
  • Are you building your online business using launches to sell your programs? Then sooner or later, this will happen to you: A launch just doesn’t go your way.

    You might have launched successfully before, or maybe you’re just starting out. But that launch you carefully prepared and planned? It’s just not taking off.

    I’ve been there, and in this episode, I share all my tips on what you can do to save your launch, and how you can improve your next launch.

    Whether you’re in the middle of a launch right now, or preparing for the next one, or just had a failed launch — this episode is for you.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    My first real launch – and what I did to turn it around (1:54) Creating a hot list and how to reach out to people (7:04) Shifting your messaging in the middle of a launch (13:28) Typical reasons for people not to buy and how to tackle them (16:12) Sharing success stories (18:59) Interview and tag people who already bought (23:20) Introduce bonuses (25:53) Offering discovery calls (31:40) The key points to saving your launch, and how to make it better next time (35:40)

    [Recording with image]

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    5 Ways to Save Your Launch

    Are you in the middle of a launch and it’s just not going as planned? Don’t panic — there are ways you can save your launch. Trust me, I’ve done it. Having launched for several years, I’ve learned many valuable lessons, and here, I’m sharing 5 selected strategies on how you can turn around your launch (and improve your next one!).

    If you want to dive deeper and hear ALL my tips and strategies on saving your launch, listen to the podcast episode here.

    Talk to people

    This is something you ideally do before you go into a launch: Ask people what they want. Survey your audience. What is their biggest challenge? Once you know, you understand how to speak to them and which products to create.

    If you’re in a launch and you don’t know what’s going on in your ideal client’s head, figure it out as soon as possible. Reach out and talk to them — via email, Instagram, Messenger, whatever fits you and your audience. Your number one priority should be to understand what’s holding them back.

    Let your bonuses answer objections

    Get clear on the objections of your ideal client and then introduce bonuses in the middle of your launch that address these objections. Objections are opportunities for you to create bonuses that offer your audience help with what keeps them from joining your program.

    Let past and current clients share their success stories

    Ideally, have a database ready with success stories of your clients you can share during the launch. Make sure to include stories of people with different backgrounds. They will resonate with a broader spectrum of people.

    You can also ask your existing clients to share their experience live in your launch Facebook group. Past or existing clients can be really helpful in your launch — when they share their experience, people who are interested in buying your program see what’s possible for them, too.

    Ask people who just joined to share why they joined

    If a lot of people haven’t made up their mind yet and they don’t see any action in your group, they might assume no one is buying. Do live interviews with people who just joined your program and ask them why they joined. If you let people share why they bought and what made them sign up, it helps others make the decision.

    Celebrate new clients by tagging them on a welcome post. Showing that people are joining your program boosts conversion.

    Offer discovery calls

    Discovery calls aren’t free breakthrough sessions. They’re for people who are still on the fence and need confirmation that this is the right program for them. It’s not about pressuring them, it’s about assessing if they’re a good fit. Introduce these calls towards the end of open cart to give people who are interested a chance to ask their questions and answer their doubts.

    There are many ways you can save a launch that isn’t going your way. For more tips, listen to the episode below.

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

    Leave a Review

    I love sharing my business experience with you, and give you actionable tips you can immediately implement in your online business. If you appreciate my content, let me know by taking a minute and leaving your review on Apple Podcasts.

    If you don’t know how, go here to find out how you can leave a review for The Sigrun Show on Apple Podcasts and receive a thank you gift from us.

  • This is a very special episode of The Sigrun Show. For the first time ever, I switched seats and instead of being the interviewer, I’m the one being interviewed.

    My dear friend Selena Soo agreed to help me tell my story from a different angle: By asking me questions you always wanted to know the answers to.

    My biggest struggles, setbacks and low points, but also my most powerful epiphanies, lessons and wins — we’re going over a lot I’ve never shared publicly before. Not just to tell you an entertaining story, but to provide value and inspiration for everyone who finds themselves on the rocky road of entrepreneurship. Here’s my path to 8 figures.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    How not everyone is born a natural entrepreneur (2:36) My starting fears (3:40) My very first business idea (5:05) How I pivoted to the business I have now (9:04) The throwing-spaghetti-against-the-wall-phase(11:27) The strategy behind my webinars (14:05) How my business changed once I started working with a coach (16:03) My thoughts on starting an online business today (18:01) The top 2 things that brought my business to where it is today (21:01) How my ascension model works (23:12) My high-level mastermind to bring my clients to 7 figures (28:49) Why I’m no longer scared to raise my rates (31:50) How I handle people who aren’t a fit for my programs (34:58) The qualities of my most successful clients (38:34) How I structure my team (41:21) What I do to recharge my energy (44:36) My biggest wish (46:51) The moment I decided to never let a man stop me from achieving my dreams and how that affected my relationships (48:56) My relationship advice for strong, independent women (58:38) My final message for YOU (1:04:46)

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

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  • Only 2% of all female led businesses achieve a 7-figure annual revenue. 90% don’t even make 6 figures. Why?

    I’ve worked with over 3500 women in the last 7 years and made almost $10M in total revenue. During this time, I got a deep insight into why women don’t make more money.

    In this episode, I share the main reasons why women tend to play it small, and what we can do to bring change.

    “Those who take a break in the summer don’t just lose the three months they take that break — they lose a lot more.” - Sigrun

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Some shocking facts and figures (1:50) Treating a business as a hobby (3:13) Not investing enough in personal growth (4:50) Being risk averse (6:55) Using family as an excuse (7:55) Stopping the business growth (10:25) Taking a break in the summer (13:42) My solution (19:40)

    6 Reasons Why Women Don’t Make More Money

    Almost 90% of all women-owned businesses generate less than $100K yearly, and out of all women-led companies, only 2% generate more than $1M. I constantly ask myself, why?

    Accelerating gender equality is the driving force behind what I do. But we’ll never achieve gender equality if women keep playing it small.

    I’ve worked with thousands of women over the past 7 years, and got a deep insight into why women don’t make more money.

    Here are the 6 main reasons why women tend to play it small, and what we can do to bring change.

    Too many women treat their business as a hobby

    It makes my hair stand up, but too many women don’t take their business seriously. I haven’t met a man who doesn’t take his business seriously. So what is really going on here?

    My guess is that these women are wannapreneurs. A wannapreneur is someone who likes to call themselves an entrepreneur but isn't willing to do the work. Maybe they have a rich spouse and therefore don’t see a need to take their business seriously, or they aren’t driven to be financially independent. Maybe they just like to have a hobby business so they can call themselves a business owner. My take: If you want to be an entrepreneur, take your business seriously. Otherwise, don’t do it at all.

    Women don’t invest enough in their personal and business growth

    Nobody is born a CEO or entrepreneur. We all have to learn the skill of running a company and scaling it to six and seven figures. If I hadn’t invested in myself, I would probably still be stuck making less than six figures a year.

    I continuously invest in personal and business growth. I see that people who do invest in themselves skyrocket their business within a few years. Those who don’t get stuck.

    You should always invest forward if you want to grow. Not investing is having a scarcity mindset or a fixed mindset. Someone who has a growth mindset knows they can grow and change and therefore they are willing to invest. With a scarcity or a fixed mindset you cannot grow.

    Women tend to be more risk averse than men

    Investing forward is risky because you need to bet on yourself or on what you are investing in. I’ve seen a lot of women shy away from investing into paid advertising. That kind of thinking keeps you stuck. Investing forward is actually not risky — not investing is! But you aren’t going to have that insight unless you actually invest and see a return.

    Women use family as an excuse

    Women often use their children and/or spouse as an excuse for not being able to build their business, while men use their family as a reason. While this is slowly changing, I still hear way too many women use their children as an excuse.

    It’s 2021, and we shouldn’t still be discussing this. Many of my most successful clients have very young children and some were even pregnant while doing my programs. Having children actually fueled their growth.

    Not working on your business because of your family sends the wrong message to your children, to your spouse and to future mothers. On the other hand, working on your business inspires others to do the same — and that’s when we can accelerate gender equality.

    Women stop their business growth

    I’ve noticed that a lot of women feel more comfortable with a lower revenue number. They might have replaced their prior income and are even making more than they did before, and because they feel comfortable, they don’t push themselves to grow more. They stay in their comfort zone. Why is this a problem?

    A typical 6 figure business has no employees. It doesn’t fuel economic growth and provide jobs. You’re probably paying yourself a bit of salary, but you aren’t creating wealth. Financial freedom isn’t around the corner.

    If you truly want to have an impact, you won’t just be making a profit for yourself, but provide jobs and fuel the economy with your business, so that everybody is better off. A women-owned business making less than 6 figures is not helping women achieve more equality.

    Women take a break in the summer

    This one makes me really frustrated. If I ask women in April or May when they’re going to do their next marketing campaign or promotions, many will say in September. They are taking a break from their business over summer, not making any money at all. I have yet to meet a man who takes three months off in his own business because it’s summer. No wonder women make less money than men.

    Seriously, women, what is this?

    12 Day of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

  • We all have one question that we ask ourselves all the time. This one question has a huge influence on our lives and businesses.

    If you ask yourself a good question it will improve your life and business. If you ask yourself a bad question it will deteriorate your life and business.

    In this episode of The Sigrun Show, I explain what a primary question is and how to figure out which one is best for you. I also share how to ask better questions that will help change your life for the better. Finding, asking, and answering my primary question has had a positive impact on both my business and my life.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    What is a primary question and how to figure out yours (2:00) The question I like and why it’s a great question to ask yourself (6:06) How this question led to my buying my dream penthouse apartment (6:24) Another question to ask yourself to improve your life and business (14:25) The life-changing phone call I made when I asked myself this question (15:27) The empowering question that led to my getting an MBA in London (18:15) The question that helped me get to the million dollar mark (22:30) The question to ask when you’re stuck or overwhelmed, not sure what to do next (25:47) My devastating breakup after an 8-year relationship and the question that got me through the first few weeks (18) What question to ask when you want to do something new you haven’t done before and possibly been procrastinating (28:28) The project I’m most embarrassed about not doing and what I did to finally get started (29:20) Who do you want to be? The vision I created (31:28) The story of my TEDx Talk (32:18) Other examples of questions you can ask yourself (34:46)

    12 Days of MasterClasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

  • Even if you love launching, you can’t launch all the time. It would not only exhaust you, but also your email list. So how can you sell between launches?

    In this episode, I’m sharing 9 simple promotion strategies you can apply to sell between launches.

    “You should always be seeding – as soon as you finish one launch, you should prepare for the next one.” - Sigrun

    If you’re more of a reader, scroll down to read my 9 promotion strategies that sell.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Why you need to launch in the first place (1:45) Having a program that people can buy anytime (5:07) The P.S. promo (7:30) The video promo (9:18) Social selling (10:33) The 9 word email (13:14) Mini launch (15:31) Affiliate marketing (18:05) Offer on your freebie thank you page (19:46) Automated webinar funnel (21:50) Pocket product funnel (23:01)

    9 Promotion Strategies That Sell Between Launches

    The P.S. Promo

    For every newsletter you send out, add a “P.S.” at the bottom and list the ways people can work with you, free and paid.

    Here’s an example from a “P.S” I use in my emails:

    P.S. When you’re ready to grow your online business, here are two ways I can help you

    Follow me on Instagram and DM me your biggest business challenge and I’ll give you a tip on what to do – Click here. Step up and scale your online business to $10K-$20K months inside our SOMBA Momentum program – Book a free call here.

    It doesn’t cost anything to add a P.S and let people know – start trying it out in your own emails and see the results it can bring.

    The Video Promo

    Create a short video around a pressing problem that you know your audience is struggling with and send the video out to your email list. Only those who click to watch the video get an offer.

    Here’s an example for a video promo:

    I create a video on how to sell between launches. I email my list that I have created this new video and I tag those who click on the link to watch the video. The next day I follow up with an offer that shouldn’t come as a surprise to those who watched the video, for example an online course for $297 on how to sell between launches with all the templates and scripts.

    The promo lasts 3-4 days and the rest of the email list does not get any emails and there is no social media about the promo.

    Social Selling

    Post on your personal profile and your business profile and invite the right people to send you a direct message. This is one of the best ways to promote without launching.

    Here’s an example for social selling:

    I want to offer a 6 day retreat in Iceland and before I go off and create the sales page and book everything, I write a post on social media. The post is 200-300 words long, contains a nice image and highlights all the feelings about this magical retreat (but not too many facts!). At the end, I ask people who are interested to PM me.

    Those who PM me are my “launch list” and I can follow up with them and possibly sell the retreat even without a sales page if I did a good job on the social media post.

    The 9 word email

    The 9-word email was developed by Dean Jackson, a successful real estate entrepreneur and online marketer, in an effort to re-engage lost prospects. Jackson’s claim was that a subject line displaying the recipient’s name only, and a body with a one-line (originally 9-word) question is all you need to engage.

    Here’s an example of a 9-word email:

    Email subject line: Sigrun
    Email body: Are you still looking to grow your online business?

    Be cautious when applying this strategy. It’s meant to re-engage those who have already shown interest, and not to sell to a new person who has no idea what you’re talking about

    Mini Launch

    Instead of going into a full launch, my team and I sometimes offer a paid workshop where only the people who join the workshop are presented with an offer. This promotion has all the elements of a launch, but it’s much shorter and easier to do.

    Here’s an example of a mini-launch:

    In March and May 2020, we held the weekend workshop Create Your Recession Proof Offer for $97. Only those who joined the workshop received an offer for the Online Turnaround/SOMBA Accelerator program. The cart was open for 7 days but can also be shorter in a mini launch

    Affiliate Marketing

    One of the best ways to sell between launches is to be an affiliate and either do a small promotion or a proper launch. Even if you decide to go with a full launch, the effort will still be smaller compared to when you do your own launch, because you’re concentrating on the marketing and not on all the other aspects of a launch.

    Here’s an example of being an affiliate:

    I’m an affiliate for Selena Soo and her PR & Media program Impacting Millions. The first time I participated it was more work because my team and I had to create all our assets, but now that they’ve been created and can be reused it’s less work. The launch plan comes from Selena’s team, so we can pick and choose what we want to do to achieve our goals.

    Offer on your freebie thank you page

    If you have an amazing freebie people are signing up for, add an offer to your thank you page for a free discovery call.

    Here’s an example of an offer on your thank you page:

    Apply now for a free ”90 Day Profit Planning Session”

    Thank you so much for requesting my Profit Planning Checklist! You’ll be receiving an email in the next 5 to 10 minutes that has a link to download your checklist.

    While you’re waiting, I have something very special to share with you: Book your complimentary call now, available for a limited time.

    Automated webinar funnel

    If you have an online course that you have launched successfully multiple times, you can automate it with a webinar funnel. To hit a sweet spot, your online course should ideally be around $1000. It needs to be evergreen – people need to be able to join anytime. In Momentum, we help our clients set up such automated funnels.

    Pocket Product Funnel

    Instead of a freebie or a free webinar, you first sell a small product for $37 or $47. In your follow up email sequence, you move on to selling another program. The second program can be anything from an automated online course to a high end group coaching program.

    The tiny offer strategy is very popular at the moment and I recently did an interview with Allie Bjerk, who is an expert in setting up tiny offers.

    Which strategy are you going to try? Send me a DM on Instagram with the code word “promotion” and the strategy that intrigues you most so we can chat about it. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

  • My clients call me the launch queen. I love launching, and I love teaching my clients how to launch.

    In January 2021, I finally achieved my launch goal of $1M, and in this episode, I want to share with you what I did and specifically what I did differently from the other launches that I’ve done in the past seven years, which have made me over $8M in revenue.

    “A small plane needs a short runway, a big plane a long runway – if you want your launches to grow and become bigger, you need to have a longer runway.” - Sigrun

    If you’re more of a reader, scroll down to read my 12 launch lessons from a 7 figure launch.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Launching: A mix between art and science (2:22) My first launches (4:00) The 7 figure launch that didn’t happen (9:40) Having a long launch runway (11:59) Having a VIP notification list (13:42) Creating a desire for another program (15:11) Social selling (16:44) Mixing free and paid offers (19:17) Getting your leads in early (20:42) Getting people to sign up twice (22:19) The importance of FB ads (23:29) Sending lots of emails (25:07) Using Facebook groups (26:26) Offering sales calls (28:26) Working with affiliate partners (30:06)

    12 Launch Lessons from a 7 Figure Launch

    #1 A long launch runway

    A small plane needs a short runway, a big plane a long runway. If you want your launches to grow and become bigger, you need to have a longer runway. This means having more time with your ideal client and creating multiple touchpoints. These can be free content (podcast episodes, blog posts), free training where you might not sell anything or sell something different, or paid training. Having people sign up with you again and again or click through to valuable content creates a bigger connection to you.

    During your runway, you’ll be talking about your program, but you’re not selling it – you’re seeding it, creating a desire for it, so that when you open cart, your ideal clients are ready and want to buy it.

    #2 Having a VIP notification list

    Instead of calling your waitlist “waitlist”, give it an exciting name. I called it “VIP notification list”. “Waitlist” sounds like you’re waiting for something and then you have to buy it. People aren’t very eager to sign up for it. But if you call it a VIP list and tell them that by signing up they’ll be the first to know when you open up the program, plus they’ll get a bonus, it’s much more exciting for them.

    #3 Selling multiple offers during your launch runway

    You can sell multiple offers during your launch runway – as long as you’re not selling the offer you eventually want to sell during open cart. When someone isn’t interested in the program you’re launching, they might be interested in another program you’re offering.

    #4 Social selling

    Social selling is building a 1-1 relationship and being a valued partner when the doors open to your program. A lot of people have experienced a sleazy way of social selling – a friend request on Facebook or LinkedIn perhaps, that is immediately followed by a message with a link to sign up or buy something. That’s not what you should do. I’m talking about asking the participants in your launch training to send you a message. If they do that, they have essentially opened up the door and you can start to have a conversation. If people no longer respond to your messages, you just stop. It’s about creating back-and-forth interaction.

    # 5 Mixing free and paid offers

    By offering free and paid training, you create more opportunities for your ideal client to experience how it is to work with you, and to express their interest in what you can offer. You will get closer to your ideal client, and they can get ready to buy once you open up the door to your program.

    # 6 Get your leads in early

    You typically grow your leads during your launch runway and you’ll have most of your email addresses at the end, relatively close to your open cart. But remember: The more time you have with people, the higher your conversion, the bigger your launch. If you’ve been launching and getting your leads very late, consider flipping it around and getting your leads way ahead of time. It will give you more time with your ideal client.

    #7 Get people to sign up twice

    A lot of people focus only on getting people to sign up for their launch training. If you have enough time, offer something else first. Create a freebie that is connected to your launch training but is still separate. This could be a PDF, an ebook, a checklist, or webinar. Then have a live webinar for the actual open cart. Having people sign up twice makes them more likely to buy.

    #8 Facebook Ads

    Facebook ads are still the best way to get a lot of leads in little time. They’re not easy to handle and get more and more challenging. You need to understand them and once you do, you can have an ads team running them. If you’re looking to make a multiple six figure or seven figure launch, you should definitely have a FB ads expert on your side.

    #9 Send a lot of emails

    Emails are still the winner when it comes to selling in a launch. Be willing to send a lot of them. With over 12’000 people on my launch list and sending lots of emails (5 alone on closed-cart day), I only received one complaint. People typically just unsubscribe, and if they do, that’s great. These are people who didn’t want to buy from you anyways. If they’re interested in something else, they’ll follow you on social media. The emails are for people who are interested in your product.

    #10 Use a Facebook group for your launches

    Most of the people who end up buying my programs have been in my launch Facebook group. I use the same free group and it’s mostly active during launches. That’s why I warm it up well before a launch, offering something that they can sign up for during the launch runway, about one month before the actual launch training. Then I invite them into the Facebook group and make sure there’s activity there.

    #11 Offer sales calls

    In the past, I made the mistake of offering sales calls too early. A lot of people who didn’t need a call ended up booking one just to chat. They had already decided to buy the program, but wanted the call just because it was offered. Now, I started offering sales calls only during the last two days of open cart. Basically, it’s offering a call to the fence-sitters and helping them evaluate if the program is a fit for them or not.

    #12 Work with affiliates

    Affiliate partners are typically current or previous students and it’s through their success stories that people are inclined to sign up for a launch training and eventually buy a program. But because I mainly work with students, they usually don’t have big email lists yet and therefore I can’t expect too many sales from each partner. That’s why it’s important to have more partners, but again also not to many, because running an affiliate program is a big task and you need to have time for it. For this launch, I used direct messaging to each individual partner, and the affiliate who made the most sales won a retreat with me. Having exciting prices for your partners can make them do a lot more and have more sales than you would think is possible.

    What was your key take-away from this episode? Send me a DM on Instagram. I’d love to hear from you!

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

  • Have you hit an income level in your business you don’t seem able to surpass? Are all your launches at the same level and you’re stuck growing them?

    I’ve been there. It felt like I hit an invisible glass ceiling that stopped me from achieving my dreams. I didn’t notice it was there until my head hit the glass ceiling.

    In his book The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks calls this internal ceiling an upper limit.

    It doesn’t matter how successful you are, everyone has an upper limit problem. If you don’t think you have it, you might just haven’t hit yours yet. And if you’ve hit a ceiling and gone through it, another ceiling will be waiting for you as you go on.

    In the last 7 years I’ve made over $8M and in January 2021 alone, I made another million in revenue. Growing my revenue year after year has made me crush one internal ceiling after the other.

    In this episode, I share the strategies I’ve used to crush my own internal glass ceilings, and what you can do to crush yours.

    “If your mind can create glass ceilings, it means your mind can remove them, too.” - Sigrun

    Are you more of a reader? Scroll down to read about how you can crush your own internal glass ceilings!

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Glass ceilings and how they limit you (1:45) The glass ceilings I encountered along the way and how I crushed them (4:09) My biggest glass ceiling so far - and what I learned from it (12:16) Crushing the million dollar launch glass ceiling (29:54) What I did to to grow in the last months (32:33) The big effect of the big upgrade (40:13) The four barriers in your upper limit (46:52)

    Want to dive deeper? Find out how you can detect and work through your upper limit.

    Identifying and Crushing Your Internal Glass Ceiling

    Many of my high end clients come to me when they get stuck at a certain income level or aren’t able to grow their launches. What holds them back is their internal glass ceiling.

    In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks explains that everyone of us has an internal thermostat for how much success, wealth, happiness, and love we let ourselves experience. It’s our internal glass ceiling - or upper limit setting - and we tend to set this thermostat low early on in our lives.

    Later, as we dream about big goals and move above our old thermostat setting, we bump against the artificial lid that was placed on our success through unconscious childhood decisions.

    Unless we solve the upper limit problem, we’ll keep finding ways to bring ourselves back down when we’ve blown past our old setting. In other words, the invisible glass ceiling is stopping us from achieving our dreams.

    Gay Hendricks identified four barriers within the upper limit:

    The belief that we are fundamentally flawed

    If we carry this feeling within us, we sabotage our success because we think we’re essentially bad. If something good happens, we must mess up to offset it, because good things can’t happen to bad people.

    The belief that by succeeding, we are being disloyal to and leaving behind people

    If we harbor this feeling, we sabotage our success because we think it’s disloyal to our roots to soar too far into the stratosphere.

    The belief that we are a burden in the world

    If we carry this feeling inside us, we sabotage our success so that we won’t be a bigger burden.

    The belief that we must dim the bright lights of our brilliance so that we won’t outshine others

    If we hold this feeling inside us, we tend to hold ourselves back from expressing the full potential of our innate genius.

    Since these are all limiting beliefs your mind has created, it’s your mind that can change them, too. Here’s how you crush your upper limit:

    Acknowledge the upper limit (I even say Hi to it and make fun of it) Breath when you feel fear. Fear can be transformed into excitement by breathing. Turn worry into a positive idea. Shift your focus away from the worrying and instead think of the positive new thing that is coming into being. Expand positive feelings. Think of the good things in your life and give them your full attention. Let yourself enjoy them as long as you possibly can.

    Growing my revenue year after year has made me crush one internal ceiling after the other, but that’s the thing with glass ceilings: As soon as you’ve gone through one, another will be waiting for you as you go on.

    I expect my next big glass ceiling to be a 8 figure year but that is still a few years away and until then I will keep working on the smaller glass ceilings that pop up now and then.

    What is your internal glass ceiling, and how do you intend to crush it? Send me a DM and let me know!

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

  • Are you on the fence about starting your online business? Even if you know you need to?

    Online is here to stay - we all know it. Having an online business is more important than ever in times when everything is uncertain and another lockdown could happen at any moment.

    I hear many women who want to go online, yet they feel overwhelmed and come up with excuses. Starting and scaling an online business can seem scary. But if you have the right process and are willing to take action, you’ve already gone half the way.

    My business has grown over 30% compared to the same period last year, and in this episode of the Sigrun Show, I will break down how easy it is to get started and scale your online business without getting overwhelmed.

    If you know that online is the way to go but you’re stuck, overthinking or are scared of taking the next step, this episode is for you.

    “People don’t really take action on their own.”- Sigrun

    What you will get out of this episode:

    My frustration about people who don’t take action (2:40) Only giving tiny bits of information (5:35) How I came up with a new challenge to help people get unstuck (7:13) Creating accountability and commitment (9:53) Eliminating doubts and trusting the process (13:21) Why it’s important to celebrate success (14:05)

    Want to dive deeper? If you're just getting started, find out if you can start a business without a business idea or how to stop overthinking and start doing today.

    Start and Scale Your Online Business: Finding the Right Process

    We will not go back to the way things were before. Online is here to stay - and having an online business has become more important than ever before.

    Most business owners understand the importance of being able to go 100% online. What if a second wave hits us? What if there is another lockdown? But what is the easiest way to get started and scale your online business without getting stuck, procrastinating, overcoming perfectionism?

    Over the years I have come up with a process I apply in my 8 and 10 week challenges that helps my clients get out of their overwhelm and makes them take action. Here, I’m revealing the key components of this process to you:

    Tiny bits of information

    When people see all the possibilities, when they start to worry about freebies, landing pages, email lists, websites, their social media presence, launches - they quickly give up because it overwhelms them. Of course these are things you need to do when creating and scaling your online business, but you don’t necessarily have to do them today, or tomorrow, or even this week. For my challenge, I came up with 26 tiny steps to follow, and suddenly, everyone could do it, even the ones who were the most scared. The overwhelm was gone.


    I encourage my clients to fill out a form on a regular basis throughout the program. That’s how I get them to commit to the process. It also creates a sense of responsibility. A lot of people buy courses and never finish them. By filling out forms, they are committing to do the work. And when someone has doubts, people in the community surround them with inspiration and motivation, and the positive group pressure keeps them going.

    Trust the process

    When you decide to start and scale your online business, you have to find a process and stick with it. When you start to doubt this process, you won’t keep up and get stuck, and eventually give up. That’s why everyday, I tell my clients to just trust the process.

    Celebrate success

    It’s so important to celebrate success. After 10 weeks, I do a celebration call where I highlight all the wins of my clients, and they can share what went well for them and what they want to improve. Celebrating success makes them see their progress and inspires them to go even further.

    With this process, I’ve helped hundreds of women get unstuck. They stopped being overwhelmed, using excuses and got their work done.

    If you want to start your online business, I encourage you to find a way to be a part of such a process. Because even though I’m very self-motivated myself, I wish I had found a process like this to guide me when I was starting out in my business.

    Are you ready to start and scale your own online business? Let me know if this episode inspired you to take action. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

  • It’s going to be very hard for you to find a job. These were the words of my advisor when I went to the unemployment office after having been fired twice in a short period of time. I kept applying for positions I thought were a perfect fit but never got a reply. My hopes were down. I was also still feeling the pain from my chronic illness, and the thought of working a full-time job scared me.

    When I read that the unemployment office helps people start their own business, I saw it as my chance. I quickly created a business plan for selling Icelandic design online and did a three week start up course where I learned all the basics of setting up a business in Switzerland. But when I ended the course, I started doubting my own idea.

    Seven years have passed since then, and (spoiler!) I haven’t gone on to build an Icelandic design trading empire. I have done something better: I found my passion, entered my zone of genius and become a top female business coach.

    In this episode of the Sigrun Show, I share how I finally found my calling and started scaling my business to multiple seven figures, and the roadblocks and successes I experienced along the way. This is my story of how I went from unemployed to a selfmade millionaire.

    With this episode, I want to inspire you to think bigger and take action. Make your dream come true.

    “The beginning years are the most important ones: that’s where a business is born.”- Sigrun

    What you will get out of this episode:

    How I got sick in 2010 and lost my job (3:49) My wake up call (13:37) Picking a business idea (18:16) Finding the right direction (27:17) How webinars became my thing (33:28) My money mindset issue (39:06) From my first sale to 6 figures in 12 months (41:48) Taking the next step: scaling my business (42:18) How the idea of SOMBA was born (48:32) My first live event (52:04) Big decisions: Working with a female coach and planning my own conference (55:37) Hiring my team (58:45) The next normal (1:03:37)

    Do you want more inspiration for building your online business? Find out how I got from zero to six figures in 12 months and avoid making any mistakes by reading the top 10 reasons why most online businesses fail.

    How to Build an Online Business (and Scale It the Right Way)

    I was making a good living doing one on one coaching, but I always knew that if I wanted to take my online business to the next level, I had to start scaling it. From my times as a CEO, I remembered that the only way to grow a business was to hire more people. I swore to myself that if I ever started my own business, I wouldn’t want its growth to be dependent on the number of employees. I wanted the business itself to be scalable.

    At the time, I had no idea that my own business would make multiple 7 figures one day. My goal had been to get to 6 figures and in March 2015, I reached that goal, exactly 12 months after my first sale. It was a huge milestone, but I knew that I had to take the next step. Constantly raising my prices or taking on more clients wasn’t going to be sustainable. What I had to do is scale, and here is how I did it:

    Creating a Group Coaching Program

    I had been thinking about group coaching for a while and got this idea that I wanted to prove that I can sell in July, in the middle of the summer, when most coaches feel it’s not a good time to sell. I came up with an idea for a coaching program, created a sales page, did some seeding in my free Facebook group and ended up selling 6 spots, two times. It opened my eyes: I was able to scale!

    Selling Multiple Group Coaching Programs

    I started selling multiple group coaching programs and made them longer, first 8 weeks and then 3 months, and called them masterminds. There was no need to create tons of content, because the groups were about helping people with whatever was going on in their business at the time. I focused on coaching in the moment.

    Make Groups Larger

    I realised that I could have more than 6 people in my groups and launched a 9 month mastermind group with 10 people. But I wanted to go further. I thought about how much time I really spend per person and decided that I could launch a new group with 18 people and still offer the same value to them. These same people went on to stay with me for years.

    At this point, my group programs were generating more revenue than my one on one coaching and I decided to only keep on a few selected people as my one on one clients.

    Introduce Levels

    I started gearing up for a massive launch of my group coaching programs. My idea was to do multiple groups of 18 people on different levels, depending on where they were at in their businesses. The further along people were, the less people would be in the group so I could assure them enough time with me.

    Create a Signature Program

    When I sold out 4 group coaching programs, I told my business coach very proudly that I just had my biggest launch ever. This is what he said to me: And you have nothing else to sell now? His words were a turning point for me, because they made me come up with the idea for SOMBA - Sigrun’s Online MBA, a new one year program where I would teach women (and a few men) everything they need to know about online business. I’ve been running SOMBA for 3 years now, increased the price from $1000 to $3000 and my launches have grown from $50k to $575k.

    My coach’s comment was crucial for me. I thought I was scaling my business with group programs, but to really reach the next level, you have to have an online course or program where you can have as many people as you want in it, without having to spend extra resources. In 2017, I finally created that course which is now my signature program, and it’s a fantastic feeling.

    Are you inspired to grow and scale your own online business? If my story sparked any ideas or dreams in you, I would love to hear about it. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

    Please share, subscribe and review

    Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode, please share, subscribe and review on Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Click here to learn how to leave a review, then head over to Apple Podcasts for your chance to win a special thank you gift!

  • One of the biggest challenges for many solopreneurs and online entrepreneurs is setting the prices for their products and services. It’s during the pricing process that your lizard brain can really step things up a notch - telling you that you’re not good enough to command the rates you want. It’s when we begin to doubt ourselves, our skills, and the value of our experience. And because of this, we tend to err on the side of caution, giving in to fear and uncertainty by setting our prices low and undercharging for our services.

    Today, I discuss my mantra: Client for Every Price and why it’s important for online entrepreneurs to remember that regardless of what you set as your price - there are always clients that are happy to pay it. I explain why female entrepreneurs often struggle with setting fair prices for their products and services and the importance of changing your mindset around your prices. I explain why it’s crucial for female entrepreneurs to dive deep into who their ideal client is when determining the prices for their offers. I also share an example of why pricing is irrelevant when you identify and understand your ideal client.

    “There’s a client for every price.” - Sigrun

    In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Why many female entrepreneurs struggle to set their prices How your prices help you attract the right clients How Dyson built trust with the consumers interested in their ‘expensive’ curling iron product Why you should set your prices based on the value you deliver Why female entrepreneurs need to understand who their ideal client is when setting their prices

    12 Days of Masterclasses for FREE!

    Ho ho ho! I have a gift for you! Not just one but 12 gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I’m inviting you to join our annual tradition, 12 Days of Masterclasses for free. The masterclasses are on a variety of topics in online business everything from mindset to marketing and sales and how to scale your online business to 6 and 7 figures. Now go ahead and grab your gifts by going to www.sigrun.com/12gifts

    Please share, subscribe and review on iTunes

    Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode, please share, subscribe and review on Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

    Click here to learn how to leave a review, then head over to Apple Podcasts for your chance to win a special thank you gift!

  • 81% of podcast listeners investigate the host’s products or recommendations with intent to purchase. That’s more influential than any other medium has ever been!

    On top of that, podcasting is still an untapped arena. There aren’t as many people podcasting as there are on other channels. Which means there is less much competition. Right now, there are 2.5 million live podcasts worldwide. And, only around 800,000 of those are consistently contributed to and are of good quality. This in comparison with the 37 million YouTube channels is HUGE!

    In this episode of The Sigrun Show podcast queen Anna Parker-Naples and I talk about all things podcasting. She shares her tips and tricks to help you increase your impact, get visible within your niche, amplify your message, and generate more quality leads.

    Anna also tells us her inspirational story of how she picked herself up from rock bottom and made the conscious choice to be successful.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    The TWO women in red (2:19) Anna’s story (4:56) Her introduction to audio work (8:47) How to podcast properly (11:00) Changing your thoughts can change your life (13:00) Paralympic superheroes as Anna’s inspiration (18:00) How YOU can amplify your impact through podcasting (20:00) Why is a podcast more powerful than any other medium? (22:00) Podcasts help to build trust with your audience (25:00) Tips and tricks for amplifying your podcast (30:00) Find Anna on her podcast: Entrepreneurs get Visible! (35:39)

    Listen to Anna’s podcast:

    Entrepreneurs Get Visible

    Do you want to work with me?

    I’m looking for action-taking entrepreneurs who are serious about making sales in 2021.

    This opportunity is not for everyone. I’m looking for people who are coachable, ready to take action and committed to achieving their revenue goals.

    If this is you then go to the show notes at sigrun.com/livegroup to apply to the LIVE group coaching program.

  • Is being told “you’re killing it” really a good thing? Should women carry on being celebrated for over-functioning and working themselves into a state of overwhelm?

    Success coach and business mentor Sarah Walton thinks not. In this episode of The Sigrun Show, Sarah and I talk about how it's up to women to do the internal work and recognize the value they’re putting out into the world. And, how this value should not be defined by how much they are doing, or who they are doing it for.

    Sarah also talks about how women are the shock absorbers in society, when something goes wrong - they soak up the blow. She explains that in order for women to switch up this trajectory they need to start supporting each other by normalizing saying “no” more often.

    We also discuss how the Myers Briggs test can help you determine if you’re more likely to be a people pleaser and put the needs of others before your own. Here is a link to the test.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Sarah’s background as a corporate executive (2:52) How being the person that people went to for advice encouraged her to start her coaching business (4:00) Combining a woman's talent, experience, and expertise in a way that they can actually sell it (6:40) It’s up to women to do the internal work and recognise the value they’re putting out into the world (8:47) The physiological reason why women are more inclined to feel overwhelmed (9:19) The epidemic of over-functioning or high-functioning co-dependence among women Is being told “you’re killing it” really a good thing? (13:00) A women’s desire to feel needed feeds into their overwhelm (14:36) Women are the shock absorbers, when something goes wrong - they soak up the blow (15:40) Women supporting women is the key to putting a stop to the overwhelm epidemic (16:00) Being busy for the sake of being busy (21:30) Sarah’s free worksheet, understanding control and how it affects your life (23:24)

    Connect with Sarah Walton

    www. SarahWalton.com

    Do you want to discover a powerful method that helps you sell without more marketing?

    I see so many entrepreneurs struggle because they’re putting all their time and money into marketing, but they don’t make the sales they hoped for. If this is you, I can help.

    Sign up for my free live masterclass on September 28th now.

  • Is Pinterest the search engine you are overlooking? Are you missing out on clients by not implementing a Pinterest strategy? Yes. Having a successful Pinterest strategy can work wonders for any business. Even those that aren’t selling something visual.

    Whether your product is an online course or a physical product, Pinterest can help drive traffic to your website. You just need to know how to leverage the platform and attract the attention of the right people.

    In this episode, Pinterest Guru Jennifer Priest, shares her top tips on how to develop a Pinterest strategy that converts. She tells us why she decided to focus her marketing efforts on Pinterest. And, how and why you should do it too.

    Jennifer also shares where to start on Pinterest if you're a complete newbie. How to avoid posting multiple times a day. And, the importance of knowing what to pin.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Why Pinterest? (1:38) Get them in the door by being know for 1 thing (6:38) Tips for a Pinterest newbie (14:20) How Pinterest is like good wine (19:37) The importance of researching before pinning (21:23) Do you need to pinning multiple times a day? (21:35) Avoid inventing pins (25:23) What counts as a good amount of traffic for Pinterest? (30:00)

    Connect with Jennifer Priest


    Are you tired of working too much and making too little?

    If you’re a freelancer or coach with as many clients as you can handle but you can’t seem to get out of this overworked trap, I can help.

    I invite you to apply to receive a personalised assessment from one of my expert coaches where they’ll help you figure out the steps to take to get out of the trap.

  • We all have one question that we ask ourselves all the time. This one question has a huge influence on our lives and businesses.

    If you ask yourself a good question it will improve your life and business. If you ask yourself a bad question it will deteriorate your life and business.

    In this episode of The Sigrun Show, I explain what a primary question is and how to figure out which one is best for you. I also share how to ask better questions that will help change your life for the better. Finding, asking, and answering my primary question has had a positive impact on both my business and my life.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    What is a primary question and how to figure out yours (2:00) The question I like and why it’s a great question to ask yourself (6:06) How this question led to my buying my dream penthouse apartment (6:24) Another question to ask yourself to improve your life and business (14:25) The life-changing phone call I made when I asked myself this question (15:27) The empowering question that led to my getting an MBA in London (18:15) The question that helped me get to the million dollar mark (22:30) The question to ask when you’re stuck or overwhelmed, not sure what to do next (25:47) My devastating breakup after an 8-year relationship and the question that got me through the first few weeks (18) What question to ask when you want to do something new you haven’t done before and possibly been procrastinating (28:28) The project I’m most embarrassed about not doing and what I did to finally get started (29:20) Who do you want to be? The vision I created (31:28) The story of my TEDx Talk (32:18) Other examples of questions you can ask yourself (34:46) Want a lighter business that feels more you and makes you more money?

    Then I invite you to apply to receive a personalised assessment from one of my expert coaches.

    Go to sigrun.com/scale to apply.

    Let’s ask better questions to create a better life and business.

  • Jill McAbe is a bestselling author, teacher and coach in the fields of business success, finding one's purpose, and the science of high performance and change. Her best-selling book, It’s Go Time: Build the Business and Life You Really Want, helps people build expertise-based businesses doing what they love.

    In this episode, Jill shares how she became interested in goals and what we need to do to reach them. She explains what hot goals are and how neuroscience helps us to understand these subconscious goals.

    Jill is particularly interested in how people in their 50s and 60s can reprogram their brains to have more meaningful lives and live with purpose. We talk about the relatively easy things that we can do to make this happen.

    We also discuss what she included in her book - It’s Go Time: Build the Business and Life You Really Want - to help entrepreneurs succeed and reach goals they may have felt were previously unachievable.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    How Jill got interested in goals (2:55) Her ability to help organizations set goals but realizing she wasn’t achieving her own goals (3:58) How her search for credibility led her to working with one of the top neuroscientists (6:00) What hot goals are and how the amygdala has been misunderstood (6:58) How the amygdala is the action centre of the brain (7:18) Jill’s ‘stop the bus’ moment when it comes to the subconscious (7:50) How the conscious and subconscious parts of our brain have two different languages and how to get them working together (9:02) What she love about working with people in their 50s and 60s (10:20) How being jealous of someone else’s business success could be keeping you from reaching your goals and what to do instead (19:09) Why emotional experiences are more acute when we’re younger and how we may have internalized hot goals from our childhood (22:22) How to use repetition of things you see and feel to speak to the brain in as many ways as possible (27:27) The approaches in Jill’s book that help people develop scalable businesses based on their expertise (31:35)

    Connect with Jill McAbe


    Are you tired of working too much and making too little? I can help.

    If you’re a freelancer or coach with as many clients as you can handle but you can’t seem to get out of this overworked trap, I can help.

    I invite you to apply to receive a personal assessment from one of my expert coaches where they’ll help you figure out the steps to take to get out of the trap.

    Go to sigrun.com/scale to apply.

  • When I was first starting out, the thought of selling VIP days was very scary to me. Now I laugh about it because it’s not that hard. But it’s not something that comes easy to people.

    Nikki Rausch is the CEO of Sales Maven, an organization dedicated to authentic selling. She joins me to talk about her story, how she works with entrepreneurs to help them get better at sales conversations, and how to offer, deliver and price a premium VIP Day.

    Nikki explains that selling is not something you do to somebody but with somebody. You are not trying to convince them that what you have is the right solution for them. Rather, you’re having a conversation to find out whether what you offer is right for their particular problem and needs.

    For the last half of the episode, we talked about how to create and structure a VIP day to best suit your ideal client. Nikki shared how she structures her VIP Days, what you should keep in mind and how to approach pricing and how to close your discovery call with prospective clients.

    This was a great conversation and Nikki’s approach is very much aligned with how we do things on Team Sigrun.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    How Nikki came to start Sales Maven and working with entrepreneurs (3:12) How she sees sales (7:05) Why sales calls are important to your prospective clients ( 11:54) How not to end your sales conversations and how to end them instead (12:48) What to say and do when someone says “I need to time to think about it” (13:40) How to structure a VIP Day and what to consider including as content (14:53) How Nikki does her own VIP Days and leaves the structure flexible (17:54) What she does to make VIP days a premium experience (20:53) How to close off the VIP day and how to keep your VIPs working with you (22:46) Laying out your offer in your VIP Day discovery call (28:00) How to price your VIP Day (31:16) Sigrun’s first VIP Days (34:34)

    Connect with Nikki Rausch

    Free ebook: Closing the Sale
  • You’re an expert in your field. You know your stuff. But when it comes to speaking up, you suddenly doubt yourself. You constantly wonder: Am I good enough?

    According to Laura Penn, the founder of The Leadership Speaking School, a lot of women struggle with this when they’re about to do something bold or courageous.

    Laura specialises in transforming leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers into speakers who are authentic, accessible, and memorable, and in this episode of The Sigrun Show, she shares why women tend to not speak up and how these doubts form in our heads.

    Do you want to discover how you can find the courage to speak your truth? Then don’t miss out on Laura’s valuable tips and insight.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    How Laura ended up helping entrepreneurs and leaders to speak in front of audiences (2:54) What made Laura start her own academy (6:00) Why women tend to not speak up (9:40) How to find the courage to speak your truth (12:08) The opportunities you can create for yourself (13:43) How to love yourself despite your flaws (15:09) How long it takes to develop your courage (18:13) Laura’s programs and how she works with her clients (22:10)

    Connect with Laura Penn


    Sign up for my brand new, FREE Masterclass

    Did you know that you don’t need more clients or more marketing to increase your sales?

    So many entrepreneurs struggle because they’re putting all their time and money into complicated, expensive marketing strategies, but they don’t make the profit they hoped for.

    I want to show you how you can avoid this in my brand new, free Masterclass. Learn what it takes to have your clients continue joining your programs for years, how to plan for the second and third sale before you even make the first sale, and much more. Join the FREE Masterclass here.

  • If you’re at a certain point in your online business, networking and being in the room with like-minded people becomes one of the most important things to grow.

    I’m fascinated by masterminds, but my dear friend Anke Beeren went a step further. She founded Joint Forces, a club with a totally new concept to give 6- and 7-figure female online entrepreneurs a space to network strategically and accelerate innovative thinking.

    In this episode of The Sigrun Show, we talk about the difference between a network and a mastermind, how women network differently than men, and what you can do to start networking strategically.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    Why networking has become Anke’s passion project (2:08) How she created something brand new (5:36) The difference between a network and a mastermind (8:47) Why women network differently than men (11:50) The framework Anke has created for her club (19:51) How women should go about networking (23:02) How to keep up your network (25:04) What you can do to start networking on your own (26:34)

    Connect with Anke Beeren

    Anke’s club Joint Forces Anke on Facebook

    Have you left a review for The Sigrun Show yet?

    Reviews are what keep The Sigrun Show going and growing. They allow us to keep creating free quality content on a regular basis and invite high-profile guests.

    A minute’s work on your end is enough to show me and my team that you support the hard work that goes into producing each episode.

    So if you have a minute, go here to find out how you can leave a review for The Sigrun Show on Apple Podcasts and receive a thank you gift from us.

  • Recently, I aired an episode on The Sigrun Show on how to be an amazing podcast guest, and learned so much from it myself.

    This week, I dive deeper into the podcasting world and speak to Margy Feldhuhn, a podcast host and the co-owner and CEO of Interview Connections.

    I met Margy and her business partner Jessica Rhodes through Ali Brown’s Premier mastermind, and their journey is truly amazing.

    They created the first and leading podcast booking agency, have an in-house staff of over 25 full time employees, and successfully scaled Interview Connections to multiple 7 figures.

    In this episode, we talk about everything you need to know on how to make money as a podcast guest.

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    How Margy and Jessica became partners (2:35) What people are doing wrong with podcast guesting (8:21) The two monetization pieces podcast guests miss (10:07) The role of a podcast guest (12:42) How to make money as a podcast guest (15:08) How to pick the right CTA (21:17) The evolution Interview Connections has gone through and the services Margy and Jessica offer (22:56) What you need to know about the Monetize the Mic conference (24:48)

    If you’re serious about making money as a podcast guest, Monetize the Mic is for you!

    Monetize the Mic is a virtual conference taking place on August 10th and 11th. During two days, Margy and Jessica share their very best content on tactical strategies, mindset, and on how you can step into the spotlight and monetize your appearances. Click here to sign up for Monetize the Mic through my special affiliate link.

    Connect with Margy and Jessica

    Interviewconnections.com Margy and Jessica on Facebook Margy and Jessica on Instagram
  • As online entrepreneurs, we often sit in front of our computer all day and don’t move a lot. I ended up gaining 10 kilos after starting my online business.

    It’s important for our physical and mental health to stay active, especially when working from home. Trust me, I learned this the hard way. Yet still I had difficulties motivating myself to work out. That’s why I hired Jeff McMahon.

    Jeff works with well-known online entrepreneurs all over the world and has been my virtual trainer for over two years. He’s the reason I work out three times a week.

    In this episode, he shares his top tips on how to get fit as an online entrepreneur. (Last year, I won my family’s plank competition thanks to him. You don’t want to miss this.)

    In this Episode of The Sigrun Show:

    The two reasons why Jeff became a personal trainer (2:16) How he started out his career as a virtual trainer (3:30) Why more and more well-known online entrepreneurs signed up with him (4:58) How Jeff structures his work (6:06) Why online entrepreneurs go for virtual sessions (myself included!) (8:00) Jeff’s top tips to get fit as an online entrepreneur (11:47) How to get the motivation to go on walks (17:38) What Jeff focuses on in his work with online entrepreneurs (21:56) Jeff’s suggestions to improve your posture (24:10) The ideal exercise combination for someone sitting at a desk all day (26:44) Jeff’s new online community to live a healthier life (29:24)

    Discover Jeff’s new online community

    Do you want to get fit as an online entrepreneur? Try out Jeff’s new virtual membership for FREE for 7 days.

    Connect with Jeff

    Find out more about Jeff here Jeff on Facebook Jeff on Instagram

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