
  • Wherein free will is explained along with
    How it’s Lensing all the way down

    The interesting part of free will is the Will

    Reason is slave to the passions”

    Stoplight metaphor

    A different timescale


    Holos is present in every fragment

    Versing the unity

    Nothing is ever repeated

    A triangle is eternal

    The third side makes itself for free if you have two sides

    Spirals instead of looping

    The difference between a labyrinth and a maze

    The maze is finite and temporal

    The labyrinth is infinite possibility

  • The foundation is laid for explaining Free Will and meta-representational Consciousness without resorting to concepts such as Emergence

    Map and territory

    Chris Langan free will is creating space and time via manifolds and fractal recursion

    You are the universe interacting with itself


    Chris Fields

    Infinite regression recursively stabilizes

    Bruce Lipton
    Consciousness via external inputs

    Nikola Tesla energy frequency and vibration

    His brain is but a transmitter and a receiver

    “Mind-expanding” drugs suppress the ego and survival mechanisms

  • Episodi mancanti?

    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • The map and the territory enter the chat. Amplituhedrons simplify the equations instead of complexifying the math


    Map and territory

    Chris Langan free will is creating space and time via manifolds and fractal recursion

    You are the universe interacting with itself


    Chris Fields

    Infinite regression recursively stabilizes

    Bruce Lipton
    Consciousness via external inputs

    Nikola Tesla energy frequency and vibration

    His brain is but a transmitter and a receiver

    “Mind-expanding” drugs suppress the ego and survival mechanisms

    “You can’t do impossible things”

  • Wizard of consciousness Craig Weinberg returns once again to explain multisenserealism.com and more Show notes:

    David Chalmers Hard Problem latest blog post

    Aesthetic participatory phenomenon

    Descartes “ I think therefore I am “

    Wavelengths and frequencies of light and the colour red

    You should measure photons and matter against the ruler of redness and blueness, compare and contrast (optical illusions, for example)

    Dream matters

    “The brain filters reality”

    Simulation theory is a metaphor

    Map vs territory

    Physic and evolution and natural selection

    Donald Hoffman
    Neo - Platonism

    Newton and astrology and alchemy

    Epicycles added to science to explain errors and correct them

    The epitome of this is string theory

  • Caio Temer speaks on LLMs and Ai and AGi & the possibility for them becoming conscious.
    Collaborative efforts involve creating language models using Facebook's FastText, demonstrated in Colab notebooks and GitHub repositories:

    - [Colab 1](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1wVQrpzyY-SkCZTRZCcP6xJGRdg1ik0jR#scrollTo=pIW6-VwMuRlz)
    - [Colab 2](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1oABIZr1xiIu7DKc7AbbZfeBJFLkZW6Ep#scrollTo=XfR-3PpPYoFU)
    - [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/rtkclouds/fast-js-language-model)

    Additionally, you can find more details in the provided [GitHub gists](https://gist.github.com/rtkclouds/50b81d10736793f07cdca354516e8757) and [here](https://gist.github.com/rtkclouds/a6ee9afd96461ca94b3e9c22f78bda3a).

    For further insights, you can explore the [X.com link](https://x.com/canalCCore2/status/1735044356535472278?s=20).

    Part 2




  • Caio Temer explains LLMs and machine learning. found that generalized learning happens after 10k epochs with a considerable amount of data per epoch, are there studies in this regard?


    Yes, there are studies related to generalized learning after many times, with a large amount of data per season. A notable example is the "Deep Bootstrap Framework", presented at ICLR 2021. This framework makes a connection between generalization and online optimization. He compares a "real world", where a model is trained on a finite number of samples by multiple times, with an "ideal world", where each training step uses fresh samples from a virtually infinite data set. The research found that models that train quickly in infinite data are the same as those that generalize well in finite data. This study offers a new perspective on design choices in practice and provides a theoretical path to understand generalization.

    Get started with ChatGPT

    Caio Temer

    show notes:

    Part One summary

    interesting topics for trading- -how I created the first bots -how models combine language models with autonomous robots -why conventional methods don't work about language models: -language models are simpler to obtain with other structures -problem in the current structure and how I solved it - development of intuitive neural networks using hash abstraction

    Caio developed a way for neural networks, through cryptography techniques that use sum, to learn to abstract and understand deeply quickly

    created a lib of a tiny language model that learns to predict all tokens at an absurd speed by using distance vector embeds instead of tokens



    for example, if the network is exploding, there's something wrong with a component, or the update rate is wrong If the rate is right, the linearities are wrong, just exchange some linear or more linear connection like relu for tanh or add a tanh. softmax in deep layers as a projector reduces network convergence time by forcing layer alignment training the transformer one layer at a time, adding a copy of the first layer and freezing the first accelerates training and improves retention

    In sequence for sequence, a permuted linear dense solves 99% of problems in less time and better than the transformer. Giant embeds work like entire networks, only needing one activation at the end after reshaping

    “1 tanh layer of 1 million units solves everything better than any other network with the same number of parameters, at least in the tasks I use, I always start with it, then see how to reduce”


    making a language model using Facebook's FastText https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1wVQrpzyY-SkCZTRZCcP6xJGRdg1ik0jR#scrollTo=pIW6-VwMuRlz




    GitHub gists:



  • Episode 12, Part 2
    Twitter / X account

    YouTube channel




    Aze Alter account;
    Incomprehensible weirdness

    Backwards causation

    Ruliad : entangled limit of all possible computations

    Branchial space


    Stephen La Berge lucid dreaming

    Annihilation notes meme https://slate.com/culture/2018/02/annihilation-co-composer-ben-salisbury-explains-the-musical-cue-from-the-alien.html




    Binaural Gateway

    Optimizing for attention not for attention span



    Mid journey 6

    Very unpleasant dreams

    Rabbit character


    The Judgement

    The Bureau

    The Penal Colony

    The Metamorphosis the VR experience

    Goat simulator

    The Hunger Artist

    Unlimited Dream Company


    Christopher Nolan


    Alex Garland

    Kenneth Stanley

    Serendipity and novelty

    Peter Birkhauser


    Tesla channeling

    Ian McGilchrist left brain right brain split


    Duplass brothers

    Pascal’s Wager

    Ursula Le Guinn

  • Director and artist Forrest Rice joins the show to talk about the future of art, Ai, philosophy, Wittgenstein, the Ruliad, HP Lovecraft, Franz Kafka and much more. Show notes: Twitter account

    YouTube channel




    brief intro

    Kafka’s short stories

    The Colony

    Indie film making


    Loss function
    Joscha Bach

    Alan Turing machines

    Halting problem

    Logical positivism

    Duty of Genius by Ray Monk

    “I play the orchestra “ —Steve Jobs

    Alfred Leon Vitali


    Peacock Kubrick documentary


    Bo Burnhan INSIDE Netflix

    Aze Alter

    Capital of Conformity

    Loss function returns

    Indrid Cold derinberger
    Mothman Prophecies

    Roko’s Basilisk


    Christmas gnome elf

    CIA gateway

    Incomprehensible weirdness

    Backwards causation

    Ruliad : entangled limit of all possible computations

    Branchial space


    Stephen La Berge lucid dreaming

    Annihilation notes meme

    Binaural Gateway

    Optimizing for attention not for attention span



    Mid journey 6

    Very unpleasant dreams

    Rabbit character


  • Jack Kruse MD joins the show to talk about light, water and magnetism Addressing three big names in the longevity space

    Peter attia

    Dave asprey

    Bryan Johnson

    And their use of




    mRNA vaccines



    Mitochondria make 1200 peptides themselves

    Fitzpatrick scores and haplotypes


    GLP-1 drug

    Thyroid gland

    Type 1 and type-2 diabetes

    Use the precautionary principle

    Melano-genin peptide has been renamed


    Melano-tan dehydrate themselves (bodybuilders)


    Charge is conserved by nature, you are changing the charge-density of your tissues and not knowing what the effects are

    Attia is smart but doesn’t know the difference between biochemistry and biophysics

    Asprey is a primarily amarketer

    M&M Conference for surgeons where they vigorously debate amongst themselves

    Kruse has his conferences in public to the Audience can decide which side to chose

    Informed consent

    Decentralized Medicine: Timing

    Bitcoin is a time ledger

    Circadian biology

    Why elephants live longer than mice even though they’re fatter

    The lesson is: you come built in with a lot of epigenetic workarounds for bad genetic situations (“the difficulty adjustment” in Bitcoiner terms)

    The flip side of decentralization:

    If you don’t do what the doctor tells you to do, it won’t help you

    The alternative is Allopathic medicine and shamanism, homeopathy, chiropractic, etc

    Bitcoin and decentralized medicine is a Meritocracy

    “You Need a good sherpa”

    Feynmann “you have to accept nature because she is ruthless”

    Bitcoin vs Ethereum, etc

    Decentralized networks tend to work over time

    “Be careful who packs your parachute”

    El Salvador isn’t totally decentralized because the bad actors had to be eliminated first


    Lightning network


    Changes have to be made with consensus

    If you try to maximize only one variable it will throw all the others out of balance

    One of the biohacks that hurt: Crispr for sleep apnea

    9, 10, 12 variables might be thrown off permanently

    Leptin prescription

    “Not everyone learns from their mistakes”

    “The system is designed to balance entropy out”

    “Think before you act”

    Circadian Rhythms

    Light, water and magnetism

    Aubrey de Grey upper limit Ray Kurzweil, David Sinclair David Sabatini

    122 years upper boundary

    70-80 years median

    Average life span will go down because of EMFs

    “Disconnect from the sausage-maker” Big Pharma and centralized medicine

    Survival from trauma has improved in medicine

    Outsource my thinking to nature

    Sunlight sphinx

    Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album cover with the prism creating the rainbow diffusion of the full spectrum of colours

    Luc Montagnier 2009 paper
    "Electromagnetic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences" in the journal Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences


    Quantum entanglement

    Jungian Synchronicity


    Self-custody is like seeing the sunrise everyday

    Hold your own keys off of exchanges with Bitcoin

    What is the Difference between 

    Melanopsin: blue light detector 465 hz

    Melatonin: aromatic chemical amino acid tryptophan
    Time crystal

    Melanin: biological semiconductor alpha msh 3 types

    Blue light messes up your hash rate like Steve Jobs

    Andreas Antonopolous became a shitcoiner later


    Poland build up your solar callous in the sun with a healthy tan

    “Hippos and Lions do it, so why can’t you?”

  • Coming up tomorrow, another podcast with software engineer Caio Temer

    Short show notes:

    Crypto trading is Split second trading

    Blackmailed from working on a social network

    Brave browser

    $1 for referrals and used the BAT to trade cryptocurrency

    Trading bots

    2012 Ai trading

    Social network that Caio was working on


  • Systematic Thinker Turil Cronburg @thewiseturtle on twitter X joins the Paleo Cyborg podcast to talk about cremating a utopian society. Show notes: Speaking Up project

    Chilled chaos twitch streamers








    Revolution level of questions

    How is this system functioning?

    A book doesn’t change; authoritarian

    Changeable rules

    Three types of systems

    1 authoritarian

    2 consensus

    3 chaotic

    Traditional rules



    Reach out to other systems and individuals

    4 levels:

    Naturally chaotic

    Democracy works well with homogeneous groups

    Meritocracy adds in different other individuals—more intellectual because there are more complex problems

    The system depends on the goal

    Democracy is more local and specific

    United states



    Government systems

    Bottom up

    Top down

    Soup kitchens are donation-based

    Local stores donate food

    Small churches and independent schools

    Main focus now is the family tree kodel

    Pascal’s triangle

    Bill Watterson book:
    The Mysteries https://a.co/d/3BLGLku

    Create Space project

    Local problem-solving hub

    Nation states can’t work as democracies

    Reith Lectures on BBC

    David Deutsch’s error-correction

    Individual Syztems are authoritarian rigid and non-rule-changing

    Don’t need a leader in a democracy, you want a tour guide who knows what they’re doing


    building up

    From information

    You can tell your own individual story shcih is part of a universal story

    Turil’s personal story changed dramatically 15 years ago

    Buddhist monastery
    Cape Cod
    Off-grid for four years

    Ocean walk

    Letting go


    Express emotions and then the emotion is gone

    Flowing from state to state


    Choice and Control

    Free will definition

    Concepts: laws of physics, quantum based, randomness

    Galton board bell curve


    Local control

    Supernatural free will: outside the body

    Choice and decisions

    Categorize by families: “categories”

    This is Pascal’s triangle forms a bell curve

    Generating macro states like a glass of water

    Gestalt holistic

    Speaking Up process elevates to a higher self

    Local maxima

    Global minima

    Restaurant at the End of the Universe

    Diversity and cooperation

    Pareto principles 80/20 similarity divergence


    Video games
    Nature-based education schools

    Solve a specific kind of problem with a specific

    Integrating your story on the past and flipping it into the future and elevating optimism and positive value based off of that value

    Speaking Up for Little People https://a.co/d/ffjzHNH

    [Dragonfly: Prosthetic Goddess of an Awkward Idealist https://a.co/d/23FvSaw](dragonfly:%20Prosthetic%20Goddess%20of%20an%20Awkward%20Idealist%20https%3A//a.co/d/23FvSaw)

    The meaning of life is ____________

    Branching and rejoining

    Splitting and recombining

    Nothing ends

    Nothing ever ends…

  • Eve Seak is a biohacker and expert in health and longevity who comes on the show to speak about

    1. Near death experience.
    2. Elevation of conciousness.
    3. RAS activation- longevity studies.
    4. Biohacking community.
    5. Alien technologies.


    Triggered the Vagus Nerve in near death experience

    Blood test result did not change but perspective changed after NdE

    Exterior environment compared to the internal environment

    Every day read papers to improve health

    Heart rate changes: HRV

    NDE led to Elevation of Consciousness

    Talked to anybody about heart health and longevity

    Spiritual indigenous people have hidden wisdom

    Developed Psychic ability to read people

    What we take we give back, sustainability

    Changed career

    Hibiscus tea from Egypt has high antioxidants

    Helps kidney function, confirmed with blood tests

    Was raised a Buddhist, became more spiritual and less materialistic. Can communicate with anyone

    Filled with gratitude

    Reticular Activation System RAS

    Animal studies were inadequate

    Searched for ways to improve mitochondrial function

    The compounds in studies are too refined and unavailable to the public

    2 grams daily of taurine, regiment made her short of breath

    Basketball player “overdosed” on 4 grams of taurine from Red Bull combined with caffeine and physical exertion

    Free information on twitter X

    Biohacking “more is not always better”

    High dose

    Melatonin (3g)

    Omega 3 (18 g)

    For some people but not everyone

    Madam Mitochondria on twitter explained the benefits of omega 3 https://x.com/madam_mito?s=21

    PVC happened for one person, but had to reduce to 6 grams per day

    Individualization is imperative

    Metformin and rapamycin interfere with mitochondrial function and are seen in the changes in facial volume

    Rapa is an mTor inhibitor and causes mouth ulcers and blood anomalies

    Exercise works better than rapa (6 mg)

    Flavonoids and mushrooms work the same way

    Reishi and lions mane mushrooms

    Yin and Yang foods in Chinese medicine

    Starting point is important

    If you have high muscle and low fat, you can supplement with higher fats to start

    Titrate down if you notice

    Use the recommended dose from Rhonda Patrick

    If you start with low muscle and high fat you will need protein and exercise to build muscle first

    Look at the safe doses

    Research the side effects

    Collagen high dose for example

    Calcium pairs well with magnesium and zinc and Vitamin K2

    Be careful with kidney function



    Korean scientists identified a meridian system activated by acupuncture

    Frozen with kung fu movie

    Biophoton travels through the meridian system and is Chi (Qi) flow

    Pineal gland and serotonin

    After NdE Eve has inexplicable intuition

    There is lost technology and information, possibly from aliens

    Alien technology story:

    Channeling RA, the Law of One 1979

    Bob Lazar element 115

    Augmenting gravity to travel through space and time

    Energy supply and generation

    Space travel and space exploration

    Telepathic communication

    Biomechanical spaceship ufo

    Quantum entanglement

    If we can collapse time and space Joe Dispenza

    Always keep an open mind

    Michael Levin’s newest paper about one cell can assemble

    Genetics vs epigenetics

    Dynamic system how the cell adapts to the environment

    There are kobgood or bad genes

    Only interaction between dynamic systems

    Adaptation mechanism and augmentation

    High carb intake group used to be more active and in the sun

    Cold weather cultures need less carbs

    Rhodiola Rosea

    Eat local foods only in season


    NAC and omega 3 taken separately so they don’t interfere with each other https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2013/568671/

    Bio bot to repair tissue

    Need more technology

    Biophoton damage repair

    Gene editing

  • Episode 7 free-flowing show notes…. Qualia enjoyer and Renaissance man Links: https://qri.org/ https://QualiaComputing.com

    Quantifying harmony and music , qualifying

    All possible sounds and experiences are Valence

    Plato’s Ideal Forms

    Meditative cessation where all of experience disappears

    Pleasurable state before cessation

    nirvana The ninth djana

    There is Nothing you can bring back from that experience

    Self / Non-Self
    The Three Forms of Individuality—

    Open individualism: we are All One , beneath appearances we are all Krishna or Vishnu

    Cosmic loneliness (a bad trip”)

    You can transcend the dark side of this

    There is no self

    “A neuron doesn’t know it’s a neuron”

    Closed individualism: most common is that you are born and die , separated and alienating, isolation This is False

    Empty individualism: a speck of Qualia and frozen in time.
    we are All One , beneath appearances we are all Krishna or Vishnu

    Cosmic loneliness (a bad trip”)

    You can transcend the dark side of this

    There is no self

    Atman vs Brahman

    Universal transcendent soul

    Extreme Suffering Reduction: balanced no-nonsense pragmatic approaches to suffering-reduction

    Project of mapping out worst suffering and their causes

    4-10 jump of pain

    Conclusion: to reduce suffering you have to take into account the worst experiences

    War and poverty are terrible but cluster headaches are 60 on a scale of 1-10. “Suicide headaches” solution to this is DMT aborts cluster headaches very quickly 5mg of DMT alleviates pain from 10 to 2

    QRI link : fibromyalgia. Benzodiazepine

    MAPS psychedelic study

    RFK Jr inability to speak Scott Adams


    Aristotle’s catharsis to overcome tragedy

    Computational properties of consciousness experiment with DMT digital vs analog and unitary aspects of consciousness

    Ogi Ogas. Steven Grossberg. Craig Weinberg. Joscha Bach. Stephen Wolfram

    Resonance is not enough Frame invariant boundaries Karl Friston’s Markov blanket Boundary is not a boundary at the physics level

    Active inference

    Free energy principle

    Phenomenal binding

    When you do have a boundary at the physics level it’s easier to generate a markov blanket

    We are topological buckets in the field of consciousness

    We are all One, but we do have a location

    Example: A computer simulation of a soap bubble which has active inference but doesn’t have a real boundary because it’s just transistors and memory caches

    At the topological boundary is different from consciousness as an algorithm

    Flow state becoming “one with the ball”/car

    Internal boundary morphs but it’s not a local binding resulting in a coherent gestalt

    Everything outside of your body is still you, but you don’t have access to it

    Sponge has air bubbles

    We are the sponge but we think we are the air bubbles

    The bubbles are separate, but the sponge is connected **

    Hypergraph wolfram Ruliad nodes is similar to binding

    A very very large hyper-edge evolving to the next step

    Roger Penrose microtubules and the quantum properties of water

    Orch OR

    The probability of a neuron to fire

    Condritic complications

    A new kind of physics: the measurement Collapse of the waveform is the moments of consciousness

    Moments of experience are moments of coherence

    (Deeper than Resonance)

    Decoherence is also an aspect of consciousness

    Multi sense realism.com

    Light water magnetism

  • Autism, aliens and Ai. Another mind-blowing podcast: Ogi Ogas is an author and polymath who has written extensively on a wide variety of topics, all related to the mind, brain, and consciousness. Link to Ogi’s Amazon.com author page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ogi-Ogas/author/B004NA4ALS?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true On this episode he speaks about his experience with autism, gives some helpful advice on how to deal with autism, clarifies what is NOT autism, and gives an overview of the mind and brain. The latter part of the podcast deals with Intex, which can be described as an Interdimensional internet of Extraterrestrials. I took a lot of notes but feel a framework overview is best for these notes. Ladder of purpose

    Mindless physics (mind seed)

    Purpose arose in single-celled organisms


    Module minds (mammals)

    superminds (humans)


    Axiomized Minds (number mounds?)

    This is the
    Cosmic Cycle
    To learn more about Intex you can buy the book at this link and update as each chapter is released https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CD83ZN3H/ref=kinw__ro_title

  • Lambda Rick joins me for episode 3 of the Paleo Cyborg Podcast to talk about All Things great and small

    A must-listen for anyone who cares about the future of computing and the internet 🛜

    So many topics were covered that I put the Show Notes in order to read as you listen to the episode with links to Ben Rayfield’s social media twitter and GitHub




    Augmented reality https://humanai.net/phonegame/ play it now with your webcam and your tennis ball in hand.

    Here's the longterm link https://github.com/benrayfield/augmentedballs/

    and heres a video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8_TBtBHGMM

    Get code button and dags for coin


    Iota combinator


    Large or small bit strings https://twitter.com/wikibinator/status/1640129155579748354

    “Universal combinator that makes copies of itself run Linux or windows" -- thats not something i actually expect it to do, just saying any model of computing could do this

    Lambdas in an email that are sandboxed

    Conway game of life simulating conways game of life (someone else’s video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP5-iIeKXE8

    Stack on a computer have called earlier share branches

    Main use case: endless

    Augmented reality

    Build new parts of the world in the world without recompiling and using a outside expert

    GPU drivers

    Normie use drag and drop demo is online now at http://memecombinator.io/Wikibinator203DragAndDropTree.html and the more longterm link to it is https://github.com/benrayfield/wikibinator203. Decentralized
    AgPL3 license 🪪 solves the TiVo-ization problem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivoization

    “tivoization is about using opensource in hardware that only accepts 1 certain fork of it” (see additional appendix at bottom for additional notes) not sure if it solved that or not

    Simulation hypothesis


    Bayesian Uncertainty blob gray quasi-crystal

    Rule 110 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_110

    Mathematical Universe Hypothesis MUH

    Rubix Cube particle

    Copenhagen Interpretation

    Everettian interpretation

    Superpositioning moon 🌚

    Recursive lambdas copy paste into a social network
    Link into Ruliad

    Turing complete program sharing

    Increasing dunbars Number
    P2P dag infrastructure

    GPU-hungry GPU drivers -- CUDA is controlled by Nvidia and has become a political pawn with export bans on some of the faster GPUs that can run it. I prefer OpenCL and browser GLSL, such as GPU.js compiles a subset of javascript to GLSL in browser to use GPU. https://github.com/gpujs/gpu.js

    FOUNDATION. Additional appendix notes:

    “Time doesnt exist, but is often a good local approximation. This can be seen in wikibinator as the order of calculations has no effect.”

    for example, in the S lambda λx.λy.λz.xz(yz) you can do xz first or yz first or both at once, and it makes no difference, then whatever those return xz is called on yz.

    This will be useful in reducing lag, since it doesnt have to wait on the order of things
    AGPL3 license 🪪 solves the TiVo-ization problem" ...not sure if thats true. i said instead right after that it solves the problem of... as it says in the AGPL3 license [[[ A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that
    improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they
    receive widespread use, become available for other developers to
    incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and
    encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of
    software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about.
    The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and
    letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its
    source code to the public. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on
    a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source
    code of the modified version.]]]

  • Craig Weinberg is a polymath and Cosmic Surfer 🏄‍♂️ who has developed a theory of consciousness which explains what other theories can’t explain—and explains WHY those theories fail

    Links: you can find Craig on @S33light on twitter https://twitter.com/S33light

    And on his blog website https://multisenserealism.com/ where Craig already explained everything, but I still used this podcast as an opportunity to ask questions that always bother me such as the following

    Do we live in a simulation?

    What’s the difference between consciousness and physical objects? (The hard problem of consciousness)

    In my podcast you might also find the answer to why panpsychism is or isn’t correct

    The solution to the double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics 🧰

    (*Please excuse the poor audio quality on my side)