
  • ►"Creative Careers in the Age of Technology"
    Today I'm welcoming onto the Round 2 PolyCast Eric Wallace who is The Polymathic Eric Wallace. Photographer, Big and Tall Model, Storyteller, Actor, Director, videographer, and founder of Verrocchio Studio.

    He was one of the first guests on the show, number 7 to be exact, and now he's number 141 capping off the 7th season of the show!

    In this engaging conversation, Dustin PolyInnovator and Eric Wallace explore the multifaceted nature of polymathy, discussing personal branding, the importance of adapting skills, and the impact of technology on creative careers. They delve into the significance of language learning, content creation challenges, and the role of mentorship in shaping a polymath's journey. Eric shares insights from his experiences in sports and creative fields, emphasizing the interconnectedness of various skills and the importance of networking when relocating. In this engaging conversation, Eric and Dustin explore various themes including the lessons learned from living on both coasts, the art of minimalist travel, the impact of AI and technology on creativity, the pursuit of creating a personal magnum opus, and the journey of self-reinvention. They discuss the importance of adaptability, the digital renaissance, and how personal experiences shape one's identity and creative output.

    Original Interview https://youtu.be/81EDXXtyyoM\
    Previous Conversation After https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVj0HNEIakc

    "I might be known as Mr. Reinvention."
    "I love New York. I'm a big foodie."
    "It's time for your next adventure."

    00:00 Introduction to Polymathy and Personal Branding
    02:53 Navigating Phases of Polymathy
    06:06 The Impact of Technology on Creative Careers
    09:00 Exploring New Opportunities and Skillsets
    12:03 The Importance of Language Learning
    14:59 Content Creation Challenges and Strategies
    18:02 The Role of Mentorship in Polymathy
    21:08 The Intersection of Sports and Creative Skills
    24:05 Advice on Relocating and Networking
    33:26 Coastal Living: Lessons from Both Coasts
    35:04 The Art of Minimalist Travel
    39:31 The Digital Renaissance: Embracing AI and Technology
    47:02 Creating a Magnum Opus: The Pursuit of Mastery
    53:00 Reinvention: The Journey of Self-Discovery

    Videos Repurposed with Opus Clip:

    Podcast Hosted with Transistor:

    Social Posts Automated with Nuelink:

    ►🟥Check out the website for all things POLYINNOVATOR🟥

    ► 📰BLOG:


    ► 🎙️POLYCASTS:

    polymathy, personal branding, creative careers, technology, language learning, content creation, mentorship, sports, networking, travel, minimalist, AI, technology, digital renaissance, creativity, reinvention, polymath, content creation, personal growth

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  • I'm not sure but I think this is the FIRST AI interview where it interviews the host of the show! I wanted a cool way to wrap up the season, as well as share some of my thoughts on polymathy. I figured why not test out some AI tools while I was at it. I did try NotebookLM and Elevenlabs, but their conversational AI were too slow or in the NotebookLM's case too caught up in the inputted source files.

    Maybe if I inputted a pdf prompt of being a host interview, or something like that it will work.

    Note: I did cut out pauses while it was thinking, and the few times I had to prompt it. I'll try to include notes below on how I did it, and the prompts, etc. I also used Adobe Podcast to enhance the audio, as the recording was a bit loud and needed equalization. I left in a couple prompts cause it was funny, and since this is the first time. I felt that it would be useful for other people to see how it works.

    Some Prompts:
    “I want you to interview me for my Polymath Polycast show.”

    “Can you ask me about my POLYMATH integrated operating system?”

    “I would like to finish off this podcast episode exploring the ideas of polymathy, the multidisciplinary spectrum that I created, and being multidisciplinary in general.”

    AI Summary:
    The Polymath PolyCast explores the lives of multidisciplinary individuals, celebrating their unique journeys. Today, the tables are turned as ChatGPT interviews the host to dive deeper into the show's mission, inspiration, and future direction.

    **Why the Polymath PolyCast Exists:**
    The podcast was created to showcase polymaths, highlight the beauty of being multidisciplinary, and validate those navigating such a lifestyle. Guests are selected based on their multidisciplinary qualities, often discovered through keywords like "polymath" or "multipotentialite" in their profiles.

    **Favorite Moments:**
    The recurring question, "What is a polymath to you?" reveals unique perspectives, even when answers share similarities. This moment resonates deeply, creating a sense of connection and understanding.

    **Podcast Evolution and the Mini-Series:**
    The host plans to take a break after this season, returning with a renewed focus and introducing a mini-series. Tentatively called "Triple Threat" or "Triple PolyCast," the series will feature multiple guests exploring overlapping skills and contrasting perspectives.

    **Definition of a Polymath:**
    A polymath has three or more areas of expertise and an insatiable curiosity. Polymathy is a journey, thriving in adaptation, and can be pursued either one interest at a time or by juggling multiple passions simultaneously.

    **The Polymath Integrated Operating System (PIOS):**
    Born from frustration with existing tools, PIOS is a six-layer knowledge management framework designed for polymaths and specialists alike. It emphasizes consistency and integrates personal systems like journaling, habit tracking, and content management. The system is adaptable, laying the groundwork for advanced tools like a personal AI assistant.

    **Closing Thoughts:**
    Polymathy thrives on individuality. No two polymaths are the same, even if they share mindsets or backgrounds. The spectrum of skills and experiences is what makes this journey so fascinating.

  • I've been an avid and active user of TikTok, since it was Musically. I found a home there as a creator, and it taught me how to make short form videos. I probably have over 7000 short videos under my belt at this point, and I can't believe the progress I have made since I joined.

    From the beautiful couples I've seen get hitched on there, to the people growing their business, and the overall communal vibes the whole platform has. It is going to be a tough one to lose, its been real TikTok. <3

    goodbye TikTok and this is not normally the type of content I create on this particular podcast but considering the fact that I've been on TikTok for around the same time span that this podcast has been around in general too, I figured it was worth mentioning because I started creating content to document my journey through the modular degree. That was my motivation. I saw Gary Vee talking about document over creating so I was documenting my journey with this do-it-yourself education and then

    I also was still really into Gary Vee at the time and he kept spouting off over and over and over again, go join Musically. Musically is a great video platform, right now it's all lip-singing and dancing but it's gonna be more than that, he kept saying that and every time he said something I would pay attention and I would try to watch it myself, like he said something about other platforms and I would see the change happen myself and so I knew what he was saying was right. And so I joined Musically and at the time I posted some cringey stuff like you know lip-singing and whatever kind of funny stuff I could make.

    there was this trend where people would go into the bathroom saying, this is my voice one week in Germany. This is my voice one, two, two weeks in Germany and just kind of continue on. And the punchline was like at the end of it, like some kind of funny like punchline at the end. And this happened for multiple different cultures around the world. And I made like a dozen or 14 of those videos. And I moved, I grew, I grew from like 200 followers to 900 followers in a week. And I tried copying that same strategy again, but like, I think, honestly, I didn't do it nearly as well as that first campaign.

    I tried doing it since then, like the berries and cream trend and stuff like that. And right now I just wanted to talk about my experience on TikTok, particularly as someone who's been on there for seven years now. And the fact that a lot of these OG TikTokers quote unquote started in 2020. And I joined like two years prior to that. I'm not saying I'm better than like that. I'm just saying I've seen more of the platform and I've seen so many beautiful things happen. I've seen people.

    get hitched off the platform. They meet each other and flirt and duet. And back in the day, like prior to 2020, there would be this big rise in duets when people liked each other. It's kind of like the old Facebook hooking. And some people would duet when they had a crush on somebody and then the person would duet back and then they would start dating. And then I saw them get married and it was so beautiful. I got to see Call Me Chris and Shonda's Magic and Emily King, all these great TikTokers, blow up over the course of the platform. I saw the beginnings.

    like less than 10K or even less than 8K in some of these cases. And I saw them blow up after that. I mean, call me Chris has like 15 million followers or I guess now had at the time of this recording, it's the last day. And it's like, I saw the evolution of this platform, every iteration, every wave of it. And now I'm seeing the end of it. And even if it comes back, even if it comes back, it's not going to be the same. It's just, it's just not. And we're seeing this farewell happening across the board.

    And I think it's freaking hilarious that people call it a Chinese app when in actuality, like yes, technically by dance is Chinese, but TikTok itself is not Chinese. And like, I'm not even going to get into data privacy knowledge, because Facebook is way worse when it comes to that. But when it comes to TikTok is a platform people have been able to make their living off of it and share their ideas and all of the meta trends that have happening have started on TikTok. Like Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are months, if not multiple months late.

    to the trends when it comes to the timeline of when things are popular. And so not having that meta trends mecha in a way is going to be something that's really interesting to see what happens as a content creator. And even just as a user of the platform, I mean, finding new music was kind of the biggest thing about that platform sometimes. And it sucks that we're not going to have that anymore. And I think it's hilarious how everyone moved over to red note, like literally even the UK after the US followed us.

    new chance that Canada might also ban TikTok. So Canada might end up on Red Note. And it's funny how like, okay, well, if you're going to push 170 million users, which is over half of the US population off of this platform that we all love, then we're going to go somewhere else. It's even worse because we want to be somewhere. And just a little quick note on that, the fact that everybody on Red Note has been super sweet and welcoming, like welcoming in all these quote unquote TikTok refugees. And there's been this beautiful exchange of culture.

    They're teaching us Mandarin. We're teaching them English. We're helping them out with their English homework. They're helping us out with our math homework. And I'm not making a like stereotype joke. That's literally like what people have been doing on there. And I went on there and found a whole bunch of techies and cool setups. And it's just one of those things where I was like, okay, well I'd rather, you know, stick it to the man, if you will, and go on there and see what happens. And I mean, even if, if they block it or red note separates the Chinese users from the international users, it's still funny to see.

    this trend happening where everyone moved over there just to spite because there's no way in hell a lot of these TikTokers are going to go on to reels. It's just it's just not good. It's not a good interface, not a good platform. The algorithm is complete garbage compared to TikTok's pretty ingenious algorithm. And it's just one of those things where I saw a lot of beautiful things that happened over the years and people rising up over certain things and information being spread. Obviously on any platform, misinformation can be spread.

    In comparison to like Facebook or Twitter, the misinformation on TikTok is so sparse and few and far between, versus like you can scroll one in three posts would be misinformation on Facebook. It's insane, the disparity there. And yet TikTok's the one that's getting yelled at and the folk eyes on. So it's just kind of interesting there. And the fact that TikTok popularized this vertical video ecosystem now, I don't think anything's going to replace it anytime soon. Lemonade is just not it. It's-

    basically supposed to be like an Instagram alternative. And that's actually what Red Note is too. It's an Instagram Pinterest alternative, not a TikTok alternative, but you can do TikToks on there. And so it's just interesting. I had over 700 saved audios and I deleted some of my oldest ones because I think a year ago I was like, okay, I don't need any of these. I'm not gonna do them anytime soon. And so I think my oldest audio was saved from five years ago, not even seven, but I'm currently trying to go through them all. My phone was overheating how many videos I was making.

    Because at this point, screw it, why not? And they're all saving to my phone so I can then ...

  • ►Summary: In this episode of the Polymath PolyCast, host Dustin PolyInnovator speaks with Alyssa Lee, a multifaceted artist and content creator from Singapore.

    They discuss Alyssa's journey from theater to becoming a digital influencer, the challenges of personal branding, and the importance of embracing all aspects of oneself in content creation. The conversation delves into the nuances of navigating social media algorithms, the mindset shifts required to overcome imposter syndrome, and the evolving landscape of influencing and content creation.

    In this conversation, Alyssa Lie discusses her journey as an influencer and content creator, emphasizing the evolution of her partnerships and the importance of building a personal brand. She reflects on the deeper motivations behind her work, the significance of authenticity, and the challenges of being a multidisciplinary individual.

    "Being multidisciplinary can lead to challenges in branding and perception."

    "Building a Holistic Personal Brand"

    ## Links:

    Featured In:

    Videos Repurposed with Opus Clip:

    Podcast Hosted with Transistor:

    Social Posts Automated with Nuelink:

    ►🟥Check out the website for all things POLYINNOVATOR🟥

    ► 📰BLOG:


    ► 🎙️POLYCASTS:

    Alyssa Lee, personal branding, content creation, influencer, social media, mindset, algorithms, adaptability, TikTok, Instagram, influencer, partnerships, personal brand, thought leadership, content creation, value exchange, multidisciplinary, branding, Singapore's Got Talent, music career, love, self-discovery, language, accents, content creation, personal growth

  • ►Reconnecting with Doc Williams: Five Years Later

    In this engaging conversation, Dustin PolyInnovator and Doc Williams reconnect after five years to discuss the evolution of personal branding, the impact of the pandemic on their careers, and the importance of data-driven decision-making in content creation. Doc shares insights on his journey through various roles, including teaching and program management, and emphasizes the significance of consistency and understanding market trends.

    The discussion also highlights the necessity of digital skills in modern professions and the value of intuition alongside analytics in building a successful brand. In this conversation, Dustin PolyInnovator and Doc Williams explore the multifaceted nature of branding, personal growth, and the journey of becoming a polymathic content creator.

    They discuss the importance of understanding one's goals in branding, the mental health implications of personal branding, and the value of pivoting in one's career.

    The conversation also touches on the significance of documenting one's journey, overcoming learning disabilities, and the evolving landscape of no-code tools in entrepreneurship. Ultimately, they emphasize the importance of self-expression and the unique stories everyone has to share.

    Previous Interview:

    web3 mentions:


    00:00 Reconnecting After Five Years
    03:10 Navigating Change and Reinvention
    05:57 The Evolution of Brand Factory
    11:48 Data-Driven Decision Making
    14:47 The Importance of Consistency in Content Creation
    18:01 Trends Reports and Market Insights
    22:10 Building a Personal Brand
    25:55 The Role of Digital Skills in Modern Professions
    36:37 Audience Insights and Brand Scaling
    37:11 The Evolution of Branding
    38:53 Goals and Mental Health in Branding
    40:44 The Importance of Pivoting
    42:12 Personal Branding and Identity
    43:34 Overcoming Learning Disabilities
    46:31 The Value of Autodidactic Learning
    48:13 Building a Polymathic Personal Brand
    58:20 Becoming a Modern Jack of All Trades
    01:02:41 No-Code vs. Entrepreneurship
    01:07:00 Future Goals and Financial Freedom

    Videos Repurposed with Opus Clip:

    Podcast Hosted with Transistor:

    Social Posts Automated with Nuelink:

    ►🟥Check out the website for all things POLYINNOVATOR🟥

    ► 📰BLOG:


    ► 🎙️POLYCASTS:

    Doc Williams, branding, entrepreneurship, content creation, no code, automation, trends report, personal brand, digital skills, data-driven decision making, branding, personal brand, polymath, entrepreneurship, no-code, content creation, mental health, audience engagement, learning disabilities, financial freedom

  • Key Points:

    Purpose of the Content Blitz: The blitz was initiated to address a large backlog of content and regain control over creative projects. The speaker felt overwhelmed by years of unfinished tasks and decided to tackle them in a concentrated effort rather than spreading them out over time.Structure and Sprints:A "sprint" refers to a short, intense period of work focused on specific, measurable goals. The blitz involves multiple overlapping sprints.Examples of sprints include:Spotify Sprint: Adding clips and long-form videos for nearly 200 interviews on Spotify's new beta feature.Blog Post Sprint: Writing over 100 blog posts, including repurposing older content and ideas into full-length posts.Polymath Newsletter Sprint: Creating a year's worth of newsletter drafts in advance to maintain consistency.Social Media Clips Sprint: Posting curated clips from interviews on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.Polycast Sprint: Completing the seventh season of the podcast within a year while maintaining quality.Challenges Encountered:Balancing the blitz with other commitments like a new retail job and seasonal affective disorder.The tedious nature of some tasks, such as redoing videos or managing different social media platforms.Stress from inconsistent past performance, particularly with newsletters in 2024.Philosophy Behind the Blitz:The speaker emphasizes thinking "bigger" by combining multiple sprints into one larger blitz. This approach allows for greater productivity even if some individual sprints fall short.They advocate for changing how people approach overwhelming workloads by focusing on concentrated efforts rather than spreading tasks thinly over time.

    The speaker concludes by encouraging others to adopt a similar mindset for tackling large projects, highlighting the value of thinking strategically and ambitiously to achieve more significant results.



    Doing a content blitz. That's what I wanted to talk about today because I have been doing this content blitz since December. And ideally I would have gotten done in December, but I think due to just getting a new retail job for extra income, it distracted me a little bit. And the seasonal effect of disorder also impacted me quite heavily during this past like month or so. And so I wanted to talk about what the content blitz is, why I'm doing it, and what does it kind of entail on the micro scale. So content sprint, if you will.

    is something, it was like a project that you're going to do a whole bunch of little tasks in this sprint. And so you might do a sprint within a week, think of like a Kanban board or project management kind of sprint. And so there's a whole bunch of measurable goals you can do. So for example, my first sprint for this Blitz was doing Spotify. And so Spotify came out with this beta feature for doing clips for interviews. I have nearly 200 interviews at this point, and I wanted to add a clip for each interview or 99% of them, at least.

    And then I also realized that I can't just do short form video on there. I should be posting the long form video too. And so I went on there and added a long form interview to it as well, which is something that was very tedious and took a long time, a little bit longer than I expected actually than I think about it. And so I think that also impacted the blitz because I ended up having to redo a lot of videos over and over again. So this content blitz came out about, because I wanted to catch up to where I think I need to be when it comes to content, there's a lot of.

    big, huge pool of content in my backlog that I needed to get done. And I felt that the best way to do it was to just burn through it and get it done as soon as possible. And so there's multiple sprints within this blitz. That's the whole idea of the blitz is that it's not just a sprint. It's not just one thing that I need to do. It's multiple things that I needed to do in a short time span, because I feel overwhelmed by it and so I figured let's just tackle it all at once rather than trying to spread it out over time. Cause I've done the whole sprint out over time and it's been lasting for the last four years, five years.

    And so this all originated back from the Omni content series way back when, which I've talked about on this podcast years ago. So the content blitz entailed a handful of different sprints. I'll go over some of them. The Spotify one was one of them. Another sprint that I haven't really worked on. I've only been working on the other half, but basically half of blitz was going to be this one sprint and have to run a hundred or so blog posts. And that's what's really been stressing me out ironically, but there's other things in this blitz that I think are more time sensitive, like the Spotify thing.

    And I wanted to get that first move or advantage with that. The next sprint. So there's Spotify sprints. There's the hundred blog posts sprint. Actually, it's a little bit more than a hundred, but it's about a hundred that I need to get done. And then I had the polymath newsletter sprint. And essentially what that entails is over the first year and a half or two years of me doing the polymath newsletter, I was very consistent as well as my other couple of newsletters too. And so I was doing all three newsletters consistently, like every week. Made me slight delays here and there, but I got them done.

    And then over the last year in 2024, I did not get the newsletters done. In fact, I think I only really wrote newsletters half of the year. And it wasn't a consistent half. It was just like spread out. And so it was really bad. And it made me really upset that like I failed my audience that badly. And so I was like, okay, the only newsletter I'm really working on right now is the polymath one and the polytools one and the polytools one can wait a little bit because I got to revamp how I do it anyways, and that's okay. And so what the.

    Idea was I need to finish the polymath newsletter or not finish, but finish with working on it. I thought let's just do the whole year's worth of posts ahead of time. And so I have about 35 drafts on my site that are related to these videos. And I wanted to write about that are polymathic related. And then I have about 83 ideas in my folder on my obsidian vault. And so I have at least 52 ideas right there that I can do for this first year. I might, maybe I'll even continue into next year and just have like a year and a half's worth ahead of time.

    And that way I do not have to worry about being consistent anymore when it comes to that series. And so that was the idea behind that. The next sprint is actually posting clips. So LinkedIn is a little bit weird because there's the professional page and the personal page. And so people who connected with me on LinkedIn, they may already not care about my shows. And so I do want to post my clips on there for those who do care, but I don't want to post the same amount of clips that I did on other platforms. Cause I was pretty eccentric and doing like 10 a day. So I'm going to try to go in and try to find the best three.

    clips for each interview and just post those. And I think that would be a great idea to really get people's attention without overwhelming them. I just post maybe one to three a day and just schedule it out really far ahead. But then the professional page is a bit different since professional page...

  • Check it out! https://polyinnovator.space/tag/newsletter/

    Did you know that I have a Polymathy newsletter where I talk about different aspects of the world of polymaths and just having the life of polymaths? It's called the Journey to Polymath. While the name has changed a little bit over the years, the Journey to Polymathy being kind of the former one, I wanted to talk and create content around the topic of polymathy. So I changed the niche for Polyinnovator this year.

    to be knowledge management for polymath because I was talking about polymathy and knowledge management as like two separate things when in reality it was like a DNA strand very close together. However, I still wanted to have a separate series purely for the polymathy and this is where that newsletter comes in. I'm looking at about 78 posts at this point. I actually had two tags on my website, one for kind of like polymathy and one for the newsletter and I realized I needed to just send them together.

    posts that I've made. And I also wanted to talk about the future of the newsletter and the importance of it. And so this is kind of like an update of the Polyamorous Web site, just so you know too. That's what this is about. Because I had around three newsletters on this site for a long time. I had my swimming newsletter, which I have since depreciated, at least for now. And then I had the polymorphic newsletter, of course. And I had the content repurposing newsletter, or just being a content creator, which has moved now to the new website. And so now I went from having three to just one.

    which overly simplifies it, which is great. That way when you go on the site and you sign up, you're only signing up for that one newsletter, which I think helps simplify the process for a lot of people who might be interested. Because if you're listening to the Polymath Polycast, I presume to some degree you're interested in this multidisciplinary life. So part of the point of this was to have the SEO aspect of Polymathy being like my main niche. I wanted to bring people in based on different topics. And so one thing I'm doing right now, actually going forward, is about one every other week or so.

    I'm going to be doing a post related to a video that I found on this kind of topic. So one of the more recent ones was how to manage multiple hobbies. Considering that's a very impactful idea towards people who are polymathic and multidisciplinary, I wanted to help, you know, guide and add my own two cents based on this topic from this video that someone else had made. And that way more people could check out that cool video and creator. The next one is an open letter to multidisciplinary where I wanted to just, I wanted to people realize that like, hey,

    It's okay to be multidisciplinary, here's a various amount of terms you can use to describe yourself and this is kind of like my opening statement to people. And then the other thing is like this polycast show. Right now I'm doing a solo cast but the other half of it is interviews and a lot of people think you have to be a polymath to come on the show but you don't have to. So I made a post on this newsletter talking about that where if you're polymathic and you think that you fit the bill then reach out to me and we can have you on the show. And then again managing multiple interests.

    One post that I thought was really interesting because a lot of people don't talk about it, if you live long enough, you'll become a polymath because generally speaking, your hobbies become careers, your careers become hobbies, and this overall you end up having multiple disciplines over the course of your life. And there's a couple other response posts like there was a r slash polymath on Reddit where I wanted to kind of talk about like the importance of that subreddit. Another one is the Hello Generalist website, and they have a manifesto for generalists. And I wanted to talk about that.

    And then I wanted to talk about being a content creator, a polymath content creator, so there's a few posts around that. Some other posts I think would be really interesting for a lot of you is time blocking for polymaths or macro focus for polymaths, micro focus from polymaths. And so there's a lot of these different posts that are SEO focused, like a life OS for polymaths, where I wanted to get people who were looking for a life OS to see that, but really in reality, this helps people in general who are in this polymathy world.

    And so there's a lot of different posts. I'm only halfway through scrolling through this, looking at this, but like defining polymathy uncategorized, which is like a new way of thinking. Like we don't need to be in boxes anymore. And then part of actually what started this newsletter was this idea of leveling up to polymath, hence the journey aspect. And so I had this idea of the multidisciplinary spectrum, which I need to make a new post about actually here soon. And the idea of leveling up on that spectrum to polymathy. So I have a lot of posts talking about leveling up.

    Specialist or generalist or renaissance people to polymathy. That's just how that was an interesting idea. So there's a number of posts with that kind of format and like jack-of-all-trades, for example. The other thing that I think is really interesting is two paths to becoming a polymath. One being juggling and one being serialized. And so this two pathway approach, I think that people interleave them a lot more than people realize, but there's also this matter of fact of like, hey, at some point you might actually be doing one or the other and you might need to focus on that a bit more.

    I also wanted to talk about this internet renaissance, digital renaissance. So there's posts like that. There's the idea of essentially at the century of the specialist. And now we're going to be going into the century of the generalist is a future post I'm going to be making. And I have so many ideas, folks, for this show. I'm not sure what newsletter and I'm making a lot of mistakes today, but I'm just going off the cuff because the idea behind a lot of these posts I'm so excited about and so like the Da Vinci principle, think like a polymath.

    There's a lot of amazing posts in this newsletter that no one's really reading enough of. And so there's actually one about Miyamoto Mushashi, who is a lone samurai, who is a very prime example of a polymath that a lot of people just didn't know about. And this is actually one of my PolyPro posts, so it is a specialized post that people can read, but the idea was talking about this really interesting person. And so most of the posts are actually going to be free, but there are a couple...

    99% of the posts would be free but there are a couple paid posts. And so I wanted to give people a warning about that because if you are part of the Polypro you can read them but otherwise. I think there's only like 3 on this list that are actually paid. The rest of them are all free. And even talking about really unique characters like Avatar Aang from The Last Airbender. He is a polymath because he had to master 4 elements in a young age. That's 4 different specialties right there. And then just definitions, talking about Ada Lovelace. I'm just going through the whole list here.

    and I have around 80 already made. I have around 80 ideas in my obsidian vault that I'm looking at and then I have about 25 ideas that are related to videos that I found on these topics that I wanted to reply to. So I have over a hundred future ideas for this series and I'm so excited to share them all with you. So please go check out the Journey to Polymath newsletter.

  • ►This time we are talking with Leonardo "The Space Pianist" Barilaro who is a pianist, PhD, Space Music Composer, aerospace engineer, martial artist, Senior Lecturer, Italian Polymath, and he will play the first piano concert on Mars!

    We delve into what it MEANS to be a #Polymath and how he plans to get to Space to play on Mars one day!


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    ► 🎙️POLYCASTS:

  • The Evolution and Future of Media

    The story of media is one of constant evolution, reflecting the ways humanity communicates, consumes, and creates. From the early days of radio to the ever-changing landscape of digital content, the trajectory of media provides a fascinating lens through which to view technological progress and societal shifts. Let’s dive into how media has transformed and explore what lies ahead.

    The Ever-Present Screen

    Take a moment to notice how screens dominate our daily lives. Whether it’s the monitor in front of you, the smartphone by your side, or the TV in the living room, screens are omnipresent. We live in an era where rectangular boxes demand our attention almost every waking moment. However, this paradigm is beginning to shift. Technologies like Apple’s Vision Pro headset and Meta’s Quest are redefining how we interact with displays.

    The future points to a world where screens are no longer confined to rectangles. Imagine immersive, customizable interfaces that occupy your entire field of view, tailored to your preferences. This shift will redefine not only how we consume media but also how we perceive reality itself.

    Changing Operating Systems and Interactions
    Our interaction with technology is evolving at a fundamental level. Traditional operating systems like Windows and Android are being outpaced by more intuitive platforms. For instance, Google’s Fuchsia OS and the emerging AI-driven systems like Google Gemini aim to create seamless user experiences. These systems adapt to user habits and preferences, sometimes even anticipating needs before they arise.

    The idea of interacting with technology through neural inputs or simple spoken commands feels closer than ever. As computing systems become less visible and more integrated into our lives, the implications for content creation and consumption are profound.

    The Democratization of Content Creation

    Media creation has moved from the hands of the few to the many. What began with blogs and independent websites has expanded into podcasts, YouTube channels, and TikTok accounts. Today, anyone with an internet connection can become a creator, sharing their voice with the world. Platforms like Nebula and Floatplane cater to niche audiences, providing creators with tools to monetize their work while maintaining creative control.

    This democratization isn’t just about creators. Consumers now have unprecedented control over how they engage with media. Gone are the days of being beholden to TV schedules or radio time slots. Streaming services, on-demand podcasts, and personalized algorithms have given audiences the power to curate their own experiences.

    The Future of Content Formats
    From radio to podcasts, we see a recurring pattern: old formats adapt or give way to new ones. Radio stations gave rise to Spotify playlists and podcasts, while traditional TV is being replaced by streaming services. Even within streaming, the model is evolving. As Netflix and other giants face challenges like rising costs and audience fatigue, we may see a return to smaller, creator-focused platforms.

    In the future, we might each have our own “Netflix”—personalized platforms tailored to our preferences. Alternatively, decentralized platforms like Odyssey could gain traction, offering creators a way to bypass corporate gatekeepers entirely.

    The Evolution of Social Media

    Social media has undergone its own dramatic shifts. Platforms like Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse redefined live audio interactions, while TikTok’s short-form videos captured global attention. Meanwhile, live-streaming platforms like Twitch are losing ground to competitors, and even YouTube—once the undisputed king of video content—faces criticism for its increasingly cumbersome interface and policies.

    The decentralization of content might be the next big wave. As traditional platforms struggle to adapt, creators and audiences alike are exploring alternatives. This shift could pave the way for a more equitable media landscape where niche communities thrive.

    Everyone Becomes a Creator

    Perhaps the most significant trend is the growing participation in content creation by everyday people. It’s not just influencers and professionals anymore. Parents sharing recipes, hobbyists documenting their crafts, and individuals exploring personal interests are all part of this wave. Content creation is no longer confined to career paths; it’s an extension of self-expression.

    As technology becomes more accessible and intuitive, we’ll see even more people entering the fray. The line between creators and consumers will blur further, fostering a media ecosystem that is as diverse as it is dynamic.

    Final Thoughts

    Media’s evolution reflects our own—our needs, aspirations, and the technologies we create to bridge the two. As screens dissolve into immersive interfaces, operating systems become nearly invisible, and content becomes ever more democratized, the future of media is a canvas for innovation.

    The question isn’t just what media will look like in the future. It’s how we—as creators, consumers, and participants—will shape that future. The possibilities are endless, and the journey is just beginning.

  • Okay I am ASTOUNDED at how accurate and on point this is. Full disclosure this particular PolyCast episode was generated with AI. Specifically Google's new NotebookLM tool (recently updated). I was hesitant to use it much, as I only wanted feed it information based on my work or my niche in particular.

    This dialogue between these two hosts talk about my website, the various topic categories, and most importantly of all: they have a great understanding of what the PIOS is.

    Now they do somewhat mispronounce "Polymathy" or the "P.I.O.S.", but maybe I'll start calling it "PI" "OS" from now on haha. Also they said the "I" stands for "Integrated" but it actually is "Innovation". Simple mistake, no big deal.

    I'm awestruck at the level of understanding they have for my content ecosystem as a whole, and really my mindset towards life. I am really curious to see what they say next to be honest.


    Dustin Miller's website, PolyInnovator LLC, showcases his diverse content creation across various platforms. He focuses on polymathy, a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge and skill development, which informs much of his blogging, podcasting, and video content. Key themes include self-development, knowledge management, technology, and omnichannel content creation. Miller also shares personal reflections in his "Fireside Codex" and "NOW Page" series. The site includes recommendations for tools and resources he uses.

    Let me ask you, since you got this far in the description lol. Could you tell if they were AI voices?