
  • For this special edition of the podcast, Motherkind Café coordinator Katherine Crawford spoke to 2 Thames Valley Police officers, Detective Superintendent Kelly Gardener and Detective Sergeant Graeme Allen who specialise in domestic abuse. They explain how the police process works when a domestic abuse allegation is made by a victim, and the ways in which the police investigation can support and protect someone escaping an abusive relationship.

    Please don't suffer in silence - you can contact the Police via 999 if you are in immediate danger, or on 101 to discuss domestic abuse or get advice. You can also use a web form to report a crime or ask your GP, children school or another health professional to contact them for you.

    There is also support available via the following organisations

    Women's Aid www.womensaid.org.uk

    Refuge www.refuge.org.uk

    In Oxfordshire:

    Free legal advice from Flag DV

    Relate - Counselling for victims and survivors who are in, or have left, an abusive relationship.


    The Motherkind Café is a perinatal peer support group in Oxford, where women can come at any stage from pregnancy until their children are at school, for support with their mental health. The group is entirely run by volunteers who are all mothers, many of whom have lived experience of a perinatal mental illness, and who all know what it's like to struggle as a mother.

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • In this episode of the podcast, Motherkind Café coordinators Katherine Crawford, Emily Malden and Jules Pidgeon are joined by local mum Heather, who gave birth to her second baby in May 2021, to discuss loneliness in motherhood and how the pandemic has affected Heathers experience of second-time motherhood.

    Pre-warning there is brief discussion of suicidal thoughts and of a traumatic birth experience. Please proceed with care if you might find that hard to listen to.

    We discuss the lonely moments of raising a baby that don't often get talked about, the long nights with a baby that wakes often, how difficult it is to find honesty about the mental toll of motherhood at baby groups, especially when you are suffering with depression or anxiety. We also talk about feeling lonely amongst the relentlessness of looking at 2 small children at home all day (and how well the new Netflix film 'The Lost Daughter' depicts this), and how weekends can be a lonely place for single parents.

    The Motherkind Café is a perinatal peer support group in Oxford, for women at any stage from pregnancy until their children are at school, to come for support with their mental health. The group is entirely run by volunteers who are all mothers, many of whom have lived experience of a perinatal mental illness, and who all know what it's like to struggle as a mother.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

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  • Happy Christmas from The Motherkind Café! In this episode the four Motherkind Café coordinators Emily Malden, Katherine Crawford, Kats Handel and Julia Pidgeon talk about all the extra pressures on mums at Christmas, and how we all manage those responsibilities for our family.

    Join us on a meandering, wine-accompanied conversation through how we each create ‘the magic of Christmas’ for our often underwhelmed children, and how Kats skilfully used a detached retina this year as a way to convince her partner to share the mental load of Christmas with her. Emily discusses what the mental load is like as a single parent, and Jules shares with us how is she is coping with her first Christmas as a single parent away from her son.

    We hope you are managing to enjoy yourself this Christmas, and please remember, if it doesn’t feel like you hoped it would, it’s just one day… Look after yourself, and reach out if you need help.

    The Motherkind Café is a perinatal peer support group in Oxford, where women can come at any stage from pregnancy until their children are at school, for support with their mental health. The group is entirely run by volunteers who are all mothers, many of whom have lived experience of a perinatal mental illness, and who all know what it's like to struggle as a mother.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    Support the show https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X3SD5XX6T8V4S&source=url&fbclid=IwAR2Le4Lq6qrckPIMzjJTlXGaTygY30BI4eIfbhRx44_i6RqvlNSqdghK8kw

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • For episode 9 of the podcast, Motherkind Café coordinators Katherine Crawford and Emily Malden are joined by Kate Thirlwall, a local mum and poet, who has written 4 poetry collections reflecting on her experience of the highs and lows of motherhood.

    Kate talks honestly about how past trauma and an experience in hospital shortly after the birth of her son derailed her breastfeeding experience, and left her feeling like she had failed.

    She also talks about feeling isolated and invisible as a new mum and how her experience of motherhood lead her to start writing poetry.

    You can find out more about Kate's writing and buy her books through her website https://www.mumstheword.press or follow her on instagram @katethirlwall

    The Motherkind Café is a perinatal peer support group in Oxford, where women can come at any stage from pregnancy until their children are at school, for support with their mental health. The group is entirely run by volunteers who are all mothers, many of whom have lived experience of a perinatal mental illness, and who all know what it's like to struggle as a mother.
    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • Hello! This is the Motherkind Café podcast, a podcast where we talk honestly about motherhood, mental health, and everything in between. We are three mums, Emily Malden, Katherine Crawford and Kats Handel, and we run a postnatal peer support group in Oxford to give space to women to talk about their mental health in the postnatal period.

    This episode we chatted about SLEEP! And how we all dealt with the sleep deprivation that accompanies having a small baby to look after. We discuss the various things we tried to help our babies (and us) to sleep better, including, swaddling, singing nursery rhymes on repeat for hours and the holy grail of baby sleep 'putting down drowsy but awake...'! We also discuss a how disrupted sleep affected our mental health in the early days

    If you are based in Oxford and a mum to children under 5 and would like to join our online community, find us at ‘The Motherkind Virtual Café on Facebook’ or if you have any comments on the episode, you can email us at [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    Donate to support the group https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=X3SD5XX6T8V4S

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • Emily & Katherine are joined by Dr Guin Webster for this episode of The Motherkind Café podcast. Guin is a clinical psychologist and mindfulness teacher, and one of the original founders of The Motherkind Café, she has also worked in many roles supporting women in the perinatal period, she is a qualified postnatal group facilitator, set up the Oxford sling library and has taught hypnobirthing and mindfulness for birth and parenting amongst other things! We talked to Guin about the concept of ‘Matrescence’, about why mums feel guilty all the time, and how the process of becoming a parent can be such an emotional rollercoaster.

    The Motherkind Café is a postnatal wellbeing and emotional support group which normally runs groups in Oxford but is operating virtually during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    If you’d like to join our online community, find us at ‘The Motherkind Virtual Café' on Facebook’ or if you have any comments on the episode, you can email us at [email protected]

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • TW: Please note in this podcast, our peer supporter Jules talks about the traumatic experience she had in hospital giving birth to her son Archer. Please proceed with care if you think you may find it upsetting to listen to.

    Jules tells us her birth story, which took a dramatic turn when she had a postpartum haemorrhage immediately after her son was born. The complications of her birth and the challenges of an understaffed maternity service meant she was separated from her son for over 24 hours and the experience affected her and her partner for a long time afterwards.

    Having experienced mental health problems in the past, Jules has an incredibly positive and proactive approach to managing her mental health, and she is a big advocate for the power of medication and talking about your experience with others. She also did the Birth Afterthoughts service - which gives women a chance to go through their birth with a consultant midwife. You can access the service here https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/maternity/postnatal/

    Also if you would like to feedback your experience of the care you received in hospital, you can speak to Oxfordshire Maternity Voices Partnership - who work with the trust to improve care for women in maternity services.

    If you found your birth traumatic, or you feel your mental health has been affected by your experience of giving birth, please speak to your midwife, health visitor or GP.

    You can also access information and support through the Birth Trauma Association http://www.birthtraumaassociation.org.uk and through organisations such as Make Birth Better https://www.makebirthbetter.org

    If you’d like some non-judgemental support from other women who’ve struggled with their mental health in the postnatal period join our community on Facebook, via our private group (please answer questions and agree to the rules when joining) https://www.facebook.com/groups/themotherkindcafe

    To get in touch, feedback, or you’d like to know more about The Motherkind Café, drop us an email at [email protected]

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • Happy Christmas from Motherkind HQ! This is episode 5 of The Motherkind Cafe Podcast, recorded a few days before Christmas in 2020, a year none of us will ever forget.
    [WARNING: We do several swears, so probably not ideal listening if there are children around who can understand bad words...]

    We are three mums, Emily, Katherine and Kats, and we run a postnatal peer support group in Oxford, providing a space to talk honestly about motherhood, mental health and everything in between.

    This episode we chatted about being a mum at Christmas, the magic of it, the slog of it, the mental load, and how that first Christmas with a new baby felt.

    Join us for some silliness and merriment, on a trip down the murky memory lane of the highs and lows of parenting at Christmas, in a bid to cheer up this gloomy year.

    If you’d like to join our online community, find us at ‘The Motherkind Virtual Café on Facebook’ or if you have any comments on the episode, you can email us at [email protected].

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • Hello! This is episode four of The Motherkind Café Podcast, the podcast where we talk honestly about motherhood, mental health and everything in between.

    This week we talked about that unwanted visitor that arrives when you suddenly have a small person to look after - GUILT

    We take a rambling journey through the guilt we've felt about bad haircuts, screen time, sleep training, childcare, work, finding motherhood boring, and having to leave young babies or children in hospital.

    Katherine and Kats also carried out a systematic review of ‘guilt in fathers’ by asking their husbands whether they feel guilty about parenting choices. Spoiler: Not really.

    We also answer the important question of ‘Which Paw Patrol Character Are You?’ and Katherine tells us how she recently convinced her kids to recreate a bar on the Copacobana so she could legitimately have a Pina Colada a 5pm. TOP Mum points!

    The Motherkind Café is a postnatal peer support group in Oxford and you can find out more about us here


    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    If you enjoyed this please consider donating to help us run our group and keep it free for all mums to come along - gf.me/u/w62imc

    Thank you!

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • Hello! This is episode 3 of The Motherkind Café Podcast. The podcast where we talk honestly about motherhood, mental health and everything in between. We are Emily, Katherine and Kats and we are three mums who run The Motherkind Café, a postnatal peer support group for women in Oxford.

    This week we talk about frozen themed facemasks, coping with lockdown, and Kats' experience of becoming a mum, which includes her husband coming to pick up her and their newborn baby from hospital dressed in black tie…

    Kat's also tells us about struggling with depression throughout her life, alongside managing a diagnosis of Crohns disease in her 20s, and the subsequent worries she had about becoming a parent for the first time. She ended up finding the experience of motherhood a very positive and healing process. Although - trigger warning - she did find an internal examination in hospital a few days after her son was born very traumatic, and she tells us a little about what that felt like, and the repercussions it had on her mental health in the months that followed.

    Some useful links for The Motherkind Café

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    If you enjoyed this please consider donating to help us run our group and keep it free for all mums to come along - gf.me/u/w62imc

    Thank you!

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • Hello! This is episode two of The Motherkind Café Podcast. The podcast where we talk honestly about motherhood, mental health and everything in between. We are Emily, Katherine and Kats and we are three mums who run The Motherkind Café, a postnatal peer support group for women in Oxford.

    Warning: This podcast contains references to depression and suicide which some listeners may find distressing.

    In this episode, Katherine discusses frankly her experience of suffering with postnatal depression after the birth of her second child. She talks about her struggles with breastfeeding and how her eldest daughter was admitted to intensive care with a virus shortly after her second baby was born and how the trauma of that experience stayed with her for a long time after her daughter had recovered. With support from her GP and a local CBT group for women suffering with postnatal depression, as well as some therapy through work, Katherine was able to recover and is now a peer supporter at The Motherkind Café and helps run the group!

    If you have been affected by any of the things discussed in this conversation and would like support now, please contact your GP or Health Visitor or there are some numbers below that can also provide support and advice.

    The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health 01865 904997

    PANDAS Support national helpline 0808 1961 776

    Oxford Samaritans 01865 722 122

    Some useful links for The Motherkind Café

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    If you enjoyed this please consider donating to help us run our group and keep it free for all mums to come along - gf.me/u/w62imc

    Thank you!

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • Hello! This is the very first episode of The Motherkind Café Podcast. The podcast where we talk honestly about motherhood, mental health and everything in between. We are Emily, Katherine and Kats and we are three mums who run The Motherkind Café which is a postnatal peer support group for women in Oxford.

    In this episode we introduce ourselves, we talk a little about what it's like being stuck in the middle of a global pandemic as a parent to young children and Emily shares her story of postnatal depression and anxiety after the birth of her son and how the experience led to the concept behind The Motherkind Café. There is a very small amount of swearing, for which we will not be apologising. But maybe don't listen with the kids (actually definitely don't, for many other reasons...)

    Some useful links!
    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe
    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

    If you enjoyed this please consider donating to help us run our group and keep it free for all mums to come along - gf.me/u/w62imc

    Thank you!

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org

  • This is The Motherkind Café Podcast! We are Emily, Katherine and Kats and we currently run The Motherkind Café, which is a postnatal peer support group for women in Oxford who would like to come and talk honestly about motherhood and mental health.

    In this podcast we explore different aspects of motherhood and mental health and we hear experiences of women who've suffered with a postnatal mental illness and recovered, as well as how being a mum can affect your wellbeing in general. Expect honesty, emotional chats, along with silly jokes and quite a bit of swearing. Probably a good idea not to listen with your kids around.

    Support the Show.

    If you'd like to come along to one of our sessions, or find out more about us, please follow the links below or email us [email protected]

    Find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/themotherkindcafe

    Follow us on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/themotherkindcafe/

    Our website - https://themotherkindcafe.org