Recent special election losses should remind us that this degree of power Trump has is only temporary and must be used to its fullest extent. The courts continue to serve as a one-way ratchet against conservatives, and unless we stand up to judicial supremacism, we will be left with nothing by the time Democrats get back into power. One huge priority is election integrity. To that end, we’re joined by Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray, who has been a national leader on election integrity. He shares with us a checklist of 10 major legislative items you can demand in your state. They include things like verification of citizenship to register, residency duration laws, banning foreign influence and Zuckerbucks, banning drop boxes and ballot harvesting, moving to paper ballots, and tightening up mail-in ballots as well as domicile laws. We also discuss the mechanics of maintaining clean voter rolls in a timely fashion and preventing double voting out of state. Trump just issued an amazing executive order with many of these priorities, but because of the judicial interference, we need to codify these actions into law in the red states.
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How is it that we are five years post-COVID with zero action at the federal level and very little at the state level to redress the civil rights violations? I begin with a list of policies we must pursue in the states and Congress to make sure these abuses don’t happen again. Next, we’re joined by civil rights attorney Brian Festa of We the Patriots USA, who warns that these violations emanating from medical mandates are still occurring. He also has some good news to share. Brian believes that the courts are starting to move away from vaccine fascism and that now is
the time to push a massive lawsuit movement on behalf of medical freedom. Brian shares his ambitious idea of matching the intensity of the anti-freedom forces with a “lawfare” movement, but he needs more attorneys to step up to the plate. He is also pushing for a nationwide civil rights act making health status a protected right.
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Episodi mancanti?
We’re beginning the third month of this term, and budget reconciliation remains aimless and chaotic, with no coherent vision of how to spend the political capital. Once again, I offer Trump advice on how to spend the capital on transformational economic policy. Likewise, it is a simple fact that mass deportations are not happening. Trump must either stand up to the courts or demand that Congress pass a bill explicitly greenlighting all deportations. I also discuss some other authorities Trump can use, as well as the need to harness maritime removals and call up the National Guard. Finally, I address medical freedom to show how nothing is changing regarding COVID authorities. The choice for CDC director will be very telling. The moral of the story is that when we demand a course correction from Trump, he listens, but if we continue with a form of obsequious complacency, we will wind up with nothing.
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Trump has already spent a ton of political capital signaling major changes on immigration, so why not go all the way? First, we discuss immigration in the context of court rulings and the need for Trump to follow through with his messaging against rogue judges. Next, we’re joined by Kevin Lynn (@USTechWorkers), executive director for the Institute of Sound Public Policy, who is one of the leading activists against foreigner workers displacing Americans. He explains how the foreign student program funneled through the lawless OPT/H-1B pipeline was systemically and deliberately orchestrated to remove Americans from numerous professions. In a wide-ranging discussion covering numerous visa categories and aspects of the foreign labor scam, Lynn notes how easy it would be for Trump to abolish or reform so many of these programs. There is no America First agenda if we are going to continue this level of foreign students and foreign workers.
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We begin today by applauding Trump for signaling the demise of the Department of Education. The only problem is if he refuses to fight Congress in the budget or to ignore the courts, this action will never become law. Also, to mark the grim five-year anniversary of COVID fascism, I go through some state legislation trying to fix some of the biomedical security tyranny. Next, we’re joined by John Comiskey, a mortgage finance expert, who is using his social media to expose how the FHA is propping up hundreds of thousands of insolvent mortgages, trapping people in underwater mortgages, preventing foreclosures and market correction, and creating price inflation. He has pored over FHA loan data to discover how taxpayers are now essentially subsidizing people who cannot demonstrate financial solvency to remain in their homes indefinitely. This is a superlative example of how do-gooder socialism creates a vicious cycle of debt, inflation, and insolvency that makes home affordability worse than when the program was started.
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Bookmark today and our source material as the definitive show proving once and for all that our founders never adopted a system of judicial supremacism. In fact, the courts are not even equal. Except for a couple of issues, Congress fully controls the structure, jurisdiction, and makeup of the Supreme Court. I explain how judicial supremacism was born out of a political, not constitutional, argument of deferring to the expositors of law. I arm Trump with all of the intellectual firepower he needs to push back against the courts. Also, DeSantis is right about the need for Congress to strip the courts of jurisdiction over issues like immigration. I provide the full history and legal rationale behind that provision of the Constitution.
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The divide on the Right is between those who enjoy the warm water of politics as an end to itself and those who use it to steer the ship to fixed destinations. We are seeing this at the federal level with those who would rather focus on fake spending cuts from the DOGE and even use the DOGE as an excuse not to actually cut spending in Congress. Next, we’re joined by Texas state Rep. Brian Harrison (R), who joins us from Austin to report on how Republicans worked with Democrats to squander what should have been the most conservative session. They have not passed a single meaningful bill in the first 60 days and have no plans to pass anything transformational. He also explains how the school choice bill is misleading and woefully inadequate. Meanwhile, DEI continues to permeate every aspect of Texas government. Is there any hope of throwing these people out in primaries? That is up to us.
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Trump is at a crossroads. The most important and enduring accomplishment — perhaps the only enduring accomplishment — will be to break judicial supremacism. In today’s action-packed show, I discuss the arguments Trump must make as to why judges have no jurisdiction over deportations and how he must fully ignore the courts. Such a posture will help us down the road when we push for red states to fight the next Democrat president. Next, I offer a unique history lesson on Marbury v. Madison to show how Chief Justice Marshall was not establishing judicial supremacism, but constitutional supremacism. When you understand the adjacent cases and the political events that led up to the decision, it becomes apparent that he was actually deferring to the Jefferson administration and refusing to interfere by enlarging the scope of judicial power. Based on the scholarship of 11th Circuit Judge William Pryor, I prove that Marbury actually shows the exact opposite of judicial supremacy. We are at a unique point in history to finally bury this myth.
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Even though inflation has slowed for one month, we are trapped between a vicious trio of debt, record prices, and a recession. Meanwhile, judges continue to take over Trump’s presidency, and he refuses to exert himself over the court and/or force his agenda through Congress. Quite the contrary. RINOs successfully downed his pick for CDC director, yet they didn’t get "the Chip Roy treatment." Next, we’re joined by Cindy Byrd, the state auditor and inspector of Oklahoma, who has exposed waste, fraud, and wokeness in red-state government before it was cool. She breaks down the details of her unique forensic audits of Tulsa’s school district, which found that woke administrators were shoveling taxpayer funding to left-wing vendors and continuing CRT and DEI programs in contravention to state law. She also showed how to save money and root out eligibility fraud in Medicaid. Sadly, the legislature had no interest in following her recommendations. Now she is running for lieutenant governor to actually implement the ideas we all campaign on but that she championed before it was cool.
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During the Biden administration, I warned that the government was engaging in “economic grooming” by acculturating the public to accept the current price levels as the new normal and to deem slower rates of increase as victories against inflation. We are seeing the same things from Trump supporters misinterpreting one month’s CPI report. We cannot lie to people that inflation has been solved without cutting spending or without a deep recession. Next, we’re joined by April Cromer, vice chair of the South Carolina state Freedom Caucus, who reports bad news from the South Carolina budget. The GOP governor and, yes, supermajority worked with every Democrat to pass a bloated and woke budget. The Freedom Caucus in South Carolina (unlike the national one) refused to go along with it and has exposed that supermajorities are just as fraudulent as narrow majorities. She explains how she beat an incumbent and why primaries are more important than general elections.
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So Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is now a hero, but Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) deserves a primary?Sadly, Trump is repeating the mistakes of his first term by demanding that conservatives in Congress undermine his own stated agenda. Also, what ever happened to banning mRNA?Next, we tackle the housing crisis caused by government with banking and housing expert Alex Pollock of the Mises Institute. Alex explains the entire nature and history of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginne Mae, and the FHA and how they are inflating the housing market by backing mortgages that are insolvent. Along with the Federal Reserve, they are the source of the housing crisis. Now is the time to unwind them completely, not return them to a venture socialism public-private partnership.
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Not only are the spending cuts from the DOGE either being exaggerated or struck down by the courts, but now its existence is being used as an excuse not to cut spending for real in budget bills. Today, I explain how the budget CR is a bigger betrayal than you think. I shoot down about a dozen arguments in support of it. Unfortunately, Trump has pressured the Freedom Caucus rather than the RINOs, so we will wind up with the same old. Unless they come up with a new playbook, we know how this play ends. Also, I’m very concerned about the slow pace of deportations and explain the factors holding them up.
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We begin by discussing the need and opportunity for Trump to push back against judicial supremacism lest all his policies go to waste. Next, I delve into a new poll showing how support for gay marriage is plummeting, yet Republicans refuse to utilize the Overton window and instead are making everything about female sports. The same thing applies to the budget and spending cuts. They are underestimating the mandate they have to actually eliminate programs. Trump needs to use his megaphone to explain how we are subsidizing unaffordability with these very programs both parties have supported. Sadly, they are on the cusp of playing "Lucy and the football" with the budget bill.
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We begin by delving into Trump’s speech last night. What is self-evident is that Trump could crush Democrats in a shutdown or brinksmanship fight over the budget. But sadly, he is pressuring conservatives to vote for the important bills that will fund everything he is promising to cut or reform. We’re joined by the one and only Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), who breaks down the math of the budget proposals to show the cognitive dissonance among Republicans. They cheer the DOGE cuts but then can’t even get behind a proposal that won’t make things worse than under Biden. Massie makes it clear that you can’t complain about inflation and support the current path. Finally, I discuss the ramifications of the Supreme Court ruling on Trump’s executive spending cuts and why he either needs to stand up to the courts or codify his policies in the budget bill.
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We begin with a discussion about the state of the economy and the proposed tariffs. Trump is right to focus on the long-term and be willing to suffer short-term stock markets, but why blow the capital on tariffs? Instead, Trump should focus on massive health care and welfare reform and regulatory cuts before pursuing tariffs. Next, we’re joined by Nic Hulscher, epidemiologist at the McCullough Foundation, who updates us on the dangerous bird-flu vaccine for animals. He explains how this vaccine will create more dangerous strains. He also warns that the culling of the chickens itself is responsible for nearly all human transmission. Hulscher also discusses his efforts to ban mRNA in the states and offers us useful resources that collate the full list of harms from the most important academic studies. Finally, on a personal level, he explains what it was like as a public health student during COVID as the only vaccine realist in the department.
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It’s really simple. When Trump uses his bully pulpit, he moves the people. We are seeing that quite vividly with the fight over Ukraine funding. However, if he doesn’t extend this to his fight with Congress and the courts, much of the good work will be washed away. To that end, I explain how Trump can totally win a government shutdown over the budget. He can use his Tuesday-night speech to lay out his vision on the economy and how the welfare state is causing inflation. He must also put the courts in their place. At the end, I delve into my concerns with the cryptocurrency scams. Finally, is RFK Jr. going soft now that he is actually in political combat?
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In this free-for-all Friday show, we cover an enormous amount of ground on the news of the day, centered around the point that we need to end photo-op conservatism. I go through immigration, spending, economy, mRNA, and a bunch of other issues to show how the grifter corps of the online Right is ensuring that we get nothing but photo ops. I also address the degeneracy with the embrace of the Tate brothers and how it’s emblematic of those who don’t believe their own talking points. Finally, what is the lesson we can learn from the gun rights movement?
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We seem to have universal support in the GOP for ending welfare and criminality among immigrants, but we’re forgetting the great replacement of Americans is still a problem culturally and in the labor market. I’m joined today by Jason Richwine, resident scholar at the Center for Immigration Studies, for a discussion on how the STEM worker shortage is a hoax. He uses the price of eggs to show how scarcity creates a sharp rise in prices, so why don’t we see a sharp rise in wages for STEM workers if there really is a shortage? We also discuss the scope of anchor babies boxing out American citizenship and how mass balkanized migration has even contributed to less American fertility by weakening community cohesion. Finally, we discuss the folly of those who think that mass migration will suddenly work for us if it’s orchestrated by Trump and Republicans.
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Today, I provide the most in-depth math behind taxes and spending in budget reconciliation and the message Republicans are lacking. Under the current trajectory, Republicans will incur the worst mix of policy and political outcomes. They are mistakenly blowing their capital on inefficient tax cuts that can easily be demagogued in exchange for fake spending cuts that will be enough to elicit political blowback but not enough to reduce inflation. I juxtapose their bill to my proposal, which would make health care reform, welfare reform, foreign labor cuts, and small business tax cuts the core of the agenda. I explain how I would deal with the expiring tax cuts differently and how our plan is much more populist in message but at the same time more conservative in outcome.
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We begin today with some concerning political news about gubernatorial endorsements of candidates with no proven record. I explain the difference between candidates who talk a good game and those who actually survived the trial by fire that determines outcomes. Next, we’re joined by famed cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough for a spellbinding presentation on bird flu. He explains the absurdity of mass-killing chickens and how our government officials and the public are not even aware of this being the source of record prices for eggs. He also provides chapter and verse on how this virus was likely made more transmissible by a USDA facility in Georgia and how the vaccines being prepared will make things worse. Finally, we touch on the problems with the flu vaccines and RSV vaccines and how excess deaths from the COVID shots are reverberating to this day.
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