
  • Welcome back my lovely listeners to this last episode of season three, where your host will be talking about Seasonal affective disorder also known as SAD this is a type of depression which is usually more severe during the winter months, and I found it very fitting due to the time of this recording that for most us the autumn months are upon us. Just before we head on over, I just want to mention a couple things, don’t forget to hit the follow/subscribe button on your favourite podcast platform for my show, so you don’t miss any future episodes, also if you would like to keep up to date on a regular basis with what’s happening at Nicola Paul HQ contact details will be in the show notes of this episode.

    Season four will be coming back around the middle of November, if all goes well where there will be some more exciting news on projects I have been working on as well as guests and solo episodes from me, so, without further or do, lets head on over…

    The symptoms of SAD include - question- have you experienced any of these?

    • a persistent low mood
    • a loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities
    • irritability
    • feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness
    • lacking energy and sleepy during the day
    • sleeping for longer than normal
    • craving carbohydrates and gaining weight

    1. Treatments for SAD
    The main treatments are:
    • lifestyle measures – including getting as much natural sunlight as possible, exercising regularly and managing your stress levels
    • light therapy – where a special lamp called a light box is used to simulate exposure to sunlight
    • talking therapies – such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or counselling

    2. What do you do to feel better during the winter? let me know

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicolapaullhealthandwellness

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicola-paull-975a00161/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NicolaPaull

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  • Hello and welcome to this week’s episode, I’m your host Nicola, and in today’s episode, I am feeling very honoured to invite onto the show, my guest who has an inspiring story to share with us.

    Born in South Wales, UK, Amy Sinha, the youngest of three sisters, was submerged in m​usic from an early age, this also marked the beginning of her love of music and performance. Inspired by such a musical upbringing.

    Amy experienced some rare medical conditions in her early years, being declared as being one out of only 5 children like her in the U.K at the time. She had developed cataracts in both her eyes leaving her almost blind, and then diagnosed with a rare nerve condition which meant she was unable to feel hot, cold or superficial pain.

    Let's introduce Amy onto the show..

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicola-paull-975a00161/

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

    Amy's Contact Details:

    Website: https://www.amysinha.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amysinhavoice/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amysinha/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmySinhaVoiceOverArtist

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AmySinhaTV

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  • Episodi mancanti?

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  • Welcome back my lovely listeners to a special co-host episode where I am going to share with you a collaboration I have been working on with a beautiful soul called Marion, we have both been enjoying this process of building a inspiring and motivating programme from our own creative minds which we are both here to talk about today called The Ultimate Vitality & Well-being Programme, here is a brief description of what’s to be expected:

    Are you feeling flat, demotivated, lacking in energy or feel stuck and down with life?

    Feeling anxious, stressed or low in mood? Within this programme you will increase your sense of spirituality, feel energised and have a zest for life.

    In this Co-host episode myself and Marion are going to talk about the structure/takeaway advice/the outcome you will benefit from this programme and many other aspects of this programme, Are, you ready to invest in you?

    So, let’s explain to anyone who is looking for a holistic way of life

    If you are ready to work with us, over a three - month period, your life will change and you will discover a new you:

    Imagine, getting out of bed each and every day with a sense of purpose, looking forward to the challenges ahead. This can be you, if you are willing to commit to this programme for three months.

    We offer you 6 modules, three of which are scheduled sessions tailored to your individual needs. These sessions are scheduled with Marion a qualified psychotherapist, with eleven years experience of motivating and helping people become the best that they can be.

    Three further recorded sessions which Nicola has created and also a virtual live meetup with her prior to starting the modules, she has over 10 years experience as a spiritual lifestyle coach and therapist.

    The mixture of both live and recorded sessions are the perfect blend to support you in the process of reaching your goals.

    What does well-being mean to us? We describe this.

    As well-being covers all aspects of the person, what factors can lead to emotional, physical & spiritual problems? We describe this.

    Think about what aspect of your well-being you would like to work on.

    During our spiritual module we talk about the conscious and the subconscious mind.

    Marion talks about the difference between the two and why it can sometimes be difficult to change habits and beliefs.

    Nicola will introduce EFT and to offer a tip - Emotional freedom technique (EFT), which people often refer to as EFT tapping, is an alternative therapy for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and some other conditions.

    It involves tapping specific points on the body, primarily on the head and the face, in a particular sequence. While doing this, the person focuses on the issue that they wish to treat.

    In this theory, blocks or imbalances in the flow of energy lead to ill health. According to EFT advocates, tapping on these meridian points with the fingertips restores the balance of energy to resolve physical and emotional issues.

    As this technique requires a certain way of practising, there is a more in-depth version explained and demonstrated by myself within the Mind, Body & Soul modules

    The Ultimate Vitality & Well-being Programme will to be available early November 2021 and there will be a promotional offer, more on this to come soon, in future episodes and online.

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

    Marion's Contact Details:

    Website: https://therapyguild.info/

    Support the show
  • How perfectionist can manifest by their thoughts.

    Your own self-presentation…how you speak, dress, your lifestyle choices, your body weight and shape. Throw in the heightened scrutiny of social media to this mix and it’s easy to see how perfectionism can take over in a bid to maintain a perfect image.

    Manifesting Super woman/man thoughts?

    Putting your thoughts to the test is a great way to see if others really expect that of you, or if it's what you think others expect of you

    Does this apply to you if you feel your in the super woman/man category?

    Do you feel like you haven’t earned your title?

    Does the Natural Genius resonate with you?

    Natural genius judge their competence based on ease and speed rather than efforts, let me explain this, they take a long time to master something, they set their internal bar impossibly high, just like the perfectionists.

    The Soloist feels so independent that can sometimes refuse assistance so that you can improve your worth,

    If you’re not sure if this Imposter Syndrome resonates with you ask yourself.

    Do you feel you have to accomplish things on your own? Do you look at requests in terms of a requirement if it were for example a project youre doing, rather than your needs as a person?

    Here’s the Expert Imposter Syndrome who measures their competence based on ‘what’ and ‘how much’ they know or can do. They believe they will never be enough.

    Does this resonate with you?

    I believe there’s always something new to learn, as this is what keeps our mind expanding into great awareness, however by continually seeking out more information, if you’re not aware of this can actually be a form of procrastination.

    Try this, start learning when it's required to, then move into action, right now take these opportunities to start accepting and embracing your capabilities.

    I really hope this topic has given you insight on what Imposter Syndrome can look and feel like, as for me personally I have come to realise that I am a piece of every one of these at some time or another in my life, but the one that stands out for me is the perfectionist, I’m working on this, I would love to hear yours, just before you go share this episode with anyone you know and follow me over on Instagram to see more mindfulness and well-being topics which I love talking about, I have also put together a blog post on this topic if you’re interested in reading it, all of my contact details are in the show notes of this episode until next time my lovely listener’s

    Love and Light

    Nicola's Contact Details;

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Support the show
  • Hello and welcome to this week’s episode, I’m your host Nicola, and in today’s episode, I am feeling very honoured to invite back onto my show Ell who for those of you who haven’t had chance yet to listen to, Ell was on my show Episode 22, where you get to know a more deep and meaningful version of who she is, in this episode we will be talking about Astrology especially where Pluto is a deeply involved learning process and how Ell incorporates Magick, intriguing!

    Ell speaks about the impact of Pluto, and the deep transformational process associated with the planet. She touches on the de-conditioning of patriarchal traditions that we are all currently undergoing, and how this effects the individual. She also describes her use of magick in her healing journey, and gives some tips and tricks for daily uses of this modality.

    So, without further or do let’s welcome Ell to the show.

    Ell's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ambriell0/

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

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  • Hello my lovely listeners and welcome back to this weeks Solo Episode with your host, this week I want to talk about 'The Law of Attraction' vibration energy, positive thoughts bringing positive action into the world.

    If you take a moment to sit with your thoughts, you might realise how many negative thoughts cross your mind; how much your thoughts are racing, thinking about your never-ending to-do list, worrying about this person or that thing you have to do.

    When we have these negatively framed thoughts, they weigh us down. They drag our energy and we feel heavier. These negative thoughts, then, have a heavy vibration.

    So, if vibration is our state of being, it’s tangible when we’re feeling low. Depressive thoughts have a low vibration, which in turn make us feel heavy and lethargic, bringing our overall vibration down. However, if we’re happy, we feel lighter, energised and spirited.

    Want to learn more about how our thoughts serve us? head on over to my recent blog post: https://nicolapaull.com/how-can-your-thoughts-serve-you/

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Book your 30 minutes free uplifting vibrations call with me: https://nicolapaull.com/contact/

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  • Hello my lovely listeners and welcome back to another Monday morning’s episode of pure goodness, this week’s episodes is a personal one for me, as the beautiful lady I’m going to introduce onto my show, has only recently enter my life, and I say recently a few months ago, this will be new to all of you as I haven’t spoken about it yet, but this year I wanted to find my dad who I have never met before, as some of you know I’m now fifty and up until then I always had moments where I tried to find him but for one reason or another it didn’t happen, until March this year when after taking an Ancestry DNA test online I found him! he’s well and healthy and I feel blessed to have been welcomed into my other half of my family, and fast forward to today, I would love for you to meet Julie my long lost cousin, who has an amazing story to share with us, so without further or do lets welcome to the show my beautiful cousin Julie.

    Julie's Contact Details:

    Instagram Pro:

    Instagram Home:

    Website: https://www.hairbare.pro/

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

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  • Welcome, back my lovely listeners, in this week’s episodes I have the pleasure of bringing onto the show an inspiring lady who is the creator of The International Guild of Complementary Therapists which is the world-renowned body promoting and setting the standard for Holistic and Course Providers. The IGCT logo serves as reassurance for anyone looking for a skilled complementary therapist or an accredited course in the various disciplines within the holistic sphere. All therapists and course are listed in the IGCT directory and approved personally by The Guild.

    She has owned and run the British Academy of Reiki for nearly ten years, as well as being the owner of Ashby Holistic Centre in Leicestershire, Marion is also an International best-selling author of 11 Spirituality and Holistic Therapies.

    This lovely lady is also my external verifier for my accredited courses which I provide to students on my online Academy.

    Amongst many other skills and expertise, without further or do,

    Let’s introduce Marion onto the show.

    Marion's Contact Details:

    IGCT Website: https://therapyguild.info/

    British Academy of Reiki Website: https://britishacademyofreiki.co.uk/

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

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  • Hello and welcome to this week’s episode, I’m your host Nicola, and in today’s episode, I am feeling very honoured to invite onto my show an Instagram Influencer also Founder AmbriellO she is a white-British, non-binary Astrologer and a survivor SxX Worker, she has been a student of the stars for 6+years, and has now open a professional practice.

    Her approach is intersectional and trauma-informed, and combines a blend of Ancient Hellenistic, Psychological and Archetypal Astrology.

    Her aim is to help people better understand and integrate the elements of their chart, which she’s believes can serve as a powerful tool for self-development and healing, so without further or do let’s welcome Ell to the show.

    Ell's Contact details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ambriell0/

    Email: [email protected]

    Nicola's Contact details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

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  • Welcome, back my lovely listeners, to Season Three, in this week’s episodes I have the great pleasure of bringing onto the show an inspiring young lady who is a Holistic Nutritional Therapist and a Mindset coach, also the founder of Factory of Health.

    She is very passionate about empowering people to live intuitively and allowing the intellect of the body to be the navigator, optimising health starts with awareness and enquiry of oneself.

    With her skills, knowledge and expertise, she offers a combination of Nutritional Therapy, Spiritual coaching and Embodiment practices to create personalised plans that are sustainable and invoke long lasting change and in turn enable you to live in your highest truth and alignment.

    So, Let’s introduce Julia onto the show.

    Julia's Contact details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/factoryofhealth/

    Website: https://www.factoryofhealth.co.uk/

    Nicola's Contact details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Website: https://nicolapaull.com/

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  • In this week’s episode I am delighted welcome on to my show an inspiring gentleman who brings with him a unique and positive bend to the idea of mental health and self-improvement.

    Terry Tucker believes everyone is born to lead an uncommon and extraordinary life and that has nothing to do with where you work, how much money you make, or where you live. We are not all born with the same gifts and talents, but we all have the ability to become the best person we are capable of becoming. But how do you achieve this remarkable life in an age where everyone seems to just get by?

    Terry Tucker has been an NCAA Division college basketball player, a Citadel cadet, a marketing executive, a hospital administrator, an undercover narcotics investigator, a SWAT Team Hostage Negotiator, a high school basketball coach, a business owner, a motivational speaker, an author, and most recently, a cancer warrior.

    He is the author of, Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principle To Living Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life.

    Terry and his wife have lived all over the United States and currently reside in Colorado with their daughter and Wheaten Terrier, Maggie.

    In 2019, Terry started the website, Motivational Check to help others find and lead their uncommon and extraordinary lives.

    Terry focuses on the 4 Truths, on the healthy aspect of being sick by:

    1. Controlling your mind, so it doesn’t control you.

    2. Embracing the pain and suffering and using it to make you a stronger and more determined individual.

    3. Understanding what you leave behind is what you weave in the hearts of others.

    4. Remembering that as long as you don’t quit, you can never be defeated.

    Amongst many other struggles he has faced in his life, which we will go into in this episode, let’s welcome Terry Tucker to the show.

    Nicola's Contact Details:


    Terry's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sustainableexcellenceauthor/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terry-tucker-9b5605179/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motivationalcheck

    Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/terrytucker2012

    Amazon Link to Sustainable Excellence in the US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GLGVTVS

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  • In this episode I am going to guide you through higher your vibrations and embrace yourself in Self-Love.

    For me personally, I use this one most days, just to keep my mind, body & soul aligned, and the great thing about this episode is you can repeat the process as and when you wish to.

    Find a quiet space, somewhere where you won’t get distracted, a safe space, sit comfortably either on a chair, the floor, anyway you wish, as long as your posture is upright and your spine is straight, relax your shoulders, close your eyes, rest your hands on your lap, if it feels comfortable face your palms upwards for receiving.

    Now let’s take three deep breath with an open mouth exhale, fills your lungs with fresh air, fill your chest expand, then exhale through your open mouth. Repeat two more times, continue these in your own time.

    Take a moment now, to be in this present moment and feel grateful for what you have in your life right now. What is this? Think of all things you might be taking for granted. How does this make you feel?

    Remember there is no right or wrong way to feel gratitude, just being able to accept gratitude of powerful in its self.

    Being grateful for even the simplest of things in life, such as having food on the table, clothes on your body, clean water to drink, all serves as giving yourself Self-Love within your Mindy, Body & Soul.

    Now, what does Self-Love mean to you? To me, Self-Love means excepting yourself in every shape and form, forgiving myself and knowing it’s ok when I make mistake, this one can be hard for me sometimes, do you forgive yourself if you make a mistake? ……. Take a moment to think about this…

    Valuing your worth, standing tall and not feeling inferior to others, also knowing you are a work of art and also a work in progress at the same time.

    Know to accept unconditional love to yourself, you are already loveable, you don’t have to prove to anyone else that you are worthy of love.

    Now let’s follow some Affirmations, I have personally created which have worked for me, and I really do hope you feel the same way, if you are new to Affirmations, just a suggestion on how the best way is to get the best results.

    Repeat them in your daily life, this could be first thing in the morning, throughout your day, keep them somewhere to hand, where you are listening to this episode or right them down on paper and place them somewhere visual, when you are saying the words, breath, feel the words resonate in your soul, trust the words you are saying to yourself.

    Let’s begin

    I am enough for me right in this moment

    I am willing to learn more about myself

    I am sensitive and also feel so much love for myself

    I am open to accept love in my self

    I encourage my inner self to believe in love

    Now visualise those words following through your entire body, breath in through your nose and slowly release from your mouth any negativity which is holding you back from receiving love within yourself. Nourish yourself with unconditional love and light.

    Breath in complete love and visualise your breath going in to reach your heart and feel the warmth it radiates within your soul, breath out anything that serves you no purpose.

    Breath in love and breath out uneasy feelings. Nourish you energy field with love and light.

    Now, let’s start to notice how your body is feeling? You have now given yourself acceptance that you are enough, try this practice every day, it doesn’t take that long, so be kind to yourself in truth, love and compassion for yourself. You are already worthy, just by existing.

    Love and Light

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  • In this week's episode I am very grateful to introduce the beautiful Nadia who is an Intuitive Success Coach, she helps ambitious women with rock-solid strategies, powerful inner work and stepping into their feminine power to create unstoppable success in their business and life.

    Nadia is a certified life coach, NLP practitioner and social media expert. She loves to combine strategies with work on the subconscious to remove limiting beliefs and blocks as your mindset is the foundation of anything you attract in your life. She really believes in the power of working with the divine feminine to unlock your full potential and using intuition to take aligned action and guide you in the right direction to achieve everything you want.

    Your Host's Contact Details:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/

    Nadia's Contact details:

    Join Nadia's five day free challenge https://magneticbusinessqueenchallenge.gr8.com/

    Connect: https://www.nadiagargallo.com/contact

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nadiagargallo/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nadiagargallocoach

    Website: https://www.nadiagargallo.com/

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  • WARNING: this episode contains use of swearing and words/phrases which some listeners might find offensive.

    In this weeks episode, I have asked Adam if he would like to be my Co-Host, he has some interesting discussions, on where and how he has come to where he is today within founding Plight Club.

    Great ah ah moments along his journey and very intimate moments of his life he will be sharing with us, which I would like to personally thank him for this..

    Adam will be talking about - ‘I, we, it’ individual, social, economic thinking behind the club and the link between vulnerability and evolution.

    Nicola's Contact Details:

    Adam's Contact Details:

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  • Tommy is a certified Coach For Creatives and Founder of Brightly Imagine. Tommy works one-to-one with you to build confidence in your creative work, and has just launched the beta version of her new course, Unlock Your Creative Process. Doors are currently open! if you are listening to this episode after Friday 16th April, the doors will be closed for this particular course, however keep popping onto Tommy's website where she will be keeping you up to date on future events/courses and so much more..

    Tommy’s mission is to help anyone with a creative soul overcome the challenges that are holding them back.

    She uses a unique blend of coaching, mentoring and teaching experience to give creatives the power to achieve personal and professional success.​

    Contact details:

    Instagram: @tommyludgatecoach

    Website: https://www.brightlyimagine.com/

    Tommy's Brand New Online Course - Doors close at 4pm on Friday 16th April

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  • Welcome, my name is Nicola and this guided meditation is bought to you for free, if you enjoy this episode and would like to support my show, details are at the bottom of this episode.

    I am a Spiritual Guide & Teacher who will guide through Mind, Body & Soul vibrational changes.

    I’ve been wanting to create inspiring Solo Episodes for all you lovely listeners who are feeling a little stuck in moving forward with your mindset, I want to guide you through this process, as so many of you are probably reflecting on time gone by in 2020 and wanting to set goals for yourself moving forward into 2021. I personally find that doing a Guided Meditation like this is super powerful. If you have been struggling on where to set goals or just not sure where to start, doing this Guided Meditation will really help you to connect with your higher self and create goals that will resonate with you on a deeper level of emotions. The good thing about this episode is you can repeat the process on a regular basis, I would recommend practicing when you’re at your most relaxed in your mind, morning or evening which ever one suits you, mine is first thing in the morning, before I even start my day, as I feel it then recharges my energy moving forward for the day ahead. I would suggest having a note book and pen to hand, so you can write down thoughts and feeling after each time you practice this, towards the end of this episode I will be giving you some takeaway tips to try out and work on moving forward on your personal journey.

    So let’s find a quiet, comfortable space, somewhere you will have no distractions, a place where you feel safe and relaxed, whether you want to sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground, spine straight, shoulders relaxed, or lying on your bed with the same posture, whichever way you feel comfortable, slowly close your eyes, allow your thoughts to enter into your mind, for just a minute or so, and as we go through the breath work, you will slowly start to visualise in your mind’s eye, your thoughts drifting away into the distance until they disappear and you can no longer feel those thoughts.

    So, with that being said let’s try this process and go with whatever it is your feeling right now.

    Take a breath in through your nose, feeling the air entering down through the back of your throat….. and then release your breath gently out of your mouth…… let’s repeat this process two more times, and in your own time.

    Write down how this session made you feel? Name one thing that you will take action on? How will you achieve this new intention?

    Nicola's Contact Details:
    Instagram Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/thenicolapaullapproach/
    Instagram Business: https://www.instagram.com/nicolapaull/
    Podcast Website: https://www.thenicolapaullapproach.com/

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  • Welcome, we are back for our 3rd Co-host episode in our collaboration journaling. This week we talk about The Power of Journaling.

    We will walk you through our own journey with journaling, the benefits and methods we use.

    By choosing and trusting certain techniques along your own discoveries, you will not only see how powerful journaling can be, but also notice a huge impact it can have on your day to day life.

    We really hope you have been inspired with this week’s episode, this will be the last one of Season Two, however we will be back to continue our chats relating to our soon to be published Journaling Book.

    In Season Three, release date for these episodes, will be starting on Monday 5th April at 8am… just so you don’t miss an episode make sure to subscribe to this podcast.

    This is where we will discuss

    Habits v Goals
    Routine V Ritual
    Structure v Going with the flow
    Mindfulness Consumption.

    And, also there will be some solo episodes where I will be introducing some new additions of visualisation meditations which if you are feeling a little stuck in your mindset, these will help you gain more focus and clarity.

    So, until next time, be kind to yourself, love & light.

    Nicola's Contact Details:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenicolapaullapproach/
    Podcast Website: https://www.thenicolapaullapproach.com/

    Isabel's Contact Details:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelgoodbebetter/
    Website: https://www.isabellagtaylor.com/

    Support the show
  • In this week’s episode we will walk you through how certain practices have helped us, and the benefits we have gained.

    You will learn and understand how to practice a range of well-being techniques to boost your Mind, Body & Soul and also some helpful and inspiring takeaway tip bits.

    We would encourage you to tag in this episode from your favourite podcast directory and let us know your favourite well-being practices you use which benefit you, or if you feel stuck we would love to hear from you.

    Nicola’s Practices are:

    Meditation (Gives me a sense of calmness and clarity for the day ahead)

    Daily walks around nature (helps me connect to the earth)

    Drinking plenty of water so I don’t dehydrate – (watch what I'm eating, also portion control)

    Isabel’s Practices are:

    Cold showers (Waking up your sensory nerves)

    Eating Healthy (Mindful of what you eat)

    Evening wind down (Aware of relaxing your mind ready for rest)

    Isabel's Contact Details:

    Nicola's Contact Details:

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  • About Us & our Why for creating a Journal Book

    Hello and welcome to this week’s brand-new episode, where I will be introducing a new Co-Host to my podcast show for loads of wholesome and inspiring behind the scenes Journal topics involving our shiny new project which we have been collaborating on.

    Each episode we will walk you through our own personal techniques which will be tailor made for whomever is ready to change parts of their personal self-development to become the best version of their selves.

    You will learn and understand that with motivation and a clear vision that if you put your mind to it, anything is possible.

    In this episode we will begin with who we are and the reason behind why we are collaborating on this new journey of journaling.

    Isabel's Contact Details:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feelgoodbebetter/
    Website: https://www.isabellagtaylor.com/

    Nicola's Contact Details:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenicolapaullapproach/
    Podcast Website: https://www.thenicolapaullapproach.com/

    Support the show
  • Welcome to Episode Eleven of The Nicola Paull Approach, my name is Nicola Paull and I am going to be your host for this inspirational episode.

    Joining me today, I am super exciting to welcome onto the show is my very own mini me, who has been one of my creative writers for nearly a year now with my online business journey, she is an Instagram Influencer also Founder of Elephant Thoughts Blog which is a platform for budding writers, after completing her degree in English and French she has found a very different journey within her working industry since ‘Rona’ enter all of our lives, the highs and lows of an even more competitive market out there now, when finding her ideal job, also in this Episode we are going to talk a little bit about how she has come to where she is today? And also, some topics on Anxiety, breaking through the barriers to succeed in the work place, just to mention a few, so without further or do let’s welcome ‘my mini me’ Lily Corcoran to our show.

    Lily's Contact Details:

    Nicola's Contact Details:

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