
  • Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Are navigating a parenting plan or consent or court orders for children at different stages of development.

    ❓ Want to understand how the court views plans for babies and the differing age groups all the way to teenagers.

    💡 Are trying to figure out how to create a flexible and adaptable parenting plan as your child grows.

    🛡 Are dealing with high-conflict ex-partners and need strategies to protect your child's best interests.

    📚 Want to learn more about how to handle special situations like breastfeeding, car seats, and school-related issues.

    Are you overwhelmed by trying to come up with a fair parenting plan or consent order offer after separation or divorce? Wondering what will happen as they get older, or struggling to figure out what is what when it comes to the different age groups—toddlers, tweens, and teens and everything in-between. In this episode, we discuss the unique challenges and considerations for each stage of your child’s development when creating parenting plans and consent orders or asking for court orders. We discuss topics like the primary attachment theory for babies, navigating parenting plans for young children, and managing the evolving needs of primary school-aged kids and figuring out what to do with stubborn teenagers. Whether you’re in the early stages of separation or dealing with an ongoing custody battle, this episode provides valuable insights on how to approach parenting plans that truly serve the best interests of your children.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Primary Attachment for Babies: Why babies up to three years old typically benefit from staying with their primary caregiver, and how this impacts parenting plans and court orders. Navigating Consent Orders: How to create orders that take into account the evolving needs of your children as they grow from toddlers to teens. Transitioning to Overnights: Strategies for gradually increasing parenting time and handling situations where the non-primary caregiver hasn’t been involved. Primary School Age Considerations: Managing custody and parenting plans as children start school, including logistical challenges like packing bags and attending social events. Teenagers and Flexibility: How to adapt parenting plans for teens who want more independence, and what happens when they refuse to follow the existing custody arrangements. High-Conflict Co-Parenting: Dealing with manipulative and controlling ex-partners, and tips for creating clear, enforceable orders to protect your child’s well-being. Navigating Changing Court Views: Understanding the recent changes in the Family Law Act and how it affects shared parental responsibility and 50/50 time. Free Resources: https://www.judcom.nsw.gov.au/publications/benchbks/children/cpm_allerton_attachment.html

    https://www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/divorcewebinarregistration (webinar)

    https://www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/opt-in (before you go checklist)

    https://www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/opt-in-4ab0c1ab-f43e-4db3-b49b-43c865aa8b1d (mediation checklist)

    https://www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/disclosurechecklist (disclosure checklist)

    Podcast Episode Timeline

    00:00 Introduction to Parenting Plans

    01:08 Understanding Parenting Plans for Babies

    03:53 Challenges with Parenting Plans for Babies

    13:56 Parenting Plans for Primary School Kids

    17:56 Common Issues with Primary School Kids

    21:56 Navigating Parenting Plans for Teens

    22:55 Planning for Your Child's Future

    23:41 Teenagers and Court Orders

    24:13 Navigating Parental Breaches

    25:44 Resources for Mediation and Disclosure

    26:27 Mental Health and Teen Independence

    27:32 Pressure on Children in Custody Cases

    30:06 Handling Avoidant Parents

    33:03 Dealing with High-Conflict Exes

    33:51 The Importance of Detailed Orders

    35:23 Co-Parenting with Manipulative Exes

    38:13 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    Emergency Contacts: WOMEN'S SHELTER SERVICE LEGAL AID Lifeline: 13 11 14 Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978 Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800 Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123 Relationships Australia Police: 000 DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636 National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT) Thank you for tuning in to this episode on navigating parenting plans through various stages of your child’s life. We hope you find the advice helpful in creating a plan that truly meets the needs of your children, regardless of their age. If you found this episode valuable, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your support helps others find the guidance they need. Stay strong and take care. Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.
  • When going through a divorce and dividing assets, there's an essential factor that many people overlook or have no idea about: future needs. In this episode, we discuss what "future needs" mean in family law in Australia, how they are considered by the court, and how they can significantly affect the division of property. From your health and age to your earning capacity and children’s future, understanding these factors is crucial for a fair property settlement. We also touch on the future needs factors outlined in Section 75(2) of the Family Law Act and discuss how to navigate property settlements both inside and outside of court based on the four divorce personalities, high conflict, manipulative and controlling (narcissistic types), amicable and avoidant.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Are in the process of a property settlement and need to understand what "future needs" mean.

    ❓ Want to explore how the court factors in age, health, earning capacity, and other personal circumstances.

    💡 Are looking to understand how future needs affect property division in both marriages and de facto relationships.

    🛡 Want to learn how to protect your interests in property settlements, especially if you have children or a lower income.

    📚 Are curious about the impact of future needs when dividing property amicably or through mediation.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    What Are Future Needs?: Explanation of how the court considers future needs when dividing property.

    Section 75(2) Factors: A breakdown of the 17 key factors listed in this section of the Family Law Act.

    Health and Age: How your current health or age could influence your property settlement.

    Earning Capacity: What happens if one partner earns significantly more or has greater financial resources.

    Children and Their Needs: How the care of children under 18 can affect property division.

    Impact of the Length of Marriage: How a long marriage can affect property division, especially if one spouse’s career supported the other.

    Practical Tips for negotiating these factors amicably, as well as what happens if the case ends up in court.

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Related Episodes:

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode139 (Splitting Silver Hairs : A guide to grey divorce)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastfiftyeight (When an Amicable Divorce goes wrong and what you can do about it in your Property Settlement and Parenting Agreement)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode124 (Gold Diggers in Divorce: Strategies TO PROTECT YOUR ASSETS FROM A NON CONTRIBUTING EX)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode125 (when you mediation goes wrong and what to do next in your divorce, custody or property negotiations)

    Other Resources: THE DIVORCE COURSE www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/enrol Emergency Contacts: WOMEN'S SHELTER SERVICE LEGAL AID Lifeline: 13 11 14 Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978 Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800 Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123 Relationships Australia Police: 000 DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636 National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for tuning in to this informative episode on future needs in property settlements. Whether you’re navigating these factors in mediation or preparing for court, understanding the role of future needs is crucial to achieving a just and equitable outcome. If you found this episode helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your support helps others find the guidance they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

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  • Are you wondering if you really need a lawyer for mediation or family dispute resolution? In this episode, we discuss the ins and outs of mediation and whether you really need a lawyer by your side. Explore the different types of meditations, the pros and cons of having legal representation, and pick up some helpful tips for those on a tight budget who may not be able to afford a lawyer. If you're wondering how to approach mediation in your divorce journey—whether it’s about property settlements or children's matters—this episode will provide valuable insights to help you make a decision.

    Listen to This Episode If You: 🌟 Are considering mediation but unsure if you need a lawyer. ❓ Want to know what happens during mediation and the role a lawyer plays. 💡 Need strategies for navigating mediation on your own or with minimal legal assistance. 🛡 Want to weigh the pros and cons of bringing legal support to your mediation. 📚 Are on a tight budget and looking for ways to handle mediation cost-effectively. Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode: Types of Mediation: The different stages of mediation, from initial discussions to court-appointed mediation. Do You Need a Lawyer?: The advantages and disadvantages of having a lawyer during mediation. Cost Considerations: How to handle mediation if you’re on a tight budget and can’t afford legal representation. Mediation Preparation: Tips on how to prepare for mediation and what documents to gather. Self-Representation: How to navigate mediation without a lawyer, including understanding the process and legal expectations. High Conflict vs. Amicable Mediation: How the nature of your relationship with your ex can impact whether or not you need a lawyer present. Settler’s Remorse: What happens if you agree to something in mediation and regret it later, and how to avoid this. Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast: Related Episodes:

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode166 (Understanding Legal Gatekeeping: Is Your Lawyer Telling Your Full Story in Divorce?)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorceepisodefour (How to negotiate an agreement after divorce.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcasttwentytwo (Convincing the unconvincible in divorce negotiations for family law0

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastfiftyfour (FDR, Conciliation Conference & Mediation: the what, how, when, who, why of your family dispute resolution)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcasteightyone (10 things that could happen legally and emotionally after mediation (in the family court or privatley)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastonehundredtwo (What Is Mediation & Am I Ready For It? Navigating mediation during your divorce or de facto separation.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastninetythree (Can you really mediate with a narcissist? Mediation and negotiation tips for divorcing an ex with narcissistic behaviours.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode125 (when you mediation goes wrong and what to do next in your divorce, custody or property negotiations)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode136 (The real deal with mediation: dispelling 5 myths)

    Free Resources: Mediation Checklist (Available on our website) www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Webinars and Courses:

    DIY Divorce Blueprint www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/enrol Webinars on Navigating Divorce www.thedivorcecourse.com.au https://www.patreon.com/TheDivorceCoursePodcast Emergency Contacts: WOMEN'S SHELTER SERVICE LEGAL AID Lifeline: 13 11 14 Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978 Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800 Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123 Relationships Australia Police: 000 DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636 National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode on mediation and legal representation. Remember, your situation is unique, and weighing the pros and cons is crucial to making the right decision. If you found this episode helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your support helps others find the help they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

  • The DARVO method—Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender—is a tactic often employed by narcissists in legal battles, particularly during divorce or family court cases. In this episode, we shed light on the DARVO strategy and share eight essential ways to protect yourself against it. Whether you’re facing family violence court, property settlement agreements, or a child custody battle, these insights will empower you to stay calm, gather evidence, and ensure your truth is heard. Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances. Listen to This Episode If You: 🌟 Are dealing with a narcissistic ex who might be the type to manipulate the narrative in court. ❓ Want to understand the DARVO method and how it impacts family court cases. 💡 Need strategies to counteract manipulation and lies in affidavits or legal documents. 🛡 Want to protect yourself from being gaslit and maintain your mental health. 📚 Are looking for ways to keep communication calm and factual during a contentious divorce. Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode: Understanding DARVO: What it means and how it shows up in legal battles. Importance of Written Communication: Why all communication should be documented via emails or apps. Respond, Don't React: Techniques for staying calm and responding thoughtfully instead of reacting emotionally. Gathering Evidence: How to collect and organise evidence to challenge false claims. Setting Firm Boundaries: The importance of setting clear boundaries to protect your mental health. Affidavit Strategies: How to stick to the facts and tell your story effectively in legal documents. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Understanding that the truth will unfold over time with patience and perseverance. Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Episodes for More Insight:

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcasttwentyfive (Divorcing a narcissist: what to expect in the family law process and courts and how to prepare)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastthirtythree (The Narcissist Playbook in Divorce)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastfiftytwo (Co-parenting: How to successfully do it even with a high conflict, narcissistic controlling or avoidant ex partner.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastseventytoo (How To Use The Grey Rock Method in Divorce & Family Law Proceedings with a narcissistic ex)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastseventyfive (Co parenting and family court with a Narcissist)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastninetythree (Can you really mediate with a narcissist? Mediation and negotiation tips for divorcing an ex with narcissistic behaviours.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastninetyseven (The Post Separation Abuse Playbook and what you can do about it. Part 1)

    Post-Separation Abuse: What You Need to Know

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastninetyeight (The Post Separation Abuse Playbook and what you can do about it. Part 2)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorceepisode113 (Why your narcissistic ex might want a parenting coordinator and what you can do about it)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode134 (Mind over matter: divorcing a narcissist)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode140 (The Narcissists’ Chess Board: Understanding The Divorce SLAY strategy

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastninety (A simple way to protect your children from being used as chess pieces in your divorce or de facto separation)

    Webinars and Courses:

    DIY Divorce Blueprint www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/enrol

    Webinars on Navigating Divorce www.thedivorcecourse.com.au


    * ARC App website https://download.arc-app.org.au/

    * Empower You App https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/safety_and_prevention/policing_in_the_community/empower_you_app

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police: 000

    DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

    DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636

    National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for tuning in to this important episode on understanding and counteracting the DARVO strategy. Remember, you are not alone, and there are ways to protect yourself and ensure that the truth comes out. If you found this episode helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your support helps others find the help they need. Stay strong and take care. Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.
  • Are you feeling like your lawyer isn't telling your full story? In this episode, Laura and Lynette dive into the issue of legal gatekeeping and how it can impact your divorce case. They discuss why it's crucial for your lawyer to present all the relevant facts, including those that might be uncomfortable or distressing about Family Violence or Coercive Control. With new property legislation potentially on the horizon in Australia, it's more important than ever to ensure your story is heard, whether it concerns property settlements or children's matters. Tune in to learn strategies for advocating for yourself and making sure your experiences are properly represented in court. Trigger Warning this could be distressing or triggering for victim survivors of family violence or coercive control.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Feel like your lawyer is not presenting the full picture in your case.

    ❓ Are dealing with family violence or coercive control and want to know how it affects your legal proceedings.

    💡 Need to understand the role of your lawyer versus the role of the judge in court.

    🛡 Want to ensure that critical information about your case is not being withheld.

    📚 Are interested in how upcoming legislation may change the way family violence is considered in property settlements.

    Understanding Legal Gatekeeping: Is Your Lawyer Telling Your Full Story?

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Understanding Gatekeeping: What it is and how it can affect your case.

    The Role of Lawyers vs. Judges: Clarifying what each should be doing in the context of your story.

    Importance of Telling Your Full Story: How withholding information can negatively impact court outcomes.

    Legislation Update: A look at potential new laws in Australia that could affect property settlements involving family violence.

    Kennan’s Case: How this landmark case impacts current family law and property settlements.

    Strategies for Self-Advocacy: Tips on how to ensure your lawyer is representing all relevant facts.

    Impact on Children: The importance of being upfront about family violence to protect and support your children.

    Mediation and Legal Strategy: How to handle mediation and what to do if you're feeling pressured by your lawyer.

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Episodes for More Insight:

    The Pep Talk You Didn't Know You Needed

    Choosing a Family Lawyer & the Red Flags not to ignore

    Three ways to choose and use your family lawyer (that you probably haven’t heard of for your divorce.

    Post-Separation Abuse: What You Need to Know

    Using children as chess pieces in divorce

    Webinars and Courses:

    DIY Divorce Blueprint

    Weekly Webinars on Navigating Divorce


    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police: 000

    DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

    DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636

    National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for listening to this important episode on ensuring your story is fully represented in court. Remember, your experiences are valid, and the right legal representation can make all the difference. If this episode resonated with you, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your support helps others find the help they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances

  • In every divorce, there are two primary positions people find themselves in: sitting pretty or completely overstressed. In this episode, Laura and Lynette break down these common divorce dynamics and provide strategies to help you navigate whichever position you're in. Whether you're feeling trapped in a gilded cage with everything provided for you, or you're overwhelmed with stress, paying the bills, and managing all the responsibilities, this episode offers practical advice on how to shift the balance and move forward in your divorce journey.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Feel like you're stuck in divorce limbo and don’t know how to move forward.

    ❓ Are overwhelmed with financial or emotional stress during your divorce.

    💡 Need strategies to encourage your ex to engage in mediation or negotiation.

    🛡 Are sitting comfortably but worried about what might happen if things change.

    📚 Want to ensure you’re not being manipulated or controlled during the divorce process.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Sitting Pretty vs. Overstressed: Understanding the two primary positions in divorce dynamics.

    The Gilded Cage: Recognizing when comfort is actually a trap and why it’s important to start planning your next steps.

    Overcoming Financial Stress: Tips for managing overwhelming financial responsibilities and negotiating support.

    Mediation Strategies: How to encourage your ex to come to the table and negotiate fairly.

    The Impact on Kids: Why dragging out a divorce can harm children and how to avoid it.

    Balancing the Scales: Practical steps to move from an overstressed position to a more balanced dynamic.

    The Importance of Knowledge: How understanding your rights and the divorce process can protect you from manipulation.

    Finding Incentives: Creating motivation for both parties to settle and move forward.

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Related Episodes:

    Divorce Limbo

    Central Practice Directions

    How to Engage in Mediation

    Webinars and Courses:

    THE Divorce Blueprint

    Webinars on Navigating Divorce


    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police: 000

    DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

    DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636

    National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode on navigating divorce dynamics. Whether you're sitting pretty or completely overstressed, understanding your position is the first step to moving forward. If you found this podcast helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps others find the support they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

    Episode 165 Divorce Dynamic: Balancing Power & Progress

    Introduction to Divorce Dynamics

    Understanding the 'Sitting Pretty' Position

    Exploring the 'Overstressed' Position

    Strategies for Financial Stress

    Navigating Manipulative Tactics

    The Role of Emotions in Divorce

    Understanding Your Legal Rights

    Navigating Separation and Living Arrangements

    Emotional Preparedness and Counseling

    Financial Preparations and Legal Timelines

    The Importance of Mediation

    Impact on Children and Family Dynamics

    Taking Action and Seeking Help

    Conclusion and Final Thoughts

  • Divorce is often described as a journey, and just like any journey, it requires navigation tools to get to your destination successfully. In this episode, Laura and Lynette use the analogy of driving a car to discuss how to handle the emotional and practical challenges of divorce. They break down the five essential "tools" you need to navigate this journey: your handbrake, gas pedal, reverse, steering wheel, and road map. Whether you’re dealing with gaslighting, running out of steam, or simply trying to stay on course, this episode provides practical advice and emotional support to help you reach the other side of your divorce in the best shape possible.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Are struggling with self-doubt or gaslighting during your divorce.

    ❓ Need motivation to keep pushing forward through tough times.

    💡 Want to avoid the pitfalls of overreacting or taking things too far.

    🛡 Are looking for strategies to stay in control of your divorce process.

    📚 Need guidance on how to map out your divorce journey effectively.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    The Handbrake: How to stop self-doubt and gaslighting from derailing your progress.

    The Gas Pedal: Finding your "why" to keep moving forward when the going gets tough.

    The Reverse: Understanding when to pull back if you’re overreacting or taking things too far.

    The Steering Wheel: Keeping control of your divorce process and not letting others take the wheel.

    The Road Map: Mapping out your divorce journey and understanding the steps ahead.

    Navigating your Divorce: the 5 tools you need to stay on course

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Related Episodes:

    Disclosure Dilemmas

    The Pep Talk You Didn't Know You Needed

    Handover Hell

    Webinars and Courses:

    Divorce Blueprint

    In Depth Webinar on Navigating Divorce

    Patreon for a worksheet that goes with this episode

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police: 000

    DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

    DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636

    National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode on navigating your divorce journey. We hope you find these strategies helpful as you move forward. If you found this podcast valuable, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps others find the support they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

    00:00 Introduction to Divorce as a Journey

    00:30 Understanding Gaslighting and Self-Doubt

    01:40 Five Essential Tools for Your Divorce Journey

    02:24 The Handbrake: Stopping Self-Doubt

    05:30 The Accelerator: Finding Your Motivation

    09:35 The Reverse: Knowing When to Pull Back

    14:56 The Steering Wheel: Maintaining Control

    20:38 Cutting Out Irrelevant Details

    21:09 Steering Your Legal Strategy

    22:16 Understanding Court Conventions

    22:39 Introducing the Divorce Blueprint

    23:18 Balancing Property and Children's Matters

    25:03 Taking Control of Your Case

    25:46 Navigating Legal Advice

    26:47 Empowering Yourself Through Knowledge

    29:09 Organising Your Legal Documents

    30:26 Preparing for Legal Challenges

    33:06 Recap and Final Thoughts

  • Divorce & property settlements are confusing enough, especially when it comes to recognizing all contributions. Educate yourself about some of the most overlooked non financial contributions you may have made that will help increase your percentage of the property pool. In this episode, we discuss the often-overlooked aspects of contributions in property settlements, focusing on non-financial parenting contributions. Explore the surprising elements that might not be considered but can play a significant role in determining your part of the property pool percentage during divorce or de facto separation.

    Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Want to understand the less commonly discussed contributions considered in property settlements.

    ❓ Are unsure how parenting contributions affect your property settlement.

    💡 Are seeking clarity on what counts as a contribution before, during, and after the relationship.

    🛡 Need to know how to document and present your contributions effectively.

    📚 Are looking for strategies to ensure a fair property settlement.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Definition of Contributions: Understanding what contributions are and how they factor into property settlements in Australia.

    Commonly Remembered Contributions: Financial contributions, non-financial contributions like renovating a house, and receiving inheritances.

    Overlooked Contributions: Parenting contributions, including caring for stepchildren and supporting a partner’s children.

    Impact of Salary on Contributions: Clarifying that higher salaries do not necessarily mean a larger share of the property pool.

    Special Contributions: Contributions like supporting a partner through education or living arrangements with in-laws.

    Legal Framework: Aligning contributions with the Family Law Act and understanding its implications.

    Real-Life Examples: Case studies and examples illustrating how different contributions are valued.

    Advice for Self-Advocacy: Tips for ensuring all your contributions are recognized and presented effectively.

    PARENTING Contributions in Property Settlement Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Contributions Episode

    Salary Doesn't Count

    Future Needs

    The Pep Talk You Didn't Know You Needed

    PATREON ACCESS - https://www.patreon.com/TheDivorceCoursePodcast


    00:00 Introduction to Property Settlement

    00:32 Understanding Contributions in Property Settlement

    01:51 Common Contributions in Property Settlement

    03:30 Surprising Contributions in Parenting

    05:34 Parenting Contributions: Stepchildren and Special Cases

    10:13 Documenting Parenting Contributions

    18:13 Stay-at-Home Parents and Property Settlement

    21:20 Challenges of Family Court and Outdated Legislation

    22:29 Evolving Roles and Contributions in Modern Families

    24:28 Counter Arguments to Stay-at-Home Parent Contributions

    27:00 Superannuation and Property Settlements

    30:17 Short vs. Long Marriages: Impact on Contributions

    33:00 Grey Divorces and Contributions

    34:39 Importance of Legal Advice and Self-Advocacy

    37:59 Final Thoughts and Resources

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police: 000

    DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

    DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636

    National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode on property settlement contributions. Understanding your rights and contributions is crucial in ensuring a fair settlement. If you found this podcast helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps others find the support they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Disclaimer: This podcast episode provides general legal education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

  • Are you struggling to document and present your experiences of coercive control or family violence in your paperwork or to your lawyer, mediator , police, court or counsellor? Feel like you have to KEEP telling your story and you wish there was a better way?

    Whether you're preparing for mediation, court, or consultations with your lawyer, effectively communicating these experiences is crucial for your case.

    In this episode, we cover simple ways to lay out your coercive control or family violence experiences in an easy to read and use format.

    Lyn provides practical strategies to ensure your story is heard and understood, aligning your documentation with the Family Law Act, and presenting your case compellingly.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Are experiencing coercive control and need to document it for legal purposes.

    ❓ Want to understand how the Family Law Act defines and addresses coercive control.

    💡 Seek strategies for making your lived experiences clear and impactful in legal documents.

    🛡 Are preparing for mediation, court, or consultations with a lawyer.

    📚 Need guidance on creating a comprehensive and organised record of coercive control incidents.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Understanding Coercive Control: What it is and how it impacts family law cases.

    Family Law Act Section 4AB: Definition of family violence and examples of coercive control.

    Documentation Strategies: Tips for documenting coercive control effectively.

    Using Legal Language: How to align your documentation with the Family Law Act.

    Creating Impactful Narratives: Techniques for making your experiences come alive in affidavits and statements.

    Organising Evidence: Best practices for compiling and presenting evidence.

    Frequency and Patterns: Highlighting the frequency and pattern of coercive control behaviours.

    Presenting in Mediation and Court: How to convey your case effectively in different legal settings.

    Family Law Act Discussed

    Family Law act 4da

    Episodes Mentioned that you can learn more about

    The importance of record keeping during divorce & separation: the what, why, when and how to help yourself in mediation, family court or even just in negotiation.

    How to Write an Affidavit

    The Post Separation Abuse Playbook and what you can do about it. Part 1

    The Post Separation Abuse Playbook and what you can do about it. Part 2

    Here are the key highlights and important parts of the episode with timestamps:

    [0:00] - Introduction

    Laura and Lynette introduce the topic of documenting coercive control for legal purposes.

    [2:15] - Understanding Coercive Control

    Definition of coercive control and its impact on family law cases.

    [5:30] - Family Law Act Section 4AB

    Explanation of how the Family Law Act defines coercive control and family violence.

    [10:05] - Importance of Documentation

    Why documenting coercive control is crucial for your case.

    [12:45] - Documentation Strategies

    Tips for effectively documenting instances of coercive control.

    [15:20] - Using Legal Language

    How to align your documentation with the terminology in the Family Law Act.

    [18:40] - Creating Impactful Narratives

    Techniques for making your experiences come alive in affidavits and statements.

    [22:00] - Organising Evidence

    Best practices for compiling and presenting evidence in a clear and organized manner.

    [25:35] - Highlighting Frequency and Patterns

    Importance of demonstrating the frequency and pattern of coercive control behaviours.

    [29:10] - Presenting in Mediation and Court

    How to effectively communicate your case in different legal settings, including mediation and court.

    [33:50] - Real-Life Examples

    Examples of how to document coercive control incidents and their impact.

    [38:00] - Seeking Professional Help

    When and how to seek professional help from lawyers and other experts.

    [41:30] - Resources and Further Reading

    Mention of relevant episodes and resources to assist listeners further.

    [45:00] - Conclusion

    Laura and Lynette wrap up the episode with final thoughts and encouragement.

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • Custody handovers can be one of the most stressful aspects of co-parenting, often referred to as "handover hell." Whether it's a tense interaction with your ex or the emotional strain on your children, it's crucial to find ways to make these transitions as smooth as possible. In this episode, Laura and Lynette dive into practical strategies for handling custody handovers, discussing everything from setting clear boundaries to using neutral locations for exchanges. They explore how to make handovers less stressful for both parents and kids, and offer insights on future-proofing your handover arrangements to avoid common pitfalls.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Are experiencing tension and conflict during custody handovers.

    ❓ Want practical tips for making handovers less stressful for your children.

    💡 Seek strategies to communicate effectively with your co-parent during handovers.

    🛡 Are dealing with a high-conflict ex-partner and need to minimise drama.

    📚 Need advice on creating a consistent and positive handover routine.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Importance of Specifying Handovers: Why it's crucial to have a clear, agreed-upon plan for custody exchanges.

    Types of Handovers: Various options including school, neutral locations, contact centres, and supervised exchanges.

    Legal Implications: Understanding the legal reasons for specified handovers and how to lock them in with parenting plans or consent orders.

    Future-Proofing Your Plan: How to anticipate changes in your children's needs and circumstances as they grow.

    Minimising Stress for Kids: Strategies to make handovers as smooth and positive as possible for your children.

    Dealing with Different Personality Types: Tips for managing handovers with manipulative, controlling, avoidant, or high-conflict ex-partners.

    Setting Boundaries: The importance of maintaining clear boundaries to protect your mental health and well-being.

    Episodes mentioned in this Podcast

    Parenting Orders Program (POP) | Relationships Australia Queensland

    12 Agreements for a Parenting Plan

    Consent Orders

    Help My Ex Won't Let Me See the Kids

    Why Your Narcissistic Ex May Want a Parenting Coordinator

    Handover Hell: How to Make Child Custody Exchanges Easier

    00:00 Introduction to Handover Hell

    01:33 Why Specify Handover Locations?

    02:35 Types of Handover Options

    08:42 Future Proofing Your Handover Plan

    15:08 Locking in Handover Arrangements

    20:08 Making Handover Easier for Kids

    25:08 Arranging Handover for Parents' Well-being

    29:35 Free Resources for Divorce Preparation

    30:17 Common Mistakes During Handovers

    31:24 The Dangers of Filming Handovers

    32:28 Handling Drunk or Unsafe Parents

    35:48 Dealing with Late or Unreliable Parents

    40:05 When Children Refuse to Go

    43:34 Legal Support and Family Reports

    46:00 Creating Effective Parenting Plans

    48:22 Managing Manipulative and Controlling Exes

    51:14 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • Are you in the process of getting divorced and need to find the right lawyer for your case? Choosing the right legal representation can be daunting, especially during an emotionally charged time. In this episode, Laura and Lynette dive into the ten essential steps and questions you need to consider when selecting a lawyer. They discuss the importance of finding a lawyer whose experience, ability, and personality align with your needs, and they offer practical advice on navigating this crucial decision.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    - 🌟 Are beginning the process of divorce and need to find a lawyer.

    - ❓ Want to know the key questions to ask a prospective lawyer.

    - 💡 Seek understanding of the importance of lawyer-client compatibility.

    - 🛡 Are dealing with the stress and confusion of legal proceedings.

    - 📚 Need strategies for ensuring your lawyer can meet your specific needs.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    - Finding the Right Lawyer: Tips on what to look for in terms of experience, ability, and personality.

    - Asking the Right Questions: Essential questions to ask during initial consultations to ensure a good fit.

    - Understanding Costs: The importance of discussing billing practices, hourly rates, and getting itemised accounts.

    - Legal Updates: Ensuring your lawyer is knowledgeable about recent changes in the Family Law Act and other relevant legislation.

    - Step In, Step Out Services: Understanding flexible legal services and how they can save you money.

    - Importance of Compatibility: Why it’s crucial to find a lawyer you can trust and communicate with effectively.

    - Handling Legal Fees: Strategies for managing costs and budgeting for your legal expenses.

    - Role of Communication The significance of clear and consistent communication between you and your lawyer.

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Choosing a Family Lawyer & the Red Flags not to ignore

    Three ways to choose and use your family lawyer (that you probably haven’t heard of for your divorce.

    Divorce Budgeting 101: Understanding Legal Fees & Six Simple Saving Strategies

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • Struggling with what to do with your ex's stuff after a separation or divorce? Whether it's a garage full of clutter, valuable memorabilia, or just everyday items left behind, dealing with an ex's belongings can be frustrating and emotionally draining. In this episode, Laura and Lynette discuss practical strategies for handling your ex's stuff, from boxing it up to negotiating its removal, all while considering the legal implications. They also explore how different scenarios—whether amicable, manipulative, controlling, avoidant, or high conflict—affect the process. Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical tips to navigate this tricky aspect of post-separation life. (Remember to see your lawyer before doing anything about this issue as each situation is different.)

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    - 🌟 Want practical legal education on dealing with your ex’s belongings.

    - ❓ Are unsure about the legal implications of getting rid of or storing your ex’s stuff.

    - 💡 Seek clarity on how different types of relationships (amicable, manipulative, etc.) impact handling belongings.

    - 🛡 Are dealing with a high-conflict or controlling ex-partner.

    - 📦 Need strategies for negotiating the removal of your ex’s items.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Impact of Stuff on Your Life: How lingering belongings can affect your mental and emotional well-being.

    Legal Considerations: The potential legal consequences of disposing of or keeping your ex's belongings.

    Different Relationship Scenarios: Strategies tailored to different types of ex-partners (amicable, manipulative, controlling, avoidant, high conflict).

    Practical Steps: Tips on boxing up items, setting deadlines, and using storage solutions.

    Using Mediation: How to incorporate belongings into mediation agreements and consent orders.

    Involving Authorities: When and how to involve the police in high-conflict situations.

    Handling Emotional Attachments: Dealing with the emotional aspects of letting go or holding on to items.

    Episode 158 Sorting Through the Chaos: Dealing with Your Ex's Belongings During Divorce

    For Full Show Notes, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Thank you for tuning in to this informative episode on handling your ex’s belongings. Understanding the legal and emotional aspects is crucial for navigating this tricky part of post-separation life. If you found this podcast helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps others find the support they need. Stay strong and take care.

    **Disclaimer:** This podcast episode provides general education for Australians and is not a substitute for legal advice. Every situation is different, and it is important to seek independent legal education tailored to your specific circumstances.

  • Are you struggling with understanding parental responsibility after a divorce or separation? Need strategies for handling parenting disagreements about major or minor decisions for your children? In Australia, who makes decisions for the children before there is a parenting plan or court order? What happens if you and your ex can't agree on a school, medical, or other major issue?

    In this episode, Laura and an Australian Family Law Specialist Lynette break down the complexities of these often-confusing topics.

    They discuss what parental responsibility entails, how recent changes in the family law impact it, and what it means for parents trying to make decisions for their children.

    Whether you're dealing with a high-conflict ex or just trying to navigate the legal jargon, this episode offers essential insights and practical advice to help you understand and manage parental responsibility effectively.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Want to understand the concept of parental responsibility and how it impacts your legal rights as a parent.

    ❓ Are confused about the difference between joint, sole, and equal shared parental responsibility.

    💡 Seek clarity on how recent family law act legal changes affect parental decision-making.

    🛡 Are dealing with a manipulative, controlling, or high-conflict or narcissistic type co-parent.

    📚 Need strategies for handling disagreements about major decisions for your children.

    📝 Want to learn how to navigate court orders and legal terminology related to parenting.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Definition and Importance of Parental Responsibility: What it is and why it matters in the eyes of the court.

    Changes in Legislation: How the new laws in the Family Law Act of Australia as of May 2024 impact parental responsibility.

    Joint vs. Sole Parental Responsibility: Understanding the differences and implications.

    Decision-Making: Which parent makes decisions about major long-term issues versus day-to-day matters.

    Court Orders and Parental Responsibility: How to handle existing orders and apply for new ones.

    Section 61DAB: Understanding the provision that outlines day-to-day decision-making without the need for consultation on minor issues.

    Real-Life Examples: Cases of disputes over education, medical decisions, and other critical areas.

    Co-Parenting Challenges: Tips for dealing with uncooperative or high-conflict ex-partners.

    Post-Separation Abuse: Recognizing and addressing coercive control in parenting situations.

    For Full Show Notes & downloadable checklist for witness box tips, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Episodes to Help with Communication Boundaries:

    Bombarded with Legal Letters

    Do I Really Need to Respond to That?

    How to Respond to a Word Salad Letter

    Episodes on Managing Emotions and Self-Affirmation:

    Things the Court Doesn't Care About

    Disclosure Episode

    Red Flags Lawyers

    How to Choose and Use Your Lawyer

    Parenting Apps for Communication:

    Our Children CoParenting Platform

    My Family Wizard

    Section 61DAB of the Family Law Act

  • Are you navigating a difficult divorce or separation? In this insightful episode, Laura and Lynette share five crucial steps to help you empower yourself through your divorce or de facto journey. They discuss how your actions, boundaries, self-affirmation, and standing up for yourself can significantly impact the outcome of your case. With practical legal education and empowering strategies, this episode is a must-listen for anyone facing a challenging breakup, especially if dealing with a high-conflict, narcissistic or manipulative ex-partner. Download the reflection worksheet that goes with this episode off our Patreon account.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Want to know how your actions can make or break your case.

    ❓ Need guidance on setting and maintaining boundaries with your ex.

    💡 Seek methods to reaffirm who you are amidst false accusations.

    🛡 Are looking for strategies to stand up for yourself effectively.

    📚 Need tips on avoiding common pitfalls during your divorce.

    📝 Want to ensure you're doing everything possible to navigate your divorce successfully.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    Your Actions Make or Break Your Case: How your behaviour and decisions impact the outcome.

    Setting Boundaries: Importance of establishing clear boundaries with your ex.

    Reaffirming Who You Are: Techniques to maintain your self-worth and confidence.

    Avoiding Self-Sabotage: Tips to prevent actions that could harm your case.

    Standing Up for Yourself: Empowering yourself to take control and advocate for your needs.

    For Full Show Notes & downloadable checklist go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Episodes to Help with Communication Boundaries:

    Bombarded with Legal Letters

    Do I Really Need to Respond to That?

    How to Respond to a Word Salad Letter

    Episodes on Managing Emotions and Self-Affirmation:

    Things the Court Doesn't Care About

    Disclosure Episode

    Red Flags Lawyers

    How to Choose and Use Your Lawyer

    Parenting Apps for Communication:

    Our Children CoParenting Platform

    My Family Wizard

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police: 000

    DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

    DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636

    National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources and support systems available to help you through this challenging time. If you found this podcast helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps others find the support they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    For Full Show Notes, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • Having to go into a witness box? About to go to a family court trial or a family violence hearing? Are you feeling anxious about stepping into the witness box? In this episode, we offer invaluable guidance on how to navigate this daunting experience. Whether you're involved in family law court proceedings or dealing with family violence or domestic violence trial, this episode provides ten essential tips to help you stay calm and composed. DOWNLOAD OUR PRINTABLE WITNESS BOX TIP SHEET FROM our website www.thedivorcecourse.com.au go to the free resources tab.

    From understanding the importance of honesty to managing your emotions to the rules of the witness box, Laura and Lynette share practical education to ensure you present your best self in court. Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

    Listen to This Episode If You:

    🌟 Are preparing to testify in family law court or domestic violence court.

    ❓ Want to know how to handle cross-examination.

    💡 Need strategies to stay calm and collected while giving evidence.

    🛡 Are looking for ways to effectively communicate your side of the story.

    📚 Seek tips on how to present yourself and interact with the judge and lawyers.

    📝 Want to understand courtroom etiquette and procedures.

    Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

    📘 The importance of telling the truth and being honest in court.

    👂 Listening carefully to questions and asking for clarification when needed.

    🛑 Avoiding speculation and being truthful if you don't know the answer.

    ⏱ Taking your time to think before answering questions.

    🎭 Maintaining respect and composure in the courtroom.

    💧 Strategies for managing emotions and asking for breaks if necessary.

    📑 Understanding who is in the courtroom and what their roles are.

    🤝 The role of your lawyer and how they can support you during testimony.

    ⚖ How barristers structure their questioning to build their case.

    📝 Tips on avoiding giving lengthy answers that could complicate your testimony.

    For Full Show Notes & downloadable checklist for witness box tips, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

    Documentation Episode

    Unfair Accusations Episode

    Trash Talking Episode

    What to expect on the day of your family court trial: divorce, parenting orders settlement or property settlement

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police: 000

    DVConnect Womensline: 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week)

    DV Connect Mensline: 1800 600 636

    National DV line: 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)

    Thank you for tuning in to this essential episode on navigating the witness box. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources and support systems available to help you through this challenging time. If you found this podcast helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps others find the support they need. Stay strong and take care.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    For Full Show Notes, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • Are you struggling to deal with and address post-separation abuse? TRIGGER WARNING: Listener Discretion Advised: Domestic & Family Violence, Post Separation Abuse, Coercive Control and Suicide is mentioned in this episode. In this helpful episode, we discuss the various forms of abuse that can persist even after leaving an abusive relationship and what you can do about it. Using insights from the "Purple Book," Laura and Lynette (a family law expert) explore the patterns of coercive control, the legal and emotional challenges survivors face, and practical strategies for protection and recovery. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding and find support on your journey to freedom. (Please always see a lawyer for independent legal advice this is just an educational discussion not legal advice)

    Listen to this Episode If You:

    🌟 Want to understand the different forms of post-separation abuse.

    ❓ Are looking for strategies to document and address ongoing abuse.

    📚 Need insights into the "Purple Book" and its application.

    💡 Seek education on navigating the legal system while dealing with post-separation abuse.

    🛡 Are supporting someone through their journey of post-separation abuse.

    📝 Want to learn about tools and resources available for documenting abuse.

    Key Ideas in this Episode:

    📘 Introduction to the "Purple Book" and its significance.

    🔄 Overview of the post-separation power and control wheel.

    🛡 Undermining parental abilities and its impact.

    🗣 Addressing harassment and intimidation tactics.

    📉 Strategies for dealing with false accusations and discrediting as a parent.

    💵 Withholding financial support as economic abuse.

    🚸 Impact of endangering and disregarding children.

    👩‍👧 Disrupting the mother-child relationship and emotional manipulation.

    👊 Recognizing and addressing physical and other violence.

    📝 Importance of documenting abuse and using tools like the ARC app.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

    The Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Gold Coast THE PURPLE BOOK

    ARC app for documenting abuse

    Jess Hill's "See What You Made Me Do" book & show

    Episodes Mentioned to Listen to in this Episode:

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcasteightyfive (The importance of record keeping during divorce & separation: the what, why, when and how to help yourself in mediation, family court or even just in negotiation.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode135 (Unfair accusations in custody battles)

    https://link.chtbl.com/DivorceEpisode412 (Navigating Parental Trash Talk in Divorce)

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    For Full Show Notes, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    TRIGGER WARNING: Listener Discretion Advised: Domestic & Family Violence, Post Separation Abuse, Coercive Control and Suicide is mentioned in this episode.

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • Ever wondered what the deal is when it comes to mortgages during a divorce or de facto separation under Australian law? In this episode, we tackle the daunting topic head-on. Together with my mother, Lynette Galvin, a family law expert with 35 years of experience, we address commonly asked questions about mortgage responsibilities, court handling of joint mortgages, and strategies for dealing with uncooperative ex-partners before you’ve gotten your property settlement. Whether you're dealing with domestic violence, financial uncertainties, or high-conflict situations, this episode provides some insight into this complex issue within the context of Australian law. (Please always see a lawyer for independent legal advice this is just an educational discussion not legal advice)

    Listen to this Episode If You:

    😫 You're feeling overwhelmed by the idea of managing a mortgage during a divorce or separation.

    ❓ You have questions about who is responsible for paying the mortgage after separation.

    ⚖️ You want to understand how courts handle mortgages in property settlements.

    🗣️ You're dealing with an uncooperative ex-partner regarding mortgage payments.

    🏦 You need strategies for communicating with banks about mortgage issues.

    🆘 You’re experiencing domestic violence and need advice on handling your mortgage.

    📊 You’re unsure about the contributions and what counts in property settlements.

    📈 You want to know the impact of rising property values on mortgage and divorce property settlements.

    📝 You need clarity on consent orders and their role in property settlements.

    🚧 You're in a high-conflict situation and need tips on maintaining boundaries.

    What happens with Mortgages During Divorce & De Facto Separation?

    Key Ideas in this Episode:

    🏡 The intimidating nature of handling mortgages during divorce or de facto separation.

    ❓ Common questions about mortgage responsibilities after separation.

    🕒 Importance of getting timely legal advice and understanding your financial situation.

    🛡️ Strategies for dealing with mortgage payments during domestic violence situations.

    ⚖️ Different scenarios for mortgage responsibility: breadwinner vs. homemaker.

    💼 Contributions in property settlements and what the court considers.

    🏦 Court’s approach to handling joint mortgages during property settlements.

    📈 Impact of rising property values on mortgage settlements and the importance of acting quickly.

    📝 Role and process of consent orders in mortgage settlements.

    🚧 Managing high-conflict situations and maintaining boundaries.

    💡 Practical tips for sorting out mortgage issues promptly to avoid financial messes.

    Episodes Mentioned to Listen to in this Episode:

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastseventyfour (Selling your house during divorce or property settlement: the process, the pitfalls and solutions)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastninetyfive (I really really want to keep the house: general legal tips on how to achieve this goal whilst going through property settlement, divorce and de facto separation.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastonehundredfour (Creative Ways to Keep your House in Divorce: out of the box thinking for your property settlement.)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastonehundredfive (Financial Fairness During Divorce: A How to Guide for Spousal Maintenance & Child Support)

    https://link.chtbl.com/divorcepodcastfourteen (Child Support in Australia)

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    For Full Show Notes, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • In this special bonus episode of The Divorce Course Podcast, host Laura Furiosi and her mother, Lynette Galvin, an experienced family lawyer with 35 years of expertise, discuss the latest updates to the Family Law Act and to their course. Listen in to learn how these updates can guide you through your separation or divorce process more effectively.

    Key Insights:

    Recent Amendments to the Australian Family Law Act:

    The Family Law Act and the rules for the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia have recently been updated as of May 6.

    These changes are significant and have been incorporated into the course materials to ensure participants are well-informed.

    Course Launch and Updates:

    Laura and Lynette introduce the newly launched course, emphasising its step-by-step guidance from pre-separation to finalising divorce.

    There is now a new optional court support course open to screened platinum members addressing the needs of those who may end up in court despite efforts to avoid it.

    Educational Empowerment:

    The course equips participants with the knowledge to effectively communicate with their lawyers and understand the legal process, especially with the new amendments.

    Real-life testimonials highlight the course’s impact on participants, including successful mediations and favourable court outcomes.

    For more information on course structure see www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/enrol

    Additional Support and Resources:

    Weekly Q&A sessions with Lynette for personalised support.

    A newly launched app for easy access to course materials and lessons.

    Positive feedback from course participants underscores the course's value in navigating the complexities of divorce.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    To sign up to do the course go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/enrol

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • Are you facing a challenging divorce or separation and looking for ways to save on legal fees by doing some of it yourself? Do you want to take control of your situation and handle some aspects independently? Listen to this episode to discover "Five Things You Can Do Yourself Without Lawyers to Keep Your Costs Down." Laura, a divorced mother of three, and her mother Lynette Galvin, a family law expert with 35 years of experience, share practical steps you can manage on your own. From writing letters to attending mediation, this episode is packed with tips to help you navigate some of your separation on your own with confidence. Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

    Listen to this episode if you:

    Are navigating a divorce or de facto separation.

    Want to reduce your legal costs.

    Feel overwhelmed by the legal process and want to take proactive steps.

    Need practical education on handling parts of your divorce independently.

    Are looking for ways to reduce stress and gain confidence during this challenging time.

    Are worried that the disclosure process or mediation process is going to drain away all the money you’ve got for legal fees.

    Smart Divorce Moves: Five Cost-Saving Tasks You Can Handle

    Key Points:

    Writing Letters: Tips on how to draft letters to your ex regarding your separation and property settlement.

    Figuring Out Your Property Pool: Get an overview of how to identify and value your assets and debts.

    Full Disclosure: Discover the importance of full disclosure and how to gather and organise necessary documents with or without your lawyer.

    Attending Mediation: Tips on attending mediation without a lawyer and what to expect might happen.

    Creating Parenting Plans: How to draft a parenting plan.

    Overcoming Barriers: Build confidence to tackle these tasks independently and save money.

    Seeking Legal Advice: Reminder to get professional legal advice tailored to your situation when necessary.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    For Full Show Notes, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Episodes Mentioned

    Can you really mediate with a narcissist?

    Creating your own parenting orders or parenting plans with the 12 agreements

    DIY Divorce Disclosure and Discovery, for property settlement & child support

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

  • 🤔 Are you facing a challenging divorce, separation, or co-parenting situation with a difficult ex-partner? Are you seeking effective strategies to handle criticism, control, and over-explaining in your communications?

    🎧 Listen to this episode to learn how the JADE Method can assist you in navigating these complexities, while being careful not to make mistakes that could come back to bite you in the Family Court or at Mediation with this ever-increasingly popular method.

    💼 Learn about practical approaches to maintain composure, protect yourself from post-separation abuse, and respond calmly amidst conflict from a family law specialist with over 35 years of experience who has seen it all.

    Listen to this episode if you:

    Are navigating a divorce, separation, or co-parenting, especially if it involves a difficult ex-partner. Want strategies for dealing with criticism, control, and over-explaining in communication with your ex. Are breaking out of a coercive control situation while going through the divorce or separation process. Are dealing with post-separation abuse after separation. Are co-parenting with a narcissistic ex. Are interested in understanding recent changes in family law regarding decision-making responsibilities for children.

    Key Ideas:

    An introduction to the JADE method (Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain) and its application in dealing with difficult ex-partners.

    Discussion on the importance of not falling back into patterns of over-explaining or justifying oneself, especially if the relationship was characterised by criticism and control.

    Explanation of recent changes in family law regarding decision-making responsibilities for children, emphasising the distinction between major long-term decisions and day-to-day matters.

    Strategies for responding calmly and rationally rather than reacting impulsively in communication with an ex.

    Importance of taking care of one's own well-being and seeking support during the divorce or separation process.

    Reminder to seek individualised legal and psychological support as needed.


    Jade Method Article by PsychCentral

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

    For Full Show Notes, go to www.thedivorcecourse.com.au/blog

    For more support, visit www.thedivorcecourse.com.au

    Episodes Mentioned

    (Do I really need to respond to that?! When co parenting communication becomes tricky during divorce proceedings.)

    Recent Reforms Episode

    Word Salad Checklist and Method

    (The importance of record keeping during divorce & separation: the what, why, when and how to help yourself in mediation, family court or even just in negotiation.)

    (Affidavits for Divorce Settlement in the Family Law Court)

    (Pitfalls of premature percentages negotiations in divorce)

    Useful Resources:

    Click here for our free before you leave checklist

    Click here for our free mediation checklist

    Sign up here for our next free online webinar

    Emergency Contacts:



    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Mensline Australia 1300 789 978

    Kids Help Line 1800 551 800

    Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123

    Relationships Australia

    Police on 000

    DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill

    DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636

    National DV line on 1800 737 732.1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

    Don't forget to hit SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on our upcoming practical steps and guidance for your divorce or de facto separation. If you found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review to help others. Thank you.

    Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.