
  • There’s no pain quite like back pain, and it’s a pain that’s becoming increasingly pervasive as our lives become more and more sedentary.

    What’s worse?—back pain is incredibly difficult to alleviate. From pain killers to back braces, many of the existing pain-relief solutions are either too short lived or too cumbersome.

    But that’s exactly why I’m so excited to introduce you to today’s guest…

    Today I will interview Oded Cohen, the founder and creator of a fantastic new product—Upright.

    Like other medically-inclined entrepreneurs, Oded saw a problem with healthcare, specifically, how it currently works to address back pain.

    Without any official design or medical credentials, Oded started reading everything he could about the spine in order to come up with something that better addresses back pain.

    The fruit of his labor?—Upright, a fantastic new device that’s small enough to wear under virtually any apparel, yet effective enough to radically correct even the poorest posture.

    And why is posture important?—because it’s the root cause of lower back pain.

    Between the laundry list of positive testimonials Oded has already accumulated, and his general professionalism, I can’t tell you how excited I am to have him on the show and try out his product.

    But before then, listen to my discussion with Oded to learn how he took Upright from an idea on paper to full-fledged company. I’ll ask questions about how the product works, who has had success with it, and what it costs to get your hands on one.

    07:21 – What was the process for the creation of your product?

    10:05 – What is the recommended placement?

    11:58 – What does the device do to alert you that you’re not in the correct posture?

    15:11 – Is this product being done in any clinical trials?

    20:25 – How long has this product been up and running?

    23:20 – the story about the soldier who was almost discharged because of back pain. Share some of your testimonials.

    Want your own UPRIGHT?

    Go to uprightpose.com

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  • When you need new information and resources for your practice and your patients, where do you go?

    How many websites have you tried and how little success have you had?

    Today’s guest has the solution to your problem.

    Meet Deidre Newborn, CEO of Therapy Share.

    The Therapy Share (www.TheTherapyShare.com) is a site that provides physical therapists with complete access to remarkable resources and outstanding industry information. Even though Therapy Share only launched recently, it’s already experiencing tremendous success, and as it continues to grow, it will become an amazing resource for all healthcare professionals.

    The idea started when Deidre and her colleague wanted to resolve a constant issue once and for all—they were always struggling to get access to helpful resources to share with their clients. From exercise programs to cognitive worksheets, they thought there should be an easier way to find the information they and their patients needed—and just like that, Therapy Share was born.

    The resources offered on the site are designed by professionals in the industry, so they’re 100% legit and 100% more likely to work. Whether you’re interested in purchasing the resources available, or are thinking about selling your own, you need to check out TheTherapyShare.com.

    Listen in as I ask to Deidre how she got this site going and what steps she has taken to ensure that it’s both relevant and beneficial to people in the healthcare industry.

  • In this episode, I interview Paul Gough, owner of multiple practices and founder of PT Profit Academy.

    PT Profit Academy is a company committed to helping physical therapy clinics develop successful marketing campaigns, they type of campaigns that significantly multiply revenue. Using key insights Paul teaches practices how to target the perfectpotential patient through carefully chosen mediums.

    And what does that patient look like?—it looks like Mary, a fifty-three-year-old grandmother who’s physically active and hates painkillers, but in dire need of a way to alleviate her lower back pain.

  • Time Stamped Show Notes

    05:15 – From day one, how did you start, and how did you get to four clinics?

    08:07 – What did you do at the events you held? Did you treat people at the event?

    10:15 – How has dry needling changed your practice?

    13:40 – Explain more about your “dry needing taskforce.”

    15:42 – What is your biggest challenge for expansion?

    18:11 – How do we get our employees to be able to sell?

    21:49 – How do you use your best employee? Do you try to replicate them at another clinic or share them?

    26:05 – When did you start using the personality profiles?

    26:09 – Personality tests are a game changer.

    35:58 – Joe invites listeners to email him to schedule a PT boardroom dinner.

  • If you want to be able to help patients long term and sustain practice growth, it’s absolutely critical to look at your staff and marketing efforts with an objective eye, because better businesses are powered by great employees and great marketing.

    To take your practice to the next level, start learning from practices with a proven growth strategy and see where you can make improvements to your business.

    In this episode, I have the privilege of interviewing Jerry Durham, owner of multiple therapy practices and physical therapist of fifteen years.

    Jerry Durham is a man who knows his practice is always performing at its peak because of the intelligent business strategies he has put in place.

    Fifteen years after he opened his first practice, Jerry understands the business side of medicine now more than ever. He knows how to maximize the patient experience while still hitting revenue goals, and he knows all this thanks to the mistakes he’s made in the past.

    Listen as Jerry shares his knowledge talk about: The importance of pairing staff with personality profiles Superior strategies for networking How to seek advice from business professionals The power of Twitter as a network amplifier

    During the first half of this two-part interview, you’ll hear some great golden nuggets on practice improvement directly from Jerry’s past. As you listen, I recommend taking notes of what he does differently from you, and how those difference might be the key to unlocking the full potential of your practice. If you want to meet Jerry in person then check us out at the PT Biz Success Series Oct 7th and 8th

    Show Notes

    00:21 – Joe introduces the show

    00:45 – Sponsors include Private Practice MBA and Practice Alpha

    03:40 – Joe invites listeners to connect with Joe through email and social media

    03:27 – Joe introduces Jerry Durham, owner of San Francisco Sport and Spine Physical Therapy

    03:54 – Jerry talks about his achievements as a physical therapist.

    04:55 – Why do you have such a positive perspective on the future of PT?

    05:48 – Jerry tells about a phone call that he got about software development in PT

    06:55 – Roles changing in PT

    07:30 – Joe talks about changes and scares due to Obamacare

    08:28 – How do you see the staff changing in the last few years?

    08:45 – Jerry touches on the “win” that people are calling your office

    09:18 – We mapped on the “patient experience,” focusing on the customer.

    10:03 – Non-licensed professionals have the majority of interactions with customers.

    10:30 – All the staff need to know “what’s being promised and what’s being done.”

    11:08 – Joe talks about an employee who had an issue with the front-desk staff getting higher treatment

    12:30 – What are your thoughts on the training process and personality profiles?

    12:55 – “If your hiring system is set up properly, then you should be getting the right people through the funnel.”

    13:10 – Jerry is a big believer in personality profiles.

    14:15 – What have you learned in the last fifteen years with your practice?

    15:00 – Jerry has learned a lot over the years through trial and error.

    15:24 – Resources were more limited when the business got started.

    15:55 – “We were only as good as the network we had.”

    16:20 – “Seek experts from outside your profession.”

    18:20 – Jerry is very passionate about physical therapy

    18:58 – “We are a business that supplies physical therapy.”

    20:55 – Why Twitter? How has it helped you?

    21:41 – Jerry tells about five years ago when he started getting involved in Twitter.

    22:40 – Twitter is a marketing tool.

    23:12 – Jerry began to use Twitter to connect with PTs

    24:02 – “People want genuine.”

    25:25 – Twitter is a source for information

    25:45 – Jerry is not using Twitter to get patients

    27:05 – Twitter is used more for networking.

    27:45 – Joe talks about his PT Boardroom Dinners

  • Do you feel too old and too disconnected to fully understand modern communication platforms like Instagram or Snapchat?

    That’s OK—it’s easy (and important) to learn the right processes for these technologies.

    With the right process, social media platforms can grow your network and your practice exponentially.

    In this episode, I continue my conversation with Jerry Durham, who will give us more insight into how he’s cultivated a blossoming practice.

    Jerry system for exploring social media and employing it as a means of marketing is simply brilliant. He believes the different platforms—like Twitter and Facebook—should be used separately and for separate purposes.

    For example, Jerry loves Twitter for networking, and Facebook for finding new patients. Equally popular platforms like Instagram or Snapchat are also worth familiarizing yourself with because they can be wonderful add-ons to any complex marketing strategy.

    In addition to our conversation on social media, Jerry and I will discuss the pitfalls of pride—source of some of the most spectacular downfalls in the history of healthcare. But as Jerry explains, while pride can certainly cripple our ability to succeed, it can also empower us. When we can harness the power of pride to do something constructive (like hire an amazing therapy team) we help our practice thrive. As physical therapists, we can use pride to work together, share our experiences, get satisfaction from our successes, and help our client-base grow.

    Show Notes

    03:28 – Jerry uses Facebook for his customers

    04:24 – Have you used other social media that’s out there?

    05:16 – They are building Facebook and Instagram

    05:35 – Each social media platform needs to be managed separately.

    07:22 – Do you think that social media marketing should be delegated?

    07:59 – The downfall of healthcare is that we are all experts and have huge egos.

    09:40 – Every successful company is a team of professionals in different subjects.

    10:25 – Social media is a full-time job. Find someone who knows what they’re doing.

    11:20 – “The leads are the gold.”

    11:39 – Joe talks about Jerry’s experience with healthcare professionals thinking they are smarter than everyone else.

    12:44 – Jerry talks about his biggest mistake when he opened his practice.

    13:50 – Joe talks about other practices and how they struggle to set themselves apart.

    15:00 – You can’t treat patients AND be the business expert.

    15:44 – Joe talks about his success partnering with his practice, taking over the business and letting someone else run the clinic.

    16:25 – Jerry recommends The E-Myth, by Michael Gerber, to help people understand the difference between “working in your business and working on your business.”

    18:20 – PTs should speak to each other and share their experiences

    19:30 – Jerry and Joe talk about Paul Gaugh, someone willing to share his PT experiences

    24:40 – Sharing information will only help you.

    26:14 – Jerry recently started his own podcast, “Business, Baseball, and Bourbon.”

    27:29 – Jerry’s goal is to get sponsors from his podcast.

    28:01 – Jerry and Joe discuss baseball

  • Listen as Mike shares the benefits of their app, how clinics and practitioners monetize from the app, and the possible expansion of In Hand Health’s platform to other fields.

    05:19 – Joe introduces Mike Novosel 05:43 – In Hand Health developed a solution for Physical Therapists to monetize their work remotely 05:53 – In Hand Health built a patient engagement solution 06:40 – PTs cannot necessarily see a lot patients in a day 08:30 – “We are better than an e-commerce solution” 09:25 – Patients are looking for value for their dollar 09:35 – “Physical Therapy is for life” 10:08 – In Hand Health app provides direct access to the therapist 10:28 – Everything happens around the application; no need to give phone numbers 10:44 – Mike shares how to use the app during an accident that happens over the weekend 11:18 – “Therapists should always be involved in the process” 11:38 – In using the In Hand Health app, extended help can be prioritized 12:30 – Therapists can also monitor the exercise activity of their patients 14:50 – Mike shares how athletes have been using the app 16:18 – Patients are more connected to their therapist now more than ever before 16:56 – As of the moment, smartphones are what most people are using to connect to the internet and having the In Hand Health app on their phone is very convenient for them 17:25 – Patients leveraging mobile access to health care 18:36 – Patients will skip services if they don’t see the value 19:20 – Having the visual app for the therapist to see what their patients are doing is very helpful 19:41 – Joe discusses how therapists work with athletes 20:50 – There’s a fee to license the technology to the clinic for $49/month for 200 active patients 21:43 – Mike brands their product as “Continuing Care” 21:50 – In Hand Health has partnered with Braintree to process the payment transactions 22:53 – Clinics can add their own service or product and set the fee 24:00 – 70% of the fee goes to the clinics and 30% goes to In Hand Health for the first $100 25:01 – In Hand Health app is free to download 26:30 – In Hand Health doesn’t mandate what the clinic does with their fee to the patients 27:38 – There’s a one-time fee and separate fee depending on the patient’s service 28:39 – In Hand Health provides the platform and depending on the clinic, there could be a monthly recurring fee 30:00 – Mike and his team are currently focused on Physical Therapy 30:40 – Home health care is also an interesting opportunity 30:52 – Mike’s Therapist Essentials app 31:33 – The exercises are in videos 32:05 – This provides opportunities for therapists to film their exercises in real-time and upload them to the app 32:47 – The home health care provider saw the Therapist Essentials app and told Mike that the nurses can use it when they go out with their patients 33:18 – The videos filmed in the Therapist Essentials app can be set on private and can only be used by that specific patient 34:40 – Therapists and other practitioners can expand their patient base by using the apps 35:19 – Visit com to know more about Mike’s business and try their FREE model 37:38 – Leave a feedback for Mike’s app through Private Practice Business Academy 3 Key Points: Sometimes, our passion is taken when we wear the wrong hat so FIND your “hat” and consider it your superpower! Make sure the service you’re offering has VALUE; if there’s value, it will be used! Being connected does not only provide continued care for patients—it provides peace of mind. Resources Mentioned: inhandhealth.com – Mike’s business website In Hand Health app and Therapist Essentials – Mike’s business applications Braintree – Payment partner of In Hand Health

    Well, maybe not broken, but certainly misaligned.

    Misaligned with patient interests. Misaligned with the medical provider interests. And misaligned with everybody’s financial interest.

    You’d probably agree with most—if not all—of that statement.

    But what are you doing to change the game and shift the paradigm?

    Are you making waves and taking steps to breakout from the burdens of your current business model?

    You should be.

    And if you think it’s too hard or too difficult, you’re wrong, because people are already doing it…

    …people like today’s guest, Kristin McNealus, the founder and creator of Every Body Fitness, a company that is committed to helping recovering medical patients take control of their health through consistent exercise routines and alter the common business model of private medicine.

    After starting her career as a traditional physical therapist in beautiful Southern California, Kristin quickly grew tired of and frustrated with the way health insurance companies were handcuffing her practice. That policy makers sitting in lofty boardrooms thousands of miles away, could dictate what she could and couldn’t do for her patients.

    Rather than sit idly by watching the PT private practice Industry, Kristin decide to take action by taking her therapeutic exercises and putting them online where they could be accessed—without having to sidestep roadblocks or jump through hoops—by the people who needed them most.

    Since that fateful day, Kristin has not only gone back to school to secure her MBA from Pepperdine University, she has also launched other business ventures tied to her medical expertise.

    Time Stamped Show Notes: 05:35 – Introducing Kristin McNealus to the show 05:40 – Kristin is the owner of Every Body Fitness 05:46 – Kristin’s LinkedIn post “Time to Change Our Business Model”, caught Dr. Joe’s attention 06:02 – Joe thought Kristin had a different viewpoint than others 06:28 – She believes healthcare professionals need to take a unique angle in how they approach healthcare reform 08:49 – Kristin looked for ways to provide a solution to the problem of being pushed to discharge her inpatients sooner and sooner without the tools for success they needed 09:11 – There is a gap in care between being discharged, getting outpatient therapy, and what proper out-patient therapy looks like 09:33 – Kristin designed an online exercise program focusing on the needs of outpatients 11:20 – How Kristin thought of the end users (patients) 11:23 – Kristin was leading a class in the hospital where she was working 11:37 – Classes were social and people with similar experiences could connect 11:47 – “People with less mobility were enjoying the classes” 12:07 – Transportation became an issue and someone asked if Kristin could put the class online—BOOM an idea was born 14:05 – The challenges Kristin had to face in putting up her online classes 14:09 – “You just don’t know what you don’t know” 16:37 – Dr. Joe talks about legalities and constraints 17:04 – Countless people never try because they assume they’re not allowed to do something 20:37 – “Why do I need to build a brand?” 21:32 – Your value base is higher than the fee 22:26 – Connect brand with reputation 23:04 – “Get comfortable being uncomfortable” 24:06 – Healthcare professionals are uncomfortable charging and billing people 24:28 – Understand your value 25:13 – Kristin’s program isn’t a homerun but a work in progress 25:45 – She changed the direction of her business and felt she was starting over 27:06 – Test the model before creating the entire platform 27:24 – Kristin’s big “ah-ha” moment was going back to school 30:48 – Programs for all people depending on their mobility 35:57 – Kristin has contacted professionals and hospitals for next year 37:06 – There are a lot of players in the orthopedic field which Kristin hasn’t reached out to yet 37:45 – The pricing is very modest 38:26 – Reach out to Kristin by email 38:48 – EB Fitness Online 3 Key Points: Health care professionals need to be able to adapt to the ever-changing world of healthcare reform and private medicine. Be comfortable with what is uncomfortable—push through the unknown difficulties of creating a service. Do NOT exclude potential customers by narrowing your niche.
  • Is there room in the budget to hire an office manager? If there isn’t, how much time and energy can be allocated to administrative duties?—marketing, scheduling, accounts payable, accounts receiving, compliance, taxes…these are just a few of the surprisingly time-consuming jobs that will need to get DONE in addition to any medical work.

    All of this isn’t to say moving into a private practice is an ill-advised decision—nothing could be further from the truth. It is simply to say moving into a private practice requires careful planning and strategy.

    And that’s why listening to today’s guest—Paul Potter PT—is going to be so important.

    For nearly 40 years, Paul has been working with marked success as a physical therapist, which means he not only knows the risks and benefits associated with starting a private practice, he knows what people need to do to be successful in setting up their own.

    Through his podcast and mentorship activities, Paul helps his fellow medical professionals establish their brand, build their following, and get familiar with the tools—like CashPracticeFromScratch—they’ll need to effectively launch their own businesses.

    Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:05 – Joseph introduces the show 00:10 – Introduces guest, Paul Potter, who is a physical therapist, podcast producer, and mentor at Paul Potter PT 00:43 – What’s going on for the new year 00:50 – In 6-8 months, Paul is launching a product that helps therapists get started on their own practices 00:57 – Paul is launching a product on Jan 3, 2017—How to launch your own practice in 90 days 01:26 – With 35 years of experience, Paul wants to share what he knows and the benefits of private practice 01:51 – 7 essential steps with the least amount of risk and money 03:25 – Joseph sees that therapists want to slowly transition into a private practice 03:54 – What is something we can put out there so that these therapists know what direction to go in? 04:16 – Paul says his ideal client has 7-10 years of experience, they are finding their expertise and are moving into leadership roles 04:36 – They’re getting overwhelmed by the load 04:47 – Wanting to reevaluate where they want to go in their career 05:05 – Ask the question, “what is my big ‘why’?” by Simon Sinek 05:28 – Private practice is worth considering as part of that self-assessment 05:45 – Consultants pushing a cash therapy model 05:55 – Joseph has a 30% cash-based clientele vs. others who have 100% cash—what are they doing differently? 06:29 – “Cash practice startup” takes the insurance component out of the formula 07:00 – Grow a different mindset—move from being insurance focused into a more of a consumer based focus 07:20 – When Paul started, you didn’t think about administrative costs. You did your work and got paid. But now, the margins have shrunk. 07:45 – With Paul’s program “Cash Practice from Scratch”, he takes that insurance component out to save on costs at the very beginning 08:29 – You shouldn’t be afraid of going through insurance billing methods, you need to learn that system, but it’s the mindset you need to adapt 09:00 – ”We are not trained to be business professionals, we’re trained to be therapists and healers”—we give more away than what we’re comfortable asking for in return 09:26 – Paul created the “Cash Practice Biz Quiz”, 7 prediction rules for success 10:01 – Go to CashPracticeFromScratch, try the quiz to assess where you stand in terms of your understanding of business 10:51 – Paul talked to an OT who is spending a lot of her energy trying to get payments from insurance companies for the work she’s already done 11:39 – I’d be diversifying my income instead of spending so much time tracking my money 11:50 – I’d be creating the services my clients want 12:10 – Consistency and being persistent is what it takes to track that money down from insurance companies and that takes a lot of energy—you need a team to do that 13:16 – How to start a practice now and to keep it as lean as possible? 14:06 – Establish first who you are and where you are going 14:20 – Second, research the market and narrow down your niche at the beginning 14:31 – when the consumer asks why they should choose you, you have a clear message that makes you stand out 15:01 – Build a launch team of friends, family and clients 15:22 – Start an email list, and communication with your clients so you’re building a runway of the services you’re offering 15:55 – Get your name and professional expertise out there to build your own following and brand 16:22 – You don’t have to upset your current partners in the process—it’s not about your own business, it’s your practice within the business. 17:10 – I’m educating my clientele and establishing my brand 17:25 – Your launch team is key influencers 17:40 – Third, set up business accounts and systems so they are all in place come launch day 18:05 – Have an online presence of you being an expert in your specific field 18:46 – Joseph reiterates that not everyone is cut out for starting a business 19:00 – Joseph shares a story of one of his employees, James, not a practice owner, but has built a following that has tripled 19:18 – James was offered partnership, but he declined 19:24 – He is one of the highest paid therapists 19:43 – He is not designed for the stress, the marketing challenges, and the back-end processes of business 19:53 – He’s content with where he is 20:26 – Going through Paul’s course can help clarify if one is supposed to venture into business or not 21:05 – You don’t have to be in business for yourself, but it helps to have an awareness of the business processes and take ownership of your own practice as a physician 21:50 – If you can make it past the 2 year point, you can make it in business. 22:29 – Joseph shares his own story 22:38 – His boss said, “you won’t be an employee for too long” 22:49 – His practice owner introduced him to different doctors 23:10 – He was viewed as a potential partner, not a threat 23:25 – Think in abundance and not that “scarcity mindset” 24:02 – If you have a diversified portfolio of potential leads for business, then you are not dependent on the one stream of orthopedic referrals 24:55 – Get face-to-face with consumers and find out what they want and how you can meet those needs, THEN you can submit it to the insurance 26:45 – Paul has done the work to find out how to keep the business systems simple and streamlined 27:18 – This way you don’t get bogged down by starting out these systems 27:45 – “You don’t know what you don’t know”—so find out the systems that you CAN KNOW so that your back-end processes are set-up for you 28:18 – Learn the process, even if it’s not 100%, you’ll be at least 95% 28:30 – Paul wants to minimize the feelings of being overwhelmed in starting a practice 29:00 – If I’m successful, what is the next step? How do I scale up? 29:36 – “How do we grow this so it’s sustainable?” 30:10 – How do you build your company large enough so that you can reduce your hours and actually take that break? 30:46 – CashPracticeFromScratch, take the quiz as a starting point 31:06 – Paul has a webinar on December 16th about performing that first self-assessment 32:30 – Most PTs have a very limited view of what they can do 32:52 – Joseph shares a story, an OT is selling her practice and could’ve made more money working for someone else 33:15 – She had her success, but didn’t create wealth 33:38 – Assess if this is right for you and do it as soon as possible 33:56 – Formula for success is significance—Paul shares his opinion of what defines success 34:20 – If you can look back and say, this was a good career, I made a difference, then you’re on the right page 34:30 – Finding out your end goal is part of the journey 34:50 – Joseph reflects on the learning process he went through with his partners 35:20 – There is so much more value behind the value of having a cash practice 35:47 – Check out CashPracticeFromScratch 35:56 – Reach out to Paul Potter on Linkedin or by email 36:23 – “I get joy and significance to be able to help other therapists fulfill their calling within the profession” 36:47 – Paul would be very happy to connect with you 37:00 – Any questions, reach out to Joseph by email 37:25 – Joseph closes the show by inviting you to think about where you’d like to be in the new year 38:13 – A takeaway for the episode, “Never stop learning”. 3 Key Points: Get face-to-face with the consumer and build your practice based on what they need instead of being dependent on the doctor referral/insurance mindset. It’s essential to think about your “why” and to self-assess your own goals and desires for your life and practice BEFORE taking action. Regardless of whether you’d like to start a business or not, aspiring to learn more about your own practice will only benefit you in this ever-changing healthcare service profession.
  • For nearly 20 years, Greg has been hustling to do something incredible, and where other people have struggled, he’s succeeded. Today his practice features more than 20 employees and nets over $1 million a year.

    Greg’s success is tied directly to his ability to demonstrate leadership and implement systems to carry out his vision. Through leadership and systems, Greg has gotten every single one of his employees on the same page, and that has made his practice a game-changer in the physical therapy space.

    But that’s not the only thing that’s helped Greg take his practice to the next level—he’s also employs fantastic marketing strategies and…

    …well, you’ll just have to tune-in to find out.

    TIME STAMPED SHOW NOTES: 00:12 – Dr. Joe welcomes Greg Todd 00:49 – Greg has been a physical therapist for 16 years 00:54 – He worked in corporate outpatient settings for the first 4 years of his career before opening his own practice 01:10 – He bought into a small existing practice 01:25 – He currently has 24 employees 02:33 – LEADERSHIP and SYSTEMS are the two things that led Greg into his 7-figure business 02:41 – Having a 5-figure practice business is not really a business but self-employment 03:34 – You have to teach and train other people the things that made you successful 04:06 – Being a leader and creating and using systems aren’t taught in school 05:25 – “Healthcare is mediocre” 05:41 – “If I teach someone, I understand that he’s not going to do it as good as me” 05:53 – “85% of me is still better than all of the ‘competition’” 06:07 – Are your PTs on board with what you are trying to do? 06:15 – Getting all your people on the same page is a GAME CHANGER 07:08 – Let go of the people who are not congruent with your culture 07:36 – Greg does not believe in hiring for talent, but in hiring for character 09:57 – Let people know your expectations right from the start 11:11 – Greg’s thoughts on PT shortages, “It’s never about pay” 11:24 – Most PTs are looking for direction and a way to level up 12:23 – PTs are looking for mentorship 13:10 – The problem is – There is NO leveling up in PT 14:15 – Dr. Joe shares about PTs asking for mentorship 15:03 – Scarcity Mindset – when you don’t want to mentor your PTs because you are afraid they will be a competitor 15:36 – Your PTs are not your servants – let them grow! 16:49 – Don’t live on that scarcity mindset 17:05 – “Train them so they can leave but treat them so good that they wouldn’t want to leave” 18:27 – Greg believes that each person does one thing different 19:28 – He wants to create an environment where employees and patients are both comfortable 20:20 – Greg has created a lot of leverage pieces in his business 20:34 – Pushing people to take themselves to the next level yields a 100% job satisfaction level 22:26 – Greg believes the future is bright for him 22:47 – The biggest hindrance for most employers is their marketing 23:13 – Facebook Ads have been a gold mine for Greg’s business 24:49 – Dr. Joe shares his surprise with Facebook Leads 25:44 – Relying on doctors gives PTs a hard time because doctors are having a hard time finding patients as well 26:57 – Old-school PTs who have not embraced new marketing strategies will suffer the loss of patients thru doctor referrals 27:30 – The most important piece to any business is customer acquisition 29:10 – Talk directly to your patients and community 30:29 – Greg talks about leverage 31:17 – Email campaigns can duplicate you on your best day 31:31 – Start with customer service 33:03 – Spam is different from checking in with your customers 34:34 – Send emails that people want to open 34:52 – There’s a solution to every problem 36:22 – Greg allows his employees have side hustles within his clinics 36:41 – Earlier in the business, Greg and his partner talked about creating bonus schedules for their employees 37:04 – He made aggressive bonus schedules that drove money in 37:26 – Greg then asked his employees to create different programs for their patients and every time they did, he gave a percentage 38:59 – Greg shares one of his PTs who wanted to create a Rehab to 5K program 40:17 – The best thing for patients is to have an option to do more than just have physical therapy 41:28 – Greg has a few online courses available at Smart Success PT 41:36 – What Greg did in his courses was to teach people what it takes to take over his business when he’s not able to 41:52 – Greg’s in-depth 105 lessons on basically what is missing in PT school to make you successful in the real world 44:31 – His goal from the course is to make PTs more valuable to their employers or be able to open up a practice of their own 45:50 – Check out Smart Success PT 46:52 – Follow Greg on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook 47:07 – Email him at [email protected] 47:45 – Greg and his wife decided that he will give 6 hours every week to people who need him 48:01 – Greg’s podcast: The Hunt for Greatness with Greg Todd 50:08 – Greg spends his 6 hours/week mostly on Youtube to inspire the younger generation taking the PT path 3 KEY POINTS Take the lead and create systems for your business. Share your knowledge and skills to your employees. Let your employees grow not only for the business but for themselves.
  • Listen to learn how Andrew learn how to close the gaps that were stalling growth in his business, and what advice he has for PTs who want to work smarter not harder.

    Show Notes

    00:19 – Dr. Joe introduces Andrew Vertson 00:49 – Andrew is a physical therapist in California 00:57 – He has been in private practice ownership for 18 years 01:11 – He currently has 3 offices 01:30 – Over the years, Andrew found out that he can never get over the proverbial “hump” 01:42 – He realized that he was missing management skills of running the practice objectively in terms of looking at the “health” of it 01:55 – That was what drove him to looking deeper into his clinic metrics 02:19 – Andrew’s post on LinkedIn led Dr. Joe to finding him 03:38 – Andrew’s metrics for his practice 03:44 – Andrew had to track the number of new patients and the number of new visits 03:56 – Back then, reimbursements were great and employees’ salaries were low 04:13 – Andrew shares his conversation with a client 04:16 – Andrew’s first job, in 1996, paid $20/hour as a Staff PT 04:30 – He worked for a large corporation for a couple of years 04:40 – One day, one of his co-workers was sick and led him to treat 48 patients that single day 04:51 – He did the math of what he was getting paid and what the company was getting from the patients 05:09 – He didn’t care then 05:21 – 7 years ago, Anthem Blue Cross decided to cut 50% reimbursement 05:33 – 25% of his revenue is from Anthem and he was going to lose about $100K 05:42 – He reached out and consulted 05:54 – He thought of referrals 06:09 – Andrew realized there was so much that he wasn’t tracking 08:18 – A good business keeps 20-30% profit 08:29 – In Andrew’s situation, he’s lucky to squeeze out 10% profit from salaries and costs 10:00 – Overhead costs are high in some states 10:52 – Andrew had to learn to be resourceful 11:05 – He was fortunate to be able to present nationally about metrics over the last 5 years 11:09 – He is shocked at how successful therapist practices can be without background or knowledge in business 11:31 – That drove Andrew to starting PTClinicMetrics 12:54 – When going into a practice, Andrew first discusses the metrics 13:13 – He asks them to put physical metrics on a spreadsheet on a weekly basis 13:25 – “Weekly is the perfect amount of time” 13:53 – First thing he shows them are referrals vs avails 14:19 – Andrew tells us about his client in Virginia who’s losing 10% of his referrals 15:40 – Referrals are people who called, walked-in, or faxed-in a prescription to start care 16:17 – For every 10 referrals from doctors, only 4 get in touch with therapists 17:33 – The next large number to look at is cancellation rate 18:17 – On average, 92% of your patients should show up every week 18:30 – A missed visit is a visit you can never reclaim 19:04 – Your costs still run with or without patients 19:29 – Look at your cancellations in a given period of time 20:27 – The owner should be concerned about the cancellation rate 20:58 – The staff should be able to monitor this rate 21:57 – Everything comes back to the plan of care 22:10 – You want your clients to know the value PT provides in their lives 22:37 – The next metric to look at is your retention rate 23:28 – National average is 11.1 visits per evaluation 24:43 – A good practice is to use performance pay for your therapists 25:30 – Your therapists need to be 85% productive 25:53 – “If you’re not getting that 11.1 or 12 visits every evaluation, you’re going to see these little holes in the therapist’s schedule” 27:02 – When therapists are busy with new patients, you’re not only decreasing the number of visits but you also start to underbill 28:22 – Every clinic is different 29:58 – Therapists, today, don’t fully understand time-management 30:39 – Conditioning your “lazy” therapists 31:35 – “Did I create a culture of not working so hard?” 32:12 – An 8-hour person should be seeing 12 patients 32:26 – Andrew has some high-paying HMOs cut their reimbursements which affects ⅓ of his clients 33:10 – Andrew thought of squeezing more patients in, but dropped the idea 33:28 – They had to look at other measures to cut costs 33:47 – Dr. Joe’s advice 34:31 – Results depend on therapists 35:18 – Be on board with your metrics 35:46 – Metrics that Andrew teaches at PTClinicMetrics are the ones he uses every day and are solidified into his practice 36:47 – “We became physical therapists to help people” 37:38 – Andrew talks about discharges and dropouts 38:02 – Dropouts are significant issues 38:28 – Show your patient the value of what they are paying for 38:38 – People have no problem spending money if they see the value 39:00 – Dr. Joe shares his conversation with a receptionist 39:25 – If the value is not there, why would patients pay you the amount? 41:03 – Value and priority 41:12 – Andrew calls the staff members “the 6-year olds” and the parents are the practice owners; the staff want structure in their day 41:51 – Patients are 5-year olds who also want “structure” 42:07 – We therapists struggle with telling patients the truth, we leave that to the doctors 43:05 – A therapist is a salesperson 43:31 – Andrew requires his therapists to sell the value of the care they provide and the skill set they provide as a practice 43:48 – If you have a lot of dropouts, therapists might not be doing their job well 44:35 – Dr. Joe says that, in Manhattan, everybody shows up when there’s snow because people don’t have anything to do 45:07 – Andrew’s company goal is 94% 45:30 – Key Performance Indicators: Referrals, New Patients, Visits, Charges Per Visit, and Collections 46:15 – Every week, Andrew does a KPI sheet that he sends out to his managers 47:22 – With 1 therapist, ideally, you should have no dropouts 48:28 – In 2017, Andrew is seeing continued cuts in reimbursement 50:24 – 2017 will be the buffer year where the changes will come into place 51:14 – You have to know your numbers 52:00 – “You don’t know what you don’t measure” 53:00 – “Work smarter, not harder!” 53:18 – Check out PTClinicMetrics – a PT Practice Management and Practice Solution 56:04 – Get the FREE download of your Stat Sheet here

    3 Key Points

    Therapists and practice owners should know and use metrics as a basis for making decisions. Your metrics are a great assessment tool that can help you find the problem areas in your business. Know your numbers because you don’t know what you don’t measure!
  • Tune in to hear Jeff and I speak in greater detail about how his company is changing the game for several therapy practices, and learn why he believes every therapy practice—yes, even the successful ones—could benefit from the services of Hemmingway Marketing.

    Time stamped show notes: 00:21 – Dr. Joe Simon introduces the show 00:33 – PBBA’s first quarter was a blast 00:57 – “In 10 years, this is the best January we’ve had” 01:20 – PBBA has increased its revenue stream 01:53 – “You need more revenue streams to fund your business, to fund your lifestyle” 02:10 – Dr. Joe is holding a free workshop on the first weekend of April 02:23 – It is a private and limited workshop 02:32 – Reserve a slot by texting ACUPT1 to 33444 02:50 – You will have a call with Dr. Joe to see if you’re fit for the workshop, at the moment 03:02 – The workshop will be in New York 03:17 – The ACUPT Business Model 03:26 – Check it out to see how you can use the ACUPT business model 04:12 – Shoot comments, questions, or reviews of this podcast to Dr. Joe by email 04:40 – Dr. Joe introduces Jeffrey Hirz 05:10 – Jeff has been in private marketing for 5 years and in online marketing for 10 years 05:14 – He started his company, Hemingway Marketing, a few years ago 06:40 – Most practice owners don’t have a model for predictable patient acquisition 06:58 – “They don’t have patients unless they go to events” 07:13 – Jeff was able to put in a digital advertising system that predictably drove patients to practice owners 07:35 – Jeff believed that practice owners’ time should be spent on patient care and not on finding patients 08:11 – Most practice owners are technicians 08:23 – They are not really educated in business, especially not in marketing 09:00 – Jeff shares the types of practice owners they’ve worked with 09:06 – They’ve been in the industry for 30 years and struggle with diving into the digital space 10:02 – Jeff shares the number of people they can drive to the practice owners 10:50 – Social media changes the way how people find a service or someone 11:37 – Jeff shares the platform where patient acquisition is more possible 12:11 – Facebook ads and Google AdWords are the platforms where Jeff focuses his efforts 12:21 – The platforms are changing and adapting 12:40 – Jeff shares the type of ads practice owners are using on Facebook 13:12 – People don’t care about the service, but they care about their pain 13:38 – “You don’t want to market the service, you want to market the condition” 14:17 – When you market the condition, the results just multiply 14:40 – When you do your marketing and advertising, even in brochures, don’t list the services you offer but how you can eliminate their pain 16:20 – There’s a growing distrust in mainstream medicine 16:41 – If you’re only offering one service, that is only one piece of the puzzle 17:07 – The opportunity for growth is much more possible if you incorporate medical services 17:15 – Jeff shares how his wife, a chiropractor, makes her patients happy 18:05 – The range of conditions they treat is broader 18:30 – There are people with multiple conditions, but they only seek for one solution 19:30 – Jeff shares how a practice owner can improve his marketing strategy 19:40 – Bring in a marketing person and get him heavily incentivized 20:25 – Don’t do the marketing work by yourself; it’s not your specialty 21:15 – “Marketing is an investment upfront” 22:11 – Focus on what really matters 22:30 – Dr. Joe shares how he was stuck in the same situation as Jeff’s clients and needed to invest in marketing to build his company back up 23:15 – Hiring a marketing person is tough and if they don’t produce, you don’t have to pay 24:30 – Jeff shares how he convinces practice owners who are already earning well without the help of a marketing team 24:40 – Jeff simply points them to the numbers (ex. you can acquire 20-30 more patients/month with this much of an investment) 25:55 – Practice owners realize the they really need to invest in marketing in order to grow 26:03 – Practice owners should also hire someone who has proof that they can deliver 27:16 – Everything is tracked and you can see the results of their marketing efforts 27:46 – “It’s worth the investment—it’s worth the risk to try something new and see the result” 28:13 – There are still agencies who are offering the retainer model which is not a versatile model 29:08 – Having a versatile model can build people’s trust 29:46 – Check out Hemingway Marketing 29:51 – Find Jeff on LinkedIn 29:57 – Call at 440-781-3469 32:00 – Please leave us a review on iTunes! 3 Key Points: Market the condition, NOT the service itself—people don’t care about the service, they care more about the pain. Marketing is an upfront investment; hire an expert that will give you results. Hiring out for your marketing frees you up to focus on what really matters—patient care.
  • Today, in addition to patient treatment and the products she retails on her website www.diastasisrehab.com, Julie trains other medical professionals, like midwives, osteopaths, and hernia doctors, in the nuances of her technique.

    Tune-in to hear Julie and I discuss the origins of the Tupler Technique®, how she created a business model around her technique, how she grew her Tupler Technique® practice, and much, much more…

    Time Stamped Show Notes: 04:46 – Dr. Joe welcomes Julie Tupler 05:35 – Julie is a registered nurse, an educator and a fitness instructor 05:40 – She’s been developing the Tupler Technique for 25 years now 05:51 – She worked with pre- and postnatal women and her company was called Maternal Fitness 06:14 – Julie believes labor is a mind-body connection 06:43 – She wrote her first book, Maternal Fitness 06:50 – One PT who was teaching her program said their diastasis recti was getting smaller 07:15 – Julie went to Columbia University to ask if they were interested in doing a study on the Tupler Technique 07:35 – The results showed that people who used the Tupler Technique had smaller diastasis than those who didn’t 07:58 – A large diastasis can lead women to getting a C-Section 08:26 – In 2009, Julie closed her studio and opened Diastasis Rehab for men, women, and children 09:01 – She also works now with people who are having any type of abdominal surgery 10:08 – In 2004, Julie wrote, Lose Your Mummy Tummy 10:22 – Julie is launching a new book this April 10:35 – On her website, she updated her statistics stating that on the 6th week of the program, the diastasis was 55% smaller 10:54 – Julie worked with an osteopath in California 11:06 – The osteopath wanted to incorporate Julie’s program into his practice 11:22 – Julie saw he was working in a company called RegenX and asked if he was willing to do a platelet procedure on the linea alba 11:40 – The project ran for 18 weeks 11:54 – In week 4 of the program, they injected platelets in the connective tissue above and below the belly button 12:26 – The found that the connective tissue became bigger 12:49 – Julie’s program is about healing the connective tissue 13:52 – “We want to protect connective tissue from getting stretched” 14:24 – It’s really important upon movement to be able to engage the transverse muscles with several types of stretching 16:00 – Exercises are done in sitting position because it’s the best position to strengthen the transverse muscle 17:33 – Pelvic floor therapy is very prevalent these days 18:14 – There is an important connection between the pelvic floor and the transverse muscle; therefore, as you do pelvic floor therapy, address the diastasis as well 18:32 – Diastasis can also help people with back pain 19:45 – Any person complaining that they back pain should check their diastasis 20:25 – Julie invented the diastatometer 21:12 – When Julie trains other medical and fitness professionals who are learning her technique, there’s an 8-week home study program that they have to do themselves and they also need 2 case studies 21:35 – They also come to New York for 3 days of testing: written testing and performing a demonstration 22:07 – Medical professionals can use the training however they like 22:33 – Dr. Joe lists 3 ways to grow your practice from learning the Tupler Technique: 22:50 – Creating relationships with midwives and doctors, osteopaths using RegenX 22:56 – Connecting with hernia doctors, as well 23:49 – Also connect with internal medicine doctors 24:34 – It’s very easy to connect with midwives as there is a growing demand for midwives in the country 25:03 – Physical therapists should also look at scar mobilization with a client’s c-section scar 25:53 – Julie still sees clients and trains people 3x/year 26:08 – She will be holding a seminar for any PTs on Monday, April 24, 2:00-5:00 in the Union Square Area, NYC 26:38 – Check out Julie’s course at Tupler Technique 27:32 – Check out Julie’s website and enroll in her course 29:18 – You can buy her products wholesale, on her website 32:53 – Please leave us a review on iTunes! 3 Key Points: Keep an open mind, especially when it comes to learning new therapies that can heal your body. The Tupler Technique can open up a new revenue stream for your practice, attracting those needing pelvic floor therapy and pre and postpartum clients as well. Creating relationships with professionals in mutually beneficial fields can open the door to more business and better care for clients.
  • In this highly-informative, highly-candid conversation, Callum and I sit down to discuss his origins as a Facebook marketing expert, his theory regarding Interest-based Targeting vs. Behavioral Targeting, his strategy for testing different geographical markets for advertising, how his strategies can be applied to physical therapy offices, and much, much more.

    Time Stamped Show Notes: 04:35 – Dr. Joe welcomes Callum Davies, a world leader in Facebook as a specialist for auto injury ads 04:56 – More listeners are asking advice about how to run Facebook ads 05:29 – Callum runs Facebook ads because it’s an area of advertising where chiropractors struggle 06:01 – He spent $40K for an education in ads 06:12 – He lives in London, but is moving to Boca Raton in May 07:09 – Facebook has 1.2B daily users – it’s the platform that gives you access to the most people 07:35 – Facebook gives you every type of person 07:39 – Any kind of business should be on Facebook because of the large audience it provides you 08:01 – Adword Ads vs. Facebook Ads 08:22 – In Facebook, money is NOT going to be wasted on the wrong people 09:33 – Let’s say a client spends $500 and doesn’t get a return—what went wrong? 10:16 – When it comes to auto entry, 90% of success comes from targeting 10:32 – Some marketers are too lazy to delve deep enough into the platform 10:44 – Always check your landing pages 11:08 – Check your copy, it needs to convey urgency 11:26 – Use scarcity to create the urgency 11:59 – The biggest thing to check is the actual radius of your ad for the people you are targeting 13:51 – Getting a radius of clients that are within 5-10 miles of your business gets the best returns 14:29 – Even if you’re in a 5-10 mile radius, your services MUST be set apart from the ones in the same area and this is conveyed through your copy 14:54 – Generally, a 5-10 miles radius works best, but it still depends on the city 15:39 – Make 10 miles your limit 16:06 – Facebook is not allowing certain words to be said in the headline and copy 17:03 – Facebook’s algorithm is hard to understand – you can email a representative for help 17:28 – Ads get rejected when you call out specific attributes 18:12 – Never call out a specific attribute – phrase your sentences as a statement, NOT a question 18:31 – Rather than saying “Are you experiencing pain?”, say “If you’re experiencing pain…” 19:00 – Don’t worry about it when your ads get rejected; just make sure you have 10 approved ads for every 1 rejected ad 20:44 – If you have an agency that isn’t running your ads on your ad account, talk to them and make sure they run it on YOUR account 20:58 – The issue with this is that you don’t get the data if it’s not on your account 21:21 – Callum runs all his ads from his clients’ accounts, so the data is transparent and the client can see exactly what he is doing 21:42 – Conversions and leads are the only things that matter in terms of the data you receive 22:21 – Callum is averaging about $2.50/lead for his clients when it comes to the ads 23:05 – “One word on your landing page can make all the difference” 23:17 – The ad gets the click, the landing page persuades people to act 23:41 – The “thank you” page encourages people to call your practice 24:58 – Add enough urgency in your copy 25:54 – The majority of ads offer a free service 27:52 – Dr. Joe always discusses the right way to target ads with his clients, as this is their usual struggle 29:13 – When targeting, understand that you’re looking for the specific interests of a target audience 30:08 – Go through all the brands of your target industry and type them in the targeting section 30:25 – If your audience is small, you can still build your audience with algorithms 30:48 – But, the best way is targeting people based on an interest 31:19 – “Test what works best for you” in regards to radius targeting 31:43 – Interest-based Targeting vs. Behavioral Targeting: Facebook can track what you like and dislike and also the activities/behaviours that you engage in online and offline just by watching what you do on Facebook 32:52 – Facebook knows everything about you – which makes targeting more powerful 34:00 – Reach out to Callum on LinkedIn 34:20 – Callum’s specializes in executing the entire ads process for chiropractors and physical therapists 35:20 – He also does a little coaching on the side 38:20 – Callum’s niche is “getting people calls” for local businesses 39:27 – Please leave us a review on iTunes! 3 Key Points: Facebook ads have the ability to reach a specific, target audience; you won’t waste money on unqualified leads. 90% of your success from Facebook ads come from your targeting—aim for people that are within 5-10 miles of your business. Remember to create a sense of urgency and scarcity in your copy; this will set you apart from your competitors.
  • Do you know the four, main metrics by which you can measure your practice’s health?

    Neither did today’s guest, Dee Bills—a physical therapist turned owner of Private Practice Administrative Consulting—until she sat down and figured them out (more on this later).

    After nearly two decades of working in the private practices of others, Dee decided to buy her own practice in 2005 from the hospital where her husband worked at the time.

    At first, everything was great.

    The thrill of being a practice owner was invigorating, and—as Dee will admit—the newfound mantle of “ownership” cast a happy, king-of-the-castle veneer over every emerging obstacle and problem.

    But after five years of life as a small business owner and PT practitioner, the gilded veneer of “ownership” had worn completely off. Dee was tired, frustrated, and left facing some stark realities—both economic and operational—about the future of her business…

    …Realities that required immediate change if her practice was going to survive into 2011.

    (Remember when I said more on this later?)

    So, Dee sat down, looked at the numbers, and identified for main metrics she’d need to boost in order to keep her business afloat:

    New patients Patient visits Collections Overall Production

    To get back to being a healthy, profitable practice, Dee discovered she needed more new patients, more visits from existing patients, better collections processes, and more productivity overall.

    That would mean putting a more effective billing process in place, installing an employee training program for the first time ever, measuring key metrics on a monthly basis to assess the health of the business, implementing a cancellation policy, and partnering with a collections agency.

    The result?

    Dee and her husband went from 90 visits per week, to more than 300 visits per week in just six years—a 300% increase—and their once abysmal arrival rate is now higher than 95%.

    But the MOST important change Dee made to transform her business?

    Well, you’ll just have to listen to the episode to find out…

    By the way, don’t forget to share your feedback about this episode with me on Twitter @DrJoeSimon with the hashtag #DeeBills

    04:35 – Dr. Joe introduces Dee Bills, owner of Private Practice Administrative Consulting 04:47 – Dr. Joe and Dee met on LinkedIn 05:18 – Dee is a physical therapist 05:26 – She’s spent roughly 18 years working in private practice 05:44 – In 2005, Dee and her husband bought their current practice from the hospital where her husband worked 05:57 – 2010 and 2011, they realized if they didn’t make a change, they wouldn’t survive 06:07 – They sought consulting and Dee’s husband received training which grew their practice 30% in 6 months 06:20 – Dee got into the practice and began to help build their systems of billing 06:48 – What Dee realized was that they didn’t really have any systems in place 06:52 – There was no staff training or metrics to assess how they were doing 07:01 – There were problem at the front desk 07:17 – It was Dee who created systems for their practice 07:21 – They ran a 95% arrival rate for 3.5 years 07:53 – “Most practice owners are technicians of their PT” 08:48 – If they didn’t make a change, they probably wouldn’t have survived 09:08 – They started at 90 visits per week in 2011 09:17 – After their training, they’re now at 300 visits per week 09:51 – A clinic owner must understand 4 main metrics a practice continually generates: 10:02 – New Patients 10:03 – Patient Visits 10:05 – Collections 10:06 – Overall Production 10:53 – As owners start to outsource their collections, they tend to step back 11:17 – Collections is one of the most important metrics to follow as it comes down to the money 11:43 – A biggest problem that front desk faces is confrontations 13:28 – There are 5 things Dee tracks at the front desk: 13:36 – Track your arrival rate and improve it 14:00 – Have a cancellation policy 14:11 – Have procedures in place 14:35 – Teach the front desk rep to properly educate the patient on their policies 14:42 – “The goal is preventing cancellation” 15:00 – Have training for the front desk 15:42 – Start tracking your arrival rates! 17:31 – Without testing something new, owners won’t realize what they’re doing wrong 18:29 – There’s almost no training out there for front desk employees 18:40 – The big thing that worked for Dee was using scripts when training their staff 19:52 – We don’t have a policy that patients just come in and sign, our staff sit down and explain the policies to them point-by-point 20:01 – First benefit to this is that the staff will understand that policy better 20:08 – And second, it gives the staff authority and the patients more accountability to follow procedure, especially in regards to cancelling appointments 20:56 – Train your staff well before having them handle patients 22:20 – “Your front desk is your gatekeeper” 23:02 – “Your front desk is just as valuable as your PTs” 24:39 – Smaller practices are Dee’s audience 25:59 – Dee is just focusing on helping small practices right now 27:45 – Connect with Dee on LinkedIn, on her website, or send her an email 28:37 – Helping smaller business owners to advance is HUGE for Dee 30:30 – Leave us a message at Private Practice Administrative Consulting 31:22 – Please leave us a review on iTunes! 3 Key Points: Embrace change, adapt to it – it may be the answer to your survival. Start using metrics so you KNOW just how well you’re doing and don’t forget to track them! Invest time and effort into staff training; teach your staff how to educate your patients on your policies.
  • Paul is living proof this “Ultimate Health Business Lifestyle” is possible. At one stage he owned 6 successful Get Active Physiotherapy clinics in Australia, yet still spent more time at home than his wife preferred, never missed a school concert or sports carnival, and visited his clinics for only a few hours each week. While doing this he did not even live in the same city as 5 of his clinics! Don’t miss this chance to find out how your international colleagues have handled and thrived under the exact same conditions USA health providers are so worried about. Since selling his health businesses Paul now prefers spending, even more, time with his family and friends, at the beach, or at home working on the Million Dollar Health Professional Program

  • It takes an adventurous spirit, to strike out on your own. Medpreneurship fits perfectly with the ADHDer’s need for stimulation and a willingness to take risks. The greatest success stories in private practice took a leap based on what they saw in the marketplace at a particular moment in time. Rejecting solutions that seemed to be “normal”, they instead trusted their instincts and forged ahead with something new and unproven while their more risk-averse peers shook their heads and insisted it would never work.

  • IF YOU'RE THINKING- I JUST PAY WHAT MY ACCOUNTANT TELLS ME, THEN THIS EPISODE IS DEFINITELY FOR YOU. I'm not a proponent of not paying taxes, but I am the first to tell you that the proper tax advisor could save you millions of dollars over the lifespan of your practice. Sit back and listen to the insights of what every practice owner should know.

  • Remember on May 1st 2015 tweet #GetPT1st. Michael Bowers, the newly appointed CEO of the APTA, stated that if all physical therapists tweeted the same hashtag on the same day, it would be trending. Now that would be a statement! Let's put Michaels theory to the test.