Tune in for a guided journalling meditation to support your practice. Grab your journal (or a piece of paper) and a pen. Through your breath, you’ll relax and attune with the loving energy of the Universe so you can receive spiritual guidance. Following the meditation, you’ll free-write.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you honour your energy - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more.
Do you have a journalling practice? Putting pen to paper can be a powerful way to connect with your inner wisdom, peace and Spirit. In this episode, I share some of my favourite tips to help you get going or fall in love with free-writing, so that you'll have a new tool for self-discovery and growth.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you honour your energy - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more.
Episodi mancanti?
Your breath is a miraculous tool you can use to magnetise life in your direction. Pranayama means breath control and our life force energy, prana, is influenced by the breath. Through your breathing practice, you can use the prana that you cultivate, to guide your life and get closer to your truth.
Tune in to this episode for a calming breathing technique called Viloma, to help you you slow down and rest - so you can tap into your highest and most powerful self. Here's to your Rising.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you honour your energy - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more.
Who is your Highest Self? How do you connect with that elevated part of you? In this episode, I'll show you how to bridge the material and the mystical, and become the expression of your soul's highest evolvement - both on and off the mat.
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Free Mini Retreat
Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more.
Tune in for a visualisation meditation that will help you relax into your intuition and open up your inner eye to get clarity on the big work you came here to do. Get ready to step into your purpose and say yes to your deepest desires.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more.
Are you embodying your dharma (your soul's purpose)? This episode is here to remind you that you're on this earth for a reason and to encourage you to share your gifts in a bigger way.
Tune in to learn:
How to align your life, work and energy to create more joy and meaning.Why your purpose is not only about the work you do in the world... it's about your frequency.Why your dharma is so much bigger than you.And, if you're not sure what you're being called to do, I share 4 journalling prompts to support you.
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Free Mini Retreat
Ep.40 - How To Find Your True Purpose
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you honour your energy - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more.
The nervous system is a pro at automations and efficiency in the body, but sometimes these work against us. The beauty of mindful breathing is that we can start to shift some of these responses to soothe ourselves. In today's episode, I'll lead you through a simple pranayama practice called Diaphragmatic Breathing to nourish the vagus nerve and upregulate the relaxation response. Through your breath, you can guide your energy towards the way you want to feel.
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Free Mini Retreat
Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more.
The practice of restorative yoga is calming, cosmic and otherworldly. That's because it's rooted in relearning the habit of relaxation. In today’s world, don't we all need that? *Deep sigh*. The poses - where we're completely supported by props - are designed to restore the natural processes of the body, so we can show up for our lives and dreams as our healthiest and highest selves. So, in today's episode, I'm showing you how to relax like a yogi! I talk about:
How to support the natural ebb and flow between the stress and relaxation response;Why nourishing the vagus nerve is so powerful for cultivating calm;The key ingredients for relaxation; andYogic tools to help you rest, heal and thrive.I hope this inspires your weekend wind down!
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Free Mini Retreat
You might be exhausted from your big work in the world, or taking care of others. Tune in for a short body scan meditation to restore and replenish your energy - so that you can continue to shine brightly.
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Ep.77 - How To Shine Brightly Without Burning Out
Free Mini Retreat
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. In June, I'm sharing practices devoted to burnout recovery. Click here to join.
Feeling burnt out? This episode will help you light up the world again. I share a simple three-step plan to support you in your recovery (which goes beyond sleep and self-care,) and show you how to make it your own. Listen in to learn:
What burnout is - what it looks and feels like, including early warning signs.The spectrum of stress and its impact on the nervous system.Mind-body-soul strategies to support you on your healing journey.Why getting a good night's sleep or taking a bubble bath isn't enough to bounce back.How to shift out of a negative mindset, find joy and fill yourself up again.Whether you can avoid burnout when you're answering your calling. The best yoga practices for burnout, and more.Links Mentioned:
Free Mini Retreat
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. In June, I'm sharing practices devoted to burnout recovery. Click here to join.
In this guided breathing practice, we explore and embody the power of pauses (in Sanskrit, kumbhaka). As you linger in the quiet space between the inhale and the exhale, a deeper kind of wisdom and serenity can come through.
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Ep. 75 - The Sacred Pause
Free Mini Retreat
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
How often do you honour the in-between moments? It’s the pause that invites peace, a loving perspective, and a sensitivity that allows us to respond to life with wisdom, rather than react out of fear. In this episode, we talk about how yoga naturally inspires these sacred pauses, and simple ways to weave them into our everyday lives.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
Sleep is a time when we replenish both our physical and subtle bodies. It powers our lives and revitalises our energy, so that we can show up as our best selves. In this episode, I'll guide you through a sleep meditation, which uses body-melting breathwork and a visualisation of the setting sun to help you let go of your day, wind down well, and fall into an easeful night's sleep.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
Did you know that the female body goes through four cycle phases each month? Hormonal changes happening at each stage can lead to big shifts in your mood, creativity and energy levels. This helps explain why some days when you get on your yoga mat, movement feels effortless; but other days, your body feels heavy, tired, and you just want to take a long Savasana! In this episode, I share simple tips and practices for each phase that will help you align your energy - both on your mat and in your life.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created my membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. It's a virtual sanctuary for restorative yoga, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection, and so much more. This month's theme is all about honouring the ebb and flow of energy during the different phases of our cycle. We explore creating circulation in the pelvis, restoring the body, balancing yin/yang, easing symptoms of PMS and calming the nervous system to support us emotionally. Click here to join.
Do you ever wonder why it's so easy to get stressed, but so hard to relax? Yoga teaches us that we're multidimensional beings, and in this episode, I talk about why we experience stress holistically, how it manifests and the practices that can help us return to peace, through the lens of our spiritual anatomy.
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Free Mini Retreat
Ep.71 - The Magic of Rest
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created my membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. It's a virtual sanctuary for restorative yoga, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
Rest is when our body naturally heals itself, from the inside out. But if we can’t rest, we not only feel ill, but we also feel blocked. Our aura is weakened, which diminishes our presence and our power. So, how can we honour this need for rest in a world that always wants us to do more? In this episode, I talk about seven types of rest and share the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra, or "yogic sleep". It's in this subtle state, hovering somewhere between wakefulness and dreaming, that we awaken to the magic of peace, crystal clarity and our light within. If you're feeling stressed or exhausted, the guided practice will support you greatly, too. I invite you to make this even more nourishing with props (such as a yoga bolster, pillow, or just a couple of blankets) to hold you as we rest here together.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
Often, we get our sense of success wrong. We think it comes from pushing, controlling, hustling and making things happen around us. But when we experience success in our lives, what we’re really experiencing is a direct reflection of our inner world. In this episode, I talk about turning inwards and listening closely to our inner truth, taking inspired action towards our dreams and how success comes naturally when we show up for life in alignment with who we truly are.
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Connect with Amy on Instagram
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created my membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
Meditating with a mala is a magical experience because it combines several sacred practices into one meditation, such as mantra, gemstone therapy, acupressure, breathwork and mindfulness. In today’s episode, I’ll show you how to meditate with a mala, so you can deepen your spiritual awareness, connect with your highest intentions and calm your body, mind and spirit. Grab your mala beads and let’s go.
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Free Mini Retreat
Calming Meditation Playlist
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
Need a happiness boost? In this episode, I guide you through a 5-minute Happiness Meditation that will not only raise your own vibration - but also that of the world. Finding a moment, just to feel happier, can help us lean into the light, and spark an inner source of hope, strength and resilience, which is so needed at this time.
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel peaceful, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
Do you struggle with perfectionism? If so, this episode is for you. We talk about the fearful energy behind that desire to be perfect, and how it can lead to anxiety, depression, burnout and persistent "not-enoughness," if left unchecked. But while those high inner standards can be motivated by the ego, they can also be a loving sign of your desire to show up in service of your higher self and purpose in the world. So, how can you tell the difference and navigate your path as a perfectionist? Tune in to find out! I also share some simple spiritual tools to help you change the story, including a mantra to realign with love and inspiration instead.
Links Mentioned:
Ep.33: Open Your Heart to Peace Through Forgiveness
Free Mini Retreat
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Join LIGHTER: Want more support for your mind, body and soul? I created the membership to help you stay on your spiritual path - so you can feel centred, supported and inspired every day. Each month, you get access to online restorative yoga classes, breathwork, guided meditations, live retreats, community connection and so much more. Click here to join.
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