
  • We're hours away from Scary Movie Month and---while Nightcrawler doesn't exactly qualify as frightening---it IS intense. Jake Gyllenhaal is certainly at his Taxi Driver weirdest. He's also just about at his best in Dan Gilroy's investigation of capitalism-at-any-cost. Rough stuff, but it's also quite funny. Gyllenhaal plays an amoral "stringer" (a freelance videographer) who knows that ratings equals money and "if it bleeds, it leads". He'll do absolutely anything to get the shot...and then we discover the gory results. Rene Russo, Bill Paxton and Riz Ahmed are effective too, but this film belongs to the worm in the lead role. So doll up to look your best before you go on the air to glorify crime scenes and put a scare in your viewers as the 613rd episode of Have You Ever Seen gets deep into the scummy world of Nightcrawler.

    If you're going to stay up all night, put some Sparkplug Coffee in your cup. They give our listeners a one-time 20% discount. Just use our "HYES" promo code. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Let us know what you think of this thriller with an email ([email protected]) or a tweet on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis...same @ for Bev on Threads). We also put our shows on YouTube later on the day they go up on your podcast app. Rate and review our shows on your app, but also comment and like our show, but also subscribe to the YouTube channel (@hyesellis in your browser).

  • Scarlett Johansson playing a cold, indifferent alien probably wasn't something her fans expected from her. She was an A-lister who was a key figure in all those Marvel movies, but here she was in Under The Skin, the only actor of note in a detached art film. The movie star even gets nude a lot in her role as a succubus who learns how to feel empathy. Jonathan Glazer's strangest film to date is Kubrickian (and Lynchian) in its style and also its themes of gender roles, sexual assault...and even meat-eating. So Under The Skin isn't perfect, but there are shots that really stay with you. Plus, it's interesting...and we mean that in a good way. This 612th podcast on the Have You Ever Seen channel tries to figure out what's going on in Glazer's 3rd motion picture (perhaps unsuccessfully), so tell us if you think we're onto something...or if ou think we're way off.

    Well, Actually: Gemma Arterton's first name is in fact pronounced with a hard "J" sound, not a soft "G" sound.

    Assuming YOU are able to eat cake at a diner, why not add some Sparkplug Coffee to your dessert? They give our listeners a 20% discount when our "HYES" promo code is plugged into the right box. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Share your own theories about this unique film. Email us ([email protected]), hit us with some tweets on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis...same @ for Bev on Threads) and give us a rating on your podcast app. Review our show too. Oh, and go to @hyesellis in your browser to find our show on YouTube. You can comment all you like, plus you can hit us with a thumbs up. And don't forget to subscribe there and on your app.

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  • In The Thin Man, William Powell and Myrna Loy are 2 married, childless adults living in the big city...and they like to drink. It's the Ellis Story! Well, no, but the 611th episode of Have You Ever Seen features those 2 comedic tipplers Nick & Nora trying to solve a murder (which is really more his job than it is "theirs"). But is this acclaimed yucks-fest actually funny enough to be so revered for its comedy scenes? Perhaps not. This film is really more effective as a whodunnit than as a laugher anyway. One thing that can't be questioned though is that Powell & Loy were a marvelous team in all the Thin Man movies, starting with this saucy original that was released in the early days of the production code. It's a Fridays, so this is a one-Ryan show. Light up the monologue!

    When you're not sucking down martinis, try gulping down some Sparkplug Coffee. They'll give our listeners a 20% discount just by applying our "HYES" in the right place. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Contact us with your own thoughts about Thinnus Mannus. Our email address is "[email protected]". Our Twi-X handles are @moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis (which Bev also uses on Threads). Plus, our podcasts always go up on YouTube at some point that same day. The location in your browser is "@hyesellis" or look for "Have You Ever Seen" in the search bar. Comment on the 'Tube, like the show and subscribe to us. Also, rate and review us on your podcast app.

  • Roland Joffe is not a director who's been beloved by critics over the years, but most seem to agree that his magnum opus is the Oscar-winning The Killing Fields. Sam Waterston plays an American journalist in war-torn Cambodia in the aftermath of the Vietnam war, when Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge went on a run of violence---especially against their fellow Cambodians---that was chilling. Haing S. Ngor won the Supporting Actor Oscar as Waterston's interpreter and compatriot who goes through horrors...and manages to make it out alive in this real-life tale of fear, friendship and politics. The Killing Fields is a terrific achievement. It just has to deal with the fact that other films have done similar things in the 40 years since this came out. But don't leave a man behind in Southeast Asia in the 1970s. Just dial up our 610th episode, which happens to be a Ryan solo show.

    Our sponsor is Sparkplug Coffee. Use our "HYES" promo code and save 20% off your next order. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    We post all our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser). Comment there, like the show, subscribe. Also, rate and review our work in your podcast app. And how about sending us an email ([email protected]) or a message on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis). Bev is @bevellisellis on Threads too.

  • Some film shoots (like the one for Apocalypse Now) seem to last 12 years, but here's a movie with a production schedule that was DELIBERATELY that long. Although gimmick aside, Boyhood is Richard Linklater's lauded attempt to show the slow growth of a fractured family, with the focus on Ellar Coltrane going from 6 to 18. Linklater's daughter Lorelei plays Coltrane's older sister and their divorced parents are Ethan Hawke & Patricia Arquette. The adults are terrific---Arquette won an Oscar for her work as the put-upon mom who keeps finding romance with bad men---but the kids just aren't the actors that she and Hawke are. In any case, it's fascinating to see this arc in a family's life and the (mostly white) people they meet along the way. Our impressions of the exploits of the Evans clan down in Texas is the 609th chat on the Have You Ever Seen podcast channel, so snap some pictures and see what we thought of Boyhood.

    Well, Actually: Jean-Pierre Leaud repeatedly played "Antoine Doinel" in Francois Truffaut movies. Also, Mason Senior becomes an "insurance actuary", not an "insurance actuarial".

    Go bowling with your kids, take them camping and then take them out for Sparkplug Coffee. Or have it sent to your house. And also use our "HYES" promo code to save 20%. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    You can email us at "[email protected]". Send us some of your movie thoughts on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis) or to Bev on Threads (also @bevellisellis). Check out our show on YouTube. The address in your browser is @hyesellis (or click "Have You Ever Seen" into the YouTube search bar) and don't forget to subscribe to us. Like the show, leave a comment. And also rate and review our 'cast in your app.

  • Ryan's first Friday show in 3 months tries to be extraordinary and also to seize a day or two in this monologue about Dead Poets Society. Robin Williams' performance as an inspirational poetry teacher at a posh prep school was up for an Oscar, but some critics thought his impressions of famous people was out of place. He IS funny, but his serious scenes are far more effective ("thank you, boys, thank you"). Robert Sean Leonard, a very-young Ethan Hawke and others are taught to think for themselves and to yawp barbarically in Dead Poets Society. They also learn about friendship, love and loyalty. Those topics and so many more come up in this 608th edition of Have You Ever Seen. So lock in for a ramble about an emotional melodrama where the boys learn a lot more about Walt Whitman than anyone thought possible.

    Sparkplug Coffee contributes a verse to the world of great beans. They give our listeners a onetime 20% discount. Just use our "HYES" promo code to get that. The website is "sparkplug.coffee", then add "/hyes" to that to get that discount.

    Also, say hi to us. We have accounts on Twi-X. Ryan is @moviefiend51 and Bev is @bevellisellis, plus she uses that I.D. on Threads. Our email address is "[email protected]". We also fire up our shows on YouTube. The address in your browser should be "@hyesellis"...or type "Have You Ever Seen" into YouTube's search bar. Comment about, subscribe to and like the show, then rate and review us on your podcast app.

  • We continue our summertime trend of posting listicles on holidays as we exchange 10 (or perhaps a few more) theatrical experiences that stuck with us. Many of these are about laughing at funny movies with enthusiastic audiences, but sometimes the experience was seat-grippingly scary...or it might have even been an angry time at the flicks. Documentary festivals and just being in legendary theatres were themes too. So labour through our mere 30-minute chat about (mostly) excellent times we've had watching stuff in rooms with other people in this 607th edition of Have You Ever Seen.

    Just because it's Labour Day doesn't mean you can't get on a device and look up "sparkplug.coffee". Use our "HYES" promo code and you can enjoy a onetime 20% discount. For that, it's "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Give us a buzz on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis) or find Bev on Threads with that same moniker. Email us ([email protected]). And look for us you YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser). Subscribe to us there, but also like and comment. Then why not rate and review our podcast on your favourite app.

  • 2023 was the year of Barbenheimer, but it was the movie about serious science that went on to win 7 Academy Awards this past spring. Oppenheimer was also an absolute blockbuster, which is par for Christopher Nolan's course. He always just goes around making monster hits that also get critical acclaim. Although while the spectacle in this film wowed millions of people last summer, one of us hated it from the start and the other has mixed feelings about it...and about Nolan's filmmaking style in general. We talked about the issues of communism and treason, not to mention the morality of dropping nuclear bombs on people. Cillian Murphy won an Oscar for playing a man smart enough to create this weapon, but then has guilt about it. Our 606th episode also spends plenty of time yapping about the work of Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Oscar-winner Robert Downey Jr, and many of the others in this enormous cast. So don't throw a genius under several busses for your own petty reasons as Have You Ever Seen gets into the real-life world of Doc Opp and his band of brilliant brothers.

    While theory will take you only so far, there's nothing theoretical about checking out Sparkplug Coffee. Buying their products will reward your tongue and your belly. Use our "HYES" promo code (onetime only) and snag a 20% discount. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Say hi to us with a message via email ([email protected]) or a Twi-X type thing (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis). Bev also uses that @ on Threads. And since we post all our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser), you can comment, like and subscribe there. And do some rating and reviewing in your podcast app.

  • Franka Potente never became a bonafide movie star after Run Lola Run, but her intensely iconic work in this breakout movie remains awesome 25 years later. Tom Tykwer has had a solid career of his own since writing and directing this video-game-esque flick with the butterfly-effect gimmick. He and future collaborators the Wachowskis were making some of the coolest movies around back then, taking advantage of new technologies, narrative devices and editing techniques. In truth, while Tykwer clearly loves Potente, he doesn't do so right by Moritz Bleibtreu's Manni (and the first part of the man's last name rhymes with "tribe" by the way, not "leeb"). Bleibtreu is a whiny screw-up who needs his dedicated girlfriend to save his life by racing around Germany for 20 minutes to come up with a small fortune. Lather, rinse, repeat. So go ahead and scream so shrilly that you'll break glass as we yap about Run Lola Run in the 605th edition of Have You Ever Seen.

    Order a whole bunch of stuff from Sparkplug Coffee. They offer our listeners a onetime 20% discount just by using our "HYES" promo code. Go to "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Contact us in a variety of ways. We're Twi-X people, sort of (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis) and Bev uses that same @ on Threads. Our email address is "[email protected]". And look for our podcast on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser). You can subscribe there, but also comment and give us a thumbs up. And don't forget to review us and certainly rate us on your podcast app.

  • For our 604th drop in the Have You Ever Seen bucket, we're highlighting the steamy noir Body Heat. And, hey, what happened to sex thrillers?! Well, not everyone is as good at making them as Lawrence Kasdan was...in his debut as a director, no less. Many stars of these kinds of stories are not often as hot together as William Hurt and newcomer Kathleen Turner were. This movie made her an instant star, especially since she gets to be a lustier version of Barbara Stanwyck's brilliantly wicked character in Double Indemnity. The stars & the supporting cast (including Ted Danson & Mickey Rourke) are all quite terrific in Body Heat and---if you're new to the movie---the twists and turns will be hard to predict. Juicy stuff. So avoid a heatwave and also avoid being blown up as we discuss the many merits of Kasdan's sexy and very sweaty modern noir.

    Our sponsor remains Sparkplug Coffee. Use our "HYES" discount code and snag 20% off your next order. The website in question is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Respond to our chats with an email ([email protected]) or a message on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis). Bev also uses that @ on Threads. And since we post all of our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser for our channel), you can comment and like and even subscribe over there. Also, rate and review our podcast in your lovely p-cast app.

  • In recent months, holidays have meant an excuse to post listicles on this channel, so here we go again for podcast #603. In this, we give our Hot Takes about a wide range of film topics. They include: self-indulgent Method actors, the problem with directors' cuts, the need for more sex thrillers, whether or not a certain cartoon is sexist and which big-name movie star is actually unappreciated. The merits of sequels & remakes came up too, not to mention the flawed way we measure if a movie is a hit. We also did brief reviews of big-screen films we saw during our vacation in July, such as Longlegs and Kinds Of Kindness. Hit that button to find out just how hot, cold or sometimes lukewarm our opinions are.

    Sparkplug Coffee is our sponsor. If you apply our "HYES" promo code to the appropriate box, you will save 20% off your next order. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/HYES".

    Talk back to us. Our email is "[email protected]". We linger on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis, which she also uses on Threads). And it's a snap to feed back on YouTube. Our channel is @hyesellis in your browser. Subscribe there, like the show and comment as much as you want. Also follow us, rate us and review us on your podcast app.

  • If you are what you choose to podcast, then we choose to say a lot of nice things about Brad Bird's debut cartoon. As wonderful as the animation and the voicework are and as touching and emotional as the story is, The Iron Giant somehow failed at the box office. Maybe it wasn't funny or fun enough for people who were used to Disney style 'toons? Maybe it was too reliant on reminding us of other classics like E.T., Superman and Terminator 2? It also sets its scene in the '50s with a major theme of Cold War paranoia, which is heady stuff for kids. We applaud how mature The Iron Giant (usually) is though. One thing that's impossible to find fault with are the voice actors, led by young Eli Marienthal as Hogarth and Vin Diesel, who's perfectly cast as metallic voice of the Giant. In any case, our 602nd episode will do many things---including teach you a few facts about Maine---as we evaluate the goods and the greats about Bird's Iron Giant.

    Well, Actually: Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Cloris Leachman are in fact tied with 8 Emmys, which are the most for a performer. Also, Brad Bird WAS working on The Simpsons during the Poochie episode (he was an executive consultant).

    "Sparkplug.coffee/hyes" is the website to discover for excellent coffee. Listeners who use our "HYES" promo code will get a onetime 20% discount.

    Tell us your thoughts about this or any other movie we've reviewed. Our email address is "[email protected]". You can also reach us on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis) and you can contact Bev on Threads (@bevellisellis). We also post each of our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser), where you can comment and like, but also subscribe to us there. Rate and review Have You Ever Seen in your podcast app as well.

  • Joel & Ethan Coen's ultra-Jewish film was a project that was very personal to them. Their '60s-set A Serious Man takes a humorous look at the trials of Job in the form of Michael Stuhlbarg, an actor who's done many great things in the past 15 years, but this was his breakout. Stuhlbarg looks for meaning in this often-funny, but often-impenetrable and even stressful movie. While this isn't a classic the way many other Coen Brothers films are, it's as well-made and fascinating as just about anything else they've ever made. We just...might not get it? So let our 601st dose of Have You Ever Seen settle into your ears as we try to figure out what the boys are doing in A Serious Man.

    Well, Actually: Upon further review, Larry's office is NOT a basement office, so he doesn't have much shelter from the oncoming storm.

    Sparkplug Coffee sponsors this podcast. Use our "HYES" promo code and you will receive a one-time 20% discount. The website to hit is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Say hi to us and tell us what you think by emailing us ([email protected]) or using the Twi-X thing (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis). We also post our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser), so comment, subscribe and like things there. Rate and review us on your app as well.

  • For episode #600 of Have You Ever Seen, we're completing the Quentin Quest. With this, we have reviewed everything Tarantino has directed (well, discounting Four Rooms). Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is the man's most-emotional film and it's his most-personal too. The outstanding cast is headlined by the hilarious Leonardo Di Caprio, the gruff (and Oscar-winning) Brad Pitt and the sweet-as-honey Margot Robbie. She doesn't get as much to do as the guys do, but her lovely performance always brings one of us to tears. This film is funny, it's heartfelt, it's tense and QT gets back into "revisionist history" territory when Leo & Pitt's fictional characters cross paths with the very-real Manson maniacs. Bring on the ultra-violence...and bring on the laughs! This movie about movie-making (and television-making) isn't Tarantino's #1 film, but it deepens with meaning every time we see it. So enjoy this fairy tale that often feels as real as a donut because we're talking about Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

    Well, Actually: Jodie Foster appeared in a few TV shows in 1969, so the young actress WAS acting right around the time this movie is set. Also, Bruce Dern worked with QT on The Hateful Eight, of course, but he's also in Django Unchained. Also also, they were shooting the Lancer pilot in February, so Rick not talking about working on that show is probably because a proper season would only start airing after the events of this movie. And Bibi from Kill Bill is played by Perla Haney-Jardine.

    Check out the goods that Sparkplug Coffee offers. They give our listeners a onetime 20% discount if they use our "HYES" promo code. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Talk to us. We continue to go on Twi-X sometimes. Ryan is @moviefiend51 on there and Bev is @bevellisellis (same handle on Threads). Our email address is "[email protected]". We also post all our episodes on YouTube. The address in your browser is "@hyesellis". Comment, like and subscribe, but also do the rate-and-review thing on your podcast app.

  • The French New Wave was headlined by names like Truffaut & Godard, but Agnes Varda was a vital writer/director in the movement too. Her Cleo From 5 To 7 is set in in Paris and plays out in real time (90 minutes, though, not 2 hours). The beautiful and compelling Corinne Marchand wanders around the city, killing time until she will find out whether or not she has cancer. Cleo is a little aloof, which is partly the point, especially since she's a vain singer. Being that closed off though is partly why we didn't fall in love with Varda's opus the way Sight & Sound voters did in 2022, but we definitely have great appreciation for this B&W classic. So live in the moment as episode #599 of Have You Ever Seen has us hashing out one of the foremost of the (we think overrated) French New Wave.

    Sparkplug Coffee sponsors this podcast. Our "HYES" promo code will snag you a onetime 20% discount. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Tell us what you think of our thoughts. Our email address is "[email protected]" and our Twi-X accounts are @moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis. She uses that on Threads too. And we post our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser), where you can comment, like, subscribe and so on. Do those things and rate & review on your podcast app too.

  • Have You Ever Seen doesn't post listicles or Top 10 lists very often, but for episode #598 on a holiday in our home and native land, that's exactly what you're getting on Canada Day. We each talked about 5 different directors and the most-underrated movie each of them has made, with an unintentional theme of twins and doppelgangers coming up again and again. Big names like Fincher, Soderbergh, Cronenberg, Reitman and Ridley Scott were amongst our 10 directors, so can you guess what we think is the film each of them made that not enough people have raved about? Play along as we count 'em down. We also opened the emailbag at the end of the podcast and responded to some recent listener feedback.

    Sparkplug Coffee sponsors our show every week, even when we post special episodes. Use our "HYES" promo code and save 20% off your next order. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Contact us the way some of our listeners did during this episode. Our email is "[email protected]". Our Twi-X handles are @moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis. It's the same handle for Bev on Threads. Rate and review our talks, but also follow us on YouTube, where you can comment, like, subscribe, etc.

  • We post our last episode in June (#597 overall) and wrap up this month of joyful movies by yapping about the hilariously quotable This Is Spinal Tap. Director and co-writer Rob Reiner and the Guest/McKean/Shearer trio lead a team of funny people through 82 minutes of improv, providing us with so many classic lines. This is the greatest mockumentary of all time, a genre that Guest made his bread and butter as a director in the decades that followed. Still, while Tap's high points are gut-busters, there are more not-so-funny sequences than you might remember. This does bog down in the middle. Nevertheless, we laughed hard at the best parts. So smell a glove or two, dance around a tiny monument and be lukewarm water as you crank it to 11 while the Ellises offer you some grins in our chat about This Is Spinal Tap.

    While you give some real thought to becoming a haberdasher, look up Sparkplug Coffee. Their website is "sparkplug.coffee". Add "/HYES" and look for the appropriate box to use that "HYES" promo code. That will give you a onetime 20% discount.

    Talk to us. We spend some time on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis), Bev uses that same @ on Threads and our email address is "[email protected]". Rate and review us in your podcast app (subscribe too) and do all that, but also comment and like us on YouTube (@hyesellis).

  • American Fiction is more of a dramedy or a clever satire than a true comedy, but few movies in recent years have been funnier than this is. Writer/director Cord Jefferson crafted a remarkable film, even though he balances maybe a few too many plots in his big-screen debut (racial strife, white guilt, difficult family issues, money troubles, inability to connect with people). The actors are always terrific in American Fiction though. Jeffrey Wright is especially wonderful in the leading role and he has chemistry with the entire cast, particularly with Tracee Ellis Ross. We really like this laugh-generator filled with secrets and lies, so take just a few days to write an entire book called "My Pafology" (then later call it...something else) and then settle in with the 596th edition of Have You Ever Seen.

    You can get Sparkplug Coffee sent to your Boston-area beach house...or to any part of the U.S. and Canada. Use our "HYES" promo code and get a onetime 20% discount. Go to "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Let us know what you think by emailing us ([email protected]) or with a hello on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis). We also post all our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser), where you can comment, like and subscribe. Rate and review our podcast on your app as well.

  • Everybody cut (everybody cut) in the 1984 version of Footloose. The story takes us to a repressed middle-American town where dancing is outlawed until Kevin Bacon rages against that particular machine. He's the city slicker with fast feet who pushes back on John Lithgow's religious father figureness. They both do very good work here and so does the rebellious Lori Singer, but Chris(topher) Penn steals the entire film, especially when the brawny farmer learns the joy of dancing. Herbert Ross' movie also has an excellent soundtrack to help him balance the light side with the serious side. And since it's Ross, Footloose is even a musical of sorts. So don't angry dance at your workplace. Instead put our 595th episode into your '80s-era headphones and release the iron grip you have on your small town so the kids can just enjoy the prom.

    Well, Actually: the mill is out of Bomont's jurisdiction because it's across COUNTY lines, not state lines. Also, the kids being terrorized by the brick through the window are Ren's cousins, not his nieces.

    Sparkplug Coffee continues to sponsor Have You Ever Seen. Use our "HYES" promo code to snag a 20% discount off your next order. The website is "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Let's hear from you. We're @moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis on Twi-X and Bev uses that same @ on Threads. Our email address is "[email protected]". And we put all our shows up on YouTube. The destination in your browser is @hyesellis...or look up "Have You Ever Seen" YouTube's search bar. Comment, like, subscribe. Do that and also rate & review our eps on your podcast app too.

  • There were a few keystone movies about Generation X that came out around 30 years ago, but Reality Bites is one of the red-letter titles. Ben Stiller was making his directorial debut and he also plays the third part of a love triangle with Winona Ryder and Ethan Hawke. Ryder was at her peak in this time frame while Hawke---who was at least doing something different than he had been doing up until then---is insufferable. Not that Winona's character isn't often a putz in Reality Bites too. What these college grads would call selling out is what mature people learn to call being able to compromise. Anyway, the soundtrack is phenomenal and both Ryder & Janene Garofalo are really good in Stiller's dated rom-com. So do what people don't do so much anymore and light up a lot of cigarettes as these unremarkable people get up In Your Face in the 594th episode of Have You Ever Seen.

    If you're going to smoke, you might as well drink coffee too. And we have a sponsor that sells such things: Sparkplug Coffee. Our "HYES" promo code will save you 20% off your next order. Go to "sparkplug.coffee/hyes".

    Feedback is our friend. Fire off some posts to us on Twi-X (@moviefiend51 and @bevellisellis). Contact Bev on Threads (@bevellisellis). Email us ([email protected]). And since we post all of our shows on YouTube (@hyesellis in your browser), you can comment, like and subscribe on that site. Also, rate and review us in your podcast app.