You’re gonna love this podcast interview with Paula!
Paula Schuster is a leader, teacher, mom, wife, and business owner. She is also a certified sound healer, a Sacred Sisterhood Circle leader and space holder, Reiki Master teacher, certified life and business coach, and podcaster. Paula uses intuition, ancient practices, and wisdom teachings to inform all aspects of her practice. She is most passionate about providing a safe and healing space for others, and loving women back into life so they can take their power back. Paula’s greatest fulfillment comes from being in community, from deep heart connections with other women, and from healing alongside other women. She believes we are all here to walk each other back home to our true selves.
Connect with Paula:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paula_nicole_71/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulanschuster/
Website: https://www.reikiflowmn.com/
Take some time to brag and remind yourself of your power.
Sometimes you have to build the thing that you’ve been looking for.
Start by listening to yourself, exploring the things that come up and following the breadcrumbs of what lights you up.
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Link to business coaching with MaryBeth: https://calendly.com/thefierceframework/business-strategy-session
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
You lose part of yourself when you force yourself to fit into spaces you weren’t meant to be in.
Self-acceptance is a crucial part of the foundation to figuring out what works for you.
How can you make taking action so easy that it would be silly not to do it?
Books mentioned (affiliate links):
Atomic Habits - https://bookshop.org/a/84046/9780735211292
The Artist’s Way - https://bookshop.org/a/84046/9780143129257
The Gap and The Gain - https://bookshop.org/a/84046/9781401964368
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - https://bookshop.org/a/84046/9780062515674
Tiny Habits - https://bookshop.org/a/84046/9780358362777
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Episodi mancanti?
Meet Kristina:
Kristina Green is a generational workforce consultant and speaker who’s transforming how organizations work across generations. Founder of Cardigan Careers, a leadership consultancy focused on optimizing multigenerational teams for success, Kristina is leading the charge to create a more cohesive workforce where all generations can thrive.
She specializes in helping organizations harness the power of generational diversity to drive innovation, retention, and team success. Passionate about bridging generational gaps, Kristina empowers leaders to create cohesive, high-performing teams by embracing the strengths of all generations in the workplace. Through her speaking and consulting, she’s reshaping how organizations view and approach multigenerational collaboration for a more dynamic and future-ready workforce.
You don’t have to have everything figured out before you start. Take some action. Be willing to try something, and follow the breadcrumbs from there.
“You absolutely can do this. You just have to decide, and give yourself permission to do it, and to try.”
“It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey. It matters that you are believing in yourself and that you are taking the action towards that belief.”
Do not be the first one to tell yourself “no”. You will never know until you try. Just because you’re challenging the norm, that doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail.
Kristina on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristina-m-green/
Kristina’s website:https://cardigancareers.co/
Focus Freebie:https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Meet Kristina:
Kristina Green is a generational workforce consultant and speaker who’s transforming how organizations work across generations. Founder of Cardigan Careers, a leadership consultancy focused on optimizing multigenerational teams for success, Kristina is leading the charge to create a more cohesive workforce where all generations can thrive.
She specializes in helping organizations harness the power of generational diversity to drive innovation, retention, and team success. Passionate about bridging generational gaps, Kristina empowers leaders to create cohesive, high-performing teams by embracing the strengths of all generations in the workplace. Through her speaking and consulting, she’s reshaping how organizations view and approach multigenerational collaboration for a more dynamic and future-ready workforce.
Self discovery and shadow work are so important to holding onto the belief that you can succeed at what you’re working towards.
We’re afraid of success because we don’t know what it feels like yet - it’s basically our survival brain telling us that success is dangerous because it’s unfamiliar.
Manage your energy by setting your intentions for the day. Journal on 3 things you’re most grateful for, 3 wins from yesterday, and 3 target wins for today.
You can’t do everything all at once and you can’t do it alone.
Keep your wins visual and easy to access. Those times when you most need to be reminded of your wins, you usually don’t have the energy to go search for your wins.
Kristina on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristina-m-green/
Kristina’s website: https://cardigancareers.co/
Book Recommendations (affiliate links):
The Gap and the Gain: https://bookshop.org/a/84046/9781401964375
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: https://bookshop.org/a/84046/9780062515674
MaryBeth’s Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
If your year was the result of you repeating today 364 times, would you meet the goals you set for yourself this year? Every day is a building block in the lego castle of your life.
Sometimes we romanticize the end result, the goal, but we don’t want to actually take the journey, or do the work that reaching that goal would require.
Your “why” is powerful because it determines how you work towards your goals.
Accomplishing your goal is a byproduct of your habits and routines.
Everybody knows what they would do with a million dollars, but what would you do with a thousand? What if you got a million dollars, but it was in chunks of a thousand?
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Plan Your Year Workshop: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/workshop
I am probably the last person to push resolutions, so we’re gonna discuss resolutions from a pretty neutral position. I don’t think they’re necessarily necessary (I think you’re doing great!). Also, there’s nothing magical about the beginning of the year. You can set goals and redirect at any point during the year. Hopefully, that takes some pressure off. Now, let’s dive in!
Introspection and reflection are powerful tools to help determine how you feel about where you’re headed in life and if a course correction is in order.
Avoidance is a common cause of doing things we don’t necessarily want to be doing. Pinpointing what you’re avoiding can help uncover the root cause of a symptom.
Addressing the underlying reason you have a habit you’re wanting to change can be a powerful tool to help change it.
Being honest with yourself is crucial when it comes to determining what changes to make, what is sustainable for you, and what goals are attainable.
You’re human. That means you’re not perfect. Having a plan for when (not “if”) you mess up can be really helpful for getting back on track after a slip-up.
You might not know what resources or support you need to actually achieve your goals until you start actually going for it. That’s okay. Sometimes you just have to start in order to figure out what else you need along the way.
The only failure is when you give up on yourself. Making a mistake isn’t failure. It doesn’t make you a failure. Slipping up isn’t failure. As long as you haven’t given up, you’re still making progress. I hope you’re so proud of yourself. I am.
Plan Your Year Workshop: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/workshop
Take time to rest because we could all use a break this time of year, and sometimes it takes slowing down to gain perspective and reflect so you can realign for the next season.
Reflecting can help us gain insight and clarity for where we’re headed next.
Your yearly reflection can look however you want. Journaling works for a lot of people, but you can also have a conversation with your partner, bestie, or mom. Maybe reviewing your Spotify wrapped, photo album, or instagram stories is more your speed.
Ask yourself: What did I learn? What made me feel alive? What brought me joy and purpose?
Be intentional about what you want to take with you into 2025 and what you want to leave behind. It’s easy to get into a routine and just stay there without really considering if it’s still working for you.
Before setting any more goals, Celebrate your wins! (Too often we gloss over our wins and move onto the next without acknowledging all we've accomplished)
Plan Your Year Workshop: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/workshop
Boundaries are especially important during the holiday season, and they’re not just for bad things. It’s okay to have boundaries for “too much of a good thing”.
Rest is important during this time of year. I know it’s easy to let self-care slip when things get busy, but it’s even more important to take care of yourself when you have a ton going on!
I’m a huge advocate for doing less, but it’s also important to remember to make room for what you want to do. Identify a couple of things that bring you joy and prioritize them this season.
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
There are a couple of questions that have been so powerful in helping me make my business more sustainable: 1) How can it be fun? 2) How can I make it easy?Takeaways: - How can I make sure the things that don’t have to be hard aren’t harder than they need to be? - You only fail when you quit trying, so what can you do to make it easier to not give up? - When you don’t realize that you’re allowed to do something differently than how you thought it was supposed to be, then you don’t always realize you have the choice to do something differently, but you do. Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focusShoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Shauna is a Mindset Coach, Healthcare Worker, a Mother of three. She’s a lover of the ocean, animals, sunshine, outdoors, family, and friends. Shauna has been working with mindset and mental health and wellness for over twelve years. She’s worked with a Shaman for seven of those years, as well as her own studies. These have led her to becoming a certified life coach and opening her own business. Shauna coaches and encourages busy women to take time for themselves, build themselves up, and helps remind them of their goals and dreams. She provides encouragement to take the steps needed to get where they want to be. When she is not coaching or at the hospital, you can find her with her three children on an epic camping or beach adventure or playing games on game night. She loves making memories with her family and epic adventures with her friends.WEBSITE : www.igniteddecisions.comPODCAST: Boost Your Week with Ignited Decisions INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/ignited_decisionsFACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ShaunawithigniteddecisionsTakeaways:- You only fail when you stop trying. Just trying something is gathering information, and you can go from there. Start building yourself up because you are in your head the most. - It’s not always about finding the silver lining, sometimes you create the silver lining by how you handled a situation - You’re allowed to throw a tantrum. You’re allowed to feel shitty. But do you want to stay there? Feel the feelings and move on when you’re done. - That’s when you’re winning, is when you’re getting information - Shauna - Be okay with starting where you are. You’re not going to know what’s going to work for you until you try. So try it! Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focusShoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Shauna is a Mindset Coach, Healthcare Worker, and a Mother of three. A lover of the ocean, animals, sunshine, outdoors, family, and friends. Shauna has been working with mindset and mental health and wellness for over twelve years. She's worked with a Shaman for seven of those years, as well as her own studies. These have led her to becoming a certified life coach and opening her own business. Shauna coaches and encourages busy women to take time for themselves, build themselves up, and helps remind them of their goals and dreams. She provides encouragement to take the steps needed to get where they want to be. When she is not coaching or at the hospital. You will find her with her three children on an epic camping or beach adventure or playing games on game night. She loves making memories with her family and epic adventures with her friends.
WEBSITE : www.igniteddecisions.com
PODCAST: Boost Your Week with Ignited Decisions
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/ignited_decisions
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Shaunawithigniteddecisions
Just stick your toe in, you don’t have to commit to something, you can just gather information, do some research, stick your toe in.
“If it’s running off fear and anxiety, it’s not who you are”. - Shauna
“When in doubt, just journal it out” - Shauna
Trying something, and figuring out that you don’t want to do it is still a win. That gets you closer to what you do want to do.
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Soul Full Mamas podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@soulfullmamas
The changing seasons and falling leaves can be such a good reminder that we might need some changes of our own.
Your season, your journey, your
changes don’t need to look like anyone else’s.
You’re allowed to stop doing something even if it’s a good thing.
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Amickoleh Imani is a medicine maker of multiple mediums. Using her skills as a multi-faceted creative, intuitive channel, energy healer, and soul strategist, she is purpose-driven toward supporting creatives and entrepreneurs on the cusp of identity shifting pivots in their life or business.
She is also the founder of On The Cusp Wellness, a transformational healing space that supports spiritual entrepreneurs and creatives to live deliberately soulful lives, and lead deliberately soulful businesses.
As a creative, Amickoleh began her career in retail and fashion design / product development, pivoting into energetic wellness in 2020 after leaving the fashion industry in 2019. She is also a singer-songwriter, playlist curator(soon to be DJ), photographer, poet and intuitive writer.
As a guide, she provides a safe, non-judgmental space for guests to ground into their truth, their medicine, and their purpose. Using tools like chakra medicine, astrology, elemental medicine, and emotional wellness.
In between Santa Fe, NM and Los Angeles, she is currently developing her second business, and pushing the edges of her creativity, while moonlighting as a fractional operations lead with Storywork Studio, and video podcast host at Maha Rose.
Connect with Amickoleh
Amickoleh’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onthecuspwellness/
The Communion - Amickoleh’s newsletter: https://onthecuspwellness.ck.page/energetic-newsletter
On the Cusp of Something Beautiful - Amickoleh’s podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1A0VFkPikhEIQ47lZXVK0e?si=9c5deb03ea9d4f1a
Link to MaryBeth's Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Join me and my amazing friend Amickoleh as we dive into part one of learning to let go so we can move on to even better things! She’s a gem who’s all about wellness at a soul level. I can’t wait for you to meet her!
Amickoleh’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onthecuspwellness/
The Medicine in Reinventing Yourself Workshop: https://onthecuspwellness.ck.page/medicine-of-reinventing
The Communion - Amickoleh’s newsletter: https://onthecuspwellness.ck.page/energetic-newsletter
On the Cusp of Something Beautiful - Amickoleh’s podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1A0VFkPikhEIQ47lZXVK0e?si=9c5deb03ea9d4f1a
You are enough now and you’re growing and learning at the same time.
Why are we allowing these beliefs to become barriers? Why are we allowing these beliefs to become blocks? And what are they blocking us from?
Sometimes what you’re waiting on is you.
Why do we hold ourselves to an unrealistic expectation of perfection when everyone else is allowed to be human?
You can’t expect to go through life and not come across a pile of shit every now and then. - Amickoleh
Link to my Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Start small and take baby steps. You don’t have to go from 0 to 100 all at once.
Practice in a safe space as much as you can.
Find a support system. Most importantly, make sure you’re part of your support system. Build yourself up instead of tearing yourself down.
Take the time to identify the reason why it’s important for you to do the hard thing. Hang on to that reason and that purpose when things get tough!
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Confidence is like a muscle - you build it by exercising it. Feeling confident is more like the endorphins after the workout - It’s the result of practicing confidence.
We grow confidence by building up the courage to take the action, taking the action, that action is the proof that you can do hard things, which builds confidence.
You don’t have to wait to feel confident before doing the thing.
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Showing up as your authentic self to contribute your gifts to the world requires the confidence to show up.
Confidence is a muscle. It grows and builds as you develop and work on it.
If your goal of being confident is to not feel uncomfortable or insecure or anxious. That’s not confidence – that’s comfort.
Misconception: Confidence - you just have it or you don’t.
Reframe: We start confident and are taught to doubt ourselves. So, we can re-build confidence.
Misconception: confidence is never feeling insecure or uncomfortable
Reframe: Confidence is more than a feeling. Confidence is trusting yourself. It’s a belief that you can rely on yourself.
Misconception: Confidence is “IDGAF” energy.
Reframe: Confidence isn’t about other people. It’s about devoting your focus, time, and energy towards your values and priorities.
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission.
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Link to the candle I’m obsessed with: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1529125806/bel-air-mansion-black-popular-culture?ref=yr_purchases
Cozy Cardio Queen: https://www.tiktok.com/@hope_zuckerbrow
Romanticizing your life is about believing in yourself, believing you are worthy of being cared for, and giving yourself space to be creative and tap into your talents to have the impact you want to have.
Romanticizing can help motivate you to do things you need, but don’t feel like doing. It can help make taking care of yourself feel good.
We are not our best selves in survival mode.
You’re able to give differently, when you’re giving from an overflow instead of your last couple of drops.
You are worthy of luxuriating, of creating a life that you want to sink into.
Shoutout to Squadda B and the 126ers for the awesome music in my intro and intermission. <3
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
Link to the candle I’m obsessed with: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1529125806/bel-air-mansion-black-popular-culture?ref=yr_purchases
Cozy Cardio Queen: https://www.tiktok.com/@hope_zuckerbrow
Romanticizing your life is Self-care + Mindfulness.
Self care is all about taking care of your current self and setting your future self up for success.
You don’t have to earn rest. (emphasis on the period)
Scheduling a self-care “event” such as brunch with friends, a massage, a pedicure, etc. can be a helpful first step to create the routing of romanticizing your life.
Take time to notice what you need because you don’t always need the same thing. Because you’re human and your needs fluctuate. And that’s okay.
Romanticizing can help you want to do the things to take care of you.
Link to Focus Freebie: https://thefierceframework.myflodesk.com/focus
You are rare and valuable. You have something unique and valuable to offer the world that only you can give.
You’re never going to be as good at being someone else as you could be at being the best version of yourself.
Your worth is not tied to other people. What someone thinks or feels about you has no impact on your value.
When you start standing up and standing out, and then people start trying to tear you back down, remember It’s not about you. So much negative input is projection.
Dimming your light doesn’t make anyone else’s light brighter, it just makes the room dark.
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