Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete continue the 7 Deadly Sins series with a discussion on Sloth.
Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete continue the 7 Deadly Sins series discussing Lust with Royal Prince Asmodeus.
Episodi mancanti?
Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete continue the 7 Deadly Sins series. This episode focuses on Part 2 of Wrath with Royal Demon Beelzebub.
Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete continue the 7 Deadly Sins series. This episode focuses on Wrath
Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete continue the 7 Deadly Sins series. This episode focuses on Greed, featuring Royal Demon Prince Mammon.
Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete continue the 7 Deadly Sins series. This episode focuses on Envy featuring Royal Demon Prince Leviathan.
Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete begin the series of the 7 deadly sins featuring Royal Demon Prince Belial.
#002 Episode featuring Professor Ashley Otori and Dr. Pete discussing the Luciferian path, getting through the difficult seasons of life, and being at rock bottom.
#001 This is the introductory podcast where we discuss Lucifer and working with demons.
The Order - Demon Sigil Pendants & Magick Grimoires (theorderofdarkarts.com)