
  • Christopher Beth, founder of The Bucket Ministry, spent most of his life as a business consultant and thought he would retire from that line of work. But a radical encounter with God deep in the Amazon turned his life upside down and from that experience, The Bucket Ministry was born. The Bucket Ministry widely disperses water filters and the gospel all around the world using an advanced digital mapping platform to guide their work.

    The mission of The Bucket Ministry is to share God’s love through the gift of safe, clean, drinking water. While The Bucket Ministry started out in the Brazilian Amazon, it is now actively evangelizing and providing water filters all over the globe. Christopher has an incredible story as well as lots of great advice on effective ministry and data tracking. You won’t want to miss what he had to share!

    Major topics include:

    The impactful story of how The Bucket Ministry beganStartling statistics about drinking water access throughout the worldWater filtration as a vehicle to practically share the gospelTransitioning from business to ministryNavigating the tension between profession and callingLeveraging technology for ministry management and accountabilityChristopher’s vision for scaling to reach more people faster in the next five yearsQUOTES TO REMEMBER“I had no idea that at the age of 56, I would think more about fishing for men than fishing for fish.”“The water in my toilet bowl is cleaner than 785 million people have access to around the world.”“Our focal points are Jesus, water, and discipleship. We don’t do anything else.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWThe Bucket MinistryJoshua Project (see our interview with Director, Dan Scribner)SawyerJesus Film Project (see our interview with Executive Director Josh Newell)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Acts 4:13 | God Uses Common Men

    Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Aimee Minnich is co-founder of the Impact Foundation, a donor-advised fund platform that enables givers to invest in world-changing companies with social, environmental, and spiritual impact. Aimee began her career in law followed by years of experience in the donor-advised fund space with the National Christian Foundation before eventually launching the Impact Foundation to enable streamlined impact investing with charitable dollars.

    Aimee has been a central pillar in the impact investing space as it has rapidly grown over the last decade. She has a solid foundation in the full scope of what is available today as well as where impact investing is headed in the next 10 years. You won’t want to miss this one.

    Major topics include:

    A primer on impact investingThe story of the Impact FoundationDifferences between impact investing strategy and traditional investingRisk vs impact in the context of investingMeasuring success in impact investingThe interplay between inputs, outputs, and outcomesThe future of impact investingQUOTES TO REMEMBER“The God of the universe is glorified when you and I are functioning at our best.”“God created us to be generous because He is generous.”“To be truly generous, you have to know God well.”“Business people can be used for more in the Kingdom of God than just giving money away.”“The currency of the kingdom of God is relationships.”“The right way to handle risk starts with ‘OK, God. What I have is yours. How would you lead us to steward this for your glory and the good of your people?’ And then go from there.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWImpact FoundationGet Started with Impact FoundationK LifeWhen Helping Hurts (see our interview with coauthor Brian Fikkert)God and Money (see our interviews with coauthors Greg Baumer and John Cortines)The Treasure Principle (see our interview with author Randy Alcorn)Heaven by Randy Alcorn (see our past interview here)Bill High, Legacy Advisor and founder of The Signatry (see our past interview here)National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Faith Driven InvestorFaith Driven EntrepreneurPraxis Mutual FundsEventideThe ChosenHope International (see our interview with founder, Jeff Rutt or CEO, Peter Greer)Best Christian WorkplacesLaunch Capital PartnersFaith at Work MovementIn the Name of Jesus by Henri NouwenThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    John 13:3-16 | Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet

    Isaiah 30:21 | Step-By-Step Obedience

    And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

    1 Corinthians 3:6 | Doing Your Part

    I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

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  • JD Bauman is the Director of Effective Altruism for Christians (EACH) and founder of Christians for Impact. Born to missionary parents, JD was rooted in a Christian upbringing that emphasized the importance of generosity to see real change throughout the world for the Kingdom of God.

    JD provides insightful perspectives on the principles of effective giving and the practical implications for believers who seek to harness their resources for maximum impact, emphasizing data-driven decision-making and how the ITN (Importance, Tractability, Neglectedness) framework can help individuals prioritize their charitable efforts, guiding them to tackle the most pressing issues in society effectively.

    Major topics include:

    Understanding effective altruismChristian perspectives on altruismCore frameworks for effective givingBalancing physical and spiritual needsPractical steps for giving effectivelyThe role of spontaneous givingConsidering the local church, global Church, and future Church in effective givingThinking about global problems with the ITN framework (importance, tractability, and neglectedness)Recommended charity evaluatorsInfluencing others through generosityHelping people pursue meaningful careers through Christian for ImpactQUOTES TO REMEMBER“I didn’t love economics, but I studied economics because I thought I could earn more money with an economics degree and give more money away.”“Effective Altruism is this idea: Use evidence and reason to find the best ways to do good, and then to take action on the basis.”“I want to love those God loves and I think God loves everyone, and when we’re more effective, we can help more people made in God’s image.”“Outcomes matter, good intentions aren’t enough.”“Jesus cares about the body and the soul. And we should too.”“I think we have really good reasons for thinking that a dollar goes a lot further globally. And if people gathering in Jesus’ name in West Bengal is just as important as them gathering in North Bethesda, then I think we should honor those faith communities equally. And I think we can, on average, promote a lot more growth in church communities globally than locally for the same dollar.”“All problems can be categorized by Importance, tractability, and neglectedness.”“If we want our charity to make a real impact in the real world, we need to be giving in ways that create a world that’s better than it otherwise would have been, that bring the kingdom of God into this world where otherwise it might have been broken.”“Let’s make it a new normal in the Church to give radically and effectively.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWEffective Altruism for ChristiansChristians for ImpactOperation MobilizationWycliffe Bible Translators (see our interview with CEO John Chesnut)Society of Christian PhilosophersBlessBig.org (see our interview with founder Jay Dykstra)When Helping Hurts (see our interview with coauthor Brian Fikkert)GiveWellHappier Lives InstitutesAnimal Charity EvaluatorsCharity NavigatorROI Ministry (see our interview with founder, Tim Barker)All Access International (see our interview with founder, Lane Kipp)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Matthew 6:28-30 | God Will Take Care of You

    And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

    Matthew 25:14-30 | Parable of the Talents

    Matthew 13:23 | Bearing Fruit

    As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.

    John 10:10 | Abundant Life

    The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Dana and Bill Wichterman have a long history of generosity. From the onset of their marriage, Dana and Bill have practiced financial stewardship, always living below their means. Even in a one bedroom apartment with no vehicle to drive, they budgeted a specific amount they could use for spontaneous generosity, and trained their children in Spirit-led giving.

    Their collective backgrounds in missions, politics, and poverty alleviation have given them a passion for impact investing, allowing God to use their money to see real change in the world. Recently the Wichtermans reached their net worth finish line, recognizing that they need nothing else for themselves. Yet the joy of giving drives them to continue in their careers simply to have more to fuel God’s Kingdom. Dana is a senior advisor to the Impact Foundation, and she and Bill had some amazing insights to share about giving, stewardship, investing, and the importance of Christian community in the generosity space.

    Major topics include:

    Their unique backgrounds and stories of coming to faithHow they learned financial stewardshipThinking through an accumulation finish line vs. an income finish lineA long term view of maximized generosityBudgeting in view of their callings together and individualWhat is impact investing and how they got involved How to look for impact an returns in your portfolioStrategically praying for your investments to change the world and bless peopleThe blessing of community among Christians stewarding financesThe importance of hearing other people’s storiesQUOTES TO REMEMBERBill: “The more you understand the nature of the Gospel and its implications for your life, the more you get the implications of generosity.”Dana: “Once we set a finish line, I entered into an abundance mindset.”Dana: “Now that we’ve reached our finish line, it makes our work that much more joyful. Now it’s like why would we ever want to retire? We want to keep generating this amount so that we can give.”Bill: “It’s so fun to help change the world with your money!”Dana: “You have your Holy Spirit radar up for needs that you couldn’t possibly anticipate, but you know you have to cash to give to that when it comes.”Dana: “We can’t meet every need around us, but there are certain needs that have our name on it. And when our name’s on it and then God provides, there’s such a joy with that.”Bill: “Most of the time, you possibility for world change is greater with for-profits, especially in poverty alleviation.”Dana: “I believe that God made us all in His image to be creators. We’re either builders or backers, founders or funders. So if we’re all doing what God calls us to, the success of it isn’t so much on us. It’s the faithfulness that’s important.”Dana: “It’s to God’s glory that He’s transforming us from selfish, self-absorbed individuals into more of the Family likeness which is more and more generous.”Bill: “What do we have to boast about? We’re only giving what we’ve already been given.”Dana: “Sacrificial giving can actually become very joyful over time because it has become part of your DNA as God is transforming you, and then it doesn’t feel sacrificial anymore. His burden becomes light, but only over time.”Dana: “One person’s generosity doesn’t have to look like another person’s.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWImpact FoundationCrown Financial MinistriesNoble Story Co.Sunshine Nut Co.Scatter by Andrew ScottOperation MobilizationThe Steward Investor MasterclassThe GatheringNational Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Generous Giving (see our interviews with cofounders Todd Harper and David Wills and CEO, April Chapman)Journey to Generosity (JoG) with Generous Giving (see our interviews with cofounder, Todd Harper and CEO, April Chapman)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Matthew 25:14-30 | Parable of the Talents

    2 Corinthians 9:7 | A Cheerful Giver

    Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Bill High was brought up in a low-income family in rural Missouri and came to know Jesus at a young age. His generosity journey began as a teenager, faithfully tithing on everything he earned. Bill started the first half of his career in law before leaving to launch what would later become The Signatry, a donor-advised fund platform that connects “donors with doers” tackling some of the world’s biggest problems.

    Through his work with The Signatry, Bill developed a passion for seeing individual families united by a clear and driving mission and vision that reflects God’s particular calling for them. In recent years, Bill has focused much of his efforts on consulting for and guiding families stewarding wealth through some of these considerations, and he had many practical considerations to share.

    Major topics include:

    His personal and faith backgroundBill’s professional path from practicing law to funding urban ministryHow God started planting seeds of generosity in his heart as a childWhat he learned about encouraging generosity in individuals and familiesLooking biblically and practically at dealing with wealth transfers and family legaciesThe importance of defining your vision, mission, and values as a familyGuidance for families looking for a cause that aligns with their valuesQUOTES TO REMEMBER“We wanted to write the last check to reach the last missionary group to take the gospel to the last unreached people group.”“Generosity was just a part of the conversation.”“Family is meant to be a multi-generational endeavor.”“Family generosity is the easiest way to live our vision, mission, and values.”“Sometimes I equate this finish line idea with ‘who’s the owner, you or God?”“The number one thing that changed people’s generosity, typically, is when they understood the generosity of God along with the idea that God was the owner and they were not.”“If you don’t teach generational values, you get generational drift. ”“The biggest wealth transfer issue is to not transfer wealth consumption, but to transfer wealth creation.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWThe Signatry (see our interview with CEO, Steve French)Bill High’s WebsiteLegacy StoneThe Generosity Bet by Bill HighNational Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Ronald Blue and Co., CPA (see our interview with founder, Ron Blue)The Ten Second Rule by Clare De GraafYoung Americans BankContact Bill High at [email protected] Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Proverbs 24:3-4 | Wisdom Builds a House

    By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

    Genesis 15:5 | Like the Stars in Heaven

    And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

    Matthew 6:3 | Humility in Giving

    But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,

    Psalm 78:5-7 | Generational Faith

    He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments;


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Mark Batterson is the lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC, and a New York Times best-selling author. Mark grew up in the Midwest in a home that fostered faith and faithfulness in giving. His generosity journey started at a young age with some significant acts of faith, and some of those decisions have rippled through the rest of his life in ministry. National Community Church is overflowing with stories of generosity and radical steps of faith that have enabled them to support a wide array of other ministries and churches.

    Mark highlights the importance of celebrating generosity and pushing the envelope to increase levels of giving, both personally and as a church community. He shares personal stories of the impact of small acts of generosity, encourages flipping blessings for others, and emphasizes living with holy anticipation. Mark discusses managing blessings wisely and finding joy and purpose through generosity. Major topics include:

    Mark’s personal and faith backgroundHow a failed church plant prepared him for 28 years of pastoring in DCThe role generosity has played in his personal life and in the churchFostering a church culture of generosityThe need for business-as-mission to fund Kingdom causesThe amazing story of Ebenezers CoffeeHouse, a business-as-mission coffee house on Capitol HillLearning to “Flip the Blessing”QUOTES TO REMEMBER“We make a few major decisions and we spend the rest of our life managing those decisions.”“In our hearts, we plan our course, but God orders our footsteps.”“If you do little things like they’re big things, God will do big things like they’re little things.”“I’m a big fan of long obedience in the same direction.”“If you stay humble and stay hungry, there is nothing God can’t do in and through you.”“If you aren’t faithful with the little things, you won’t be faithful with the big things.”“God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He owns the hills, so we have this mindset that It’s all from God and it’s all for God.”“Every business is owned by somebody who has a worldview or a faith matrix of some sort. So for us, we’re going to allow our faith to inform how we show hospitality, how we create a business model.”“As long as we’re caring for the poor and giving to missions, I’m never worried about our bottom line. If you’re doing what is near and dear to the heart of God, I think God’s got your back.”“We’re going to inch our way to greater and greater levels of generosity.”“It’s kind of fun living life in a place where you save and you give and you give and you save and you save and you give, but you do it in a way that’s generous. And I think the Lord has a way of honoring that.”“God doesn’t raise our income to raise our standard of living, but to raise our standard of giving.”“Your generosity is someone else’s miracle.”“Flip the blessing.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWMark Batterson’s WebsiteNational Community ChurchDouble Blessing by Mark BattersonEbenezers CoffeeHouseThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Psalm 50:10 | God Owns It All

    For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.

    Jeremiah 29 | Bless the City

    7 But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

    Matthew 10:16 | Pure and Wise

    Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

    2 Corinthians 9:16 | The Cheerful Giver

    The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.


    Jim Rasmussen was raised as a pastor’s kid in a Lutheran church in Georgia, and his faith solidified in college as he involved himself in ministries that affected transformational change in many lives. After graduating with an accounting degree, Jim was led to a job with Chick-fil-A, first in accounting and later advising franchise owners on how to run their businesses more efficiently.

    Today, Jim is a financial advisor and the co-founder of Pandowealth, an advising firm that provides personal finance guidance to franchise owners and other Chick-fil-A staff to empower them to more purposeful living and giving. Jim is a passionate teacher with powerful insights on financial stewardship, Kingdom-building generosity, and trusting God with big steps of faith.

    Major topics include:

    His personal and faith backgroundHis 20-year experience working for Chick-fil-AHow God led him from accounting to financial planningTrusting God with crazy steps of faithDealing with common barriers to generosityCopying others vs. doing what you’re called to do with your resourcesDeciding how much is enoughTools and framework to develop a written generosity planQUOTES TO REMEMBER“I’m not somebody who can sit behind a desk all day just doing debits and credits. I got the accounting degree so I could learn how numbers work and how I could move up and have more impact and influence in the world with the things that God’s given me.”“If you look around, all the people that have joy are generous.”“How do I remove the obstacles to my generosity? If I can remove those, then I can be generous and experience more joy.”“The company is about, ‘We grow wealth to empower purposeful living and giving.’ What’s better than that?”“What have you been given gifts for that God wants you to accomplish? If you can look at your life plan, then you can develop a financial plan that helps you to accomplish that.”“Don’t just look through the lens of the financial, I want you to look through the lens of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual as well. Sometimes, it’s ok to give up a little bit of the financial stewardship to improve your personhood of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual stability.”“Our goal is for 80% of our clients to have a written generosity plan.”“I’m now working to give, not working to live.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWRonald Blue and Co. (see our interview with founder, Ron Blue)Journey to Generosity (JoG) with Generous Giving (see our interviews with cofounder, Todd Harper and CEO, April Chapman)Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. KiyosakiThe Eternity Portfolio by Alan GotthardtCharityvest (see our interview with CEO Stephen Kump)Money, Possessions, and Eternity (see our interview with author Randy Alcorn)The Treasure Principle (see our interview with author Randy Alcorn)National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)SwitchboardThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Luke 12:16-21 | The Bigger Barns Parable

    20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”

    1 Peter 4:10 | Stewarding God’s Gifts

    As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • In this special 100th episode, the shoe is on the other foot as Kealan and Cody are interviewed by Todd Harper, co-founder of Generous Giving, and David Wills, President Emeritus of the National Christian Foundation (NCF). Together, Kealan and Cody share about their family and faith backgrounds, how they got started on their journeys of generosity, and some of the amazing things they’ve learned along the way.

    The interviews conducted over the last 99 episodes have been life-changing for the Hobelmann brothers in many ways by providing opportunities for “spiritual templating,” implementing what they’ve learned from others into their own generosity strategies, and by facilitating connection between like-minded Believers.

    Major topics include:

    What life looks like now for Cody and KealanThe inspiration for the Finish Line PledgeHow setting Financial Finish Lines has changed both of their lives The evolution of the Finish Line PodcastMaking the Finish Line Pledge relationalMost memorable podcast momentsThe many ways they have seen God work through the podcastQUOTES TO REMEMBER

    Cody: It kinda felt like I was walking up a staircase that I could not see the end of. It just continued up into the clouds. But when I set a financial finish line, suddenly I could see the top of the staircase, and I realized I was most of the way up it in terms of the course of my career.

    Kealan: I appreciate so much more now the true breadth and diversity of expressions of generosity.

    Cody: We realized that God’s up to something that we didn’t even notice. We had no idea. It really humbled me and helped me to understand that even though it’s a lot to ask of our guests and our wives to carve out this time once a week, once every other week, and do the editing and all that kind of stuff. It is such an honor to be able to do this and we hope to be able to do this for a very long time.

    Kealan: At this point, I don’t ever say for myself or for anybody else, “this is how generosity has to be expressed,” or “this way is how God intends it.” There is too much range of expression that God gives us for anybody to say “it has to be this way.”

    Cody: I’ve learned that giving is a lot of fun and it’s a relational thing. As a financial planner and as someone who was not giving or living generously, it seemed like a transactional thing. But I’m starting to understand that it’s far more complex than that and far mor joy-creating for everyone involved.

    Cody: I’m learning that generosity and giving are not the same thing. Giving is an expression of generosity, but when done in community as a relational thing, there’s nothing better and it’s become my favorite use of money.

    Kealan: I just want constant stories and relationships to help me grow as a Believer and not just in generosity. We’ve grown in prayer and community and so many other areas that are all interrelated to generosity.

    LINKS FROM THE SHOWCody Hobelmann, Shifting to Eternal Kingdom Building (see our past interview here)Kealan Hobelmann, Answering “How Much Money Do I Really Need?” (see our past interview here)Journey to Generosity (JoG) with Generous Giving (see our interviews with cofounder, Todd Harper and CEO, April Chapman)National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Crazy Love by Francis ChanCompound ImpactDoulos Partners (see our interview with CEO David Johnson)MacLellan Foundation (see our interview with Director of Generosity, John Cortines)ROI Ministry (see our interview with founder, Tim Barker)Jimmy Seibert, Pastor, On Sensing the Spirit through Spontaneous Generosity (see our past interview)Faith Comes by Hearing (see our interview with VP Morgan Jackson)Neverthirst (see our interview with CEO Matt Letourneau)Richard Baxter, DMD, On Leveraging His Entire Dental Practice to Bring the Gospel to Unreached People Groups (see our past interview here)Aaron and Miran Cho, Committing to Give More Than You Can Budget For (see our past interview here)Andy Dewitt on the Importance of Sharing Your Generosity Story (see our past interview here)Eternal Perspective Ministries (see our interview with founder, Randy Alcorn)The Finishing Fund (see our interview with founder Doug Cobb)IllumiNations Bible Translation Alliance (see our interview with Todd Peterson or John Chesnut)Kingdom Advisors (see our interview with founder, Ron Blue)Faith Driven Investor PodcastFaith Driven Entrepreneur PodcastGenerosity Now PodcastCelebration Conference with Generous GivingThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    1 Corinthians 12:6 | God Empowered Action

    And there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

    Proverbs 11:24 MSG | Generosity and Abundance

    The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.

    Proverbs 30: 8b | Our Daily Bread

    give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me,


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Jimmy Seibert is the founder and pastor of Antioch Community Church in Waco, Texas. Jimmy didn’t grow up in a Christian home, but his decision to follow Jesus in a radical way over a summer during his college years started him on a path of extreme generosity as an outflow of his relationship with God. Jimmy’s passion for generosity has poured over into the church that he leads, which now has a thriving culture of generosity. His principles of living simply, working diligently, giving generously, and living for eternity have paved the way for a lifestyle of spontaneous and strategic generosity.

    He has many miraculous stories of Spirit-led giving as well as practical advice for givers of all kinds. He shares how surrendering to Jesus and embracing obedience and generosity transformed his life, even in the face of financial challenges, and opened the door for living out the Great Commission.

    Major Topics Include:

    His story of coming to faith and radically following the teachings of JesusHow God miraculously provided for him to go to the nations because of his obedience with his last dollarLearning to hear and obey the promptings of the LordSpontaneous giving vs. strategic, long-term givingCreating and inviting people into a culture of generosityIncorporating generosity into a family culturePlus, many powerful stories of Spirit-led generosityQUOTES TO REMEMBER

    “When you deal with money and possessions, you deal with everything in your heart.”

    “You asked me to show you that I’m real, and I have come.”

    “The moving of God is just the normal outworking of a surrender to Jesus.”

    “My commitment was that if anybody asks for anything, give it.”

    “Until you feel, taste, and touch the power of the gospel in peoples’ lives, giving is too distant of an experience.”

    “When we live obedient lives of sacrifice, whether that’s with our finances or going ourselves, it produces this incredible authority to see people find hope and help that they so desperately long for.”

    “I don’t want to get identity out of what I do. I want to get identity from the Lord, and then I want to be fully obedient in whatever expression He’s given me and do that with all me heart.”

    “I may not be as gifted as someone else, but I will do anything He says anytime, anywhere.”

    “Learning to hear the voice of God is learning to trust the heart and person of God. It’s really about trust in the end.”

    “From years of meditating on who the Holy Spirit is in my life, and God the Father and the centrality of the beauty of Jesus, I’ve learned to take risks with confidence.”

    “The promptings of God are best learned through action.”

    “You are already right with God through the blood of Jesus alone. You can’t earn anything in your standing with God by anything you do. You’re good with God by the grace of God.”

    “We’re not looking to outdo our neighbor in our giving, we’re learning to build our relationship with God.”

    “When we open up everything of our resources to God, intimacy with Him is His end goal, not provision.”

    “It’s not a percentage, it’s a personal relationship with God.”

    “If you preach a surrendered message and then you live it out, it creates a catalyst for others. If you give, they’ll give.”

    “God will constantly challenge me when I have little to see if I’m still in the game.”

    “Follow the money. If you give to something, get involved in what you give to.”

    “You’ll only stay in a posture of generosity as long as it’s connected to people’s lives being transformed in a way that you can touch.”

    LINKS FROM THE SHOWCelebration of Discipline by Richard FosterGenerous Giving (see our interviews with cofounders Todd Harper and David Wills and CEO, April Chapman)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Luke 6:35 | Give Freely

    But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.

    Matthew 13:23 | Reaping a Harvest

    As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.”

    Ephesians 2:10 | Created for Good Works

    For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

    John 16:7, 12-13 | The Spirit of Truth

    Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Paul Bolte was brought up with a firm foundation in faith and generosity. A seventh-generation Christian born to a farming family in Australia, he learned the value of a good work ethic and the principles of giving as a small child. As an adult, Paul served in various leadership positions in Australia, New Zealand, and the US, and is a lifelong student of servant leadership.

    Today, Paul is the Executive Vice President of TrustBridge Global. TrustBridge connects donor advised funds in countries all around the world to allow people to make tax deductible gifts to ministries in other countries, even if they don’t have a 501c3 designation. TrustBridge acts as a powerful conduit for money to flow from Christians in countries with high concentrations of wealth to organizations working in other countries, impacting the Kingdom by getting financial resources to the “boots on the ground.”

    Major Topics Include:

    Paul’s family and faith background which laid the groundwork for what he does nowThe background of TrustBridge GlobalHow they choose partners in various countriesPaul’s view of how generosity is expressed uniquely in different culturesHow TrustBridge has helped facilitate interconnectedness between Believers across the globeQUOTES TO REMEMBER

    “I didn’t realize that, ‘how can I help,’ was the very first question in a concept called ‘servant leadership.’ And I became a student of leadership; for my entire life, I’ve been a student of leadership.”

    “We’re trying to mobilize the resources in the hands of Christians.”

    “Culturally, we are all very different. But we all have this one core value of our faith and what we’re called to do. We’re called to be generous with everything that we have and everything we are.”

    “There are many countries that have no tax benefits, yet they are still generous.”

    “When you send money directly to a charity overseas, the bang for your buck is significantly higher because they can stretch it further and it can get to more people.”

    “If you want the best return on your investment, you can do that by giving directly to a charity overseas.”

    “We look for a way to say ‘yes.’”

    “Generosity to me is not just about money, it’s about time.”

    “When you’re working in a Kingdom business and you know that God is behind what you’re doing and you watch it grow and give all glory to Him, it’s such a joy to watch it all happen.”

    “Whatever gifts or skills God has given you, take them and use them to serve others.”

    LINKS FROM THE SHOWTrustBridge Global FoundationNational Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)C12: Christian Business Leadership CoachingInternational Generosity FoundationGenerosity PathGenerous Giving (see our interviews with cofounders Todd Harper and David Wills and CEO, April Chapman)Journey to Generosity (JoG) with Generous GivingGlobal Trust Partners (see our interview with COO Trevor Lui)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Romans 5:8 | God’s Love Demonstrated

    But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    Ephesians 2:8-9 | The Gift of God

    For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Dr. Shane Enete is a professor at Biola University in Los Angeles and the author of the book “Whole Heart Finances.” In his early teens, Shane was driven to learn all that he could about investing, but leaning into the tension he felt between his faith and his passion for finances, he discovered a deep desire to be a bridge to help people learn about money in a way that draws them closer to Jesus instead of further from Him.

    Shane spent many years in the finance world in a variety of roles, and throughout that time, God fostered a deep heart for generosity and stewardship. Shane now gets to spark that passion in college students, providing both a framework and purpose behind how they manage money. You won’t want to miss the stories, helpful tools, and frameworks he had to share.

    Major topics include:

    Shane’s background and the inspiring story of encountering God in a hospital roomHow Shane began learning and teaching about finances at age 15Reconciling the tension between faith and financesHow he transitioned from his financial career and volunteering in the inner city into academiaThe story behind his book, Whole Heart Finances, and key points that will help give the average church goer a fresh, Christ-centered view of money as a pathway to worshiping GodAdvice for those in debt or in retirement who want to grow in generosityQUOTES TO REMEMBER“I sensed the tension between faith and finances and leaned into it, hoping that one day God could use me to be a bridge to help create the curriculum where people could learn about money in a way that draws them nearer to Jesus and not further away.” “I always love to find truth, and it’s a fascinating exercise to look at stock valuation, which is so subjective, and see if you can find any objective truths to align to.” “If you give with a little, you’ll give with a lot. If you save with a little, you’ll save with a lot.” “The more I gave, the more I realized the centrality of giving in all money and financial behavior and how it unleashes God’s glory in a way that no other financial behavior does.” “How can I think about saving, investing, and spending in ways that help facilitate giving?” “I build a financial planning model around the idea that God is being generous with His household, we experience that generosity and are transformed to have His generosity because we’re in Christ. Then we become a resource in God’s household that gets sent out in an economy of salvation towards the world.” “As a steward, our main goal is to shine a light on our financial behavior on a regular basis.” “The longer you go without giving, the harder it is to give.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWWhole Heart Finances by Dr. Shane EneteDr. Shane Enete on LinkedInFaithfFi AppYNAB App (You Need A Budget)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Luke 16:1-13 | The Parable of the Dishonest Manager

    2 Corinthians 8:7 | Encouragement to Give Generously

    But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you—see that you excel in this grace of giving also.

    Matthew 6:21 | Heart Treasure

    For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Pat and Janel Hord are the owners of Hord Family Farms in Ohio. Pat and Janel each had generosity modeled for them in their early years and they developed a passion for it, but God has led them through increasing levels of thoughtfulness and complexity with regards to what exactly that looks like for them. They have navigated the challenges of running a large, generational farming enterprise across multiple states with the mindset that God owns it all. They have a passion for loving their team members well, loving their community well, and bringing the gospel to the rest of the world. Pat and Janel also have great insight concerning fostering growth in generosity and in their business through good stewardship, and passing on a legacy of wisdom, wealth, and a Kingdom culture to the next generation. Major topics include:

    Their spiritual background and upbringingTheir perspective on ministry and vocationLearning to steward their time, talent, and treasure over the yearsBeing led into knowing what and where to giveHow they intentionally fostered generosity in their kidsFlowing together in giving as a married couple with individual and shared passionsHow knowing your “why” helps you to grow in generosity and businessSharing stories about God using your giving for His GloryTransferring a legacy of wealth and wisdom to the next generation Collaborating with people and organizations to serve the local communityFostering generosity within the teamMaking sure the team is taken care of first, then your community, and the nationsQUOTES TO REMEMBER

    Pat – “I feel like God gives us the desires of our heart, He just wants us to surrender to Him.”

    Pat – “Everything we have comes from the hand of God.”

    Pat – “God owns everything. So how do we steward our time, talent, and treasure?”

    Janel – “Just get started on that first step in generosity.”

    Janel – “What we’ve been given we are responsible to give back.”

    Pat – “We’re just trying to figure out how to follow Christ in the best way we know how.”

    Janel – “Our responsibility is to ask, ‘How is Christ honored through that organization?’”

    Janel – “It may be in our county, or it may be across the world. Nothing’s off the table.”

    Pat – “God has knit our hearts together in the area of generosity.”

    Janel – “How do we take what God has given us and make an impact in our community as well?”

    Pat – “We look at our business as a giving engine to do good.”

    Pat – “You have to know your ‘why.’”

    Janel – “Not all of us are called to go into Africa, but we are all called to give what we’ve been given.”

    Pat – “We don’t want to transfer wealth without wisdom to the next generation.”

    Janel – “As a giving engine, how do we support organizations that are trying to make a difference in the community?”

    LINKS FROM THE SHOWGiving is the Good Life by Randy Alcorn (see our interview with founder, Randy Alcorn)National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Gospel Patrons (see our interview with author John Rinehart)Neverthirst (see our interview with CEO Matt Letourneau)Lifesong for Orphans (see our interview with founder, Gary Ringger)Blue Trust (see our interview with founder, Ron Blue)LifeWise AcademyHalftime by Bob BufordMarketplace ChaplainsFinancial Peace UniversityRelay for LifeThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Psalm 37:4 | Delight in the Lord

    Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

    Matthew 6:3 | Humble Generosity

    But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,

    Matthew 6:21 | Heart Treasure

    For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    Matthew 5:16 | Your Light Glorifies God

    In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Ron Bare is a financial advisor and the founder of Bare Wealth Advisors in Lancaster, PA. Raised on a fifth-generation dairy farm with a faith-filled family, Ron learned early in life the value of hard work, the biblical principles of stewardship, and the eternal impact of generosity. Those elements became the foundation of who he is and what he does as a financial advisor, or in his words, a “pastor of finance.” In this episode, Ron shares personal stories and many helpful thoughts to show the power of intentional generosity as a conversation with God, and how giving of your finances, giftings, and time can change a life, a community, and even affect people across the globe.

    Major topics include:

    How Ron’s upbringing shaped who he is todayThe story of how Bare Wealth Advisors beganHow God prepared and called him to be a “pastor of finance”Implementing an intentional core value of generosity in his personal life and his businessHow Ron’s passion for good stewardship in finances led to his family’s financial and practical involvement in supporting young moms in their local communityAdvice for following the voice of God and your passions to know how to serve and where to giveThe value of tracking generosity and its impactStewardship as a conversation with GodThe power of collaboration in givingQUOTES TO REMEMBER

    “Plan intentionally, give generously.”

    “We are pastors of finance.”

    “The biblical principle of stewardship isn’t about how much we have. It’s about being faithful with what’s in our hands, even if it doesn’t feel like a lot.”

    “The more that our works and our treasures are flowing together, the more our hearts will flow.”

    “The most important thing anyone decides with their finances is how they interact with generosity.”

    “Giving isn’t something we have to do; it is something we are invited into with God.”

    “We always need to be growing in generosity.”

    “If we don’t answer the question ‘what is enough,’ it can limit the impact that we have.”

    LINKS FROM THE SHOWBare Wealth AdvisorsRon Blue, Founder of Kingdom Advisors (see our past interview here)Kingdom Advisors (see our interview with founder, Ron Blue)Crown Financial MinistriesJim Wise, Financial Advisor (see our past interview here)John Rinehart, Author of Gospel Patrons (see our past interview here)Randy Alcorn (see our past interview here)Generous Giving (see our interviews with cofounders Todd Harper and David Wills and CEO, April Chapman)National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Every Good Endeavor by Timothy KellerThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn Group BIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Matthew 6:21 | Treasure of the Heart

    For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    1 Timothy 6:17-19 | Rich in Good Works

    As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

    Luke 12:48b | Much Given, Much Required

    Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.

    2 Corinthians 9:6-8 | The Cheerful Giver

    The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

    John 3:16 | For God So Loved the World

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

    2 Corinthians 8:7 | The Grace to Give

    But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you—see that you excel in this act of grace also.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Ryan Skoog is the CEO of Venture, a non-profit that serves war refugees, trafficked people, oppressed children, and the unreached in the most difficult places in the world. Being raised as a “spiritual mutt” in a mission-minded and entrepreneurial household, Ryan began a company alongside Venture, funding the administration of the ministry with the profits, and freeing up the investments of givers to fund church planting and community development projects in unreached places across the globe.

    Cameron Doolittle is a veteran in the generosity space. He is senior advisor to the Maclellan Foundation, executive director of Practicing the Way, co-founder of Generosity Path, and a founding CEO of Jill’s House, a ministry for kids with intellectual disabilities. With a background as a political advisor, Cameron now consults with organizations his family loves, including The Bible Project, Desiring God with John Piper, and many more.

    Together with Peter Greer, Ryan and Cameron co-authored the newly released book, “Lead with Prayer” after years of studying how Christian leaders pray. They will share more about their personal stories, what God is doing in the nations through Venture, how “Lead with Prayer” came about, and many insightful keys to prayer and generosity as a great adventure with Christ.

    Major topics include:

    The difference between investing in the Kingdom and giving to the KingdomHow prayer is fueling the explosion of the global churchInvesting financially in prayer as an assetA look into the prayer lives of many church leaders around the worldMore leadership calls for more prayer timeFriendship-first prayerBuilding prayer “bells” or triggers throughout your dayHow generosity and prayer work togetherQUOTES TO REMEMBER

    “The global church is exploding and it is a sight to behold! We get to live in some incredible times.” Ryan Skoog

    “What if we just said, this is enough!” Cameron Doolittle

    “There’s something about the number 51. Once You’ve crossed that rubicon, you’re giving more than you’re keeping.” Ryan Skoog

    “There’s three reasons people give – to look good, to feel good, or to actually do good, even when it doesn’t look good or feel good.” Ryan Skoog quoting Jay Yacov, Economist

    “You give to feel good or look good, but you invest because you want to see a return on your investment. You want to do good, even if it doesn’t look good or feel good.” Ryan Skoog

    “What if we stood at the feet of the global church and asked them to teach us how to pray?” Ryan Skoog

    “If prayer is the thing that’s fueling what God’s doing around the world, then how come we’re not talking about it more?” Ryan Skoog

    “You can’t create a culture of prayer without being a person of prayer.” Cameron Doolittle

    “When Jesus’s ministry was the busiest, the scriptures say he withdrew more often, not less.” Ryan Skoog

    “Whenever you’re being generous, you’re going to say a lot of noes in order to say some big yeses.” Cameron Doolittle

    “Prayer develops gratitude. And gratitude is the foundation of generosity.” Ryan Skoog

    “Prayer is a key to having an adventure of generosity versus just an experience of giving.” Ryan Skoog

    “Learning to obey the Holy Spirit in your giving opens the opportunity to have an adventure with your Friend Jesus on giving.” Ryan Skoog

    LINKS FROM THE SHOWLead with PrayerHope International (see our interview with founder, Jeff Rutt or CEO, Peter Greer)VentureMacLellan Foundation (see our interview with Director of Generosity, John Cortines)Jill’s HousePraxisGenerosity PathPracticing the WayGenerous Church (see our interview with founder Patrick Johnson)International Justice Mission (IJM)Echo (prayer app, Echo+ for ministries)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Matthew 6:21 | Treasure of the Heart

    For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    2 Corinthians 10:4 | Spiritual Warfare

    For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

    Acts 3:1 | The Hour of Prayer

    Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.

    John 15:5 | Abide in the Vine

    I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

    Luke 5:15-16 | Increased Ministry, Increased Prayer

    But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

    Psalm 100:4 | Thanksgiving and Praise

    Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebookand LinkedIn.

  • Dr. Rich Rudowske and Dr. Tilahun Mendedo are the CEO and Associate Executive Director of Lutheran Bible Translators. Rich’s passion for the written Word of God took root when, as a small child, his parents gifted him an NIV Bible. Tilahun’s life was changed at the age of 15 when a German missionary gave him the greatest treasure of all – a Bible in his own Ethiopian language.

    They each have an extensive background in Bible translation and a great passion to see the Word of God printed in every person’s mother tongue through the work of Lutheran Bible Translators and other translation organizations worldwide. LBT has some particularly unique strategies blending entrepreneurship with translation in projects that fund themselves. They will share their personal stories, how God led them into Bible Translation, and about some incredible momentum happening today.

    Major topics include:

    Tilahun’s gripping backstory of being surrounded by death and struggling for a will to live, but finding life and hope through meeting Christ in the WordRich’s inspiring journey from the world of finance into the call of God, bringing his wife and five children with himThe history of LBT and how their unique approach to Bible Translation evolvedWhat is a “ministry entrepreneur” and how do these self-funded missions work to expand the Kingdom and engage local communities in Bible translation?The profound spiritual impact of hearing the Word of God in your mother tongueHow Bible translation and language development improves quality of life as a wholeThe story of how God miraculously provided for their pilot project, the Helge Center, to be built during the pandemic lockdowns An update on the incredible leaps happening now in the Bible translation world and the great need that still exists How you can get invested, financially and through prayer, in this eternal endeavorQUOTES TO REMEMBERTilahun – “Bible translation isn’t something that I talk about, it’s something that I am because I am the result of Bible translation.”Tilahun – “What I need is just something that makes a difference. If I could be anything that would make a difference to millions, then here I am.”Rich – “As many different folks there are with that mission drive, there are as many different stories and details of how they go about getting it done. But the common denominator is the drive to know that there’s a better future for their people or for the neighboring people around them and the drive to put pieces together to make to happen.”Tilahun – “When you see the Word of God in your mother tongue, it means God is speaking to you. God has come all the way down to your language and is talking to you!”Tilahun – “Bible translation is tough, hard, and full of struggles, but at the end of the day, it’s worth dying for. It’s a noble cause. There is nothing better than connecting the Incarnated Word to this generation and the generations to come.”Rich – “We’re at an unprecedented level of understanding where those needs may be, and an unprecedented level of both collaboration and innovation in reaching out to those language communities.”Rich – “The number one strategy is prayer – lifting the need for Bible translation in hard to reach people groups before the Lord, asking him to give us wisdom collectively on how to move forward and be wise.”Rich – “Even now, data shows us that it’s not possible to meet the goals that we have in the next nine years. But data also shows us that we’ve closed the gap by about 100 years in the last five years. The last bit of it is going to be more difficult, but what looks impossible to us is not impossible to God.”Tilahun – “It’s every Christian’s responsibility to make sure his fellow humankind, who was created in the image of God and for whom Christ Himself died, has Christ in written form.”Tilahun – “Every person who supports Bible translation through prayers, funding, or advocacy is impacting the whole person.”Tilahun – “Don’t forget, we are here only for a time. Don’t take for granted that this is the world for you. We are here for a purpose and that purpose is designed by God so that we can live out that purpose and deliver it for generations to come.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWLutheran Bible TranslatorsWycliffe Bible Translators (see our interview with CEO John Chesnut)SIL International (see our interview with Executive Director, Michel Kenmogne)IllumiNations Bible Translation Alliance (see our interview with Todd Peterson or John Chesnut)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Revelation 7:9 | Every Tribe, Nation, and Tongue

    After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,

    1 Timothy 2:3-4 | God Desires All to be Saved

    This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

  • Stephen Kump is the CEO and founder of Charityvest, a pioneering donor-advised fund platform merging technology and collaborative giving to make charitable giving accessible to all. Charityvest simplifies the donor-advised fund process and cuts down barriers to entry, inviting individuals from all walks of life to partake in the joy of giving with ease and impact.

    Stephen shares numerous creative strategies that push the boundaries of donor-advised funds, fostering community giving and encouraging creative generosity. He addresses tangible tactics for givers, including orchestrating a personal giving strategy and embracing collective generosity.

    Topics include:

    What inspired the launch of Charityvest?What experiences shaped Stephen’s perspective on generosity?How is technology like Charityvest changing the generosity landscape?How do partnerships like Trust Bridge Global enhance Charityvest’s capabilities?What creative ways are donor-advised funds (DAFs) being used to foster generosity?How does collaborative generosity compare to individual giving, and what are its advantages?In what ways is God present in the broader movement of generosity?QUOTES TO REMEMBER“Generosity begets generosity.”“When people were generous to me, it would short-circuit my framework.”“When people give away a significant portion of their net worth, it shapes them.”“We had already allocated our income to our donor-advised fund, so all of the talking about giving was about where we give.”“If we are not willing to have a free donor-advised fund, then we need to get more creative.”“Generosity is in the image of God that is stamped on each of us.”“Generosity is a gateway to a deeper reality.”“All giving is relational.”“Giving is better as a team sport.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWCharityvestMere Christianity by C.S. LewisTrustBridge GlobalPraxisJourney to Generosity (JoG) with Generous Giving (see our interviews with cofounder, Todd Harper and CEO, April Chapman)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    Philippians 3:8 | Our Achievements Are Nothing Compared to Christ

    Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ

    Acts 17:23 | The Unknown God

    For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: ‘To the unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

  • Gary Ringger is the founder and President of Lifesong for Orphans. His journey from struggling business owner in the food industry to the steadfast shepherd of Lifesong for Orphans is a testament to the heart of generosity in action. Following a profound personal “contract with God,” Gary’s life shifted from profit-driven enterprise to purpose-driven stewardship, shaping a legacy of impact.

    Amidst the crucible of business challenges, Gary’s faith-inspired pivot directed millions in business proceeds to fuel an innovative approach to orphan care. Today, Lifesong thrives on sustainable and impact business strategies, all rooted in Gary’s spiritual journey and entrepreneurial grit.

    Major topics include:

    What led to Gary’s “contract with God”?How did Gary transition from business to ministry?How has careful, intentional listening prayer shaped many major decisions in Gary’s life?How can givers align their time and energy with their financial giving?How does Lifesong for Orphans serve orphans and families around the world?What is a giving engine and how do they provide ongoing support for ministry?QUOTES TO REMEMBER“We’re gonna get rich, retire at 40, and live the American Dream.”“God used that brokenness to change my paradigm.”“My prayer life went from a discipline to my favorite time of day.”“If we hadn’t written it down, the entire journey wouldn’t have happened.”“Don’t just give it away, get involved with something.”“Once you’re a steward, God opens and closes doors in ways you could never imagine.”“If you want to experience God, look for where He’s working and join into that.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWLifesong for OrphansRadical Business, by Gary RinggerThe 6 Types of Working Genius by Patrick LancioneThe 13 Attributes of God (PDF) by Bill BrightExperiencing God by Henry BlackabyRonald Blue Trust, now Blue Trust (see our interview with founder, Ron Blue)National Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Halftime by Bob BufordThe Mystery of God’s Will by Chuck SwindollImpact FoundationThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupBIBLE REFERENCES FROM THE SHOW

    2 Timothy 1:7 | Spirit of Fear

    For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

    James 1:27 | Pure Religion

    Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

    Matthew 25:23 | Parable of the Talents

    ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.’


    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

  • Michel Kenmogne is the Executive Director of SIL International, a major bible translation agency currently involved in over 1,300 language communities across 98 countries, representing almost one billion people in need of access to God’s Word.

    Michel shares his powerful testimony of growing up in the context of traditional African religion before hearing the gospel in through a ministry in his high school years. From there, God planted the seeds that would eventually lead Michel into the challenging work of bible translation.

    Michel shares an inside look into the current bible translation landscape and the work that remains to reach the all-access goals of 2033: aiming to make God’s word accessible in the heart language of all people by 2033. He also shares about the IllumiNations impact alliance which has brought the major translation agencies together, rapidly accelerating translation progress around the world.

    Topics include:

    Michel’s powerful testimony growing up in CameroonSIL International’s inception storyThe current bible translation landscapeTranslating languages with no active believersTranslating for oral languages with no written alphabetThe role of AI in Bible translationThe illumiNations Impact AllianceThe work remaining to make scripture available to the entire worldQUOTES TO REMEMBER“I was impressed by the difference I could see in the lives of believers.”“People can flourish by getting to know God, and understanding their identity as a people created by God.”“Language is the platform through which people are valued.”“We are always advocating for the need of the people who use or speak minority languages to have access to God’s word.”“Bible translation is actually about allowing God’s light to shine into places where darkness has prevailed.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWSIL InternationalWycliffe Bible Translators (see our interview with CEO John Chesnut)IntervarsityAmerican Bible SocietyLutheran Bible TranslatorsEvery Tribe Every Nation (ETEN)IllumiNations Bible Translation Alliance (see our interview with Todd Peterson)The Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

  • Kate Gardner is a trailblazer in the realm of next-generation philanthropy. With a transformational journey that began with receiving a significant wealth transfer on her 21st birthday, Kate redefined her life’s trajectory to align with her faith and a profound dedication to generosity. She has since supported approximately 60 missions teams across 20 to 30 nations, nurturing lasting relationships with the teams she supports.

    As the co-host of the Ascendants Podcast and co-founder of Magnify, Kate illuminates the paths of fellow inheritors, helping them navigate the complexities of wealth stewardship with purpose and joy. Her deep-seated passion for holistic generosity extends beyond financial giving—she actively champions creative giving through real estate and hospitality and empowers the next generation to write their own generosity narratives.

    Topics include:

    How can next gens navigate the pressures of inheriting wealth and maintaining family legacies?In what ways can inheritors find individual purpose in the midst of pre-established paths of philanthropy?What are effective strategies for wealth givers to involve their children in the conversation about inheritance?What is the role of community in shaping the philanthropic journey of Christian inheritors?How should givers think about any wealth transfer to their children?How can next gens develop financial literacy and character before receiving wealth?What challenges do next gens face in relation to their mental and emotional health, and how can faith inform their coping strategies?QUOTES TO REMEMBER“I also like to think of prayer as a form of generosity. It’s not about you.”“Your calling is where your greatest joy meets the world’s deepest need.”“I seek to support people financially, relationally, and spiritually with prayer.”LINKS FROM THE SHOWMagnifyThe Ascendants PodcastGospel Patrons (see our interview with founder John Rinehart)Kate’s Profile in the book 31 Gospel Patrons by John RinehartCross ConferenceKore VentureGeorge Mueller AutobiographyThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

  • Ron Blue is a venerated pioneer in the field of Christ-centered financial planning and a luminary in the greater generosity movement. With a storied career spawning the establishment of the 56th largest CPA firm in the nation, and a financial advisory firm now with over $60 billion in assets, Ron has impacted countless lives through a unique blend of financial acumen and spiritual wisdom.

    After rooting his own advisory firm, Ronald Blue Trust, in a biblical framework for financial planning, Ron went on to found Kingdom Advisors, a network of over 3,000 kingdom-minded financial professionals. Today, Kingdom Advisors provides comprehensive training and certification to help financial practices of all kinds solidly integrate their faith and financial advice.

    Ron is also co-founder of the National Christian Foundation, which carries a similar mission to inspire and empower Christians to deeper generosity and effectiveness in their giving. Ron shared countless stories of generosity of all flavors as well as a unique picture of the development of the modern generosity movement over the last several decades.

    Topics include:

    How can faith and financial planning be integrated in a meaningful way?Why is a financial finish line such a powerful tool?How do you introduce a new person to the idea of a finish line?How should someone think about legacy and inheritance from a biblical standpoint?How can parents pass on a spirit of generosity to their children?QUOTES TO REMEMBERWe help people manage their finances so they have more to give away.They don’t know how fine they’re doing and they don’t know how much they can give.If you want to give away a million dollars, I can help you do that.You can make good financial decisions using good biblical wisdom.Tithing is just the beginning point of giving.We get great joy from giving nondeductible gifts. The deduction is irrelevant.The more generous we’ve been, the more generous we tend to become.You can’t take someone somewhere you haven’t been.Generosity is symptomatic of transformation.When you say that God owns it, that is a life-changing decision.If you don’t have a goal, you’ll never get there. Where is it that you would like to end up?If you’re dependent on your money for security, you don’t have security.It’s really out of assets that great giving occurs.If I love my children equally, I will treat them unequally (regarding inheritance).Do your giving while you’re living so you’re knowing where it’s going.People give to where they have relationships and where they can share vision.Kids learn to manage money by managing money.LINKS FROM THE SHOWRonald Blue and CompanyRonald Blue Trust (Blue Trust)Kingdom AdvisorsNational Christian Foundation (see our interview with President Emeritus, David Wills)Master Your Money by Ron BlueHalftime by Bob BufordSplitting Heirs, by Ron BlueCruThe Finish Line Community Facebook GroupThe Finish Line Community LinkedIn GroupWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    If you have a thought about something you heard, or a story to share, please reach out! You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us directly from our contact page. If you want to engage with the Finish Line Community, check out our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.