Tune in as the traveling mermaid dives into some much needed life updates. It’s story time on how she is moving to find some stability. And hear all about her moldy house this summer.
This episode is for the people who long to travel the world, but might be too scared to do it… you never know what could happen!? I dive into how I ended up in Guatemala for 4 months and the drama between switching jobs here. I also get a little emotional with feeling overwhelmed while traveling. You are exactly where you are supposed to be : )
Episodi mancanti?
This is not the first time that the mermaid has shouted out her exes (refer to episode 1), but this time we have a new roster who deserves a shoutout. Casey will introduce you to the boys who made college go by a little bit faster for her. Introducing…. THE TIKTOK BOY, GREAT WHITE SHARK, BERT & ERNIE, and the fan fav GAY PAT….
Follow along as I interview Big Wave Water Photographer, Sachi Cunningham… from my car! I am so humbled and inspired by Sachi and her contributions to female surfing. Thanks for the reminder that we all need to keep chasing our dreams. Make sure to check our her new documentary "SheChange" at https://www.shechangethefilm.com and follow the mermaid on Instagram @seasachi
I’m back! Follow along for some major life updates- new boy, some epic trips, and time to say bye to college! Be sure to follow, comment, like and share on all of my social media….
It’s finally time to interview Claire from Modern Family, no wait, Bev from the Goldbergs, no wait it’s actually my biz partner and crazy surf mom! Let’s drink some coffee and chat with my momma. Follow her on Instagram and TikTok @diaryofasurfmom !
Let’s Just Be Honest. Let’s Just Be Real.
Finding my balance and realizing that college might not be for me. Manifest your opportunities and be more real along the way. -
Get deep and spiritual with me as I define what home means to me. Then, let’s move on to a lighter topic and get ready for my favorite party weekend of the year… get your Halloween costumes ready and let’s party!
www.thetravelingmermaidsurf.com -
Follow along as the mermaid discusses putting yourself out there in new ways and how she is ready to chase her dreams. And maybe she will find some sort of balance in her life.
The Traveling Mermaid Socials @thetravelingmermaidsurf
The Mermaid's Socials @travelymermaid
www.thetravelingmermaidsurf.com -
This episode is dedicated to everyone who needs a mid-summer “check-up”. Apparently I needed one! There’s still time to revisit your top 10 things you look for in a guy and find some new people to hang out with to make your summer epic!
Grab your margarita and let’s talk about setting a higher expectation of boys and also about our “work boyfriends”.
(Skip to 4:45 for podcast) -
I made it through a full year of college? I’m back in NJ for the summer? What on earth? Catch up with The Traveling Mermaid and let’s get ready for summer!
Follow along as I record my podcast and radio show at the same time. Let’s get real about when a guy you like just isn’t that into you. Your real friends will help you accept that and move on! My mermaids deserve better.
Why is my board in pieces? Did my luck finally run out? Was it a shark attack? Follow along to find out how I survived an accident on my Spring Break in Costa Rica...
Well here we are, it’s one of my least favorite holidays again… Valentine’s Day. Follow along as I turn this overrated holiday around with my hoes.
Check us out on TikTok @travelymermaid!
www.thetravelingmermaid.com -
A year in review of The Traveling Mermaid Podcast. Shout out to my followers for coming along on this crazy journey. Also, more crazy airport stories. Full Send! See you in the line up!
www.thetravelingmermaidsurf.com -
Get ready to learn about the nicest guy who went viral on Tik Tok overnight. He will perform an original song and melt your hearts! Ladies, hang on until the end of the interview for Cole’s relationship status! “I put my fate of my life on the face of the wave”
Go follow Cole on Instagram and Tik Tok @colehallmanmusic -
Why does the mermaid hate everyone’s favorite holiday? Follow along to find this out plus some funny New Year’s Eve stories. Also, I may slip up at the end and share my next epic trip location.
Has the Traveling Mermaid not recorded in so long that she has already graduated? Follow along to find out why I’m celebrating my “graduation” of one college semester!
Hey mermaids and mermen! Tune in to hear some of Casey's thoughts. You won't want to miss how she had a "skinny" Thanksgiving. The mermaid master also discusses what to do if you did a "back slide" into your old ways this Thanksgiving break. Head over to www.thetravelingmermaidsurf.com for 25% off your order.
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