Starting this week Tuesdays will be dedicated to reading creepy stories only and Thursdays and Fridays will be for the typical Podcast talking about random stuff.
Just talking about a ghost story and other random things
Episodi mancanti?
Talking about the Axe man
Just talking about bigfoot and aliens and a little other stuff nothing crazy.
The trouble pod cast at it again with topics no one cares about. We are talking about the Grand Canyon and how it may not be the family destination it wants to be. Also some lies I’ve seen lately that have been getting under my skin. Mostly a short segment giving information on a segment that is yet to come. Remember to come back and watch new episode and thanks for checking out the troubled 👍
SORRY FOR THE BACK ROUND NOISE MY GIRLFRIEND IS WATCHING AMERICAN NEXT TOP MODEL AND MY HOUSE IS SMALL! Just talking about a few mysteries and a little weed and vape talk not to much though. A little look at the news including a sad story about a mother dying but not is known so it isnt to long. Sorry again for not having a lot prepared its been a long weekend.
I didn't exactly plan this episode out to well sadly I do have and everyday job that I must go to so i just pulled up a weird mystery and then we talked about some of the top news in the United States and a little world news much not much. the weekends will be my much better planned and scripted videos but I just needed to get this video out there to make sure I stay on top of it. Thank you guys and ill see you in the next one
Just wanted to give a little update with be publishing and to just talking about something that was bothering me today to do with morals. Thanks for watching and I’ll see ya in the next one