Welcome to Series 2 of The PINN Podcast!
Excited to get the second series underway with a conversation with 3 experienced practitioners and editors of The Applied Sport and Exercise Practitioner that was released earlier this summer in July 2023.
Andy Borrie has worked in elite sport and higher education for 30 years; developing world class performance programmes in the 90's and early 00's, and was Head of High Performance for Loughborough University previously, leading their talent ID programmes and managing relationships with National Governing Bodies. As well as his work at The University of Derby, Andy runs his own consultancy supporting the development of professional practice; part of the reason he wanted to be involved in the pulling together of this wonderful text.
Charlotte Chandler is currently at The University of Derby, where Charlotte lectures and conducts research in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Charlottes main responsibility is to support Post Graduate students, including their progress and development in their success in applied practice.
Paula Watson has been a guest on The PINN Podcast in the first series, Episode 8, go and check that episode out if you haven't already! Paula is an Exercise Psychologist with a special interest in health behaviour change. Paula has over 18 years experience in the field, having conducted several years in Higher Education at Liverpool John Moores University, conducting research in the field. Paula's passion is supporting and developing people's softer skills, that aren't on the curriculum within Higher Education. Paula's research has helped develop interventions to support and train health and exercise practitioners, fostering motivation in others.
Paula is now in full time practice as an applied exercise Psychologist running her own consultancy - www.madeuptomove.co.uk
PINN Podcast listeners can benefit from a 20% discount from Routledge if they order The Applied Sport and Exercise Practitioner from their website: https://www.routledge.com/The-Applied-Sport-and-Exercise-Practitioner/Borrie-Chandler-Hooton-Miles-Watson/p/book/9781032268170?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpc-oBhCGARIsAH6ote_SNCvjlQOqWp6NGVJnXSv2jqovRewERVnhvc89W02bznSKmkd_798aAirDEALw_wcB
Use code: AFL03 at the checkout to get 20% off!Support the show
In this episode I am joined by Anne-Marie Mulholland, currently supporting both the men and women 7s programme with the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU). Anne-Marie and I discussed her career progress and development since graduating from the MSc at LJMU and Anne-Marie reflects on her practice within high performance sport - providing some absolute gems of advice for any practitioner. I guarantee if you are currently practicing in the field you will be nodding along to the conversation as we go, and if you are working towards the graduate register of the SENr - maybe just finishing your MSc around about now, you will take a lot from this reflective conversation.
Anne-Marie joins us for the Live Q&A Tuesday 6th June 7-7.45pm on our Instagram page ; @thepinnpodcastSupport the show
Episodi mancanti?
In this episode I am joined by current PhD student Sam McHaffie who is conducting research sponsored by The FA at Liverpool John Moores University investigating the quantification of energy expenditure within 16 - 19 year old International standard female youth players.
We discussed Sams journey to this point in his career and unpicked thoughts on his working environments and the importance of mentorship within your role as an early career nutritionist. We spoke around some of the findings from his research that identified a fear of carbohydrate amongst players, and how this research began to quantify the environment and culture that surrounded nutrition within the pathway; the theme of carbohydrate consumption and body composition analysis were themes that were highlighted as a result. Sam discusses his passion for the development of the female game and it was an absolute pleasure to discuss these topics and more around his own applied experiences.
Insta - @thepinnpodcast
Twitter - @ThePINN_Pod
Linked In - The PINN PodcastSupport the show
Meghan’s PhD research used behavioural science to understand the dietary behaviours of elite athletes to advance the professional practice of sports and exercise nutritionists. This was a great conversation for me personally, and professionally as Meghan’s research sparked my interest in behaviour change as a topic within the discipline of Performance Nutrition. In this episode we discuss Meghan’s experience of conducting a sports nutrition behavioural analysis underpinned by the COM-B model and Theoretical Domains Framework and the conflict that she felt when supporting athletes performance, health, and wellbeing within high-performance sport. We also discuss the tools that practitioners can use in their own environments and we unpack how the values of the practitioner can shape relationships with athletes and colleagues within the sport science, medicine, and coaching team.
Meghan uses her knowledge of behavioural science to provide an insight to her research and practice. We discuss why we feel behaviour change has become an integral part of our role as practitioners and signpost listeners to various resources to help support their curiosity of behavioural science.
BDA Course - Dietary behaviour change of athletes booking link
Motivational Interviewing use in Nutrition - Hugh Gilmore Podium Psychology
Motivational Interviewing Analysis - Hugh Gilmore Podium Psychology
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LjubafTwCASupport the show
Gemma is a Performance Nutritionist who runs her own consultancy – the nutrition gem, who shares great and relevant content on Instagram, so please give her a follow there for great insights and pragmatic nutrition advice! Further to her own consultancy Gemma works alongside Daniel Davey at Davey Nutrition.
Gemma is also a footballer, playing for Galway Utd in the League of Ireland and currently collaborates with a variety of sports but more recently has been supporting motor sport athletes. Gemma and I shared an incredibly insightful conversation around relationships with food, perceptions of self, challenges we have both faced from a body composition perspective and how that has shaped our view of what is important within the role of a performance nutritionist.This is a wonder-episdoe full of authenticity and genuine insights and reflections. A joy to have this episode to share with you! I hope it'll knock your socks off!
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In this episode I am joined by Private Chef extraordinaire , Rachel Muse. Rachel owns her own luxury catering company - Talk, Eat, Laugh and sister company Discreet & Delicious - www.talkeatlaugh.com
Rachel has such a passion for creating the most fabulous food for all of her clients and provides training for private chefs to place with her ever growing client base of High Net Worth (HNW) individuals all over Europe, America and Canada. Rachel is a master of the craft and works incredibly closely with Performance Nutritionists to ensure all of her elite athlete clientele are catered for - right down to the last gram of macronutrient that is required, supporting the Performance Nutritionist to ensure that adherence to the individualised strategy is no longer a barrier to success.
Rachel supports delivery where it matters most - in the athletes home and with their families. Rachel shares her insights to nutrition through the lens of a Private Performance Chef and her fabulous personality and character shines through in this conversation!
Great insights and a brilliant discussion with an allied professional in the space of Performance Nutrition.Support the show
Sarah Jenner, PhD is currently the Head of Nutrition at Bath Rugby, and is an Advanced Sports Dietician through Sports Dieticians Australia (SDA). Sarah has delivered performance nutrition through a great mix of applied practice as well as research. Sarah has worked in elite environments with The Australian Football League (AFL) as well as previously being Lead Performance Nutritionist for Munster before joining Bath Rugby as Head of Nutrition.
In this insightful and thought provoking episode Sarah and I discuss a multitude of topics that includes Sarahs PhD in dietary intakes, nutrition and factors influencing dietary behaviours and food choices and how Sarah applies the findings of her research to her day to day applied role with athletes.
We also spoke around her experiences delivering in The AFL where Sarah undertook her PhD research at The University of La Trobe in Australia. We discuss some of the differences Sarah has found working in the applied space part time to full time and some of the challenges and barriers that have come along the way in this transition from part time to full time delivery.
This conversation is full of great insights around how to pragmatically deliver nutrition within a team sport setting, Sarah and I discuss the pros and cons of some approaches to delivery and Sarah shares her insights as to what she feels gets the most 'buy in' from athletes.
A great conversation for those interested in a 'behind the scenes' look at Performance Nutrition in elite environments.
**Sarah joins us for a Live Q&A on Instagram - Thursday 6th April from 7 - 7.45pm**
Simply follow our instagram page @thepinnpodcast and join the page from 7pm to get involved in the conversation.
We look forward to seeing you there!Support the show
Paula is a HCPC registered sport and exercise practitioner psychologist who is passionate about supporting people’s relationship with physical activity.
Paula has spent 18 years working at LJMU in both applied practice as well as lecturing as a reader in Exercise and Health Psychology, Paula has departed Higher Education now to focus on other ventures including running her own private consultancy – Made Up to Move.
During this episode we discuss the differences between behaviour, cognitive and emotional change and why it’s important to distinguish between these elements when working with athletes. We looked at the ever popular COM-B model and Paula introduced the Self Determination Theory - there is no one 'right' or singular Psychological model that has ti be used in order to develop the environment that will serve as the most efficient for the athletes you support. Having an awareness of different models within Psychology and being curious about how you may apply certain elements to your practice is what is important to develop as an applied practitioner.
Paula and I spoke around the importance of how to structure conversations with athletes and address barriers, all whilst developing a relationship to be able to influence with trust.
*Paula will join us on Instagram for a Live Q&A on Tuesday 28th March from 7pm*Support the show
Daniel Davey - founder of Davey Nutrition and author of 2 performance nutrition recipe books; Eat Up Raise your Game & Eat Up The Next Level - both provide great fundamental recipes aligned to performance that have been drawn from over 10 years of elite practice with the likes of Leinster Rugby and Dublin Football, as well as growing up on a small cattle farm in Ireland.
Daniel speaks with fond reflection and shares some wonderfully personal anecdotes that show off his philosophy of nutrition practice and his desire to grow ambition alongside deeper understanding of yourself, your colleagues and the athletes you support.
Great to really unpack some of Daniels experiences and have such an experienced and insightful practitioner give a voice to his journey and sharing what he feels it takes to 'make it' (whatever that really means?!) in an elite sport environment.
Live Q&A date to be set - keep a close eye on the socials for more info!Support the show
In this discussion I was joined by Performance Dietician, James Moran. James has over a decade of experience in clinical dietetics within the NHS before undertaking an MSc at LJMU in Sport Nutrition where he has been practicing at the highest level of elite cycling.
James currently consults for Uno X Pro road cycling team based in Norway & Denmark, and has previously supported cyclists from British Cycling whilst delivering for the English Institute of Sport (EIS). As well as this James has also been involved with the delivery of nutrition support to athletes within the INEOS Grenadiers team.
We had a great discussion around James' experience and training as a Dietician and his unconventional path to arriving in elite cycling. James shares his insights of supporting cyclists through the role of a nutritionist and imparts some of his gems of practice when in the applied environment.Support the show
Renee is a Sport Dietician with over 20 years experience. We discuss some of Renees reflections of working as a Dietician and the challenges of this in applied practice. Renee spoke around her views and the differences between Sports Dietician, Dietetics and Nutrition and her current roles supporting in sensitive professional environments.
Renee will join me for an Instagram Live Q&A Wednesday1st March 7-7.45pm to answer any questions on the episode, or around nutrition / dietetics in practice. Send any questions ahead of time to [email protected] or just follow & join the Instagram page @thepinnpodcast from 7pm.Support the show
It was fantastic to hold a conversation with David Dunne and hear his passion around the subject of Performance Nutrition. We discussed some of his own observations from working in applied high performance environments for over a decade, and what lead him to looking at Sports Tech and creating a start up in Hexis with fellow founders.
Davids passion is clear and within our chat, David refers to his own frustrations and fascinations that held his curiosity to develop his own mind set and thinking. David shares some fabulous insights and I really hope you enjoy listening to this, as well as taking something from it that you can use to develop your own thinking or practice in your own high performance environments.
David joins us on an Instagram Live Q&A Tuesday 21st February 7-7.45pm to answer your questions on applied nutrition.Support the show
In this episode I'm joined by the wonderful Sharon Madigan, Scientific Lead for Paris 2024 for Team Ireland.
Sharon has a huge amount of experience, having practiced nutrition with Olympic and Paralympic athletes for 20+ years. Sharon sits on the board of the Special Interest Group for Nutrition for the SENr and helps support and develop practitioners with appropriate CPD within the BDA.
Sharon shared some fantastic insights to her practice and speaks fondly about her journey so far as an applied practitioner.
A must listen for anyone currently practicing, or on the path to becoming a Performance Nutritionist or Performance Dietician.
Sharon will join me on a Live Q&A on Tuesday 14th February 7-7.45pm. Please send any questions you have for Sharon, or myself to: [email protected]Support the show
Joe Matthews is an applied Performance Nutritionist who has supported combat athletes, as well as team sport athletes in both male and female environments working in professional women's football as well as Premiership Academy Rugby Union settings. Joe is currently working on his PhD, undertaking his research at Nottingham Trent University and has research & applied interests in metabolic health, muscle, performance nutrition, injury rehab & injury prevention.
I really enjoyed this conversation with Joe. We discussed many topics such as how you should approach the initial conversation as a nutritionist when working with a combat sport athlete, how important history taking is and how that information guides Joe's decision making around nutrition strategy. We chatted around the similarities and differences in professional environments and how your delivery will have to be versatile enough to work in multiple settings as a consultant practitioner.
Joe and I also discussed the use of skinfolds as a measure within professional sport - particularly within team environments, and how the facility (and other nuanced elements) play an important role in how you capture data, as well as how the data is used and what it is used for; a primary consideration for any practitioner.
I hope you enjoy this conversation, and if you think of any questions you'd like to ask Joe following listening to the episode you can send these to [email protected].
Joe will be joining us on Instagram for a live Q&A on Wednesday 8th February 7 - 7.45pm on The PINN Podcast Instagram page - @thepinnpodcast.
See you there!Support the show
In this episode I had a fantastic conversation with Anthony Paradis, Director of Olympic Nutrition at University South Carolina. We discussed some of the comparisons between private practice and being in a full time role, as well as explored some of the vital things to keep an eye out for as an early career Performance Nutritionist.
We discussed his insightful free resource e-book that Anthony put together, based on his reflections as an RD.
This can be found here - https://lnkd.in/gN42dYGj
I recommend this to anyone listening to the podcast as a great tool to support your own practice as a Performance Nutritionist.
Enjoy the conversation.
Episode 1 - LIVE Q&A with Anthony Paradis, Director of Olympic Sport Nutrition University of South Carolina.
Anthony will be joining me for 45 minutes to answer any questions you have on the topics in the episode, or general questions around nutrition practice.
Email questions to: [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there!
*TUESDAY 31ST JANUARY - 7pm (GMT) / 2pm (EST)*Support the show
This is a brief introduction to The PINN Podcast from the host, Jodie Hemmings-Trigg.
I discuss why The PINN Podcast has been created and how you guys as listeners can get the most out of the episodes and conversations we create!
We hope you enjoy the episodes and the format of the Live, looking forward to feedback, questions for our guests and receiving guest and topic suggestions so you can get the most out of The PINN Pod!Support the show