
  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Well-Being Alchemist Wendy-Anne Steer. In this episode Wendy shares how she felt compelled to explore alternative healing modalities after her own experience of suffering, and recovering fully from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Wendy talks about the increase in the incidence of female clients suffering the effects of both ADHD and menopause, and how during this phase unprocessed trauma can appear. We discuss the harmful effects of over-identification with personal labels and dismantle the notion of single solution healthcare, rather that we can be fluid, but consistent in our healing. Wendy also shares actionable healing tips for when we're feeling anxious and overwhelmed. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    After being diagnosed with M.E, Wendy struggled with finding her identity and what this meant for who she was as a person. She knew she didn’t have to be ill forever and this positivity is what aided her through her recovery. It also helped her discover healing methods in alternative health care including meditation. Healthcare in the UK isn’t focused on helping you live a healthy and fulfilling life, it’s too focused on a single solution, and it doesn’t look at people's health holistically. Grief alters anyone’s world view but it can also shape a person's evolution. Identifying too much with a label can become unhelpful and hold you back. The impact of chronic stress on the body outweighs almost any other lifestyle factors in your health, physically and mentally. A therapist or practitioner isn’t there to solve your problems for you but to aid you in finding conclusions about yourself before you do the work.


    "I have not stopped learning, I have not stopped evolving”

    “NHS, it’s great at keeping you alive but it's not great at helping you live”

    “Grief plays a massive part in your perception of life”

    “I’m not depressed, I’m ill”

    “If you’re exposing yourself to constant stress you are tearing your body to shreds”

    “I just adapt to who is in front of me”

    “You need someone to facilitate your wellbeing”



    Wendy-Anne Steer, known as The Well-Being Alchemist, has dedicated the past 20 years to the relentless pursuit of knowledge in well-being and various healing modalities. Her journey began with a deeply personal and transformative experience: at the age of 30, she was diagnosed with M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This unexpected challenge put a sudden halt to her career and marked the most humbling and educational period of her life. After enduring three long years of suffering, Wendy made a complete recovery, a triumph that fuelled her passion for helping others find their well-being balance. Nature serves as Wendy's sanctuary and source of healing, and she and her family reside in the serene landscapes of Lincolnshire where she continues to inspire and guide individuals on their paths to well-being.

    Socials & Contact:

    Website: https://thewellbeingalchemist.co.uk

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wendy.alchemy

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wellbeing_alchemist/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendyalchemy/


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Energy Therapist and Coach Lisa Tighe. In this honest and revealing conversation Lisa talks about the life changing realisation she had at age 33 about what was blocking her happiness and what she did to resolve it. Lisa beautifully and simply explains the connection between EFT or Tapping, and energy, and how EFT works to connect us with our trapped emotions - which may sometimes come as a complete shock to us when identified. We look at the emotions that lie behind emotional eating and the dysfunctional adult behaviours that stem from our childhood stories and how we neutralise them to live better lives. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    After attending some NLP training through work, Lisa realised she could change her life. NLP didn’t feel like it went deep enough for Lisa, so she began looking into other techniques and discovered EFT which opened up an entire new world and lifestyle for Lisa. Something that has happened in your past doesn’t have to dictate your future, this was one of the biggest things Lisa realised and what helped her transform the way she was living. Frequently there is a catalyst for change in people’s lives. Lisa finds this in the women she works with, that something has happened which makes them realise the self-loathing and destructive behaviours have to stop. Self-sabotaging behaviours are behaviours that we have done once that felt good that we continue to do and push past the point of normality, behaviours that then impact parts of our lives negatively. Recognising self-sabotaging behaviour is one thing but then you have to do the hard work to break the habit and part of that is being honest about your true feelings about yourself. Acknowledging feelings is one of the key components of EFT and tapping. Lisa also focuses on identifying where feelings are duplicated across different situations. Our bodies are feeding us information about what is happening with us and if things need to change, we just have to learn to listen to what our body is telling us.


    "From that I started my own business, to reach and support more people with the changes that I had made through what I had been learning”

    “Events and things that happen are important but it’s what you do with them now, that’s what’s important
what you can do with it now is the impact you have on yourself and the world”

    “Overeating is massive self-sabotage”

    “No one wakes up and says they want to self-sabotage their life”

    “I used food to stop me feeling lonely”

    “Doing anything to excess is often self-abuse”



    Lisa is an Energy Therapist and Coach helping women to overcome Life changing obstacles and find Purpose and Passion for life, by creating a life they love during midlife.

    Lisa's work focuses on stopping self sabotaging behaviours such as over eating, drinking to excess, and treating other excessive behaviours that mask a lack of self care and low self worth. She offers 1-2-1 therapy and coaching sessions, online programmes, group workshops and retreats, the next if which is in Spain this October: Your Life your Purpose 4 night Retreat

    Socials & Contact:




    Insta: Lisa_change500


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

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  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Leadership Mentor, Modern Shamanic Psychotherapist, and Yachtswoman Antonina Andreeva. In this deep and revealing conversation Antonina explains what lies at the core of dysfunctional behaviour and discontent, and what perception shifts need to occur in order to move through dense negative emotion to create lives that not only look good on the outside but feel good on the inside. She reveals how and why world leaders are seeking out spiritual counselling instead of spin, and how after the age of 40 we experience new value and fulfilment based evolutionary drivers in our search to lead purposeful lives. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Antonina isn’t an advocate for the traditional school system, it’s a negative environment that focuses too much on things that individuals aren’t good at. From a young age, we all have our own unique talents but these aren’t cultivated in the right way and the choices we make aren’t driven by what we are supposed to do. Becoming a mother was the catalyst in Antonina’s journey to mentoring and therapy. Our needs and wants change depending on our level of consciousness. Everyone is capable of pushing past what is immediately obvious and engaging their senses to read between the lines and manage energy, it’s about learning the process and harnessing that power. If we can learn about our own energy and vibration, we can project the best version of ourselves into the world.


    "From a young age, we are all blessed with an incredible, unique outstanding talents”

    “If I’m going to be away from my child it has to be purposeful and meaningful”

    “It’s not just world leaders that can harness energy and bend things to their will, it’s all of us”

    “It’s never too late to start, you can start now”



    Antonina is a Yachts Woman| Leadership Mentor + Author | Retreat Facilitator| Catalyst.

    Co-Founder & Facilitator of Experiential Adventure Mastermind with a travel element aka Activation Adventures. Antonina is Energy Intuitive, Mentor and a Thought leader in areas of integrating Feminine + Masculine energies, creating your Holy Wealth legacy, and accessing your Soul’s Purpose! She is a practitioner of the Shamanic Psychotherapy and teaches tangible consciousness tools to purpose-driven leaders and entrepreneurs, and worked with several world leaders and celebrities, including the wife of the former UK Prime Minister - Tony Blair.

    Book: https://a.co/d/9I9MlEe

    Socials & Contact:






    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Ascension Guide, Direct Channel, Activator and author Marie Fleming Grant. In this fascinating conversation Marie shares how she first discovered she was a channel for higher dimensional beings and energies outside of the physical realm, and how she has used her gift to help other people access their own channelling power. Marie reveals how we are all have assigned spirit guides from birth and clarifies common misconceptions about their purpose in our lives, as well as how we can learn to directly connect with them. We talk about the effect of shifts in personal consciousness, and Marie explains how the collective planetary ascension that we are currently undergoing, is working to move us from out the dark to the light, in an extraordinary evolutionary aspect never before experienced by humanity. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Marie feels like her life has been split in two, her life before as a lawyer, contrasted to how she lives now, particularly as an ascension guide and direct channel. Marie feels information from other dimensions, from beings and energies outside our physical human existence. Everyone has the capability to connect, they just have to learn how and this is something Marie teaches people. There is beginning to be a shift in culture towards Marie’s beliefs and ideas into the mainstream, particularly amongst young people. There is excitement to be tapped into if we accept this is a new phase of life and evolution for humanity. Small noises, sensations and even ailments can be frequencies we aren’t recognising or paying attention to. An activation of these senses can be spontaneous, individuals can feel like they have been ‘switched on’ to be able to communicate. Those who are switched on and can connect with different frequencies have all been doing so in previous lifetimes, this can feed into the current fear to speak out and be open about the messages we are receiving because they have previously been persecuted in other lives. Social media can be a necessary evil, it is very useful in promoting yourself and getting your message out, but it can be challenging managing the negativity and cynicism of others. In order to find light we have to recognise the dark energy at play around us. Light and dark coexist, one cannot exist without the other.


    "We are surrounded by these beings and they are all here to assist us, you all have guides even if you’ve never felt them”

    “Now young people are actually standing up and saying actually no, we’re not going to allow this continue”

    “There’s never been a time where so many of us, conscious beings, have all been here at the same time all focused in the same way”

    “We’re all putting ingredients into this pot so everything we do makes a difference”

    “I’m here for the ones that want to hear it and need to hear it”

    “We can’t have light without dark”



    Marie is a Direct Channel, Ascension Guide & Activator, who works with Leaders, Healers, Impact Makers, Conscious Business Owners, Visionary CEO's & Entrepreneurs, and those here on their Mission to assist the collective shift. Marie is also an Author, Founder of 'The Awake Revolution' and creator of 'High Level Channel International Training Academy.'

    She guides and activates people to drop the old paradigms in life, business & mission, wake up to who they really are, and revolutionise how they think, feel, live and create, to be all of who they came here to be.



    Socials & Contact:








    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by award winning TV host, singer, dancer, actor and keynote speaker, the irrepressible Cindy Ashton. Cindy reveals how her lifelong journey as an advocate for those who struggle with visibility began, and the impetus behind her groundbreaking leadership and business programme 'Brave Leaders Rising' - which provides heart based ethical leaders training in how to be seen and heard, as well as successful on prominent stages, Cindy also discloses what drove her to buying herself white privilege at the age of 16, her invisible illness and the freedom she's finally found in living without the devastating effects of chronic emotional, and physical pain. We discuss the life changing importance of self belief, how we don't know what we don't know - and we talk about Cindy's incredible new show 'Liberated'. So please join me as we sprinkle a liberal dose of 'spiritual potpourri' and look at life through a different lens.


    Cindy was born with a heart condition and structural problems with her left side, this led to a childhood of operations and chronic pain. She has spent her life being told she wouldn’t be able to do things but she has beaten the odds time and time again. At 49 years old, Cindy finally has the freedom to wake up each day without being in pain. Most people are not consciously aware of their life purpose. Cindy, on the other hand, knew her purpose but struggled to pursue it fully because of her chronic illness. Self-belief is one of the most powerful things we can build and harness to achieve success. Purpose gives our lives meaning and direction. Cindy’s own experiences of living with an invisible disability have made her challenge perceptions of disabilities and labels. Cindy’s parents were first-generation immigrants from Palestine and she felt the weight of this growing up as well as the prejudice against her for her name. She changed her name and calls this ‘buying white privilege’. It has framed and shaped how she views the world. Cindy fosters and teaches a different approach to leadership, speaking and sales. She is against pushy tactics and instead focuses on making her audience and clients feel comfortable. Everyone has wisdom, they just need to learn how to tap into it inside of themselves.


    "Your world is communication”

    “I have basically spent my entire life reversing illness that shouldn’t be able to be reversed”

    “I think purpose is a really crucial thing in our life that moves us forward and gives our lives meaning”

    “The majority of people in leadership, bought their way to the top because they had the money”

    “I’m spiritual potpourri!”

    “We’ve been taught that we’re not powerful, from being little kids”



    Cindy Ashton

    Award-Winning TV Host, Singer/Entertainer/Actor & Keynote Performer: cindyashton.com

    Socials & Contact:

    Cultivating ethical leaders shifting the planet at Brave Leaders Rising

    TEDx Talk – Speak From Your Power & the Art of Liberessence: https://youtu.be/j8cCK2I5NyI

    Author of “Liberate Your Voice: How to Trust Your Power in a World That Shuts You Down.”

    As seen on ABC, Thrive Global, Forbes, Inc Magazine and more.


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm blessed to be talking to the force of nature that is the multi-talented Mr Mat Fraser. As well as being internationally known as a disabled actor, writer, and musician Mat is a long time advocate and activist within the disability rights movement. In our conversation Mat shares his journey from angry young man to equally passionate older man within the industry, and how changes over the last 30 years have impacted his career, for example the practice of 'disability-blind' casting and what that means in terms of expectation and reality. We discuss Mat's brilliant new Netflix show 'KAOS', and his current theatre show 'Unspeakable Conversations'. - And we look back at his controversial 2005 show 'Thalidomide!! A Musical' as we debate how audience guilt and cultural sensitivity can prevent us from being able to accept humour. Mat also shares the surprising personal challenge he faced when his 85 year old mother took a lover 35 years her junior, his proudest moments, and why you should never go to bed on an argument. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Mat is approached for interviews and thoughts more now than ever, because of the amount of experience he has built in disability advocacy, particularly in the arts space. In his youth, Mat projected a lot more anger onto the world, he has always been an outspoken person and felt he had to make his own rules in life to navigate the ableism he faced. Mat learnt to brand and promote his own theatre shows, with rules and controls, so that they couldn’t be framed in a prejudiced way. Comedy trends are intrinsically linked with society and current culture, Mat has had to change his style of comedy and performances as almost all comedians do. Comedy is the ability to laugh at anything in society and acknowledge humanity and our existence. Inclusivity doesn’t erase ignorance, something Mat has experienced frequently on set. He tries to always educate crews and production teams. Whilst culture in the West is more inclusive in a lot of areas for disabled people, it often isn’t realistic or takes into account the real experiences of disabled people.


    "I’ve been around so long that people care what I think about stuff or think that my take on it might have some value given the length of time I have been looking at the subject”

    “None of the things that are meant to happen when you obey the rules happened so I thought for disabled people it doesn’t count so fuck all rules in that case, I’ll make my own path”

    “I think we need disobedience, we need disobedient adults because otherwise we’re completely fucked over”

    “I do have hope for the future, you have to have hope for the future”

    “There was a lot of audience guilt, that’s why people didn’t want to laugh”



    Mat Fraser

    Mat Fraser is an internationally known disabled actor, writer, and musician, recognised for his work in shows like “KAOS” (Netflix) and “Gangs of London” (Amazon Prime). He recently played Peter Singer in the play “Unspeakable Conversations”. Mat's writing, including the series “CripTales” for the BBC, has won awards. He is currently pitching dramas around disability for the BBC under the working title “7 Deadly Sins” and is part of a team pitching a sitcom set in the world of fan conventions to US TV stations. He is also part of a 3 person writing team for a sitcom set in the world of fan conventions, currently being pitched to USA TV stations. Everything Mat writes has a connection to disability, which Mat understands though the Social model of Disability.

    Socials & Contact

    Website: www.matfraser.co.uk,

    Instagram @mflidfraser,

    Twitter: @mat_fraser

    Facebook : Mat Fraser



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I talk to inspiring Queen of Sparkle and the most sophisticated 5 year old you'll ever meet Carole Pyke. Carole is a medical anomaly, a two time stroke survivor and one of only 13% of stroke survivors who suffered a bleed on the brain, which left her with 5 years worth of conscious memory and no recollection of what life was like before 2019. Carole shares the fascinating story of how her hidden disability has changed her perspective on life - how the doors of possibility have flung open and how she motivates others to accept the present with gratitude, embody their uniqueness and show up unapologetically. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Carole Pyke, a two-time stroke survivor, lives with only five years of conscious memory due to a bleed on the brain, which has significantly impacted her identity and daily life. Embracing the present and focusing on moving forward, rather than trying to reclaim the past, is crucial for navigating life's challenges and finding happiness. Resilience is a skill that can be developed by recognising one's ability to overcome obstacles, no matter how small or large they may seem. Identity is shaped by our memories and experiences, but it is also a choice in how we define ourselves and the stories we tell about who we are. Comparison can be a useful tool for understanding the world, but it should never be the basis for how we live our lives or measure our self-worth. True success and happiness come from discovering and embracing one's unique "flavour" or essence, and fearlessly sharing it with the world. Reframing challenges as adventures and focusing on possibilities rather than limitations can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life. Societal conditioning often pushes us to chase external markers of success, but true contentment comes from within and appreciating what we already have.


    "I say the past informs the present because quite literally your past has set you up for now, but it doesn't determine how it is that you move forward unless you choose to."

    "I believe that there are people who found the extra in their ordinary, and that's the element that makes them extraordinary."

    "Your job is to find your flavour and then sprinkle that wherever you go. Season every dish with your flavour."

    "I often say things like guns do not kill people. People with guns kill people."

    "I see life as this amazing adventure and I'm an intrepid explorer."


    Carole Pyke


    With over 30 years of marketing expertise, Carole helps ambitious women leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners discover and leverage their Sparkle. Carole's core values are represented by HUGS, Sparkle, and Storytelling. She emphasises active listening, understanding, and giving back value. Carole's vibrant and enthusiastic attitude towards life encourages others to embrace their own unique qualities and find their inner radiance. Through her authentic and compelling storytelling, Carole touches the hearts and minds of others, leaving a lasting impact. Despite the challenges she faces, Carole continues to make a positive difference in the world, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity, one can find strength, purpose, and leave a lasting Sparkle.

    Socials & Contact

    Social Media: https://www.instagram.com
    https://www.tiktok.com/carolepyke Websites:
    https://www.wordsthatdeliver.com https://www.ThePersonalBrandingSPA.com My TEDx talk: Freedom in forgetting; memory loss, essence found | Carole Pyke | TEDxLewisham


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I talk to author, publisher and mentor Nicola Humber. Nicola describes how she became lost through years of trying to people please, consumed by doing what she thought other people expected of her, and how she found herself again by reconnecting to her love of writing. Nicola explains how she went from good girl to unbound self accepting woman and how she now teaches other people to do this by discovering their inner author. She shares the secrets of her unique writing process, we talk about how creativity helps us remember who we are intrinsically, and we ponder the resurgence of physical books as an antidote and welcome escape from endless hours of scrolling and overwhelm. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Nicola's journey from being a "good girl" to an unbound, self-accepting woman involved breaking free from external expectations and reconnecting with her love for writing. Writing a book is a transformational journey that helps women express their authentic voice and share their stories in a vulnerable, brave space. Nicola's unique writing process involves radical self-trust, writing in alignment with one's cyclical nature, and making personal stories the centre of the writing. Community support is crucial in the writing process, helping writers overcome doubts, celebrate successes, and witness each other's transformations. Physical books are making a resurgence as people seek a tactile, immersive experience away from constant screen time and digital overwhelm. Creativity helps us remember who we are intrinsically and express ourselves authentically, even if it means facing criticism or ridicule. The inner "good girl" or "good boy" can show up in various areas of life, such as people-pleasing, creativity, and relationships, limiting our self-expression and authenticity. Writing a book is not just about the outcome; it's a transformational experience that allows authors to step into their power, build confidence, and create magical portals for themselves and their readers.


    "I could describe my journey to this point really simply. It's like from good girl to unbound, you know, that's the kind of terms, phrases that I use."

    "It ties in because a lot of the fears around expressing ourselves creatively and certainly when it comes to writing a book, what I hear and what I've experienced myself, especially when we're sharing elements of our story and we're allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, well what will other people think of me, particularly the people close to us, but then out in the world and on the internet, will I attract criticism, ridicule, you know, all of these things."

    "The approach that I take to it for myself and when I'm holding space for others is I guess, it's a process of like radical self trust. So you really are like, you're coming to the page, like not having this expectation that you will have like the whole book mapped out at the beginning."

    "What I love about books in particular is that like you get to hold this actual physical thing at the end of it. I mean, the way I think about and talk about books is like, they're like these magical portals that we get to create for ourselves as we're writing them and also our readers get to experience them in that way."

    "I think sometimes because we don't know, we know we want to make a change, but will it work out? Like, you know, where will I end up? We don't know. So it's, it is trusting that first step. “



    Nicola Humber is the author of three transformational books, Heal Your Inner Good Girl, UNBOUND and Unbound Writing and creator of the #unbound365 journal. She's also the founder of The Unbound Press, a soul-led publishing imprint for unbound women. After playing the archetypal good girl up until her mid-thirties, Nicola left her 'proper' job in finance to retrain as a coach and hypnotherapist and this leap of faith led her to what she does now: activating recovering good girls to embrace their so-called imperfections and shake off the tyranny of 'shoulds' so they can be their fullest, freest, most magnificent selves. Nicola helps women to write the book their Unbound Self is calling them to write, whilst growing a community of soul-family readers and clients. She's also the host of The Unbound Writer's Club podcast.

    Socials & Contact

    Website: https://nicolahumber.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolahumber

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicolahumber


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I talk to Natural Perfumer Charis Angel about the launch of her new range of natural perfumes 'Essentially Botanic". From childhood Charis loved the fragrance of flowers, but it took the stresses of a corporate marketing career, and her work as a celebrity complementary therapist for her to even consider creating her own uniquely therapeutic and stress relieving natural perfumes. During our conversation Charis highlights the crucial differences between synthetic and natural perfume we consider the incredible mood enhancing effects of plant extracts, and we imagine a world without perfume. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Natural perfumes, like Essentially Botanic, are made from pure plant essences and offer therapeutic benefits, while synthetic perfumes are created from petrochemicals and can cause adverse effects. Charis's perfumes combine clinical aromatherapy with natural perfumery, using stress-alleviating plant extracts to create beautiful, mood-enhancing fragrances. Smell is a powerful and primal sense that affects our emotions, memories, and overall well-being, making the choice of perfume a highly personal and impactful decision. Synthetic perfumes often use cheaper materials and focus on packaging and marketing, while natural perfumes prioritise quality ingredients, resulting in a more expensive but healthier product. Charis's journey from a stressful corporate career to becoming a natural perfumer highlights the importance of self-care and finding solutions to manage stress and anxiety. Essentially Botanic is committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly packaging that can be reused, recycled, or even planted to grow wildflowers. Mono perfumes, made from a single ingredient like patchouli or lavender, are gaining popularity as a simple and natural alternative to complex synthetic blends. Natural perfumes offer a wholesome and environmentally conscious way to experience the beauty and benefits of fragrance without the potential harm of synthetic chemicals.


    "When you breathe in the beautiful aromatics, the molecules, the rose molecules you breathe into your olfactory system, which, which links to your limbic system in the brain, which is where, you know, emotions are sort of managed as it were."

    "Smell is so important to us, really. I mean, smell is one of our most primal and probably one of our most important senses in terms of smelling danger, smelling each other."

    "We love the planet. I love the planet. All our perfumes are made, and formulated with plants from our beautiful planet. And we want to show our love and respect to the planet by doing our little bit to be as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible."



    In 2023, Charis Angel decided to take the plunge and started to create a collection of natural perfumes, formulated with organic essential oils and floral absolutes, reputed to help you handle stress and blended with luxurious, skin-loving organic jojoba oil and Vitamin e, to help nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals.

    Her mission is to teach people how to incorporate the beautiful aromas of nature into their everyday hectic lifestyle, in order to help them handle the stresses of everyday life. Her natural fragrances pair beautifully with the practice of various healing activities and therapies such as meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, somatic therapy, EFT, yoga, pilates, Tension Release Experience, psychotherapy and so many more.

    Socials & Contact

    Instagram: essentially_botanic

    facebook: Essentially Botanic



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by alternative health practitioner, medical intuitive, healer and animal communicator Martina Waidhas. Martina talks about how she tapped into her healing gifts at an early age, and how she completely reset her spiritual and physical body through a fast that was the result of a debilitating viral infection. We discuss how critically important but usually overlooked deep belly breathing is as a form of healing and how it can completely transform our health. Martina also shares her thoughts about the cause of diseases and explains what living a 5th dimensional life looks like. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Deep belly breathing is a simple yet powerful tool for activating the parasympathetic system, increasing oxygen intake, and reducing acidity in the body, promoting overall healing. Cancer is a gift from our bodies, showing us when something is emotionally or mentally out of balance. Working on the underlying issues can help resolve the physical manifestation. Illness or injury is an interruption in communication between cells and the brain. Restoring this communication through the Neurological Integration System (NIS) can help detach organs from emotions and start the physical healing process. Negative thoughts cause cells to release toxins, leading to symptoms and disease. Rewriting our stories and focusing on positive thoughts can transform our health. The universe has a plan for each of us, and when our soul path is fulfilled, we will transition. Death is not the end but a change in energy. Trusting the universe and surrendering to its guidance can lead to incredible blessings, even in the face of seemingly disastrous situations. We are all connected, and it's time to take responsibility for our lives, just as God does. Separating people based on labels such as colour, gender, or religion is a tool for division. Sharing information freely is crucial in a world where truth is often shadow banned or blocked by mainstream media.


    "In the presence of oxygen, illness and disease cannot exist."

    "Cancer is actually a gift from our physical bodies. Our bodies show us whenever something is not okay."

    "The universe has our back. The universe doesn't want us to suffer. It's us. It's us. That creates our own suffering."

    "Change is our greatest fear. Success, failure, and fear. Those are the three things that are holding people back."

    "When we stop judging by colour. gender, whatever crazy things, religion, country we live in, all these labels that are here to separate people."


    Martina Waidhas is an alternative health practitioner, medical intuitive, healer and communicator who works with both humans and animals to facilitate healing in body, mind and soul. She has studied a wide range of healing practices including epigenetics, quantum healing, energy psychology, spinal column and joint therapy and has achieved a master level in both Reiki and the NIS (neurological integration system) therapy. As a former chef, Martina is passionate about the link between food and illness and brings a holistic approach to her work that is second to none. Her unique combination of skills gives her an insight and range of healing practices that allow her to tailor her treatments to suit each individual client. Martina works from higher dimensions and bringing her wisdom into the here and now always looking at the bigger picture of what is going on and translating it for her clients.

    Socials & Contact

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.wemakeyouhappy.de

    Private Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/martina.waidhas.7

    Twitter/ X: @WaidhasMartina for

    Rumble channel: Jen Lillian Partnership: Martina Waidhas 'The Animal Translator'


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined again by passionate outfluencer and queen of sustainability Anna Kilpatrick. In this episode, we talk about Anna's decision to give up drinking 4 years ago during lockdown and how it drastically affected not only her appearance, but also her life in ways she could never have imagined. We also discuss the lies that we're sold about alcohol by advertising companies that encourage our increasing consumption, and the psychological drinking games that we play with ourselves to normalise drinking to excess. So please join me as we look at life through the bottom of an empty glass.



    Anna lost weight as a consequence of quitting alcohol. She has found the way she is perceived differently now, particularly around her style and fashion sense. Drinking is normalised throughout all of UK society, from having a relaxing drink in the evenings to socialising with friends. It’s incredibly easy to feel like your relationship with alcohol is normal. Anna found she was limiting what she would do in the evenings to ensure she had the time and the capacity to drink. It was in May 2020, during lockdown, that Anna stopped drinking. We are all ‘sold’ alcohol throughout our lives, that it’s needed to enjoy ourselves and to be a real adult. Whilst the stresses of parenting made Anna drink more, it was also parenting that made her want to give up. She wanted to show her children there was an alternative life that didn’t include alcohol. Most people are unaware of the amount of sugar that is in alcohol and the damage this can create.


    “We do judge people by their weight”

    “It is so culturally accepted, to drink”

    “My world shrunk down to the places I could drink in”

    “You will never satisfy your need for alcohol by drinking alcohol”

    “Sugar is in so much non-food”

    “The size of you means nothing to do with style”



    Anna Kilpatrick started the Instagram account @not.needing.new to document her exclusive use of second hand clothing and homeware over the past twelve years as a single parent on a very limited budget. She is very interested in ideas around satiation and in finding the joy in realising what is enough. Anna is represented by Curtis Brown and is researching for a book about our relationship with fashion and how we have got to the point that we are now at.

    Socials & Contact

    Website: https://www.notneedingnew.com/

    Instagram is https://www.instagram.com/not.needing.new

    Linktree: not.needing.new | Instagram | Linktree


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this uplifting episode, I talk to Mind-Body Transformation Specialist and Homeopath Sadhna Chaman. Sadhna talks about how she first discovered she had a gift for healing at a very early age and how it has now become her mission to help others on their own healing journeys. We debate the 'mind body connection' and the critical importance of mindset in changing our lives. Sadhna also busts a few controversial myths about homeopathy, as we discuss the immense power of universal energy, belief, fear and unconditional love. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    From a young age, Sadhna began to learn about the power of healing and throughout her career this is what drove her, eventually leading to her current mission to help as many people as possible on their own healing journeys. After having her daughter, Sadhna started to have chronic health problems. She tried more traditional methods such as tablet medication but when they did not work she turned to homoeopathy and alternative medicine. Homoeopathy allowed Sadhna to get to the root cause of her problems and stop medications she was told she would need for life. The mind and the body are connected, this can’t be underestimated when trying to treat any health problem. We are surrounded by energy and this impacts all of us in often unexpected ways. We are the creators of our lives, until we begin to make some of our subconscious mind conscious, we will continue to call things that happen fate. Not taking everything at face value, from parents, teachers and institutions and taking steps to make choices and decisions that work for you as an individual is the start to altering your mindset and life. Homeopathy looks at the emotional and mental parts of an individual, not just their physical symptoms. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for any problem. Sadhna tailors her remedies for her clients, what works for one person might not work for another, something modern medicine ignores. Not being ruled by fear and simply asking your body what it needs to heal can be very powerful. But it takes a lot of courage to have this belief in yourself.


    "I’ll treat anybody who is asking for help”

    “Through homoeopathy and training I was able to get to the root cause and that is what I now help women to do”

    “Energy can be transformed into different forms that may help or hinder us and our health”

    “Energy is everything”

    “Our focus creates our reality”

    “How can something so diluted have such an effect on you? But you really have to experience it
it comes down to perception at the end of the day”

    “Fear is a massive contributor to health”



    Sadhna is a Mind-Body Transformation Specialist and second-generation Homeopath. Her passion for healing spans over 30+ years of experience and can be found at the intersection of energy medicine, ancient wisdom modalities and modern neuroscience. Her aim is to addresses the root cause to leading a healthier, happier and more healed life with a holistic, natural and personalised way of working as she believes that one approach doesn’t not fit all. She is passionate about helping women over 40 and children to unlock the power they hold within to step into their health and life with greater meaning, purpose and joy.

    She is a mother of two young women now, and having experienced chronic illness herself and with her children’s health too, all treated successfully with a natural and holistic approach, she understands all perspectives as a patient, mother and practitioner and offers a multi-dimensional approach which encompasses decades of training, expertise and lived experience to empower her clients to heal their health and life from within with her support.

    Social & Contact





    Online group coaching program 24th June 2024;

    Optimise Your Life | Rebalancing Life with Sadhna Chaman

    Website information.



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this episode, I talk to Sustainable Stylist and Founder of the Ethical Brand Directory Roberta Lee. Roberta reveals how corporate burnout and a deep seated feeling of unhappiness, caused her to develop an addiction to buying clothes, which at it's height would see her spending up to ÂŁ500 per month - and then the shocking pivotal event that changed her life and career path forever. Roberta recalls the moment she realised her mission was not only to empower women through fashion, but to redefine and actively change the whole landscape of fashion and sustainability. We discuss the long-term implications of our short-term choices, the seductive rise of 'ultra-fast' fashion and the manufacturing misconceptions around luxury brands. We also examine ways to embrace and remove the stigma around pre-loved clothing and Roberta offers achievable, actionable tips on how to build a sustainable wardrobe. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Clothes shopping addiction or compulsive buying can be a coping mechanism for many. The fashion industry often disempowers women and exploits garment workers in unsafe conditions. Contrary to consumer expectations, luxury brands may use the same suppliers and factories as fast fashion. Building a sustainable wardrobe is a journey, not a destination; start with one small change aligned with your values. Governments need to impose laws on fashion companies' production volumes to address sustainability challenges. Pre-loved, vintage, and upcycled clothing are becoming more popular as conscious consumer choices. Normalising clothes swapping, especially among younger generations, is crucial for sustainability. Creativity and patience are key to finding affordable, sustainable clothing options.


    "I used fashion as a tool for myself to dress the parts in certain roles and male-dominated environments. I used to power dress, I realised I reached a fashion to make myself feel good."

    "The reality of what was going on,I just couldn't escape. I was part of it I was part of the problem and I was contributing to this"

    "Building a sustainable wardrobe is a journey not a final destination. So, we never get to perfection but we learn how to get there in the most responsible way we can within our means."

    "Taking away this stigma around pre-loved or second-hand or thrifted or swapped clothes is a really important step because we have so much clothing already in, in production that's already on the planet that needs to be home."


    Roberta Lee | The Sustainable Stylist



    Since 2015, Roberta Lee has been a passionate advocate for sustainable style. Roberta Lee's journey began after she developed an addiction to shopping for clothes during her corporate career. Roberta found herself spending approximately ÂŁ500 every month on clothes. After watching a single documentary called 'The True Cost', she had a rude awakening about the impact that these clothes and her shopping habits were having on the planet and on the people creating them. Not to mention the toll her addiction took on her mental health and confidence.

    In 2017, she established the Ethical Brand Directory, a platform connecting conscientious consumers with vetted ethical brands and providing a secure and accessible avenue for sustainable shopping.

    Many people thought she was going nuts, and it was an unworkable idea, but now she has a waiting list of clients wanting her to cut up and restyle their wardrobes and has also worked for celebrities and TV shows.


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this episode, I talk to portrait photographer and film maker Amit Lennon. It's a real pleasure to listen to Amit share the his journey from Astronomy & Physics graduate to award winning photographer, and hear his personal perspectives on what makes a good portrait. Amit talks about his love of film making, and his recent portrait project, a fascinating exploration into the world of AI, that was initially inspired by Lucien Freud's painting process. He also spills the beans on what photographing the queen of country music, Dolly Parton is really like. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Portrait photography is a two-way interaction between the photographer and the subject, requiring the photographer to guide the conversation and capture the essence of the moment. AI-generated portraits lack the imperfections and idiosyncrasies that make humans unique, resulting in polished but somewhat uncanny images. AI can be trained on billions of stolen images from the internet, raising ethical concerns about the use of AI in creative fields. While AI can be a useful tool, it is limited by the data it is trained on and may struggle to generate truly original ideas. The increasing prevalence of AI in creative industries poses existential threats to various professions, as AI can potentially reuse and repurpose human-created content without permission. Human creativity is limitless, while AI-assisted creativity is restricted by the data it is trained on, often resulting in repetitive or stylistically similar outputs. Lennon's AI portrait project aims to explore the ambiguity and limitations of AI-generated images by providing the AI with minimal prompts and allowing it to interpret the data in its own way. The future of AI in creative fields is uncertain, but it is crucial to remember that AI is a tool that cannot replace the unique perspectives and ideas of human creators.


    "I'm not looking for anything from anyone. I just want them to maybe not be, self aware so much, because obviously we're very self aware of how we look."

    "AI is kind of everywhere, rapidly evolving and rapidly changing and getting smarter"

    "I always think that kind of human creativity over decades is kind of like being quite limitless. But like AI, assisted creativity is slightly restricted within the realms of what it is."

    "These things are amazing tools, photography probably when it started 150 plus years ago was viewed as a sort of some terrible thing compared to painting. It's not art."

    "I hope people vote human rather than AI."




    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this episode, I talk to theatre director, puppet whisperer, author and Artistic Director of Theatre-Rites, Sue Buckmaster. Sue is often asked to speak about the high profile projects that she's working on but in this fascinating conversation we talk about all the things that have formed her, from her extraordinary family background, to her deep desire to better herself and the debilitating illness that changed the course of her career. Sue also shares what she thinks are the ingredients that make a good puppeteer, the place of politics in children's theatre and why we as humans respond so emotionally to puppets. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Puppetry is a powerful art form that allows audiences to project their emotions onto objects, creating a deep connection and cathartic experience. Children's theatre is often undervalued but provides a unique opportunity to engage young minds, sparking their imagination and encouraging them to question the world around them. Embracing your personal struggles, such as illness or lack of education, can lead to a more profound understanding of yourself and ultimately enrich your artistic practice. The rehearsal process is a crucial part of creating theatre, allowing for experimentation, failure, and growth, which ultimately leads to a more authentic and impactful final product. Access to the arts, both for audiences and practitioners, is essential for fostering a more inclusive and understanding society. Spirituality, magic, and the feminine power are important elements in Sue's work, allowing her to explore deeper themes and connect with audiences on a more profound level. Process is often more important than the final product in theatre, as it allows for personal and artistic growth, as well as the development of meaningful relationships. Politics in children's theatre is about allowing young people to practice being political beings, questioning the world around them and forming their own opinions.


    "I didn't have any energy. What energised me, what could I watch or do that made me feel like I had some? And then I gradually got some, and what did that really feel like?"

    "Children's theatre is young people practising to be political beings. They haven't decided yet. That's why I quite like hanging out with them."

    "It's human nature to connect. And, you know, it's important that we think of the earth as, and nature as this object, that this, this exchange of energy that it holds up."

    "I can proudly own many parts of myself. Um, but thankfully to women now who are doing what they're doing now, I love women now and artists now. I'm so grateful to them, and I would do anything to imbue them more with more power, um, for the good, for the good."

    "Rehearsals are just the tipping moment when you're sorting it out. It's like rehearsal. I think people tend to go, oh, it takes four weeks to make that show. And that's the wrong thing. So that's why I like to talk more about process, process as product."


    Dr Sue Buckmaster is the Artistic Director of Theatre-Rites, a puppetry expert and the fifth generation of theatre practitioners in her family. Since 1996 she has directed over 30 site-specific and theatre productions for Theatre-Rites including: the award-winning Mischief, a co-production with Sadler’s Wells and the Dance Touring Partnership and The Welcoming Party  a co-production with Manchester International Festival and the Ruhrtriennale Festival. In 2023 Sue directed an adapted version of Zoe’s Peculiar Journey Through Time (originally a co-production with Burgtheater Vienna); created Something In The Air, a co-production with Schauspeilhaus Bochum, and in 2024 she directed Journey of a Refugee for Croydon Borough of Culture (an adaptation of The Welcoming Party).   

    In 2021, with Dr Liam Jarvis, she co-authored the book Theatre-Rites Animating Puppets, Objects and Sites.

    Theatre-Rites: Animating Puppets, Objects & Sites by Liam Jarvis


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this episode, I talk once again to undercover artist Sharon Bennett about her upcoming art show 'Tribe'. Alongside fellow artist Jamie Ashman, Sharon promises an odyssey of fashion, music and dance culture. In this episode we look at how the emergence of fashion tribes have historically always been as a response to socioeconomic upheaval - heralding phases of youth rebellion. We discuss the re-invention of fashion and explore the links between different tribes like Punk and Hip Hop. Sharon also reveals the surprising origins of Mod and Skinhead subcultures. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Fashion tribes have historically emerged as a response to socio-economic upheaval, heralding phases of youth rebellion Sharon and Jamie are artists who share similar themes in their work which led to the collaboration on their upcoming art show 'Tribe'Jamie is a fashion graduate from Central Saint Martins but chose to pursue art, and predominantly works with acrylic on paper and canvas. Sharon's work reflects skinhead culture and juxtaposes a colourful and girly style with dark undertones The 'Tribe' exhibition party encourages attendees to celebrate the impact of musical subcultures by adopting the style of their favourite musical 'tribe'


    "I think there's definitely elements of the mods, that's statement by style."

    "Skinheads were very much influenced in the sixties by Jamaican Caribbean immigrants. And they, they took on the music and the fashion and it was all very inclusive of race."

    "Punk was obviously an uprising against the government at the time."

    "Hip hop was very inclusive of all races and it was considered if you could sing, you were artistic, you could dance, then you were, you were involved."

    "Your tribe is something that identifies you and you always gonna have a bit of it in your life."

    "We love the idea of them being part of the exhibition."

    "It's kind of to take everyone back, to get them back into their tribe mentality and also, you know, appreciate the other tribes."


    A Cambridgeshire based self-taught artist, Sharon Bennett is passionate about art that is vibrant and striking. Using a range of medium and techniques, Sharon has an artistic style that is deceptively light and playful with darker undertones and references. Sharon is inspired by pop culture, religion, fashion and passion and has exhibited in London and Cambridgeshire.

    During 2020, her painting of a baby crow (Trevor), was chosen to be part of Grayson Perry’s Art Club – and subsequently exhibited at the Manchester Art Gallery alongside many high-profile artists: Grayson's Art Club - Manchester Art Gallery

    In 2022 Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer. As part of her healing she created a lot of art and collaborated with other artists to make images for clothes that were inspired by her cancer journey. This resulted in Sharon organising a fashion show which raised ÂŁ12k for the charity 'Something To Look Forward To

    Alongside her cancer artworks, Sharon collaborates with another fashion artist called Jamie Ashman and in December 2023 they created an art exhibition in London based on the Studio 54 disco aesthetic. In May 2024 they are holding a show called ‘Tribe’ which will explore fashion tribes, identity and youth subcultures.

    Socials & Contact


    Jamie Ashman

    Instagram: jamie_ashman

    Website is www.jamieashman.com


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this week's episode, I'm joined again by award winning therapist and speaker Sally Baker as we talk about her brilliant new book 'The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out'.

    Sally uses the story of her own childhood trauma as the foundation for the book, to help illustrate that you can emerge from years of self sabotaging behaviour to live a fulfilling and trauma free life. We discuss parenting, and how and where resilience is created, the misconceptions about our perception of resilience and Sally reveals several techniques to beat the BS thoughts that come from that hypercritical voice we have in our heads. We also examine the growing connection between social media and social anxiety and how the white noise of the world is blocking out the space for self reflection. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.

    Sally Baker’s book, The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out is published on May 9th 2024.

    Pre-publication price guarantee gives a 24% cover-price reduction if you sign up now.

    The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out


    Resilience is created, formulated, and either undermined or strengthened within the crucible of the family. The judgments we make about ourselves based on events that happened to us can be far more damaging than the events themselves. Resilience is not innate; it is learned only in families that care for us in the way we need. The voice in your head that gives a running commentary on everything you say and do can be hypercritical or an inner cheerleader, depending on your upbringing. Recognising and interrupting the negative voice in your head is crucial for building resilience. Social media contributes to the growing connection between social anxiety and the white noise of the world blocking out space for self-reflection. Solid human connection that isn't toxic protects our mental health and is the gold standard we all need more of.


    "It's not enough just to have skin in the game and say, oh yeah, you know, I've got lived experience. It's valuable if you have lived experience that you resolved and come out the other side of."

    "Another layer of separation when really you just need to or want to sit down and speak with another fellow human."

    "So it's human connection that saves us, that builds, that protects our mental health, but solid, you know, human connection that isn't toxic, human connection that listens to us and gives us a chance to speak."

    "The bedrock of good, sound mental health is human connection."

    "If you are already anxious about yourself or feeling a bit down about yourself, but you've got this toxic drip drip thing, you'll never amount to anything, you'll always be rubbish, look what you've done, you know, it's all your fault, then it doesn't take much to tip you over into heightened anxiety and more overwhelm."

    "It's called breaking state. And it means you can't just sit there and listening to this voice in your head, put you down."

    "Elevate. This is about elevating us instead of punching down on us."



    Sally is a highly experienced licensed and accredited therapist, writer and speaker. She sees adults and young people face to face in London and worldwide via Zoom. She is trained to an advanced or master practitioner level in many of the latest therapeutic approaches all of which work rapidly and powerfully to resolve a wide range of presenting issues.

    Sally has written books on key aspects of therapy published by Hammersmith Books, London. Through her therapy work she is often in demand for her expert opinion on human behaviour and is frequently quoted in the international press, magazines, BBC Radio and influential on-line media platforms. She is regularly invited to comment on human behaviour and relationships insights in the national press and on television referencing Love Island and high-profile professionals including Harry & Meghan, the Beckham’s and Katie Price.

    Socials & Contact


    [email protected]


    Online Dating course as featured by GQ

    Twitter: @Sally_Therapist

    FB: Working on the Body


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this week's episode, I talk to multidisciplinary artist, digital innovator and creator of pioneering 'Looty Art' the brilliant Chidi Nwaubani. In this illuminating and inspiring conversation, Chidi recounts the inception of Looty, and how he devised an extraordinary plan to successfully 'steal back' the Benin Bronzes from the British Museum in a daring heist. We look at the traumatic history how of many artefacts were stolen, and how not only their meaning and significance are altered once they are displaced, but how the culture they came from is forever changed. We also look forward to how future generations are in the position to be able to rewrite historical narratives and reclaim their cultural heritage through art and technology. Please join me as we look at life through a truly fascinating lens.


    90-95% of African cultural heritage is held outside of Africa, with the British Museum possessing the most stolen artefacts, including the Benin Bronzes. Nwaubani initiated the Looty project to digitally repatriate stolen artefacts, starting with a daring heist at the British Museum to 3D scan the Benin Bronzes. The digital versions of the artefacts are tokenised as NFTs, with 20% of sales going into a fund to support artists in Nigeria, addressing both repatriation and reparations. Artefacts lose their original context and meaning when displaced from their native cultures, becoming mere objects in museums rather than spiritually significant pieces. Museums often present a limited, Eurocentric narrative of artefacts, failing to acknowledge the full history and cultural importance of the pieces. Nwaubani's work with the Rosetta Stone, or Hajar Rashid, involved digitally repatriating the artefact to its original location in Rashid, Egypt, and rebuilding the complete stone digitally. The younger generation, particularly in Africa, has the opportunity to rewrite historical narratives and reclaim their cultural heritage through art and technology.


    "Imagine somebody robbed you and then the next day they create a law saying anything that was robbed on, you know, anything that, that has been robbed prior to this day is now basically it's legal and it's ours."

    "It's not just about repatriation. It's also about reparations."

    "The museum is a place of imprisonment, actually. And it's a place of projecting a particular narrative."

    "It begins with a heroic act. And it's almost a way of rewriting that story again."

    "That's all essentially that we're trying to do is to change the way people look at this and view this."

    "Vision is an act of interpretation and it's affecting people's way that they're interpreting things."



    Chidi Nwaubani, the founder of Looty, is a visionary designer, artist and tech practitioner. His contributions have been recognised at the Venice Biennale Architecture 2023 and featured in BBC News, Reuters, and The New York Times, among other publications. As a member of Snapchat’s Lens Creator Network, Chidi experiments with XR/AR, sculpture and installations to redefine digital arts. Looty’s genesis reflects Chidi’s vision to empower artists and reimagine ideas of memorialising history and culture. Chidi is a member of the African Futures Institute’s “Pinpoint,” an archive of the top 100+ innovative African and African diaspora practitioners created by Lesley Lokko . His insights contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the role of art, technology, and culture.

    Socials & Contact

    Twitter @mr_chids

    Instagram @chidi.co




    Chidi Nwaubani

    Founder & Lead Creative



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this episode, I talk to undercover artist and cancer survivor Sharon Bennett. Sharon shares unusual and enlightening revelations around the chemotherapy and cancer treatment she underwent, from a wild non-stop stream of ideas, a side effect of the steroids she was taking, to the unexpected employment discrimination she faced, and the effect of PTSD after her all-clear diagnosis. And Sharon also reveals, how she channelled her creativity to smash the perceptions about how cancer sufferers should look and behave by using her condition to allow herself to embrace her fashion and artistic alter egos and provide inspiration for others to do the same. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Sharon has used art to process her battle with cancer, she has used her art to campaign and shift people’s perceptions around illness. Some people didn’t react to Sharon’s cancer in the way she expected. They distanced themselves and Sharon now thinks this is because of fear and being around her made the ‘threat’ of cancer too real. Starting an Instagram account to tell her story and share her journey, gave Sharon the platform to challenge perceptions and educate people on the realities of a cancer diagnosis. A shockingly common experience amongst those with cancer is that their employers aren’t supportive and, in some cases, they have been dismissed from their jobs. Employers need to look at the policies they have in place and if these work in reality. An unexpected side effect of having cancer has been Sharon’s willingness to experiment with how she looks. She has a lot more fun with her hair, make-up and the clothes she wears. After having success with charity t-shirts, Sharon is now focusing on creating work with other artists with army surplus clothing, the aim is to run a fashion show and reveal the synergy between the battlefield and battling cancer. Finishing treatment isn’t the end of any cancer journey. The fact you had cancer is something you continue to deal with every day. Sharon is currently undergoing treatment for PTSD caused by her cancer diagnosis.


    “Some people became a bit distant and I think that’s because they were frightened to talk to me”

    “These companies had things in place for dealing with cancer but they aren’t very good”

    “Work is something that anchors you to some form of normality”

    “If these people knew what I’d gone through and how strong I am and how resilient I have had to be, they would hire me”

    “We’re going to promote the beauty of this battle women have to go through”

    “If you’ve got cancer you don’t have to be ill, we only see people with really sick cancer”

    “There’s still a lot of shame around illness
it’s fuc*ed up”

    “The mental battle is something you still have”



    A Cambridgeshire based self-taught artist, Sharon Bennett is passionate about art that is vibrant and striking. Using a range of medium and techniques, Sharon has an artistic style that is deceptively light and playful with darker undertones and references. Sharon is inspired by pop culture, religion, fashion and passion and has exhibited in London and Cambridgeshire.

    In 2022 Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer. As part of her healing, she created a lot of art and collaborated with other artists to make images for clothes that were inspired by her cancer journey.

    Alongside her cancer artworks, Sharon collaborates with another fashion artist called Jamie Ashman and in December 2023 they created an art exhibition in London based on the Studio 54 disco aesthetic. In May they are holding a show called ‘Tribe’ which will explore fashion tribes, identity and youth subcultures.

    Charity: 'Something To Look Forward To: home

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    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In this episode, I talk to healer Amy O'Day about 'Compassionate Self Healing'. Having suffered from autoimmune illnesses for decades Amy explains the way she finally cured herself of these seemingly incurable conditions. We discuss the critical importance of being allowed to express anger and emotion, how trans-generational trauma can create illness and why when we're triggered our inner 3 year old will often turn up to wanting to drive the truck. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Autoimmune conditions and chronic illnesses are rooted in stored emotions, and the specific condition can be a signpost to the type of emotion that needs to be released. Suppressing emotions, especially anger, from childhood can lead to a build-up of rage that manifests as physical symptoms later in life. Remission is not the same as healing; true healing allows you to live life fully without the need for strict protocols or limitations. Compassionate self-healing involves collaborating with the practitioner to identify and release emotional threads, reclaim power, and update wounded parts of the self. Healing requires readiness and a willingness to let go of the identity attached to the illness, which can be challenging but ultimately liberating. Transgenerational trauma can contribute to chronic illness, and healing oneself can positively impact future generations. The belief meditation available on Amy’s YouTube channel can help release emotional threads and accelerate the healing process.


    "There isn't one part of you that tells the story. There are multiple parts of you."

    "Remission is not switching off your illness... When you actually switch off your illness, you don't need anything anymore."

    "It takes courage to actually, to choose to be well."

    "I have yet to get to a thread and not be able to get to, you know, what the memories are, even with people that have completely blanked out their childhood."

    "There is hope and I think that's really important just to give people hope, you know, that they can actually get in the driving seat with you as the instructor and they can, you know, and they can drive towards health."



    Amy developed her own modality, Compassionate Self-Healing, after decades or personal research as a result of a lifetime of chronic illness. Imbalances for her, started as a small child, and the chronic illnesses piled on, gathering momentum with every decade.

    Eventually at 35, six months after the birth of her twin boys, her body gave way, culminating in several autoimmune conditions, complete burnout, and an inability to function. From there, she started the deep-dive into the research, working on everything from the microbiome and what the medical establishment could offer, nutrition, alternative therapies, energetic techniques, and researching trauma-release modalities.

    After even more illness ensued, she finally unlocked the key to her own individualised healing process by getting the exact answers she needed to what was at the root of her imbalances and switched off all of her autoimmune conditions and chronic illness.

    From there, she closed her successful design business of 22 years in order to pursue this work, and her professional practice began, realising the same phenomenal success in others that she had in herself.

    With a closed 2-year waiting list, she is now offering a teacher-training practice in order to spread the reach and message of the work, and offers different generalised techniques and healing meditations on TikTok and YouTube to help those beginning their work.

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