
  • In this episode of the Mind Games Podcast, Hailey talks about intentionally choosing resources that support us in grounding. This week specifically, the external influences of the world (the election, the news, etc) are overbearing and unrelenting. Hailey walks us through the practice of resourcing so we can get through this month (and year) with connection, peace, and mindfulness still in tact.

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In this episode, Megan Monahan joins Hailey and Ronnie on the Mind Games Podcast to talk about mental health, codependency, resilience, and perspective. Meditation teacher and author, Megan Monahan is passionate about making meditation accessible and relatable. Her goal is to infuse a modern-day “realness” into the all too often esoteric landscape of meditation. Since learning to meditate in 2009 with Deepak Chopra and becoming a Chopra certified instructor, she has taught thousands to meditate through her platform. She works with brands like Lululemon, Unplug Meditation, Netflix, Facebook and Wanderlust and works with clients internationally, always bringing her spiritual real talk. Her first book, Don't Hate, Meditate, was published in 2019 by Ten Speed Press!

    Quote from Megan:

    “Equanimity for me is asking the question: how deeply am I connected to the stillness that is just beneath the turbulence?”

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

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  • In this episode of the Mind Games Podcast, Hailey helps us to slow down and recenter by offering a 5 minute meditation to keep us grounded.

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In this episode of the Mind Games Podcast, Hailey and Ronnie welcome Roxanne Saffaie to the show. Roxanne is an empowerment coach and a beauty and wellness consultant who has worked her way to the top of the beauty industry. Roxanne has had no lack of adversity in her life, and her story inspires us greatly. She shares how she channeled her challenges into her greatness, how she practices self love, and how her self-belief ultimately led her to victory.

    Roxanne Show Quotes:

    "Every day I get up and ask myself how I can do better than I did yesterday."

    "It’s way more interesting to watch the person who takes the punch and gets back up and keeps going."

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In this episode, Hailey delivers an abundance of wisdom around the topic of presence.

    "Presence is deeply listening. Presence is speaking from your heart. Presence is knowing that you have other thoughts but you can still be here and focus on your breath." - Hailey

    This episode is filled with one liners that pack a punch and leave you with many profound truths about what presence is, how we have shifted to becoming a less present society, and how we can be intentional about creating presence now.

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In this episode of the Mind Games Podcast, Hailey and Ronnie speak with Byron Scott, former basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1980s, and more recently, head coach of the Lakers. During Byron's time as an NBA star, he secured three NBA Championships. Byron knows what it takes to succeed, and he also has insight as to why so many athletes have the skill, but don't make it. If you want to find out what it takes to "make it", listen up.

    Show Quote:

    "People forget that it takes dedication and determination. There’s no substitute and no shortcut to working hard consistently." - Byron Scott

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In today’s episode, Hailey shows us how simple it is to create a shift in our attitudes by taking us through an exercise that offers a new, fun, and interesting way to choose a different perspective.

    Show Quote:
    "When our outlook comes from a space of freedom, we have different options so there’s no pressure when we want to change our perspectives." - Hailey Lott

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In this episode, Hailey and Ronnie are joined by Natalie Patterson, a poet, teacher, mental health advocate, and activist. Natalie's abundance of passion and wisdom shine in this episode as she talks about working with incarcerated black men, how she is able to connect with humanity on a deeper level, and what it could look like if we all finally recognized that we have "the juice" - and activated it.

    Quotes from Natalie:

    “Deception is part of why we don’t have access to our magic. When you’re not being clear about who you are, things don’t align for you.”

    “I’m going to meet you, human to human and I’m going to trust that you’re going to show up - and if you don’t, you’re selling yourself short.”

    “It’s really about how much fight you’ve got in you. If you think something you want is for other people, you’re right, it is. But if there’s an inkling in you that life can be better, you have to make the move.”

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!
  • In this episode, Hailey speaks into acceptance of what is, understanding our relationship with change, and learning how to alter it in order to find a higher perspective. Show Quotes: “My biggest shift has been in seeing what is right when things go wrong.” “When I’m not accepting that I cannot even come to terms with the resistance, then that resistance snowball keeps building.” “My fears, errors, and disappointments lead me to more power and wisdom.” “Every single low on the rollercoaster that life is, has brought me another high.” “You’ve survived. You’re here. You matter. You’re important. All you have to do is keep going.” If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In this episode, Hailey and Ronnie invite Coach Herman Edwards to the Mind Games podcast! While Herman is currently the football coach at Arizona State University, he has a longtime background of coaching as well as being an ESPN anchor.

    Today, Herman shares with us what mental health looks like to him, why it's important to take life in our own hands, what being a leader is, and how we can create "The Huddle" in our own lives.

    Quotes by Herman:

    "You cannot allow the perception of others to become your reality. You’ve got to be willing to bet on you."

    "You have to get up every day and decide whether your attitude is your best friend or your worst enemy."

    "We live in a world where we want to be liked, and when you want to be liked, you compromise. I didn’t want to be liked. I wanted to be respected."

    "You know what’s wrong with America? We don’t huddle. We need to come together to build a team, and great teams have unity and trust. They huddle."

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!

    Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • Welcome to the Mind Games Podcast! In this episode, Hailey walks you through numerous different types of thought work, why they are beneficial, what they look and sound like, and how they can be used to up-level your emotional state one thought at a time.

    Show Quotes:

    “I believe that my thoughts create my emotions and my emotions create my reality, which is why it’s so important to practice thought work.” - Hailey Lott

    “When you feel an emotion you want to move through, acknowledge the emotion, forgive this part of you, and choose again.” - Hailey Lott

    Thought Work Leaders:

    Gabrielle bernstein

    Byron Katie

    Abraham Hicks

    Shonna Chiles (@hippyhighheals)

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!
  • In this episode, Hailey and Ronnie are joined by Paula Pavlova of Pavlova Wellness. She is a yoga teacher, reiki master, writer, entrepreneur, meditation teacher, and crystal healer. Paula drops SO many truth bombs in this episode regarding health, wellness, mental health, and what science is now revealing about holistic healing. Grab a pen because in this episode, you'll want to take notes!

    Quotes From Paula:

    “Change is the only constant. When we say things never change, that's an excuse to stay stuck in our patterns.”

    “Sometimes we think we’ve let things go and we send theoretical love and light to that experience - but forgiveness doesn’t work like that. It actually takes work to move through it.”

    “This mindfulness stuff is only going to change the world if we can integrate it into the tangible mainstream world. We have to be willing to marry spiritual health and physical health.”

    “There’s an inextricable link between the mind and body, so as you practice mental health you are actually cleaning up your body.”

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!
  • In this episode of the Mind Games Podcast, Hailey goes solo to share how she was able to improve her emotional state in the face of uncertainty. It's not about spiritual bypassing or "faking it til we make it". Hailey shares a few powerful tips to help you go from low emotional states to better ones in just a few short steps. Show Quotes: The fear of the unknown doesn’t have to be fear. If your thoughts aren’t serving you, try and find one thought that feels a little bit better. When we can up-level our thoughts just one level at a time, we learn to slowly climb up our emotional scale into eventually feeing better. We have the power to choose how we want to feel, and knowing that truth gives us our power back because we can finally understand that our human experience is up to us. Each time you have a thought, that thought is creating a groove in your mind. Are you embedding positive thoughts into those grooves? I’m doing this work. I’m in control. I get to choose the thoughts - and to me, that is the best part of this life. It’s everything. If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • In this episode, Coach Ed Orgeron, head coach of the Louisiana State University football team, joins us! We discuss what mental health looks like for athletes today, how it's different than it was in the past, and what Coach O does to make sure his players are supported.

    Show Quotes:

    “Players go through more today than they ever have and we need to receptive of it because mental health challenges are real.” - Ed Orgeron “I treat my players like sons. They know that there’s going to be tough love and discipline, but when we work in an environment that we feel good in, we have success.” - Ed Orgeron “Everything you do counts. There are no secret moments. You find out who you are when nobody’s around.” - Ed Orgeron If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!
  • Today on the podcast, Hailey is speaking to those who have become unmotivated during quarantine. She shares her story of losing drive to produce while being forced to stay at home, and offers tips on how she rebounded and found her ambition and motivation again - and how you can, too!

    Show Quotes:

    “When you take time to feel into what you’re meant to do, that’s when you’ll come back into motivation and inspiration - because that’s when you’re in touch with your most authentic self. When you’re in touch with that, everything flows.” - Hailey

    If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!
  • Nimisha Ghandi joins us on the podcast today! Nimisha is a functional medicine nutritionist, Ayurvedic counselor, yoga nidra, meditation teacher, and former tech founder. In this episode, Nimishas shares her wealth of knowledge with us. We learn about the gut-mind connection, the basics of Ayurveda, and how Nimisha uses these healing practices to support her clients.

    Show Quotes:

    The fire, the soul of your body is actually in your gut. - Nimisha

    The body is our own healer. It tells us everything. We just have to listen. - Nimisha

    Ayurveda is individual medicine. It takes into account every person, who they are, and which elements make them up. - Nimisha

    With a holistic approach, you’re healing yourself through movement, through food, through ways that don’t have detrimental side effects. - Hailey

    More and more doctors are starting to realize the “pill model” is not sustainable. - Nimisha

    Even though I am an expert, I have to listen to my clients, too. Otherwise I’m no different than a doctor in a white suit. - Nimisha

    There are pillars to health and nutrition is just one of them. - Nimisha

  • Barry Bonds is an American pro baseball player who played for the Pittsburgh Pirates and San Francisco Giants, notably breaking numerous major-league records. In 2004 he became only the third major leaguer to hit more than 700 home runs in his career. However, one of his greatest highlights is his family, including his daughter Shikari who is learning to navigate life as a hard-working adult after having been given the world as a child. Shikari is learning to make a name for herself now - all on her own. In this episode, Shikari and Barry Bonds join Hailey and Ronnie Lott to discuss how life changed for Ronnie and Barry after having kids, what it was like for Hailey and Shikari to grow up with successful parents, and what life is like as Hailey and Shikari step into their own. Show Quotes: “There’s nothing better than having someone in your life who’s successful and can be a shining star to keep you focused and help you set goals for yourself.” - Shikari Bonds “My kids were my biggest mental focus.” - Barry Bonds “It’s very difficult for your kids when you’re at such a high level.” - Barry Bonds “Sometimes as a parent you need to cut the umbilical cord and allow them to be who they want to be.” - Barry Bonds “The best part of parenting is when you see things come full circle.” - Barry Bonds “Sometimes I feel there’s an expectation to live up to the legacy of our parents and that can be hard sometimes.” - Shikari Bonds “Nobody is exempt from trials and tribulations or mental health struggles.” - Barry Bonds “We can always help our family, no matter what goes down, no matter how bad it is.” - Barry Bonds “As you get older you learn that you have to protect your own mental health.” - Shikari Bonds “Find a positive outlet whether that’s meditation or getting fresh air - find time every day to do that.” - Shikari Bonds “Take a deep look inside yourself and realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Stride towards that light.” - Barry Bonds “All we can do is try to make sure we can serve and help.” - Ronnie Lott If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will talk to you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • Show Notes: In this episode, Hailey calls each of us into awareness of our inner saboteur. She names the many ways our self-saboteur can sneak up on us, and how it isn’t always obvious. Looking for tips on how to take control of that saboteur? Hailey’s got you covered. She shares some tips on how to not only recognize it, but manage it - because you get to control it instead of having it control you! Show Quotes: “You get to figure out what your saboteur sounds like.” - Hailey “Once we identify the voice, we get to separate ourselves from the voice - recognizing that that’s not who we truly are.” - Hailey “It’s important to recognize that the saboteur does not always sound super negative.” - Hailey “Ask yourself, is this the voice you want to listen to? And then you get to choose.” - Hailey “Often times we run away from what we think is the shadow, but that’s a problem because we are actually resisting it and making it wrong when it’s not wrong.” - Hailey If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more! Like, subscribe, and let us know what you thought by leaving a review. We will see you next week! Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 2: Bad Habits

    “It’s interesting how difficult it can be for me and for other people to give each other honest feedback.” - Hailey

    “Have somebody tell you something that you might not want to hear, but you're going to accept it.” - Ronnie

    Welcome back to The Mind Games Podcast. Today’s episode is about our negative behavior patterns. It’s very common in this speed-living world to have bad habits and not notice it by ourselves. We know it’s not easy to have knowledge of your bad habits: sometimes it involves bringing other people in, and finding ways to break them and turn them into something positive. Ronnie and Hailey will share today what you can do when you find yourself doing a bad habit, the difference between actual relaxation and distracting yourself.

    Stay with us in this episode as we find out why asking your loved ones for feedback can be an amazing way to grow, discover how they see you from their perspective and use the things they think you could improve on yourself. Honesty is the key to breaking old habits.

    If you are interested in a particular part of the episode, check out the notes with timestamps we included below.

    Podcast Summary

    (00:35) - Why changing bad habits actually implies more work than you may think.

    (02:08) - On motivation: think about the pay off of your bad habit.

    (03:43) - Getting smart around bad habits: the power of having your loved ones calling you out.

    (07:45) - How giving honest feedback is beneficial, rather than hurtful, to the people you care about (and yourself).

    (10:15) - How to get authentic feedback in a world filled with media.


    Feeling Good by David D. Burns

    The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Deborah Ford

    Thank you for listening to the Mind Games Podcast. You can continue to engage beyond this episode and many more through Apple Podcast and subscribe to our RSS Feed at Libsyn. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with those that may find value in this information.

  • In this episode, Reggie Bush joins the Mind Games podcast to talk about what football meant to him throughout his life, how his faith helps him persevere through the ups and downs in life, and how he is showing up in the world today.

    Show Quotes:

    "Playing football for me wasn't even about the sport, it was about filling the pain in my life." - Reggie

    "Being able to see the value in what we're putting on tv and seeing that people love it validates that we're in the right place and we have something special." - Reggie

    "How do I find a way to do something that will elevate another human being?" - Ronnie

    "There needs to be a better medical system in place to take care of college football players." - Ronnie

    "A lot things we go through aren't meant for us. They're meant for other people to witness through our experience so they know they can handle it, too." - Reggie

    "Every time I try to do it without God, I fail. The best thing someone can do for themselves right now is try to find God." - Reggie

    "What I've learned is that true happiness comes from within. You have to find it within you and I believe it starts with your faith." - Reggie