Jimmy examines his discussion with James White on whether Mary knows of intercessory prayers, evaluating White’s arguments against biblical evidence.
Jimmy Akin examines the biblical and historical view of the heart as the seat of thoughts and emotions in light of modern neuroscience, cautioning against a strictly brain-centered perspective and exploring the deeper origins of consciousness.
Episodi mancanti?
In this episode, Jimmy responds to some arguments raised by Protestant apologist Gavin Ortlund, primarily concerning the papacy. Gavin claims that there was no bishop of Rome (pope) until well into the second century and that—even if we grant that Peter was the first pope—so much hangs on the idea that there are later popes that, if this were true, it needs to be taught in the New Testament. How can one respond to these claims? What does the historical evidence show? And does Gavin’s own system meet the test he is proposing?
In this video, Jimmy Akin explores where the claim that Muslims don’t worship God actually comes from and points out that this idea is not found in Catholic Tradition.
In this episode, Jimmy explores an idea that is seldom proposed in Protestant circles—the claim that their core principle of sola scriptura (“by Scripture alone”) is not actually a doctrine. Instead, it’s an interpretive principle.
For centuries Catholics have wondered about the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Many have said that they were the same person. But according to the Vatican, new studies have finally figured this issue out. What do these new studies reveal? And what impact have they had on the Church’s calendar? Jimmy Akin explains.
Wes Huff is a young Protestant apologist who has recently had a lot of success. He has admirable qualities, and he does better than many other Protestant apologists do.In this video, Jimmy Akin—in a friendly spirit of “iron sharpens iron” (Prov. 27:17)—take a look at both some of Wes’s strong points and his weak points, particularly when it comes to his knowledge of how the biblical canon was formed.
The shortest verse in the Bible is just two words: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35).Despite how short it is, this verse contains important lessons for all of us—both lessons about who Jesus was and lessons that we can apply in our own lives in times of crisis. Join Jimmy Akin as he explores the mysteries of the shortest verse in the Bible.
Protestant apologist James White recently declared that “Mary has no power on earth, has no idea you, or anyone else is praying to her, and hence that would be an utter waste of time and breath.”But former Protestant Jimmy Akin says that he would have questioned this claim even when he was still a Protestant.Why would Jimmy do that? What biblical reasons would he cite? And what does the evidence—even from a Protestant point of view—have to say?
The idea of asking saints and angels for intercession, often thought of as unique to Catholicism and Orthodoxy, actually has roots predating the Christian era, as explained by Jimmy Akin.
Our view of the first Christmas is shaped by art and tradition, and a common idea about it may be incorrect. Find out why on the Jimmy Akin podcast.
What happens when someone who’s new to the Faith thinks he understands a complex, technical matter and then tries to publicly shame someone who’s much more experienced? Let’s find out!
All four Gospels record the fact that Jesus cleared the temple in Jerusalem of buyers and sellers. Why did he do this? What’s more, when did he do this? Matthew, Mark, and Luke record him doing it at the end of his ministry, but John records him doing it at the beginning. In this episode, Jimmy Akin takes you through the biblical clues needed to understand this mysterious event!
Jimmy explores the controversial topic of predestination, examining Calvinist claims that God predestines all events, while challenging the biblical evidence often cited to support these views.
In this episode, Jimmy reveals why arguments from silence are so problematic and why the arguments used to support claims from skeptics just don’t work.
Jimmy looks at an unethical debater’s tactic known as the Gish Gallop, and how Protestant debater James White regularly uses it when he confronts other viewpoints.
Do our souls leave time when we die and go to be with God in heaven? And—if we are outside of time—are we already saints in heaven, right now? Prepare for some surprises!
Jimmy Akin shows what the ancient audiences actually believed about the way the Gospels convey truth, and it isn’t as simple as modern audiences assume.
Recently, some people have been claiming that the prophet Jonah actually died in the whale and then rose from the dead. But did he?
In this episode, Jimmy looks at Arminianism—the major rival to Calvinism when it comes to topics like grace, predestination, and free will in Protestant circles.
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