in this Episode, Rod recaps a fun night of bowfishing in Southwest Michigan with two new friends, Harvey Hood and John Blazys. They discuss everything from the bows to the boat they were using and how to get started in bowfishing. Bowfishing is not an expensive sport and doesn't require a boat. It can be done in just about any state and almost anytime of the year when the water is open and clear!
This week on NFAA Talks with Rod White, he had the chance to sit down with Demetrio and Maria Mascarenas. The Mascarenas have been in the archery scene about two and half years, and made fast friends through their love of tournaments. Field, 3-D, and Indoor- they've done it all. While Demetrio picks the compound, Maria enjoys the recurve. She admires the beauty and tradition of shooting with a Bear Alaskan Bow. One of the ways they remember their experience is by taking selfies! The couple enjoys the camaraderie of archery and encourages anyone interested in the sport to join. Olympic medalist Rod White talks with NFAA archers about all things archery including: indoor archery, outdoor target archery, field archery, 3D archery, bowhunting, bowfishing, the archery lifestyle, National Field Archery Association (NFAA) events and tournaments and much more!
Episodi mancanti?
This final Episode concludes the season wrap up for the 30 Days of Rut podcast series! Some last minute tips are included and thoughts about things to be thinking about for next season. Thank you all for following, sharing all of the episodes, and for sharing your successes as a result of this short series! Good luck everyone in the late seasons and stay safe!!
In this Episode I walk you through the last few days of Rut behavior, public land and private land thoughts, brief info about camera use this time of year and more. Big bucks will fall in the next few days, be one of the hunters who puts a tag on one!!!
This episode of the "30 Days of Rut!" podcast contains some very valuable information that is vital for year to year success on targeting and hunting specific bucks. I cover gun season issues, scouting, cataloguing, and other key issues and tasks that you should be keeping up with as we move through the post rut period. In true, Rod White, no sleep, lots of caffeine style, I bounce a round a lot so you may need to listen to this one more than once! Good luck everyone and stay safe out there!
This podcast I highlight some thoughts in the early morning hours as I head across Southern Iowa to some new pieces of public ground I've never hunted. I talk about the way I go about picking out these properties, the characteristics of the properties I'm looking for at this time of the year, and I talk about how I've picked out potential stand locations.
This episode I talk a little bit about the opportunity the snow has given us in the Midwest for those of you that have gotten some. Lots of you have had questions about how to identify bedding areas and travel corridors...well with a blanket of snow on the ground like this...there is no time like the present to learn!
In states where you can legally bowhunt during Gun Season, like so many of you are messaging me about, there are some tactical changes that need to be made. I cover some of those changes I make when hunting during gun pressure. I talk about the issues with calling and types of environments both younger and mature bucks seek when the guns go off. This podcast is a great one for bowhunters and gun hunters alike. Good luck everyone out there this weekend!
With the coming of the end of the Lock Down phase are the reactivation and use of scrapes. i talk about what that means for you and your hunting plans, the use of trail cameras at this time of year, and the trigger that we need to kick off my favorite time of the year...the Post Rut!
Theres not a whole lot I can give you guys and gals for information. Today's podcast just sums up the simple truth that you have to be just darn, darn lucky to get an opportunity. So just take this time, if you have it off, to double check your gear, do some laundry, or pick a tree and hope for the best! Good luck everyone and stay safe!
In this episode I cover the important information on how I'm using my maps now and preparing for the next 7 to 10 days. Although I can't hunt all of them because of kid duty and Thanksgiving, these are the best days to capitalize on mature bucks opportunities. They'll be making a lot of mistakes and they'll be using terrain to cover as much ground as possible as efficiently as possible in search of estrous does. So this episode is about the changes in how I look at a map and select locations for this specific time of year. Good luck everyone!
This podcast I have the last appearance and last thoughts from Michael Lloyd of 41 Digital for the season on whitetails. Dustan Fenton, a very close friend of mine joins us as well. And we cover looking ahead to the Post Rut, my favorite time of the year! Multiple discussions are had around what to expect, the viability of cameras, wrapping up the years scouting, and more! Sorry for the slight delay on this one guys and gals! One of the audio channels was a little on the quiet side with Dustan and took me a bit to try to resolve it as best as I could. My apologies again for the delay, you'll be getting hit with two doses today!
This episode I go into pretty in depth detail about what the Lock Down phase really consists of and why it exists. I talk about the strategy for success for this phase and the strategies of both mature and immature bucks. Specifically in regards to how they approach the multitudes of does coming into estrous and the days leading up to and away from this frustrating time of the year for us as hunters!
We're at the tail end of the peak rut days! That means 3 to 4 days of mind numbing lack of movement...but also means that immediately following we are going to have about a week to 10 days of the best opportunities you'll have all season at mature bucks in the Midwest! Along with...a few thoughts on public land ethicacy...if that's even a word! Good luck everyone and stay safe!!
Snow has hit the Midwest! And, yes, even during the peak of the Rut, the first snow of the year can have a profound effect on the movement we hope to experience tomorrow! In this episode I cover thoughts on my experiences with the first snow of the year, changing food preferences for does in estrus, and the types of habitats I'll be targeting tomorrow and through at least the next 48 hours. Good luck to everyone...Hunt smart and hunt safe!
In this peak-rut podcast, I share some thoughts about not only the state of the rut as usual, and some tips and tactics about where I've found success at this time of the year, but I also talk with Michael Lloyd of 41 Digital and discuss a little about social media expectations and hunters who share their successes in the social media spotlight. What others think of your success shots and why or if it really should matter to you.
This is a super short podcast as I sum up my thoughts on these 3 biggest days of the year for most whitetail enthusiasts! I wish I could give you all golden words of advice, but the next three days require more luck than skill. Focus heavily on hunting bedding zones and travel corridors between bedding zones. Most of the bucks I kill during this time period are killed between the hours of 11 and 2. My days during this time period consist mostly of all day sits in the types of environments listed above until the last couple hours of light. Then I generally move toward field edges and food sources. In essence, I just try to get in places where I feel the does will want to be, they are the key to success! Good luck everyone and hunt safe!
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