Eating disorders..the skeleton in the closet, that nobody wants to talk about. Those who have suffered with eating disorders often hide it from others. It is not something a person does for attention. It is often a form of control when everything feels like it is spinning out of control. It can be the result of trauma, or constantly being told to look a certain way. There are many reasons an eating disorder can take control.
Happy, successful people are beautiful skinny people. Wrong. Happy successful people are healthy people in every shape and size. I'm not sure I can explain why I had an eating disorder but I'll try. Maybe it will help someone else out there. I don't have an eating disorder, anymore. I did. It is still in the dark corners of my mind but it hasn't consumed me in 20 years.
Our bodies endure so much. Our bodies deserve our respect. Our bodies deserve to be celebrated and not judged. Our bodies are miracles, unique and there is no perfect shape or size. That misconception and representation by social media, magazines, and some influencers makes me crazy. Let's change out we see ourselves. We are all worthy of our own respect.
This week we just needed a good laugh. It all started with a shampoo bottle and the warning label on it. From there I started reading other warning labels on things in the house and wondering...who are these labels for??? This led to my hubby and I having a laugh about what we assumed were common sense things, to funny stories and a future Sour Toe Cocktail.
I was laughing the whole time...so hopefully you could understand what we were saying.
Sometimes you just need a good laugh...hopefully this gives you one. We had a good chuckle.
Then I forgot what my email addy was...sigh. Its been a long week...and it is only Monday.
Thanks for listening.
Episodi mancanti?
Has anyone else noticed over the last few months how people are so easily triggered? Have we forgotten our social graces over the last year of lock down? Perhaps dealing with conflict makes you so uncomfortable, you shy away from it.
Let talk about that, and explore some tips and tricks for dealing with rude people, conflict and setting boundaries.
For a hiccup of time I was a flight attendant...before covid hit. It is and was one of my favorite jobs. That said...there are a few things I feel should not happen on a plane...common sense to most. Bare feet? no!! Yuck!...and so much more.
The unofficial list of things we would prefer you did not do on an airplane.
Happy Listening.
I stumbled upon an article last week by Adam Grant, a organizational psychologist at Wharton, written for the New York Times. It is called "There's a Name for the Blah You're Feeling: Its called Languishing". I feel blah lately...so I thought maybe this might give me some insight. It did.
So many people are stuck in this space where there isn't anything definite to look forward to as we can't make definite plans to travel, to meet up over a meal, to participate in so many social events we have long enjoyed (concerts, holidays). Things feel a bit mundane. We aren't depressed, but we aren't excited or truly thriving. We are in this middle space just doing stuff, not discontent, but not really content either. It turns out we are languishing, and there are ways to slowly move out of this space.
Hope you enjoy this week's chat -
Random chatter about how I managed to embarrass myself, not once but twice this week. My favorite hobby, and my new tv addiction.
Looking for feedback. Take a listen and let me know your thoughts from this week's podcast.
In the last year the number of pet adoptions has increased significantly.
Lets discuss the pros and cons of cats and dogs as pets.
We are partial to both...we have a mini zoo at home.
Over the long weekend, BC recorded over 4000 cases of Covid. We have more public health orders and restrictions.
We all just want some normal back, and to be with our loved ones, our friends, to have jobs back, and to travel.
There are groups protesting against wearing masks, and having rallys. There are people having parties and ignoring health advisories and frankly today it made me so mad. Why do they not care about the lives of others? I decided to look at the anti mask argument. Why do people think it is all a hoax? In the end, I don't buy any of the arguments.
We need to do better, be better, treat each other better and be empathic and compassionate. Call me a sheep, I don't really care.
Be a good human
There are so many people who we will never meet because our paths never seem to cross. It is impossible to meet everybody, yet there are so many fantastic people out there who have a great story, a talent, or a message we would love to share. We want to take the opportunity to introduce you to people we know, and we think you would like to know them too.
This week we would like you to meet Meredith Rose, who is as lovely as her name sounds. Meredith is a photographer of places, people and nature. Her art not only is stunning aesthetically, but has the ability to make you feel. I love her as a person and I appreciate her eye behind the camera lens so much. We think you will too.
So let us introduce you...
(If you have someone who would like to introduce, please reach out to us)
In honor of Jason's birthday, we walk down memory lane. Growing up in the 80's. The toys, the music, the movies. The best decade to grow up in.
Happy Listening.
In this episode my bestie and I chat about our favorite romance books, give recommendations and chat about the fun we have had at book signings.
If you love contemporary romance reads like we do, but aren't sure what to read next, check out our recommendations.
Happy listening and reading.
Arg, how do I deal with letting go as my oldest becomes an adult? I want your advice on how you plan to, or how you made the transition from raising kids to letting them explore their independence and letting go. I share a letter I wrote to my baby when he was 18, you'll hear my cats fight, and I get teary once (palm smack to my own forehead). I want to hear your advice for letting go. Hit me up at UndomesticHousewife on FB, Instagram or [email protected]
Also...I have to stop saying UMMMM. Happy listening.
What is it like to get a new heart? Michelle shares her story of how at 47 she discovered she was not the heart healthy individual she thought she was, to the moment she woke up to a new heart song.
Want to become an organ donor in B.C. Go to www.transplant.bc.ca
Find Michelle on FB- Michelle's Beauty Bar or Instagram- SassyLassy.
An intro into us. A story about how we met, how we manage marriage and relationship advice we would give to our kids...and a few other things.
Contains 2 swear words..by accident.
An introduction to who I am, why I am doing this podcast and where I hope to go with it all.