
  • Welcome back, my friends! 🖋️

    In today's episode, we delve deep with Rochelle Melander, a renowned speaker, certified professional coach, and author of 12 books including the acclaimed "Write Your Book This Year."

    Whether you're battling writer's block, struggling with procrastination, or just looking to jazz up your writing routine, this episode packs a punch with actionable tips and enlightening discussions.

    Why Listen:

    - Overcome Procrastination: Discover the roots of your writing delays and learn strategies to kick procrastination to the curb.

    - Boost Writing Confidence: Gain insights into building confidence and maintaining motivation, even when the writing gets tough.

    - Practical Writing Tips: From managing writer's block to enhancing writing energy, Rochelle shares invaluable advice applicable to newbies and seasoned writers alike.

    Problems Solved:

    - Writer’s Block: Learn to diagnose and tackle the underlying causes of writer’s block.

    - Procrastination: Identify your type of procrastination and apply specific strategies to overcome it.

    - Lack of Motivation: Boost your writing energy with practical, easy-to-implement tips.

    Key Takeaways: Understand Writer’s Block: It’s often a symptom of deeper issues like fear or lack of clarity in your writing project. Identify Your Procrastinator Type: From perfectionists to pleasers, knowing your type can help tailor your approach to beat procrastination. Daily Writing Habit: Engage in daily writing activities, even if it’s just a few lines to keep the creative juices flowing. Inspirational Reading: Regular reading within and outside your genre can spark creativity and provide new perspectives. Power-ups for Writing: Utilize simple activities like walking or repetitive tasks to refresh your mind and boost focus.Discover More:

    Get Rochelle’s book, Write Your Book This Year, free: https://writenowcoach.com/write-now-tips/

    Overcome procrastination with Rochelle’s workshop, “Stop Procrastinating, Start Writing: https://writenowcoach.com/workshops/workshop-stop-procrastinating/

    I did an episode on writer's block for you a while back with some good tips: Ep 16: 4 Secrets to Crush Writer's Block!

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Don’t forget to subscribe to the "Pen to Profit Podcast" on your favorite platform! 🎧 Drop us a five-star review if you loved this episode, and share it with your fellow writers. Every bit of feedback and support helps us bring more great content your way!

    Join us next time for more tips, tricks, and tales to transform your pen strokes to profit! Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword—unless you're in a sword fight; then, you might want to grab a saber!

  • Welcome back, aspiring Austins and Hemingway hopefuls!

    In this enthralling episode of Pen to Profit, I, Ray Evans, dive deep with Karen Anne Coccioli, a fascinating figure with roots as rich as a compost heap at an Italian vineyard.

    Born in the bustling diversity of Jersey City, Karen has channeled her multicultural upbringing and personal challenges into a vibrant writing career that spans genres from academia to LGBTQ romance and erotica. She's not just any writer; she's a literary chameleon who's as comfortable discussing Hemingway as she is crafting steamy scenes. Buckle up, buttercup—it's one heck of a literary ride!

    Why You Should Care:

    Ever wonder how personal experiences shape a writer's craft? Karen's journey from a stuttering child to a PhD in comparative literature and a celebrated author is a masterclass in turning adversity into advantage.

    Whether you're a budding writer, a literature aficionado, or someone navigating your own personal challenges, there’s a slice of inspiration in Karen’s story for you.

    Problems Solved: Overcoming personal obstacles to find one’s voice. Navigating the complexities of identity and heritage in writing. Exploring sensitive topics with authenticity in literature.Key Takeaways For You: Embrace Your Background: Karen's diverse upbringing enriched her narrative style, proving your background can be your superpower in storytelling. Transforming Challenges into Strengths: Karen turned her speech impediment into a profound love for the written word, showing that obstacles can lead to unique skills. The Power of Personal Truth: Discussing her journey of self-discovery and coming out later in life, Karen underscores the importance of living one's truth. Navigating Genres: From academic works to LGBTQ romance and erotica, Karen uses her versatile pen to explore and connect with a broad audience. Impact of Authenticity: Karen's commitment to authenticity in her narratives encourages writers to tackle hard topics truthfully and sensitively.Discover More:

    Karen’s Website: https://www.karenannecoccioli.com/

    Annie Moon’s website for romance and erotica: https://www.authoranniemoon.com/

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    If today’s episode with Karen/Annie touched a chord, or if you’re just thrilled to get free lessons in life and literature, then smash that subscribe button harder than Karen critiques adverbs!

    Don’t forget to leave us a five-star review if you loved the journey, because remember folks, the pen isn’t just mightier than the sword—it’s our ticket to rewriting the narratives of our lives 🌟

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  • 🎤 Welcome back, wordsmiths and plot weavers! It's your host Ray Evans on the ever-entertaining "Pen to Profit Podcast: Fiction Writing Tips."

    Today we're cozying up with Josie Smith, a beacon of inspiration for black and brown working moms and indie author extraordinaire of the "Hemlock Inn Mysteries" series. 📚✨

    Why Tune In? 🎧 Empowerment: Josie's journey from dream to published reality is nothing short of motivational. Craft Insights: Dive deep into the warm, fuzzy world of cozy mysteries—where the intrigue is served with a side of comfort. ☕🕵️‍♀️ Representation Matters: Learn how incorporating diverse characters and settings can enrich your storytelling. Problems Solved in This Episode:

    - Time Management: Josie shares killer tips for juggling writing with life's many roles—perfect for parents on the clock!

    - Identity and Confidence: Discover how to embrace your inner writer and silence those doubting voices.

    - Creative Motivation: Stuck in a writing rut? Get strategies to keep the words flowing.

    Key Takeaways: What is a Cozy Mystery? Understand the genre's charm and why it might just be your new favorite writing niche. Identity Embrace: Josie talks about the importance of owning your identity as a writer to maintain consistency in your creative practice. Community and Feedback: Find out why building your tribe and seeking feedback can transform your writing process. Representation in Writing: Josie emphasizes the power and importance of weaving one's cultural background into their narratives.Discover More:

    Book a free call with Josee to see how she can help you finish the novel of your dreams: https://calendly.com/joseesmith/book

    Josee’s website: https://www.joseesmithbookcoach.com/

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Feeling inspired? Make sure to subscribe to the "Pen to Profit Podcast" for more enlightening discussions and practical tips. Don't forget to leave us a five-star review if you enjoyed the show—each star helps us bring more great content to you!

    Until next time

  • 🎙️ Title: Crafting Stories that Matter: Mental Health, Authorship & Marketing with Tyler Wittkofsky!

    👨‍💻 Host: Ray Evans - Proofreader, Copy Editor, Writing Consultant

    👤 Guest: Tyler Wittkofsky - Multi-genre author, podcaster, and publisher

    Why This Episode Matters:

    Are you a budding author wrestling with the behemoth of self-publishing, or maybe an indie spirit looking to strike out on your own in the literary world? Dive into this podcast episode where Tyler Wittkofsky, a sage in indie publishing and marketing, pulls back the curtain on succeeding in today's digital book bazaar.

    Problems Solved:

    This episode sheds light on the enigma of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing and provides actionable strategies for marketing your work effectively in a crowded digital landscape. Whether you're a new author or seasoned writer, there's invaluable wisdom here for you.

    Key Takeaways: The Indie Publishing Path: Tyler discusses his personal journey from poetry to publishing, emphasizing the freedom and control offered by self-publishing. Marketing Mastery: Learn the ropes of effective book marketing with practical tips from a marketing guru. Discover the importance of targeting the right audience and leveraging social media. Navigating Challenges: Insights into the common hurdles indie authors face, like financial constraints and marketing, and how Tyler's company, Tea with Coffee Media, assists authors in overcoming these obstacles. Community and Support: Tyler highlights the significance of building a supportive community around your publishing efforts and how his company fosters this environment for indie authors. Inspiration for Writers: Tyler's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion in writing. He encourages writers to write not just for success but to impact readers and address important societal issues.Discover More:

    Check out Tyler’s awesome podcast, Cook the Books

    Keep up with all of Tyler’s books and goings-on: https://linktr.ee/TylerWittkofsky

    Find out more about Tea With Coffee Media can help you with your next release: https://teawithcoffee.media/product-category/services/

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    🚀 Subscribe to the "Pen to Profit Podcast" for more golden nuggets on turning your writing dreams into reality. Don't forget to drop a five-star review if you found this episode enlightening!

  • Episode Summary:

    In this power-packed episode of the "Pen to Profit Podcast," your host, Ray Evans, sits down with the awe-inspiring Win Charles. Born with cerebral palsy, Win has shattered barriers as an author, motivational speaker, and CEO. She shares her journey from using speech dictation technology to write books to competing in triathlons and advocating for veterans. If you're looking for a blend of inspiration and practical advice on overcoming adversity and embracing technology in your writing process, this episode is your new best friend.

    Why You Should Care:

    - Learn from someone who has overcome significant personal challenges to succeed professionally and personally.

    - Discover how technology can aid in creative expression and professional pursuits.

    - Gain insights into navigating the publishing world as a writer with disabilities.

    Problems/Challenges Addressed:

    - Overcoming physical and technological barriers to writing.

    - Dealing with negative feedback and maintaining resilience.

    - Balancing multiple roles and responsibilities while pursuing creative projects.

    Key Takeaways: Leveraging Technology: Win uses speech dictation software to write her books, showcasing the power of technology in facilitating creative expression for those with disabilities. Resilience in Publishing: Win discusses handling negative reviews and emphasizes the importance of resilience in the face of criticism. Inspiration Through Adversity: Her life story is not just inspiring but also instructional, offering real strategies for dealing with personal and professional challenges. Marketing Strategies: Win shares her approach to building an audience and marketing her books even before they are published. The Power of Storytelling: Win views storytelling as a crucial tool for educating and changing perceptions about cerebral palsy and disabilities.

    🎙️ Subscribe to the "Pen to Profit Podcast" for more episodes like this one, where we dive deep into the stories of those who write against all odds. Don't forget to leave us a five-star review if you loved today's episode!

    🌟 For more stories, tips, and laughs, follow us wherever you get your podcasts and join our community of writers and readers striving to make a difference one word at a time.

    Discover More:

    View Win’s entire catalog here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Win-Kelly-Charles/author/B009VNJEKE?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1714432979&sr=8-1&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

    Win has her own podcast where you can get to know her better: https://ceodisability.buzzsprout.com/

    Joanna Pen’s The Creative Pen Podcast that Win likes is great: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-creative-penn-podcast-for-writers/id309426367?ign-mpt=uo%3D8

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

  • Hey, literary lions and letter-loving legionnaires, saddle up your metaphors and mosey on down for another rip-roaring episode of the "Pen to Profit Podcast: Fiction Writing Tips." 🖊️🌟 I'm your host, Ray Evans, back again to grease the wheels of your creative wagons with insights so bright you'll need shades!

    Why You Should Tune In:

    Ever felt like juggling family life with your literary aspirations is a bit like trying to type a masterpiece on a roller coaster? 🎢📚 Brittany Plumeri, supermom and burgeoning scribe of children's literature, joins us to share her Herculean effort of tackling a new writing genre every month. It's like a literary Ironman but without the spandex and sweat!

    The Problems We’re Solving for You:

    For all you scribes struggling to stick to one genre or wrestling with the monster of time management, Brittany’s here with a quiver full of tips that could turn your writing woes into wows. 🎯

    Key Takeaways: Genre Gymnastics: Learn how to hop genres like you're flipping through TV channels — without losing the remote control of your unique voice. 📺✍️ Managing the Madness: Insights into balancing the trifecta of parenting, writing, and breathing. Yes, breathing is still important. Motivation Magic: Discover the elixir of motivation that keeps a writer fueled through the marathons of manuscripts. 🏃‍♀️💨 Research Revelations: Brittany unpacks how to pack your paragraphs with authenticity faster than you can say "deadline looming." 🕵️‍♂️📚 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Yes, that gnawing feeling that you’re about as creative as a doorknob? Brittany’s got the skeleton key. 🔑🚪

    Don’t ghost us like a bad date — hit subscribe, ring that bell, and if you love what you’re hearing, leave us a five-star review faster than you can type “The End” on your last chapter. 🌟🔔

    Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword, but if you’re in a sword fight, grab a sword, not a pen.

    Unless it’s one of those really heavy metal pens, then swing away, my friend! Stay sharp, stay sassy, and keep those keys clacking!

    Discover More:

    Follow Brittany’s Writing Challenge on Tha’ Gram: HTTPS://Www.instagram.com/bybrittanyplumeri

    If this episode wasn’t enough, check out my 3x weekly(Mon, Weds, Fri) Medium blog: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Catch you on the flip side of the page, and until next time, keep those plots thick and those characters zesty!

  • 🚀 Welcome back, Hemingway Hopefuls and Aspiring Austens!

    Dive into another episode of the "Pen to Profit Podcast" where we leap into the literary multiverse with the spectacular Bonnie KT Dillabough. Bonnie, a late bloomer who published her first book at 64, now boasts a sprawling series blending science fiction with fantasy—dragons meet robots, folks, in the best way possible!

    Why You Should Care:

    Ever feel like your manuscript is a plane you can’t land? 🛬

    Bonnie joins us again to navigate the complexities of creating expansive worlds and evolving characters across a series.

    From drafting to world-building in a multiverse, she’s got the map you didn’t know you needed.

    The Problems that We’re Solving for You:

    Stuck on how to expand your book into a series?

    Wrestling with how to keep your characters fresh without losing the essence of who they are?

    Bonnie breaks down her approach to building intricate worlds and deepening character arcs that keep readers coming back for more.

    Key Takeaways: Start Small, Think Big: Bonnie began her writing career later in life, proving it’s never too late to start. Her journey offers a beacon for those hesitating on the brink of their own writing adventures. Multiverse Mastery: Learn how to manage a cast of characters and multiple worlds without losing your narrative thread. Character Evolution: Bonnie discusses how her protagonist, Jenny, evolves from a ghostwriter to a key player in an interdimensional saga, providing insights into character development over a series. Reader Feedback: Utilize reader insights to steer your series without compromising your story’s soul. Sustainable Writing Practices: Discover strategies to maintain momentum over long writing projects without burning out.

    Don’t just hover at the edge of your seat—subscribe for more interdimensional insights and leave us a stellar 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 review if you love diving deep into the craft of writing as much as we do!

    Discover More:

    ICYMI: heres the first half of the interview that I did with Bonnie: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-32-worlds-beyond-words-starting-a-successful/id1706933833?i=1000652606402

    Get the first book in Bonnie’s Dimensional Alliance series for free here: https://tda-hq.com/elementor-87/

    Bonnie’s website: https://dimensionalallianceheadquarters.com/

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html


    And remember, while the pen is mightier than the sword, if you're actually in a sword fight, you might want to grab a vorpal blade instead.

    Keep writing, keep dreaming, and see you in the stars of your own stories! 🌌

  • Summary:

    In this episode of Pen to Profit, Ray Evans, your guide in the literary wilderness, brings you the story of Bonnie Dillabough - a writer who infuses science fiction with the magic of fantasy. Bonnie, who began her writing journey post-retirement, shares insights from her series "The Dimensional Alliance," weaving dragons, robots, and multiverse adventures with life lessons.

    From the influence of Ray Bradbury and Tolkien to the intriguing question of why every culture has dragons, we dive deep into the elements that shape a writer's craft.

    Why Listen:

    Ever wondered how to blend genres or why your favorite mythical creatures pop up across cultures? This episode isn't just a peek into Bonnie's writing world; it's a treasure chest of insights for aspiring writers navigating the realms of science fiction and fantasy. Plus, if you've ever thought it's too late to start writing, Bonnie's journey from a diverse career to publishing seven books after her 64th birthday is the inspiration you need.

    Problems Solved:

    - Genre Fusion: How to seamlessly blend science fiction with fantasy elements in your writing.

    - Late Start: Overcoming the belief that it's too late to begin your writing journey.

    - Inspiration: Finding your unique voice and ideas in a crowded genre.

    Key Takeaways: Blend with Purpose: Integrating genres can enrich your storytelling, offering readers a fresh perspective. Never Too Late: Bonnie's story is a testament that your writing journey can begin at any age. Cultural Mysteries: Exploring universal myths, like dragons, can add depth to your fantasy world. Influences Matter: The books and authors you love shape your writing voice - embrace them. Writing Community: Engaging with fellow writers and seeking mentorship can significantly bolster your writing career.

    Hungry for more tales from the crossroads of science fiction and fantasy? Subscribe to Pen to Profit Podcast and leave us a dazzling five-star review.

    Bonnie's journey from reader to prolific author is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more episodes where we unravel the mysteries of writing, one page at a time. 🌌✍️

    Discover More:

    Get The House on Inifinity Loop,the first book in the Dimensional Alliance series, for free here: https://tda-hq.com/elementor-87/

    For the sell sheet that Bonnie references around 42:00, download for free here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gaNpFaOo2vhTEjoVrG22vLlOzIF_P4-Q/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109028077221837813146&rtpof=true&sd=true

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

  • Episode Summary:

    In this captivating episode of the Pen to Profit Podcast, Ray Evans sits down with the illustrious Charlotte Chipperfield, the visionary behind Her Narrative. With her unique blend of developmental editing prowess and life coaching certification, Charlotte is on a mission to empower female authors. We delve into the intricacies of character development, setting, and overcoming the notorious imposter syndrome.

    Charlotte shares insights from her own authorial journey, working on her debut women's fiction novel. Join us as we explore the tools and techniques to not just write, but to write with purpose and confidence.

    Why You Should Care:

    Every writer knows the solitary struggle of bringing a story to life. Charlotte's approach offers a beacon of guidance through the fog of self-doubt and the technical labyrinth of crafting a novel.

    This episode is a must-listen for any writer looking to elevate their craft while maintaining their sanity. Whether you're wrestling with imposter syndrome, seeking to enrich your characters, or navigating the complex world of self-publishing, there's wisdom here for you.

    Problems/Problems Solved: Tackling Imposter Syndrome: Charlotte outlines practical strategies to conquer self-doubt, encouraging writers to recognize and push past their fears. Character Development: Learn how to create compelling, relatable characters that resonate with readers, turning your novel from good to unforgettable. Setting as a Character: Discover the importance of setting in your story and how to use it to enhance your narrative. Life Coaching for Authors: Understand how life coaching principles can support your writing journey, from goal setting to overcoming obstacles.Key Takeaways: Embrace the Fear: Transform imposter syndrome from a roadblock into a stepping stone. Character Is Key: Invest time in developing multifaceted characters to drive your story forward. Setting Matters: Utilize your setting to add depth and context to your narrative. Support Is Vital: Consider book coaching to navigate both the technical and emotional aspects of writing. Plan and Persist: Writing a novel is a marathon, not a sprint. Setting clear goals and seeking guidance can make the journey less daunting.

    Feeling inspired to take your writing to the next level? Subscribe to the Pen to Profit Podcast for more gems like this and leave us a five-star review if you found this episode as enlightening as we did.

    🔗 Discover More:🔗:

    Charlotte’s novel-writing checklist is your trusted companion — a comprehensive guide designed to empower authors to tackle each aspect of the writing and publishing process with confidence. https://www.hernarrative.com/novel-writing-checklist

    Learn more, and register for, Charlotte’s Fall Writing Retreat: https://www.hernarrative.com/retreat

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Remember, the path from pen to profit is paved with persistence, passion, and the right partnership. Let's write the future, together.

  • Introduction:

    Hey there, you grammatical gunslingers and syntactical sorcerers, welcome back to another episode of the "Pen to Profit Podcast: Fiction Writing Tips." I'm your host, Ray Evans, wielding the mighty pen to carve paths through the dense forest of fiction writing.

    In this episode, we're embarking on an expedition into the brave new world of AI in indie publishing, guided by the one and only Carissa Andrews, a vanguard in the indie author revolution. 🚀

    Why You Should Care:

    - Curious about the intersection of AI and creativity? 🤖🎨

    - Wondering how AI tools can amplify your writing and marketing efforts? ✍️💼

    - Skeptical about AI's role in the future of indie publishing? 🕵️‍♂️📚

    The Problem We're Solving:

    Navigating the AI landscape can be like trying to read a map in a language you don't understand—exciting yet bewildering. Carissa Andrews demystifies how AI tools like ChatGPT can be allies rather than adversaries, transforming your writing process and marketing strategies.

    Key Takeaways: AI as a Co-Author: Learn how ChatGPT can serve as an idea generator, brainstorm buddy, and plot problem solver, providing a fresh perspective and sparking creativity. Harnessing AI for Marketing: Discover how AI can streamline your marketing efforts, from crafting compelling newsletters to generating engaging social media content. Mindset & Manifestation: Dive into the power of mindset and manifestation techniques to elevate your author career, guided by Carissa's expertise. The Future of Indie Publishing with AI: Explore the potential paths AI and indie publishing may take, and how you can prepare to ride the wave rather than be swept away. Your Future Self: A glimpse into Carissa's mind magic membership, offering themed meditations and hypnosis sessions to align your subconscious with your authorial ambitions.

    Embrace the future, you literary explorers! Tune into Carissa's insights, and let curiosity be your compass.

    And, while you're navigating the uncharted territories of AI in writing, remember to subscribe to the "Pen to Profit Podcast: Fiction Writing Tips" and leave us a dazzling five-star review. Your support helps keep our ship sailing and our quills inked.

    Discover More:

    For your 🆓 7-day trial of the “Your Future Self” meditation and hypnosis “mind magic” system: https://academy.authorrevolution.org/offers/D8m7xs5w

    To learn more about Carissa Andrews and dive deeper into the realms of AI, author mindset, and indie publishing strategies, visit http://authorrevolution.org.

    Check out Carisa’s other courses, including the AI ones discussed in this episode, by clicking here: https://author-revolution-academy.mykajabi.com/store

    Tune into Carisa’s podcast, Author Revolution, to learn more about how to manifest your millionaire writer destiny: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-author-revolution-podcast/id1485497417

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

  • Welcome back, you literary alchemists and narrative necromancers, to the "Pen to Profit Podcast: Fiction Writing Tips," where we slice through the Gordian knots of grammar, unbox the Pandora’s box of publishing, and occasionally take a detour through the catacombs of history.

    I’m Ray Evans, your harbinger of prose and profitability, armed with a quill sharper than Excalibur. Today, we’re diving into the odyssey of Catherine Butterfield, from the spotlight of acting to the solitary glow of the writer's desk, culminating in her first novel, "The Serpent and the Rose."

    **Why You Should Care:**

    - Ever wondered how the skills of acting and playwriting transfuse into the veins of a novel? 🎭📚

    - Curious about the alchemical process of transforming historical research into a riveting narrative? 🕰️✍️

    - Seeking the secret map to navigate the treacherous waters of self-publishing and marketing your literary creation? 🗺️📖

    **The Problem We're Solving:**

    Bridging the chasm between the performing arts and novel writing is no small feat. Catherine Butterfield demystifies this journey, offering insights into the chrysalis of her creative process, the metamorphosis from script to manuscript, and the enchanted realm of historical fiction.

    **Key Takeaways:** **Transition Tales:** From acting and playwriting to novel writing, discover the transformative path that led Catherine to pen "The Serpent and the Rose." **Historical Alchemy:** Learn how Catherine distilled extensive historical research and personal insights into a compelling narrative, bringing to life a vilified queen with a renewed voice. **Self-Publishing Spells:** Unveil the incantations and rituals of self-publishing, from conjuring the perfect cover on Fiverr to navigating the labyrinth of book distribution. **Marketing Magic:** Peek into Catherine's grimoire of marketing strategies, leveraging the power of connections, social media, and the blessing of favorable reviews. **Scribe's Wisdom:** Embrace the philosophy of letting the river of creativity flow, understanding the importance of timing and organic development in your writing odyssey.

    Leave us a review as radiant as the morning star, and share this episode with fellow scribes who yearn to chart their own course through the literary cosmos.

    🔗 Quick Links🔗

    Eager to uncover the mysteries of "The Serpent and the Rose"? You can get Catherine’s riveting debut novel here https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+serpent+and+the+rose+catherine+butterfield&crid=1OL7IEF83PKBP&sprefix=the+serpent+and+the+rose%2Caps%2C183&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_24 (or wherever books are sold if you’re allergic to Amazon!)

    Keep to update with Catherine, and view the Life After Lockdown video she mentioned here; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCts7cG3EiUMgqJsLPgSuTLw

    Catherine’s Instragram : https://www.instagram.com/catherine.butterfield/

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a no-obligation sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Remember, whether you're weaving tales from the threads of history or crafting worlds from the ether of imagination, the journey is yours to command.

    Until next time, I'm Ray Evans, reminding you that the pen isn't just mightier than the sword—it's the key to unlocking worlds unknown!

  • Ladies and gentlemen, writers of all genres, and enthusiasts of the undead, welcome to another riveting episode of the "Pen to Profit Podcast: Fiction Writing Tips." I'm Ray Evans, your sagacious guide through the wilderness of grammar, storytelling, and self-publishing success. Today, we're venturing into the shadowy realms of post-apocalyptic narratives and the art of independent publishing with a special guest, AM Geever, the mastermind behind the thrilling Undead Age series.

    Why You Should Care:

    - Are you fascinated by the interplay between love and survival in the desolate aftermath of a zombie apocalypse? 🧟‍♂️💔

    - Wondering how to marry your passion for writing with the cold, hard business of book marketing? 📚💼

    - Curious about the ins and outs of self-publishing and seeking success beyond the traditional publishing path? 🖊️🚀

    The Problem We're Solving:

    Tackling the challenges of creating captivating post-apocalyptic worlds while navigating the murky waters of the self-publishing industry can be daunting. This episode sheds light on AM Geever's journey from theology to the apocalypse, providing a roadmap for blending compelling storytelling with strategic self-publishing.

    Key Takeaways: A New Take on Zombies: Discover the unique setting of the undead age series, where technology thrives amidst the ruins and love blossoms in the shadow of the undead. Theology Meets Apocalypse: Learn how Geever's background in theology influences her storytelling, bringing depth and unexpected twists to the zombie genre. Self-Publishing Wisdom: Uncover the realities of independent publishing, from the importance of newsletter swaps to the strategic pricing of your literary creations. Marketing Mastery: Dive into the most effective strategies for marketing your books as an indie author, with a focus on building genuine connections and leveraging the power of community. Creative Control & Financial Freedom: Embrace the benefits of self-publishing, including creative control, financial freedom, and the ability to publish on your own terms.Call to Action:

    If today's foray into the apocalypse has ignited your passion for writing or given you a new idea, smash that subscribe button and join us on our journey. Leave a five-star review and share this episode with your fellow writers and zombie aficionados.

    Until next time, I'm Ray Evans, reminding you that the pen is mightier than the sword—unless you're facing a zombie horde, then, you might want to grab a shotgun. Stay safe, and keep writing!

    🔗 Quick Links🔗:

    Hungry for more of AM Geever's post-apocalyptic universe? Visit https://amgeever.com/ for a deep dive into her works, musings, and survival tips for the aspiring indie author.

    Ep 9: Write Email, Sell Books for a guide on emailing and newsletters:

    Tune into episode 3, “Book Cover to Discover” for a deep-dive into the elements of a successful book cover.

    Draft to Digital: https://www.draft2digital.com/

    Kobo Writing Life(Kobo Digital): https://www.kobo.com/us/en/p/writinglife#:~:text=Publish%20your%20eBook%20in%20a,as%20long%20as%20you%20want.

    Overdrive: https://company.overdrive.com/

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

  • Introduction:

    Hey there, literary aficionados and scribblers of the night! Welcome back to the Pen to Profit Podcast, where we dive deep into the trenches of writing, editing, and publishing, all while keeping it lighter than a helium balloon at a comedy club. I'm your host, Ray Evans, coming to you live from the iconic Simpsons' residence (don't mind the yellow family if they pop in). Today, we're unraveling the mysteries of mystery writing with none other than Tom Fowler, a maestro of the genre, whose keyboard is mightier than any weapon in a detective's arsenal.

    Why You Should Tune In:

    - Ever wondered how a tech guru becomes a USA Today Bestselling Author of mysteries and thrillers? Spoiler: It involves more twists than a pretzel factory.

    - Discover the hacks, from outlining woes to dealing with the dreaded "writer's block" (or as we like to call it, the temporary lack of murderous creativity).

    - Marketing your book without selling your soul (or emptying your wallet) – let's talk about making your book the next big thing since the invention of the alphabet.

    Problems We're Solving:

    - How to transition from tech wizard to mystery/thriller author without losing your mind.

    - Navigating the choppy waters of book marketing with the grace of a literary swan.

    - Building an engaging author platform when you're more used to code and cybersecurity.

    Key Takeaways: From Byte to Might: Learn how Tom Fowler transitioned from the world of computer security to penning page-turners that keep readers up at night. Crafting the Perfect Crime (on Paper): Discover the secrets to creating compelling mysteries and thrillers, including why it's okay for your characters to take a bullet (or a stab). Marketing Without Mourning: Get insider tips on promoting your books through email newsletters, social media, and why sometimes, you need to let a man with a gun walk into the room (figuratively, of course). Building Your Author Empire: Why every author needs a newsletter and how to grow your subscriber list faster than you can say "plot twist." Ads, Ads, Ads: The skinny on using Amazon and Facebook ads to boost your book sales without needing to rob a bank to fund them. The Anti-Writer's Block Toolkit: Tom's top tips for beating writer's block, including why walking away (temporarily) might just be the best thing you can do for your manuscript.

    Remember, folks, in the world of writing, the only crime is NOT following your passion. So, keep plotting, keep writing, and maybe, just maybe, let a man with a gun walk into the room every now and then.

    Call to Action:

    🎙️If today's episode left you more intrigued than a cat at a laser show, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Dive deeper into the literary labyrinth with us on "Pen to Profit," and leave us a five-star review if you love the journey!

    🔗 Quick Links🔗:

    🌟 Want to unravel more mysteries with Tom Fowler? Check out his latest escapades and join his legion of fans at http://tomfowlerwrites.com.

    Follow him on Instagram and TikTok @TomFowlerWrites for a behind-the-scenes look at a writer's life, sprinkled with a healthy dose of snark and suspense.

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Check out this episode for more tips on dealing with writer's block: Write more, stall less: 4 secrets to crush writer’s block

    For a masterclass on building a newsletter, tune into episode 9: Write Emails, Sell Book: Why Every Author Needs an Email List

  • **Introduction:**

    Hey there, word sleuths and narrative ninjas! Welcome back to another gripping episode of the "Pen to Profit Podcast: Fiction Writing Tips," where we dive into the enigmatic world of writing with a side of whimsy. I'm your host, Ray Evans, your goto guy for all things editing, proofreading, and spinning yarns into gold. Today, we're peeling back the curtain on the cozy corners of mystery writing with the multi-named maestro of murder and mayhem, Liz Mugavero, also known to the literary world as Kate Conte. Buckle up as we explore the underbelly of cozy mysteries, the art of crafting compelling crime stories, and the magical touch of creativity coaching.

    **Why You Should Care:**

    Ever dreamt of writing a mystery that keeps readers up at night, guessing till the very end? 🕵️‍♂️

    Curious about the secret sauce that makes a cozy mystery... well, cozy? 🐱🔍

    Feel like your creative spirit is shackled by the mundane? Liz/Kate, aka our creativity Houdini, is here to show you the escape hatch.

    **The Problems We're Solving:**

    Navigating the maze of mystery writing and unshackling your creative chains can be as baffling as a whodunit plot. Today's episode is your secret map to:

    Constructing mysteries that enchant and enthrall.

    Understanding the nuances of cozy mysteries and how to brew your own.

    Reigniting your creative fire with a sprinkle of woowoo and a whole lot of practical magic.

    **Key Takeaways:** **Double Identity, Double the Insight:** Learn how Liz Mugavero and Kate Conte, two sides of the same coin, navigate the realms of cozy mysteries with distinct flair and creativity. **Cozy 101:** Dive into the heart of cozy mysteries – where murder meets muffins, and mayhem is served with a side of morals. **Creativity Unleashed:** Discover the Creativity Lab, where writers transform from solitary scribes to part of a pulsing, supportive community. **A Touch of WooWoo:** Embrace the unconventional with creativityboosting strategies that include tarot, crystals, and the power of scent. 🌿✨ **From Plotting Woes to Creative Flows:** Tips and tricks from Liz/Kate on plotting your mystery and overcoming creative blocks.**Call to Action:**

    If today's episode cracked the case on mystery writing and lit a fire under your creative cauldron, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Join us on the "Pen to Profit" journey for more insider tips, from avoiding grammar goofs to publishing prowess. And if you're feeling generous, leave us a five star review! 🌟

    🔗 **Quick Links**🔗:

    Ready to delve deeper into Liz's world of cozy mysteries? Check out: https://cateconte.com/

    For those eager to ignite their creative spark, visit https://getwritingwithliz.com/ and step into the Creativity Lab. 🔮

    Follow Liz/Kate on social media for a behind the scenes look at a writer's life, seasoned with a dash of mystery and a liberal sprinkling of creativity.

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lizmugavero

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/CateConte_TheCreativityLab/

    Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Remember, in the world of writing, the only true crime is not following your passion. So, keep plotting, keep creating, and maybe let a little woo-woo into your writer's den. Until next time, I'm Ray Evans, wishing you ink-stained fingers and endless imagination.

  • Welcome back, all you scribes and scriveners, to another episode of Pen to Profit Podcast. Ray Evans here, your guide from first draft to bestseller list. Today's episode is a treasure trove of knowledge for any author looking to navigate the tumultuous seas of self-publishing. We're joined by Michele DeFilippo, a seasoned veteran with over 50 years in the publishing industry and the brain behind 1106 Design, offering a full spectrum of services from manuscript to market.

    Why This Episode is a Must-Listen:

    - Get insider insights from a half-century in publishing.

    - Discover how to maintain traditional publisher quality while enjoying the freedom of self-publishing.

    - Learn the dos and don'ts of book design, interior and cover, directly from an expert.

    - Find out how 1106 Design can transform your manuscript into a masterpiece without losing your rights to your own work.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Importance of Professional Help: Learn why self-editing is never enough and the transformative power of a professional editor’s touch. Cover Design - Your Book’s Handshake: Understand the critical elements of a compelling book cover and why it’s worth every penny to invest in a professional designer. Interior Design - More Than Meets the Eye: Uncover the subtle art of typesetting and interior design that makes your book not just readable but enjoyable. The Business of Writing: Michele emphasizes treating your book as a business, ensuring every decision, from design to marketing, aligns with your ultimate goals. Navigating Self-Publishing Pitfalls: Discover how to steer clear of false promises and vanity metrics in the self-publishing world.

    🎧 If you're serious about turning your pen into profit, then you can't afford to miss this episode. Michele's insights are gold dust for any author looking to self-publish without compromising on quality.

    🌟 And remember, your reviews fuel our passion and help more authors find the guidance they need. So, if you loved this episode, drop us a five-star rating and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on the free value. .

    🔗 Quick Links 🔗

    Check out 1106 Design here: https://1106design.com/ to download the free book, “Publish Like the Pros: A Brief Guide to Quality Self-Publishing” and schedule your discovery call today!

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

  • Welcome back, literary aficionados and digital sages, to another episode of Pen to Profit Podcast, where we untangle the Gordian knots of the writing world. I'm your host, Ray Evans, your navigator through the labyrinth of syntax and storylines. Today, we've got a special treat - a confluence of the digital and the literary. Meet JoAnna McSpadden, a software sorceress by day and a narrative necromancer by night. Her debut novel, Obsidian Tide, is set to make waves in the literary ocean this March. Sit tight as we decode the enigma of balancing code and prose!

    **Why This Episode is a Must-Listen:**

    - Discover the alchemy of blending software development and novel writing.

    - Unveil the secrets behind creating a world where dragons and deadlines coexist.

    - Dive into the depths of Obsidian Tide and the mind of its creator.

    **Key Takeaways:**

    **The Magical Art of Website Development:** JoAnna demystifies the digital spells she casts to conjure user-friendly e-commerce portals. **Finding Your Tribe:** Learn the importance of a writing community in keeping the creative cauldron bubbling. **Navigating the Publishing Labyrinth:** JoAnna shares her odyssey from penning the first draft to finding a publisher that aligns with her vision. **Social Media Sorcery:** Discover how to enchant followers and conjure a pre-launch buzz using the potent potions of Instagram and newsletter charms. **Balance - The Ultimate Spell:** JoAnna reveals her secrets to juggling the realms of software development, writing, and personal life without summoning any dark spirits.

    🎧 If your quill is quivering with anticipation and your cursor blinking in tandem, this episode is your crystal ball into the future of writing. Tap into JoAnna's wisdom and let your storytelling spirit soar.

    🌟 If this episode has cast a spell on you, sprinkle some magic by hitting subscribe so you don’t miss a future episode.

    🔗 **Quick Links** 🔗

    Learn more about JoAnna's debut novel Obsidian Tide - available March 5, 2024 wherever books are sold here: https://www.joannamcspadden.com/books/obsidian-tide

    Ready to embark on a literary quest with JoAnna? Visit https://www.joannamcspadden.com/ and subscribe to her newsletter for an enchanting journey through her realms of code and fantasy.

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Until the next page turns, keep your narratives bold and your code bug-free! This is Ray Evans, signing off from the Pen to Profit Podcast!

  • Kiss and Tell: Writing Intimate Scenes with Tasteful Passion 😘

    Welcome back, quill-wielders and storytelling sorcerers, to your favorite rendezvous for unraveling the yarns of fiction. I'm Ray Evans, your maestro in the symphony of syntax and the Picasso of prose. Today, as Cupid sharpens his arrows, we’re diving into the delicate dance of writing intimate scenes, ensuring they sizzle with sentiment, not scandal. So, let’s sculpt those amorous atmospheres with the elegance of a Shakespearean sonnet and the precision of a poet's pen!

    **Why This Episode is a Must-Hear:**

    - Uncover the secrets to crafting intimate moments that resonate with readers, not repel them.

    - Get the lowdown on leveraging ambiance, emotion, and eloquent diction to paint scenes that sizzle.

    - Learn to balance the tightrope of taste and titillation in your narrative.

    **Key Takeaways:**

    **The Stage of Intimacy:** Discover how to transform your setting from mere background to a silent narrator that whispers the unspoken desires of your characters. Learn to wield the environment as a catalyst for emotional connection, crafting scenes that resonate with the authenticity of Austen and the intensity of Brontë. **The Waltz of Words:** Master the art of diction in love scenes, finding that sweet spot where words are the soft music to the dance of your characters' desires. Learn to suggest rather than saturate, leaving room for readers’ imaginations to wander the hidden paths of passion. **Emotional Resonance – The Heartbeat of Intimacy:** Understand the importance of emotional buildup, where every glance, every touch, and every whispered word lays the foundation for moments of intimacy. It's the crescendo in the symphony of your story, where hearts beat in unison and emotions are as palpable as the pages they're written on. **Consent and Sensitivity – The Cornerstones of Trust:** Navigate the nuances of portraying consent and sensitivity in your scenes, ensuring they're built on the bedrock of mutual respect and understanding. It’s the difference between a scene that soars and a scene that stumbles. **Genre Journeys – Tailoring Intimacy to Your Tale:** Learn to adapt the portrayal of intimate scenes to the expectations of your genre, ensuring that the heat of your romance novel doesn't turn your epic fantasy into a blush-inducing misadventure. **Polishing the Gems – Editing with Finesse:** Embrace the art of self-editing and the wisdom of beta and sensitivity readers. Learn to view your intimate scenes through the kaleidoscope of feedback, refining and reshaping until every word, every pause, and every breath aligns with the rhythm of your story.

    **Call to Action:**

    🎙️ If today's episode has set your writer's heart aflutter and inspired you to craft scenes that make Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy seem like mere acquaintances, don't be shy – subscribe for more wisdom, wit, and a dash of whimsy here at "Pen to Profit."

    🌟 If you believe that the quill is mightier than the sword and that well-crafted love scenes are the sonnets of our time, leave us a five-star review. Your words are the ink in our pens and the passion in our pages!

    🔗 **Quick Links**🔗:

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Until our next chapter unfolds, keep your narratives nuanced and your love scenes luminous. This is Ray Evans, your guide in the gallant journey of genteel prose and poignant passion. Fare thee well, and write on!

  • Ep 22: Shanti Hershenson: The Journey from 6th Grade Novelist to Author of 16 books by 16**🎧 Episode Overview:**

    Hey, Pen to Profit enthusiasts! Your favorite host Ray Evans here, bringing you another episode filled with literary gems. Today, we have a special treat - a chat with the young and remarkably prolific author, Shanti Hershenson. Shanti's journey is nothing short of extraordinary, having published her first two novellas in sixth grade. Now with 16 books under her belt, she's a force to be reckoned with in the young adult fiction world. 📚✨

    **🤔 Why You Should Listen:**

    - To get inspired by Shanti's unique story and her early start in the writing world.

    - For valuable insights into balancing school, social life, and a burgeoning writing career.

    - To learn effective strategies for marketing books, especially through social media platforms like TikTok.

    **🔑 Key Takeaways:** **Consistent Writing Habits:** Shanti emphasizes the importance of writing daily, a practice she's maintained since seventh grade. **Effective Time Management:** Balancing school and writing by creating to-do lists and utilizing free periods productively. **Strategic Book Marketing:** The role of early promotion, gathering book reviews, and using TikTok to boost book sales. **Handling Negative Reviews:** Differentiating constructive criticism from meaningless negativity and learning to use feedback positively. **Maximizing TikTok for Book Promotion:** Tips for growing a TikTok following and using the platform to engage with readers and market books effectively. **Shanti's Most Successful Book:** Insights into the launch strategy of her most successful book, "Never Dying."🔗 **Quick Links**🔗:

    Ready to dive into the world of a young writing prodigy?

    Follow Shanti Hershenson on TikTok @ShantiWhoWrites (https://www.tiktok.com/@shantiwhowrites) and visit her website http://shantihershenson.com for more on her books and journey.

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    And hey, don't forget to subscribe to the “Pen to Profit Podcast” for more inspiring stories and tips. Your reviews mean the world to us, so if you love what you're hearing, drop us a five-star review! 🌟

  • 🎙️Ep 21: A Coach's Guide to Writing Success: Insights from Tracee Lydia Gardner

    **🎧 Episode Overview:**

    Greetings, wordsmiths and story-lovers! In this episode of "Pen to Profit Podcast," I, Ray Evans, your neighborhood copy editor and writing consultant, dive deep into the world of writing with Tracee Lydia Gardner. Tracee is not just a prolific author but a beacon of inspiration as a disability advocate and writing coach. Tune in for an enriching conversation filled with wisdom from her 20+ years in the literary arena. 📚✨

    **🤔 Why You Should Listen:**

    - To get inspired by Tracee's journey from overcoming personal challenges to becoming an international bestselling author.

    - For practical advice on transitioning from aspiring to published author.

    - To discover the nuances of self-publishing and traditional publishing from an experienced insider.

    **🔑 Key Takeaways:**

    **Adapting to Writing Challenges:** Tracee shares how she navigates writing with a disability, turning challenges into advocacy. **Writing Contest Success:** Tracee's breakthrough via a writing contest, highlighting the importance of seizing opportunities. **Traditional vs. Self-Publishing:** Pros and cons of each path, helping you decide what's best for your writing career. **Building Community:** The value of joining writing associations for networking, learning, and camaraderie. **Effective Self-Editing Techniques:** Tracee’s tips for refining your manuscript before it hits the editor's desk. **Launch Strategies:** Insightful tactics for a successful book launch, including unique promotional ideas.

    Ready to elevate your writing game? Subscribe to “Pen to Profit Podcast” for more enlightening episodes every Tuesday. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for a great story. Keep writing, keep dreaming!

    **👋 Closing Remarks:**

    "And remember, the pen might be mightier than the sword, but knowing when to use which is the true art of a writer. Until our next literary adventure, keep those pens sharp and ideas flowing!"

    *Join us again for more insights, laughs, and invaluable advice to turn your pen into profit! 🖋️💰*

    🔗Quick Links🔗

    Contact Tracee for writing coaching by visiting https://traceegarner.com/ and follow her literary journey.

    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    - Join the "Author Success Hub" Facebook community. (Because why wouldn't you?)


    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html

    Click here to get a copy of my free book, How to get 100 Book Reviews in a Week:


  • **Episode Overview:**

    Hey there, word wranglers and plot twisters! Welcome to another episode of the “Pen to Profit Podcast.” I’m your host, Ray Evans, a friendly neighborhood writing consultant and copy editor. Today, we're diving into the world of an incredible guest, Marie Jones, a celebrated author and screenwriter whose accolades could give the Oscars a run for their money. Strap in for an inspiring journey from aspirations to award-winning achievements in writing.

    **Why You Should Tune In:**

    - Learn the art of persistence and positive thinking from an accomplished author.

    - Get insider tips on transitioning from book writing to screenwriting.

    - Discover effective strategies for leveraging social media to boost your author brand.

    - Uncover the secrets to dealing with rejections and nurturing a resilient writer’s mindset.

    **The Problems Solved:**

    This episode is a treasure trove for aspiring authors, offering solutions on overcoming writer’s block, navigating publishing choices, and effectively marketing your work in a competitive landscape.

    **Episode Summary:**

    **Marie Jones - An Introduction:**

    - From a childhood passion to a multi-award-winning author.

    - Her journey in creative writing and her favorite writing spots.

    **Venturing into Screenwriting:**

    - Transitioning from book writing to screenwriting.

    - The challenges and rewards of adapting a novel into a screenplay.

    **Overcoming Writer's Block and Managing Time:**

    - Marie’s strategies for balancing writing with parenting.

    - Tips for aspiring writers on managing time and staying motivated.

    **Choosing the Right Publisher:**

    - Why Marie chose Gen Z Publishing over self-publishing.

    - Insights into finding a publisher that aligns with your goals and style.

    **Leveraging Social Media for Author Branding:**

    - The role of social media in promoting books.

    - Practical tips for using Instagram and other platforms effectively.

    **Dealing with Rejection:**

    - Turning rejections into opportunities for growth.

    - Marie’s approach to feedback and maintaining a positive outlook.

    **Marketing Insights and Lessons Learned:**

    - Marie’s experiences in marketing her books.

    - Advice for new authors on navigating the competitive world of book marketing.

    **Key Takeaways:** 🔑

    **Persistence Pays Off:** The journey from aspiring to award-winning author. **Screenwriting Tips:** How to adapt a book for the screen. **Balancing Writing and Life:** Time management strategies for busy writers. **Navigating Publishing Choices:** Choosing between self-publishing and traditional publishing. **Social Media Strategies:** Effective use of platforms for author branding. **Embracing Rejection:** Turning setbacks into growth opportunities. **Marketing Wisdom:** Lessons learned from promoting books in a competitive niche.

    Are you on a quest to turn your writing dreams into published realities?

    Then don’t forget to subscribe to “Pen to Profit Podcast” for more episodes packed with expert advice and inspiring stories.

    And if you're weaving words into your next masterpiece, swing by the show notes to snag a no-change sample edit and see how we can help catapult your work to best-seller fame! Until next time, this is Ray Evans signing off – keep writing, keep striving, and keep enchanting your readers!

    🔗 **Quick Links**:

    Learn more about the wonderful world of Marie Jones here:


    - Ray's Monday, Wednesday, Friday Medium Blogs: https://medium.com/@edtingandwritingtips

    - Join the "Author Success Hub" Facebook community. (Because why wouldn't you?)


    Need editing or proofreading for your next masterpiece? Request a sample edit: http://www.rayevansproofreader.com/request-a-sample-edit.html