
  • Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the individuals participating and do not necessarily represent the official stance or position of the SOGC.

    Summary:  In this episode, join Dr. Anifa Kalay and Sonia as they explore Sonia’s personal endometriosis journey within the Canadian health care system. Delve into Sonia's experiences, challenges, and triumphs as she navigates the complexities of this often-misunderstood condition. Get a behind the scenes look at the realities faced by individuals living with endometriosis and their struggle with advocating for care. Tune in for a compelling conversation that highlights the importance of awareness, advocacy, and compassionate care in the journey toward managing endometriosis.

    Additional Resources: 

    About Dr. Anifa Kalay
    Dr. Anifa Kalay is an international medical graduate with a focus on women's health and global health initiatives. She previously worked as a Global Health Project Manager at the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). Currently, Dr. Kalay is an Adjunct Faculty Member at the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa. Additionally, she is involved in healthcare policy at the Healthcare Policy Strategy Centre within the Canadian Medical Protective Association. Dr. Kalay is also a co-founder of the Coalition Network, a nonprofit organization promoting the wellbeing of Black women in Canada and worldwide.

    About Sonia
    Sonia is mother of two children and she currently lives with endometriosis.

    Show Transcripts:
    This episode's transcripts are coming soon.

    Avis de non-responsabilité:    

    Les points de vue et les opinions exprimés dans ce podcast sont ceux des personnes qui y participent et ne représentent pas nécessairement la position officielle de la SOGC.  


    Résumé:  Dans cet épisode, rejoignez la Dre Anifa Kalay et Sonia alors qu'elles explorent le parcours personnel de Sonia, atteinte d'endométriose, au sein du système de santé canadien. Découvrez les expériences, les défis et les triomphes de Sonia alors qu'elle navigue dans les méandres de cette maladie souvent incomprise. Découvrez les coulisses des réalités auxquelles sont confrontées les personnes vivant avec l'endométriose et leur combat pour obtenir des soins. Écoutez cette conversation passionnante qui souligne l'importance de la sensibilisation, de la défense des droits et de la compassion dans la prise en charge de l'endométriose.


    Ressources supplémentaires:  

    À propos de la Dre Anifa Kalay

    La Dre Anifa Kalay est diplômée en médecine internationale et se concentre sur la santé des femmes et les initiatives en matière de santé mondiale. Elle a travaillé auparavant comme gestionnaire de projets de santé mondiale à la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC). Actuellement, la Dre Kalay est membre auxiliaire du corps enseignant de l'École d'épidémiologie et de santé publique de l'Université d'Ottawa. En outre, elle participe à la politique des soins de santé au sein du Healthcare Policy Strategy Centre de l'Association canadienne de protection médicale. La Dre Kalay est également cofondatrice du Coalition Network, une organisation à but non lucratif qui promeut le bien-être des femmes noires au Canada et dans le monde.

    À propos de Sonia

    Sonia est mère de deux enfants et vit actuellement avec l'endométriose.

    Afficher les transcriptions :

    Les transcriptions de cet épisode seront bientôt disponibles.

  • Avis de non-responsabilité:    

    Les points de vue et les opinions exprimés dans ce podcast sont ceux des personnes qui y participent et ne représentent pas nécessairement la position officielle de la SOGC.  



    Dans cet épisode du balado sur la santé des femmes de la SOGC, nous explorons les obstacles et les solutions aux soins de santé sexuelle et génésique pour les nouveaux arrivants au Canada avec Dre Diane Francoeur et Rosy Douge-Charles. Ne manquez pas cet épisode où nous abordons les questions importantes de l'accès à l'information et aux services, des barrières culturelles et linguistiques, des considérations juridiques et politiques, de la navigation dans le système de soins de santé, de la stigmatisation et du soutien social, et plus encore.


    Ressources supplémentaires:  

    À propos du Dre. Francoeur

    La Dre Francoeur est la présidente-directrice générale de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada et une ardente défenseure des femmes et des fournisseurs de soins de santé. Elle est obstétricienne-gynécologue et a plus de 30 ans d'expérience. Elle continue aujourd'hui à servir sa communauté en tant qu'obstétricienne-gynécologue.

    La Dre Francoeur a été la première femme présidente de la Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ) et a rempli tous ses mandats. Elle continue de travailler comme professeure agrégée au département d'obstétrique et de gynécologie du CHU Ste-Justine, affilié à l'Université de Montréal, et est une ardente défenseuse des droits des femmes, du leadership des médecins et des soins de santé.

    À propos de Rosy Douge-Charles

    Rosy est une éducatrice, une activiste et une consultante qui s'intéresse aux intersections de la justice raciale, alimentaire, du handicap et du genre. Rosy est titulaire d'un diplôme en études féminines et de genre de l'Université d'Ottawa et a des racines à Montréal, Brooklyn, New York, et sur la terre de ses ancêtres, Haïti.

    Les transcriptions :

    Les transcriptions de cet épisode seront bientôt disponibles.

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the individuals participating and do not necessarily represent the official stance or position of the SOGC.


    In this episode of SOGC’s Women’s Health podcast we explore the obstacles and solutions to sexual and reproductive health care for newcomers to Canada with Dr. Diane Francoeur and Rosy Douge-Charles. Don’t miss this episode where we address the important questions of access to information and services, cultural and language barriers, legal and policy considerations, health care system navigation, stigma and social support and more.

    Additional Resources: 

    About Dr. Francoeur 
    Dr. Francoeur is the Chief Executive Officer of The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada and a fierce advocate for women and health care providers. She is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist with more than 30-years of experience and continues to serve her community as a practicing OB/GYN to this day.

    Dr. Francoeur was the CEO and served as the first woman president of the Federation of Medical Specialists of Québec (FMSQ), completing all mandates. She continues to work as an associate professor in the OB/GYN department at CHU Ste-Justine, affiliated with the University of Montreal and is a strong champion of women’s rights, physician’s leadership, and healthcare management.

    About Rosy Douge-Charles
    Rosy is an educator, activist, and consultant who is interested in the intersections of racial, food, disability, and gender justice. Rosy holds a degree in Women's and Gender Studies from the University of Ottawa and has roots in Montreal, Brooklyn, New York, and her ancestral land of Haiti.

    Show Transcripts :
    This episode's transcripts are coming soon.

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  • Disclaimer:  
    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the individuals participating and do not necessarily represent the official stance or position of the SOGC.


    In this episode, join us as we delve into the profound impacts of endometriosis and uterine fibroids on Black health, featuring insights from Drs. Cindy Maxwell and Modupe Tunde-Byass. Gain invaluable knowledge aboutthese often-overlooked conditions and the critical importance of raising awareness within the Black community. Discover the alarming disparities in care faced by Black individuals with these conditions and explore avenues for fostering better understanding and support. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that sheds light on crucial health issues and empowers listeners to advocate for equitable healthcare access for all.

    Additional Resources:

    Black Physicians of Canada

    The Endometriosis Resource Portal For People Of Color | EndoFound

    Endo Black, Incorporated

    About Dr. Tunde-Byass
    Dr. Tunde-Byass is the president of the Black Physicians ofCanada. She is involved with equity, diversity, and inclusivity, with a particular focus on anti-Black racism, and is the co-founder of the Women's Health Education Made Simple, also known as WHEMS, an initiative that promotes health literacy through online educational resources. Dr. Tunde-Byass is also an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.

    About Dr. MaxwellDr. Maxwell is a maternal fetal medicine specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital and Women's College Hospital in Toronto, and a professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine atUniversity of Toronto. I also co-lead an organization called N-ABL, which is a provincial network to support Black medical learners, and I'm the past president of the Black Physicians Association of Ontario.

    Show Transcripts English linkFrench link

  • Disclaimer: 

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the individuals participating and do not necessarily represent the official stance or position of the SOGC.


    In this episode, join us as we explore a patient’s experiences with getting a diagnosis of endometriosis and finding the best course of treatment for this condition. Lindsay Wolfson shares her endometriosis journey with Dr. Jamie Kroft, where we will discuss the power of both symptom validation and receiving an official diagnosis of endometriosis. This episode highlights the need for inclusive and trauma-informed care in endometriosis journeys and the importance of a good relationship with health care providers.

    About Dr. Kalay Dr. Kroft is a gynaecologist based in Toronto, Associate Professor and Deputy Chief, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Sunnybrook. I am also the CanSAGE President, and I specialize in minimally invasive surgery, with a focus on laser laparoscopic resection of endometriosis.

    About Lindsay WolfsonLindsay is a Toronto-based consultant and health researcher with a Master of Public Health degree in Social Inequities and Health. Not only is Lindsay a researcher working in the field of women’s health but she is also a patient with endometriosis.

    Show Transcripts
    English link
    French link

  • Disclaimer:
    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.

    Breast cancer is a topic that affects countless women and their families, making it vital to stay informed about the latest advancements in breast cancer imaging and early detection.

    In this compelling episode of the SOGC Women's Health Podcast, Heather Olszewski talks with distinguished expert Dr. Jean Seely, to explore the world of breast cancer imaging.

    Dr. Seely sheds light on the strategies used in breast cancer imaging, tips to avoid a painful procedure, screening frequency, and so much more.

    Tune in today and join us in this enlightening conversation

    Online Risk calculator Tool Link : https://ibis.ikonopedia.com/

  • Disclaimer:
    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.

    In this enlightening episode, we delve into the often-misunderstood topic of menopause.

    Join Heather Olszewski as she sits down with menopause expert, Dr. Michelle Jacobson, to explore the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of this natural life transition that every woman goes through.

    Dr. Jacobson, with her extensive background in women's health, offers a deep understanding of the complexities of menopause. Together, we tackle the questions and concerns that many women face during this transformative stage of life.

    Throughout our discussion, Dr. Jacobson shares her insights on the physiological changes that occur during menopause, including hormonal fluctuations and their effects on the body.

    But menopause isn't just about the physical changes; it's a multifaceted experience. Our conversation delves into the emotional and psychological aspects, addressing issues like self-esteem, relationships, and coping strategies. We explore how menopause affects different women in unique ways, emphasizing the importance of personalized care and support.

    Join us as we demystify menopause, challenge misconceptions, and offer guidance for women, their partners, and healthcare providers alike. By the end of this episode, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of this natural phase of life, and the knowledge you need to embrace it with grace and confidence.

    Tune in for this insightful conversation and gain valuable insights into navigating the journey of menopause with resilience and empowerment.

    Links discussed in the episode:

    SOGC Ontario CME

    The Canadian Menopause Foundation

  • Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC. Heather Olszewski talks with SOGC president Dr. Amanda Black and Amy Cairns of Organon about the recent push for universal coverage of contraception in Canada. You can help by clicking on this link and contacting your MP. You can also read Dr. Black’s monthly op-ed for the SOGC Newsletter here.

  • Disclaimer:

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.

    Dr. Wilson discusses the 6 metrics of healthcare quality and speaks to why Canada needs to consider a national crown corporation for healthcare.

    Link to Petition mentioned by Dr. Wilson : https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4273

    About  Dr. R. Douglas Wilson

    Dr. R. Douglas Wilson is the SOGC’s new President for the 2022-23 term. Dr. Wilson is a Professor Emeritus in the Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Department of Medical Genetics, at the Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary and is the past Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for CSoM and Alberta Health Services Calgary Zone.

  • Disclaimer: 

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC. 

    British Columbia took a first step in providing free contraception to women, which would cover oral hormone pills, contraceptive injections, hormonal, and copper intrauterine devices. BC will be investing $119 M over the next three years for it’s new Free Contraception Program, which is great news for women. It took 10 years for this decision, and this was all thanks to efforts made by dedicated people such as Dr. Wendy Norman.

    Additional Resources

    SOGC website: www.sogc.org

    About  Dr. Wendy Norman

    Dr. Wendy V. Norman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DTM&H, MHSc, is a Professor in the Department of Family Practice, and an Associate Member in both the School of Population and Public Health, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

    In 2021, Dr. Norman received the SOGC Mentorship award and was named a "Woman of Impact" by the Canadian Government.


    La Dre Wendy V. Norman, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DTM&H, MHSc, est professeure au département de médecine familiale et membre associée de l'École de santé publique et des populations et du département d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de la faculté de médecine de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique (UBC).

    En 2021, Dre Norman a reçu le prix de mentorat de la SOGC et a été nommée  « femmes d'influence » par le gouvernement canadien.

  • Disclaimer:   

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.   

    Access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right because it is essential for promoting gender equality, advancing the autonomy of women and reducing poverty.  In this episode, our host Dr. Graeme Smith speaks with Dr. Amanda Black about coercion free contraceptive care and how access to safe and voluntary family planning improves patient outcomes. 

    Dr. Black is one of one of the authors of the SOGC committee opinion on Coercion Free Contraceptive Care that was published in the September 2021 edition of the JOGC.   

    Additional Resources   

    SOGC website: www.sogc.org   

    Committee Opinion No. 419: Coercion Free Contraceptive Care: https://www.jogc.com/article/S1701-2163(21)00502-8/fulltext

    About  Dr.  Amanda Black

    Dr. Black is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Ottawa.  She works at the Ottawa Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario.  She completed medical training at the University of Western Ontario, University of Ottawa, and Queen’s University and holds a Masters of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University. She is an Associate Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and is the Dr. Elaine Jolly Chair in Women’s Health Research.    

    Dr. Black has taken on many roles at the local, provincial, and national level including leadership roles within the SOGC where she is a member of the SOGC Board of Directors. She chaired the National Contraception Awareness Program for 10 years and is current Chair of the SOGC’s Sexual Health and Reproductive Equity (SHARE) Committee. Dr. Black has authored many national guidelines, and has published in the areas of pediatric gynecology, contraception, and obstetrics. She is recognized nationally and internationally for her clinical expertise, providing expertise to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, and Statistics Canada, and has represented Canada at both the CDC and WHO in the development of the Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraception.   

  • Avertissement :    

    Les points de vue et opinions exprimés dans ce balado par les médecins participants ne reflètent pas nécessairement les positions de la SOGC.  

    L’accès à une planification familiale volontaire et sûre est un droit humain car il est essentiel de promouvoir l'égalité des sexes, faire progresser l'autonomie des femmes et réduire la pauvreté. Dans cet épisode, notre animatrice Dre Diane Francoeur parle avec Dre Geneviève Roy des soins contraceptifs sans coercition et de la façon dont l'accès à une planification familiale sûre et volontaire améliore les résultats pour les patients.

    Ressources complémentaires    

    Site internet de la SOGC : www.sogc.org/fr    

    Opinion de comité no 419 :  Soins contraceptifs libres de coercition : https://www.jogc.com/article/S1701-2163(21)00503-X/fulltext

    À propos de Dre Geneviève Roy

    Dre Geneviève Roy est obstétricienne-gynécologue, spécialisée en planning familial et professeure agrégée de clinique au département d’obstétrique-gynécologie de l’Université de Montréal. 

    Après sa formation médicale et de spécialiste à l’Université de Montréal, elle a ensuite terminé une surspécialisation clinique en planification familiale et obtenu une maitrise en santé publique à l’Université de Californie.  

    Elle exerce au CHUM, au CLSC des Faubourgs du CIUSSS Centre sud-est de l’île de Montréal et au bureau des Gynécologues Associés dont elle est la présidente.  Elle occupe aussi plusieurs rôles reliés à son domaine d’expertise au niveau provincial et national : elle est médecin conseil au Comité d’experts en planning familial ainsi qu’au Comité ITSS de l’Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec. Elle a participé à la rédaction des lignes directrices canadiennes en contraception. Elle est membre du comité de développement professionnel continu du comité vigilance IVG du Québec où elle collabore avec les différents acteurs du réseau de la santé offrant des services de planning familial dans la province. 

  • Disclaimer:  
    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.

    In this episode recorded in 2021, our host, Dr. Graeme Smith speaks with Dr. Heather Watson about opioid use and pregnancy. They discuss the vast impacts of the Opioid Crisis along with what healthcare providers should know about opioid use in pregnancy.

    About Dr. Heather Watson
    Dr. Heather Watson is a Psychosocial Obstetrician Gynecologist, having completed Fellowship training at the University of Manitoba, specializing in Addiction and Mental Illness and how they intersect with Reproductive Health. This ranges from meth-induced psychosis during labour to the decompensation of alcoholic cirrhosis in the menopausal period and all of the complex mood-related stops along the way. Her practice incorporates shared care with midwifery and mobile obstetrics, bringing prenatal care to women in shelter, isolation and homeless encampments. This model of care is a work in progress and future area of research.

  • Avertissement :   
    Les points de vue exprimés dans ce balado par les médecins participants ne reflètent pas nécessairement les positions de la SOGC.

    Dans cet épisode, Dre Maya Nader répond aux questions fréquemment posées au sujet de la consommation d'opioïdes et la grossesse. On discute des vastes répercussions de la crise des opioïdes et on aborde ce que les professionnels de la santé devraient savoir sur l'utilisation des opioïdes pendant la grossesse. Enregistré avec notre animatrice, Dre Édith Guilbert, en mai 2022.

    À propos de Dre Maya Nader
    Dre Nader est la cheffe médicale du programme Rond Point à Montréal, un centre d’expertise en toxicomanie, périnatalité et petite enfance. Elle est également médecin de famille au GMF-U des Faubourgs, médecin au service de toxicomanie et médecine urbaine de l’hôpital Notre-Dame et professeure adjointe de clinique à l’Université de Montréal.

  • Disclaimer:   

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.   

    In this episode, our host, Dr. Diane Francoeur, speaks with Dr. R. Douglas Wilson about the crisis in reproductive rights taking place in the United States and what the overturning of Roe v. Wade means for Canadians. 

    About  Dr. R. Douglas Wilson 

    Dr. R. Douglas Wilson is the SOGC’s new President for the 2022-23 term. Dr. Wilson is a Professor Emeritus in the Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Department of Medical Genetics, at the Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary and is the past Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for CSoM and Alberta Health Services Calgary Zone.  

  • Disclaimer:   
    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.

    In this episode recorded in July 2021, our host Dr. Graeme Smith speaks with Dr. Ashley Waddington about gender and healthcare. Dr. Waddington started a clinic for transgender patients at Kingston General Hospital in 2017 and discusses the inspiration behind starting the clinic, providing support and access to care and what the clinic has accomplished. She shares resources for medical professionals on providing respectful gender affirming healthcare.

    Additional Resources

    SOGC website: www.sogc.org

    Rainbow Health Ontario

    World Professional Association for Transgender Health

    About Dr. Ashley Waddington

    Dr. Waddington is an Assistant Professor in the division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Queen’s University. Dr. Waddington ’s clinical practice and research focusses on complicated contraceptive cases, abortion care and access, adolescent gynecology, early pregnancy complications, patient safety and quality improvement, and transgender health.

  • Avertissement :   
    Les points de vue et opinions exprimés au cours de cue balado sont ceux des médecins participants et ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position de la SOGC.

    Dans cet épisode, la directrice générale de la SOGC, Dre Diane Francoeur, s’entretient avec la Dre Florence Grégoire-Briard sur la diversité des genres et les soins de santé: comment devons nous nous adresser a ces personnes. La Dre Grégoire-Briard est obstétricienne-gynécologue au CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’île-de-Montréal (Hôpitaux Sacré-Coeur, Jean Talon et Fleury). Elle se spécialise en soins gynécologiques et en hormonothérapie transgenres chez les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes. Elle partage des conseils et des ressources sur la prestation de soins de santé lorsque l'utilisation des mots fait toute la différence.

    Ressources complémentaires

    Site internet de la SOGC : www.sogc.org/fr

    Standards de Soins pour la santé des personnes transsexuelles, transgenres et de genre non-conforme

    Santé arc en ciel Ontario (SAO)

    Lignes directrices en soins de première ligne d’affirmation de genre pour patients trans et non binaires

    Pour organiser des formations de personnel en soins de la santé, pour des informations sur les ressources offertes aux personnes trans et non binaires au Québec:

    ·  Coalition des Familles LGBTQ+ 

    ·  Action santé travesti(e)s et transsexuel(le)s du Québec

    À propos de Dre Florence Grégoire-Briard

    Suite à sa résidence en obstétrique et gynécologie à l’Université d’Ottawa, elle a complété un fellowship en gynécologie pédiatrique et adolescente, toujours à Ottawa. Durant sa formation complémentaire, elle a développé une expertise en soins gynécologiques et hormonaux chez les patients transgenres. En juillet 2021, elle a débuté sa pratique en gynécologie dans le CIUSSS du Nord de l’île de Montréal (Hôpitaux Sacré-Coeur, Jean Talon et Fleury). Depuis janvier 2022, elle travaille aussi au département de gynécologie pédiatrique de l’hôpital Ste-Justine en tant que membre associée, en plus de pratiquer au centre de santé Meraki de Montréal qui se spécialise en soins pédiatriques pour les personnes transgenres.

  • Disclaimer:   

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.  

    In this episode, our host Dr. Graeme Smith speaks with Dr. Anne Berndl about labour, delivery, and postpartum care for people with physical disabilities.  Dr. Berndl is the lead author of the clinical practice guideline on this subject that was published in the June 2021 edition of the JOGC. 

    Additional Resources 

    SOGC website: www.sogc.org 

    SOGC Guideline: Labour, Delivery, and Postpartum Care for People with Physical Disabilities 

    About Dr. Anne Berndl
    Dr. Anne Berndl is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center and an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, as well as an associate Scientist with the Sunnybrook Research Institute. She is the lead author of the SOGC guideline “Labour, Delivery and Postpartum care for people with Physical Disabilities” and is the Chair of the Women’s Health Guideline for the Spina Bifida Association.  She is the director of the Accessible Care Pregnancy clinic at Sunnybrook, which provides antenatal care for people with physical disabilities.  

  • Disclaimer:   

    The views and opinions expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.   

    In this episode, our host Dr. Graeme Smith speaks with Dr. Maggie Morris about her role as the President of the SOGC and her vision to start a pan-Canadian dialogue about collaborative care.   

    Additional Resources   

    SOGC website: www.sogc.org   

    About Dr. Maggie Morris 

    Dr. Maggie Morris is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. She received her Master of Education in 2010; and she served as APOG president from 2010-2012. Dr. Morris is currently Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Manitoba, Women’s Health Program. She completed her term as Department Head of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences from 2006 to 2017. She was the first woman to hold the Department Head position since 1964. She leads the Women’s health curriculum for undergraduate medical education and the Women’s Health Curriculum for the Physician Assistant Program at the University of Manitoba.  

  • Avertissement  :   
    Les points de  vue  et opinions  exprimés au cours de ce balado sont ceux des médecins participants et ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position de la SOGC.

    Dans cet épisode, notre animatrice, la Dre Edith Guilbert, s'entretient avec la Dre Jennifer Blake alors qu'elle fait le bilan de ses neuf années à la tête de la SOGC.

    Ressources complémentaires

    Site internet de la SOGC : www.sogc.org/fr

    Plan stratégique 2021-2025 de la SOGC

    À  propos de Dre Jennifer Blake

    Dre  Jennifer Blake est la directrice générale de la SOGC. La Dre Blake a obtenu son baccalauréat ès sciences en biologie de l'Université de Waterloo en 1974. Elle a ensuite étudié à l'Université McMaster où elle a obtenu son diplôme de médecine en 1977. Elle a complété un internat combiné en 1978 et a effectué sa résidence en obstétrique-gynécologie en 1982.  Dre Jennifer Blake a aussi agi à titre d'associée du Medical Research Council en endocrinologie de la reproduction de 1982 à 1984, et a obtenu sa maîtrise ès sciences en méthodologie de la recherche en santé en 2004.  Son expérience avec la SOGC, le Conseil médical du Canada, le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada, l’Association des académiciens professionnels en obstétrique-gynécologie du Canada et la Fondation canadienne de la santé des femmes fait qu’elle a développé une perspective nationale qu’elle a su incorporer à son travail.  Après huit ans à la barre de la SOGC, la Dre Blake a annoncé l’été dernier qu’elle quittait l’organisme à la fin de l’année.

  • Disclaimer:   
    The  views  and opinions  expressed during this podcast are those of the physicians participating and do not necessarily reflect the position of the SOGC.

    In this episode, our host Dr. Graeme Smith speaks with Dr. Jennifer Blake as she reflects on her 9 years leading the SOGC.

    Additional Resources

    SOGC website: www.sogc.org

    SOGC 2021-2025 Strategic Plan 

    About Dr. Jennifer Blake
    Dr. Jennifer Blake, is the CEO of the SOGC. Dr. Blake has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Waterloo, and from McMaster University a medical degree and a Master’s in health research methodology. She brought a national perspective to her work from her experience with the SOGC, the Medical Council of Canada, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the Association of Academic Professionals in Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Canada, and the Canadian Foundation for Women’s Health.  After eight years at the head of the organization, Dr. Blake announced last summer that she was leaving the organization at the end of the year.