“My eggs are rotten so we just need better ingredients for the bun”
Lauren comes on to share about her journey with infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and navigating IVF, fertility testing and treatment.
"Fertility really is like a crap shoot Losing pregnancies, embryos, cycles, feels like cumulative loss"
You can read more about Lauren's journey on her blog PINEAPPLES AND ROTTEN EGGS
Since recording this in early 2024, Lauren has transferred the second donated embryo that unforunately ended in another miscarriage and she had a D&C in June 2024. This was her 6th transfer overall and at this time, she's unsure of her next steps. Let's all send Lauren some love!
Miscarriage Stories is hosted by Arden Cartrette who is a Birth & Bereavement Doula that founded "The Miscarriage Doula" -- an online support service and resource for people who are experiencing or have experienced loss. Support is offered through 1:1 support, group support, blog posts, and Instagram content. Learn more at themiscarriagedoula.co
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On this episode of Miscarriage Stories we hear from Sam who joined us for episode 39 to share her experience with miscarriage. Now she's back to share more about recurrent pregnancy loss, lots and lots of testing, traveling to Mexico for Immunotherapy (and getting stuck at the border), plus IVF, and pregnancy after loss.
Miscarriage Stories is hosted by Arden Cartrette who is a Birth & Bereavement Doula that founded "The Miscarriage Doula" -- an online support service and resource for people who are experiencing or have experienced loss. Support is offered through 1:1 support, group support, blog posts, and Instagram content. Learn more at themiscarriagedoula.co
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Episodi mancanti?
Rachel from the Hope Again Collective joins Arden to talk about her experience with pregnancy loss and what life after loss looks like for a pastor. She also wrote a book titled Miscarried Hope: Journeying with Jesus through Pregnancy and Infant Loss which is available now!
Miscarriage Stories is hosted by Arden Cartrette who is a Birth & Bereavement Doula that founded "The Miscarriage Doula" -- an online support service and resource for people who are experiencing or have experienced loss. Support is offered through 1:1 support, group support, blog posts, and Instagram content. Learn more at themiscarriagedoula.co
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Arizona joins Arden to discuss her experience with a miscarriage during her third pregnancy. "Angel" was born in the first trimester and with having two living sons and two step-daughters, going through a miscarriage was difficult to say the least. Hear her story on Miscarriage Stories Podcast.
Miscarriage Stories is hosted by Arden Cartrette who is a Birth & Bereavement Doula that founded "The Miscarriage Doula" -- an online support service and resource for people who are experiencing or have experienced loss. Support is offered through 1:1 support, group support, blog posts, and Instagram content. Learn more at themiscarriagedoula.co
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
*SENSITIVE NOTE* This episode contains really difficult details and conversations surrounding sexual abuse and the transgender community. If you have the space to listen to Alex's story, please do. You can also save it for another day or time, whenever you're ready.
Alex (he/him) joins Arden today to share the story of experiencing a miscarriage 10 years ago, prior to transitioning as a transgender male. Not only was Alex struggling with his identity but he was also sexually abused which led to a pregnancy that was both feared and in a way, wanted. Alex really opens up in this episode and shares how language has affected him as he's transgender and what grief has looked like for the last 10 years.
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Female filmmaker, Rakefet Abergel, who was personally traumatized by pregnancy loss, released a trailer and accompanying music video of an original song from her short film “Still” in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Month.
“Still” is a moving psychological thriller short film, now entering the film festival circuit, meant to honor all mothers and families who experience infant loss at any stage. Abergel received production support from Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) and Jory Weitz (Napoleon Dynamite).
Pregnancy loss is not uncommon. As many as 26% of all pregnancies and up to 10% of clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage and per the CDC about 24,000 babies are stillborn annually (defined as after 20 weeks gestation). However, it continues to be a taboo topic that lives in the shadows, preventing many women from getting the support they need. Abergel, writer and director of “Still”, also stars in the short film, was inspired to honor the son she lost during her pregnancy. Her trauma led to a desire to shine a light on the darker parts of the inevitable feelings, and to validate some of the emotions experienced by women who have experienced such traumas.
The Life We Never Had - Music Video
"Still" - Trailer
@kef827 on Instagram & @cyclamenfilms
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Rebecca and her husband are newly married as of July 2022 and didn’t plan to have children right away due to being in grad school. Her mind changed suddenly and they started trying to conceive.
In December 2022 she learned that she was pregnant with her daughter, Hadley. Throughout the first trimester, every ultrasound and appointment went well. Rebecca also had NIPT testing and everything came back normal without any concerns.
During the a diagnostic ultrasound, Rebecca saw that her daughter looked great and was moving around on the screen. When she sat down with the doctor, she immediately knew that something wasn’t right. The doctor sat down and started talking about what they were looking at on the ultrasound and pointed out that there was increased fluid behind Hadley’s neck which was a big concern.
Following that ultrasound, she was given a few options which were to do nothing or to do the CVS procedure. Rebecca and her husband did the CVS procedure and found it to be a difficult procedure due to a tilted uterus which resulted in a smaller sample and a longer wait time for results. In the meantime, they saw an MFM doctor where they learned about other concerns.
A month after having the CVS procedure, she finally heard the results an dit was confirmed that Hadley was missing a 13th chromosome.
Learning about her daughters quality of life was difficult and led her to make the difficult decision to go through with a termination of pregnancy.
At 18 weeks, Rebecca had a D&E procedure. She was given a copy of Hadley’s footprints and had her cremated.
A month following her D&E, Rebecca learned that she was pregnant for the second time which was a surprise. She is currently 18 weeks pregnant and did have a lot of testing and procedures to make sure that her second child was healthy.
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Madison joins Arden to discuss her journey with recurrent pregnancy loss including the unexpected loss of twins (mono-mono) and how she's navigated grief especially as she is pregnant again after loss.
Discussed in this episode:
High-risk twin pregnancy and loss Chemical pregnancies Anxiety in pregnancy after loss Trauma related to missed miscarriages Benefits of our support groupsThe Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Carmen joins Arden to discuss her experience with 11 pregnancies, many of which sadly ended in loss. She experienced "chemical" pregnancies, missed miscarriages, early losses, and termination for medical reasons along with having living children between her losses. Carmen wrote a book that was created from her journal entries over the course of 5 years of her fertility journey. If you struggle with recurrent pregnancy loss -- this is a great episode to listen to.
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO -
On this episode of Miscarriage Stories, we hear from Brooke who experienced two losses AFTER having her three-year-old son. Loss after living children always comes as a shock because you expect the same outcome from the first pregnancy but when her second pregnancy was a blighted ovum (missed miscarriage) and then her third was a molar pregnancy, she was devastated to say the least. She shares her journey through loss, grief, and what comes next.
Miscarriage Stories is hosted by Arden Cartrette who founded The Miscarriage Doula / an online service and resource for women going through pregnancy loss. VIsit themiscarriagedoula.co to learn more
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Linsey shares her heartbreaking story through recurrent pregnancy loss including missed miscarriage and termination for medical reasons. She's been on a journey through IVF and bravely shares the reality of life after loss and IVF after loss.
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Linn joins Arden all the way from Sweden to share the devastating journey she's had through recurrent pregnancy loss. She shares how navigating the medical system has been difficult and how she's coped with six miscarriages.
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Alex shares her heartbreaking experience of miscarriage at home right before an ultrasound at 13 weeks. She shares the things that she wishes doctors would mention to women who were experiencing pregnancy loss and what loss has looked like for her.
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Allissa joins the podcast to share her journey through a first trimester loss years after she had an elective abortion during an abusive relationship. She shares what grief has looked like for her as she's navigated life after loss and being a nurse.
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Katie, an end-of-life doula in the UK joins the podcast to share her experience with two first trimester miscarriages. She shares her experience having two miscarriages at home after having birth trauma from her first living child and how complicated life after trauma can be but how healing looks for her.
The Miscarriage Doula is an online service and resource for those walking through pregnancy loss and life after. Check out our website for 1:1 support and support groups (GROUPS STARTING IN AUGUST 2023) ---- THEMISCARRIAGEDOULA.CO
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arden-cartrette/support -
Stephanie, who is one of the incredible doulas on Arden's team at The Miscarriage Doula comes on the show to share her journey through pregnancy loss in the second trimester. After her water broke at 19 weeks, she details her terrible experience giving birth and grieving her daughter. Arden and Stephanie also discuss pregnancy after loss in this episode!
The Miscarriage Doula provides 1:1 and group support for women living life after loss.
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Kirsten joins Arden to share her story with pregnancy loss, PCOS, struggling to conceive after loss, and a struggle with her mental health as she grieved.
Rearranged I Love You From HeavenVisit Kirsten's website: https://kirstenhopfensperger.com/
Book a 1:1 call HERE View virtual support groups HERE For email support with Arden, click HERESupport Arden's work by "Buying Her A Coffee" - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/VPqVJzwhxj
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Sunita Osborn, author of The Miscarriage Map, joins Arden to share her personal journey with recurrent pregnancy loss, grief, and pregnancy after loss. She shares how she wrote two books over the course of the last few years and the inspiration for them being her miscarriages.
Her new book, “Self-ish: When Bubble Baths, Wine and Positive Affirmations Aren’t Cutting It” is a deep dive into the concept of selfishness that empowers women to unapologetically nurture themselves through exploration of essential, but often misunderstood psychological concepts such as self-love, self-care, self-respect, and selfish.
Purchase her books:
Self-ish: When Bubble Baths, Wine and Positive Affirmations Aren’t Cutting It The Miscarriage MapARE YOU INTERESTED IN SHARING YOUR STORY? CLICK HERE
Book a 1:1 call HERE View virtual support groups HERE For email support with Arden, click HERESupport Arden's work by "Buying Her A Coffee" - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/VPqVJzwhxj
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Natalie shares her journey of the loss of her baby at 12 weeks pregnant, giving birth at home, and coping with the grief and fear of what her future would hold. She does share that she went on to get pregnant again and welcomed her living daughter!
Book a 1:1 call HERE View virtual support groups HERE For email support with Arden, click HERESupport Arden's work by "Buying Her A Coffee" - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/VPqVJzwhxj
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Jessi opens up about her fertility journey and shares about an abortion that she had as a teenager, recurrent pregnancy loss years later, to needing IVF to get pregnant with her son. After her son was born and she felt ready to try for a sibling, she and her partner adopted five embryos and are currently on the journey of waiting to transfer an embryo this summer!
Connect with Jessi on Instagram (she does share her living child here but also her IVF journey): @cweihs_journey
Book a 1:1 call HERE View virtual support groups HERE For email support with Arden, click HERESupport Arden's work by "Buying Her A Coffee" - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/VPqVJzwhxj
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