well-loved usual features of The Beatleplaces Terribly Tricky Trivia Quiz- lyrics special in addition to This Month In Beatle History, another Beatleplaces Album guide looking at the magnificent White Album from 1968. Col has brought in a Beatle book or two to review and also brings us a very special feature on The Beatles And Humour, finding out all about what funny people and shows made the young Beatles as funny as they were and the influences that took shape in their music and beyond. As usual the podcast is wrapped in a bundle of humorous appreciation for the Fab Foursome and we always guarantee to steer clear of being deep and meaningful. Have a good un’. TTFN

  • Episode #8- “Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.”

    It’s very nice to be back bothering your earholes once again with another Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark & Col live from Liverpool with a chocablock show of Beatles gubbins for one and all to enjoy. In this effervescent edition Mark is raring to go with his Beatleplaces Tricky Trivia Quiz- lyrics special, Col is on standby with a feature about The Black Music Pioneers in Liverpool who influenced the early Beatles, there’s This Month In Beatle History of course and this time we’re talking about the release of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in The Beatleplaces Album Guide. As a bonus track Col is talking about the Hamburg Star Club Tape Treasure Trove mystery. It’s all glued together with the usual surreal silliness of Messrs Mark & Col’s ramblings but enjoyable none the less. So settle in for a lot of Beatles facts and fun along the way. All aboard.

  • Episode # 7- “There’s a great woman behind every idiot..”

    It’s time for another Beatleplaces Special and this one’s interactive. It’s the Beatleplaces Pub Quiz coming live from the cosy atmosphere of the Swinging Sporran alehouse in deepest Liverpool. Join Mark and Col, your ever so clean hosts and local guides for a night of fun and frivolity as we enjoy a whole show of Beatles’ Quiz stuff. So join in and see how big your Beatle brain is. There’s enough to test any Beatle fan in this episode, guess the quote, name the year, lyrics, true or false rounds, Beatle places, Beatle names, what’s the song, etcetera, oh I could go on (and often do). Mark challenges Col and Col challenges Mark so it’s not quite a battle of wits but it’s all tastefully done and as usual, we won’t take it seriously but a splendid quiz is guaranteed for all.

  • Episode #6- “Beethoven’s great, especially his poetry..”

    Roll up, roll up, its time for time off from your regular stuff and time to unwind with another Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark & Col. Before your very eyes the celebrated Mark & Col with the aid of copious cups of tea and ginger nuts, will tantalise you with a wonderfully splendiferous tray of Beatle delights and even more because you’ve been good lately. Talking about the formative years of the band in Liverpool and the people and places here in Liverpool we’ll have our usual regular features such as The Terrifically Trivial Beatles Quiz, This Month In Beatle History, The Beatles Book Review and not forgetting The Beatleplaces Album Guide looking at that great 1966 album “Revolver”. Every show has its special feature and this time we have two. We’re talking about the life of the real Eleanor Rigby and also talking about one of the first Beatles fans in Liverpool, The Cement Mixers. Mark and Col promise to make sure there’s plenty of fun with the facts and less blah, blah, blah behind the yak, yak, yak. All in all, it’s all here all the way to the end so you’re invitation is here to make a reservation to listen to The Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark & Col.

  • Episode #5- “Can You Wash Your Father’s Shirt.?”

    Messrs Mark & Col defy the odds and the complaint letters to bring you yet another hearty and humourous Beatleplaces Podcast, celebrating all things Beatles and all things Liverpool. Packed with a wealth of regular Beatle features such as the Totally Terrific Beatles Trivia Quiz, This Month in Beatle History and The Beatles Book Review, appreciating Mark Lewisohn’s “Beatles Live!” and The Beatles Album Review we’re pleased to give you some extra exclusive features too. This time we’ve got “The Teachers Who Taught Me..”, a surprising and detailed look at the Fab 4 schools, teachers and more. Plus, we’ll throw in a free language course, teaching you Scouse so you can speak like a true Liverpudlian, with The Lexicon of Liverpool. It’s Fab4 fun and facts all the way in today’s podcast with Mark & Col who as ever, refuse to take ourselves seriously and can only say with any degree of certainty that a splendid time is guaranteed for all.

  • Episode #4- “Plenty of jamjars baby..”

    Mark & Col join John, Paul, George and Ringo once again. It’s Beatleplaces Podcast time folks as another episode appears out of the blue. Those loveable idiots Col and Mark are back again to give you a plethora of Beatles punditry. As ever, we’re talking about the formative years of the band in their hometown of Liverpool, the loves, where they lived, the places they went to and more besides. We’ll even throw in at no extra charge a few regular features like the Beatles Trivia Quiz, The Beatles Album guide, This Month in Beatle History and our regular Beatles book review, not forgetting the odd feature or two. This time it’s a brief history of Cynthia Lennon, the extraordinary life of an ordinary girl. And it’s all glued together with the good natured fun and frivolity you can expect from Mark and Col, who refuse to take life seriously in spite of the court orders. So relax, tune in in and enjoy yet another earful of The Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark and Col- it makes perfect sense so I’m told.

  • The Beatleplaces Podcast Special- A Hard Day’s Night - Part 2

    Welcome back to part 2 of our first Beatleplaces Podcast Special with Mark & Col, telling the story of “A Hard Day’s Night”. The story so far- It’s July 10th 1964 and The Beatles are invited to a civic reception in their hometown of Liverpool. The clever people in charge have also decided to launch the Northern Premiere of “A Hard Day’s Night” the very same day in the very same place, so the band go to both. The show continues with telling the story of how the wondrous day unfolded together with rambunctious ramblings from hosts Mark & Col who’ll be talking about the making of the first Beatles’ movie, the people in the movie, the movie premiere in Liverpool and loads more. There’s lots of trivia stops in the show plus fun quizzes along the way too. Enjoy.!

  • The Beatleplaces Podcast Special- A Hard Day’s Night Part #1

    Welcome one and all to our first Beatleplaces Podcast Special with Mark & Col, telling the story of “A Hard Day’s Night”. In this exciting 2-part show we’ll be talking about the making of the first Beatles’ movie, the people in the movie, the movie premiere in Liverpool and loads more. There’s lots of trivia stops and fun quizzes along the way too posing questions such as why it all started with a fellah called Eric, what John said when he met his father for the first time in years, who he forgot to invite to the movie premiere, what disaster happened the very first day of filming and the James Bond connections with A Hard Day’s Night. Listen in and find out so much more under the guidance of ever-reliable Beatle guides and loveable idiots Mark & Col.

  • Episode #3- “Not A Bit Like Cagney..”

    Lo and behold, we have another Beatleplaces Podcast for you from Mark & Col. And in this episode we’ll delve into this lucky bag of Fab4ness and bring you a delight, a cornucopia, a smorgasbord, a whole caboodle, in fact quite a lot of Beatle things to revel in. Of course, we’ve got the ever-reliable Beatles Trivia Quiz, another attempt by Mark to outwit any Beatle big heads. There’s also the Beatles Album Guide, re-appreciating “Beatles For Sale” from 1964. As well as The Beatles Book review, This month in Beatle History plus, in addition to, as well as on the side, a couple of Beatleplace features all about Richard Starkey in hospital learning to play the drums and the true-life story of when a very young Paul got mugged in Liverpool. That should make a show. If we had any more in the podcast we’d have to pay for excess baggage. So here it is all neat and presentable tied with a big bow, its the Beatleplaces Podcast With Mark & Col. Hi-ho Silver, away....

  • Episode #2- “Are You 13 Amp.?..”

    By George, it’s time again for another Beatleplaces Podcast with Messrs Mark & Col, lovable local guides, gregarious genial hosts and occasional idiots. If you like The Beatles a little or a lot then you can enjoy as much as you like on the Beatleplaces Podcast. This is where we celebrate Liverpool’s most famous local heroes and their formative years. Every show has a wealth of rip-roaring regular features, the Beatles Trivia Quiz, The Beatles Book Review, Beatles Album Guide and a bunch more plus one or two interesting features giving you new and interesting insights to the world’s best band. This time we feature the back story to the Yellow Submarine movie, smash the ”Paul Is Dead” myth and we’re reviewing the books “Beatles Gear” by Andy Babiuk and “Fab” by Howard Souness. In short, it’s all about The Beatles and nothing but The Beatles and you never know, you might like it...