
  • ★ There is a field of intangible information that determines the tangibles of your life… ★ This field of unlimited possibilities is als the reason why you should care what your neighbor thinks. ★ We experience, globally, a predictable crisis that caught the world by surprise… ★ In this podcast you and I, we will open a door so you can use the global situation as the chance of your lifetime. ★

    If you know what happens to the morphogenetic field that we all "think into”, then you know why you should care what your neighbor thinks—or all the other 8 billion people you share that field with. If you don't know what this term is all about then let me clarify only this much at the moment:

    There is a field of intangible information—think of it like a hard drive on which information is stored—and this field is connected to our thoughts and emotions. In general: The term morphogenetic field comes from "morphe" the ancient Greek word for "form" or "shape", which also refers to the phenotype - i.e. the appearance of an organism type shaped by hereditary factors and environmental influences (please do not confuse this with genotype, which is about the genetic basis).

    On the other hand, "genesis"—no not Phil Collins and band-colleagues—but "giving life" (from the ancient Greek 'creation, emergence, birth') is in it. So, together, both terms mean the following: a field, which gives life (genesis) to the 'form' (morphe).

    For now just make up your mind about the following:

    You can learn to harness this field by the simple act of bringing your attention or focus to a subject, idea or vision. The more attention this energy potential gets, the more likely something will come to life "into" the three-dimensional world. But the more your neighbor also feeds this field with fear or worry, the more likely we all are to share the effects.

    Effects in all of our reality "outside" which is being shaped by events and situations which correspond to this fear. So what if we as business owners would NOW pack the bull by its horns.

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ This will most likely be the most worthwhile idea you will ever receive in your life. ★ Just Imagine you could change the way you think about death… ★ Let’s expand your horizon and your life expectancy dramatically—with ZERO effort but with a lot of joy. ★

    What will your life be like when you can finally stop looking at “the clock” assuming how many years you have left?

    When you could choose: What are the things and undertakings you would bring into your life as soon as you believe to have 20 or more more years on top?

    I don’t want to speak about breaking the death habit. It IS a great inspiration to see death as an habit, because, even when it’s one of the hardest things to do, for us, to change a habit—we are all herd animals and we need our peer-groups to feel safe and the group loves things the way they have always been—habits definitely CAN BE changed!

    But I don’t want to disrupt your program right now, trying to get to answer the “how should this work” question too hastily.

    In this episode I prefer to get into a gold digger mode and just see what nuggets can be found out there…. are there any real signs and perhaps proofs that humans can live much longer as we currently believe?

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

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  • ★ Who must YOU be to be Free? ★ Why do so many people don’t use their time in a better way and what does your Time, your Identity and your Essense have to do with a purposeful and joyful business? ★

    Your Healthy Business Does NOT Need You!

    If you have a business that requires your time and your presence, then you don’t have a business, you just have a job. If your business needs you all the time, it’s not you who owns the business, the business owns you! Redesign it. Re-invent it. Decide for automation. Focus on ideas and solutions to create a system with multiple sources of income.

    If your wish is getting more ideas about having your own exponential organization based and crafted on top of YOUR TRUE MEANING — that is the true nature of yourself, when you want to establish your own exponential economy, freedom, joy and longevity: let’s do that!

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ How can you connect to the source of all things? ★ Why breathe life into your vision? ★ And how kings and priests themselves were cured of disease… ★ Get Your Priorities Right, Finally!

    How many days do you think you can survive without eating? 5? 6? 20? How many days do you think you can survive without drinking? 2? 3? If you survive a week without water, that’s really long. And how long can you live without air? Several minutes? Yet how often do you pay attention to your breathing? And how often do you think: "Where or what am I going to eat today?" Get your priorities right: breathing is the most underestimated and the most efficient way of achieving INCREDIBLE results.

    The Source of Everything: I love helping people experience how you can connect to the source of all things through your breathing to create immediate physical experiences with it.

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ Let’s be honest: When you would really believe in everlasting life. You would probably feel like stupid, crazy or embarrassing or even intimidated. ★ The next thing is the fear of all the unknown when you really could live 150 or 500 years. ★ Then I hear a lot “Oh I’m far too old to start changing…” ★ In this episode you will learn that you can easily wipe away these excuses…. unless you want to hold on to ‘em with all your might to hop into the box on time just like everyone else. ★ You also learn also what purposeful abundant business, cashflow, more impact and thriving relationships have to do with longevity. ★

    80+ years, and the last ten years of suffering? This is really crazy! So if it is the case that you are feeling crazy about believing in the possibility of Longevity, please just learn how to think about the opposite! How crazy is it to give in to what is considered normal?

    Normal and natural are two different things. And this difference is one of the reasons why I want to teach you how to add numerous years to your lifespan.

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ Don't waste your potential with people who believe in limitations. ★ Don't accept limitations from anyone: because nobody is able to know your limits with absolute certitude! ★ One of the saddest limitations is the belief of the masses that you have to die with 80-plus-something. ★ You know that time is your most valuable asset! But did you know the life-changing story of the fly that spent the rest of its time trying to crash through a window? ★

    Today I would love to change your perception of something we — perhaps — do all have in common.

    When you have listened to the previous episodes I think you will know already that I believe we should question systematically what we accept as our truth and—I would say above all when everybody beliefs it just try to assume the exact contrary—so for now I would love to inspire you with my revolutionary 
Quantum Leap approach for Longevity to easily change the way you think about death!

    It is "normal" that we are here around 80 years and after a final time of suffering we have to leave.

    But the problem is that most people are not aware that
 "normal" ≠ NATURAL!

    And, naturally, there is so much more for you to achieve!

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ What Does Your Healthy Business Have To Do With Spirituality, Mindfulness And Ethics? — Everything ★ Everything is spiritual. But the concept of spirituality is now so commonplace and misused, that most people find it difficult to identify false spirituality from the heart of all matter. ★ Every business has a soul and business itself is the most significant force in our material world.★ Nothing on this planet that "escapes" the consequences of business, and we definitely must create more ethical business practices to address what we have done to our planet, nature and life. ★

    I believe that the purpose of every business is to solve problems for other people or other businesses. What if we could rethink humanity along those lines, and make the future itself our key corporate purpose? Let us make the future our business. Because if we won’t, very soon, we will have neither a business nor a future.

    My aim is to create value chains that benefit everyone. The more people involved who directly benefit from these undertakings, the more plausible and certain success becomes.

    Even in the noise of today’s world, this is absolutely certain!

    Moreover, I believe that the environment in which a company operates—whether that’s the village, the country, or the state—should provide the company with the best possible conditions to fulfill the company’s vision and mission.

    This means that politics and laws must ensure that companies can do their work under the most supportive conditions. That will help companies help others in the best possible way!

    Politics, laws, and countries should help companies, and companies should help the people.

    Tragically, today’s world is the exact opposite. Politicians help broken industries by allocating billions of taxpayer dollars to bail out banks or subsidize sick ideas. Citizens pay industry through taxes, and industry helps politicians maintain their power. This is definitely a grievance that must be disrupted! Let’s change directions by 180 degrees and begin building a new way.

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ Solutions to the world's most significant problems need commitment. ★ We need to act with agility and we have to be willing to take risks! ★ The problem is that no government on earth possesses the required mindset. ★ There is no commitment beyond the next election, no agility at all and politicians are the last people on earth willing to take risks. ★ That’s the reason YOU AND I must focus on a healthy business for life and the wealth of all ★

    In everything I do, I am convinced that when you focus on a healthy business, making it possible for everyone to live a meaningful life, you create a culture and an environment that will eliminate bad practice, limiting minds and evil deeds. The only objective should be to succeed while creating more and more fulfillment. Focus your own business on human growth. Grow! Don't be influenced by the errors or achievements of others. Be yourself, don't use disguises, don't say anything that isn't true. Keep your mind clear and don't criticize others. The concept of a Healthy Business embraces and enhances everything.

    To find solutions to the world's most significant problems, we need to embrace the entrepreneurial mindset: the problems of the world call for commitment. They require us to act with agility and to be willing to take risks. The main problem of global leadership is the clumsy, awkward, slow and graceless approach of the governments. No government on earth possesses the required entrepreneurial mindset. There is no commitment that goes beyond the next election. There is no agility at all! Politicians are the last people on earth willing to take risks. This means that the world's problems cannot be solved by governments. They can be solved, without exception, by solid, healthy businesses. Now ask yourself a simple question: why not yours?

    Breakthroughs do happen. When you let them happen. The paradox is that the Quantum Leap itself is instant. Although the life-changing effects of the Quantum Leap often last forever, the change itself does not even take a second to implement. But "being able" to let this happen often needs years or decades of preparation, as YOUR PARADIGMS must allow you to do it. You don't make a Quantum Leap, it happens to you. That means letting it happen is more like a passive admission! And if your mental environment and skill set do not allow it to happen, it will never happen (or it "jumps back" in the next instant). Learning how to enter this state of permanent readiness and how to accomplish PERMANENT results based on Leaps is the best you can do.

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” —George Bernard Shaw ★ Let’s focus on some really unreasonable stuff now: Quantum Physics and its impact on your life ★

    Due to its visible effects and the growing awareness of today's observations, "modern" science is showing how misleading the Newtonian worldview is. The so-called double slit experiment demonstrates that light and matter do have the following characteristics: they are both waves (potential) and particles (one single, specific materialization out of endless, different, potential possibilities). Scientists have proved that the observation of an experiment always influences — without any exception — the result of the experiment. But the old and limited paradigm deems it impossible that observing a machine can cause a change in its behavior. Newton has therefore been proven wrong or at least his views have been found wanting and leave room for a newfound awareness and completely new insights and experiences.

    The “new physics” —quantum physics— by far is nothing close to “new” . It has been around for more than a century and thus, the first lesson that comes with this fact is that even the best ideas need their time to spread.

    But there is another huge factor which the French poet and novelist Victor Hugo did point out even more that hundred years ago: "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."

    NOW Everything goes Quantum!

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●

  • ★ Higher faculties are having effects on every single existence of all of us. ★ The way the Western world operates has one major flaw! ★ In addition humans are more than ever sidetracked by trivia and the media, and you need simple universal principles that work for you to create different results than the masses have. ★

    In the way the Western world operates, policemen wait for people to commit a crime, doctors need patients to become ill for their businesses to thrive and the economies of nations are driven by corporations motivated by wickedness. One can conclude that only thieves have a genuine interest in your success. This situation gives businesses, as well as the economy in general, a bad name, which couldn't be further from the archetype of a Healthy Business. That’s why I’m sharing great ideas to create a healthy economy. The principles I share are universal, and they will work for you. When creating or running a business, when interacting with others on a daily basis, in your personal, social and cultural relationships. And in love.

    The old worldview of scientific materialism that has had a widespread impact on all areas of our lives has one major flaw, which is the negation of God. Or, to use a less religious term, "a higher power or force." Science and religion are not aligned, and scientists do not believe in a higher force. We don't have to enter religious terrains nor should we intend to derail in details of the philosophical approach, arguing the existence of the Creator. I believe we can readily agree upon the fact that there are higher faculties having effects on every single existence of us.

    The value of intention, meaning, purpose and consciousness. Our creativity, our vision, our dreams and our ambitions, our individual and collective desires and our love. And their opposite too: doubt, fear, anger and hate. All do have a direct influence on our lives. Their impact, high and low vibrations, cannot be questioned.

    ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●