
  • Pornography is a big problem, destroying lives across the globe. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about E.Z. 's new book which dives into this topic, with Oscar pointing out that it discusses biblical manhood before addressing pornography. But why is understanding manhood so crucial first? Our culture has distorted the concepts of manhood and womanhood, leading to a catastrophic impact. Men in the Bible fought for their families and the gospel on many levels, not just physically.

    Men must confront this issue head-on. It's easy to think you're the only one facing this struggle, but it's a battle that finds many. Sin is like a lion seeking to destroy, and it’s crucial to be vigilant and proactive in resisting temptation. Some young men have never encountered this struggle, but once you step into that arena, it can be overwhelming. The average Christian doesn’t desire to fall into sin, but you can’t hesitate to resist temptation. Lust is a serious issue, a bedfellow of death, with the wages of sin being death and damnation. Falling into pornography betrays your wife, friends, and the Lord. The example of Joseph is powerful; he had the opportunity to indulge in sin but chose to resist and physically run away.

    Realize that God isn’t fighting against your joy, but for it. He created sex as a gift within marriage, a built-in protection. Understanding God’s will and choosing to live it out is crucial in this battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. The enemy uses tactics like discontent, but walking in the Spirit is key. The world often talks about pornography's destructiveness, but it’s more than that—it’s a sin against God. Recognizing God’s love for you can ignite a renewed passion for the Lord. For the young man living a double life, remember that the power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside you. Value the gospel, meditate on God’s greatness, and remember you will stand before the Lord. Jesus paid for your sin so run to Him and obey Him.

    Today, pornography is more accessible than ever. Men are constantly in the crosshairs. Don’t believe the lie that you can’t quit. If you were promised 100 million dollars for six months without looking at pornography, you’d find a way. The issue isn’t that you can’t stop; it’s that you won’t. We are called to a pure relationship with the Lord. Engage with God—read your Bible, use your spiritual gifts, witness to others, and cry out to the Lord in prayer. God is our source of help. This is a cancer destroying the glory of God. As you distance yourself from these things, you will grow in holiness.

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    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • The Christian walk involves moving from sympathy to empathy, as exemplified by Christ's compassionate suffering and sacrifice. By actively listening, showing care, and trusting in God's presence, believers can better support and connect with others.

    The word sympathy originates from a Greek word meaning a shared feeling or a willingness to help because of shared feelings. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar share how the Christian walk involves fellowshipping with God first and then with others. In fellowship, we often move from sympathy to empathy. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone's situation, whereas empathy is about experiencing their emotions because you've been through similar situations yourself. No one wants to go through pain, but enduring it can strengthen your spiritual muscles. Everyone has faced tough times, enabling us to relate to others' pain and emotions.

    1 Peter 3:8 speaks to this topic, emphasizing that being like-minded and sympathetic fosters compassion. Christ is our ultimate example—He did not stand above human suffering but willingly stepped into it. Jesus endured complete separation from God so that we would not have to experience that separation. Through His sympathy, we are saved, and this empowers us to sympathize with others. Sympathy naturally leads to action. It’s about trying to understand and entering into someone’s world, even if you haven't experienced their exact circumstances.

    The guys speak about how sympathy is the Lord opening your eyes to the people around you. Believers often become self-centered, forgetting the precious souls bearing the image of Christ surrounding us. Romans 12:15 encourages us to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. It is essential to actively listen and slow down. Overpowering conversations can make others feel undervalued. Listening to bless others can also be a learning experience. Jealousy can sometimes hinder our ability to rejoice with others, but love focuses on the well-being of other people.

    It all comes back to remembering the sympathy that God has towards us. To grow in sympathy, ask thoughtful questions and be mindful of the environment and the people around you. Engage in actions that show you care. Be patient with those who are suffering and encourage them to move forward and actively walk with the Lord. The guys encourage Christians to remember that there is value in your suffering beyond what God may be doing in you. Affliction serves to convince us of our own insufficiency and dependence on God. Even if you feel isolated, remember that God sees your struggles. Continue to move forward, trusting in God's presence and support.

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    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

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  • "Judge not, lest you be judged" is often misunderstood. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about the criteria Jesus provided for judging by emphasizing the concept of being "measured." In ancient times, people used scales to measure grain, but tax collectors and Romans often tampered with these scales, leading to unjust measurements. Jesus warned against using unbalanced scales to judge others, implying we must hold ourselves to the same standard. It is impossible to make judgments without evaluating actions.

    When the guys talk about judging, they mean assessing someone's actions, not their motives. While it's essential to make judgment calls, Christians should be righteous and grounded in God's word. It's wrong to assume we know someone's internal motives, but believers can lovingly point out clear sins. Twisting scripture to avoid accountability is misguided. Chrisitains understand their own shortcomings and invite others to receive grace, rather than condemning them.

    Jesus clarified, rather than abolished, the law. God knows our hearts completely, and both believers and unbelievers must judge themselves before they stand in front of God. The Bible encourages us to discern good fruit from bad. Judging isn't about deciding someone’s eternal fate but evaluating their actions. This helps individuals recognize and correct their sins, fostering spiritual growth. Believers benefit from mutual accountability, as it helps produce good fruit. Spiritual stagnation often results from a lack of honest feedback. It's crucial to welcome constructive criticism and avoid hypocrisy, which requires an outside perspective to identify.

    Romans 10 illustrates improper judgment, advising against a judgmental spirit. Everyone's sanctification journey is unique, and non-sinful personal choices should be respected. Instead of criticizing, the guys encourage believers to ask questions and seek understanding. Judgmental attitudes are ugly and unproductive; we lack full knowledge and should mind our own business. There's only one true judge, and expecting others to conform to our standards is hypocritical.

    To close, the guys talk about some practical ways to avoid a judgeful spirit. Community provides counsel and support. Share opinions with humility and graciousness when asked, but avoid interfering in non-sin issues. Respect areas of liberty unless they lead to sin or stunt growth. Focus on your own sanctification and celebrate others’ strengths. Addressing personal shortcomings can keep us from meddling in others’ lives.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • We can learn from anyone—our enemies, kids, friends, and many others. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about having opportunities to learn from the people God places in our lives, but if we aren’t actively looking for these opportunities, we miss out on valuable lessons. If a person isn't worshiping the true and living God, they often end up worshiping themselves. A significant reason leaders fall is that they don’t believe they can. Believers often treat sin lightly but we should treat it with seriousness.

    One major obstacle to being teachable is the self-perception that we cannot be wrong, especially on topics we know well. How wise it would be to stop, hear, and truly listen. The Bible is the word of the living God, and meditating and praying on the scripture can bring new insights. When it comes to seeking counsel, many Christians hesitate because of their image. This is why leaders especially need trusted advisors. The less we know, the more arrogant we can become; conversely, the more we know, the more humble we should be. The guys share personal experiences of being humbled after feeling overly confident. A good question to ask yourself is, "What do I not know?" Look for opportunities to gain wisdom and be a collector of it.

    For those who realize they lack wisdom, there are practical steps to become more teachable. With today's access to information, there's no excuse for not finding what you need—be diligent with your time. Look at where you spend your time and who you surround yourself with. Walk with the wise to raise your own wisdom. We tend to focus on things like social media instead of the Bible. Reorient your life to seek wisdom from the Bible first. Even if you can't find a one-on-one mentor, you can still surround yourself with people who are where you want to be. It might not be full-blown discipleship, but even a conversation over coffee can be beneficial. If personal mentorship isn’t feasible, be discipled by books. Solid, sound books can be reread, highlighted, and memorized.

    Approach the Bible with curiosity and ask questions. Cry out to the Lord, asking Him to give you a teachable heart and to provide the resources you need. Pride is a destroyer that misleads; being open to instruction and maintaining a teachable spirit is crucial. Fellowship with other believers facilitates mutual learning and growth. Encourage and pray for one another, and it will transform your life. By cultivating a teachable spirit and seeking wisdom, you set yourself on a path to becoming wiser and more humble in your latter years.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar know through personal experience that having children is a profound blessing, despite societal messages that often portray them as inconveniences. Many people today grant children excessive freedom when they are young, which can lead to poor decision-making in adulthood. It’s essential for parents to appreciate the sweetness of raising children in the Lord, giving guidance when children are young so when they are older they love the Lord.

    To prepare children for the world, they need a spiritual foundation and a grasp of the basics. This is achieved through knowing the scripture, praying, and attending church. The trend of worshiping online, exacerbated by Covid, needs to be reconsidered; physical attendance and active service in church are vital. From day one, parents are preparing to send their children out into the world. Oscar mentions not shielding his kids but discussing and dissecting the lies the world presents so they can discern truth as they grow.

    Parents must remind their children why they exist and cultivate their hearts for the gospel. Demonstrating the gospel shows children they don’t measure up on their own. Parents are called to imitate Christ and impart that to their kids. It's important to patiently teach them the words of Jesus. When they feel the power of sin, it will bring them back to the foot of the cross. Teach children to be open to direction and instruction. Ignoring correction leads to destruction. We should reflect on criticism rather than react impulsively. Sin is rooted in idolatry, and when our idols are challenged, it reveals the true state of our hearts.

    The guys talk through some of the key things Christian parents need to instill in their children. Christians should know that work is sacred and they must be hard workers. Encourage children to immerse themselves in Proverbs. Teach them financial literacy, as schools often neglect practical skills like budgeting and balancing a checkbook. Open, honest discussions about money are crucial. Parents often feel uncomfortable discussing sex with their children, but it's essential to seize moments to speak life into them and address the heart of the matter. Emphasize the importance of keeping their word; if they commit to something, they must follow through.

    Lastly, parents should avoid treating their children as sanctifying trophies. Psalm 127 states that unless the Lord does the work, it is in vain. God is the one who raises children and sends them out for His purposes. Remember that ultimately salvation is in the Lord’s hands.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Dreams have a profound impact on many people, and the Bible offers numerous examples of dreams being used for guidance and prophecy. In the Old Testament, dreams were often a medium through which God conveyed wisdom and direction. Today, we still experience various types of dreams, but their nature and significance can differ greatly from biblical times.

    One common type of dream involves subconscious processing. Our brains process repressed thoughts and experiences, with imagination taking over as the rational part of our brain rests. These dreams are influenced by cultural factors and personal experiences; however, in His sovereignty, God can use these dreams for His purposes as illustrated by stories of people being reminded of His laws through dreams. There is a danger in seeking guidance solely through dreams. Relying on dreams for advice outside of God’s Word can lead us astray. The Bible provides all the guidance we need, and looking for extra-biblical sources of authority, including dreams, can be risky. It's crucial to keep these dreams in context and not give them undue authority.

    Some dreams can have positive effects, setting individuals on a better path. For example, one might experience a troubling dream that leads to positive changes in their life. Medications affecting the central nervous system can also create vivid dreams.

    When dealing with impure dreams, it’s important not to dwell on them excessively. If a dream makes you feel guilty, confess it to God and move on. The enemy seeks to use guilt to keep us focused on our sin, but we should be quick to repent and continue our walk with God. God understands our hearts and desires and provides consolation in our fallen nature and spiritual struggles. Reflecting on what we focus on during the day is wise; consuming impure content can lead to impure dreams. To influence our dreams positively, we can prepare our minds and hearts before sleep by focusing on the Lord. Reading about missionaries, praying, or studying the Bible can fill our hearts, minds, and souls with godly content.

    God uses dreams to advance His kingdom and glory. Recognize that His work through dreams always aims at furthering His kingdom. By focusing on God and His Word, we can better understand and respond to our dreams in a way that aligns with His purposes.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • The biggest problem in America isn't that people are overly healthy. The guys talk about how only a small percentage of Americans meet ideal standards for a healthy lifestyle. Most Americans live sedentary lives, but God designed us to be active. Historically, humans walked everywhere and engaged in physical labor, but modern conveniences mean we can meet our needs without leaving our homes, resulting in neglect of physical health.

    Health isn't just about weight, it's about the well-being of the body. Sometimes, society swings too far, suggesting that weight doesn't matter at all. Many theologians emphasize being embodied—caring for the body, mind, and soul to the glory of God. This holistic approach is part of our walk with the Lord. Our motives for physical activity also matter. We should aim to be our healthiest selves to bring glory to God. Our mental and physical well-being are interconnected; often, those struggling with mental illness are advised to get outside and exercise.

    E.Z. shares his personal experience of maintaining fitness into grandparenthood, highlighting the numerous benefits of exercise. Gluttony, which is a forgotten sin, is one that contributes to many health problems in America. If you know you need to improve your habits, start small. A morning walk, perhaps inviting your spouse to join, can significantly impact your health. Exercise helps prevent many medical conditions and offers stress relief. Oscar shares that he uses working out as a form of spiritual and mental therapy, focusing on the Lord during his sessions.

    Engaging in regular physical activity isn't just about personal gain; it enables us to fulfill our roles more effectively and live out our faith more fully. The connection between body, mind, and spirit underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health. Physical fitness enhances our ability to serve others and glorify God in all aspects of our lives.

    In conclusion, the pursuit of physical health is deeply intertwined with spiritual well-being. By recognizing our bodies as temples and taking steps to care for them, we honor the Creator and improve our quality of life. Simple changes, like choosing to be more active daily, can lead to significant improvements in health and well-being. Let's embrace a balanced approach to health, recognizing the profound connection between our physical and spiritual lives.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • In today’s ever-turbulent political climate, the intersection of faith and politics has become a topic of intense debate. Today’s conversation delves deep into this complex interplay, combining humor and heartfelt reflections to offer listeners a comprehensive exploration of how spirituality can thrive even in the most chaotic times.

    Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar address political violence in light of the recent attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The hosts share personal anecdotes and scriptural references to emphasize the importance of maintaining a biblical worldview and trusting in God’s sovereignty during such tumultuous events. This discussion is not only timely but also crucial for understanding how Christians can navigate political chaos without losing their spiritual grounding.

    The role of Christians in politics is another key topic explored. Drawing on historical and biblical examples like Daniel in Babylon and Joseph in Egypt, the guys argue that believers have a responsibility to promote righteousness and justice in the political sphere. However, they also caution against placing ultimate hope in political systems, urging listeners to keep their faith firmly rooted in God.

    One of the most compelling parts of the episode is the discussion on the emotional allure of political fervor and its dangerous intertwining with faith and power. Reflecting on early Christian history, the hosts note how the church’s initial growth through hospitality and generosity eventually gave way to aggression and control. This serves as a cautionary tale, reminding Christians to balance their political engagement with a steadfast trust in God’s sovereignty.

    Finally, the discussion concludes with a powerful call to action, urging Christians to seek the welfare of their cities as encouraged by Jeremiah 29:7. While trusting in God’s sovereignty is essential, it is equally important to take action and influence policies in alignment with Christian values. This balanced approach serves as a guide for listeners seeking to navigate the complex relationship between faith and politics in a way that honors God and promotes justice.

    Whether you’re grappling with how to respond to political violence, considering the role of Christians in politics, or seeking to balance your spiritual and political lives, this episode offers valuable insights and practical guidance. Don’t miss this enriching conversation that blends humor, sincerity, and deep reflection.

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    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • In today's society, we rarely talk to our neighbors, missing opportunities to show warmth and kindness. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about how God has placed us where we are to be intentional in our kindness. The early church thrived in a corrupt society by living amongst their neighbors and being intentional about their community. Christians today should emulate this, combating the modern issue of loneliness by reaching out to their neighbors.

    Many aspire to be missionaries abroad but overlook their local community. We often don’t realize the value acts of kindness within our own neighborhoods. Building relationships with those around us fosters openness to sharing the gospel. To be spiritually effective neighbors, we must be physically present and kind. Simple gestures, like sharing homemade brownies, can make a significant difference.

    Hospitality extends beyond inviting people into our homes; it includes engaging with them in our community spaces. For example, Oscar organizes block parties with potlucks, distributing candy and gospel tracts. Such events allow neighbors to see Christianity in action, leading parents to inquire about faith, and witnessing the gospel lived out in the homes of believers. Living a Christian life publicly has a powerful impact on others.

    We must recognize our call to reach out to our neighbors. Often, we justify our inaction with busyness or fear of judgment. The guys highlight the parable of the Good Samaritan, which teaches us to love our neighbors regardless of their background. Dealing with difficult neighbors requires us to show love, understanding, and grace. Putting others before ourselves and going the extra mile with courtesy and consideration demonstrates our faith in a profound way.

    Our ideological differences should not hinder our witness. Political views can become idols, overshadowing the gospel. We must prioritize witnessing for Christ over promoting political ideals. 1 Peter 2:15-17 urges us to do good and love our neighbors, regardless of their actions toward us. Man-made ideas should be set aside for the sake of the gospel.

    In essence, being intentional in our kindness and hospitality, living out our faith openly, and prioritizing the gospel over ideological differences are crucial in reaching and loving our neighbors effectively. This approach allows us to be a light in our communities, fulfilling God's call to live in fellowship with those around us and sharing the message of Christ through our actions and relationships.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • It's tiring to constantly get worked up about other people's lives, trying to control their actions and beliefs. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar encourage believers to become disciplined in knowing when to keep quiet. The concept of leading a quiet life, minding our own business, and working with our hands serves as a witness to the gospel.

    Increasing knowledge can lead to sorrow, as Solomon experienced, surrounded by less wise people. When our children don't heed our advice, they often learn through hardships rather than through guidance. It's crucial to lay a foundation of what God calls us to be stewards of. A quiet life focuses on family, church, and neighbors, avoiding unnecessary anxiety. God didn't create us to be all-knowing, as our phones make us.

    E.Z. mentions Ray as an example of not meddling in people’s business. When E.Z. married Ray's daughter, Ray understood that they were their own family unit and refrained from interfering. A common issue for married couples involves handling holidays. Mark addresses this by giving his kids and their families the freedom to make their own choices without pressure, fostering closeness. Crowding someone only pushes them away.

    When we see people in our circle going through difficulties, do we wait for them to come to us? This depends on our hearts. A genuine desire to mind our own business naturally shows through. Being discerning is essential, but checking up on one another is good. It’s how we approach the person that matters. 1 Peter 4:15 highlights the seriousness of being a busybody, as it can destroy a family. The sin that causes us to meddle is often comparison, leading to legalism, pride, and hatred, making us feel more righteous than others.

    Ultimately, meddling violates love. Have we prayed for the person before talking about them? Have we earnestly prayed for their well-being? Convictions can be a challenging area. Some believers may struggle with listening to secular music but need to let others have their own experiences. However, if someone listens to vulgar music, it might be worth discussing. Our experiences differ, so we should give ourselves to prayer and encouragement. When approaching others, do so with a humble, gentle spirit, being a breath of fresh air to them.

    In summary, a quiet life that focuses on family, church, and neighbors helps us avoid unnecessary anxiety and meddling in others' affairs. By praying for others and approaching them with humility and gentleness, we can foster stronger relationships and live in a way that honors God.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar jump into the nuances of perfectionism and negligence. Perfectionism can be a challenging hurdle to overcome. Conversely, negligence can be equally harmful. There's a false doctrine of sinless perfectionism where a person craves holiness, beats themselves up over sin, and misinterprets scriptures, missing the full picture of what sin truly is. Sinless perfectionism suggests that one is no longer in need of God's grace, but striving for excellence is essential. Ray shares that many successes come amidst failures, illustrating the power of not being afraid to fail.

    Perfectionism can be inherently selfish, demanding unrealistic standards from others. This is particularly damaging to children, creating an environment where nothing feels good enough. E.Z. shares his personal experience of handling perfectionism with his children by focusing on rewarding their efforts instead of outcomes. The demand for perfection places pressure on young people, leading to widespread anxiety. Young women, in particular, compare themselves to a false perception of perfection, questioning God's creation in the process.

    Both perfectionism and negligence are dangerous. God calls us to be more like Him, but we need His grace to meet His perfect standards. While pursuing excellence, stumbling is part of the journey. Christians should strive for excellence, moving forward even after failures. Let your light shine before men, as it is a testimony to God’s work in you.

    Accepting our human frailty shifts our reliance from ourselves to God. Oscar shares his journey of trusting God while writing a book, emphasizing that God uses flawed individuals to accomplish His purposes. 2 Corinthians 5:10 encourages diligence against negligence, reminding us that we will give an account to God. It’s vital to examine our souls intensely to ensure that Christ is central in our lives. Being connected to God’s church is crucial. Loving God’s people requires being with them and engaging in the community. We often fail in our duty to study God’s word because it requires effort. If you believe that the Bible is the living word of God, you should be deeply engaged with it.

    In summary, both perfectionism and negligence are pitfalls to avoid. Embrace excellence with the understanding that grace covers our imperfections. Work hard, strive for the best, and allow room for God’s grace to shine through your efforts. This balance will enable you to live a life that honors God, encourages those around you, and fulfills your divine purpose.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Today Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar tackle the topic of feminism. It began as a movement for gender equality, initially seeking equal rights for women, such as voting, owning property, and having bank accounts. The second wave included the normalization of men participating in domestic tasks and introduced the sexual revolution. Third-wave feminism emphasized sexual empowerment, viewing sexuality as a tool for achieving personal goals. Currently, in the fourth wave, there is a push for women to dominate men, celebrate abortions, and seek greater freedom.

    At the core of feminism is the debate over gender roles. From a biblical perspective, there is no conflict; men and women are different by design. True liberation for women comes from freedom from sin. Christianity, especially in its early context, elevated women in a male-dominated Roman culture, offering a counter-cultural view that valued women highly. The biblical view is the safest and most dignifying for women, contrasting sharply with the sexual revolution, which the guys point out empowers abusive men rather than women.

    God’s design for gender roles assigns men as providers and women as nurturers. Feminism fosters a harsh spirit in women, deviating from their nurturing nature, which is seen as demonic. The family structure designed by God is portrayed as beautiful, and addressing this often meets resistance. The role of women as primary caregivers is emphasized, with concerns about the mental health impact when women are primary breadwinners.

    Ultimately, the discussion returns to God’s authority. Fourth-wave feminism is critiqued for suggesting that women's lack of success is due to men's behavior, prompting women to emulate those behaviors. This raises questions about the nature of freedom, which is defined not as doing whatever one wants but fulfilling one's intended purpose. True freedom is seen as doing what one is meant to do, which is loving God. The proliferation of gender identities is viewed as a symptom of a society that has removed God from the equation.

    The real agenda of feminism is to deny God, with radical feminists targeting the Church. Fifth-wave feminism encourages women to avoid marriage and motherhood. Christians are called to preach boldly, emulating the growth of the early Church in a non-Christian Rome. Believers are encouraged to study the Bible and learn the truth, standing against the modern feminist movement, which has drifted into insanity. In contrast, Christ is seen as elevating women, with true beauty found in fulfilling God's design for His glory.

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    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., and Oscar jump into the controversial topic of Taylor Swift’s music. Secular music is not completely off the table for Christians, but caution and conviction are essential. There’s latitude within the faith that allows for engagement with secular music, yet it’s crucial to examine the foundations of these choices and be open to sharpening each other’s understanding.

    The devotion to Taylor Swift is a phenomenon. Humans are inherently worshipful, and for the secular world, concerts can be a form of worship. Singing together embeds narratives into our hearts, much as a religious experience. Music’s power is significant. Parents should be mindful of what their children are exposed to, including Taylor Swift’s songs. Her lyrics, often seen as innocent, have evolved and can be concerning.

    From a marketing perspective, starting with clean lyrics captures a broad audience, which may then follow an artist into more mature themes. Taylor Swift has transitioned from America’s sweetheart to a feminist icon, with her lyrics becoming increasingly explicit. This shift should prompt parents to consider what they are endorsing when supporting her music and concerts. Some of her lyrics now contain blasphemous content.

    Many dismiss the impact of hearing cuss words; however, the Bible advises caution about what enters our hearts and minds, emphasizing the pursuit of purity and goodness. The stories conveyed in Swift’s music are also a point of importance. Her songs reflect a searching for self-worth and addressing desires. These themes often contradict scripture and promote a false gospel of self-reliance and expressive individualism.

    This discussion is not an attack on Taylor Swift but a caution for her. The aim is to urge her to turn away from sin and embrace a more righteous path. Corrupt entertainment influences our thoughts, and Christians should instead align their desires with God’s will. Words have power, and the messages in music can shape our thinking.

    Swift’s use of religious language to discuss sexuality is another concern. True fulfillment and identity are found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, not in sexual desires. The Song of Solomon presents a view of holy sexuality that contrasts with the world’s messages. Swift’s lyrics mock Christian values and blaspheme God. Many Christians may not realize the current state of Swift’s music. It’s essential to meditate on what is good and pure. Engaging with secular music requires discernment and a focus on maintaining spiritual integrity.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar explore the relationship between psychology and Christianity. It is controversial, primarily due to the humanistic roots of modern psychology. While psychology aims to understand the inner person, some argue it often conflicts with scripture, suggesting self-reliance rather than reliance on the Lord. Psychology can lead to conclusions that contradict Christian beliefs, particularly when it emphasizes human intuition and denies human nature’s inherent sinfulness.

    Modern psychology’s secular approach contrasts sharply with Christian views on human nature and morality. For instance, San Quentin prison’s rehabilitation-focused system reflects a belief in man’s inherent goodness, which some Christians argue ignores the biblical teaching that man is evil by nature. This perspective suggests that removing punishment in favor of rehabilitation undermines justice and morality, reflecting broader societal trends influenced by secular psychology.

    Sigmund Freud, a foundational figure in psychology, viewed religion as something to manage violent impulses and satisfy infantile wishes. His theories laid the groundwork for many modern psychological philosophies, which often dismiss the necessity of the gospel and the sin condition. This secular framework attempts to address deep existential questions without acknowledging the need for spiritual redemption through Christ.

    While secular psychology may diagnose depression as a mental illness, Ray argues that its root cause is the fear of death, a condition that can only be alleviated through faith in Christ. This view holds that turning to the gospel provides the ultimate solution to existential fears and mental distress. However, there is acknowledgment within the Christian community that therapy can be beneficial when it aligns with biblical principles. The guys recognize living in a fallen world can induce anxiety and depression, and while professional help might be necessary, it should be sought with discernment and prayer.

    Christians are encouraged to seek help, confess their struggles, and rely on their faith community for support. It’s essential to discern when to pursue professional help and ensure it doesn’t detract from the sufficiency of scripture and the transformative power of Christ. In conclusion, psychology must be approached with caution and discernment within a Christian context, as healing and peace come from a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar help listeners understand healing through the context of scripture. The Lord provides healing through natural means, illustrated by a story where a man’s voice was miraculously restored while he was reading a passage from Psalms, despite having a permanent condition. This contrasts sharply with the disillusionment caused by fake healings, where charlatans exploit people’s hopes. Such practices lead some to deny the possibility of healing altogether. However, healing is a central theme in the New Testament.

    The guys talk about maintaining an expectation that God can heal, whether in this life or in the next. Jesus’ healings were not just acts of compassion but also demonstrations of the coming Kingdom of God, much like parables that reveal deeper truths to those who seek understanding. We must trust in the Lord and have faith, recognizing that while health is a blessing, sickness can often draw us closer to God.

    God’s grace is sufficient for us, and He may choose to heal or He may not. A lack of healing does not necessarily indicate insufficient faith. There are numerous examples in Scripture where Jesus heals despite a person’s doubt or weak faith. God allows His servants to endure suffering for their sanctification. For instance, Stephen was stoned to death according to God’s will. Sickness can serve God’s glory or act as discipline, but it is incorrect to view all illness as punishment.

    Some individuals avoid modern medicine, believing they must rely solely on God for healing. However, modern medicine is an act of God’s mercy, saving countless lives from common ailments. Medicine is part of God’s common grace, benefiting both believers and unbelievers alike.

    Miracles performed by Jesus demonstrate His power over our fears and affirm His role as the promised snake crusher, destined to reverse the curse of sin. Jesus experienced the full wrath of God on the cross, allowing us to look forward to eternity without suffering. God has addressed our suffering through Christ, and ultimate healing is assured in the life to come.

    In conclusion, while we trust in God for healing and acknowledge that He can work through both miraculous and natural means, we must also understand that suffering and illness can have a purpose in God’s greater plan. The ultimate healing and restoration are promised in eternity where all suffering will cease and we will experience the fullness of God’s glory. Until then, we rely on God’s grace, which is sufficient for every circumstance, and we trust in His wisdom and timing for our healing.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar start this conversation by talking about 1 Timothy 3, which points out that mankind are lovers of themselves rather than God. All generations have sins, and today’s social media makes this more apparent. Oscar is intentional about discipling young people, noting that our culture today pales in comparison to the Greco-Roman culture that the early church faced, where Christianity still boomed. Today, there’s a lack of respect for authority and discipline, with too much pride to be governed by others. So, how do we reach young people?

    Past generations didn’t have today’s technology, and now there is constant exposure to disrespectful behavior. Many kids are on iPads in restaurants, and parents often don’t realize the harmful content coming from the internet and how it impacts their children. Parents must guard and love their children proactively. The local church holds significant value. Invest in the kids in your church and other young people. Lowering the bar can prevent kids from becoming sober-minded adults. It’s important to speak the truth to the younger generations about the gospel.

    We need to turn to God, the Maker, for solutions to our problems. Discipleship happens through living life together. We are always discipling our kids, intentionally or not. To disciple a child, invite them along and talk to them. The guys shared experiences of adults who truly listened to them as kids, making them feel important. Listening is key to reaching young people effectively. Invest in the younger generation by listening to them and speaking life into them. Encourage and build one another up, seeing young people as brothers and sisters in Christ.

    There should be a multi-generational approach to ministry. A common fault in ministering to young people is watering down the gospel. Many churches are consumeristic, resembling auditoriums. We shouldn’t strive to be hip and cool; this can drive young people away. Instead, young people should feel a sense of transcendence and humility.

    To the young people: Get to know God through His Word. Learn, sing to the Lord, study apologetics, and be bold in sharing the gospel. Read more books while you have the opportunity. Remember that God is always with you. To the older generations, the key to reaching youth is through youth. Harness their energy and equip them to share the gospel. Older generations should not despise youth but see them as examples of walking with the Lord. Young people should seek advice and listen to wise counsel, balancing youthful zeal with mature wisdom.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • The Bible emphasizes honoring and learning from our elders. The guys talk of society’s tendencies to isolate the elderly, but their wisdom and experiences are invaluable, reminding us of our shared mortality and the importance of intergenerational connections.

    A society's treatment of the elderly often reflects its moral standing. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar have an honest conversation about the treatment of elderly people in our current society. Deuteronomy criticizes Israel for its lack of respect for the elderly, but the guys point to historical times when the elderly were honored. Today, many elderly people are placed in retirement homes, leading to depression as their world shrinks. This isolation reflects a cultural discomfort with aging and mortality.

    Oscar shares his experience of welcoming his grandmother into his home, highlighting the beauty in caring for elderly family members. Similarly, Ray regrets once unintentionally mocking the elderly in his sermons. He emphasizes the need for sympathy and respect, noting that the elderly are essentially young people in old bodies, still cherishing life despite changes brought by age.

    Aging serves as a reminder of the fallen nature of our world. We should support the elderly through companionship, listening to their stories, helping with errands, and offering financial and medical assistance. Advocating for their rights and protecting them from scams is also crucial. Many elderly people, who once raised families, now sit alone. The guys emphasize the biblical call to care for widows and the elderly.

    Ray recalls helping his elderly neighbor, and Mark shares a poignant story of visiting a nursing home where he witnessed a resident's gradual decline and eventual passing. These personal experiences remind us of the inevitable cycle of life and our future selves in the elderly we now see. It is also important to remember that our parents and grandparents are experiencing life for the first time, just as we are.

    There's a prevalent arrogance among the young today, who often fail to recognize that they, too, will age. Conversations with the elderly can be challenging due to personal biases, but these fears are unfounded. Elderly individuals, who spend more time contemplating mortality, can offer valuable insights. It's essential to boldly share the gospel with them, acknowledging the fleeting nature of life for everyone.

    Grey hair symbolizes a life well-lived and the wisdom that comes with it. The guys encourage us to visit our grandparents, call our parents, and connect with the elderly, taking this as an opportunity for personal growth and conviction.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar dive into the life of John the Baptist, His life is one of profound humility, unwavering faith, and a steadfast commitment to God's purpose. John the Baptist, a humble man clothed in camel hair, was a voice in the wilderness, pointing out people's transgressions and preparing the way for Jesus. He exemplified humility, saying he must decrease so the Lord could increase.

    John’s ministry pointed to Jesus, showing us our role in doing the same. In the Old Testament, high priests offered sacrifices to cover sins temporarily, but Jesus, whom John called the Lamb of God, came to take away sins permanently. When Elizabeth, John’s mother, and Mary, Jesus’ mother, greeted each other, John leaped in Elizabeth’s womb, showing that life and joy exist even before birth. This demonstrates that even a fetus is made in God's image. John worshiped his Creator even in the womb, illustrating the sanctity of life.

    The guys touch on how John preached repentance, a message often resisted both in his day and in ours. Repentance should not be seen as a threat but as an invitation to return to our Creator. Understanding the death that comes with sin highlights the necessity of repentance, which is a joyous and beautiful return to God. True repentance produces visible fruit in one's life.

    John declared that he was not worthy to carry Jesus' sandals, contrasting with some modern preachers who seek to build their own followings. He reminded people that they must decrease for Christ to increase, exemplifying humility by acknowledging his unworthiness compared to Jesus. Even when John baptized Jesus, he felt unworthy.

    Later, John asked Jesus if He was the awaited Savior, a moment that may seem like doubt. Despite John's early recognition of Jesus and his role in baptizing Him, he experienced uncertainty before his execution. Jesus reassured him, calling John the greatest born of woman. The guys emphasize that the strength of John’s faith didn't save him; it was the strength of its object—Jesus. We must decide whether to be offended by Christ or to bow to Him, recognizing that our spirit should desire to have sin removed.

    John preached God's law fearlessly, even before a king. The king ultimately commanded his beheading, showing that sin seeks to destroy truth and conviction. John’s fate is a reminder of sin’s destructive power and the need for unwavering commitment to God’s truth. John the Baptist's life was a testament to decreasing so that Christ could be seen. We should follow his example, living lives full of Christ to glorify God, for He is worthy of all.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar dive into the life of Lot. Despite his failures, 2 Peter calls Lot righteous, highlighting the need to understand the gospel. Abram and Lot parted ways because the land couldn't support both of them. Lot chose the plain of Jordan, settling in Sodom, known for its wickedness. This decision reflects the danger of being drawn away from the Lord by our desires. Wise decisions and heartfelt prayer are crucial, and trusting God's wisdom over our own is essential. Lot compromised his views, a theme common among many pastors today. Compromise can start in small areas, leading us away from God

    Lot's choice parallels the rebellion seen in Cain and Abel's story. He left God's promises for his desires, leading to captivity. Abraham rescued Lot, perhaps a divine opportunity for Lot to leave Sodom, but he persisted. When sojourners visited Sodom, Lot insisted they stay with him, aware of the city's dangers. The men of Sodom shamelessly sought to harm the visitors, reflecting the unashamed sin prevalent today. Church membership is important because of the shamelessness of our society. Welcoming unbelievers shouldn't mean compromising on sin. Christians must remember their past and separate from sinful influences while engaging with the world. Lot's compromise, seen in his use of agape love towards the attackers, shows the dangers of sin.

    The men tried to break into Lot's house, but they were struck blind and unable to find the door. The guys talk about how God allows people to pursue their sinful desires, leading to reprobate minds. Despite their blindness, the men persisted, reflecting a growing societal attitude. Lot was told to leave Sodom, but he hesitated, showing delayed obedience. Believers must trust God's commands without delay. Sin is deadly, and sometimes God must forcefully remove us from it. Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction with fire and brimstone serves as a stark warning.

    Lot's wife looked back at Sodom, turning into a pillar of salt, showing her attachment to the sinful city. Abraham's prayer for Lot's salvation exemplifies intercessory prayer. The covenant with Abraham declared Lot righteous, paralleling Jesus' ultimate sacrifice. Looking at Lot’s life, we see that sin has consequences even for believers. Lot's daughters, influenced by Sodom's perverse culture, committed incest which lead to the Moabites, enemies of Israel. This story emphasizes the importance of obedience to God and the repercussions of sinful choices. Believers should flee from sin and run towards the Lord.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Diligence, defined as constant and earnest effort, is increasingly rare today. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about how past generations exhibited more diligence due to fewer distractions; news came from stagnant newspapers rather than incessant digital media. Modern distractions are leading us into a state of spiritual oblivion, making it crucial to prioritize goals and establish systems to achieve them. Proverbs warns against laziness, underscoring the connection between diligence and fruitfulness. Achieving anything requires hard work, persistence, and common sense.

    A disciplined life involves intentionally creating time and space for fellowship with God, not as a checklist but as a way to fulfill our roles meaningfully. Understanding your role, knowing your limits, and planning ahead are vital. Drafting a vision statement based on scripture helps set up effective routines. Our minds are shaped by what we fill them with, and much of our attention is stolen by distractions. Living to glorify God requires diligent attention to our spiritual lives.

    The importance of rising early and dedicating the first part of the day to the Lord is emphasized by the guys. While sleep is a gift from God, habits must be examined and adjusted to prioritize time with Him. Deep fellowship with the Lord is essential for a meaningful life, and waking up with purpose can help avoid laziness. Proverbs also warns against slothfulness, noting that our habits shape our hearts. If Christ isn't at the center of our habits, we will stray. Lack of joy and fullness in life often indicates the need for spiritual realignment.

    Reading the Bible daily and exploring John Wesley’s journal, which showcases his time-maximizing diligence, can inspire steadfastness. Wesley's eternal mindset and efficient use of his day highlight the preciousness of time. Remaining diligent and steadfast, practicing spiritual disciplines, and focusing on God’s kingdom are crucial for impactful Christian living. Worldly diligence, if redirected towards Christ, could greatly benefit the church. Jesus valued energetic action and generosity, favoring peacemakers over peacekeepers.

    Living Waters ministry exemplifies diligence born out of devotion. Christians should be the most diligent people, recognizing the greatness of their work and the shortness of time. Working diligently for the Lord is fulfilling. Those who have been lazy should repent and reduce their consumption of worldly things, redirecting their focus towards serving God with dedication.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro