
  • Today we’re talking about why your handicap is actually your greatest strength (both in #momlife and in biz).

    This is a really weird thought, right? That the way you handle your "handicap" frees or chains other women who have that same exact trait?

    (Think generationally - your daughters?)

    Listen to what Jennifer Allwood says: "The enemy wants to take what God has gifted you with and distort it. Quit thinking that it's going to hold you back."

    That’s powerful.

    Let’s break out the journals here and start excavating.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/handicap-greatest-strength/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about how to find time to plan your new school year routine for the family.

    Hooray, it’s a new school year – except that that means now you have to plan who’s doing what subjects, and what classes, when!

    (Plus how this is all going to affect your nice, tidy, comfortable schedule that you spent all of LAST year perfecting!)

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/time-to-plan-your-new-school-year

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • Episodi mancanti?

    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about what to do when your inbox is overflowing, and every time you start working on it you get distracted.

    This is where decluttering decision fatigue comes into play – and why you never want to make yourself look at your email (or kitchen table) again (because no matter how much of the stack you got through, your kids are bringing home more tonight).

    Here’s what I told my client last week when she brought this issue to me – see if it helps you.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/help-my-inbox-is-overflowing

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • Today we’re talking about how to use the power of saying no to quit the hustle zone in time management advice.

    All right. You’ve got too much to do, your body is already in stress mode with the pressure building on you, and you don’t know how to fix it (for good).

    Here’s what you do, courtesy of Marcus Urbanski, a Swedish business coach.

    Today’s topics:

    The most underutilized productivity hack everHow you’re rubber stamping your schedule without actually looking at itWhy artificial intelligence isn’t to blame for your too busy woes

    Answer these questions, and everything’s going to change for you.

    In your schedule, in your to-do list, and in your mental peace.

    So let’s get going.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/too-easy-hustle-hack/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about the difference between motivating your kids to help out vs. leaving them to fend for themselves.

    Sometimes this is a bit of a tricky needle to thread for a mom, mostly because of her internal fears and what the culture is telling her about delegation and childhood, so I want to offer you a new perspective.

    Look. I’m not asking you to ignore your kids; I’m asking you to empower them.

    You can keep doing the household chores and food prepping and laundry folding when they’re awake right now. Or you can delegate the bathroom cleaning and laundry folding to them while you food prep and work on your business.

    Yes – you’re allowed to do your own work while your kids are doing theirs!

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/motivating-your-kids-to-help-out

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about whether taking breaks will help you love your business for the long term – and if so, how to actually schedule them.

    Do you know what you need to actually stay in this online business thing for the long haul?

    No, it’s not loving your job – it’s quitting hustle mode.

    *That’s* the secret key.

    ‘Cause you can love your work all you want, but if you’re doing it twenty hours a day, well, you’re not going to make it very far.

    So here’s what happened to a client of mine when we were working on schedules and room for client spots together.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/love-your-business-long-term

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • Today we’re talking about how much productivity it costs you when you stay up late each night.

    You know what I’m talking about, right?

    That “do I have to get up this morning” groan that rips from your throat without you even having to think about it, when you’ve pushed your bedtime just a liiiiittle bit too far (okay, a lot too far) the night before?

    Have you ever stopped to think how much this sleep hangover and fuzzy brain setting is affecting your productivity the morning after?

    I call it the Productivity Hangover.

    But starting today, no more Productivity Hangovers for you.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/productivity-cost-stay-up-late/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about why I just re-joined a monthly mentorship program (plus what you can learn about your own self-development from my decision).

    Have you ever wondered what *your* coaches are spending money on? What *they’re* investing in?

    Well, wonder no more, because today I’m sharing with you the latest membership I just joined (well actually, re-upped), and how you can use my decision-making process on your own next “join this or not” investment!

    So, here’s the back story.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/why-i-just-re-joined-a-monthly-mentorship-program

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about the cure for when you need to get organized, but you don’t actually want to do all that organizing or setting up systems yourself. (Yes, it’s a thing!)

    Have you ever had that task in your life that required a ton of organization before you could even set up and use the system?

    Maybe it was meal planning, or book keeping, or just filing those pesky papers.

    Whatever it was, you’d been trying to start a habit of looking up recipes, or categorizing transactions, or actually putting those papers away – but doing any of that requires you to already have categories & folders set up for yourself.

    And most days, you just couldn’t muster up the extra energy to make that happen. Starting this new habit was going to be willpower-consuming enough.

    One of my clients was in this same exact boat on our call last week, and here’s what I told her.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/dont-want-to-set-up-systems

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • Today we’re talking about why introverts need minimalism: this is why you MUST be a practicing minimalist if you want your family to thrive!

    And what I really mean is you to thrive.

    Because when you’re happy, and fulfilled, and moving through life in a grace-centered way? Your kids benefit, too.

    So here’s how minimalism actually fits in the "unbusy yourself” life paradigm.

    Today’s topics:

    · The relationship between clutter and noise

    · Your stress levels as a mom with a messy house

    · The real reason why you aren’t able to let yourself relax

    Because yes, introversion affects everything – even decluttering.

    So go do that purging project while your kids are awake, so that you can rest with no housework distractions as soon as they’re down.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/introverts-need-minimalism/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about how to make the right decision when you’ve got 2 paths ahead of you and you’re avoiding choosing your next life direction.

    You know you’ve got to get off the fence and make a choice.

    Because this road you’re on eventually runs out, and then there is no more runway. No more room to dither. No more space to keep being undecided.

    And if you’re still just deciding about it – still humming and hawing which fork is right for you – you’re running out of time.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/2-paths-ahead-of-you

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about how to actually decide whether to stay in certain memberships or groups when you’re in “pare back my life” mode.

    So this is a from a former client of mine, who needed to decide whether to hop in a monthly membership for the personal side of her life, or whether it was just FOMO marketing that was making her feel like she was missing out.

    She knew that I was in non-business memberships too, so she asked me how I decided in those situations.

    Here’s what I told her, ‘cause the mom side of our lives deserves attention and investment too….

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/decide-to-stay-in-groups

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • Today we’re talking about how to unlock a huge productivity boost for your #momlife – because if you want change, you have to do this first.

    Otherwise you’ll just see that your calendar is a little better than before, and call it good enough.

    Today’s topics:

    · Why your end goal is the most important part as a mom

    · The difference your ideal vision of life can make in your daily routines

    · How to start the ideal day brainstorming process for yourself

    So what do you think – is it time to break out that journal and write down what you *truly* want out of life?

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/how-to-unlock-a-huge-productivity-boost/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about what happens to friendships when you start a business – are you going to lose all your mom friends?

    You used to have this amazing connection based on kids, messy houses, and barely keeping it all together. But what happens now?

    You still have the kids – that, you’ll always have in common.

    But you got on top of the mess because you started a business.

    You delegated the chores because of that business.

    And most of your free time/research time/thinking time now goes to, you guessed it, running a business.

    And these women are great, but they’re not on that track. You can’t share that part of your life with them.

    What do you do now?

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/going-to-lose-all-my-friends

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about how to get yourself back on track around the house when you’ve just come out of the newborn stage.

    I was out with friends, and a new mom commented that she’d just gotten out of the newborn phase with her daughter and was loving the fact that her cute little baby could play on her own for a smidgen – but several months was a long time to be out of the habit of cooking and cleaning regularly compared to pre-baby!

    She was feeling the pull to get self-disciplined again and start doing things around the house, but I could tell it was definitely a “should” and something that would take a lot of force.

    Here’s what I told her, as the gentler version.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/just-coming-out-of-newborn-stage

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • Today we’re talking about why you can still be productive as a mom (if you aren’t the artsy planner type!), even if you hate bullet journaling.

    Because I used to think planning was just for ultra-organized moms with binders and planners.

    But that’s not me – on so many levels.

    Today’s topics:

    · Why your expectations around planning may be what’s derailing you

    · Whether you like the artistic aspects of bullet journaling, or they just make it harder

    · What you need most in your daily journaling (IF you need it at all!)

    If you don’t find it helpful, it’s out the window. Like, yesterday.

    You have my permission.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/be-productive-without-journaling/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about how to break through to your next level in business by listening to your inner guidance.

    Have you ever thought about bringing God into your decision-making process? Of asking Him whether you should launch that thing this month, or wait till next? Or if your current income cap is where you’re meant to stay – the sweet spot for your business – or if He’s got something else for you? More for you?

    You should be asking these questions as an entrepreneur. A Christian entrepreneur, especially.

    Book: Memos from the Head Office, by Perry Marshall.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/listen-to-your-inner-guidance

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about whether you’re adding unnecessary steps to your workday – and here’s the fix!

    Is there something in your email funnel, or on your website, or in your client welcome packet, that actually shouldn’t be there? That’s adding additional steps for both you and your clients?

    You need to take off the template blinders for a moment, and see if you’re actually making a bunch of annoying work for yourself by not streamlining & customizing this process to YOU.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/are-you-adding-unnecessary-steps

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • Today we’re talking about mom guilt: here’s why it’s so hard for you to release your own housework expectations and start a new routine for your family.

    I’m sure this scenario is familiar to you: you go to the fridge to start supper, but then realize you somehow forgot to thaw the meat for tonight’s meal.

    Which means you’re out of luck on that one and you have to come up with an entire entrée on the fly.

    After you’ve dealt with what to cook and checking for ingredients and actually getting it going, how’s your self-talk looking?

    Today’s topics:

    · The inner mindset game of adapting to your mom day

    · Where you’re not giving yourself enough grace in your daily life

    · Why shifting your self-expectations isn’t really the hard part about perfectionism

    What if we just opened our day with a plan (that we already surrendered to God), made our way through it with whatever adaptations we needed, and then rejoiced at the end in a day well done?

    What kind of mental relief would that leave for you today?

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/cant-quit-mom-guilt/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about the balance between investing time for a big life change vs. going a little at a time (and when that’s good enough).

    Some coaches will tell you that if you’re going to make a big life change – like losing weight or really learning a new sales technique or turning yourself into an expert painter – that you need to go all in.

    I mean ALL. IN.

    I’m talking weekend course taking, evening journaling, everything on your podcast listen list is this person, skipping your regular routine and chores and cooking in favor of the program’s homework, all that sort of stuff.

    They say it’s because you need to push the reset button to give your brain a break.

    *Other* coaches say that it’s all bunk. That all you need to do is a little a day. That the only way to eat an elephant is a bite at a time.

    So who’s right? Or neither of them?

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/big-push-big-change

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Audit by June 29th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/