Thank you for your patience! We are back and this time with a videocast live on YouTube. In this episode we recap the main themes we covered previously and get a better understanding of where we are going in the next season. Hint* we'll be looking at some badass women from history and how they stepped into their own Goddess Power!
Watch the videocast on YouTube! The Goddess Rediscovered Channel
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Intro by Surrey Side Records
All Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: goddess, women, inner, knowing, feminine, divine, season 2, new beginning
As humans, we strive to connect to others and are seeking to be accepted for who we are - to be seen for who are. Women especially want to be open and free to all that there is in life - they want to experience the life of unfettered hindrance. While still being and feeling safe within a container. I like to think of relationships following a natural ebb and flow of co-dependence, independence and interdependence. Ultimately this is what Clarke explains that “When we think of our ideal relationships we often think of a wonderful, close, lifelong relationship with our most important person. How do we build that kind of relationship? That cozy, safe, long-term bond with someone who we know has our back for the long haul? A relationship that gives us the freedom to be ourselves, that supports our growth and allows us to have flexibility with each other?”.
Are you looking to unlock your hidden Goddess Power? Join our 4-week online course: The Goddess Rediscovered Program
Follow us on Instagram! @GoddessRediscovered
Intro by Surrey Side Records
Source Links:
https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-codependency-5072124 https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-build-a-relationship-based-on-interdependence-4161249 https://www.momjunction.com/articles/interdependence-in-a-relationship_00506789/ https://www.bonobology.com/build-interdependent-relationship/All Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: goddess, women, inner, knowing, feminine, divine, interdependence, relationships, co-dependence
Episodi mancanti?
“Women in their 20’s waste their time on stupid shit, like Sunday brunches and material designer shit …. Men in their 20s are grinding and building their careers, financial portfolios...". Of the 47% of unmarried 112 million people, 44.9% of the unmarried population aged 18 and older are female. So the statistics support what the original creator stated "There more single older women than there are single older men, it's not crystal clear why either?" So why are they single? Gloria Steinem so accurately put it, “We are becoming the men we wanted to marry”. Perhaps that may allude to the actual reason why women are choosing to stay single.
Are you looking to unlock your hidden Goddess Power? Join our 4-week online course: The Goddess Rediscovered Program
Follow us on Instagram! @GoddessRediscovered
Intro by Surrey Side Records
Source Links:
https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/DDN-20180706-1 https://www.unmarried.org/statistics/ https://www.thoughtco.com/black-women-most-educated-group-us-4048763 https://www.bolde.com/women-getting-married-less-less-reason-might-shock/ https://www.bustle.com/p/11-women-share-why-they-dont-want-to-get-married-9230430 https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb/data/facts-over-time/women-in-the-labor-force https://time.com/5766787/women-workforce/All Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: goddess, women, inner, knowing, feminine, divine, Patriarchy, End of Patriarchy, feminists, feminism, interdependence, masculine, feminine, balance, men, socialization, society
I was socialized into Patriarchal Masculinity - but I was raised with an idea and emphasis on equality. I learnt to tap into my emotions, knowing when to harness my aggression and when to utilize it to get the job done. “I was wary of feminists, who I had been told were out to get me” this is a sentence out of Robert Jensen's Book. Avoidance isn't something that we (as Men) are aware of - more so - similar to living life, we are driven by our reasons rather than decisions. Though Men in turn do not want to avoid feminists or feminism. Both sexes and genders play an important role with each other, the role of interdependence.
Are you looking to unlock your hidden Goddess Power? Join our 4-week online course: The Goddess Rediscovered Program
Follow us on Instagram! @GoddessRediscovered
Intro by Surrey Side Records
Source Links:
https://feministmasculinity.com/home/2019/1/15/an-introduction-to-patriarchal-masculinity https://amzn.to/2W7KVDHAll Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: goddess, women, inner, knowing, feminine, divine, Patriarchy, End of Patriarchy, feminists, feminism, interdependence, masculine, feminine, balance, men, socialization, society
Feminine leadership is on the rise, Sarah Engelhart states “As women have started to assume more leadership roles around the world, we have an opportunity to begin to re-balance the old systems and bring about a new, more egalitarian way.” The environment is changing and personally (I) have been lucky enough to witness these changes in Healthcare. I have seen the rise of women and take up positions as CEO's, COO’s, consultants, directors and been witness to the changes that they have brought into effect. We also discuss the impact of the pandemic on women, and how it has resulted in economic distress, yet at the same time COVID provided women a chance at entrepreneurship, and putting their lives back in their own hands.
Are you looking to unlock your hidden Goddess Power? Join our 4-week online course: The Goddess Rediscovered Program
Follow us on Instagram! @GoddessRediscovered
Intro by Surrey Side Records
Source Links:
https://www.joanofsparc.com/articles/rise-divine-feminine/ https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion/women-in-the-workplace# https://www.washingtonpost.com/road-to-recovery/2021/01/21/female-entrepreneurs-coronavirus/All Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: goddess, women, inner, knowing, feminine, divine, divine feminine, spiritual, spiritual awakening, power, work, healthcare, nurse, doctor, female leadership, female entrepreneurs, COVID, COVID19, Pandemic
The Rise of the Feminine is an epilogue into what is occurring in today's day and age. How the feminine has struggled up until now, and what it means as she regains her throne alongside the Masculine. For those who have and are experiencing a spiritual awakening as a woman, what it means to step into their Goddess power.
Are you looking to unlock your hidden Goddess Power? Join our 4-week online course: The Goddess Rediscovered Program
Follow us on Instagram! @GoddessRediscovered
Intro by Surrey Side Records
Source Links:
All Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: goddess, women, inner, knowing, feminine, divine, divine feminine, spiritual, spiritual awakening, power
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a topic that is near to my heart. It's because it's one of those that I've dealt with for quite some time as well. And the fact that it affects both sexes, that's men and female. From a definition perspective, individuals who have it, they think about their real or perceived flaws for hours on each day. They can't control their negative thoughts. And they don't believe people who tell them that they look fine. their thoughts may cause severe emotional distress and interfere with their daily functioning. They may miss school or work and avoid social situations and isolate themselves, even from family and friends, because they fear others will notice their flaws...
Follow along with the Transcript: Episode 10 Transcript
Are you looking to unlock your hidden Goddess Power? Join our 4-week online course: The Goddess Rediscovered Program
Follow us on Instagram! @GoddessRediscovered
Intro by Surrey Side Records
Source Links:
https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/body-dysmorphic-disorder https://www.psycom.net/body-dysmorphic-disorder Ted TalkAll Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: goddess, women, inner, knowing, feminine, divine, bdd, body dysmorphia, overcome, perceived, perspective, body dysmorphic disorder, inclusivity,
Today we're exploring the history of beauty standards and how women, in particular, have been susceptible to living up to those standards. Women's inherent value originally came from their beauty and their ability to have children, which we did explore in our previous episodes. This obviously gets propagated into women making themselves look more beautiful and younger, and redefining based on their age and race, which we'll kind of get into a little bit later here. So looking at our history, and looking at women in particular, throughout this history, their beauty has been placed above their well-being as been placed above the perception of how they see themselves, as well as inclusivity of their body types throughout the ages.
Follow along with the Transcript: Episode 9 Transcript
Are you looking to unlock your hidden Goddess Power? Join our 4-week online course: The Goddess Rediscovered Program
Follow us on Instagram! @GoddessRediscovered
Intro and Podcast Editing by Surrey Side Records
Source Links:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrp0zJZu0a4&t=183s https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/the-history-of-beauty https://www.counterarchive.hosting.nyu.edu/exhibits/show/beautystandardsinamerica https://deardarkskinnedgirl.com/2020/11/21/bodyinclusivity/ https://freeformfitness.ca/understanding-the-body-positivity-movement/All Rights Reserved c Goddess Rediscovered Group 2020
Tags: beauty, standards, women, inclusivity, beauty industry, research, body, age, hourglass figure, body dysmorphia, industry, business.
Anger is not only physiological, but it is psychological and emotional. We discuss how the 21st-century woman deals with anger and how society portrays her if she is to get angry. We also discuss how one can utilize that anger to overcome adversity, one is facing in their life.
#Anger #Women #Goddess #Kali #Solar Plexus
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Even though it affects 20% of the population worldwide, there isn't much that is known about PCOS. In this episode, we dive into what PCOS is, scientifically what the PCOS entails, and spiritually what the cause might be.
We're back! with another episode discussing the economic empowerment of women. How in today's day and age women are still in debt and are unable to make ends meet. How even being one of the most educated in history, they are unable to sustain themselves or afford to buy a place. This discussion will look at changes occurring and how women are able to own their own economic empowerment.
In this week's episode, we discuss the idea around the mid-life crisis, especially as it pertains to women. Why women haven't been represented until now in media when it comes to the mid-life crisis. How the mid-life crisis is a spiritual journey.
Article referenced - https://www.oprah.com/sp/new-midlife-crisis.html -
What is the Feminine? and how do women transverse from the Masculine into the Feminine. We explore practical exercises and ideas to utilize in your day to day life.
We discuss what strength is, why society has a perception of women as being "weak" and how we can change that perception of one that women are equally as strong and in fact stronger in many ways.
In this episode, we discuss how the past defined a woman's worth and what truly a woman's worth is. In addition, we speak about how we can raise our children to have intrinsic worth.
In our very first episode, we outline why we started The Goddess Rediscovered Podcast and the journey that has led us here to this point.
#spirituality #feminine #awaken #goddess