Topics Include:
Klein Reid
Donna Webb
Kirk Mangus
Eva Kwong
Alfred University
Cranbrook Academy of Art
Russel Wright
Hall China
Sprig molds
Tom Spelth
Freddy Fredrickson Kiln
Mackenzie Childs
Christian Dior at the Met
Issey Miake Pleats
Eva Zeisel
Biedermeier Furniture
Herman Miller
Room and Board
Toshiko Takaezu
Jun Kaneko
Topics Include:
Camille Beckles
The Ceramics Podcast, Camille Beckles
Sculpture Space NYC
Clay Cohorts
Episodi mancanti?
Topics Include:
Kartini Thomas
Center For Craft
Beaux Arts Paris
National School of Decorative Arts
Traditional Chinese Lacquer Painting
Rotten Island
Maison & Objet
Château Lagauzinie
Ceramic Brussels
Topics Include:
Del Harrow
Ceramics Materials Atlas
Sanam Emami
Peter Sloterdijk
Rose Schreiber
Alex Demetriou
Topics Include:
Florencia Escudero
Michael Sims
The Arcanum
The White Road
Red Brick, Black Mountain, White Clay
Rachel Uffner Gallery
Kristen Lorello
Brooklyn Rail
Ninth Street Women
Kathe Kollowitz
Topics Include:
Ben Kodischek
No Ghosting/Community
The Colour Room
Showing Up
Jacobin Magazine
Art Shack
Rise of the Clay Jock
Theaster Gates
Edmund de Waal
Hyde Park Ceramics
Bowl in Sagger
Bernard Leach
The Beauty of Everyday Things
Topics Include:
Weather Report Ceramics
Pink Door
Frank Stella
La Mano
Mike Jabbur
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Greenwich House Pottery
Urban Glass
Sculpture Space NYC
Northern Clay Center
Renegade Craft Fair
Day Briérre
Topics include:
Ninth Street Women
Hyperallergic Article
Greenwich House Pottery
Lenora Carrington
Remedios Varo
Amanda Salov
Lillstreet Art Center
Michigan State
Kentsuke Yamada
Penland School of Craft
Tom and Maggie Yascheck
Northern Clay Center
Center for Craft
The Post Graduate Teaching Fellowship
MIN NICE Minnesota New Institute for Ceramic Education
The Ceramic Material Atlas
The Rest is History: The Fall of the Aztecs
Topics Include:
Do Clay
Moon Do Bang
Vegan Secret Supper
Tiny Pots
Topics Include:
Art 180
Western Carolina State Ceramics
Florida State University Ceramics
Empty Bowls
Socially Engaged Craft Collevtive
Topics Include:
Bill Jensen
Peter Lane
R and Company
Katie Stout
Rogan Gregory
Michele Varian
Elena Mahno
New York Self Employment Program
Newtown Creek Murders
Christian Moses
Museum of Art and Design
Gatekeeping Reddit
Here’Topics Include:
Studio TM
Here’s the link to the shipwreck discoveries!
Adam Shiverdecker is an artist and educator living in Oakland and teaching at San Jose State University. You can follow him on IG.
Name dropping topics include:
Greenwich House Pottery
Aesthetics of Everyday Objects: The Cup
Yves Tanguy
Wilfredo Lam
Ron Nagle
Marguerite Wildenhain
Rudy Autio
Photoshop Wireframes
Nichrome Wire
Ruth Asawa
Beth Cavener
Funk Ceramics
Alyssa Block is an artist from Southern California and sort of living in New York City. Check out her Time to Draw Deck from Chronicle Books and her IG
Topics Include:
Tony Hepburn
Raymond Pettibon
Black Flag
Funk Ceramics
Richard Diebenkorn
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
Topics Include:
Outliers by Malcom Gladwell
Ben Carter
Linda Arbuckle
Bernard Leach
The Pottery Workshop - Shanghai
Lisa Stinson
Ron Meyers
Red Clay Rambler- Michael Simon
Jennifer Ling Datchuk
Peter Pincus
Baltimore Clay Works
Kirk Mangus
Persian Lusterware
Brickyard Network
Tales of a Red Clay Rambler
Check out my website at cammiclimaco.com.
Music by John Stanesco and thanks to Jen Waverek for setting the type and Justine Stokes for being a great listener.