Start with a purpose and strong belief and you are guaranteed to succeed. If you start your journey for all the wrong reasons you have no belief and you WILL get distracted by the squirrels….
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“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
We are all dying. It’s just some of us are better (or worse!) at it than others.
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Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
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“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Episodi mancanti?
Millennials can’t tie their shoes. We say this at the gym all the time. While I am usually pretty much joking there is a very serious issue just under the surface and it’s about more than just millennials. In today’s episode of The Fit Life Podcast I share with you my fruations on how much easier life is today and why that isn’t always the best thing.
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
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“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Three powerful tips to help you achieve your New Year's Resolutions this year!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
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“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
On your journey to becoming more fit you are going to face adversity. On today’s episode of The Fit Life Podcast I share with you thoughts on how to avoid adversity and what to do WHEN it comes!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
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“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Episode 260: Life by design. You CAN design your own life. It starts with belief and a willingness to work. #thefitlifepodcast #lifebydesign
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
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“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
The reason for the season is YOU. In this episode of The Fit Life Podcast I share with you my thoughts on the holiday season fitness mentality and how you can avoid that trap!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
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“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
So many people struggle to make fitness and good health a true lifestyle. The reason is that we do a program or a class and we treat it like we are just visiting. It's not a vacation! Fitness is not a punishment! It's permanent and we all need to treat it like that. If you are wanting better health but struggle to find you way this video couple help to motivate and inspire you. SHARE if you find value!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
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Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Special guest Mark Oliver. Follow Mark on Facebook “Marky Oliver” and check out his the event that he is putting on called “Battle at the Beach 2”. If you are in the Tampa area and want to be coached by Mark visit the CrossFit Sabal Park website: http://crossfitsabalpark.com
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
Learn about the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kY
Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
A mindset conversation: Don’t internalize others peoples issues. Powerful message today on The Fit Life Podcast. Don’t forget to share if you find value!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
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Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Too many times we over complicate fitness. We think the hard is easy or we make the easy way to hard. We start for the wrong reasons and we quit because we forget why we started.
In this 10 minute video you will learn the 4 essential steps to getting more fit and thus becoming a better you.
The goals don't matter. Weight loss, weight gain, energy, function.... there are many goals and each will be accomplished if you break down your journey into...
1. Focus on number one. Focus on you. Everything in life is important but not as important as YOU!
2. Two areas of concern. The why and the how. You can't have one without the other!
3. Why. Look in the mirror and ask yourself 3 questions. How do I LOOK? How do I FEEL? How am I PERFORMING in life? Respond according with...
4. Four areas of focus. Take a look at where you are with each of these and put more effort into improving each one. How you MOVE. What you EAT. What your MINDSET is. The SUPPLEMENTS you take.
A better you is as easy as 1-2-3-4.
What do you think?
What area do you need the most work on?
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.comCheck out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
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Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Riding the bench. Have you ever noticed people (or maybe this is YOU!) that aren’t getting results at the gym? Or perhaps you see people that look the same year after year or even have a reversal of good results. It’s way to common and it’s a mindset flaw that can be corrected. Are you fighting for results or are you riding the bench?
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
Learn about the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kY
Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Special guest Jim Piller. Jim is a workout junkie. He loves to workout but he saw a problem. The problem was that people didn’t have adequate gym backs. I know that I definitely see and HAVE this problem! Jim is now in the process of solving this problem. He has created a company called JimGear and a bag for fitness buffs like he and I. It will be available in January!
JimGear website: http://www.jimgear.com
Email Jim: jimgearfhg@gmail.com
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
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Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Colin Kaepernick. This is a special episode of The Fit Life Podcast. Today I share my thoughts on Colin Kaepernick, the movement he started and the reason I agree with his RIGHT but the not the reason behind what he did. This is powerful stuff. Listen with an open mind!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
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Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Special guest Kai Ingram. This lady has an amazing story to share. 235 pounds gone! You read right. 235 pounds. That’s truly amazing. Make sure to share this truly inspirational episode!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
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Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Taking on a hater. Well folks, I have been trolled. Today’s fun episode I get to take on the troll and put her (him?) in her place! I do have fun with this person but this is serious stuff. Why troll my podcast?
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
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Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Special guest Ashley Murphy. This hard working mom has changed her life for the better and is helping others do the same. Her transformational moment came when her 4 year old said, “Mommy, I want to go on a diet..” On today’s episode of The Fit Life Podcast you get to hear her amazing and inspirational story!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
Learn about the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kY
Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
Special guest Crystal Kirkland. This mom of 3 changed her life and lost almost 80 pounds. This is her story…..
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
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Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
On today’s episode of The Fit Life Podcast I explore the topic of fitness. What is fitness anyway and why in the heck do we need to exercise?
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
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Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weig
Negativity is dense and will destroy your life. In today’s episode of The Fit Life Podcast I share with you a 5 step plan to decrease the amount a negativity in your life thus helping you live a better and be better. Want to give back more? Want to experience more? This will help!
Join me online: http://www.therickcopley.com
Check out our gym in Tavares, FL: http://nolimitsfitnesstavares.com
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefitlifepodcast/
Try Spark: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kU
Learn about the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-kY
Order the 24 Day Challenge: http://wp.me/P739fJ-hG
Get started with AdvoCare: http://wp.me/P739fJ-ja
“Freedom” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/freedom-0
“How to Eat” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/how-to-eat-bonus-episode
“How to Lose Weight” episode: http://thefitlife.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-how-to-lose-weight
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