
  • The fullness of emptiness resides within our core being, defying external search or attainment. By going beyond our senses and perceptions, we come to understand that emptiness is not a void, but rather a state of being that holds immense potential. Through self-reflection and prioritizing inner growth, we can unlock hidden layers of our being and experience a sense of freedom that transcends boundaries and definitions. As we journey inward, we begin to recognize that everything in the universe, including ourselves, originates from the unmanifested. By exploring our own depths, we simultaneously explore the vastness of the universe and trace ourselves back to the source of nothingness. By prioritizing self-reflection and not losing ourselves in the pursuit of desires and pleasures, we tap into the power of emptiness and find true fulfillment.

    Lyonne Premananda is a spiritual teacher and co-founder of the New Humanity Divine Marga International, shining the Light on Divine Love, Devotion, and Full Consciousness.

    Lyonne assists Souls in remembering and awakening to the inherent Truth, Love, and Wisdom of their deepest True Self. With a decade of experience as a spiritual teacher, she has worked with people from all walks of life. She has helped hundreds of people to awaken to higher levels of consciousness, realize their inherent deepest nature, and return to their whole, utmost loving Self.

    Lyonne meets people ready to embark on their spiritual awakening journey and show a profound way to unconditionally remain in their deepest Being so that they can gradually dissolve the sense of separation and reunite with their Divine Eternal Self.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnepremananda.org/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠

    See all Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • We explore the art of deep listening and its incredible potential to transform our lives, going beyond surface-level appreciation to uncover the subtle nuances that connect us with our hearts. Deep listening serves as a pointer, guiding us to delve further within ourselves and discover the eternal divinity that resides within each of us, nature, and all living beings.

    Lyonne Premananda is a spiritual teacher and co-founder of the New Humanity Divine Marga International, shining the Light on Divine Love, Devotion, and Full Consciousness.

    Lyonne assists Souls in remembering and awakening to the inherent Truth, Love, and Wisdom of their deepest True Self. With a decade of experience as a spiritual teacher, she has worked with people from all walks of life. She has helped hundreds of people to awaken to higher levels of consciousness, realize their inherent deepest nature, and return to their whole, utmost loving Self.

    Lyonne meets people ready to embark on their spiritual awakening journey and show a profound way to unconditionally remain in their deepest Being so that they can gradually dissolve the sense of separation and reunite with their Divine Eternal Self.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnepremananda.org/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events⁠

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  • In this enlightening episode, we delve into the profound teachings of the Bhakti Sutras to explore the concept of desiring the highest. The path of love and devotion, reminds us to surrender what we hold onto and offer it to the divine. By doing so, we can break free from the chains of bondage and illusion that keep us trapped. Learn how by anchoring our awareness into Divine consciousness and redirecting our focus towards our divine nature, we align ourselves with our highest desire, guiding us back home.

    Lyonne Premananda is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnepremananda.org/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events⁠

  • Discover the profound wisdom behind directing all our passions towards the Divine. Through the power of acknowledging and witnessing our passions with neutrality, we come to realize that judgment, resistance, and pushing away are unnecessary. Instead, we cultivate love and acceptance, enabling us to redirect our energies towards the Divine. By transcending ignorance and attachment, we aim to uncover the Divine Source within ourselves.

    Lyonne Premananda is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnepremananda.org/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events⁠

  • We give so much importance to impermanence, and yet we overlook that which is absolute, that which is eternal. We overlook it a thousand times. And so, it is important for us to remember the divine within. Otherwise, how would we come close? How would we become the one true self, the true heart, and free the soul from incarnations over and over until we are able to fully transcend all these illusions?

    Lyonne Premananda is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnepremananda.org/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • In this episode, we explore the concept of our true nature, which is inherently all-knowing and devoid of any form of lack. From the perspective of our individual selves, we evolve, expand, and mature. However, from the standpoint of our awareness, nothing truly changes. We are already abundant, blissful, and boundless beings. It is crucial to remember this fundamental truth and know ourselves deeply. As we gain clarity and deepen our presence, we access the realm of non-duality. This state of being is not a mere philosophy or theory, but a profound experience that can become increasingly subtle and light. From this perspective, we perceive reality as one, transcending the limitations of duality.

    Lyonne Premananda is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • We delve into the concept of embracing the totality of everything and nothing. Discover how gaining clarity about who you truly are can make a profound difference in your life, bringing you ease and relaxation. Through self-investigation and recognizing what you are not, you can uncover your true being and eliminate confusion. While it may seem like detachment, being aware is actually about fully embracing the diversity of life experiences.

    Lyonne Premananda is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • Join Lyonne for an insightful discussion on the importance of Satsang - a spiritual gathering and the invaluable benefits of receiving Consciousness Transmission. Discover the power of being in the presence of an awakened teacher and the profound impact it can have on one's awakening journey. Gain insight into the profound wisdom and guidance that emanate from these sacred gatherings and the potential for inner growth and self-realization.

    Lyonne Premananda is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • Join Lyonne as she shares her experience of being in the presence of the spiritual teacher Anandamayi Ma. In this episode she discusses the profound impact Anandamayi Ma's teachings and energy have had on her life. Lyonne also reflects on the transformative power of spiritual presence and how it has influenced her personal journey. Lyonne Sundari's soft approach will transport you to a realm beyond the physical, where divine wisdom flows effortlessly. With each word spoken, you'll feel the power of Anandamayi Ma's enlightened spirit permeating your very being.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • Discovering Selflessness in Relationships:
Building a truly non-dual relationship requires selflessness, which can be challenging to achieve. Join us in this video as we explore how to cultivate selflessness in our relationships, and how it can enrich our understanding and love for ourselves.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • In this episode, Lyonne explores the Divine through the non-dual experience. Lyonne guides you to surrender to the Divine personally, revealing the hidden power that lies within you. This can provide insights and clarity that you can apply to your life and your journey toward your true self.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • In this transformative episode Lyonne guides you into silence with an intention to expose or illuminate what is blocking you from your greatest fulfillment. In order to experience our loving awareness it is important to remove what is blocking us from this awareness and from living our life in our highest capacity. Moving through these blocks can be momentarily uncomfortable, but the willingness to look into these darker places brings the reward of the experience of your true nature.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • Through the transition into your full consciousness, you could be experiencing losing some part of yourself. A sense of crumbling and even dying. That's because a part of the "I" is losing itself, Identity dies over and over. The bigger truth is that this sense of dying is an illusion from higher Consciousness, as awareness itself has no beginning or end. If that is not yet "REAL" to you, then I would suggest trusting the unknown. Trusting the unknown is very powerful. It can help you shift your consciousness to your next level and depth. Trust that losing yourself from within is SAFE. Remember that it's not your TRUE SLEF that you are losing; it's the makeup created as yourself that is being lost and dismantled.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • We have familiarized ourselves with our limitations, but what would life be like if we were familiar with our natural self? This is the reason that we meditate, whether we realize it or not. We want to know our natural self. There are challenges that come with overcoming the heavy emotions that usually block this true self, but with time and patience, the distortions of our ego fade away, and we experience true freedom. Lyonne speaks of the wounds that block us from our true nature and the way that they can be overcome.

    Lyonne Sundari is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • If you're looking to gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual nature, this episode is for you! Lyonne Sundari will show you how to connect with the divine source and increase your spiritual awareness. The beauty of opening consciousness is that you become a liberated soul. This is no easy task, but it's worth the effort. Learn the secrets of unlocking higher consciousness for your liberation.

    Lyonne Sundari is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • The intention of this deep and transformative episode is to bring more awareness to our soul's presence and to align with the loving nature of our soul. Lyonne will also discuss soul connection, soul healing and help you gain a deeper understanding of your soul. An alignment with our soul brings clarity to our life's purpose and reveals our essence behind the veilings of the mind.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • Krishna consciousness is a path of love that leads us to the ultimate goal: to experience eternal love. An awareness of the supreme consciousness can be awakened so one experiences a connection with divinity. In this episode, Lyonne explores the path of love with Krishna and the amazing things that can happen along the way.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: ⁠https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission⁠

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: ⁠https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • When going through difficulties in life it can be very uplifting to remember the Higher Love that is our essence. By creating a strong connection to that love within us it is easier to see through the apparent differences with others.

    Lyonne Sundari is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • In this episode, inspired by the Bhakti Sutra, Lyonne shares her powerful perspective on true love. Our true nature is pure, infinite Love. In this modern world, love has become very conditional and narrowly defined. We tend to search for love everywhere, but it isn't something you can attain, but what you are in your being. This desire for love is usually hiding some unresolved pain and trauma. Still, with the courage to dig into those difficult emotions, we find our infinite loving nature underneath. This powerful video will help you to understand the true nature of love.

    Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events

  • Lyonne guides us toward cultivating a relationship with the Divine. Practicing devotion and surrender is a doorway to the Divine. We tend to be focused on doership consciousness throughout the day - it is what we are taught and what we see all around us. When we surrender to Love, consciousness expands, allowing us to see the Divine consciousness beneath all of life. Ultimately it is about cultivating a relationship with our true self that gives us the contentment and peace that we're looking for. Lyonne has a special gift of helping others surrender to Love for their most fulfilling life.

    Lyonne Sundari is a way-shower and guide who teaches from a Non-Dual perspective and intuitively uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered and awakened to the inherent truth of one's deepest Self. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor.

    Consciousness transmissions with Lyonne have a special quality of Loving Presence, which is both powerful and radiant, melting and merging with your heart. Lyonne teaches a powerful way to unconditionally remain in your deepest Being so that you can gradually dissolve your sense of separation.

    To book a Consciousness Transmission with Lyonne: https://www.lyonnesundari.com/consciousness-transmission

    See all Events, Online Meditations, Retreats and Workshops: https://www.newhumanitylife.com/events