
  • Hey ladies, in this episode, we chatted about something super important - endocrine disruptors! These sneaky chemicals found in everyday products can totally mess with our hormones, from our adrenal glands to our thyroid and even sex hormones. Yikes! But don't worry, we also shared some tips on how to reduce our exposure to these disruptors and support happier hormones. Who doesn't want that, right? So let's take a closer look at the products we use daily and start minimizing our contact with these pesky chemicals. Our bodies will thank us for it!

    In This Episode:

    [01:11] Change can be overwhelming.
    [03:10] Where do you even begin?
    [04:50] Defining Endocrine Disruptors.
    [07:00] Daily items that contain Endocrine Disruptors.
    [08:39] Chemicals in fragrances to know.
    [09:58] Avoiding items with flame retardant chemicals
    [10:29] Be mindful of Triclosan.
    [11:56] Which items do you get rid of first?
    [13:31] The top 5 items I purged initially.

    Key Takeaways:

    The chemicals in the products we use and come in contact with can disrupt the production of hormones in organs such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries, and sex hormones.BPA is a major endocrine disruptor that we need to be aware of and actively work towards minimizing or eliminating its use in our daily routines.Basically, if something has a super strong scent, it's probably not good for you, your kids, or the environment.When you're buying stuff for yourself or your house, it's a good idea to think about how it might affect your body and try to pick things that are better for the environment.Investing in glass or non-stainless steel containers can help prevent the leaching of plastics and chemicals.


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    Instagram: @dr.lauren.nd

    TikTok: @dr.lauren.nd


    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • Hey, ladies! Sometimes life can feel like a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety. It can be hard to find ways to relax and unwind, especially when you're always on the go.

    Stress can manifest both mentally and physically and chronic stress can seriously impact your long-term physical and mental health, which is not cool.

    So get ready to slow down and tune in because today's episode is all about taking a break from the hustle and bustle and learning how your "go, go, go" lifestyle may be messing with your body. We'll be discussing the surprising ways stress can impact your body, from your mood to your menstrual cycle, and giving you the lowdown on how to take charge of your hormones and feel like a rockstar. So grab a cup of tea and join us for this essential chat!

    In This Episode:
    [01:13] The science behind “Stress”.
    [03:47] What a balanced nervous system looks like.
    [05:06] Recognizing physical stressors.
    [07:19] Finding the sweet spot.
    [10:07] The power of breath.
    [12:31] Self-care isn’t selfish.
    [15:00] Ground yourself with Adaptogens.
    [19:48] Get to know GABA.
    [21:32] To sum it all up.

    Key Takeaways:

    Think of your body like a seesaw - the sympathetic nervous system tips it up with excitement, while the parasympathetic nervous system tips it back down to calmness. A balanced seesaw can be great for the body, as it allows us to experience the positive effects of both systems.When you’re in a constant “go, go, go” phase, it starts to affect other systems like your menstrual cycle, thyroid health, and digestive systems, among others.Practicing deep breathing daily can be beneficial in reducing stress, promoting relaxation, reducing tension and anxiety, and slowing down heart rate and breathing.Compiling a "Micro-happy" list can help you achieve a relaxed and restful state during the day by engaging in activities such as hobbies or reading a chapter of a book.As women and mothers, it's crucial to prioritize support for our bodies and avoid constantly pushing ourselves to the limit, despite societal pressure to always be on the go.


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    Instagram: @dr.lauren.nd

    TikTok: @dr.lauren.nd


    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

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  • Do you have a secret stash of Cadbury mini eggs or shortbread cookies hidden where the kids and hubby can’t find them? Do you find yourself dipping into the bag two… three… even four times a day?

    So many of us reach for sugary pastries, chocolate bars, and other sweet treats throughout the day, then wind up feeling guilty or ashamed. We have this idea that we’re self-sabotaging or that we have no willpower — that’s it’s all OUR fault that we ate the whole bag.

    While willpower may play a small supporting role in the mysterious case of the missing mini eggs, there are MANY other factors that can impact your cravings and lead to an addiction to sugar — from biochemistry to hormones to physiology.

    The good news? Each of these factors is under your control!

    In this episode of The Healthy AF Mom Show, we’re going to explore exactly why sugar feels SOOO addictive… and the simple, natural, can-do strategies that will help you increase your feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine WITHOUT reaching for those doughnuts.

    Let’s get started! Hit play to learn:

    7 reasons why you are craving sugar (that have NOTHING to do with willpower!) How to balance your macronutrients in a way that reduces those pesky mid-morning muffin cravingsWhat you can do at bedtime tonight that will cut tomorrow’s cravings WAY down

    00:05 Intro

    01:15 Beyond willpower

    03:40 Sugar addiction

    05:17 Balancing your diet

    06:42 Getting better sleep

    07:29 Managing your stress

    09:58 Managing your metabolism

    11:40 Getting enough fiber

    12:40 Drinking more water

    13:13 Get that dopamine flowing

    15:13 Conclusion

    Let’s connect!

    Facebook: Healthy AF*

    Instagram: @dr.lauren.nd

    TikTok: @dr.lauren.nd

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ChBmu2-3hE1tadKh5roYA

    Learn more about how I can help you feel your best: laurenhunglernd.com

    Book a Discovery Call: https://p.bttr.to/3JDLFXG

    The 14-Day Body Reboot Program (Use code: HEALTHYAF15 for 15% off): http://bit.ly/3XGdP7u


    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • You know the moment: the faint sound of a cough from the next room. The sudden attack of sniffles at the dinner table. The realization that a half-full box of Kleenex is now dangerously close to empty.

    Your kid is sick… and you’re bracing yourself for the storm.

    Because usually, when ONE person gets sick, the WHOLE FAMILY winds up feeling it (and for moms, that means taking care of everyone else while not feeling your usual fab self). During cold season or Covid surges, it can feel like a continuous cycle of getting sick, feeling like garbage, then getting better… only to go through it all over again — yikes!

    You’re never going to stop your family from getting sick altogether. But what you CAN do is help to shorten the duration and intensity of your family’s symptoms, and reduce the chance that a simple cold will turn into something more aggressive, like bronchitis or pneumonia.

    The secret? Keeping your family’s immune systems supercharged and ready to go!

    In this week’s episode of The Healthy AF Mom Show, I dig into the nuts and bolts of the immune system: how and why it works the way it does, what can happen when it becomes unbalanced, and how you can best support it naturally!

    Let’s get started! Hit play to learn:

    The differences between the innate immune system and the humoral immune system — and why they must be kept in delicate balanceHow to keep your family’s gut microbiomes happy and flourishing (and how to fit in probiotics)The top three items that you should ALWAYS have on hand in your medicine cabinet

    00:05 Intro

    01:06 Getting sick as a family

    02:47 The REAL goal

    04:03 Pandemic consequences

    05:46 The innate immune system

    07:49 The humoral immune system

    09:21 TH1 & TH2 dominant immune responses

    12:26 Gut microbiome health

    14:26 Probiotic & fiber sources

    16:52 Top 3 medicine cabinet items

    19:08 All about the elderberry!

    20:19 Vitamin D

    21:33 Vitamin C

    23:04 Conclusion

    Let’s connect!

    Facebook: Healthy AF*

    Instagram: @dr.lauren.nd

    TikTok: @dr.lauren.nd

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ChBmu2-3hE1tadKh5roYA

    How I can help you feel yo


    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • We live in a nation full of VERY tired people. If you’re drinking 2 or 3 cups of coffee every morning and are still ready for a nap by 3 pm, you’re not alone. Many of us feel sluggish, worn out, or simply low on energy throughout the day. In fact, fatigue is one of the most common reasons that women reach out to work with me.

    The problem? Overcoming fatigue is rarely as simple as just getting more sleep. There are dozens of reasons why you may not be feeling as energetic as you used to.

    The good news? Once you’ve discovered the roots of your exhaustion, you can make some minor lifestyle shifts that lead to MAJOR energy boosts!

    If you want to ditch the drowsiness and regain your vibrant, vital, high-vibe self, this episode of The Healthy AF Mom is for you! I share a comprehensive, birds-eye view of 10 different factors that could be affecting your energy levels and outline the triage process that will help you figure out the WHY behind your fatigue, so that you can say goodbye to the mid-afternoon slump and feel great morning, noon, and night.

    Quit yawning and hit play! You’ll learn:

    How to create an energy-boosting diet that delivers all the right nutrients and keeps you going all day long The role that detoxification plays in your energy levels and what can happen when you’re not removing toxins efficientlyWhy quantity AND quality are important when it comes to the Zzzs that you catch — and how to improve both!

    BONUS: Want to do the companion mind-map? Head over to my YouTube channel and watch this episode’s video!


    00:05 Intro

    01:06 “Mom tired” isn’t a thing

    03:24 Diet & nutrition

    05:45 Hydration & exercise

    06:46 Detoxification

    08:23 Digestion

    09:55 Nutrient & mineral status

    10:44 Sleep

    12:40 Hormones

    14:48 Immunity

    15:50 Cellular metabolism

    16:43 Conclusion & final takeaway

    18:52 Next steps

    Let’s connect!

    Facebook: Healthy AF*

    Instagram: @dr.lauren.nd

    TikTok: @dr.lauren.nd

    Learn more about how I can help you feel your best: laurenhunglernd.com

    Let’s work together! Click here to sign up for a masterclass, register for an online program, book a consultation, and more.


    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • We have this idea in our society that period pain is just an inevitable part of life, that it’s normal and commonplace for women to suffer for one week out of every month, and that we should just accept it without complaint.

    I’m here to tell you that this just isn’t true!

    Period pain should NOT be normalized in this way. You do NOT need to spend four days laying on the couch with a hot water bottle over your pelvis, binge-watching Love is Blind and feeling like junk. You deserve to live your best life all month long (even if living your best life means laying on the couch, binge-watching Love is Blind!).

    When it comes to painful cramping, inflammation is at the crux of the problem, and there are a number of simple, natural ways that you can reduce your overall inflammation and experience more comfortable periods.

    I LOVE it when my patients report that they barely even noticed that their last period was happening, after spending years dealing with painful cramps. Let’s work on making your next period, your best period!
    Let’s get started! Hit play to learn:

    Exactly what is happening in your body during each phase of your cycle What causes period cramping and how changing your diet can reduce your painMy top anti-inflammatory and gut-friendly food recommendations


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    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • Intermittent fasting. What the heck is it? Is it a diet? Why are so many people talking about it? Is it healthy? And does it actually work??

    Well… it’s complicated. Let’s start with the basics.

    Intermittent fasting shouldn’t be thought of as a diet, per se. It isn’t about WHAT you eat, so much as it is about WHEN you eat. When you engage in intermittent fasting, you space out your meal times to create long periods of fasting. These “fasting windows” can vary in length, but are generally around 14-16 hours long (don’t worry, sleep is included!). These fasting periods can help shift the body into burning fat for fuel, rather than burning sugars.

    While it may be popular, intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone. While some people have great experiences with it, others struggle. It can be a great tool, but you may need to experiment to find a way to make it work for you. In this episode, I dive into who intermittent fasting is and isn’t for, how to choose your fasting windows, and how to get your best results!

    Let’s get started! Hit play to learn:

    How the body metabolizes calories and how intermittent fasting can help the body in the physiology of metabolic support The different types of intermittent fasting and how to ease yourself into itHow to keep your nutrition balanced throughout the day to avoid headaches and feeling hangry


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    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • Before becoming a parent, you may have taken sleep for granted. Sure, you probably had a few sleepless nights or woke up tired every now and then, but sleeping as a parent is a whole new ball game!

    Poor sleep can come in a few different flavours, such as an inability to fall asleep, inability to stay asleep, and having irregular sleeping patterns. There are a ton of great reasons to put some real effort toward improving your sleep. Better sleep means better focus, happier mood, healthier food choices, more energy, and overall better parenting. (Plus, you’re less likely to forget the words while singing along to the latest Taylor Swift.)

    The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. While we’re snoozing, our bodies are taking care of some really important tasks, like cultivating memories, mobilizing proteins, and repairing cells. There are 6 factors that may be sabotaging your ability to get a solid, restful night of sleep — and in this episode, we’re going to solve the mystery of the missing Zzzs!

    Brew up a pot of chamomile and let’s get started! Hit play to learn:

    How sleep actually works and the biological processes behind itHow to establish a dreamy, relaxing, and effective night-time routine Why parents tend to stay up way too late — and what this does to your body!


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    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • Did you know that your body is exposed to over 80,000 different chemicals every… single… day??

    Um, YIKES.

    A lot of this exposure comes from personal care products, such as cleansers, cosmetics, deodorants, and skin care products. You’re also exposed via household cleaning products, crafting glues, air pollutants, plastic water bottles (if you use them), and a ton of other sources. Not all chemicals are toxic — water is a chemical compound, after all! But many of the chemicals that you inhale or absorb each day can have negative effects on your health over time.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to fully avoid being exposed to chemicals. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: there are a ton of physiological and biochemical processes that are working to detoxify your body on the daily… and YOU can help to ramp up how quickly your body excretes and eliminates environmental toxins.

    Let’s get started! Hit play to learn:

    What the heck ‘detoxification’ actually means and how your body gets the process started The warning signs of poor elimination of toxins — and 5 simple ways to ramp it upWhy 10-day juice cleanses and herbal detox teas are NOT the answer (sorry, influencers!)


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    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


    2. Get Hella Hydrated Challenge:


    3. Snack Smart Challenge:


    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • Not all smoothies are created equal. So, what makes a perfect smoothie?

    When I’m making a smoothie, it’s with the goal of packing it as full of nutrients as I possibly can. I’m talking fibre, healthy fats, antioxidants, and more phytonutrients than you can shake a stick at!

    Why? Because when you start your morning off with a nutritional bang, that can carry you through the rest of your busy day. Turns out the rumours are true: what you eat can and does affect how you feel…. and you deserve to feel AHH-MAZ-ING!

    Imagine having more energy, fewer junk food cravings, happier hormones, a revved-up metabolism, a healthier gut, and no mid-afternoon crash — it’s totally possible. All you need is my 6 step formula for building your strategic energy smoothie, and I am spilling ALL the goods in this episode of The Healthy AF Mom show!

    Grab your blender and hit play to learn:

    Why we often tend to add TOO MUCH fruit to our smoothies (and the portion size to aim for)How much protein you need per day and how to choose your source(s)Why drive-thru and grocery store smoothies aren’t as healthy as they claim to be


    00:01 Intro

    02:15 Smoothie benefits

    04:58 The fluid

    05:40 The protein

    07:24 The fruit

    08:27 The greens & veg

    10:17 The fibre

    10:19 The healthy fat

    10:52 Spice it up!

    13:14 Recap


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    1. Slay All Day Smoothie Challenge:


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    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].

  • Get ready to feel Healthy AF*! Hosted by Naturopathic Doctor Lauren Hungler, The Healthy AF Mom Show helps tired Millennial moms regain their energy, control their cravings, catch better Zzzs, banish the bloat, live more cleanly, better understand their post-birth bods, and more.

    With Dr. Lauren’s unique brand of no-fluff takeaways delivered in her signature relatable style, The Healthy AF Mom Show is like talking to your BFF (if your BFF knew her way around a thyroid!). Dr. Lauren isn’t afraid to dive into the TMI questions you’ve always been afraid to ask (but are dying to know the answers to). From PMS to green skincare to kicking the doom-scroll habit, you’ll walk away with powerful tips for living your best and most vibrant life. Subscribe now to discover how to feel Healthy AF*, naturally!


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    4. Know Your Labs Challenge:


    We're always on the lookout for health and wellness experts who have a LOT to say about holistic medicine and women’s health. Got some great tips and info for frazzled moms? Fill out the contact form and let’s talk about it!: http://bit.ly/3kcs5XV

    For any questions re: show management, sponsorship, and affiliate opportunities, or to join our network of health-focused shows, please contact Nicole at Brand Better Podcasts: [email protected].