John and I welcomed back Eric Berger of Ars Technica to discuss the recent Demo #8 test flight for Starship. As everyone knows by now, while the first stage was successfully landed at the pad, the Starship blew up before reaching orbit much at the same interval as Demo #7. Eric talked about the problems which have yet to be confirmed but are likely given recent propulsion system modifications. Also talked about was the wide and very dangerous debris field caused by the rocket's destruction. In response to a question, Eric said this fact would probably cause the FAA to take a close look at applicable issues regarding the debris field and not harming third parties. Possible changes and even timeline modifications were talked about. Read the full summary when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
We welcomed back Laura Montgomery, atty for an action packed discussion on her policy and law wish list for space this year and for the new administration. We talked about two key items on her wish list. The first was for her to see an Executive Order issuing clarification for Article 6 of the OST. She explained the matter at hand and its an important and necessary event needing to happen on her wish list. In addition, we talked about space property rights. Here, Laura suggested we see if we can apply our terrestrial Adverse Possession laws to the Moon/space. For sure you don't want to miss this discussion which took place near the end of our program. We had two callers and several email listener questions. Please read the full summary of this program when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Friday, March 14, 2025.
Dr. Kothari was with us to discuss the recent congressional hearing on Artemis and return to the Moon programs as he attended the hearing. You can find the hearing on YouTube if you want to watch. Ajay reported on the two guests, the need for a sustainable program, then he talked about his own ideas for a sustainable program to the Moon using Falcon Heavy. Our guest has put his information on our blog for this show so do check it out, including his PDF on returning humans to the Moon. We got several questions and calls, some which inquired about the process to get ideas before the policy makers. Please read the full summary of this program when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
We welcomed back to the show noted space attorney Wayne White. Be sure to read his papers posted on the blog regarding his work on space property rights. Property right were a main topic for our discussion with Wayne putting forth a way to achieve them. He constantly referred to his previous Space Pioneer Act for related topics plus methos to employ property rights - legally. Wayne received many emails from listeners plus a few detailed phone calls regarding his property rights ideas. I even responded to one caller with one of my classic rants given the nature of his question. Please read the full summary of this show when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date Sunday, March 9, 2025.
Dr. Martin Elvis returned to discuss the need and his plan to protect essential science locations on the Moon. His recent paper on the subject is on our blog. We talked about voluntary adherence to rules that might be put forth, mandatory, and the wishes of the astronomy community. Read the full summary of this program at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Friday, March 7, 2025.
Doug Messier was the guest talking about the commercial lunar landers landing on the Moon and about to land on the Moon. Doug talked with us about each one, their missions, the experiments on board, their launchers and the role NASA played with each one, if any. Read the full summary of this program at www.thespaceshow.com when it becomes available for this date, Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
Doug Messier returned to discuss the current landers that recently put down on the Moon plus one landing in a few days and then a few months from now. We talked about their respective missions, hardware, rovers and the advances they made to enable their successful lunar landings. Doug updated us on Starship and their upcoming flight plus we talked about other launchers including Rocket Labs and Blue Origin. Multiple additional short topics made their way to our discussion. Read the full summary of this show when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Tuesday, March 5, 2025.
Joe returned with updates on spin and AG. We talked about why NASA does not research this field and what that may suggest about NASA's thoughts on humans BLEO. We had several long lasting calls on various topics. Joe talked about his research per the paper uploaded to our blog for this program. Please read the full summary when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Sunday, March 2, 2025.
John and I welcomed back Dr. Harold Connolly to discuss the most recent findings from the sample return from steroid Bennu. We are learning much from these samples about our early solar system. Read the full summary when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.
We welcomed Charlie Chafer back to the program for Celestis updates, new missions they offer as memorial spaceflights, lunar missions concerns, potential Mars missions, their deep space mission and more. We talked payloads, rideshare, more and more lunar missions, launch reliability and some on the funeral and cremation side of the business. I do apologize for the poor audio with this program. Read the full summary when it becomes available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Friday, Feb. 21, 2025.
Bob was welcomed back to the show and immediately began talking about possible NASA layoffs, the new administrator and his confirmation and how the layoffs would be beneficial given his view of NASA not being efficient in what it does. The cancellation of SLS came up and between layoffs, NASA, the new administrator, the possible termination of SLS and the timing of such a cancellation, that covered most of the program. Near the end, a caller asked about the asteroid being talked about as possibly hitting Earth in 2032. Both the caller and Bob were critical of NASA and the science community for not doing anything I directed both to hear the recent Feb. 14 program with Dr. Ed Lu of the B612 Foundation for the facts rather than their speculation. Both the caller and Jerry from GA said they would listen to the program and provide feedback on what they hear with that interview. Please post your comments on our blog for this show. If the asteroid issue is of interest to you, listen to the Feb. 14th program with Dr. Ed Lu. Your comments on that discussion are welcome. Please read the full comments on this show when they appear at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Feb. 18, 2025.
Dr. Matula was back with us to discuss his Space Review article, posted on our blog for this program, focusing on his biological argument in favor of space settlement. We spent considerable time on this subject which included space food agriculture, farming in space, testing ideas and methods here on earth and more. Space communications were also part of the show, talking about narrow beam communication. Tom talked about the work the Texas Space Commission was and is doing plus the new MBA program at his university for space commerce. The program is all online and contact Tom for more info. He provided us with info on his email address. Read the full summary of this program when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Sunday, Feb. 16,2025.
Eric Berger was our guest to discuss Artemis, SLS up or down for the future, the Boeing Starliner, Starship, alternate Artemis plans plus in Part 2 Eric was asked about the future for Russian Roscosmos, Russian military space, their ILS project and Russian spacesuit development. Read the full summary when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025.
Dr. Ed Lu, Executive Director of the Asteroid Institute, a program of B612 Foundation was our guest. We started out discussing the asteroid YR-4 which has a chance of hitting Earth around 2030. Ed spent time talking about this rock, how the calculations for a hit are determined, orbits, programs and possible methods plus timing of deflecting it. This discussion was a major part of our program and one you do not want to miss. Other topics talked about including the ADAM Platform (Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping) which is Open Source so anyone can use it for tracking an asteroid. Ed explained in detail, also what it is doing re YR-4. We got a few callers with multiple questions plus emails. Also mentioned were the telescopes being used including the JWST and the upcoming Vera Rubin in Chile. He was asked about the NASA Surveyor project which will be online in the near future. Read the full summary of the program when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Feb. 14, 2025.
We welcomed Karlton Johnson, CEO of NSS and Chairman of the NSS Board of Governors. We started the program with our guest remembering Anita Gayle, former CEO of NSS. Karlton, a caller and myself also honored Anita who recently passed away. I asked Karlton a lead off question about the fate of Artemis and SLS. This started an amazing discussion with great story examples from our guest on leadership, changes, strategy for moving forward and realizing that today, many things given the new administration are just unknown and unsettled. Later we talked about valuing space and once again our guest provided us with an excellent example. Marshall call to provide his own examples of space value for farming plus Phil called with another great question you will want to hear. I believe this to be an important 90 minute discussion so don't miss it. See the full summary when available at www.thespaceshow.com for this date, Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025.