
  • Paul, Chase, and Fat Pat explore the intricate dynamics of company management, emphasizing the crucial role of understanding what employees value to build a high-performance culture. By recognizing individual needs and preferences, leaders can significantly boost employee satisfaction and engagement, ultimately benefiting the business. They highlight the importance of offering thoughtful, low-cost perks that enhance the perceived value of employment. Additionally, setting clear goals and tapping into what drives each employee is key to unlocking their full potential. How can leaders effectively identify and cater to the unique motivations of their team members?

    The trio discusses the role of technology and automation in acquisitions. Through personal experiences, they share that integrating new systems often made certain roles redundant, underscoring the need to evaluate the cultural fit between companies during mergers. Chase explains how Go Forth handles newly acquired office and branch managers, highlighting the company's technology capabilities and organizational structure. Strategic planning and adaptability are crucial in the acquisition process, so what steps can businesses take to ensure smooth cultural integration when merging or acquiring companies?

    Effective management hinges on striking a delicate balance between empathy and performance expectations. While understanding and meeting employee needs is important, overindulging in perks that don’t genuinely enhance their work experience can backfire. Perks like free lunches and other bonuses are appealing but should not come at the expense of maintaining high-performance standards. A successful management approach thoughtfully balances employee support with a focus on results, driving both satisfaction and strong business performance. How can companies find the right equilibrium between supporting their teams and upholding rigorous performance expectations?

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  • PCT Top 100 CEO Brian Goldman of Big Blue Bug Solutions joins hosts Fat Pat and Chase Hazelwood in the Boardroom this week. Brian shares the story behind their famous mascot, Nibbles Woodaway - a giant blue termite that has become an unofficial symbol of Rhode Island. The discussion explores how unique marketing can forge a deep bond between a business and its local community. Did you know Big Blue Bug wasn’t always Big Blue Bug?

    The chat takes an intriguing turn as the three explore different perspectives on remote work. While Brian advocates for increased efficiency through careful time management, Chase grabs a stopwatch to measure his own processes. Despite the focus on productivity, Big Blue Bug Solutions maintains a positive work culture through events like their annual "State of the Bug" meeting. This sparks a thought-provoking debate: how can companies strike a balance between boosting efficiency and fostering a strong, supportive company culture?

    Listeners are treated to insights into the Goldman family's four-generation success story, delving into their operational strategies and decision-making processes. From remote work challenges to sales model adjustments and process optimization, Brian's experiences offer valuable lessons for businesses of all sizes. As the episode wraps up, viewers are left to ponder: what's your biggest takeaway from this interview with Brian?

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  • Patrick and Nick step into The Boardroom with Mark Stewart, consultant, sales coach, and author of Stop Selling, to uncover how businesses can get the most out of their sales teams. Mark has experience helping companies double and even triple in size and keep the same talented people. They dive into what makes the next generation of employees tick, sharing unique tips and tricks for hiring them and keeping them motivated. Once you've recruited this workforce, how do you take them to the next level and mentor them to greatness? Fat Pat and Nick challenge Mark with some curveballs, and you'll appreciate the insights he shares from his personal experience.

    Mark highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in the future workplace, especially in sales roles. Forget about just being a boss - today's employees need mentors who can help them grow, both in their careers and as individuals. With the right guidance, they can experience less stress and more success, finding clarity in their professional and personal paths. To make mentorship a natural part of your leadership, create a culture of continuous development where mentoring is an ongoing practice, not just a one-time event. So, how can companies adapt to this more human-centered approach and set themselves up for long-term success?

    Go pick up a copy of Mark’s new book at markjstewart.com

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  • Paul Giannamore, Mat Rogers, and Patrick Baldwin begin the episode by paying tribute to Andrew Beck, the CEO of Aruza Pest Control, who passed away last week. They share personal stories, remembering him as a devoted business leader, father, husband, and friend. If you knew Andrew or would like to help his family in this unimaginably difficult time, Paul has set up a GoFundMe page at 4AndrewBeck.com


    Fat Pat and Chase Hazelwood break down why ideas alone aren't enough to guarantee success this week in The Boardroom - it’s all about execution. He argues that managers need to be more than just thinkers; they must dive into the details of their business, from sales to production, to ensure strategies are carried out effectively. It’s not just about generating ideas; it’s about seeing them through to completion. Are you as focused on executing your ideas as you are on creating them?

    Chase and Patrick emphasize the importance of accountability within an organization. A leadership role should go beyond evaluating employee performance—it must involve creating the conditions for success by establishing clear systems and processes that empower everyone. This approach fosters a culture where accountability is shared, and success is collective. How are you cultivating accountability at all levels within your business?

    Customer feedback, especially negative customer feedback, can be a powerful tool for growth. Instead of brushing off complaints, Chase explains how his team uses these insights to refine their operations and improve their business. By staying engaged with customer concerns and adjusting accordingly, they turn criticism into progress. Is Chase coming for all your customers?

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  • Patrick Baldwin and Nick Bartolo are joined by Court Parker, the CEO and owner of Bug Busters USA to share insights into the growth and management of his thriving pest control business. When exploring Court’s background and how Bug Busters has evolved over the years, Court lets us in on some growth strategies, particularly the importance of route density in the pest control industry. By focusing on increasing density within existing markets rather than overextending into new ones, Bug Busters has been able to optimize resources and boost profitability. How can your business apply this principle of focusing on density to your growth strategies?

    Together they touch on the delicate balance between exploring new ideas and staying true to core business objectives. Court shares his personal struggle with “shiny object syndrome,” where the temptation to chase every new opportunity can distract from the company’s primary goals. He emphasizes the importance of filtering and prioritizing ideas with the help of a strong team, ensuring that the business remains focused and aligned. How do successful leaders balance innovation with maintaining a clear business focus?

    There is always incredible value in learning from others in the industry. Court highlights his involvement in industry groups and the benefits of networking with other business owners. These interactions have provided him with fresh insights and collaborative opportunities that have strengthened his business stressing the importance of continuous learning and adapting to changes in the industry. How can professionals leverage industry connections and constant learning to stay ahead in a competitive market?

    Audio mixing and editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • Paul Giannamore is back in The Boardroom this week joining Patrick Baldwin to cover the surprisingly bustling pest control M&A market. You’d expect transactions to slow down due to summer vacations, but it’s actually quite the opposite. Paul shared that Potomac has “closed more transactions than we have in a two-month period, except in Q4 of 2020." Private equity firms are at the forefront, driving many of the recent transactions. Unlike strategic buyers, these firms often operate under the radar, leading to many deals happening without public fanfare. With big names like Rentokil, Rollins, and Anticimex staying relatively quiet, is this the new norm for the pest control industry?

    Rentokil is undergoing notable transitions, with John Myers in the process of retiring and speculations of the company potentially going private. The massive Rentokil/Terminix deal was a significant milestone, but with pressure from institutional investors and the potential impact of the upcoming election on the market, the future of Rentokil is still undecided. The pest control industry is evolving, with a greater focus on service and customer experience over purely financial considerations. Across the service industry, popular software systems like ServiceTitan for HVAC services and ServiceTrade for fire and life safety services are becoming essential tools. How will these internal changes and technological advancements shape the future of the industry?

    Building relationships and leveraging industry expertise emerged as significant themes in this episode. Paul Giannamore emphasized the importance of networks like the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), which provide invaluable insights and learning opportunities. Paul and Patrick highlight how industry leaders are increasingly turning to consulting and mentorship, with notable examples like Tommy Mello investing heavily in expert advice to drive business success. Will this trend toward greater reliance on external expertise and mentorship continue to shape the industry's future strategies and growth?

    Audio mixing and editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • This week, Patrick Baldwin, Nick Bartolo, and Chase Hazelwood explore the game-changing impact of AI on sales centers. They dive into how automating data collection and reporting can uncover a significant number of missed calls—those often ignored but crucial for sales performance. Chase shares how his team at Go-Forth Home Services used AI to identify these missed opportunities and develop effective strategies to tackle them. This reframes individual responsibilities as integral parts of the collective effort, driving a sense of shared purpose and responsibility. How can businesses integrate AI to improve operations while maintaining a corporate culture of personal accountability?

    Chase Hazelwood delves into his team's unwavering dedication to fostering positive customer service experiences. At Go-Forth Home Services, while they leverage AI to enhance their operations, they never lose sight of the human element. Their focus is on making sure customers feel genuinely heard and understood. To Chase, while efficiency and technical expertise are essential, the true differentiator is connecting with customers on a personal level. How can businesses strategically blend advanced technologies with a personal touch to deliver an unparalleled customer experience?

    Audio mixing and editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • In this week's episode of The Boardroom, hosts Patrick Baldwin and Nick Bartolo are joined by Drew Fenn, President of Fenn Termite & Pest Control in Southern California with a focus on commercial and residential customers. They delve into the critical role of discipline and focus in growing a business. Drew emphasizes the necessity of deeply understanding your business and adhering to your core competencies without getting sidetracked by external influences. Maintaining a sharp focus on profitability and operational efficiency, while staying true to what you do best, sets the foundation for lasting success. How can companies preserve this level of discipline and focus while expanding to new regions?

    Drew shares his strategies for nurturing long-term customer relationships, particularly with commercial customers. By maintaining contract flexibility and consistently delivering high-quality service, Fenn Termite & Pest Control built strong trust and loyalty with their clients. Drew emphasizes the importance of clear operational procedures and well-trained staff to navigate uncertain economic periods while effectively and efficiently meeting diverse customer needs. Embracing these challenges transforms short-term engagements into lasting partnerships. What steps can businesses take to ensure their teams are equipped to maintain high service standards and adapt to changing customer needs?

    Audio mixing and editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • Jason Walton, U.S. Senate Candidate in Utah and co-founder and CEO of Moxie Pest Control, joins Patrick Baldwin and Nick Bartolo for an enlightening episode of The Boardroom Buzz. Jason begins by discussing how mentors influenced his success such as Brent Bingham, Jimmy Hale, and the Rollins family. He also stresses that principled living and keeping commitments are key to personal and professional success. Through these experiences, Jason learned that success is about more than financial gain. What personal principles or commitments have guided you to your own definition of success?

    Walton highlights the importance of truly appreciating the success that comes from hard work. To know the value of success, it must be hard-earned. Reflecting on an encounter with a young Lance Armstrong, Jason comes to know the impact and importance of setting high aspirations and working diligently towards them. His steadfast perseverance and dedication thereby paved the path to substantial achievements in his professional political career. How can reflecting on our encounters with peers and role models inspire us to set higher aspirations in our own pursuits?

    Audio mixing and editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • Mike Houston, the seasoned owner of Sureguard Termite and Pest Services, joins Nick Bartolo and Patrick Baldwin in the Boardroom to share his extensive experience in the pest control industry. Mike's humble beginnings in the industry accelerated into a successful business he exited. Mike took a break from pest control but has built again. He prioritizes maintaining strong customer service and building relationships as foundational to his business strategies, including acquisitions. How might you approach acquisitions on the buy side vs. the sell side?

    In the interview, Mike Houston detailed his approach to growing his business through multiple strategies. He stressed the importance of not just analyzing acquisitions by looking at the financials but also ensuring a good fit with the existing business model. Mike also highlighted the significance of clear communication and mutual benefits in making acquisitions successful. What strategies does Mike consider essential when evaluating a potential business for acquisition?

    Audio mixing and editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • You can watch Paul’s presentation in its entirety on POTOMAC TV here: https://youtu.be/OiY68KAOIC8?si=UK-Tcq2GA7b1Ec4v

    In an insightful speech at the AZPPO Great Western Pest Control Conference in March 2024, Paul Giannamore, the industry’s foremost authority on business valuation, shared valuable strategies for growing, managing, and valuing pest control businesses. He emphasized staying focused on core pest control services for better performance and higher valuations. Paul stressed prioritizing cash flow over revenue and building a strong base of recurring revenue to attract private equity firms. Are you focusing on your core services and ensuring a strong cash flow?

    Paul discussed adapting to market changes, noting a shift from strategic acquirers like Orkin and Terminix to private equity firms that prioritize cash flow stability. He recommended targeting smaller, denser markets for higher gross margins and implementing strategic pricing to keep up with inflation. Do you focus on market density and adjust your pricing strategies to improve margins?

    Paul underscored the importance of recurring revenue for high gross margins and strong business valuations. He advised managing direct costs to maintain high gross margins and adopting strategic customer acquisition approaches, including direct mail. Paul also recommended bundling services and delivering consistent customer service to retain customers. Are you maximizing recurring revenue and maintaining high gross margins while providing excellent customer service?

    Audio mixing and editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • Today in the Boardroom, Nick Bartolo and Patrick Baldwin sat down with Phil Rinehart. Phil is a practicing attorney and principal at The Law Offices of Phillip Rinehart. Phil is uniquely suited to provide legal advice as he also has a 20+ career in pest control and is currently the owner and CEO of EcoGen. As an attorney, Phil specializes in litigation, consulting, management, entity formation, liability protection, and growth. Phil shares essential tips on safeguarding your business through the right contracts. He emphasizes the importance of well-structured employment contracts, including critical clauses like non-solicit, confidentiality, and liquidated damages. Phil also discusses the necessity of having solid operating and service agreements to ensure comprehensive protection for your business. Do your contracts include these crucial provisions?

    The team highlights the need to inform customers about their right to rescind a contract within three days to avoid significant financial risks. Failing to provide proper notice of this right can lead to serious consequences for a business. Are your terms and conditions updated with this clause?

    Phil recommends setting up separate business entities for different aspects of a business to ensure extra protection and flexibility. Creating individual LLCs for partners and securing proper insurance coverage can mitigate potential risks. How are you protecting your business operations with separate entities and insurance?

    Learn more about Phil and his work at www.philrinehart.com.

    Audio Mixing and Editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • This week in The Boardroom, Paul, Patrick, and Chase explore the benefits of switching from hourly pay to production commission for technicians. It's not just an incentive but a reward for effort and results, fostering a sense of ownership among employees. How could a commission-based pay system boost your company’s productivity and engagement?

    Chase shares his innovative hiring practices, suggesting businesses look outside their industry for high-quality, friendly employees. He's even found success in hiring staff from a pet daycare, who brought strong customer service skills to the team. What new talent pools could your business explore for exceptional hires?

    The co-hosts highlight the need to maintain consistent commission rates to protect company culture and profitability. Offering additional benefits, such as better equipment and professional development opportunities, can help retain top talent. How can your company effectively balance fair compensation with extra benefits to attract and keep the best employees?

    Audio Mixing and Editing by www.verbell.ltd.

  • In this episode, we spoke with Caleb Fabry, owner of Town & Country Pest Solutions in Rochester, New York. Caleb discusses the importance of a strong company culture and employee engagement. By using the Culture Index, he aligns team members with roles that fit their unique attributes while enhancing communication. How can utilizing culture tools help to retain team members, create mission alignment, and beat your financial goals?

    A significant part of Caleb's marketing strategy involves a dedicated in-house team focused on video content and social media. This approach has helped Town & Country Pest Solutions build a strong online presence and engage effectively with customers. How might investing in professional video content and social media marketing benefit your business?

    Learning from peer business owners has been crucial for Caleb’s success. Joining leadership groups has provided valuable insights and the confidence to implement new ideas. Caleb has embraced the word "yes" when it comes to new opportunities, even outside his comfort zone. Who is pushing you to reach new heights and implement new strategies?

  • Brian Lunsford, owner and CEO of Bring the Joy Ventures—the parent company of LunsPro Inspections, Kingfish Pest Control, JoyLights, Fix-it Flamingo, and Jacksonville Real Producers—rejoins The Boardroom Buzz to recount his journey as a business leader. After a successful pest control business sale in Atlanta, Brian and his wife Kristin are building synergistic businesses in Jacksonville with less personal risk. How could a liquidity event give you the capital and confidence to build again on your family’s terms?

    Mentorship and personal connections are key in any leadership position. Brian proactively sought out experienced individuals to learn from. At Bring the Joy Ventures, it's about collaboration and the abundance mentality over micro-managing and secrecy. How can you start building a network of mentors and peers to support your growth?

    Brian highlights the need for work-life balance, stressing that while work is important, it shouldn't overshadow family and personal growth. To Brian, family comes first. He encourages leaders to ensure their employees prioritize this balance too. How can you promote a healthier work-life balance within your team yet still exceed your business goals?

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  • This week in the Boardroom, Paul, Patrick, and Chase discuss building a high-performance business culture by expecting and monitoring mistakes. Transparency is key. When we expect each other to make mistakes and hold each other accountable, we're building a supportive environment. How can your organization see mistakes as growth opportunities?

    Trust and accountability must be balanced. Trust doesn’t mean avoiding accountability but creating a safe space for improvement. Highlighting mutual respect and accountability, the co-hosts emphasize that no team member is above the team. How can leaders balance trust and accountability effectively?

    Measuring performance is crucial for growth. It's important to track metrics like close rates to gauge business success. Chase's rigorous tracking system encourages constant feedback, while Paul notes that trust allows candid feedback. What performance metrics drive improvement in your organization?

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  • Paul, Patrick, Nick Bartolo, and Chase Hazelwood discuss the pivotal role that trust plays within teams. While trust is a cornerstone of effective teamwork, we can't forget the importance of accountability. Building trust is a gradual process built by recognizing and acknowledging when your team excels. How can your team strike a balance between fostering trust and upholding accountability to ensure consistent and high-quality performance?

    Staff turnover can be beneficial, contrary to popular belief. It may even be healthy to bring on new talent and ideas, pushing both employees and employers toward excellence. What strategies can you implement to leverage staff turnover as a driving force for growth and innovation within your organization?

    Continuous process improvement serves an important role in driving businesses toward success. Like Chase, you may even use AI tools for developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and training materials to boost your progress. How can your business harness the power of focused process improvement and the integration of AI tools to achieve growth at a competitive rate?

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  • Explore the fascinating world of pest control with Jared LaJaunie, founder of LaJaunie's Pest Control. From humble beginnings as a one-man operation to scaling up with a team, Jared shared the secrets behind his success. How can we maintain that relentless dedication and hunger for self-improvement in our own endeavors?

    Jared observes the power of mindset shifts in driving business growth. Transitioning from scarcity to abundance can open up new possibilities, not just for leaders like Jared but for entire teams. Ponder this: What mindset shifts can we make in our businesses to unlock untapped potential and foster growth?

    Let's not forget about the dynamic duo of Jared and his wife, Skye, who navigate the business world together. Their partnership underscores the importance of clear boundaries and open communication in both professional and personal relationships. How can we foster strong partnerships in business while maintaining a healthy work-life balance?

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  • Paul and Patrick break down earnouts, those tricky tools that promise to bridge valuation gaps but often lead to unexpected headaches. Ever wondered why earnouts can be such a gamble? Picture this: a seller with a rock-solid EBITDA track record sees their earnout shrink because the buyer reinvests in the business, slashing the payout. So, are earnouts worth the risk, or are they just a ticking time bomb?

    Revenue-based earnouts are generally safer than cash-flow ones. Why? Because the deeper you delve into the profit and loss statement, the less control sellers have. But here's the kicker: How can sellers navigate these murky waters and ensure they're not left high and dry when the deal is done? It's a tough nut to crack but understanding the ins and outs of earnouts might just be the key to staying afloat.

    Honorable conduct pays dividends in reputation, while shady dealings can burn bridges. How can businesses strike the right balance between seizing opportunities and maintaining their moral compass in a cutthroat industry? It's a tightrope walk but finding that sweet spot could spell the difference between long-term success and a tarnished reputation.

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  • This keynote speech by leading M&A advisor, Paul Giannamore, was filmed at the AZPPO Great Western Conference in Mesa, Arizona, on March 27, 2024.

    The presentation revolves around the key decision-making processes in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), focusing particularly on the choice between negotiation and auction when selling assets. Paul Giannamore, with over 20 years of experience in M&A advisory, emphasizes that understanding and choosing the right selling process—negotiation or auction—is crucial, not only in M&A but in any asset sale.

    Illustrating this, he shares a personal story about selling a valuable family-owned violin through different methods—initially trying to sell it online and then through personal connections, which eventually led to auctioning. This story serves as a segue into discussing the auction process more broadly.

    Paul elaborates on the complexities and strategic decisions involved in auctioning, using a detailed example of selling a business through a controlled auction process. The narrative includes tactical shifts like switching to a Dutch auction to push the final sale price closer to the desired amount. He explains the dynamics of a controlled auction, highlighting the absence of traditional negotiation and the focus on leveraging competition among buyers to maximize the selling price.

    In essence, the presentation provides a comprehensive overview of strategic decision-making in asset sales, focusing on the choice of process, and underscores the importance of understanding and manipulating these processes to achieve the best outcomes in business transactions.

    Contact POTOMAC today and find out how.

    Watch the recorded version of his speech here: https://youtu.be/AIbOsEZRifM?si=ikZklx9gCIpMhzdz