F’dan l-episodju, Aiden mar fuq Instagram biex jistaqsi lill-segwaċi tal-podcast dwar xi opinjonijiet mhux popolari li jistgħu jkollhom. B’mod anonimu, is-segwaċi wieġbu bl-aktar fehmiet jaħarqu tagħhom, u matul l-episodju, Aiden wieġeb u rreaġixxa għal xi wħud minnhom. L-opinjonijiet anonimi inkludew kwistjonijiet bħall-etajniżmu, il-finanzi, il-priġunieri, fost ħafna oħrajn.
F’dan l-episodju, Aiden jitkellem dwar kif il-passjoni tiegħu għall-industrija tal-mużika qed tmajna bil-mod il-mod. Jirrakkonta l-esperjenzi tiegħu fil-battalji li għadda minnhom biex jagħmel isem għalih innifsu billi ħa sehem f’diversi kompetizzjonijiet, iżda dejjem ħass li qatt ma wasal fejn ried. Ironikament, kien propju dan il-podcast, li m’għandu x’jaqsam xejn mal-industrija tal-mużika, li kabbarlu l-karriera b’ritmu li qatt ma stenna.
Episodi mancanti?
F’dan l-episodju, il-kontestanta reċenti ta’ Miss Universe Malta, Greta Craus, tingħaqad ma’ Aiden biex jitkellmu dwar l-industrija tal-mudellar f’Malta. Greta tiftaħ qalbha dwar l-isterjotipi tal-mudelli, ir-regoli stretti li trid issegwi bħala esperta fl-industrija, u t-tossiċità li tiġi mal-beauty pageants kemm f’Malta kif ukoll barra, fost ħafna aktar.
F’dan l-episodju, Aiden jidħol fil-fond dwar l-istigma marbuta mat-tipjip u l-użu tad-drogi. Huwa jitkellem dwar it-tipjip soċjali, it-tnaqqis tal-istigma u l-legalizzazzjoni tal-kannabis fil-pajjiż, u jieħu pożizzjoni fuq drogi aktar qawwija bħal kokaina, MDMA, u eroina.
Fit-tieni episodju tat-tieni staġun, Aiden jidħol fil-fond fid-dinja tad-dating apps, jesplora l-vantaġġi u l-iżvantaġġi tal-kultura tal-online dating. Aiden jaqsam l-esperjenzi personali tiegħu fuq pjattaformi bħal Tinder u Grindr, u jagħti ħarsa sinċiera u umoristika lejn ir-romanzi moderni, il-konnessjonijiet diġitali, u l-isfidi li wieħed isib relazzjonijiet sinifikanti f’dinja ta' swipe right u swipe left.
Aiden Cohen jirritorna għat-tieni staġun ta’ The Buried Conversation, fejn se jkun qed jingħaqad ma' mistiedna mill-ewwel staġun, Miriana Conte, għal dan l-episodju speċjali ta’ 90 MINUTA!
F’dan l-episodju, Aiden u Miriana jitkellmu dwar il-flus, u l-isfidi tagħhom biex ilaħħqu mal-finanzi tagħhom f’Malta – minħabba s-sitwazzjoni tal-għoli tal-ħajja, il-propjetà, u iktar.
New logo. New topics. New identity.
The Buried Conversation is BACK for SEASON 2!
Streaming 30/09/2024, on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Podcasts.
In the Season 1 Finale of The Buried Conversation, Aiden delves into the art of being mysterious and how it's becoming an upcoming trend - and why it's one of the best ways on how an individual can live his life.
Thank you for watching. We'll be back soon.
In the penultimate episode of Season 1, Aiden delves into social media and asks the big question: Are we able to control our use of social media, or is social media controlling us nowadays? Aiden discusses this brand new way of we are handling life and more, whilst also bringing up personal experiences of his own.
The most distant group of the LGBTIQA+ community is not so distant anymore with this new episode. Aiden delves into the "Bi Now, Gay Later" Myth, Bisexuality & Monogamy, the recent upcoming trend of being bisexual, and so much more.
Aiden shares his personal opinions as to why he doesn't see having children of his own in his future. He delves into financial instability, responsibilities, courageousness, patience amongst many others.
Quite the episode to give you an existential crisis. Aiden delves into death, its causes and effects, while also dealing (if there is) the after-life and if we are currently living an after-life together, and so much more.
In this episode, Aiden delves into the now-trending situationships. He talks about the complexity of being in one, whilst mixing in his own personal experiences, and also makes references to several topics which go hand-in-hand with the topic like attachment issues and relationship trauma.
X Factor Malta Season 4 star Marija Bellia joins Aiden in this week's episode to talk about their journey on the latest season of X Factor Malta - with tea regarding production, never-before-seen moments & contestants, you don't want to miss this one. 👀
Aiden shares his thoughts on this year's Malta Eurovision Song Contest in this week's episode - providing a detailed critique of all the 12 finalists, the production, the music videos and more.
Malta Eurovision Song Contest finalist, Miriana Conte, joins Aiden in this episode to talk about the music industry in Malta. Aiden & Miriana deal with employment in the industry, friendships between singers, the uprise of new singing festivals and so much more.
Aiden talks about the major problem that we have with employment, the economy status and opens up on his personal experience with working in Malta in this newest episode of The Buried Conversation.
Aiden talks all things he dislikes in fashion in this new episode. DIY-ed jeans, Y2K & chokers are a few of the things that were mentioned.
this time, i have given you the chance to assemble one of the episodes of the podcast with your confessions - i've asked you one question: What is an experience that you have went through/currently going through that changed your view of life in general? AND BEST BELIEVE Y'ALL WENT HAMMMMMMM😭 this is a really fun episode tbh, and if you did write a response, make sure to listen to all of the episode to see if your response has been featured in the episode. i hope you are as gagged as much as i was when i was recording.
in this episode, we're going to be talking about everything that has to do with university - i figured it's quite appropriate to publish this episode at this time of year, when everyone is on the verge of throwing themselves off a cliff. it's hard because everyone tends to romanticise university life until they are actually in it - buried in assignments and mentally exhausted. so we're here to talk about all of that in the return of this season! - Mostra di più