Developing Your Worship Team, Part 3
Submission to authority is NOT a fun topic. But if you want a healthy worship ministry—you’ve got to deal with this issue head on. Because if you have team members who won’t submit to your authority or the church’s authority, your ministry will suffer.
In this training today, we are diving into the first 2 lessons from the Worship Workshop class, Healthy 201: Understanding Authority, Submission, Conflict And Confrontation.
Now, that's a big pile of "loaded topics" we stacked into one class. But all these hot button issues all related. And they can all destroy our teams if we aren't dealing with them appropriately.
In these first two lessons of Healthy Team 201, we get into what authority looks like on the team and what happens when we rebel against authority.
You can get these two audio lessons + slides to train your team down below at Tools And Resources.
To download the WorshipWorkshop.com training audios and slides for this episode, go here.
The Beginners Guide To Using Pads in Worship
Click here to watch the training for free (no sign-up required).
Want to learn more about Coresound pads? Go here.
Use promo code COACH to get an additional 10% off your purchase.
Big thanks to Mike Graff and Coresoundmusic.com for the music on the podcast today. Check them out for all your video soundtrack and other royalty-free music needs.
And also huge thanks to Chris Skelnick for editing the podcast.
If you want leave a review for us on iTunes, we’d LOVE that. Please do that here.
Do your team members REALLY know how to fulfill their role as lead worshiper on the platform? And do they know how to prepare for that? And do you techs know that they ALSO play a role as lead worshipers.
This episode is going to give you some practical training to help develop your team members as lead worshipers.SHOW NOTES:
Today’s training comes from the first three lessons of the WorshipWorkshop.com class, Lead Worshiper 101:
Lesson 0: The Introduction Lesson 1: Our Roles as Lead Worshipers Lesson 2: How To Prepare to Lead WorshipTools and Downloads
To download the WorshipWorkshop.com training audios and slides for this episode, go here: https://worshipworkshop.com/episode-27-free-content/
Additional Resources:
The Beginners Guide To Using Pads in Worship
Click here to watch the training for free (no sign-up required).
Want to learn more about Coresound pads? Go here.
Big Thanks...
Big thanks to Mike Graff and Coresoundmusic.com for the music on the podcast today. Check them out for all your video soundtrack and other royalty-free music needs.
And also huge thanks to Chris Skelnick for editing the podcast.
Write a review?
If you want leave a review for us on iTunes, we’d LOVE that. Please do that here.
Episodi mancanti?
SHOW NOTES: Today’s training comes from the first three lessons of the WorshipWorkshop.com class, How To Be An Ideal Team Member. We look at the three virtues of an ideal team member. (Comes from the book, The Ideal Team Player, by Pat Lencioni http://amzn.to/2ucZTpu To download the training audios and slides for this episode, go here: Signup page: https://worshipworkshop.com/episode-26-free-content/ Additional Resources: The Beginners Guide To Using Pads in Worship: worshipteamcoach.com/pads Coresound Pads (https://gumroad.com/a/361837683) If you want leave a review for us on iTunes, we’d LOVE that. Please do that here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-exceptional-worship-podcast/id955460994?mt=2
Show Notes: In this episode, we interview Gateway vocalists/worship leaders Jill Brewer and Anna Byrd. We get into topics like: - Pop vocal technique - lead vocal teams - vocal health - fears and insecurities vocalists face Gateway Vocal Chart Samples (put in one pdf) About Jill Brewer: Jill and her husband, Robb, both serve on staff at Gateway church. Robb is an Executive Pastor at the Southlake Campus, and Jill is the Associate Director in Worship Development over vocal development. They have 4 kids ranging from 21-14 years old, and all 4 kids are involved in worship teams across the different Gateway campuses. While studying Music Education at Texas Christian University, Jill started teaching voice and piano privately, and has now been doing so for 25 years. The last 8 years or so have been devoted to learning and teaching the Pop-Style vocal technique that she learned while studying with Brian Schexnayder. This technique is what all of Gateways vocalists are using, and what is also being taught in Gateway’s Worship Team Academy, a training ground for developing the next generation of worshippers. jill.a.brewer@gmail.com Anna Byrd is a singer/songwriter and Worship Leader at Gateway Church. You can learn more about her at http://annabyrdmusic.com/ Twitter: @annabyrd Instagram: @annabyrdmusic Gateway Vocal Chart Samples: http://www.worshipteamcoach.com/upload/documents/download_content/podcast_material/gateway_vocal_charts_samples.pdf Free Team Training Series: How To Be a Healthy Team Member You can get a FREE training class (7 lessons) for your team members, How To Be A Healthy Team Member, PLUS the companion team member assessment tool. You can get download all these lessons immediately and start to get your team ready to grow and develop. Plus, by signing up for that free training, you’ll be a part of the WorshipWorkshop Insiders—a group of people who get free stuff and give valuable input to us as we develop the resource. And have a chance to get in on the ground floor of worship workshop.com with huge savings for life. Go to https://worshipworkshop.com/ to sign up. Music is by Coresound Music https://coresoundmusic.com/
Show Notes: Today’s interview is with Mike Harland of LifeWay Worship. We discuss the crucial topic of discontent. It’s a slippery slope that will lead to the ruin of both your ministry and your family. Here’s more about Mike: Mike Harland grew up in Mississippi, graduated from Delta State University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and has led churches in worship leadership roles for most of his life. Since 2005, Mike has served as the Director of LifeWay Worship Resources, the worship and music arm of LifeWay Christian Resources. He is a published author, Dove Award winning songwriter, and a worship leader who sings and speaks nationally and internationally. His blog and podcast, “WorshipLife” is followed by worship leaders and church musicians from across a wide spectrum of churches. Mike and his wife Teresa serve in the children’s, discipleship, and worship ministries of Brentwood Baptist Church and live in Franklin, Tennessee. They have three grown children – Lee, Elizabeth, and John. Links: Mike Podcast: http://worshiplife.com/ LifeWay Worship http://www.lifewayworship.com/ Twitter - @mikeharlandLW https://twitter.com/mikeharlandLW Want to learn more about the Blueprint? worshipteamcoach.com/blueprint Our music on the podcast today was by Mike Graff CoreSoundsMusic.com Write a review for The Exceptional Worship Podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-exceptional-worship-podcast/id955460994?mt=2
Show Notes:
Today’s main training comes from our Director of Coaching, Jerimae Yoder. Besides being a full-time worship leader, Jerimae is an accomplished coach. He gives us some amazing insight on how to deal with tough situations that, frankly, would be easy for us blow up and make worse.
You can connect with Jerimae at jerimae {at} worshipteamcoach [.] com.
If you want to experience the kind of coaching that Jerimae talks about, the best (and most affordable) way to do that is through our Blueprint Session. Here’s more information: http://www.worshipteamcoach.com/blueprint
Free PDF guide for this training is available at worshipteamcoach.com/023
Here are the other links we talk about:
FREE WorshipWorkshop.com Training for Your Team
Get a FREE training class (7 lessons) for your team members, How To Be A Healthy Team, PLUS the companion team member assessment tool. You can start using this tool NOW to get your team ready to grow and develop.Plus, you’ll be a part of the WorshipWorkshop Insiders—a group of people who get free stuff and give valuable input to us as we develop the resource. And have a chance to get in on the ground floor of worship workshop.com with huge savings for life.
Go to https://worshipworkshop.com/ to sign up.Our music today is from Mike Graff at CoreSoundMusic.com. Go to CoreSound to get some free sample of pads to use in worship. I use these at my church and they are tasty. Check them out: CoreSoundMusic.com
Featured Interview: Leslie Jordan with All Sons & Daughters Featured Resource: Small Church/Big Worship Coaching Group Links Poets and Saints All Sons and Daughters Album http://amzn.to/2bJ6umK Poets and Saints by Jamie George http://amzn.to/2cklROC Listen to: “Paris”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0leckSrDEhQ "Great Are You Lord" on Omaha Beach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woHgfOOYzjQ How The Light Gets In by Pat Schneider http://amzn.to/2clrVco (amazon) Journey Church http://journeyfranklin.com/ Poets & Saints Curriculum: https://rivetmerch.com/collections/all-sons-and-daughters/products/poets-saints-curriculum-a-community-experience
In this interview with Andrew Marcus, we talk about his new album, Constant, the journey to get there, and a whole bunch of other stuff. http://www.andrewmarcusmusic.com/ http://www.becrecordings.com/artists/345/Andrew_Marcus/overview/ http://twitter.com/andrewmarcus_ https://www.facebook.com/andrewmarcusmusic
Show Notes
The Interview with Jerimae Yoder (Intro: 3:28 / Interview: 6:12)
The Free Tool: The Great Question Cheat Sheet (47:12)
Special Podcast Listener Discount for The Blueprint Session (47:27)
Plugged In Moment (48:46)
Free 1:1 Leadership Coaching Opportunity (55:14)
The Interview
Today's interview is with our very own Jerimae Yoder, Director of Coaching for WorshipTeamCoach.com. Jerimae is also the worship leader for the South Campus of The Chapel in Norwalk, OH.
We talk about Jerimae's training and experience as a leadership coach (and being coached) and how asking great questions is really at the heart of leading your worship team members.
The Free Tool
This episode's free tool is a The Great Questions Cheat Sheet. It's a list of great questions to help you get to the heart of the matter as you're leading and shepherding your team members.
Click the button below to get access to it:
Get Your Free Questions Cheat Sheet
Special Discount For The Blueprint Session
If you're thinking, YES, I want some coaching (or I want to learn HOW to coach), a great place to start is the Blueprint Session. To get a 25% discount on a Blueprint Session, use this promotional code in Step 2 of registration: bps25
Go here to learn more about The Blueprint Session.
Plugged In Moment
Eric Frisch and Dusty Wallace, co-hosts of The Plugged-In Church Podcast bring us a new segment in The Exceptional Worship Podcast: The Plugged-In Moment. In this episode, they're discuss a often-confused term that causes miscommunication between sound techs and the platform team.
By the way, Dusty has started writing for WorshipTeamCoach.com. Check out his articles here.
Free 1:1 Leadership Coaching Opportunity
If you're interested in getting a free coaching session (and are OK with it being recorded), then click here to fill out this short form. If your challenge or topic seems like it would be something other worship leaders would benefit from, we'll set up a coaching call with you.
I Want To Be Coached Live
In today's episode, we talk about what worship leaders can do better as they lead their vocalists.
Show Notes:
Top 5 Ways To Better Lead Your Vocal Team:
1. Provide training for your vocalists
2. Take responsibility for Growing Them
3. Be mindful of keys
4. Run Effective Rehearsals
5. Recognize Our Purpose as worship musicians
DVDs and Articles By Sheri:
DVD: Basic Vocal Technique
All DVDs
Training Vocalists Article
Improve Your Talking to Help Your Voice
Vocal Soreness
Bonus Download
To get all the leadership and vocal tips from this episode, click this button to get access to the "cheat sheet", Top 5 Ways Worship Leaders Can Lead Their Vocalists + Bonus Tips.
Click Here to Get Access
Connect with Sheri
Sheri's Facebook Page
Free Giveaway Right Now...
Get The Change Guide for free AND three free coaching videos.
Available for a limited time.
In this episode, we’re looking at 4 practical steps to nurture and cultivate expressive worship in your church.
Cultivating biblical expression in your church is really about two things:
1) Helping people to show on the outside what’s happening on the inside.
2) helping people understand that often, our actions must precede our attitude.
So there’s a both/and when it comes to expression during worship—it allows what’s on the inside to be expressed on the outside. And it lets the outward actions help change the inward attitude.
It’s dangerous to use feeling and emotion as a measuring tool of our worship service.
There are people in your church and mine who simply do not connect with God through this kind of expressive, musical worship. For them, they might be connect deeply with God when they are out on a hike, or studying scripture, or reciting liturgy, or in some other activity.I would recommend to you Gary Thomas’ book, Sacred Pathways to understand this concept better.
Most people’s expression won’t exceed the expression of those who are leading them.
So you need to understand and model biblical expression, but your team needs to as well. If they are on the platform, they have a responsibility to be visual leaders.
You and me, and our teams, we can’t be expressive and engaging if our heads are glued to a music stand or our eyes are always on our instrument. So we need to practice and know our music well, so we can lead expressively.WORSHIP WITH EXPRESSION ON AND OFF THE PLATFORM
Encourage your team to practice worship expression when they’re NOT on the platform—when they’re part of the congregation.2. TEACH BIBLICAL EXPRESSIONS TO YOUR CONGREGATION
If we don’t teach that expression in worship is biblical, how will our people know?
Psalm 96Ephesians 51 Corinthians 14:26Standing:
Psalm 24:3Isaiah 29:23 Clapping:Psalm 47Raising hands/arms:
What does perfect worship look like?
Isaiah 6Revelation 4, 5, 7, 11, 15, 19, etc.What kinds of things do we see here?
And as we teach those we need to talk frankly with our church and ask them: Does the culture of our church discourage these things? Should the culture of our church trump the culture of heaven?
Get backing and support from your senior pastor and/or elder/board. You may have to replace a song to make room for this teachingMake the ask.
Ask your people to try it. This is easy for standing, but might be tougher (in your context) for hand-raising and kneeling.3. WEAVING EXPRESSION INTO YOUR WORSHIP CULTURE
Teach it in smaller settings - Nights of worship, prayer gatherings, small groups, etc. When a song talks about an expression, do it.Give brief instructionGive an out to those who don’t feel comfortableContinue to frequently revisit expression with your team members.Look for moments in the service where a particular expression could be especially meaningful. Invite with why: "I’d welcome you to raise your hands as outward sign of inner surrendered heart."WHAT NOT TO DO:
Don’t push too hard or guilt people into this.Don’t expect changes overnight.Don’t equate the lack of expression with spiritual shallowness or non-receptivity. We don’t know what’s happening on the inside.4. PRAY FOR SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH.
The biggest barrier to expression isn’t culture or lack of knowledge. It's cold hearts, bitterness, wounded spirits, unconfessed sin, apathy, etc.
Don’t neglect this aspect of moving your church to more expressive worship. The Holy Spirit can do in one moment what would take us as leaders years to cultivate. And even then, we might not have cultivated anything genuine.But I don’t think our intentional work to cultivate expression in worship negates the Holy Spirit. If we are doing this with the right attitude and prayerful dependence on him, he will be in this and working behind the scenes doing what we can never do—and that’s to change people’s hearts and minds.
Because ultimately, we want worship expression to be the by-product of a heart that’s genuinely longing for God.
In today's podcast, I talk to you about the 10 tools (apps and such) that I love, and that make ministry easier/better.
I use Evernote for TONS of stuff....Sign up for Evernote for free
Sign up for Evernote for free
Evernote - you can scan copies in and store them...
You can have tons of notebooks to keep notes organized. Or just tag them...
Free is good...probably too good. You might like to have plus/premium features, too.
I’ve been using Planning Center Online since 2011. And I’ve never looked back. When I first started using PCO we just called it PCO and it was just for worship planning. Now it’s a collection of church apps that take care of everything from managing your rooms and resources to checking in your kids o collecting your offering. I think they’re working on a Potluck app next, too.
Learn more about Planning Center
I love that they base your costs on size and usage. To find out what your church would pay, here's a handy price calculator.
This screenshot of a service doesn't do it justice...it does SO much.
SongSelect is an add-on of CCLI (Christian Copyright License International). They offer lead sheets and chord sheets for (probably) 90% of the music your church is doing or will do.
If you already have CCLI for your licensing, you should go ahead and just get this service. It's the most economical way to provide good, reliable charts fort your team.
Learn more about SongSelect
PraiseCharts is SongSelect's hipper (and higher priced) cousin. But I like hanging out with him, too. When I want a specific arrangement of a song (like Paul Baloche’s version of God My Rock instead of Brenton Brown’s version), PraiseCharts is the way to go.
They offer a lot more options for each song, too:
Recently, I've been opting to spend a little more for better quality charts (and the click track) from PraiseCharts more often. But I always still start with SongSelect (since those charts are already paid for with my subscription). Then I go to PraiseCharts if I don’t like what I see there.
Learn more about PraiseCharts
This combination of tools are my go-to source(s) for finding new and vetting new music (Spotify), then purchasing the mp3 to use as a reference recording with my team. In the podcast, I talk about WHY it's important to have a reference recording.
Here are a few other things I cover:
Why you need a "Rehearsal License" if you're going to share mp3s/recordings.Reasons I'll choose iTunes over Amazon for buying mp3s (and vice-versa)A creative way we use Spotify to share our setlists with the congregation and encourage them to sing more.And how I messed with one of our youth interns with Spotify...Learn more about Spotify
And here's a link to Amazon and iTunes, in case you've been living in a cave in Wisconsin since 2003. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
If you're going to have upload mp3s to PCO's Services or any other planning software, you're probably going to need a tool like Adobe Media Encoder. It's a great program, but you can’t buy it as a standalone app. So unless you have need of the whole Adobe Creative Suite, you probably won’t get this program.
But you need something like it. And I talk about why in the podcast.
Here's an online alternative I tried out and liked: Media.io
And here's a list of open source downloadable apps that are altternatives to Media Encoder: Alternatives (NOTE:
(NOTE: I have not tested any of these, nor am I endorsing. Do some research before you download or use any online tool.)
Another tool I use to manage my mp3s for my team is Transposr.com. It’s a free resource provided by PCO that's simple to use AND just got a pretty makeover with some new functionality:
I talk in the episode about WHY it's so important to transpose your recordings for your musicians.
I use Dropbox for mundane office stuff (which is part of being a worship leader, unfortunately) AND for some fun stuff in my worship like for auditions. (OK, they're fun for me, maybe not for the people auditioning.)
Find out why I like Dropbox so much in the episode.
No. I don't still write my appointments down in a book. Why? Because a book doesn't ding at me when it's time to leave for the appointment.
I use myMoleskine as a different kind of productivity tool: a daily thought-organizer for my to-dos. Learn more in the episode.
ScanSnap is a document scanner that easily scans documents and puts them where ever you want them to go: Email, Dropbox, a specific folder on your hard drive, or, my favorite: Evernote.
I talk about how and why I use it in the episode.
A couple things to note:
I love this tool enough that I bought one for home and for my church office.I bought both of mine used, and they work great. (A tip for my fellow cheapos out there.)BONUS: JING
Jing is an app by TechSmith that lets you easily take screenshots, then mark those up - like put arrows and add text. And then you can save it to a file, or copy it and paste it into an email or Evernote, or you can upload it to tech smith’s server and share the link with people.
(By the way, this screen capture and all the other ones above are all done with Jing.)
I talk about how I use it more for WorshipTeamCoach.com stuff; but I also find it's helpful in my worship ministry job.
Show Notes and Bonus Cheat Sheet Can Be Accessed At WorshipTeamCoach.com/016Highlights: Marketing defined: “Sharing what you have with who needs it most." Getting people to listen and respond to announcements:Storytelling and inspiration; not information Rule of Three: You probably have more announcements than you need to share. Don’t go over three announcements. Download the free cheat sheet:3 Steps to More Engaging Announcements This Sunday"Go to worshipteamcoach.com/016 Want to Get To Know Pro Church Tools? Get the "37 Tools for Creating Church Video Announcements"http://prochurchtools.com/37-video-announcements-tools/ Brady’s site for his freelance work:http://bradyshearer.com/ Have Brady’s team do videos and graphics for you: http://provideoannouncements.com/
In today’s interview, I talk to Tim Foot of The Slingshot Group. Slingshot Group helps churches find the right people for their ministry positions. Tim leads the Worship Arts division. He’s also the worship pastor at LifeBridge Christian Church. We talk about both his experience as a coach and as a long-time worship leader. http://slingshotgroup.org/worship-arts/http://christianmusiciansummit.com/http://timfoot.com/https://twitter.com/@realtimfoot/
In this episode, we’re going to talk about the Six Must-Have Leaders That Your Team Needs. This isn’t to make you feel bad about yourself and try to find ways to work harder and be more to more people. This is really about figuring out how to do less and do it better.
What we’re looking, essentially, this is the building blocks for a Leadership Team that you can build.
To frame these Must-Have leadership roles, I’ve divided them into 3 categories -
Leading In
Leading Out
Leading Beyond
Leading In
1. Team Shepherd
This is the leader who cares for and nurtures your team members.
2. Admin Coordinator
This is really the person or people overseeing the big systems of your ministry.
Leading Out
3. Congregational Leader
He or she is the upfront person leading the songs, engaging the congregation and modeling worship—the lead “lead worshiper”.
4. Musical Director
The person who leads the band and sometimes the BGVs. They know the flow of the set, they know the segues, they know the dynamics of the song and they know how to direct the band to play those dynamics and make those segues.
Their main goal is to make it easy for the worship leader, or in this case, the congregational leader to lead worship.
See Episode 10 for more about Musical Director worshipteamcoach.com/010
5. Service Planner
This is the person who plans the service or setlists. A person gifted in this role has the ability to create a flow and feel to the service.
Leading Beyond
6. Visionary Leader
This is the leader who is taking the team into the future.
1. Think about yourself and how you function in each of those roles. To help you, download the free Worship Leadership Role Indicator. worshipteamcoach.com/leadrole
2. The second thing is to have two other people take the indicator as if they were you.
3. Begin to list others in your ministry who could start to fulfill some of these leadership roles. And consider inviting them to take the indicator.
Today we're continuing our conversation with Rob Still (RobStill.com). Rob is a worship leader, producer, songwriter teacher and author. In this episode we continue talking about what your worship team absolutely needs to know about biblical worship. During this conversation, we hone in on 7 big ideas of worship.
Words of Worship Article [Click to read article]
Resurrection Power, Rob's devotional book.
Today we're talking with Rob Still (RobStill.com). Rob is a worship leader, producer, songwriter teacher and author. In this (and the next episode) we dig into the HUGE topic of Biblical Worship, narrowing in on what your worship team absolutely needs to know about it.
Which Robert Webber book would you recommend people start with?
Ancient Future Worship - Robert Webber
Words of Worship Article
[Click to read article]
Ask your team members, "What are some scriptures that teach us what worship is and how to worship?"Rob and I want to hear what kind of response you get from your team members. how well do they grasp Biblical worship.
Today’s Interview is with Kent Morris who is widely recognized for his church sound training abilities. He has more than 30 years of experience working with A/V, has served as a sound mixer for several noted performers, including Paul Baloche and Israel Houghton, and is a product development consultant for several leading audio manufacturers. Here are the some of questions I ask Kent (and I even give a few of his nuggets - but you’ll want to listen for all the great stuff). How should we view the sound tech role in the worship team? "The sound tech is the only member of the congregation that’s also a member of the worship team…they are a liaison between the congregation and the stage." What are some ways worship leaders don’t lead their sound techs well. "Get tech team up on stage and talk face-to-face as rehearsal begins…" What are some crucial questions that the WLs fail to ask their sound techs? "Ask the question: 'What would it take it do this.’" What does your ideal sound check look like? As a worship leader, how would you persuade a sound tech to be at rehearsal? How can sound techs help the WL deal with the “more me” problem and volume wars on stage? What’s some advice on transitioning from wedges to in-ears? Many churches have a rotating group of techs that serve. How do we get a consistent sound from week to week? How can techs get more hands-on training and development? Where are some resources for learning how to mix well? What happens if your sound tech doesn’t have an ear for music? How many singers before mix gets too hard to manager How do you mic a choir without getting the feedback?Kent gave some details instructions, so here’s a quick synopsis of that: Choir mixing is difficult because it’s an area mic’ingHigh Pass Filter - turn off low frequency response On basic board, take Bass knob down 5 - 8 dbOn large format board with HPF, set to 150 Hz 250 - 500 Hz is the fundemental vocal range - prominent. Go to 315 Hz and pull down - takes overbearing muddy sound downThe high frequencies can be taken out too:Treble knob downAdd LPF Sites:ChurchSoundCheck.comhttp://www.churchsoundcheck.com/ SoundMadeSimple.comhttp://www.soundmadesimple.com/ PSW - Professional Sound WebLive Sound International Magazinehttp://www.prosoundweb.com/search/results/ffb0b4732e716718c0413e9f9b93a68f/ Worship Leader Magazinehttp://worshipleader.com/ Worship Musician Magazinehttp://www.christianmusician.com/magazines/
What’s one crucial leadership position that’s missing from most worship teams? In this episode, I’m interviewing Jack Daniels who is the musical director for David Phelps. We talk about what it means to be a musical director, and why it’s an important position in your worship team. As an extremely accomplished keyboardists and worship leader, we also dive in a little to the world of leading worship from the keyboard. There was SO much great content here that I compiled it all into a bonus pdf. It’s available for free on the show notes page - http://www.worshipteamcoach.com/010 Jack also talks about his involvement with The Exceptional Worship Team Coaching Course. If you’d like to know more about this course, go to the show notes page for a link to that. http://www.worshipteamcoach.com/010
Introduction: Review the 3 Gs:- Groove- Glue- Grace 3 Ways to Approaching Arranging with the 3 Gs:1. Create2. Duplicate3. Approximate LinksLink to Episode 008 to Download Graphics - http://www.worshipteamcoach.com/blog/2015/02/20/008-the-3-gs-of-arranging-how-to-easily-arrange-for-any-size-band-part-1 Places to Purchase Guide/Enhancement Tracks:Loop Community.com http://loopcommunity.com/Multitracks.com http://www.multitracks.com/PraiseCharts http://www.praisecharts.com/Musicademy’s Back Band - http://www.musicademy.com/multitrack-backing-tracks/Band in Hand - https://www.worshipbandinhand.com/
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