What....in the blue hell....is going on down there in Australia and New Zealand while us North Americans are comatose in bed?! Canada's out. Brasil's out. USA was inches away from joining them. SOMEBODY TELL ME?! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?! SOMEONE TELL ME HOW THEY DID IT!! I HAVE TO KNOW!! I HAVE TO KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-*
*Duck.exe has stopped working.
I digress. Let's get to the topics:
-FIFA Women's World Cup (obviously)
-MLB free agency
-College football super conferences
-NFL Training Camp and Hall of Fame Game preview
and of course, the Shameful Display of the Week. USA was inches away from being on this list.
We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesportsdi...
And also on Playback: https://www.playback.tv
Breaking News: dkuchler has decided to leave TSD for mental health reasons. Helv, Duck, and illogical will have a statement before we go into the topics. As a result, The Wrestling Disaster will be ending after one episode. The episode can be found here: https://redcircle.com/shows/6115add4-...
Social Links for the Group:
Helv's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/helv28
Helv's Twitter: https://twitter.com/helv28
Duck's YT: / @redrubberduckguin
Wreckening's blog: https://www.steelernation.com/author/...
illogical's YT: / @illogicalcanadian
Alan's YT: / @alannadeauiii
DarkKirby's YT: / darkkirby14lp
DarkKirby's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/darkkirby14
Also we have a Patreon. (GIVE MONEY SO WE CAN GO TO AUSTRALIA AND LOOK AT THE CHAOS FOR OURSELVES and help this glorious podcast): https://www.patreon.com/TheSportsDisa...
Well, football season is coming up and so much (YOU GOT TO HAVE) money is handed out that you would think this is the Publishers Clearing House. The stove has been set to medium heat and the Chaos pot is almost ready for boil. With Helv out of town this week, this should be pretty interesting (It's interesting with or without him). Let's get to the topics:
-Hockey news and signings
-A look into the NFL Division of the Publishers Clearing House
-MLB craziness
-Kirby FINALLY gets to talk AFL III
-and other topics
It all concludes with the Shameful Display of the Week. The winner will receive zero dollars from the Publishers Clearing House.
We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesportsdi...
To get started on Playback: https://www.playback.tv
Thanks to dkuchler, we are now on RedCircle. Check out the audio version and also of The Wrestling Disaster.
TSD: https://redcircle.com/shows/a30a4b80-...
TWD: https://redcircle.com/shows/6115add4-...
There will be no Wrestling Disaster this week since kuch is fully booked this week.
Social Links for the Group:
Helv's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/helv28
Helv's Twitter: https://twitter.com/helv28
Duck's YT: / @redrubberduckguin
Wreckening's blog: https://www.steelernation.com/author/...
illogical's YT: / @illogicalcanadian
Alan's YT: / @alannadeauiii
dkuchler's Twitter: https://twitter.com/DJDKooks
dkuchler's Podcast: https://redcircle.com/shows/get-in-th...
DarkKirby's YT: / darkkirby14lp
DarkKirby's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/darkkirby14
Also we have a Patreon. (GIVE MONEY SO WE CAN MEET JUSTIN HERBERT AND SWIM IN HIS GOLD COIN POOL and help this glorious podcast): https://www.patreon.com/TheSportsDisa...
Episodi mancanti?
Alright, class, quiet down. Welcome to How to be a Bad Sports Podcast 101. You have probably had a good idea of what this course entails. We don't even need to go over the syllabus because you have plenty of experience over the years. Anyways, take out your textbooks and turn to page 69420 and you will see our list of topics for today.
-Arena football is coming back (Cincinnati's in Kentucky, doesn't count)
-Women's NIT (Didn't that already exist?)
-Hungarian Sbinallas preview
-FIFA WWC Solo Predictions
and as well as the Shameful Display of the Week. Alright, that is all for today. We hope to see you guys next Wednesday.
We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesportsdi...
To get started on Playback: https://www.playback.tv
Also, dkuchler is starting the TSD spinoff, The Wrestling Disaster, tomorrow. Feel free to check it out at 6:05 on Thursday Nights.
Social Links for the Group:
Helv's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/helv28
Helv's Twitter: https://twitter.com/helv28
Duck's YT: / @redrubberduckguin
Wreckening's blog: https://www.steelernation.com/author/...
illogical's YT: / @illogicalcanadian
Alan's YT: / @alannadeauiii
dkuchler's Twitter: https://twitter.com/DJDKooks
dkuchler's Podcast: https://redcircle.com/shows/get-in-th...
DarkKirby's YT: / darkkirby14lp
DarkKirby's Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/darkkirby14
Also we have a Patreon. (GIVE MONEY SO WE CAN GET HELV ANOTHER JOB IF THIS SHIT DOESN'T TAKE OFF and help this glorious podcast): https://www.patreon.com/TheSportsDisa...