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    “We are so addicted; we are so takenover by our comforts.” – Ken Drysdale

    In this final part of their discussion, Barry W. Bussey and guest Ken Drysdale, Commissioner of the National Citizens’ Inquiry, take a philosophical look at why so many Canadians bowed to the will of the government during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    The NCI website contains 305 testimonies from Canadian citizens as part of the Covid-19 response. Click on Hearings: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/commissioners-report/

    Ken Drysdale is founder of the website and movement Manitoba Strong Together. They advocate for democracy by creating community and educating people. No merchandise is sold nor donations accepted. https://www.manitobastrongertogether.ca/

    Join them at their conference inWinnipeg, June 21 – 23.

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “. . . they became a mindless, accepting horde and that’s what happened in Canada. . . . That was the level of hate andfear that the government on purpose cultivated in the Canadian people.” – Ken Drysdale

    In this video, part 2 of 3, Barry W. Bussey asks NCI Commissioner Ken Drysdale for lessons learned from the National Citizens’ Inquiry of 2023. Ken concedes that public apathy is to blame. From lack of interest and knowledge of voters to the Canadian political process, to what is and isn’t being taught in the education system, if we as citizens donot engage ourselves with current events, we can only expect more of the same poor outcomes. To add to the process, our government passes legislation and then theycreate regulatory boards that pass mandates and such that don’t get debated in parliament. Ken reminds us that we all can play a role in helping to maintain our democracy even if it’s just showing up at a “political” gathering with somehome baked goods.

    The NCI website contains 305 testimonies from Canadian citizens as part of the Covid-19 response. Click on Hearings: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/commissioners-report/

    Ken Drysdale is founder of the website and movement Manitoba Strong Together. They advocate for democracy by creating community and educating people. No merchandise is sold nor donations accepted. https://www.manitobastrongertogether.ca/

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “If your citizenry can’t rely on getting a fair and even judgement in a court regardless of their standing in society . . . then you’ve left them with the choice of being violent . . . .” – Ken Drysdale

    In this video (part 1 of 3), Barry W. Bussey talks with KenDrysdale who was Chair of Commissioners during the National Citizens’ Inquiry which took place in eight cities across Canada from March to May 2023. The NCI was a citizen-led inquiry into Canada’s COVID-19 response. They took testimonies from 305 witnesses. Topics in the video touch on informed consent, coercion, the failure of our institutions and government misinformation. Ken challenges all viewers to go to the NCI website and pick three testimonies and watch them and he guarantees that they will change your life.Download the full report or listen to citizen testimonies:https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect theviews or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “. . . unscrupulous individuals could use it as a means of basically earning an income.” – Barry W. BusseyOn Faytene TV, Barry W. Bussey and Josh Dehass discuss the potential negative harms of Bill C-63.
    Barry Bussey is a practising lawyer in Peterborough, Ontario; he is an author and he is founder of First Freedoms Foundation.
    Josh Dehaas is Counsel with the Canadian Constitution Foundation, a non-partisan legal charity dedicated to defending rights and freedoms, and co-host of the podcast Not Reserving Judgment.
    Act now! Use the form to tell your MP to STOP Bill C-63:

  • Beat the censors; sign up for our newsletter: https://firstfreedoms.ca/call_to_action_pages/stay_informed/“Speech must not be so curtailed that a person is not permitted to voice an opposing opinion for fear that he or she will offend someone who has a different opinion.” – Barry W. Bussey

    Barry delivers his recent op-ed published in The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/online-harms-act-would-kill-dialogue-and-free-speech-not-encourage-it-5610384

    The proposed Online Harms Act (Bill C-63) raises alarming concerns for free expression in Canada. From quasi-judicial tribunals to increased penalties, it poses a risk to constitutionally protected speech. Join us in opposing thisbill and preserving our fundamental freedoms.

    Act now! Use the form to tell your MP to STOP Bill C-63:

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    “The law is always going to be involved in issues with apolitical dimension, but that is different from the court itself being political.” – Barry W. Bussey

    In this video, Barry presents his thoughts on the politicization of the Supreme Court of Canada. There is much discussionabout the recent Kruk decision wherein Justice Martin, at paragraph 109, brought into the legal vernacular “person with a vagina.” Barry points out that this development is part of an ongoing process at the SCC that is very worrying.

    Barry reminds us that it was Chief Justice Richard Wagner’s condemnation of the Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 that epitomizes the extent to which the politicization of the SCC has gone. This development is a far cry from the highwater mark during the tenure of Chief Justice Bora Laskin who maintained that judges are to abstain from politics in keeping with their impartiality and their independence.

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    “The Online Harms Bill—if passed into law—will make thegovernment’s COVID-19 overreach look like child’s play.” – Barry W. Bussey

    A child with a hammer sees everything as a nail. Nothing is off limits to that child. A child with power can do a lot of damage. You know. You have seen the school yard bully yourself as a child. They have no remorse for the pain they inflict. They just laugh.

    Jordan Peterson’s recent National Post op-ed pointsout that 5% of the population consists of those with the “Dark Tetrad personality traits — the manipulators, narcissists, psychopaths and sadists” who are now given the hammer of the internet — where they “can give fullexpression to their worst impulses online, invading every space of commentary with their purposefully hurtful, bitter and vengeful provocation, aiming precisely at spreading the grief and misery their vengeful souls wish toperpetrate on the world.”

    There can be no doubt that protecting the public from such individuals doing their worst online is laudable. These people need to be bridled so that they are unable to run havoc in our society. Evil has been given full sway online and it does not stay online. It often manifestsitself in our streets. We have reason to be concerned about online hatred.

    However, is Bill C-63 the Online Harms Bill theappropriate tool to address the problem? Or, is it itself a hammer given to government that will now see everything as a nail?

    This is the first video of many Barry is making on the dangers of Bill C-63. This is a bill that simply must not become law. It must be stopped in its current form. You can help!

    Sign our petition today - https://firstfreedoms.ca/stopbillc63/

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    “We have to make sure that we’re open for market-dominatedeconomics and not just pay for whatever the latest trend is.” – Derek Sloan

    The Ontario Party was established in 2018 and Derek Sloan became its leader in 2021. At its core, the party stands for freedom, familyand faith. In this video, Derek tells fellow lawyer Barry W. Bussey that he wants to bring sanity back into politics. Our main systems of healthcare and education need reform. Because of their compounding effects, immigration needs to be reined in and housing needs to be expanded. Ontario’s economy is stalled;Derek’s not interested in mud slinging the other parties, but he believes the PCs, Liberals and NDP have become too focused on new ideas that have not stood the test of time. We need to regain substantive manufacturing to restore Ontario to its former wealth.

    Right now, the Ontario Party needs to collect ~ 1,000signatures from Ontario residents who are also Canadian citizens to be able to register the party to fight again in the next election.

    Fill out the form at this link:

    https://mcusercontent.com/cf445e062971a932e6da941b6/files/a707344c-a813-7eb3-25a2-ce2eae98cceb/ONP_registration_signatures_form.pdf.Then email the form to [email protected].

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    “The POEC was a farce for the simple reason that it was never even discussed about why the convoy went to Ottawa.” – Tom Marazzo

    Canadian activist and author Tom Marazzo joins Barry W. Bussey once again, with an eye to the future now that Justice Mosley declared the government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act unconstitutional. At least 280 Canadians, including Tom, had their bank accounts frozen because the banks were given immense power under the federal government to do so. That such Communist tactics like taking your freedom to move around, taking your purchasing power and taking your power to earn money away from you simply because you don’t agree with the prime minister’s political views even happened in Canada shouldsend shivers up your spine. And, no person should ever forget the tyranny our fellow humans suffered under despots like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao Zedong. We can never forget that power corrupts. WE have to stop it from happening. There is only one human history.

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “When the government delegates authority to the bureaucracy,the bureaucrats are in essence—through their regulations—creating law, and they’ve been granted that.” – Barry W. Bussey, lawyer, author, founder of First Freedoms Foundation

    In this video, Barry is interviewed by Canadian expat trucker, writer and podcaster, Gordon Magill. Both men attended the freedomconvoy in Ottawa two years ago; both describe it as a spiritual event. For Barry, the convoy was a reaction of Canadians to refuse to have their bodily autonomy taken away from them by the State. Standing on an overpass in Ottawa, Gordon realized that Canadians were healing from a deep-seated betrayal. People weresimply overjoyed that they were coming together to do something about the tyranny that had descended upon them. Barry goes on to explain how Canada came to its eroded state of democracy: legislators have delegated their authority to the bureaucrats. Courts, at the same time, have been deferring to the decisions of the bureaucrats because, they say, the bureaucrats are the experts. Basically, the courts have failed in their responsibility to ensure that the rights of the citizens have not been unjustly infringed.

    Gord Magill is a writer and commentator on the trucking industry as well as politics in Canada surrounding The Freedom Convoy. He hasspent 27 years trucking across four different countries.

    You can find his writing and podcast, The Voice of GO(r)D,at https://autonomoustruckers.substack.com/

    Donations to assist with legal proceedings for The Coutts 4Men can be made at https://www.givesendgo.com/trudeauspoliticalprisoners“

    On www.firstfreedoms.ca are over 100 videos of Barry interviewingdoctors, lawyers, educators, pastors, a pilot, authors . . . all on the themes of freedom.

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “If we go woke, that’s the end of the American republic. That’s the end of genuine Canadian and English democracy. . . . The revolutions of the Left never succeeded; they never end and their promises never happen.” – Os Guinness

    In this interview, author Os Guinness shares with Barry W. Bussey his belief that the move towards cultural Marxism—begun in the 1960s—has been achieved and is the reason we now have woke business, woke military, woke government, woke justice and woke education—all at odds with freedom of religion. Os traces the modern ideologies so prevalent in Western society today back to the French Revolution which laid the foundation for the Russian and Chinese revolutions. Throughout the interview, we are provided with ideas of how to counteract the cultural revolution of woke ideology as Os draws on precepts from history, religion and philosophy.

    See more Os’s work on his website:

    Os Guinness

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “As long as you’re abiding by the law, challenging thegovernment is a healthy thing and we should never be afraid of it.” – Eva Chipiuk

    On January 23, 2024, The Honourable Richard Mosley declaredthe Emergencies Act invoked on February 14, 2022 to be unlawful. In part 2/2, lawyers Barry W. Bussey and Eva Chipiuk discuss how this transgression happened and how it may be avoided in the future. Canadians seem to have a culture of showing deference to its elected officials. During the truckers’ convoy especially, many Canadians were waiting for lawyers to speak up over this violationof February 2022, but . . . the judiciary, lawyers, citizens, elected officials and media all have a role to play in a robust democracy. Canadians need to rid themselves of this idea that other, more outspoken people will step up to the plate to protect our rights.Our causes, our institutions and democracy itself need to be defended by reasonable and ordinary Canadians.

    Need a primer on Canadian civics? Check out some courses on Eva’s website:

    Empowered Canadians – Citizens v. Government

    Follow Eva on X, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok.

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “Canadians were so united in their cause that no matter whatthe challenge was, they came together and figured out how they were going to help.” – Eva Chipiuk

    In part 1 of this interview, lawyers Eva Chipiuk and Barry W.Bussey harken back to the truckers’ convoy in Ottawa now at its two-year anniversary. Like Barry and so many Canadians, Eva was galvanized by the positive energy generated in support of the truckers. While Canadians stepped up and provided essentials like food and gasoline to keep the protest going, Eva says we now need to elevate our conversation about democracy in Canada; we need to move on from the clever quips on social media and really learn about our democratic rights and freedoms and actively engage in them.

    Check out some courses on civics on this website Eve founded:

    Empowered Canadians – Citizens v. Government

    Follow Eva on X, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok.

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in thisvideo are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    “We’ve reached a point where our institutions have lost allcredibility. . . . It’s us now. . . . We have to look to our peers for insight and some idea of the direction in which we’re heading.” – Jason James

    In part 3 of 3, Barry Bussey and Jason James delve into theinfluence of unelected bodies—mainly the World Economic Forum (WEF)—on Canadian politics. Canadians may be surprised to hear, for example, that the Canadian Pension Plan (CPPIB) is a partner of the WEF: our retirement money is being governed by WEF principles and helping to fuel WEF agendas.

    Follow Jason James on X and read his articles on Substack.


    https://bravenewnormal.substack.com/Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in this video are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

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    Tom Marazzo is a former Canadian military veteran and college professor turned activist and author. His book is called “The People’s Emergency Act: Freedom Convoy 2022.” In this interview with Barry Bussey, part 2, Tom and Barry discuss theimportance of books being written by people involved in the truckers’ protest so people who were against the convoy can read and judge for themselves how accurately the mainstream media portrayed the event. As Tom says, in this digital age, we now all have the opportunity to write the history books. In theinterview, Tom names four Canadian government officials—drawing an analogy to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse referenced in the Bible—who have become “thearchitects of ruin in this country.” Tom’s message is a good warning for all of us to be vigilant of our politicians—to hold them accountable for their actions and to make sure they are acting in the public’s best interest.

    Check out Tom’s links here:

    Website: https://tommarazzo.ca/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=tom%20marazzo

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    Tom Marazzo is a former Canadian military veteran and college professor turned activist and author. He has written a book called “The People’s Emergency Act.” In this interview with Barry Bussey, Tom reveals some of the content of the book including dispelling some myths and rumours about what actually happened inmeetings with representatives of the OPP, Ottawa Police Service and City of Ottawa. Tom was originally called by a friend to come to the convoy to help with practical matters like ensuring the truckers had enough gasoline and food, but as matters evolved, so did his role. This behind-the-scenes look at the events of 2022 adds another dimension to the unprecedented story of the Canadian truckers’ convoy.

    Check out Tom’s links here:

    Website: https://tommarazzo.ca/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=tom%20marazzo

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    Drones flying above, vandalism to property, people shoutingangrily, police presence. While this may sound like a scene in an action film, this is what was happening in Aylmer, Ontario in 2020. The pandemic was on and government over-reach was in overdrive. In part 2 of his interview with Barry Bussey, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt of the Aylmer Church of God recounts the uncalled-for behaviour of police officers, judges and locals in his community who believed they were acting responsibly. Collectively, the pastor, his parishioners and other people associating with the Church were ironically fined over $339,000 “for causing harm to the community.” Three years later, the pastor is still dealing with these spurious infractions.

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in thisvideo are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the First Freedoms Foundation.

    Learn how you can help the pastor fight the fines:
    Website: https://henryhildebrandt.com
    Website: https://www.givesendgo.com/Aylmerchurchofgod

    Website: https://churchofgod.com/

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    In March of 2020, Canadian government officials were announcingto Canadians that two weeks would be needed to flatten the COVID curve. Thissounded reasonable, and upon these announcements, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt ofthe Church of God complied with these orders. He shut down his church inAylmer, Ontario. However, after two weeks had passed, he began to noticeanomalies in his community and in Canada’s largest cities: places likeMcDonald’s and Walmart were open while all small businesses were forced to shutdown. All “non-essential services”, including churches, were ordered to close. Thingswere not making sense to Pastor Hildebrandt. How could eating in a fast-foodrestaurant be essential but following one’s faith not? In part 1 of hisinterview with Barry Bussey, Pastor Hildebrandt describes how his and churchesacross the country were unfairly treated; he describes his creative solution ofreaching his congregants and how the governments’ strategies to divide and manipulatethe public had the surprising opposite effect on him and his congregation.

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in thisvideo are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles ofthe First Freedoms Foundation.

    Next week in Part 2, Pastor Hildebrandt tells Barry abouthis experiences with government during the pandemic and the court cases he’sinvolved in.

    Checkout Pastor Hildebrandt's information links below:
    Website: https://churchofgod.com/congregations/aylmer-ontario/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pastorhildebrandt/
    YouTube: https://churchofgod.com/channels/

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    Last week, in part 1 of her interview with Barry, Francesspoke about actions and ideas that led to her being fired by her long-termemployer, Mount Royal University. This week, in part 2 of the interview,Frances delves into some of the work by her and other researchers* that becamescrutinized by woke activists; for example, the fact that there is no evidencethat 215 residential school children are buried in the apple orchard inKamloops. She agrees, for humanitarian reasons, that such a claim needs to beinvestigated (to date, no excavation has taken place) because reason, evidenceand logic should prevail. Without evidence, how can anyone determine ifsomething is fundamentally true or not, yet the woke stance is simply to letwhatever oppressed group—in this case Indigenous—pronounce their own subjectivetruths however unscientific they may be. Frances is now working with variousorganizations to help people realize that academic universities could be ontheir way out and be replaced as activist entities if action is not taken now.

    *Nina Green, June 2023: Probablythe most important thing we now know about Kamloops is that 2,000 linear feetof trenches about 3 feet deep lined with clay tiles and running east-westwere dug in 1924 as a septic field to dispose of the school’s sewage. Ground penetratingradar (GPR) cannot distinguish between a trench lined with clay tiles and aputative child’s grave. The GPR profile is very similar.

    Source: TheKamloops ‘Discovery’: A Fact-Check Two Years Later – The Dorchester Review

    Please note the views expressed by the individual(s) in thisvideo are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or principles ofthe First Freedoms Foundation.

    Check out Frances’ information links below:

    Website: The WokeAcademy – Exposing Totalitarian Identity Politics

    Website: SAFS – Defending Freedomin Teaching, Research and Scholarship

    Website: Minding The Campus — Reforming OurUniversities

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    In 2021, Frances Widdowson, PhD, was a professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. Her specialtywas governmental indigenous policy. At around the same time Widdowson washaving “personnel issues” at Mount Royal, a pro fessor at the University of Lethbridge invited her to deliver a talk on wokeism and how it threatens academic freedom. When word got out at Lethbridge, a small group—members of the students’ association, some indigenous studies faculty, and a women and gender studies professor—began to agitate; the group grew larger and a petition was put forth and the lecture was cancelled. Soon, Widdowson was fired from Mount Royal and she sued the University of Lethbridge in defence of her right to freedom of expression which includes the right for people to hear. She is notseeking financial restitution; her goal is for the lecture to proceed. In theinterview with Barry, Widdowson explains how previously, it was acceptable for her theories on indigenous policy to be posited; she reveals these theories, and she reminds us how identity politics has become totalitarian in nature.