In the futuristic year of 2017, America is embattled in a civil war that has left it looking like a high school stage adaptation of Mad Max. All is not lost, you see, Pamela Anderson and her impressive collection of leather corsets will save us all. If you enjoy unnecessarily convoluted plots, futuristic contacts and fake nazis you are in for a treat. So grab a drink kids and join us as we discuss the finer points of owning a dystopian approved murder Winnebago
Why are we still asking this question 20 years later?!? Seriously tho....why? The remix has the same hallmarks as the OG but with added vampires, queerness, an incel and James Franco. The writer of this movie really only needs you to know 2 things: They love Twilight and they wished it was waaaaay more gay. So grab a drink and join us as we try to figure out why having sex in a cemetery is supposed to be cute and not at all unsanitary.
Episodi mancanti?
Ah yes, the movie named after a question that literally no one would ever ask because, eww. This career plateauing vehicle is a whirlwind of clichés and enough cringe to keep you up at night with sympathetic embarrassment. It has all of lifetime's greatest hits: concerned mother, headstrong daughter, controlling man, kidnapping and more. Grab a drink kids and join us as we watch more red flags fly than at a sportsball game.
This movie is a dose of early aughts nostalgia with a heavy sprinkling of high school STIs. It has all the classic clichés: Over bearing working mom, cello playing good girl, a child of divorce and syphillis. The title should honestly just be changed to Syphilis, Slut Shaming and the Merger Mom. Grab a drink and join us as we watch the "French disease" sweep through a high school like it's a 16th century brothel.
This episode is a Black History Month special treat for me (Chantel). I grew up watching this movie and I honestly just wanted to see if it still held up. In short yes. Who doesn't wanna see Laura Winslow with short hair gettin into shenanigans on a bus? It's goofy and stupid and isn't meant to be serious commentary on blackness, this shit just funny. So pour yourself something to sip and join your 2 best friends while we watch Ride.
Hey lets make Caddyshack but with better music.....ok. Honestly this wasn't terrible but a beloved classic it aint. This seems like the best of the 7 DVDs available at your granny's house (she thinks wifi is a scam/the devil). Is this movie destined to grace Walmart bargin bins and to only be shown on Sundays on BET? YES. is it full of fart jokes and old clichés that are familiar and nostalgic? Also yes. Grab a drink and hangout with your two best friends while we watch Who's Your Caddy?
This movie is the result of a drunken conversation between Eddie Murphy and Wes Craven....probably. It's not funny enough to be a comedy, not scary enough to be horror and definitely not self aware enough to be a parody. This is basically Blacula 2.0 that is saved but by the grace and power of Angela Bassett's cheekbones. Still better than Twilight tho.
What happens when you take one of the most popular basketball stars of the 90's and put him in a kids movie full of hijinks and hilarity? You get Space Jam. This is the other one. Kazaam is an SJW panic attack waiting to happen: vaguely Latinx bullies, vaguely Middle Eastern antagonist and a giant black man who is essentially enslaved to a white kid. Not even the nostalgia could save this lazy Aladdin knockoff. So as per usual, grab a drink and join us for this flannel fueled fever dream.
Are you are a fan of aggressive bulges, rock hard nips and saxophones? If you answered anything other than no, this is the movie for you. Perfect is basically just pre internet fap material with long winded monologues thrown in for, hell I don't know, depth?! This movie is about 80% pelvic thrusting with some eye banging thrown in for good measure. Seriously this movie has more hardcore eye banging than a queer period drama. To be blunt, the movie's title should be changed to Gym Rats be Fuckin'.
Join us while we "watch" a movie that will remind you to watch better movies just like it. I honestly won't try to polish this turd ya'll, this was a rough one but we got really drunk so listen and laugh along. If you like drunken obscure Simpsons references, breaking into song and quoting the aforementioned better movies, please grab a drink and hit play.
Would you like to watch Beverly Hills Cop but want it to be filmed on a camcorder, with no budget and Australian? Well you are in luck because this cinematic stinker checks the most important 80's movie boxes. Bad martial arts? Check. Boxy blazers? Check. Mostly unexplained cocaine? Check. This direct to video diamond in the ruff, has all the heavily accented homoeroticism that was legal in the 80's. So grab a coldie and join us as we watch but mostly zone out to sing 80's songs that this film couldn't afford.
Our last episode of the holiday season is one befitting of 2020, it absolutely sucks ass!!! We follow the story of random entitled boy, who through force of will and audacity becomes a master of karate in 5 days to save his dad somehow. His mom is played by a dollar store Marisa Tomei and best of all we have a kooky Southern psychic turned law professor. With a screenplay obviously written by someone on expired Quaaludes, how could this not be the best way to end the year. So grab a drink and join us as we try to make sense of this cinematic cesspool.
Confusion is the keyword for this movie. Starring that one chick from those Disney movies, basically playing the same character but add snow and marriage. This doppelganger disaster is peak Christmas rom com: misunderstandings, farcical hijinks, and kidnapping. Join us as we make our way through the convoluted glory that is this film, which proves that adding a third isn't always the best idea but still cool I guess.
Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you too broke for Ambien? If so this cinematic gem is for you. This film is full of all the things you never knew you definitely don't want: Weak plot, actors who seem better suited for infomercials and of course SERENDIPITY! Join us as we suffer through this boring ass movie and ask the age old question, Really?!
This is the 1st of our Christmas movies and we're starting strong with the 3 B's: bad fashion, bad acting and Bond. It checks all the boxes, there are hijinks, shenanigans, misunderstandings, a British lady saying ghetto and the only Christmas tree uglier than the one currently at Rockefeller Center. Join us in the spare 'oom as we get wrecked and slog our way through this snow covered cheese fest.
Don't be fooled, this definitely is NOT a sequel to the movie about a rich woman letting her poor lover drown. Titanic 2 is a fever dream/vanity project starring no one you know and 1 guy you might remember from the first X-Men movie. Be prepared to join us in saying "The Fuck?!?" a lot as we traverse icebergs, horrible CGI and acting reminiscent of a middle school play.
This week we take a look at the cinematic shitshow that is Skyscraper, a 1996 monstrosity. Starring the late Anna Nicole Smith, its a very obvious and poor ripoff of Die Hard. It's full of plot holes, horrible acting and missile launchers so we obviously had to watch.
Join us as we watch the cinematic treasure that is Grease 2. Prepare for loud off key singing, reminiscing about high school and as always drunken commentary
The trailer/introduction to The Lion, the Bitch and the Wine Box. It's a weekly podcast hosted by Chantel Starks and Luke Allen, we drink while watching "bad" movies and comment on them.