"These legacies of suffering and of recovery are easily passed among us, one to another..." Pg 152 12&12
How to heal from your scars, not your wounds, and how to be ok with still having some wounds. -
Creating and building something bigger than yourself can be challenging and taxing. How do we do that which we are called to do without burning out or becoming overly stressed?
Episodi mancanti?
Many people struggle with relapse on their journey to transformation. Whether it’s breaking a promise to yourself about drug use, drinking, being honest, or going to bed on time. It’s tough when we don’t live up to our own expectations.
The mind can be a terrible thing. For many of us, we exist in a mind that is constantly in survival mode. We don’t realize that this is not how it has to be. We can thrive and, dare I say, enjoy life. In this episode, Rev. Christian talks about Positive intelligence, gaining awareness, and receiving grace and love from our higher power.
The Lord's prayer is said in religious gatherings and 12-step fellowships worldwide. Why is this prayer still relevant? What is it about this sacred text that people for thousands of years have said for comfort, peace, and remembrance? Rev. Christian Janson breaks down the prayer to help us understand the profound deeper meaning behind each line.
The third step can be a catalyst for transformation for those willing to surrender completely to a higher power. In this episode, Rev. Christian breaks down the prayer that is associated with this step, commonly referred to as the third step prayer.
The word economy has been reserved for conversations about money, goods, and services. But there is another economy at play on earth, The Economy Of Forgiveness, the spiritual currency in The Kingdom Of God.
True forgiveness can seem like a fool's game. It oftentimes is not fair, or justifiable, yet Jesus’ teachings are clear that it’s a requirement of entering and staying in the Kingdom of God.
Why is forgiveness so hard, and why do we synthesize it with justification?
Let's walk and talk on this episode of The Mystic Journey.
If you need help with forgiveness reach out at christianjanson.com -
A Tree and Its Fruit
43 No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. 45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Behavior modification vs heart transformation -
We know what it takes for spiritual growth. It's really as simple as Just Get On With It. What stops us from just getting on with it? The short answer is attachment. In this episode, Rev. Christian breaks down the resistance and encourages us to Just Get On With It.
My name is Rev. Christian Janson. I am an interfaith minister, enneagram practitioner, ICF coach, and servant to the Lord. This podcast is for strangers in a strange land. For those who no longer fit into their old expression of faith or living. How can I help?
Most of us go through our day reacting to the outside world without considering our internal world. Being unaware of our thinking and false beliefs we find ourselves, victims, of our own thinking. Rev. Christian Janson talks about how to become aware and some practical steps at working on the internal world.
Awareness, Acceptance, Action. That's the formula for authentic transformation. No matter what pattern or behavior you are trying to change. The issue is, most people skip over acceptance and go right to change, resulting in more dubious self-will.
Give it away to keep it, but first, you have to get it. Self-care, and pulling from the well of living water instead of shame.
AA's Big Book (p. 84) says, "We have entered the world of the spirit." It also says, "We have ceased fighting anything or anyone--even alcohol," and "love and tolerance of others is our code." In sobriety, I've developed a very fine lifestyle, but my recovery is non-negotiable, and everything else must give way.
There’s nothing to do. No challenge to overcome, No business to build, No one to chose, No dream to suffer. When you realize this you are free to do all of it. Rev Christian breaks down this paradoxical spiritual concept in hopes of helping you to break the pattern of discontentment and striving.
Where do we pick up this idea that we have to be perfect? That we have to get things right on the first try. Who told you that you have to be perfect? Who whispered in your ears as a child and said... " You must be perfect to be okay?" Rev. Christian Janson explores this idea and these questions in the latest episode of The Mystic Journey.
Our internal world is large in part governed by our thoughts. Thoughts create feelings, feelings create behavior, and behavior creates thoughts. What if you could choose to follow or believe your thoughts? What if instead of sleepwalking through life reacting to every thought you had, instead, you relied on the Spirit within you to help