
  • AI chatbots can induce false memories. That’s the jaw-dropping revelation Jim Carter dives into on this episode of "The Prompt."

    Jim shares a groundbreaking study by MIT and the University of California, Irvine, which found that AI-powered chatbots can create false memories in users. Imagine witnessing a crime and then being misled by a chatbot into remembering things that never happened. Scary, right?

    The study involved 200 participants who watched a silent CCTV video of an armed robbery. They were split into four groups: a control group, a survey with misleading questions, a pre-scripted chatbot, and a generative chatbot using a large language model.

    The results? The generative chatbot induced nearly triple the number of false memories compared to the control group. What's even crazier is that 36% of users' responses to the generative chatbot were misled, and these false memories stuck around for at least a week!

    Jim explores why some people are more susceptible to these AI-induced false memories. Turns out, people who are familiar with AI but not with chatbots are more likely to be misled. Plus, those with a keen interest in crime investigations are more vulnerable, likely due to their higher engagement and processing of misinformation.

    So, why do chatbots "hallucinate" or generate false info? Jim explains the limitations and biases in training data, overfitting, and the nature of large language models, which prioritize plausible answers over factual accuracy. These hallucinations can spread misinformation, erode trust in AI, and even cause legal issues.

    But don’t worry, Jim doesn’t leave us hanging. He shares actionable steps to minimize these risks, like improving training data quality, combining language models with fact-checking systems, and developing hallucination detection systems.

    Want to stay on top of the latest AI developments? Join Jim's Fast Foundations Slack group to discuss these critical issues and work towards responsible AI development. Head over to fastfoundations.com/slack to be part of the conversation.

    Remember, we have the power to shape AI’s future, so let’s keep the dialogue going, one prompt at a time.

  • Is Grok 2.0, the newest version from Elon Musk's AI company xAI, UNHINGED? We're about to find out.

    This new version of their chatbot includes an image generation feature, which doesn't sound like a big deal, right? The problem is that it has almost no restrictions or content moderation. Unlike OpenAI's DALL-E or Google's Gemini, which have strict filters to prevent offensive or misleading images, Grok 2.0 is pretty much a free-for-all.

    And the results? Well, they're more than a little concerning. Imagine fake images of politicians in compromising situations—Barack Obama using drugs, Donald Trump with a pregnant Kamala Harris. Yeah, it's that bad. And Grok's inconsistent answers about its limitations don't exactly inspire confidence.

    Jim dives deep into the ethical quagmire this presents, especially with the 2024 US presidential election looming. The potential for abuse is staggering, not just in politics but also in legal realms like copyright. Iconic characters are being misrepresented and it's clear that the creators of these images aren't thinking about the legal ramifications.

    But this episode isn't just about Grok. It's about the broader challenges of balancing technological progress with responsible AI development. Jim argues that we need clear, honest, ethical rules as these tools become more advanced and accessible. If we don't start having these tough conversations now, we're setting ourselves up for a world of trouble. We need proactive safeguards and critical thinking about AI misuse. Public trust in technology is at stake, and the easier it is for people to do harm with AI, the more likely it is to happen. Jim calls on the AI community to grapple with these issues head-on.

    "As much as I love the potential of AI, cases like Grok 2.0 are only going to become more common. If we don't start having these tough conversations now, we're gonna be in for a world of trouble down the line."

    So, what do you think about Grok and the broader implications for AI development? Join the conversation at fastfoundations.com/slack and let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI—one prompt at a time.

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  • In this special episode, Jim Carter talks with Kareen Walsh about the launch of her AI-based chat app, Hey Kareen. They explore how AI can replicate human expertise to scale personal impact and efficiency. Jim emphasizes the transformative potential of AI, likening it to the impact of the personal computer. He notes two main reactions to AI: fear and curiosity, and advocates for the latter by sharing real-life examples of rapid AI integration and its benefits.

    Key points include:

    AI Integration: Jim discusses how AI tools eliminate the need for custom builds, making it faster and easier to implement new technology.Overcoming Fear: Jim and Kareen talk about the fear of AI and how curiosity can overcome it, emphasizing practical experimentation.Practical Use Cases: Jim shares how AI can handle complex data analysis quickly, freeing up time for more valuable tasks.Accessibility: Emphasizes that AI tools are now accessible to everyone, not just those with advanced technical skills.Impact and Evolution: The conversation underlines how AI helps scale personal expertise, making it possible to reach and help more people.

    Kareen and Jim's dialogue is insightful, showing how AI can be a powerful tool for both personal and professional growth, if approached with an open mind and a willingness to experiment.

    Check out her new app at https://heykareen.com and use this special link for a 7-day free trial (https://heykareen.com/joinnow)

  • "Q* is already challenging our perceptions of what AI can do. It's not about replacing human thinking, but augmenting it, creating new possibilities for collaboration between humans and AI."

    Welcome back to The Prompt with Jim Carter! Today, Jim dives into the enigmatic world of Project Strawberry, also known as Q*, which some are saying might be the next GPT-5 from OpenAI. This episode unpacks the mystery and excitement surrounding Q*, a project that's pushing AI into thrilling and slightly unnerving new territories.

    So, what's Q* all about? At its heart, Q* is designed to make AI think more like humans. Instead of just memorizing facts, it helps AI reason through problems step-by-step, much like we do. This shift is monumental for AI development, focusing on better reasoning, self-learning capabilities, and advanced problem-solving. Imagine an AI that can teach itself new skills and adapt on its own—mind-blowing, right?

    Jim breaks down how Q* works using Q-learning and AAR search. He shares how Q-learning is like training a dog with rewards and feedback, while AAR search is a GPS for problem-solving, always finding the most efficient path. Together, these techniques allow Q* to think ahead and plan, tackling real-world challenges like a chess grandmaster.

    The potential applications are vast: speeding up scientific research, improving climate modeling, and even acting as a super-smart personal assistant. Picture planning a family vacation with an AI that considers budget, destinations, and activities, finding the best deals and itineraries—sounds like a dream, doesn't it?

    But with great power comes great responsibility. Jim discusses the ethical considerations, the computational power required for Q*, and the speculation around "GPT-Mini," a more efficient version that could incorporate Q*'s capabilities sustainably.

    Key takeaways? Q* is pushing us closer to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - AI that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across different areas. But know this: It's not about replacing human thinking but augmenting it, creating new possibilities for collaboration between humans and AI.

    Jim leaves us with a thought-provoking question: If Q* can teach itself advanced mathematics, what's stopping it from cracking the toughest encryption algorithms? The prospect is daunting, but it gets you thinking about how far AGI can go.

    Curious to learn more about AI? Join Jim's Slack community for insights, strategies, and support at fastfoundations.com/slack.

    Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI, one prompt at a time. See you next time!

  • "As an SEO expert with over a decade of experience, I've seen the industry evolve time and time again. But this shift towards AI-powered search feels different."

    In this episode of "The Prompt," Jim Carter dives deep into the revolutionary new AI-powered search engine from OpenAI that's got everyone talking. Forget scrolling through endless pages of search results; with SearchGPT, you get direct, conversational answers to your questions, complete with in-line citations and links. It's like chatting with a super knowledgeable friend who always has the receipts.

    Jim breaks down the staggering numbers: the global search engine market is valued at over $237 billion in 2023 and is expected to double by 2030. Google handles a jaw-dropping 8.5 billion searches per day, but the landscape is changing fast. With SearchGPT's conversational approach and real-time information integration, Google might finally have some serious competition.

    So, what does this mean for the future of search? Well, competition is heating up, and even Alphabet's shares took a 2.5% dip following SearchGPT's announcement. This could push Google and other search engines to innovate at lightning speed. Jim also touches on the evolving nature of SEO, emphasizing the shift towards natural language, semantic relevance, and structured data. It's no longer just about keywords; it's about creating genuinely helpful and informative content that humans and AI can easily understand.

    The rise of AI-powered search means a shift in user behavior and a move away from traditional search result pages towards more conversational interactions. This has massive implications for digital marketing, content creation, and how we interact with the internet as a whole.

    Jim, with his decade of SEO expertise, sees this as an exciting yet daunting time, urging everyone to adapt and embrace these changes to thrive in this new era of search.

    Curious about the inner workings of "The Prompt" and how Jim leverages AI in podcasting? Join his Slack community at fastfoundations.com/slack to dive deep into strategies, scripts, and workflows.

    It's a highly valuable community leading the way for AI in business at a fraction of the cost of hiring Jim or his team one-on-one.

    So, what do you think about this shift? Are you excited about the potential of AI-powered search, or do you have concerns? Jim wants to hear your thoughts!

    Tune in, stay curious, and let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI and search, one prompt at a time.

  • "Inside the labs, we have these capable models and they're not that far ahead from what the public has access to for free." Boom! That’s a direct quote from Mira Murati, CTO of OpenAI, and it sets the stage for this episode of The Prompt. Jim Carter covers the release of GPT-4o-mini, a smaller, faster, and way cheaper version of the flagship GPT-4o model. This isn't just another upgrade; it's a paradigm shift.

    Jim explores how GPT-4o-mini, with its impressive 82% score on the MMLU benchmark and the same 128 thousand token context window, is making waves by being both efficient and accessible. And the kicker? It does all this at a fraction of the cost—15 cents per million input tokens and 60 cents per million output tokens. For anyone running API calls around the clock, these savings are huge.

    But it’s not just about the money. Jim argues that this shift towards efficiency over raw power signifies a new phase in AI development. We’re moving from pushing the boundaries of what's possible to making those capabilities practical and accessible. This is echoed in Murati’s admission that the most exciting stuff in the labs isn’t that far ahead of what’s publicly available.

    Jim also touches on how GPT-4o-mini holds its own against other models like Claude, Llama, and Gemma. While it’s not blowing them out of the water, it’s competitive, signaling a saturation point in AI development. This new phase is all about optimization, practical applications, and making powerful tech more accessible.

  • Can AI help find a lost dog's family? In this episode of "The Prompt," Jim Carter talks about a real-life adventure where AI came to the rescue. Picture this: Jim’s morning walk with his dog Mocha turns into a mission to reunite a lost fluffy gray dog with its owner. But instead of using the archaic methods available, Jim turned to AI to identify the dog’s breed and age, making the search a whole lot easier and faster.

    Jim’s story isn’t just a feel-good tale; it’s a masterclass in how AI can simplify our lives in unexpected ways. He explains how he used his beta AI vision tool to snap a photo of the lost dog and get instant insights about its breed. Armed with this info, Jim didn’t have to wander aimlessly asking, “Is this your dog?” Instead, he could ask more targeted questions, like, “Do you know anyone with a mixed breed mini schnauzer?”

    One of the key takeaways here is the power of AI as a guide. Jim likens it to having a map when you’re lost—something to point you in the right direction. He also drops a golden business idea: an AI-powered pet finder service that matches lost pets with their owners through photo recognition. Imagine snapping a pic of a stray dog and instantly knowing where it belongs. Genius, right?

    Notable quotes from the episode include Jim’s reflection: “I don’t necessarily believe in shortcuts in life but I do believe in the power of guides.” And his lightbulb moment: “Could I solve this in one shot? Immediately the idea came to me.”

    Jim wraps up the episode by inviting listeners to try out his new AI tool. Just text “explain this” to 866-733-2202 and see the magic unfold. It’s a simple, no-signup-required way to experience AI’s potential firsthand.

    So, if you’re curious about how AI can make your life easier or you’re hunting for the next big business idea, this episode is a must-listen. Hit that Follow button and join Jim on this exciting AI journey. You won’t want to miss what’s coming next!

  • ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, or Perplexity? Which AI should you be using?

    This is the burning question Jim Carter tackles in this episode of The Prompt. With AI evolving faster than ever, Jim dives into the unique strengths of these four leading language models, giving you the lowdown on which one might be your new go-to tool.

    First up, ChatGPT. It's not just a chat tool; it's like having a research assistant, junior programmer, and data scientist all rolled into one. Imagine uploading a 45-page PDF and having ChatGPT break it down for you like you're five. Or tossing in a massive CSV file and getting clear, concise charts in return. It's a game-changer, especially with its code interpreter feature.

    Then there's Google's Gemini. This powerhouse is connected to the world's best database of websites, thanks to Google Search. Need to whip up some code for a landing page? Gemini's got you covered. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace, making it a go-to for heavy research and coding tasks.

    Claude, the rising star from Anthropic, is next on the list. Its latest release, Sonnet version 3.5, is turning heads with its speed and unique "artifacts" feature, which lets you refine your chat in real-time. Jim uses Claude for this very podcast, dictating his thoughts and having Claude turn them into polished episodes. It's a time-saver and a testament to Claude's nuanced understanding of writing styles.

    Lastly, there's Perplexity. This service blends models like GPT and Claude to give you comprehensive, real-time answers. It's like having an answer engine at your fingertips, perfect for on-the-go research.

    Jim's key takeaway? Experiment with all four. Each has its strengths, and finding the right one for your needs can revolutionize how you work with AI. And if you're looking for a custom AI solution, Jim's team at Bara Agency is launching Bara.AI, a first-of-its-kind service built for businesses. Check out bara.ai for more info and get on the waitlist for demos.

    So, what are you waiting for? Dive into this episode, explore these AI tools, and start shaping the future with Jim.

    And as always, let's keep pushing the boundaries, one prompt at a time!

  • Jim just returned from a week-long cruise to Mexico with his family, where he did the unthinkable: he disconnected from the internet. No emails, no social media, no work. And guess what? It was life-giving.

    Jim takes us through his journey of digital detox, sharing how he prepared for the trip by turning off notifications, reorganizing his phone, and setting up systems to ensure he could truly unplug. He even bought an expensive internet package for the ship but used it sparingly, only for essentials like checking in on their dog back home. The result? A newfound sense of freedom and mental clarity.

    One of the key insights Jim offers is the importance of preparation. He spent weeks getting his affairs in order, from recording video overviews for his team to writing down emergency contacts for the house sitter. This meticulous planning allowed him to fully immerse himself in the vacation without the nagging feeling of unfinished business.

    Jim also highlights the benefits of automation and delegation. By optimizing his processes and leveraging AI, he was able to step away from his business without it falling apart. This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs who feel tethered to their devices and are looking for ways to reclaim their time and mental space.

    So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the constant digital noise, this episode is your wake-up call. Take a page from Jim's book and start planning your own digital detox. Trust us, your future self will thank you. And if you're ready to take it a step further, reach out to Jim's team at https://Bara.ai to see how AI can help you automate your business and give you the freedom to disconnect.

    Tune in, get inspired, and start your journey towards a more balanced, relaxed life. Catch you in the next episode of The Prompt!

  • Grace is not earned or deserved, but rather, the freely given love of God. Boom! That's the mic drop moment Jim Carter shares in this heartfelt episode of The Prompt.

    Jim takes us on a journey through his transformative year, celebrating the one-year anniversary of his weekly AI newsletter. But this episode is more than just a milestone; it's a deep dive into the power of grace, resilience, and the joy of consistent effort.

    Jim opens up about his life a year ago—running a digital marketing agency, feeling burnt out, and grappling with financial stress. He was in a tough spot, not being the husband and father he wanted to be. Something had to change. And change it did, but not in the way you might expect. Instead of diving into more work, Jim gave himself something intangible: grace. Inspired by a sermon from his pastor, Jim embraced the idea that grace is an unmerited favor and love from God, a gift freely given. This realization allowed him to pause, quit what no longer served him, and focus on what truly mattered.

    On May 23rd, 2023, Jim sent out the first edition of his AI newsletter, committing to cover topics he loves every week. Fast forward to today, and he's delivered 52 editions with unwavering consistency. Jim reflects on the highs and lows of this journey—weeks where he scrambled to write, weeks he wanted to ignore it, and weeks he had to remind himself to keep it fun and evolving. Yet, through it all, he showed up, delivering value and reconnecting with the joy of the process.

    Key takeaways? Embrace grace in your life, allow yourself to pause and reflect, and find joy in consistent effort. Jim's story is a testament to the power of showing up, even when it's tough. And the results speak for themselves—50-60% open rates and loyal readers who find value in every edition.

    Feeling inspired? Jim invites you to celebrate this milestone with him. If something from his newsletter added value to your life, hit him up on Instagram @causehacker and share your story.

    Here's to issue 100 and beyond! Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI and human connection, one prompt at a time.

  • "Are we creating more value than tech can replace?" That's the burning question Jim Carter tackles in this episode of The Prompt.

    Buckle up, because we're diving headfirst into the hotly debated topic of AI and job replacement. Jim kicks things off with a jaw-dropping example: a tech company slashed its content marketing team from 60 writers and editors to just one editor, thanks to ChatGPT. Ouch. A tweet responding to this story hits hard, suggesting that if AI can replace your job, maybe it wasn't that valuable to begin with. Harsh, but is there truth to it?

    Jim doesn't shy away from the tough questions. He challenges us to rethink the value we bring to our jobs, especially if they're mundane and repetitive. Remember when phone operators manually connected calls? Or when icemen delivered blocks of ice to keep food cold? Those jobs vanished with technological advancements, just like many will with AI. But AI won't just eliminate jobs; it'll create new ones. Think of it as the next evolution, like washing machines replacing manual laundry labor.

    The key takeaway? Future-proof your career by creating more value than tech can replace. Jim passionately argues that those who innovate and add unique value won't fear AI—they'll thrive alongside it. He invites listeners to join his Fast Foundations Slack community, where he shares advanced AI tools and strategies, and offers live office hours for personalized guidance.

    Notable quotes from the episode include: "If ChatGPT can take your content marketing job, you didn't really have a job to begin with," and "CREATE MORE VALUE than tech can replace - THAT is how you future-proof your career in the age of AI."

    Ready to dive deeper and stay ahead of the curve? Join Jim and other forward-thinkers in the Fast Foundations Slack community. Head over to fastfoundations.com/slack and get on the waitlist. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible, one prompt at a time. Catch you in the next episode!

  • "Your financial future got dumped in your lap." That's how Jim kicks off this episode with financial expert Mel Abraham.

    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by managing your money, this episode is your new best friend. Jim and Mel dive deep into the world of personal finance, but don't worry—this isn't your typical snooze-fest financial talk. Mel’s new book, "Your Money Machine," is the star of the show, and it’s all about making money management simple, actionable, and, dare we say, fun?

    Mel shares some eye-opening stats: the median savings for retirement is just $89,000, while you need $1.46 million to retire comfortably. Yikes! But fear not, Mel’s here to guide you through the chaos. He emphasizes the importance of having conversations about money and making it less taboo. His mantra? "Earnings are your seeds. Live off of the crop, not the seeds." Powerful, right?

    Jim and Mel also explore the tech side of things. Mel’s approach to his book launch is a masterclass in leveraging technology without losing the human touch. From automations that streamline his workflow to AI tools that help with content creation, Mel’s got it all figured out. He even talks about using AI to create a digital clone of himself for educational purposes. Imagine having a conversation with Mel anytime you want!

    One of the most touching moments is when Mel discusses the legacy he wants to leave for his grandkids. He’s using technology to ensure that his wisdom and voice are preserved for future generations. It’s a poignant reminder of the power of tech when used with heart and integrity.

    Key takeaways? Start having those money conversations now, leverage technology to free up your time, and always think about the legacy you’re leaving behind. Mel’s approach is all about making complex financial concepts accessible and actionable.

    "Earnings are your seeds. Live off of the crop, not the seeds." Is one of our favorite quotes of the epiosode.

    Grab Mel’s book at yourmoneymachinebook.com and start building your money machine today & approaching tech like the big players.

    Follow Mel on Instagram @MelAbraham9 and subscribe to his YouTube channel for more invaluable insights. Don’t just read the book—do the book. Your future self will thank you.

  • Today, we're talking about the latest buzz in the tech world: Apple's personalized AI. This technology is designed to simplify tasks and enable seamless actions across apps, all while keeping your privacy and data control front and center.

    Apple Intelligence: The Future of AI

    Apple's new AI can generate images, summarize text, and create custom emojis within native apps. Available for free on devices with an M1 chip or later, including the iPhone 15 Pro, iPad Pro, and the entire Mac lineup.

    Siri Gets a Major Upgrade

    Siri is becoming more natural, relevant, and personal. It will cross-reference information and respond to conversational language, making it feel like you’re chatting with a super-smart friend.

    Writing and App Control

    The AI offers proofreading, rewriting, and summarizing features to help you craft the perfect message. It can also control apps, allowing you to ask Siri to pull up specific files or photos.

    Privacy and Security: A Top Priority

    Most AI models are processed on-device, with 'Private Cloud Compute' as a backup. Apple’s partnership with OpenAI allows users to write text using ChatGPT, but only with your permission.

    The Controversy: Elon Musk's Concerns

    Elon Musk has criticized the partnership, citing privacy and security concerns. He’s even threatened to ban Apple devices from his companies if Apple integrates OpenAI's technology at the operating system level.

    The Bigger Picture

    This conflict highlights broader concerns about user privacy and data security in AI, as well as competitive tensions between major tech companies.

  • This time on The Prompt, Jim Carter becomes the most interesting person in the room at a networking event... all by leveraging this one thing?

    Listen in as Jim shares a fascinating story about how AI helped him stand out and make a lasting impression — one that will likely bring in clients and connections for years to come.

    🔍 Key takeaways from the episode you won't want to miss:

    1. When networking, make it about them, not you. Show you're interested in what they do and how they do it.

    2. Use AI to spark curiosity: Share how you're starting to use AI and what it's doing for you. People love seeing themselves in other people's stories, so make your story relatable and intriguing.

    3. Establish yourself as a resource: Help others dream big about how their businesses could evolve. Connect them to resources and people that could assist them, establishing yourself as a valuable contact.

    Want more? Join the waitlist for the Fast Foundations Slack community at fastfoundations.com/slack, where Jim shares inside knowledge on all things AI, automation, and tech.

  • In this episode of The Prompt, host Jim Carter III shares three groundbreaking ways in which he is leveraging AI to create strategies and tools for his business and clients. Jim provides insights into how AI can be used to develop confidence in user data, classify users intelligently, and create content from user data. He emphasizes the potential of AI to revolutionize businesses and encourages listeners to embrace AI as a tool for staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly transformative world of technology. Join us as we explore the incredible possibilities of AI and how it's shaping the future of marketing and business.

  • In this episode of The Prompt, Jim Carter III talks about a major shift that's taking place in the world of SEO following a game-changing update from Google. With a focus on the impact of AI-generated search results, Jim explains the implications for businesses and marketers, offering insights into the evolving landscape of SEO. From the rise of AI-generated answers to the changing metrics for success, Jim breaks down the key changes and their potential effects on the industry. Join Jim as he explores the intersection of AI and SEO in this dynamic new era.

  • The language model revolutionizing AI communication is here, and OpenAI is democratizing it by making it accessible to millions. Meet GPT-4o.

    In this episode, you'll learn how OpenAI's latest release, GPT-4o, takes natural language AI to a whole new level, handling text, voice, and visual input across over 50 languages. Jim shares some of the ways he's used it in his daily life, and how you can too. Plus, Jim covers how developers can explore vast possibilities for building intelligent apps at half the price of GPT-4.

    Tune in now to learn about GPT-4o and its human-level capabilities.

    Don't forget to hit the follow button so you never miss an episode. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI, one episode at a time!

  • In this episode of "The Prompt," host Jim Carter III shares an exciting project update about building a 100% automated AI-driven podcast media network. He explains how he created a hyperlocal weather forecast podcast network for 18 major cities worldwide, all at a cost of less than a dollar a day. By leveraging AI and creativity, he has proven the success of this innovative project, demonstrating the power of AI in everyday life.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    1. How Jim utilized AI and tech to create a hyper-localized weather forecast podcast network for major cities.

    2. The suite of tech tools and APIs Jim used to collect real-time and historical weather to create a fully automated podcast production.

    3. The joy and value of pursuing AI for any project (even something as simple as the weather!)

    Tune in to discover innovative ways to incorporate AI into your own projects, no matter how small. If you want to learn more, join Jim's community of AI enthusiasts, Fast Foundations, where he shares insights on AI tools and strategies to save you time and money.

    Don't forget to hit the follow button so you never miss an episode. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI, one episode at a time!

  • Meta's latest move to democratize access to advanced AI technology through a powerful chatbot across social channels has the potential to revolutionize the everyday social media experience for billions of users.

    In this episode, I explore the impact of this historic development and discuss its implications for the future of AI.

    You'll learn about:

    - How Meta's move to democratize AI opens the door to widespread AI adoption on social media platforms.

    - Llama 3 AI chatbot's features include ideation, real-time image and GIF generation, and more.

    - Controversies and concerns surrounding the AI rollout, such as misinformation, user experience, privacy, and data usage

    - The benefits of making AI accessible to all and the potential for an AI-powered future

    As always, I'm dedicated to bringing you the latest and most thought-provoking AI topics, and I can't wait for you to dive into this episode.

  • What is Airchat? I share my take on thisunique blend of audio communication like Clubhouse meets Twitter, with a twist. What sets it apart is that it solely relies on spoken communication — no text input allowed. I discuss how the platform leverages AI to transcribe spoken words in real-time, making content more accessible and engaging. Join me as I share my initial impressions of Airchat and explore its potential impact on social media and human connection.