California is a mess and a disaster. Leftist policies have ruined what was once the greatest state. Do we want the rest of America to be like California? I think not.
Episodi mancanti?
Well, well, well . . .
We should all be better prepared for life's inevitable crises - be they health issues, natural disasters, financial hardships or otherwise. I think we are headed towards an economic crash. Here's what you can do to prepare.
The US national debt is now over $22 trillion and accelerating. Not just a recession but a real collapse is coming. No signs of government reducing spending or repaying debt. Inflation or some kind of default increasingly likely or inevitable. Americans must get out of debt and be ready for the economic and financial earthquake.
The phenomenon of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her misguided political philosophy.
Briefly sizing up the strengths and weaknesses of the democrat candidates for the 2020 presidential election.
President Trump's State of the Union address and the democrat response.
Some commercials during the Super Bowl portrayed whites unfavorably.
Too many people constantly filming with cell phones.
English should be the OFFICIAL national language of the United States.
Men are awesome
Dogs shouldn't be on airplanes
Newscasters should not do cameos