
  • The Importance of Knowing Your Numbers, with Leandra Nisbet

    Leandra Nisbet is the founder of The Stingray Advisory Group. Her focus is on making complex business tasks approachable and actionable for entrepreneurs. She's passionate about empowering business owners to leverage their numbers effectively.

    We dove into some of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make in their online business, as it relates to finances.

    First Mistake: Not Separating Personal and Business Finances:

    Many entrepreneurs overlook the importance of separating personal and business finances. Having a dedicated business account streamlines financial tracking and saves time and stress in the long run.

    Second Mistake: Trying to Serve Everyone:

    You must niche down and be intentional with your target audience. Trying to serve everyone dilutes your brand and marketing efforts. Focus on engaging with the right audience for your business.

    Third Mistake: Lack of Systems and Processes:

    Not having systems in place can hinder business growth. Establish processes for project management, expense tracking, and income management to ensure efficiency and scalability.

    Project Management Tools:

    We discussed project management tools like Zoho Projects and Asana, emphasizing the importance of centralized platforms for effective project management.

    Cash Flow Management:

    Cash flow is essential for business survival. Regularly track income and expenses, analyze historical data, and forecast future cash flow to make informed financial decisions.

    Three Steps to Start Tracking Numbers:

    Begin by reviewing expenses: Analyse your bank statements to understand where your money is going. Implement systems for income management: Set up automated invoice reminders to ensure timely payments. Develop a budget: Start with a simple budget template or use accounting software to track income and expenses regularly.

    Expense Planning Calculator:

    Leandra offers an expense planning checklist and calculator to help entrepreneurs track their finances effectively. Remember: Knowledge is power. Don't be afraid to use data to your advantage and take control of your business!

    Get The Calculator: https://go.stingrayadvisorygroup.com/1v5ud3lh

  • Let's Spill the Tea on Finding Your Ideal Client's Struggles!

    Hey hey my lovely! Welcome back to The Maeve Ferguson Podcast, the spot where we spill all the gold on crushing it with your evergreen course business. And let me tell you, if you're thinking of swiping left on this episode, nuh-uh! You're gonna want in because missing out... It's like skipping your morning coffee – just don't do it. Today, we're diving into five surprising places where you can eavesdrop on your dream clients and snag their exact lingo.

    Segment 1: Amazon Reviews - Finding the Real Talk

    Imagine Amazon reviews as your BFFs spilling the tea on what's up. No, no, no! We're skipping the 5-star and 1-star reviews. They're like the good and bad exes – drama! We're sliding into those 3-star reviews. Copy-paste the juicy bits into your secret language vault. No sanitizing, okay? We're keeping it real!

    Segment 2: Social Blade - Stalking the Big Guns

    Social Blade is like our VIP pass to the A-listers' audience's secret language. Pop on those virtual shades and stalk the big players in your field. YouTube, Instagram – wherever they're spilling their secrets. Capture the comments that scream, "OMG, that's so me!" and sprinkle them into your language bank. It's like a sprinkle of magic for your evergreen course business.

    Segment 3: Social Media Groups - Let's Get Chatty

    LinkedIn, Facebook groups – it's like a virtual coffee shop where your peeps spill their tea. Copy-paste the real talk from your dream clients. Their complaints, dreams, all of it! This ain't a one-time thing either. It's a quarterly tea party. Stay in the loop with what's hot in your clients' world.

    Segment 4: Clarity Calls and Coaching Submissions - Tea Time IRL

    Transcribe those calls like you're a detective decoding a secret message. Dive deep into the Q&A – the real struggles your clients are whispering. Copy-paste it all! This isn't a one-hit wonder. It's your ongoing tea subscription – spill the tea, receive the gems.

    Are you gonna be the action taker who commits to this language treasure hunt? Send me the word "commit," over on IG and let's chatn making your evergreen course business dreams a reality. I'm here cheering you on!

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  • In this week's episode - the amazing Julia shares her passion for helping women, especially moms, achieve a balanced life, successful business, and make an impact while avoiding burnout.

    She outlines her approach, combining business coaching with DNA frequency activations to assist in personal growth.

    Julia explains DNA activations, describing the various forms they can take, including language, codes, sacred geometry, and her unique method using frequencies. She emphasizes the presence of "junk DNA" and how activating it enhances the manifestation of desires.

    Frequencies and vibrations are discussed, with Julia explaining how her process works from the inside out, helping individuals naturally align with their desired vibrations. She elaborates on the transmission of instructions energetically, drawing parallels with mRNA vaccines and their impact on DNA.

    Frequencies are highlighted as powerful tools for achieving various outcomes, drawing from Julia's awakening in her spiritual journey. She uses the analogy of radio transmission to explain how information is transmitted from one's higher self to another's through frequencies. We explore the practical aspects of DNA activation, delving into the complexities and technicalities.

    To get your ideal client activation click here

  • Today I want you to think about Strategic Thinking. When we operate from a place of day to day, reactionary work, we struggle to grow our Coaching Businesses. And thinking Strategically in terms of your Offers, Revenue and Team will really pay off in your Coaching Business. See I have learned the hard way, what the 4 pitfalls have cost me in my business AND HOW THEY DISTRACT YOU FROM SUCCESS. And today I invite you to take a moment, look for these pitfalls in your own business and see how You can become more Strategic in your thinking and in your work. DM WAITLIST over on IG and I will be in touch with all of the details when founding member pricing is available.

  • I've got a story to share that takes me back to a time when I made a serious mistake in my online coaching business – one that almost drove me crazy. Today, I want to spill the beans on what happened and how it nearly cost me the success I was dreaming of. So, grab your favorite beverage and settle in for a real talk.

    Alright, let's rewind a bit. Back then, my coaching business was all about high ticket offers. Sounds good, right? Well, not exactly. I realized I was missing out on connecting with so many incredible people who couldn't quite reach those high prices. Lesson learned: high ticket ONLY can be a double-edged sword.

    Picture this: I, too, have been on the other side as a coaching participant. Jumping from one 10k program to another, only to find out that some didn't quite match up to what I was already teaching myself. Cold sweat, anyone? It hit me hard that there had to be a better way to bring value BEFORE people dive into your high ticket

    Enter the hero of the story – micro offers. These little gems changed the game for me. They became the secret sauce to building trust with potential clients. Think about it – lower barriers, specific problem-solving, and immediate wins. It's like giving them a taste of success right from the start.

    Now, let me share my Micro Offer Formula. It's not about those gimmicky, valueless trip wires. No, no. These offers are jam-packed with value, delivering on a specific promise. We're not throwing in the kitchen sink, but we're definitely stirring up desire for the next step, whether it's a mid-tier offer or diving straight into the high ticket program.

    One of our fantastic clients recently woke up to a sale from her brand new micro offer. It's like having a 24/7 trust-building machine working for her. Imagine that – a machine that keeps on giving and ascending clients into her coaching program. Beautiful, isn't it?

    Alright, lovely souls, here's the deal. I've got something special for you. Head over to my Instagram, and drop me a DM with the word "masterclass." Why? Because I want to invite you to a free masterclass where I spill all the secrets on creating your own converting micro offer in just three days. Trust me; it's a game-changer. Can't wait to see you there!

  • This week's episode is a short yet impactful one, focusing on a powerful experience that recently reminded the host of a valuable lesson from 2017. The central theme revolves around questioning what we believe to be true and examining the stories we tell ourselves.

    I delve into personal insights provided by their mindset coach, Kashia Rutkowiak, emphasizing the ability to create narratives in our minds that influence decision-making. This self-reflection extends to personal and business aspects, and I would love you to identify and challenge stories you may be telling yourself.

    The episode draws parallels to common narratives in business, especially those heard during sales calls. I encourage you to analyze your beliefs at different stages of your business, from top-of-funnel cold audiences to client delivery, and question the validity of your narratives.

    Top of Funnel:

    Reflect on stories told about attracting cold and warm audiences. Challenge beliefs that may not align with the actual situation.

    Middle of Funnel:

    Explore narratives around the latest strategies and tactics for building email lists. Examine the reasons people join your email list and question assumptions.

    Nurturing and Sales Mechanisms:

    Analyze beliefs regarding sales mechanisms. Address any preconceived notions from past experiences or external influences.

    Client Acquisition:

    Question beliefs about the affordability of your niche. Challenge assumptions that may hinder successful client acquisition.

    Client Delivery:

    Reflect on personal insecurities regarding client satisfaction. Acknowledge and challenge imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

    I encourage you to take time to scrutinize each aspect of your business model and personal life. By questioning beliefs, you may uncover stories you've been telling yourself that may not align with reality.

    If you found this episode valuable, don't forget to leave a review and share it with others. Sharing insights with fellow experts and coaches can lead to those enlightening "aha" moments.

    You can connect with Kasia here

  • Melitta Campbell is known as the 'Value Whisperer' because of the way she helps her clients reveal and belief in their true value. The methodology she uses is her Dream Clients Blueprint - defining a client's true value and niche, and then looking at how you weave that into all your communications, marketing, sales, processes etc. while building your confidence and mindset.

    Melissa shares her impressive 16-year business journey, initially focused on live strategy work and later transitioning to visibility plans for influential leaders. She candidly discusses the burnout experienced due to a misalignment of passion, leading her to reevaluate her business approach. Melissa details her transformation six years ago, emphasizing the joy and fulfillment in her current work compared to the early stages of her business.

    We dive into the identification of client pain points, recognizing personal strengths, and aligning values with client needs to discover the elusive sweet spot. Real-life examples vividly illustrate the transformative power of this approach.

    Melitta encourages listeners to grant themselves permission to align marketing with personal values, experiment with diverse approaches, and embrace self-compassion throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

    The episode unfolds to explore the concept of ultimate self-leadership, with a focus on self-respect and self-compassion as indispensable keys to entrepreneurial success.

    You can connect with Melitta here

    You can sign up for her free training here


    Head over to Maeve's new community - The Evergreen Coaching Business Lab, to access free training and resources from Maeve

  • Today I deep dive into an incredible conversation with Caroline Partridge on all things Human Design and how important it is to work from your human design in your coaching business

    We discussed how to discover your human design, what it is and six key areas you can apply your human design in your business

    & How you can take the experiment of Business and Human Design to other areas of your business and ultimately experience the reality of alignment- more fun, freedom and fulfillment

    You can access everything we talked about in the episode here.

  • The Quiz Funnel Advantage - How to Hyper Qualify Your Leads Without Endless Sales Calls

    In today's episode I talk about the power of a Quiz funnel in hyper qualifying your leads. You can get the 5 secrets to a Quiz Funnel That Converts by DM'ing "5" on Instagram here

    I dive into

    > How a Quiz Funnel is the fastest way to hyper qualify your leads

    > The 7 Massive Mistakes to Avoid

    > What to consider when crafting your Quiz Questions.


    Join The Evergreen Coaching Lab Free Community here

  • Hey, beautiful souls! 💖

    Welcome back to The Maeve Ferguson Podcast, where we're all about empowering you to build and scale your evergreen coaching business. I'm your host, Maeve Ferguson, and today's episode is a game-changer!

    Grab your favorite cup of inspiration, find a cozy spot, and let's dive deep into some seriously transformative strategies that will not only elevate your coaching business but also ignite that entrepreneurial fire within you.

    In today's episode, we're breaking down the keys to evergreen coaching business structure and why you may want to choose an evergreen business model over launching. From cultivating a powerful mindset to implementing practical, actionable steps, we've got you covered. I've curated some golden nuggets that I've personally applied on my own entrepreneurial journey, and trust me, they've made all the difference.

    We'll include the importance of mindset – because let's face it, mindset is everything. I'll share some mindset shifts that have been absolute game-changers for me and how they can revolutionize your approach to business.

    Next up, we'll delve into strategic business practices that can skyrocket your success. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, these tips are tailored to help you navigate the dynamic world of online business. Get ready for some serious strategy talk, filled with insights that you can implement right away.

    But, of course, we're not stopping there! I'll be spilling the tea on my own experiences, the highs, the lows, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Because let's be real, the journey to success is anything but a straight line, and I'm here to share the raw, unfiltered truth.

    So, if you're ready to level up your business game, embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, and manifest the success you deserve, this episode is tailor-made for you. Tune in, take notes, and get ready to slay your business goals!

    Don't forget to connect with me on social media @iammaeveferguson and share your biggest takeaways from today's episode using our hashtag #maevefergusonpodcast. I love hearing from you all, and together, we're building a community of empowered, thriving coaches and course creators.

    Thank you for joining me on this journey, and without further ado, let's kick off another episode of The Maeve Fergusons Podcast! 🎙️✨

    Discover the 4 laws to filling your Coaching Programmes on evergreen in our free live workshop here

  • This year has been nothing short of incredible for me, filled with ups and downs that come with life and business. Despite the challenges, it's been a truly magical journey, especially working with phenomenal clients to help them build and scale their evergreen coaching businesses. Today, I want to share with you the key lesson I've learned in 2023 – the unparalleled power of connection and community. In the world of collaboration, connection, and being in the right space with the right energy, I've witnessed literal magic unfold. That's why, in a significant shift for me, I've felt the calling to create a community—a free community where the energy is right, the vibe is perfect, and we bring together an extraordinary collective of like-minded individuals. Introducing the Evergreen Coaching Business Lab, a brand new, hot-off-the-press community opening its doors just as this episode airs. If you've been following my journey, you'll recognize that this is a shift, a change in direction that I'm passionately embracing. I invite you to be one of our founding members if you resonate with being in a room with beautifully energetically aligned people, driven by a shared vision of collaboration and service, not self-interest. The Evergreen Coaching Business Lab is your space to thrive. I've popped the link to join us in the show notes below. As a founding member, you'll gain access to cutting-edge strategies and tactics to keep your coaching business thriving on evergreen. This includes opportunities for podcast guesting, masterclasses, and the chance to create strategic partnerships with industry experts and coaches who can enhance your community. I'm buzzing with excitement about this venture, and I can't wait for you to be a part of it. Embracing change is a vital aspect of business, and this shift towards community building has been my most significant lesson of 2023. So, if you're ready to dive into a community that's not just about business but about genuine connection and growth, click the link here to join us now. But that's not all—I've also got a brand new free course creation planner for you. Check out the link here to access this valuable resource and, as a bonus, find your way into the Evergreen Coaching Business Lab on Facebook. As I wrap up 2023 with a bang, I want to express my gratitude for being part of the Maeve Ferguson Podcast. If you've found the content valuable, I encourage you to share it with a friend or fellow coach in the industry. Spread the knowledge and insights that can help others as they build and scale their evergreen coaching businesses. Before we bid farewell to 2023, here's a final reminder about the early bird pricing for our luxury VIP retreat, mentioned in the last episode. This is your last chance to secure a spot at the discounted rate, so don't miss out. I'm looking forward to seeing you all next week as we transition into 2024, where the Maeve Ferguson Podcast will take on a slightly different look and feel. I can't wait to welcome you inside our new Evergreen Coaching Business Lab. Thank you for an amazing 2023, and here's to an even more exciting journey ahead!

  • Have you ever experienced a moment so impactful in your business, it completely shifted your perspective on success? That's precisely what happened to me, and I can't wait to share how embracing the 'being' over the 'doing' in business has catapulted my coaching business to new heights. As you listen to my reflections, consider this an exclusive invitation to join us at our luxury VIP business and spa retreat in Northern Ireland in March 2024. Here, a fusion of relaxation and strategy awaits, with sessions on marketing, sales, mindset, and more, led by experts like our in house sales coach Jess, our in house mindset coach, Kasia, and personal stylist Monica Mueller. Seize the chance to revitalize your business and personal brand amidst the opulence of Northern Ireland's countryside—early bird pricing ends on 31/12! Imagine unwinding in a serene spa after a day of intense learning and personal growth. This opportunity is not just about enhancing your business; it's an investment in the evolution of your identity as an entrepreneur. Engage in transformative conversations with our guest experts, who are set to provide insights on everything from clearing emotional blocks to being featured on world class podcasts. Don't just dream about your future success—wear it, live it, and let it resonate with every step you take towards 2024. Check out all the details here

  • I am bursting with excitement as I share the magic of Christmas through my children's eyes and reveal the success of our recent Micro-Offer Virtual Accelerator.

    Listen in as I discuss how this three-day intensive bootcamp has empowered amazing coaches globally to create their converting Micro-Offer.

    I emphasize the critical importance of understanding your market's needs and tailoring your offerings accordingly to prevent trying to force a square peg into a round hole. I also share seven practical ways to tune into your market and provide them exactly what they need, making sales a breeze.

    Learn about how to utilize tools like Social Blade and Amazon, as well as Facebook groups to conduct effective market research. Discover how to use these platforms to gather information about your ideal clients' struggles and desires, and how to use this language in your sales and messaging strategy.

    I assure you that using these techniques will have your potential clients feeling understood and eager to buy your products or services. Join me in this insightful conversation that could revolutionize your approach to sales.

    You can join the Workshop here

  • This week, listen in as we examine what could be halting the progress of your coaching business.

    Reflecting on the past year, we'll explore the goals you set versus the reality of where you find yourself. While we've seen a significant 303% increase in our revenue and exceeded our targets, we know that not everyone's journey has been the same.

    If you've found that your goals remain unmet, year after year, this episode is dedicated to understanding why and how you can turn things around. Don't miss out on the free quiz mentioned in the show notes that will help you pinpoint the main obstacle preventing your coaching business from taking off.

    With the understanding that data doesn't lie, we delve into why you might not be attracting the clients you want and what it means for your business. Is your marketing strategy failing to clearly define who you serve and what you offer? Or perhaps your DMs aren't brimming with potential clients because your content lacks the pull? Are you crafting offers that people don't want to buy?

    Tune in to discover how to overcome these pitfalls and transform your coaching business into a steady, successful business.

    Take the Quiz Here

  • Listen in as we tackle the ever-pressing question of where to find your next client. We'll share five different strategies that you can use to connect with potential clients, even when it seems like you've hit a roadblock. Drawing on our personal experiences and some valuable industry insights, we'll guide you through the process of revisiting past sales call lists and leveraging them to reignite interest. Plus, we'll discuss how upgrading current clients to VIP packages and creating irresistible continuity offers can build a solid base of monthly recurring revenue. In the second part of our conversation, we highlight the significance of having a micro offer in your coaching business. We discuss how this can not only differentiate you from your competitors, but also help to fill your coaching programs on Evergreen effectively. Don't miss our insights on crafting an impactful micro offer and details about our Masterclass, where we'll guide you through creating your own micro offer within just three days. This is a chance to kickstart the new year with a competitive edge and secure a steady stream of clients. Join the Masterclass: Here

  • Welcome back to the Maeve Ferguson podcast, and I'm thrilled to dive into Episode 104.

    Today, I want to share some insights on a topic that has transformed my coaching business – how to sign coaching clients without resorting to spammy DMs. Let me take you on a journey back to the early days of my business when I found myself sending messages that felt icky, spammy, and far from authentic.

    I remember desperately trying to initiate conversations with phrases like "I love your profile" or discussing mundane topics like the weather just to connect with potential clients. It didn't align with who I am, but at that time, I felt stuck, like I had no other choice if I wanted to grow my coaching business. Fast forward a few years, and I found myself on the living room floor, playing with my kids. Meanwhile, my coaching offers were seamlessly converting into paying clients on autopilot.

    The magic behind this transformation lies in what I call The Voice Note DM Sales System – a method that revolves around four critical components. First and foremost, we delve into pain points profiling and ideal client identification. If you're receiving less than seven inbound keywords a day, it's a signal that your points profiling needs refining. This is the foundation for creating content that resonates with your ideal clients, making them feel heard and understood.

    Moving on to the second component, crafting a script becomes crucial in converting leads into buyers. Through extensive testing, we've discovered that scripted voice notes significantly boost the know, like, and trust factor, resulting in higher conversion rates. The third component involves automating the process when the volume of inbound keywords becomes overwhelming.

    Lastly, attracting your ideal client to DM you with a specific keyword sets the entire process in motion. To recap, the four key components are pain points profiling, crafting a conversion script, automating the process, and attracting your ideal client.

    To help you implement this system, we've prepared a brand new micro-offer at the cost of a cup of coffee.

    This Voice Note DM Sales System guides you through uncovering pain points, understanding what your ideal client desires, providing a step-by-step conversion script, automating the process, and attracting your ideal client. Simply send the word VOICE to our Instagram to access a demo and witness the power of converting leads to clients on autopilot.

  • 3 Reasons why you aren't filling your Coaching Programmes

    I am absolutely thrilled to have you here today as we dive into a topic that could be the game-changer you've been searching for in your coaching journey. Now, if you've been feeling that your coaching programs aren't hitting the mark, this episode is a must-listen.

    Reason #1: The Know, Like, and Trust Dilemma

    Are you tired of feeling like your message is getting lost in the noise of social media? It's time to break free from the status quo. I'll unveil a strategy that not only builds know, like, and trust but ensures your ideal clients are not just hearing but absorbing your valuable content.

    Reason #2: The PDF Lead Magnet Pitfall

    Let's be real – those gorgeous PDF lead magnets take time and effort to create. But what if I told you there's a smarter way to build your email list, ensuring your efforts don't end up in the digital abyss? Intrigued? Stay tuned.

    Reason #3: Bridging the Solution Gap

    Ever felt like you're shouting into the void, knowing you have the solution but struggling to be heard? I get it. We're going to unlock the secret to cutting through the noise and making your expertise unmistakably clear to your audience.

    The Persuasive Power of the Micro Offer! 💥

    Hold onto your seats because we're about to discuss the game-changer – the converting micro offer! It's not just a strategy; it's the key to building a list of committed buyers and propelling your clients towards success. Learn how a well-crafted micro offer can seamlessly lead to autopilot enrollments in your coaching programs.

    Ready to Ignite Your Coaching Business? Join the Free Masterclass! 🚀

    Are you curious about the unstoppable force of micro offers and how they can transform your coaching game? I've dropped a link in the show notes to our free masterclass. Head to https://www.maeveferguson.com/ai, and let's embark on a journey that elevates your coaching programs to new heights.

    👉 Don't miss out! Secure your spot in the masterclass.

  • Welcome to the Maeve Ferguson Podcast, Episode 102.

    Today, we're delving into the transformative catalyst for your coaching business in 2024: crafting a coaching offer that truly converts.

    Context of the Coaching Offer:

    In our evergreen Lifestyle coaching business model, we employ a quiz funnel to hyper-qualify leads, leading to a micro-offer to build trust and eventually guide clients into the coaching program. This episode focuses on the crucial element: your main coaching offer.

    Painpoints Profiling:

    Start with "pain points profiling" to understand your ideal client's language deeply. Use tools like Social Blades to find the genuine language on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook groups. Ensure you don't sanitize language; resonate by using their authentic expressions.

    Ideal Client Identification:

    Move beyond surface-level avatars; understand your ideal client profoundly. Aim for a level of understanding that lets you map out a day in their lives in perfect detail.

    Crafting a Stand-Out Approach:

    In the online space, a generic approach won't cut it. Develop a unique and standout coaching approach that distinguishes you from the crowd.

    Crafting Phases and Steps:

    Develop the phases and steps of your unique approach; these become the modules and lessons in your coaching program. Ensure a tight curriculum; avoid unnecessary content and focus on delivering results quickly.

    Crafting Toolkits and Bonuses:

    Address objections through carefully crafted toolkits and bonuses. These should not only expedite results but also directly counter objections your ideal client might have.

    Sales Page Creation:

    Your sales page should guide potential clients through the identification of their problems and the impact on their lives. Introduce your methodology as the solution and emphasize that your coaching offer is the implementation of this unique approach. Demonstrate how bonuses and toolkits directly address objections.

    Building Your Audience:

    Emphasize the importance of building an audience, especially if running an organic business without paid traffic. Consistent posting should target your ideal client, not just friends or colleagues.

    If you would love to discover HOW to do all of this, dive into our Coaching Offer Catalyst, available at the price of a cup of coffee.

    DM the word "catalyst" on Instagram here @iammaeveferguson

    The Coaching Offer Catalyst provides a step-by-step guide through the entire process outlined in this episode.
  • In Episode 101 of the podcast, I welcome Colm and Jane Ward from 'Me Time Coaching.' They have transformed my health and therefore my business. I had been neglecting my health and wellness as a CEO and mom, but their guidance changed everything. They focus on helping busy parents prioritize "me time" and taking care of themselves. The key lies in understanding the power of self-care and how it impacts all aspects of life. They offer a FREE 14-day program that simplifies health and fitness. It uses a traffic light system to create awareness about food choices and helps you focus on self-care. The program aims to make health achievable and effective long-term. It emphasizes implementing changes over complicated information. Colm & Jane stress that removing the labels we attach to ourselves, such as "CEO" or "mom," and understanding the importance of "me time" can lead to transformative results. Enjoy the episode! You can follow Jane and Colm on Instagram here Join Lose It for free here

  • Episode 100 - Generational Wealth and Financial Freedom through Real Estate - With Amelia Misenheimer

    This week marks our 100th episode, a milestone I never thought possible when I first considered starting this podcast. To celebrate, I've brought in a special guest, Amelia Misenheimer, a real estate investment coach. She's a close friend and an expert in this field, and I'm thrilled to have her on the show. Amelia Misenheimer, an Expert Real Estate Investment coach, joins us today. She specializes in guiding successful individuals who aim to build generational wealth and financial freedom through real estate. Amelia shares her background, mentioning she's been investing in real estate since 2010 and has been a full-time real estate professional since 2011. She enjoys working with successful individuals who want to diversify their investments, build generational wealth, increase passive income, and create a life of financial freedom through real estate. We discuss the key elements of real estate investing, focusing on generational wealth and passive income. We delve into the question of when someone is ready to start in real estate investment, emphasizing that there's never a perfect time – you just need to decide to take that first step. The conversation shifts to the advantages of real estate compared to other investment options. Amelia highlights how real estate typically moves inversely to the stock market, offers substantial appreciation potential over time, and can yield significantly higher returns on initial investments. We explore the initial steps for getting into real estate investing. They stress the importance of defining your "why" – whether it's to fund your children's education, retire early, or build a generational wealth portfolio. The goals you set will influence your approach and timeline in real estate investment. Amelia also mentions the benefits of real estate as a way to pass wealth to the next generation, thanks to various tax advantages and opportunities, making it a unique asset for building generational wealth. They tackle common misconceptions about real estate investing, including the idea that it requires a substantial amount of money to start. Amelia clarifies that it's possible to begin with minimal funds and gradually grow your investments. We discuss the importance of staying focused and not becoming overwhelmed when selecting properties, stressing the significance of defining clear goals and property criteria. Amelia shares a personal story about her first real estate investment, where she overlooked a major issue, leading to significant expenses and a valuable lesson. This experience highlights the importance of thorough due diligence. To take Amelia's Quiz click here To connect with Amelia click here