First15 is a daily devotional written to help you connect with God. Each day, the devotional features scripture, a devotional thought, guided prayer, and action steps. For more information, please visit To hear the music from the devotional, search for First15 Worship on Spotify or Apple Music. Tags: First15 Devotional, First 15, First15 Worship, Devotional
Podcast over de relevantie van het geloof in een steeds ongeloviger Nederland. Journalist David Boogerd en theoloog Stefan Paas voeren verdiepende gesprekken met spraakmakende gasten.
📱 Volg @DeOngelooflijke ook op Instagram ( -
Preken uit de Gereformeerde Gemeenten
Are you ready to take control of your home and your life? You are in the right place! Clutterbug shares home organizing tips, tricks and advice to help you kick clutter to the curb for good. This podcast is pure motivation and inspiration, with simple and real-life tips for improving your home and transforming your entire life. Cas provides her expertise as the host of HGTV’s Hot Mess House, through her YouTube channel Clutterbug, and in her best-selling books. Join Cas‘ top top-rated podcast to show you how to get rid of clutter, learn how to organize your home and simplify your life! Learn all about the Clutterbug™ Organizing styles @ #Productivity #Motivation #ADHD
Elke maandag / woensdag / vrijdag een podcast vanuit Hervormd Voorthuizen!
Suzie Eller, Holley Gerth and Jennifer Watson, authors and real-life friends, invite you each week to go deeper, become freer and feel more connected. Every episode includes a confession question as well as helpful truths, tips and resources. If you want more peace and less stress, more vulnerability and less trying to be perfect, more hope and less hustle this is the podcast for you.
Welkom bij de Godfluencer Podcast. In deze podcast praat ik heel graag met je over God, geloof, de werking van je brein, gezondheid, spiritualiteit en nog veel meer in het licht van de Bijbel en gezondheidswetenschappen. Ik ga rake thema’s en scherpe vragen niet uit de weg en daag daarbij mezelf en jou graag uit te leven uit geloof, in de vernieuwing van ons denken, aangevuurd door de Heilige Geest en vol van Gods Woord. Daarom is dit dé podcast voor jou als je de kracht van God wilt ervaren ondanks alles wat het leven ongenuanceerd op je pad smijt. Dus, lets go Godfluence your world!
Tired of trying hard without results? Take control of your life and break destructive patterns by replacing ineffective beliefs with empowering beliefs that are based on a heart connection with God. Join Drs. Bob and Audrey Meisner with guest Dr. Jim Richards as they help you develop a biblically-based sense of self-worth by experiencing God and implementing the strategy of effortless transformation.
Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
So, you know your Enneagram Type, now what? Hosts Beth and Jeff McCord help you answer that question by sharing the heartfelt and amusing stories of their journey and their guests. Dive deep into the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective and experience the freedom that comes from understanding yourself and others, with clarity and compassion.
On this Podcast we have some great opportunities to talk with YWAMERS about their journeys with God and how they came into YWAM.
Dit is de Bijbel is de podcast die je meeneemt in de fascinerende wereld van het meest gelezen boek ooit. Met elke week een eerlijk gesprek over de mooie, moeilijke en merkwaardige kanten van de Bijbel. Elke aflevering praat journalist David Boogerd met een expert over de Bijbel.
In Moestuin Advies de Podcast, gaan jeugdvrienden Ruud & Joris iedere week in gesprek met elkaar over hun (moes)tuinen. Van tomaten tot composteren, en van fruitbomen tot luizen. Luister gezellig mee naar deze Brabantse gezelligheid terwijl je bezig bent in de tuin!
In de wintermaanden laten Joris en Ruud de moestuin even voor wat het is, maar stilzitten? Dat kennen ze niet! Om toch een goed excuus te hebben om elkaar iedere week te zien én lekker door te kletsen, bedachten ze een winterpodcast. Geen moestuintips, maar gezellig geklets over alles wat hen bezighoudt. En alsof dat nog niet leuk genoeg is: Merel en Rene schuiven ook aan! -
Deze podcast is dé eerlijke, kwetsbare podcast over liefde, relaties en single zijn vanuit christelijk perspectief. In gesprek met experts en ervaringsdeskundigen beoog ik vele spannende en wellicht taboerijke thema's bespreekbaar te maken en jou te inspireren in de liefde en in het leven.
Spreek de podcast je aan?! Klik dan even op volgen, zodat je elke nieuwe podcast kunt luisteren en zoek ons op via Instagram @klareliefdestaal.
Ik ben benieuwd wat je van de podcast vindt! Laat het met weten,
Marije -
Are you tired of doing everything around the house and not having any time for yourself?
Do you wish your house would stay organized, where you didn’t have to clean up rooms full of toys and clutter, and fold laundry every night?
Are you looking for an easier way to keep track of activities, schedules and school calendars?
You desire simple systems that MAKE YOUR DAYS EASIER! If you’re dreaming of how to simplify and not feel overwhelmed with basic household tasks and mom duties all the time, you are in the right place!
In this podcast, you will break free from comparison of perfection that is all over social media and be empowered to create custom routines that will enhance your life so that you can enjoy more and stress less. Every episode is full of actionable steps that you can implement in your home. It’s time to STOP doing it all yourself and get the kids involved with daily cleanup and chores to bring some sanity back to you.
I’m Lauren from Intentional Edit and I’m happy to have you here! I know all about the struggles of trying to do it all and feel like there isn’t time left over for yourself or anything that you really want to be doing! Working hard and running out of energy midday is exhausting! It doesn’t have to be that way and busy moms really can turn it all around.
You deserve to stop the feelings of being overwhelmed, burned out and exhausted by implementing the systems and solutions I use for simplicity in my home and with clients. As a mom, former teacher, turned professional home organizer and lifestyle coach, I’m here to share simple solutions that work for busy families.
The Intentional Edit Podcast includes decluttering and purging strategies to eliminate the clutter in your home, easy meal planning, how to manage family schedules, getting kids on board with organizing and so much more! Join me for engaging episodes, Tip Tuesday segments, and guest interviews with organizing, simplification and home experts to make your home and life function and flow.
Every episode is designed to help you create systems that remove the overwhelming, unorganized parts of life and allow you to live a life of intention. If you are at the end of your rope, don’t know where to start, but want solutions that stick, you are in the right place!
It’s time to declutter, simplify, and organize your home and keep it that way! Learn how to implement systems and routines and take actionable tips and tricks that bring simplicity to your life and home.
I’m here to help you say goodbye to overwhelm, chaos and an unorganized lifestyle. Join me for the Intentional Edit Podcast and start living a life that you love!
Ask Your Question for a Future Tip Tuesday Episode – & Click the RECORD NOW Button!
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Simplified Home Masterclass - A self-paced program that takes you through every step of decluttering and organizing your home and setting up systems and routines that allow for long term organization and simplicity for everything!
Meal Planning - The only meal plan you need to simplify dinners and get dinner on the table most nights. Learn how to make a reusable meal plan and grocery list that is custom to your life. Save time and money with this meal planning system.
1:1 coaching with Lauren – A custom plan just for you! Topics include decluttering, organizing, time management, home routines & systems, daily/weekly schedules and more.
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Welkom bij de Bijbellezen met Jan-podcast. Mijn naam is Jan Heijnen. Ik ben auteur van het boek ‘De Bijbel in 1 Dag’ en oprichter van het platform Bijbellezen met Jan. Ik wil mensen zoals jou helpen met het lezen, begrijpen en geloven van de Bijbel.
In het eerste seizoen van de podcast bespreek ik in vogelvlucht alle Bijbelboeken. Deze afleveringen zijn gebaseerd op het boek 'De Bijbel in 1 Dag'. Het tweede seizoen staat in het teken van hoe je de Bijbel kunt lezen. Hierbij wissel ik solo-afleveringen af met gesprekken met gasten.
Wil je ook met mij de Bijbellezen? Probeer dan eens een cursus of challenge.
Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today this week and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.
Do you want more Takeaways with Kirk Cameron? Start watching now for free on TBN+ -
Wij zijn Mozaiek055, een kunstwerk van gebrokenheid waar je welkom bent zoals je bent.
Meaningful discussions meant to motivate, educate and inspire you.