
  • This week is a listener letter and it's from Şenay. They wanted to know how to get their social spark back after a big life audit and shake-up. After cutting a lot of people off, Şenay feels like they are struggling to get the motivation back to connect with others in social situations.

    To help, I pulled five cards and set to work breaking down the key aspects of the question, the problem and the goal that was on the table. Together we move through the reading to try and identify where the resistance is coming from and how Şenay and anyone in a similar situation can make strides forward.

    Cards in the Reading

    Past: The Hierophant

    Present: Ace of Cups

    Future: King of Wands

    Conflict: Knight of Cups

    Resolution: The Tower

    To submit your own listener letter you can fill in the contact form here - Submit Your Letter Here - or you can email me directly at cat@energetictarot.co.uk

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  • The Tarot Court Cards are a pain. I'm not even going to pretend like they're easy to read because they're not. However, there are plenty of different ways you can start to get into the groove of interpreting them.

    In this episode of the Energetic Tarot Podcast, I give you a little Court Card Tarot lesson to help you find your way around the Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages. There's also a little three-card Tarot spread at the end that you can use to practice Court cards more regularly.

    Card Positions

    1) How would this past version of yourself have dealt with this situation?

    2) How would the present version of you deal with this situation?

    3) How would the version of you you’re working towards becoming deal with this situation?

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  • Happy Samhain/Halloween! Today I wanted to record a special Samhain episode that tells you all about why divination is such a big part of Samhain, why we read Tarot on this day and how we can make the most of this Samhain energy for our readings.

    In the episode, I'll be chatting all about different forms of divination as well as how we can use Tarot specifically. Plus there's a nice little 5 card Tarot reading at the end to give us a closing-out message for this current cycle.

    As well as all of this, there is a big announcement about the upcoming Energetic Tarot Membership that I hope to be launching on the 3rd of January 2024. To find out more about the membership, make sure to click the link here - Energetic Tarot Membership - and have a browse of all the details and pricing.

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  • This week on the Energetic Tarot podcast, I'm reading listener Melissa's letter and helping her to find clarity and understanding through a five-card Tarot reading.

    Find out what wisdom the cards offered Melissa after she went through a divorce that forced her to up-sticks and move her whole life to a new state. Listen as we chat through the fears and blocks that might be standing in her way of starting fresh and how prioritising her ideas and instincts could be the way to a more focused future.

    Melissa's Tarot Cards

    Past: The Lovers

    Present: The Hanged Man

    Future: Knight of Swords

    Conflict: Four of Cups

    Resolution: Eight of Pentacles

    To submit your letters, email me at cat@energetictarot.co.uk or click here to fill in the web form.

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  • Tarot vs. Oracle Cards - Which one offers you the most support?

    On the Energetic Tarot Podcast this week I wanted to chat about the differences between Tarot and Oracle cards, why you might use one over the other and also how you can use both Tarot and Oracle cards together.

    Discover how you could deepen your Tarot practice by adding in an Oracle card now and again and learn more about the Oracle decks that are out there on the market.

    Tarot & Oracle Task

    First of all, we’ll need four Tarot cards and one Oracle card, so I’m going to choose them now.

    Then I want to lay them out, so I’m going to imagine a square on the table in front of me and put each of my Tarot cards where each of the four sides of the square would be, my Oracle card will sit in the middle, at the heart of the reading. So let me go ahead and sort that.

    From here we’ll go in a clockwise direction and the question I’m asking is about how my external world can better represent my internal one.

    The oracle card will be what’s happening in my internal world right now and as I read the Tarot cards, I’ll start to build more of a picture of what’s happening externally and what I need to realign to reflect what’s going on internally.

    Around the outside, I have the top card which is home, the right which is health, the bottom which is work/finances and the left which is relationships.

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  • What Is The Difference Between Reading Psychically And Reading Energetically

    On the podcast this week I'm touching on a 'slightly' controversial topic for many. Psychic Tarot readers. Specifically, I'll be looking at the differences between a psychic Tarot reader and a holistic or energetic Tarot reader.

    It's important that if you're looking for a Tarot reading you find the right reader for you and your needs. I chat about how to look out for scammers and the frustrating spam accounts that are giving all Tarot readers a bad name.


    Make sure to grab your cards and give them a good shuffle, take a few deep breaths and choose a single card from the deck

    Get a pen and paper and start to first right down how that card makes you feel in your body. When you picked it did you feel a slight drop in your stomach, a tightness in your chest, maybe a twinge of excitement pushing your heart rate up a little?

    Next, write down what thoughts or ideas popped into your head. Don’t feel like you have to rush this, sit and really take in the card and see what comes up. We’re doing this task fairly quickly on the podcast but doing this in your own time allows you much more space to sit with the card

    Thirdly write down what emotions come up when you start to connect with that card

    Lastly, what actions does that card make you want to take? What does it inspire you to do?

    A good way to round off this task is to write a little summary about you and your relationship with that card. If you had to summarise what it was like pulling that card and what it meant to you personally, what would it be?

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  • This week on the Energetic Tarot podcast I am offering a reading for podcast listener Trish. Trish wrote in to ask for guidance from the cards after a huge life change, right on the eve of retirement.

    Through Trish's open and honest letter, we discuss topics such as ageism, limiting beliefs, retirement and starting your own business.

    I'll use the Pamela Coleman Smith Tarot Deck to do a five-card Tarot reading for Trish, talking through the cards and what messages they have to offer. If you are going through something similar, you can even imagine I'm talking directly to you!

    Five Card Tarot Reading For Trish

    Past: Three of Cups

    Present: Seven of Cups

    Future: Nine of Pentacles

    Conflict: Three of Pentacles

    Resolution: Nine of Swords

    If you would like to submit your own letter you can drop me an email at cat@energetictarot.co.uk or fill in the form on the website here.

    If you would like to remain anonymous for the podcast, just let me know and I can make sure your privacy is respected.

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  • How do you create your own unique way of Tarot reading? That's what we're tackling in today's episode. We'll be exploring the different avenues we can take in order to read in a way that feels personal to us and that feels like our own unique take on the cards.

    At the end of the episode, we'll do a task that aims to help you get started to explore your own Tarot reading style and explore the different elements you can incorporate into your own style.

    Task For Episode 49

    Shuffle your deck and choose a card

    Think of the main keyword you associate with that card

    Start creating branches off that main keyword and think about what other associations you can think of

    For example, if I pulled The Sun my main keyword would be ‘Joy’

    I would then create branches off that keyword and write things like achievement, fulfilment, success, solar energy… anything I associate with the word ‘Joy’

    It can also help to think of real-world examples of when you’ve experienced that keyword and make a note of it

    Keep going until you can’t pick out any more

    Then repeat with another card and keep going

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  • This is our first dalliance with The Moon Tarot card on the Energetic Tarot, but it's a definite deep dive into this card and the work you can do with it.

    At the episode, there is a nourishing, guided meditation to help you fully tap into the energy of The Moon Tarot card. So make sure you're somewhere you won't be disturbed and sit back ready for some deep subconscious exploration.

    Post meditation task

    After you’ve completed this meditation I want you to start journaling about what you found in those depths. What was it that you pulled out? Was it an object? In which case, what memories, emotions or thoughts are attached to it?

    If it was a feeling, can you pinpoint the moments you’ve felt that feeling in the past?

    This is your Seven of Wands moment, start unpacking those treasures, ask them questions, think about why you’ve chosen these things to bring out of the depths and into the light of your conscious.

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  • Today we're talking about love Tarot readings and how you can do them for yourself in a healthy and balanced way. Love Tarot readings are very tricky and they need a great deal of care and attention to be done correctly.

    In this episode, I chat you through the key things you need to keep in mind when doing a love reading and how you can do it in a way that doesn't put your well-being on the line. We'll be guided by the Five of Swords for our work.

    Prompts for Episode 47

    Step 1: First we need to create some space for exploration. We can do this by pre-planning some questions to ask yourself. Think about those examples I gave earlier e.g. ‘Where have I felt this before?’ and come up with around 10 questions you could ask yourself to better understand your feelings.

    Step 2: Think about how you feel right now and make a bullet point list of everything you’re feeling. Try and be specific as possible.

    Step 3: Do your reading. For this practice, you can do a simple past, present and future reading. Or if you have a spread you like to use go ahead and use that. I was going to create a love reading spread for you but I want to leave it more open so you have that space to focus on exactly what you need to.

    Make sure to keep referring to those questions you’ve written down to keep you anchored and moving in the right direction. Also, pay attention to where the feelings from your bullet point lists appear in your reading. Where can you see these reflected back to you? Again refer back to your questions.

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  • In this episode of the Energetic Tarot podcast, we are looking at how we can create a narrative in our Tarot readings. This is a bit different from what we usually do, but hopefully, this will help you explore what is needed to create narratives in your readings that you can use to deepen understanding.

    Prompts for Episode 46

    Either use the 3 act structure or go for the conflict or partnership technique.

    Always try and make your interpretations snappy. This means you take the first intuitive feeling or message that comes to you. Don’t try and control the narrative, just let it flow.

    If something comes up that you have an immediate reaction to reject, make sure to make a note of it. Especially those ones that your brain tells you can’t be right.

    Usually we get these feelings because our minds don’t want us poking around further, but those are the places we really need to explore within our readings.

    I would love to hear about the readings you do for yourself and what comes up so make sure to get in touch with me either on Insta DM or pop me an email!

    Before Tarot Deck - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Before-Tarot-Corrine-Kenner/dp/0738759767

    After Tarot Deck - https://www.amazon.co.uk/After-Tarot-Kit-Book-Card/dp/8865274336

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  • Using The Lovers Tarot card and the Eight of Swords, we chat about how to need to be wanted or needed by others can stop us from loving ourselves fully.

    I chat a little about my own experiences and how I overcame them and touch on how The Lovers and the Eight of Swords can help us better understand this need and where it comes from.

    Prompts for Episode 45

    Prompt 1: Ok so now for the good part, the journal prompts. We’re going to start with the biggy, The Lovers. I want you to write down all the behaviours you exhibit when you are needing to be wanted. Whether it’s during a crush on someone or even if it’s needing to be wanted by friends and family, it doesn’t have to be romantic in nature. Just think about what kinds of unhealthy habits you have to try and get attention or force a connection with someone.

    Prompt 2: Next, write down any part of your life that you have let slip. Maybe you used to be mega-active but now you hardly move off the sofa. Maybe you used to be more social but the pandemic took that away from you and you just can’t seem to get back into the swing of things.

    Prompt 3: Take a look at all of those areas you have let slip. What plans could you make or actions could you take to get back into them? Don’t put too much on yourself too soon, baby steps are best. So, what small shifts or changes could you make to start getting those cogs turning again?

    Prompt 4: Finally, I want you to do a little ritual for yourself. I want you to take all those bad or unhealthy habits you have when that desperate need to be wanted arises, and I want you to put it into a bowl of water. Swoosh it around and watch the ink run and the paper disintegrate.

    Then, write yourself a self-dedication contract. You can find a template for this in the show notes. Commit to spending more time and energy loving yourself, nurturing your authentic self, likes and just being exactly who you are without any desire or need to change in order to make people want you.

    Download your self-dedication contract here

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  • How can you use the wisdom of the Tarot cards to help you choose optimism in those hard times?

    I'm back and I'm accompanied by the Wheel of Fortune and Page of Wands Tarot cards, to tackle the subject of conscious optimism. I chat about my own struggles as a naturally pessimistic person, to make the decision to be optimistic in times when I really didn't want to.

    Prompts for Episode 44

    Prompt 1: Think about a time in your life when you have felt a crushing disappointment. Write it down in as much detail as possible, how did it make you feel, what thoughts did it create, what was involved what happened? Prompt 2: Now, think about what the root of that disappointment was. What was it specifically that you were disappointed by? What did you feel like you had lost? Prompt 3: Next, write down what you had really lost. How truthful was that feeling of loss? Had you really lost something or had you shed something that no longer benefitted you? That thing you lost, was it making you truly happy? Prompt 4: Finally, what happened after? Where did you go from there? How did you pick yourself up? What did you move on to? Did something or someone better come along? Did you learn anything in that process that has made a big impact on how your life has now been shaped?

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  • This week I take a look at The Devil and Page of Cups Tarot cards, asking them how we can shift our perception of being selfish and being self-centric. What's the difference and how can these Tarot cards help us change what we believe?

    Join me for this episode of Energetic Tarot and make sure to give the task a go to get the most out of our time together.

    Prompts for Episode 43

    Prompt 1: First of all we need a scenario to use as evidence. So, think about a time when either you have been labelled as selfish by someone else, or you have stopped yourself from doing something you felt like you needed to do, out of the fear of being labelled selfish. Prompt 2: Next, think about what that situation was and write it down in as much detail as possible. Outline what led up to that moment and what happened after. Make sure to also make a note of the emotions you had and how they influenced your actions. Be clear about what was happening in both your internal and external worlds. Prompt 3: Using two different coloured highlighters or underlining and circling, go through that account. Highlight anything you know to be 100% fact and then in a different colour or underlining or circling, pick out all the elements that were created by you whether it be from learned behaviour, idea, concept etc. Prompt 4: Finally, write a diary entry as though you’ve gone back in time to that moment. How would you have handled things differently? What would you tell past you if you could tell them something using the knowledge you have now? Looking back over that original situation, do you think you were being selfish? Or do you think you were protecting yourself by being self-centric?

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  • How can you use the wisdom of the Tarot cards to help you choose optimism in those hard times?

    I'm back and I'm accompanied by the Wheel of Fortune and Page of Wands Tarot cards, to tackle the subject of conscious optimism. I chat about my own struggles as a naturally pessimistic person, to make the decision to be optimistic in times when I really didn't want to.

    Prompts for Episode 42

    Prompt 1: Thinking back over previous experiences, what types of situations have you been in where you felt like everything was hopeless or that things just weren’t going the way you want them to?

    Prompt 2: Looking at those times retrospectively, what glimmers of light could you have clung to, to help bring you out of that space either more gradually or in a healthier way?

    Prompt 3: Let’s see if we can identify your glimmers of light in advance. Write down 10 things that bring you some sort of joy. Make these things as small and seemingly insignificant as possible. Prompt 4: To finish off, list another 8 reasons as to what practising active optimism could offer you right now. What do you think it could help with currently? Maybe even write down different ways you could start being more optimistic. Could it be in your actions, your thoughts, or the language you use?

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  • Today we are joined by the Nine of Cups and the King of Pentacles to learn more about soul-led goals. together we start to think more about our own soul goals and then use the guidance and container of this Tarot card pairing to find a way to manifest them into your life.

    Tarot Journal Prompts

    Prompt 1: The first thing we need to do is get clear about our soul-led goal. So, think about what you feel most pulled towards. What are you passionate about above all other things? What excites you to learn more, or experience or talk about? Prompt 2: Next we need to understand what those passions mean for our lives as a whole. What does pursuing that pull offer all aspects of your life? Think about:

    Your mental and physical wellbeing





    Prompt 3: Looking at everything in those first two prompts, how could you condense your findings into one easy-to-understand soul-led goal? Prompt 4: Now it’s time to apply some King of Pentacles energy to this. Write down all the tools, amenities and privileges you currently have in your life that can help you nurture that goal. That can help you pursue it and add fuel to the fire so to speak. Start to build your soul goal toolbox!

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  • Join me for a Virgo Full Moon collective Tarot reading to uncover how we can regain our focus and better understand what it is we want to be working towards. 

    In this episode, we're taking a slightly different approach to our self-care tarot and I'm giving you a full six-card reading. Using the UUSI Supra Oracle deck in conjunction with the UUSI Pagan Otherworlds Tarot deck, we start to dive into what we need in order to feel back on track. 

    Over the last few weeks, I've been feeling very out of alignment and doing a reading for myself and this collective tarot reading has massively helped me to better understand why that might be. If you want to give this Virgo Full Moon tarot spread a go for yourself then you can find it by clicking right here! 

    You can also see the cards worked with in this spread, to get a better feel for the reading and its messages for you personally. 

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  • What is a spiritual journey and how do you go on one? This week on the Self Care Tarot podcast we are using the energy of The Chariot to explore the meaning of spiritual journeys. We'll talk about what they are, what they look like and most importantly, why should we be on them? 

    Tarot Journal Prompts

    Prompt 1: What would you say are 10 of your flaws? What don’t you like about yourself or what habits or behaviours do you have that cause you issues? Prompt 2: What resistance came up when you were writing your flaws? What thoughts came up? Did your mind try and block you from thinking of them? Did it readily offer them up to you for judgement? Write down how it felt to address those flaws. Prompt 3: That resistance will be your ‘why’ the reason you need to go on this spiritual journey. So for example, if your mind tried to prevent you from thinking about these things, then you need to go on a journey to find out why it didn’t want you to think about those things. If your mind offered them up to you willingly, you need to go on a journey to figure out why it was so willing to give you this information. Once you’ve analysed this, write down your ‘why’ clearly and concisely. Prompt 4: Now you have your why, think about your virtues, your strengths, your skills your positive personality traits. How could those things help you on this journey? Maybe you are a good artist, if so how could creativity play a role in your journey? How could it help you find answers? Spend some time on this and really brainstorm how your positives could help you lift and improve your negatives.

    Click to Buy The Ultimate Spiritual Journey Guide

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  • This week we're working with the Queen of Pentacles Tarot court card to see how we can better embrace and nurture organic growth. We'll focus on our internal world and how we can find inner peace when the external world spins out of control and work on letting go of control of the things we have no power over. 

    Tarot Journal Prompts

    Prompt 1: Let’s start with an analysis of your ability to let go of control. It’s a big part of allowing for organic growth so here we go. Write down 10 times you have made plans or set goals and the universe has directed you in a completely new or opposite direction. Prompt 2: Go through your list and write down how you coped with this. What did you do instead, how did it feel to have your original plans scuppered by fate? Once you’ve done that, highlight or mark off how many of those reactions were positive and how many were negative. Prompt 3: Looking at your list again, do you have an abundance of positive or negative reactions to those redirections? If you have an abundance of positive reactions, why do you think you reacted that way? If you have an abundance of negative reactions, why do you feel you had those reactions instead of something more positive or optimistic? Prompt 4: Finally, for any negative reactions write down what positive outcome came from that redirection. So for example, if you had the plan to reach the most senior position at your work but then the company went under and it made you redundant. You probably won’t have had an overly positive reaction to that because you just lost your job, but positive outcomes of that might have been that you learned what you did and didn’t want from your career. You may have realised you’ve been in the wrong career all along or you ended up working at a place you love even more because you were forced to look elsewhere by fate.

    Tarot For Reconnection Workshop: https://theselfcareemporium.com/spiritual-tarot-workshops-and-resources/tarot-for-reconnection-workshop

    Soul Tarot Coaching: https://theselfcareemporium.com/soul-tarot-coaching

    Introduction to Energetic Tarot Course: https://theselfcareemporium.com/introduction-to-energetic-tarot-2023

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  • In today's episode, we're being guided by the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card to help us better understand what it means to be in alignment. Together we look at what it feels like to be aligned and what it means when we aren't. As per usual there are a bunch of Tarot journal prompts at the end of this episode so feel free to do them as and when you need to. 

    Tarot Journal Prompts

    Prompt 1: The subconscious audit. Try and visualise what your perfect life would look like. Write down what it feels like, what thoughts come up, and what is it specifically that appeals to you the most about that life? Prompt 2: Pick out the keywords from prompt one around what it is you want from your dream life. Now think about your life right now. Where do you already experience these things? Prompt 3: Thinking about those areas of your current life that already offer you what you desire, how could you advance those things? Could you do more of a certain thing? Could you do less of something else? Are there changes you could make that already feel like the right decision? Prompt 4: Once you’ve identified those things, start putting together tasks for yourself over the next few weeks. Choose one area to focus on to start with. An example could be that you love to paint because it helps you process emotions and relieve stress, but you rarely get the time to do it. How could you make more time for that? Could you streamline a chore to give you an extra hour, could you make it a priority in your calendar?

    Soul Tarot Coaching: https://theselfcareemporium.com/soul-tarot-coaching

    Introduction to Energetic Tarot Course: https://theselfcareemporium.com/introduction-to-energetic-tarot-2023

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