This week we’re joined by @sophwolf and @maudehirst ahead of the upcoming Balance Festival at the Truman Brewery. We discuss what you can expect at Balance Festival (19-21 May 2023) and how structuring your approach to medication can positively shape your outlook in such a busy
If you’d like to get VIP tickets for Balance Festival head to our website: https://www.theyoungprofessional.co.uk/upcoming-events/the-young-professional-x-balance-festival-2023/ . Discount Code: TYP10 for 10% off!
Run club and LIVE podcast, who said we can't do it all? We teamed up with the @benparkerfitness from @Runna_Coach and @allbirds to host our inaugural running club. We caught up with Ben afterwards to discuss how the brand has developed and how it can help with training.
If you want to test the Runna Coach app then use our affiliate code TYP for two weeks free!
Episodi mancanti?
In this episode Olly and Nic visited Google HQ to speak to two of the tech giant's leading lights.
Hash Syed (@hash97) is an EMEA product lead at Google, a serial entrepreneur and fitness fanatic. Our second guest, Prisha Bathia (@prisha_bathia) is an apprentice at Google, a content creator, an advocate for chronic illness and model.
Prisha describes the challanges she has overcome, having spent much of her childhood in and out of hospital, how she has built her self-confidence and overcome anxieties to get to where she is today.
Hash gives his take on hustle culture and hunger. The group have an interesting take on beating burnout.
That and LOADS more on this episode - our last of the year!
On this weeks episode we're joined by Bhushan Sethi (@BhushanSethi1) the joint global leader of PwC's People & Organisation. Bhushan is a sought after spokesperson on topics including future workforce strategies, productivity. We discuss the power of people and the workplace and how positive experiences can influence your career.
On this week’s episode we're joined by Isobel Lorna (@Isobellorna_). Isobel has gone from being the original TikTok apprentice, to founder and CEO of Digital marketing house, Voir Social. Isobel also happens to be a two time author and amassed nearly a million followers across all platforms and millions more for her clients. We learn how Isobel has approached hard decisions when making career moves and how her personality traits have lead to her on-going successes.
For those of you as intrigued as we we're about the headcam day in the life, luckily for you... we found the video. Enjoy!
Today we launch with the brilliant Lucie Allen: Lucie is the Managing Director or BARBRI Global. Lucie has over 20 years experience working across a variety of industries. We speak to Lucie about how to approach and thrives off new challenges.
The world of work has changed and there is no longer a “typical” career path for a young professional. Whether your goal is to work for one of the top companies in the world or to follow your dream of starting your own business, one thing is certain - you’re going to need to upskill to get ahead of the game.